Saturday Night Slaughter
Las Vegas, Nevada at the Thomas & Mack Center

((The blue HWC logo fades in and out. It's Going Down by The X-Ecutioners plays while HWC superstars are seen doing various moves. One Harley hitting Seph over the head with a Shovel. Another one of Tiger landing the reverse bull dog on Ace, then goes on to showing Ace-Man standing on a turn buckle with Patriot waving them America flag. Amy and Chaotica are shown standing over Die Zerstörer's beaten bodies holding the Tag Team belts. Bulldozer grabing someone by the throat and choke slamming them off the turn buckle and out of the ring. Image changes to a flash of Martin Smalls with the rest of The Black List going on to where Enforcer turned and choke slammed Autumn Lewis. Finally a clip of Jericho turning on The Black List and winning the IC belt. It ends with a shot of a blood stained Slaughter ring. The song ends and the sceen fades. The Camera opens up in the arena, the lights are low as Symphony Of Destruction, by Megadeth plays as Obake and Ace-Man walk out lead by The Tiger. Tiger limps slightly and holds her ribs. In her other hand she holds a mic. Tiger climbs into the ring and waits for the others. The lights come up and the music slowly fades. The crowd continues to cheer for a moment longer.))

The Tiger: I am here to regretably to inform everyone that The Reinforcements are no more. We did what we were set out to do. The match costed us much, like Black Flagg and Kidd Rock. Two great wrestlers and friend that will never stand in a ring again. That now just leaves me, Obake, and Ace-Man. I bet ya all say that the three of us can continue on.

((Tiger pauses as the crowd cheers a yes.))

The Tiger: Sadly, that's not how things turned out. Ace is going off with Patriot in searcth of gold and the American way! And Obake here, well he's the commish and has his hands full.

((Tiger pauses again as the crowd starts to chant her name.))

The Tiger: Oh ya wanna know what I'll be doing?

((They cheer louder as Tiger grins looking over them all.))

The Tiger: Well other then the Hardcore gold, I'm on a man hunt! That punk Armageddon costed me my friends and nearly the match. I promise you he will be the next to fall by my claws! If your listening big ugly come on out, I got a score to settle! RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

Eddie: Tiger just called out Armageddon.

Travis: Maybe he can finally put Tiger out of my misery!

((Tiger leans on the ropes over looking the ramp and waiting. The crowd waits breathlessly with her. After some time with no show Tiger starts to pass in the ring as Obake tells her to calm down. A blast of yellow pyro goes off nearly blinding everyone in the arena, Pray plays and Armageddon steps out from the back.))

The Tiger: CUT THE MUSIC! I don't want to hear this crap! Now ya! What gives ya the right stepping in my ring, ON MY GROUND!

((No answer comes, he merely stares at her unmoved.))

The Tiger: Like I've shown everyone before, I'm goen show ya who runs this fed!

((Tiger stops pacing and stands with her arms crossed watching him. Armageddon raises his hand and motions for her to bring it on. Tiger drops the mic and goes to climb out of the ring. Obake tries to stop her but she only pushes him away and climbs out. Tiger storms out the ramp towards Armageddon.))

Eddie: We havn't even out to our first match and already someone is going to get busted open by the hands of Tiger.

Travis: So what else is new?

((Tiger reaches Armageddon and stands toe to toe with him, she refuses to back down. Though he is taller then her shes stares a hard glare at him. The crowd breaks into cheers knowing what is to come. Eye contact is broken by Tiger when she lowers her head and drops to her knees, the crowd gasps at the sight of Tiger kneeling to Armageddon with her head bowed. She continues to stay like that with him looking down on her. In the Obake and Ace-Man's jaws drop.))

Eddie: Oh my god! Did I just see what I thought I saw!??

Travis: Is she bowing to him? HA! She must think he's a god.

Eddie: This is not right!

((Armageddon places his hand on Tiger head for a moment then turns walking to the back stage. Tiger gets to her feet and follows. Obake is left in the ring with Ace in a speachless shock.))

Eddie: I think we all need a moment to collect our selves and figure out what is just going on.

((A Commercial for HWC HardWear comes on. Ace-Man comes into the scene.)

Ace: Hello citizens! Be the first on your block to fight off evil with the brand new Ace-Man t-shirt!

(The Patriot then jumps into the scene.)

Patriot: Fend off evil in your neighborhood and show your support for America by wearing the Patriot t-shirt. Ace: Or team up with a friend and wear the HWC's Finest t-shirts! Both: Team up and fight evil today! Announcer: To order the t-shirts advertisded and any of the other fine HWC products call 1-800-Hard-Wear today!))

Standard Match
Quinn DeMarco vs Hollywood Johnny Rave

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall.

((The lights fade slightly as the opening starins of 'The Beautiful People' play. White strobes swing towards the entrance as the guitar kicks in. An explosion of pyro erupts all the way down the aisle and Harley Quinn and 'Hollywood' Johnny Rave stride to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Coming to the ring first being acompanied by Harley Quinn, he is a member of the Black List. From San Diego, California, weighing 232 pounds, "Hollywood" Johnny Rave!

Eddie: The man who attacked Faygo Joe at Sudden Death last thurdsay at the orders of the new leader of the Black List, Harley Quinn!

Travis: And Rave's gotta fight some newcomner here. Some doof named Quinn DeMarco.

Eddie: Show the man some respect Travis. He is a shootfighting champion!

