Saturday Night Slaughter
Vancouver Canada at the General Motors Place

((Camera opens in the parking lot of the General Motors Plaza? The camera pans over parking lot coming over to Obake and The Tiger. Tiger is sitting in a metal shoping kart that Obake is standing behind. The camera does a slight close up on them as they look at the camera, their breath can be seen as Tiger speaks.))

The Tiger: I'm The Tiger and this is HWC Jackass!

((Obake Takes off in a run pushing the kart with Tiger in it. After a good long moment het pushes the kart away letting it roll on it's on. The kart travles half way across the parking lot before it smacks into the side of a car sending Tiger flying out of it, breifly rolling over the hood and slamming to the ground below. She rolls onto her back looking dazed and suffering only large scrapes on her arms. She laughs slightly as she slowly get to her feet, the camera fades out.))

((The blue HWC logo fades in and out. It's Going Down by The X-Ecutioners plays while HWC superstars are seen doing various moves. One Harley hitting Seph over the head with a Shovel. Another one of Tiger landing the reverse bull dog on Ace, then goes on to showing Ace-Man standing on a turn buckle with Patriot waving them America flag. Amy and Chaotica are shown standing over Die Zerstörer's beaten bodies holding the Tag Team belts. Bulldozer grabing someone by the throat and choke slamming them off the turn buckle and out of the ring. Image changes to a flash of Martin Smalls with the rest of The Black List going on to where Enforcer turned and choke slammed Autumn Lewis. Finally a clip of Jericho turning on The Black List and winning the IC belt. It ends with a shot of a blood stained Slaughter ring. The song ends and the sceen fades.))

Eddie: Welcome to a capacity Slaughter here at the General Motors Plaza! We are just 1 week out from Sudden Death! half the matches have been made, the other half will be made here tonight!

Travis: I don't give a rip! We've got a new chick hired on and I wanna see her!

Eddie: Sometimes I wonder if you're a closet rant about females far too much to be a normal hetero. Let's get to our first match!

Standard Match
Fiona vs Apocalypse

((The lights go out as you see a few sentences appear on the screen. The first says, "More confident than ever before!!" Number 2, "More powerful than ever before!!" And the third, "More aggressive than ever before!!!" Then you hear a voice say, "The time has come!! His time is now!!!" Suddenly, music music starts playing as you hear the lyrics, "You've got the touch. You've got the power..." followed by a loud "YEAH!!!". As pyros go off all over the arena, the lights come back and Apocalypse makes his way to the ring, as "The Touch" by Stan Bush continues to play. He stands in the ring and throws his hands up as one final blast of pyro goes off.))

Eddie: Apocalypse here had a less than stellar match last week. It resulted in Apoc getting DQ'ed when he waffled Mystic J with a chair. We'll be seeing Mystic J later in action against Wendell and vet The Bulldozer.

Travis: The ref shoulda let it go! We are the Hardcore Wrestling Corporation for something, y'know.

(("Descending Angel" by the Mistfits hits and purple and red spotlights flash on the stage in time to the music. The song pauses and then resumes with twin purple pyros shooting out from under the stage on either side of the entrance. Fiona makes her way out onto the ramp, but someone else is with her! She moves to the side and into the purple light steps Obake! He is wearing a pair of blue jeans with his work boots, shirtless. They both walk down to the ring. She climbs up onto the apron, then she climbs the nearest turnbuckle, perches on it for a moment and then jumps down into the ring. Obake walks around and heads towards the announce table. Obake grabs a chair and the spare headset, then takes a seat at the announce table.)

Obake: Hey boys.

Eddie: Commissioner Howlett! What brings you out here?

Obake: Figured I'd do a bit of scouting and commentary. I can't fight fully with my job but doesn't mean I can't come down.

((Eddie laughs. Travis stays uncomfortably silent, unnerved. In the ring, the ref calls for the bell. Fiona and Apocalypse standing in the middle of the ring. Fiona reaches up and pulls her hair back in a tight ponytail, smirking and smarting off in her irish accent. Apoc just stares down at her, not willing to fight. Fiona keeps smarting off before Apocalypse gets down in her face and yells something at her. Fiona then lashes out with a open handed slap!))

Obake: YOWTCH! Fiona, smacking the spit right outta Apocalypse's mouth!

Eddie: That had to hurt..Travis..what's your problem? You look like you're about to jump out of your chair.

Travis: .....

Obake: That's because he knows if he tries to give one slanted comment, I'm going to Jackhammer him through the announce table. Ain't that right, Best?

((Obake reaches over and claps Travis on the shoulder. Travis stands and bolts away from the announce booth, running back up the ramp. Apocalypse and Fiona both stop to look, then Apocalypse pushes Fiona down.Fiona scrambles to get up, and kicks Apocalypse in the balls! Apocalypse bends over, squeaking. Fiona grabs him by the hair and starts kneeing him square in the face, before she lashes out with a stunning dropkick which sends Apocalypse into the ropes. Apocalypse gets hung up in the ring ropes and hangs there. Fiona starts shouting at him. Fiona then moves in, going to grab him. She grabs his arm and irish whips him into the far ropes...Apocalypse shoulderblocks her to the ground. He sneers down at her then bounces off the other ropes...Fiona ducks low, then leaps to her feet just in time to catch the business end of a wicked clothesline. Fiona does a flip, landing on her head.))

Eddie: Ouch..after Fiona laid the boots to Apocalypse, she catches a clothesline after a fast paced exhcnage there, Commissioner.

Obake: Yeah well she's got the speed. She's just gotta keep out of arm's reach of Apoc.

((Apoc starts to lay the boots into Fiona, who lays there, still reeling. Apocalypse then slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. He yells something about him being too good to face a woman and slides back into the ring. The ref moves to take the chair from Apoc, but Apoc fakes a swing at the ref. The ref backs down. Apoc then goes to swing down at Fiona, but she leaps to her feet lightning quick and throws a quick jumping spin kick and kicks the chair right back into Apocalypse's face! Apocalypse stumbles back into the ref, who falls from the ring.))

Eddie: Uh oh..this doesn't look good. Fiona just invented a move of some sort, kicking the chair right back into Apocalypse's face..but now we don't have a ref