Travis: I'll show him some respect when he proves to me that he can wrestle. He's in there with the likes of "Hollywood" Johnny Rave! A card carrying memer of the Black List!

Eddie (sarcastically): Oh yeah, that automatically makes him better!

Travis: At least now you see things my way!

((After the tinny pianoish opening of Andrew WK's Ready to Die, the King of Shootfighters emerges from behind the curtain and stares down the ramp. He starts walking down the ramp towards the ring, not paying any mind to the fans who are reaching out to touch him, nor to the ring announcer announcing him.))

Fortello: His opponent, from Key West, Florida, weighing 265 pounds, "The King Of Shootfighters" Quinn DeMarco!

Travis: The only thing I've seen this guy shoot so far is off at the mouth!

Eddie: I'll tell him you said that!

Travis: Why are you always trying to get me in trouble?

Eddie: I'm not trying. You do a damn good job of it yourself!

((Both men lock up and Quinn slips around behind Rave and Rave reverses, Quinn starts to elbow Rave in the head making him let go of the waistlock. He turns and nails Rave with a couple of rights to the face and whips him off the ropes, he nails a throat thrust sending Rave crashing to the mat. Rave springs to his feet and catches another right hand. Quinn backs him into the ropes and sends him off again catching him with a huge powerslam. He tries for a quick cover but only gets a one count.))

Travis: You are NOT gonna get a member of the Black List that easy! Especially not with Harley at ringside. Eddie: Maybe not, but Quinn DeMarco showing he knows his way around a wrestling ring.

((Quinn grabs Rave and hooks him in a suplex and hold Rave upside down for a good ten seconds before dropping him. Rave rolls to the ropes and staggers to his feet tring to shake loose the cobwebs. Quinn moves in and kicks Rave and as Rave doubles over and Quinn takes him over in a gut wrench suplex. He pulls Rave back up and backs him into a corner with a series of rights and then whips him to the corner, but Rave reverses and Quinn goes face first into the corner and staggers backwards and gets dropped in a reverse DDT by Rave.))

Eddie: And Rave takes the advantage now reverseing that whip by Rave.

Travis: That's it Rave! Kick his ass, show him why he shouldn't mess with the Black List!

((Rave stomps away on Quinn before pulling him to his feet and slamming him, he then drops a leg across Quinn's neck. He pulls him back up and takes him over with a T-bone suplex. He backs Quinn into the corner and starts unloading with shoulders into the midsection of Quinn. Quinn slumps to the mat and Rave starts stomping away on him and then pulls him back to his feet and places him up on the top rope preparing to suplex him off. Quinn however fires back into the midsection knocking Rave off the top rope. Quinn waits for Rave to get back up and comes flying with a spinning heel kick off the rop rope. Rave rolls out of the ring to confer with Harley. The referee holds Quinn back as the the two members of the Black List talk stragety. Rave rolls back into the ring and Quinn charges with a clothesline taking Rave down. He whips Rave off the ropes and nails a huge back body drop. He grabs Rave's leg and starts dropping elbows onto it. He continues to pound on the leg with elbow drops, kicks and leg locks and grapevines. He then sets Rave up for a figure four. Rave kicks him off however and Quinn staggers to the ropes. Harley starts yelling at Quinn distracting him allowing Rave to run up from behind Quinn and roll him up. Quinn rolls through and bridges into a cover. 1..2...kickout! The two flip back to their feet and Rave jambs his thumb into Quinns eye, after several blows to the head, Rave hooks Quinn in the headliner dropping him. The cover, 1...2...3!))

Fortello: Here is your winner, "Hollywood" Johnny Rave!

Travis: And a nice way to start things off, with a win for the new and improved Black List as Johnny Rave wins.

Eddie: Yeah, but only because Harley distracted DeMarco!

Travis: Excuses, excuses. Even if Harley wasn't here Rave would've beaten this guy.

Eddie: Well I guess we'll never know as the Black List once again uses it's numbers advantage to pull out a win.

((Harley and Mia sit in the locker room relaxing before Mia's match. Mia gets up and heads for the door.))

Harley: Where are you goin'?

Mia: I'm just going to get something to drink...

Harley: Just make sure you don't do somethin' you'll regret later on!

Mia: I won't! I promise you I won't!

Harley: Alright...Get goin'! Just make sure you're back in time for your match!

Mia: I will...

((Mia walks out of the locker room and heads down the hall. She soon turns the corner and there is Seph and Sothren walking down the hall after their match.Her eyes grow wide and Mia just stands frozen for a few seconds before going into a dead sprint!))


((Seph just looks at her with a confused look on his face as she stands in front of him staring up at him. She smiles wrapping her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply. His arms are flying around as Sothren just stands there and stares. Mia finally lets him go, and skips off grinning from ear to ear, as Seph and Sothren stand there and watch after her.))

Soth: What the hell was that about?

Seph: I'm not sure.

Soth: Who was that?

Seph: I have no idea.

Soth: Stalker?

Seph: Most Likely.

Soth: Why are all the good looking ones totally insane?

Seph: You tell me. I just pray that Chloe doesn't find out.

Travis: Are you kidding? I'd love to get kissed like that.

Eddie: You'd just love to be kissed by a woman other than your mom.

Travis: Hey!

Standard Match
Mia Lang vs Isabella Mortis

Travis: There's two things I love most in this world Eddie.

Eddie: I can't imagen what.

Travis: It's simple Eddie, even you should know it. It's Hardcore matches, and women matches. And we got one right now.

Eddie: Both new to the HWC, Mia was trained by Harley. This should prove very interesting.

((The lights go out in the arena and a blue spotlight lights up the entrance as Sweet Dreams begins to play and a few seconds pass suddenly Isabella steps out from the back as she slowly makes her way to ring. She ignores the fans, when inside the ring she raises her arms and stares up at the ceiling. Suddenly with a quick motion she lowers her arms and explosions go off from everywhere in the arena as the smoke drits up clouding the ring and the rest of the arena the lights come back on.))

Travis: Wow what an enterance!

((No Nagging kicks up as Mia comes out and sends out kisses to the crowd, and skips down to the ring. Half way down the ramp a figure leaps over the guard rail and slide into the ring with a chair.))

Travis: Who the hell is that?!

Eddie: Don't know but I don't think Isabella see it.

((Mia stops at the bottom of the ramp and just watches. Isabella doesn't have a chance to figure out what's going on before the chair is slammed into her back. She staggers in pain holding her back, Bella turns just in time to see the figure bring the chair down on top of her head. Bella falls like a rock, but the figure continues on with the beating. The lights come up as Mia song fades, and there standing in the ring over Bella's broken body holding a belt steel chair is Chaotica.))



((Choatica tosses the chair away and stares hard into Mia for a moment. Never breaking eye contact Chaotica grins darkly and climbs out of the ring. She looks away finally leaving threw the crowd. Mia stands there in shock.))

Travis: I think Mia is lost as much as we are.

Eddie: As much as anyone I would like to know what happened to Chaotica just to attack out of teh blue like that.

Travis: Maybe like everyone else in this fed she's gone crazy.

((Scene cuts to backstage at Slaughter. Obake, still bandaged up after his beating from Sudden Death emerges from his office. A small mousy looking man in a grey suit with a thin black tie and horn rimmed glasses walks up to him.))

Man: Excuse me, sir?

((Obake looks over at him, his eyes narrowed. His shirt is off, showing the bruises and marks. His ribs are taped up.))

Obake: Yeah? Man: I'm looking for a Jeffry McWild.

Obake: Who's asking? I don't give out my boys' locations unless I know who's looking for them. Protection rights.

((Obake towers over the man, looking very dominant. The man hands Obake a business card.))

Man: David McMillian, I represent Mrs. Pamela McWild's lawyer.

((Obake takes it, looking it over. He then looks McMillian directly in the eyes, as if sizing him up. He then nods.))

Obake: Jeff's in the back...probably icing down. His locker room is second from the left.

McMillian: Thank you sir.

((McMillan heads off down the hall. However he finds Jeff standing by the buffet table, not knowing it's him he walks up to him.))

McMillian: Excuse me, do you know where I can find a Mr. Jeffry McWild?

Jeff: You're talking to him. Who the hell are you?

McMillian: David McMillian, I represent the lawyer for your wife.

Jeff: Lawyer? For what?

((McMillan pulls some papers out of his inner pocket of his suit jacket, and hands Jeff the papers.))

McMillian: You've been served. Good day sir.

((McMillain turns on his heel and walks off. Jeff unfolds the papers and his eyes go wide as he skims the papers.))


((He grabs a crewmember walking by.))

Jeff: Where is she?

Crewman: Who?

Jeff: Amy! Where's her locker room?

Crewman (scared to death): D-d-d-down the hall. Th-th-third door on the right.

((Jeff lets the man go and storms down the hall. Without knocking he bursts into Amy's locker room.))

Jeff: This is your fault!

((Amy jumps a bit as she turns around. She is limbering up for her Triple Threat match. She is wearing all white, with white arm stockings to cover her arms. Her reddish/black hair is pulled back in a 'tail, and her ice blue eyes are dancing.))

Amy: Jeff...what the fuck are you babbling about? I didn't do it....yet....

((He throws the papers at her.))

Jeff: This!

((His eyes are burning with hatred as he glares at her. Amy catches them, with a truly confused look in her face. She scans it over, then her eyes widen.))

Amy: Jeff...I didn't do....No...This wasn't my fault! Don't you DARE blame this shit on me!!

((Her eyes harden as her worst fear comes to life.))

Jeff: Bullshit! Ever since I've been around you my marrige has gotten worse and worse! For crying out loud, you're named as the other woman! I knew I should've stayed away from you, I fucking KNEW it!

((Amy's eyes widen further then narrow as she starts to lose her temper.))

Amy: FUCK THAT! She's doing it on her own! I have NEVER seduced you and you KNOW it!! Get over it! We can fix this Jeff! Don't do this!

((She seems not ready to fight...but to run.))

Jeff: Fix it? Fix it? How in the hell can we fix this? My wife is suing me for divorce asking for a shitload of money and threatening to take my daughter from me! How in the hell can we fix that?

((Amy looks into his eyes and sees only rage and hatred. It's clear Jeff has gone beyond rational thought.))

Amy: By talking some fucking sense into the goddamned crazy ass bitch!!! She's the one who's doing this! Not me! Not you! You need to talk to her! Not me! I'm NOT the one to blame!

((She knows her words are futile, but she has to try. He's her brother for fucks sake.))

Jeff: I have tried, God knows I've tried! But your name keeps coming up. Amy this and Amy that! You seem to be the source of all my family troubles! I got kicked out of my own house over you! ALL OF IT BECAUSE OF YOU!

((He's shaking with rage, his hands balled into fists at his sides. He's slammed the door behind him and is blocking it not allowing her a chance to leave. Amy screams at real words..just a rage and pain filled scream. The first scream she's EVER uttered aside from pain. He heard accusations in her screaming. Her words stung him, the ungrateful little bitch blamed him? All he ever tried to do was protect her but she turned him away. He shook with anger and without thinking his hand shot out and slapped her across the face full force. Amy staggerd and sprawled backwards onto the floor, landing on her butt with a gasp of shock. The two glared at each other. The anger still in his eyes, he grabbed the papers from the floor, glared at her one final time and then turned and rushed from the room leaving Amy sitting on the floor with a mix of anger, shock and a bit of pain on her face. Amy just sits there. Her worst fears had come to pass. She was now alone....She brings her knees up to her chest and cries...the cries of a girl alone.))

((Slaughter cuts to a commercial for Geico auto insurance. A man is driving his car down the street humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music on the radio. His smile turns to shock as he slams on the brakes and a loud crash is heard.)

Announcer: Geico auto insurance, because you never know when this...

(The view cuts to the man's car smashed up against the Cushion. The front of the car is dented and the hood is crumpled up like an accordion. The Cushion looks over confused.)

Announcer: ...might happen.

(The Geico logo comes up.)

Geico, a 15 minute call could save you 15% or more on car insurance.))

((Slaughter comes back in the office of Obake. He is sitting at his office desk when there's a pounding at the door. Obake looks up, scowling.))

Obake: Now what....ENTER!

((Jeff storms in and leans on Obake's desk.))

Jeff: I know I'm not yet booked at the next PPV, so I want Amy at the PPV! I want her in the ring, in a match! I don't care about the stipulations, I just want her in the ring!

Obake: Are you cracked? Think about the size difference, Wylde....I can't book that. That's not fair to her or you.

((He stares at him, his animal grey eyes confused.))

Jeff: David...I respect the hell out of you. You are a great commissioner, but I WANT THIS MATCH! For crying out loud, you booked Fiona against Apocolypse! He outweighed her by nearly 300 pounds!

Obake: I booked that for lack of talent. Smalls also had a hand in it, man! I helped Fiona because of it! Why do you want this match? Aren't you two friends?

((He hands Obake the divorce papers.))

Jeff: Read that.

((Obake takes them and reads the papers over...then looks up at him.))

Obake: And let me're blaming Amy, aren't you?

((Jeff, not thinking rationally says the first thing that comes to mind.))

Jeff: Well I guess that chairshot from the Enforcer didn't scramble your brain. You're damn right! Now do I get my match or not?

((Obake suddenly stands up, his hand flashing out. In a second Jeff's throat is enclosed by a massive hand. Obake lifts Jeff by his throat then slams him onto the desk. Obake holds him there, showing his true strength. He growls in Jeff's face.))

Obake: Let me tell you something, McWild! Enforcer ain't shit! He thinks he can stop me....Fine. You want your match? You got it! But you hurt a fellow member of the talent roster too bad..YOU DEAL WITH ME! YOU GOT ME?!

((Jeff's foot lashes out and catches Obake in the head making him let go. He springs up off the desk and slams Obake back first into the wall, his forearm shoved against Obake's throat.))

Jeff: I don't want to fight you! We're both still sore from what happened at Sudden Death! But allow me to explain a couple of things to you, Howlett! First off, I don't give a shit if you are the commish. You EVER do that to me again and we'll be looking for a new commissioner! Second, what I do to Amy is gonna make what I did to Hans at Sudden Death look like a walk in the park! You got a problem with that, well, I'm not a hard man to find!

((He lets go of Obake as both of them start to show signs of the lingering damage they took at Sudden Death start to resurface. Jeff grabs the papers from off the desk and backs towards the door. He pauses for just a moment.))

Jeff: Not hard at all.

((He slams the door as he backs out, then he gets an evil look on his face as he heads back down the hall.))

Triple Threat
Lumberjack vs The Tiger vs Amy

Eddie: Whoa...Jeff Wylde vs. Amy Jensen at the PPV?..that's shocking..anyways... Ladies and gentleman, there's been a air of controversy surrounding this match..and for once it isn't about Amy.

Travis: Yeah that's because she was in my bed!

Eddie: I doubt that, Travis. For the past week, Lumberjack's been mysteriously quiet. But reports over the net have been flowing, saying that he hates this place, due to it's amount of women. We'll see what he does during this match.

Travis: He's gotta be-

Eddie: Don't EVEN say it, Travis. We don't want the GLAAD on us.

((Hard Jungle beats fill the arena as the man of the hour LumberJack walks from behind the curtain lights and lasers are flying all around the arena he makes his way down the ramp with much bounce in his step climbs into the ring and awaits his opponent.. Suddenly 'Better Than You' by Metallica kicks over the PA. The crowd erupts in a groundswell of cheers as The Tiger storms out onto the ramp. Once her music hits white and green lights flash to the beat. She steps out onto the stage and shows her left side at first flexing her left arm showing her muscles and her tribal tattoo that goes from her shoulder to her wrist. She then makes her way down the ramp and to the ring. Reaching the ring she climbs up the turn buckle on the outside and throws both fist up in the air elbows bent a bit. She then climbs down and stares at Lumberjack, glaring at him.))

Travis: Lumberjack, I feel sorry for you, buddy!

Eddie: For once we agree. We have two of the three competitors in the ring. We're just awaiting Amy Jensen!

((Suddenly the lights flicker and dim, the spotlights changing to blacklights. 'Brackish' by Kittie kicks over the PA and Amy comes bursting through the curtain, headbanging in time to the beat. She will walk towards the ring, singing along with the vocals to the song as she slaps hands with the fans. She then baseball slides into the ring, and leapfrogs over Tiger. She collides head on with Lumberjack and begins to swing wildly. Lumberjack takes a shot to the nose, and immediately is split open. Amy rolls through, landing on her feet behind him. Tiger, not to be left out, grabs Lumberjack. She yanks him to his feet and whips him into the ropes and moves out of the way. Amy quickly does the Chinese Splits, poising her head on her knee. Lumberjack runs right over her, bounces off the ropes. Amy leaps to her feet..Lumberjack bounces off the far rope.Amy leaps up and tags him with a stunning textbook dropkick!))

Eddie: Tiger and Amy are showing perfect tag team work here,Travis! I wonder if they know it's a triple threat match, and not a handicap match!

Travis: Oh man..did you see the way she opened her legs? Holy crap...

((Amy poses for the crowd as Tiger picks Lumberjack up. She positions herself behind him and delivers a perfect german suplex, but doesnt let go! She rolls to her feet, standing..another German suplex!..but she isn't finished! Tiger lifts him..and executes a MASSIVE German Release suplex which flings Lumberjack towards a waiting Amy who clotheslines the catapulting Lumberjack into the mat. Tiger looks at Amy and motions for her to go up top. Tiger rolls Lumberjack around to where he is back first, legs towards the ropes. She then lifts his legs, holding them open. Amy has climbed the top rope. She raises one arm up wide, pumps it twice to some unheard beat, then leaps off the top rope..legdrop to Lumberjack's crotch! The crowd pops for the move, and the screen splits, replaying the aerial move.))

Eddie: I guess now he has a valid reason to hate chicks now, doesn't he Travis?

Travis: Eek...that had to hurt..

((Amy stands up and motions for Tiger to have a crack at him, as she leans against the turnbuckles. She makes a show of yawning. Tiger grins and starts unleashing a array of punches on Lumberjack. Fist to the nose, mouth..throat..Suddenly Tiger winds up..left jab..the crowd chants...CLICK!..another left jab..CLICK!...and finally the crushing right hand cross..BOOM! Lumberjack falls and lays there. Tiger then flexes for the crowd as Amy claps exaggeratingly. Tiger then calls something to Amy then hangs Lumberjack on the ropes..Amy grins as she starts skipping around the ring..she then runs forward...619! Lumberjack bounces back, landing on his ass then onto his back. Tiger then unceremoniously kicks Lumberjack across the ring, and out. She slides out of the ring following him. Amy watches with interest as Tiger picks Lumberback up and powerslams him onto the announce table but doesnt break it))

Eddie: Uh Travis?..You thinking what I'm thinking?

Travis: I'm gone!

((Eddie and Travis bolt from the announce table as Tiger throws her arms wide then points up at Amy. Amy grabs the ropes then jumps up, balancing on them. She throws her arms wide...Amy leaps from the rope in a devastating Swanton Bomb! The announce table shatters with the impact and Lumberjack is busted open everywhere! Amy lays on him, also injured. The crowd chants HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!))

Eddie: Thank god for remote mics! Amy just took a hellbent Swanton Bomb from the ring ropes and crushed both Lumberjack AND herself in the process!

Travis: Fuck...that was wild...

((Tiger helps Amy up, moving her aside. She grabs the bloody mess that is Lumberjack and throws him in the ring unceremoniously. She climbs in, as Amy shakily gets to her feet. Amy stumbles up and over to the ring, climbing the top rope. Tiger whips Lumberjack across the ring..Lumberjack bounces off...RIDER'S HELL! Tiger quickly moves and Amy stands on the top rope..She flips Lumberjack a double bird then Swanton Bombs him HARD, crushing the air from him. She rolls off and Tiger goes for the cover..1..2...3! Tiger wins the match.))

Eddie: That was a utter blowout! Tiger wins this match but I really don't think Amy gives a rip, Travis.

Travis: She just likes to hurt people!

((Amy stands. Tiger offers a hand and Amy slaps it, in a sort of high five action. Amy then kind of lets herself fall and rolls from the ring. Tiger sticks around, celebrating as the scene cuts to a commercial))

((HWC Christmas Chaos! See Santa go nuts on December 1st, only on PPV!))

Eddie: We're back and a few of the referees are helping Lumberjack back stage, after a burtal match that destroyed out table.

Travis: I sware I am so sick of Tiger going around and breaking everything! I think Smalls should take this out of her pay!

Eddie: Oh stop your whining...... oh my god... it's

Travis: Is that...?

((Blood Dragon steps from behind the curtain watching Lumberjack bring brought up. He crosses his arms standing in the way of the refs.))

Eddie: What is he doing?

((With out warning Blood grabs one of the refs and pushes him away while the other drops Lumberjack and gets out of Blood's way. Blood helps up Lumberjack just before Blood whips his body hard to the Slaughter logo by the curtain. Lumberjack's body goes crashing threw it, laying there more torn up and beaten the before. The crowd cheers for Blood as he turns going back stage again.))

Travis: I don't believe it!

Eddie: Believe it! Blood Dragon is back and doing what he knows best, hurting people!

((Camera cuts showing Amy coming back to her locker room after the match and opens the door and pauses. Her skateboard is sitting in the middle of the floor snapped in half. Her gym bag sits open next to it, her clothes are scattered all over, and shredded. Her 619 jersey has had the 1 cut out of it, her JNCO jeans are ripped to shreds, her thongs have all been cut in half or just plain shredded, her Discman is smashed on the floor, her wallet is open and her 50k credit card is cut in half, and the word BITCH is spray painted on the wall in foot high red spray painted letters. Amy enters, looking to change clothes and hit the road. She suddenly stops as she sees everything. A hollow moan escapes her lips as she falls to her knees. She looks at it all, totally shocked. She sees one other thing, the only thing intact in the whole room. It's sitting on top of her smashed board. It's the contract for the match. Amy takes it and looks at it, looking it over. She sighs softly as tears fall. She whispers.))

Amy: Not you

((She then crumples the contract and collapses against the wall, down to her ass. She starts sobbing openly, scared. The camera the switches to out side Smalls office door. The camera pans back and there stands Patriot and Ace-Man.))

Patriot: The Reinforcements took down The Black List, and Harley over threw Smalls from power. I say we finish the job once and for all.

Ace-Man: I agree my patriotic companion. Time to put and end to the evil that has pluaged the HWC for to long!

((Patriot nods and together they kick open the door to Smalls office. Small is sitting behind his desk talking to Draven who is standing next to him looking still very beat up. The two rush Draven first slaming him back against the wall before throwing him to the desk. Draven hit's it and tumbles over it. Patriot grabs Smalls and throws him at Draven who was getting to his feet. Smalls falls hard knocking down Draven. Smalls groans and rolls off Draven. Ace grabs a phone and starts to beat Draven's head with it))

Ace-Man: Hello? It's for you!..... Reach out and touch someone!

((Though on his back, Draven reaches up and grabs Ace by the throat into Patriot comes over and kicks him in the head. The two start to stomp away on him, till he stops moving. Smalls groans but hardly moves.))

Patriot: Our deed is done. Come Ace, we have other villans to defeat this night!

((They exit Smalls room quickly. Camera cuts to a commercial.))

((Camera open on a scene of Obake sitting at a dinner table with his wife Beth, and The Tiger. They don't seem to notice the camera till Obake looks up at it.)

Obake: I'm Obake and this dinner with HWC Jackass.

(Tiger stands suddenly picking up the wooden chair she was sitting on. Raising it over her head she slams it down on the head of Obake. The legs of the chair break as Obake holds his head before grabing Tiger's and slams it on the table top. Tiger staggers a few steps away holding her face before crumbling to the floor.)

Announcer: Now showing, Jackass The Movie!

(A few clips from the movie are shown before the camera fades out and back to the ring.))

Last Man Standing
Obake vs Enforcer

Eddie: It's evident our Commissioner likes to play around when he isn't working. This is an interesting match, to say the least... Our esteemed Commissioner is booked in a Last Man Standing Match against The Enforcer.

Travis: I have to agree with you on the interesting part. But I hardly think Obake is esteemed as Commissioner.

((Eddie just shakes his head as Jean Fortello takes her place in the ring. Travis gives Eddie an odd look, but is cut off by "Click Click Boom" by Saliva. The crowd boos The Enforcer resoundingly for being in the Black List. He shrugs them off as he and Scott Mercer make their way to the ring. Frankly, he doesn't care. And while he may not show it, he's still upset over what Jericho Dylan did. He's leaning against the ropes, waiting for Obake. He doesn't have to wait long... 'Left Behind' by Slipknot kicks over the PA system as Obake steps from behind the go position. He walks to the middle of the ramp and stands there, head down. Suddenly he is engulfed in a stream of pyro from both sides, covering him. When the pyro dies, Obake roars, the very smoke from the pyro exuding from his mouth. He throws a series of right crosses at the camera ending with a slashing uppercut. Each thrust is punctuated by a pyro explosion. He walks towards the ring and climbs in, and stands in the middle of the ring. The Enforcer isn't cowed by this, but he does give a thumbs up that is NOT caught on camera. These two men may hate each other, but they do have a great deal of respect for one another. The bell rings, signifying the start of the match.))

Eddie: This is going to be good, folks...

Travis: Yeah. No count-outs, no DQ's, no pinfalls or submissions. The only way to win is if your opponent is knocked out for a ten-count!

((The Enforcer starts things off with a solid forearm to Obake's neck, sending the HWC Commissioner back against the ropes. Obake shakes out the cobwebs and roars, charging The Enforcer. He can't move in time and gets a shoulder firmly planted in his gut. OOF! But he battles back, showing that amazing resilience and slams a beefy arm against Obake's back. To everyone's amazement, Obake goes down to one knee. But he gets back up again, growling angrily. Enforcer, expecting that, slams a chair against his back. The crowd stares in shock as Obake turns and grins ferally before yanking the chair from his opponent's hands. With a howl, he slams the chair into Enforcer's exposed right knee. No brace, thanks to Jericho Dylan, means the big man goes down, holding his knee and writhing in pain. Obake capitalizes on the injury and stomps away on it.))

Eddie: Smart move... Keep him down. Don't let him recuperate. Travis: Yeah. Hate to say it, but I think the Enforcer's met his match!

((Obake goes to grab something from under the ring, forgetting the resilience the Enforcer has. When he gets back in with the table, he gets Irish whipped into the buckles and bounces off, but doesn't break, the table. Enforcer hip-tosses Obake to the outside and sets up the table near the announcers. Eddie and Travis look at each other and run for cover. Lord only knows they've done this enough times... Obake gets slammed through the table, taking the announce one with it. But he gets back up and rolls into the ring! The crowd breaks out the trusty old "HOLY SHIT" chant. The Enforcer can't believe his eyes! He charges in with a roar, taking Obake to the mat. But they're too close to the ropes... Obake's arms get wound into the nylon strands. Enforcer takes full advantage of this and grabs stuff from under the ring. He tosses in anything one would use in a hardcore match. But it just goes to show... Enforcer IS the Hardcore Champion. Obake gets pummeled mercilessly before he can get himself untangled. From various points in the crowd, swelling until it fills the arena, comes a chant. You can hear it even without a microphone...))

Crowd: Obake... Obake... Obake... Eddie: The crowd getting behind the Commissioner here...

((Obake hears the chant and rises to his feet slowly, but with incredible heart. The Enforcer is in shock. He refuses to give up, however, and keeps up the assault. Obake, fueled by the crowd, starts shaking it off, getting more and more energy under his control. Enforcer, who has now locked in a Dragon Sleeper, is shocked beyond belief when Obake shoots him into the ropes. When the Enforcer comes flying at him, Obake nails him with a Clothesline from Hell. The Enforcer spins around at least once before hitting the mat. Again, the crowd gets behind the Commish...))

Crowd: Obake! Obake! Obake!

Travis (whispering): Come on, Enforcer, stay down...

((Eddie shakes his head as Obake roars and nails Enforcer with a Running Lariat. The crowd "Woo!"s with the impact. It's become a match of wits now... Neither man is willing to give the other an edge. But Enforcer makes a crucial mistake... He turns his back on Obake. Bad move. Not only does Obake nail him with a lead pipe, but The Enforcer sees someone standing on the outside of the ring! Thinking it's Jericho Dylan, he charges out with a roar. But it's not Jericho. It's Armageddon, and he flattens the Black List's main muscle-man with a sledgehammer. Nobody sees it and he rolls Enforcer back into the ring. Obake waits for Enforcer to get to his feet, not having seen Armageddon come out, and grins ferally. Enforcer turns around and gets nailed by a wicked Spear! The referee checks on him and makes a motion. The bell rings, signalling the end of the match.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner, Commissioner Obake!

((Obake smiles in triumph, hands raised. Then he gets a weird look on his face and kneels to check on The Enforcer. When he finds the dent in his head, and sees the bloody sledgehammer, his face contorts into an unreadable expression. Then one emotion rises to the surface... Anger. He's LIVID! The EMT's come out to check on The Enforcer as Obake goes tearing to the back to find the man responsible for the cheat. And who should he come across but the just-returned Jericho Dylan. The crowd watches the ensuing confrontation with something akin to awe.))

Obake: Hey, Dylan. Did you see anyone go running by here?

Jericho: And I'd tell you because...

Obake: Because if you don't, I'll rip you a new asshole!

Jericho: Come to think of it, I did see someone dash by a few minutes ago..

Obake: Which way?

((Jericho lifts a hand and points to his left... The direct OPPOSITE of the way Armageddon really went! Obake narrows his eyes, then turns to go.))

Obake: Oh, Jericho, one more thing.

Jericho: What's that?

Obake: For what you did to The Enforcer...

Jericho: Yeah?


((Then he goes charging down the hall, leaving Jericho to gulp and possibly start his will. Eddie and Travis share a look of utter confusion. Then Obake's voice comes floating down the hall...))

Obake: I don't like the guy, but you DON'T do shit like that while I'm around! You got me, Dylan?!?

Jericho: Yeah, I got you.

((He turns and walks down the same hall Armageddon went down after fleeing the scene of The Enforcer's loss. The crowd is at a loss for words... Is Jericho in league with the self-proclaimed scourge of the HWC? Has he REALLY gone off the deep end? We'll have to wait and see... The cameras cut to a commercial so they can clean out the ring.))

Eddie: This is very disturbing.

Travis: No kidding. And we thought Dylan was nuts BEFORE this!

Eddie: No argument there.

Tag Title Match
Kindred vs HWC Finest

Jean: The following is a Tag Team Title match. To the ring from the Fortress of Finest....... THE HWC'S FINEST!!!

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthom begins to blast in the arena. As the light slowly flicker back on The Patriot and Ace-Man begin to walk to the ring slowly. They stops halfway to the ring and looks up at an American flag and salute it. They keep walking to the ring the whole time looking at the flag, till then climb in. There music is cut off by the playing of In The End by Linkin Park.))

Jean: And their opponents, the Light Heavyweight and IC Champions....... THE KINDRED!!!!

((The lights go out and the music starts to play. The two brothers step out as a spotlight turns on behind them. They're silhouettes show against the bright light. Blue lightning effects strike the stage and red flames burst up in a huge explosion. The lights raise and the two make they're way in the ring. Once inside they both raise they're atrms and drop them at the sametime causing a massive explosion of purple flames.))

Travis: Don't these guys have enough belts?

Eddie: You want to tell them that?

Travis: No thanks, but you can for me Eddie.

Eddie: I bet Smalls is kicking him self for that rule.

Travis: Hey you leave Smalls out of this!

((The ref holds up the Tag titles for a moment then hands them to Jean before she leaves the ring. The bell rings and Patriot and Seph stand nose to nose. Neither one refuse to back down as each starts to trash talk till Patriot pushes Seph away hard.))

Eddie: It has been known sense the first tag match these two do not like each other.

Travis: Well we know that, but it looks like Patriot might get some pay back keeping them from winning the belts.

((Seph takes a swing but Patriot ducks kicking him in the gut. Patriot then delivers a Oklahoma Slam to Seph. Patriot starts stomping away on him before picking pulling him to his feet. Patriot goes to close line him but Seph ducks and spins around him hitting him thrust kick from behind. The kick sends Patriot to the Kindred corner, Soth greets him with a chop to the throat. Holding his throat Patriot is grabbed from behind and given a Reverse DDT by Seph. Seph goes for the cover, 1..kick out. Patriot lays there still trying to breath, Seph gets up and tags in Soth. Soth pulls Patriot up and pulls him into a German Suplexe, then another. Soth goes for a thrid time but is met with an elbow to the face till he releases his grip. Patriot gives Soth a Facebuster then tags Ace-Man in. Ace stands with his fists up ready to fight, Soth sees this as he gets to his feet and runs at Ace with a spear. Ace leaps over him and nails a clothesline from hell the moment Soth turns around. Ace pulls Soth into a suplex before locking him in a lion tamer. Soth starts laughing madly as he struggles to reach his brother Seph who has his arm stretched out ready for the tag. Finally he slaps hands with Seph before Ace knows it.))

Eddie: There is just something not right with Soth.

Travis: You know who would make a great couple?

Eddie: I'm going to regret this but who?

Travis: Soth and Tiger?

Eddie: Why on earth do you think that?

Travis: Oh come off it Eddie, we all know Tiger's mad, hooking up with Soth will be purfect. They both can laugh while watching paint dry.

((The hold is broken when Seph hits Ace in the back of the head knocking him down. Seph then puts Ace in the same hold. Ace cries out reaching for the ropes, Patriot tries to get in to break up the hold but the ref sees him and makes him go back to his own corner. Ace manages to pull him self over to the ropes at last. The ref breaks the hold and Ace rests hanging on the middle rope after getting to his knees. Seph hits the ropes and hits a bronco buster on Ace, Seph goes for a cover 1...2 and break up by a double axe handle from Patriot. Before Patriot can return to his corner Seph goes for a super kick but Patriot grabs his leg pulling him into a closeline. Ace pulls Seph up and whips him into a corner followed by a spear. Seph leans against the post dazzed as Ace climbs up to teh second rope and goes ten punches while the crowd counts. By eight Seph counters by grabing Ace onto his shoulders and lands a power bomb. He quickly goes for a cover, 1..2. kick out. Seph gets to his feet and pulls Ace up with him. Seph whips Ace to the ropes but Ace reverses it sending Seph to the ropes. Ace sets up for a closeline but is kicked in the gut by Seph who stops short. Seph lands a Scissor Kick to Ace when Patriot dives from across the ring hitting a Flying Headbutt to Seph. All three men lay on the mat montionless, the ref starts to count as Soth beats on the turn buckle.))


Travis: Yea! Patriot is a Super Hero, he just few across the ring landing on Seph.

Eddie: Soth is the only one wake and he can't do anything about it!

((1...2...3....4....5, Patriot lays on his back his eyes open just staring off. Seph has his knees up as he leans againt the mat holding his head. Patriot rolls out of the ring while Ace uses the ropes to get to his feet. 6...7... Ace is the first to his feet but staggers, he makes a dive for the tag just as Seph grabs his leg and pulls him away. Ace makes the tag as Patriot climbs into the ring. The ref failed to see his pushing Patriot back into his corner. Seph and Soth are now double teaming Ace in a corner.))

Eddie: They'll killing Ace!

Travis: Well if he would of made the tag he wouldn't be in this mess.

Eddie: He did make the tag, the fail just didn't see it. I saw it..... and I know you saw it.

Travis: I ddin't see anything.

Eddie: I told you to get glasses a long time ago, out can you do commintray when you can't see the match infront of you.

((The ref turns back to Ace and Seph while Soth climbs out of the ring. The two then tag while Soth comes back in. Soth grabs Ace for a Tiger Suplex, but Ace breaks the hold and hits Soth with a spinebuster. Ace turns and makes a wild leap for Patriot making the tag clearly this time. Patriot runs in and closelines Soth over the ropes as he tries to stand. Soth falls to the floor as Seph goes to help his brother up. Patriot rolls out of the ring as the count is started. 1...2... Patriot picks up Soth in a Gorilla Press then thrust kicks Seph followed by slamming Soth into the ring steps. Seph gets to his feet and spins Patriot around while the two go blow for blow. Ace dives off the turn buckle to the out side mimicing Patriot delivering a Flying Headbutt to Seph.))

Travis: There it is again!

Eddie: I don't think Ace knew what he was doing in that one. But one thing is for sure the Finest is leaving up to their names!

((5...6...7...8... Patriot checks on Ace and fails to see Soth is to his feet with the ring steps.))

Eddie & Travis: LOOK OUT!!

((Patriot is hit in the head from behind by the ring steps. Patriot calapes from the blow busting his head open. Soth quickly dives into the ring as Ace makes a dive for his leg but fails to grab it in time. 9...10. The bell ring a count out while Soth lays there with a mad grin on his face. The ref helps him up and hands him the Tag belts.))

Eddie: I can't believe it, The Kindred win the Tag Titles by count out!

Travis: Hey it's fair.

Eddie: They couldn't beat fairly so they had to use weapons and force then to lose!

((Soth climbs out of the ring and helps his brother up. He hands him the other belt as the two walk up the ramp. Half way up the ramp they raise the belts as the camera fades out on them.))

(The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.)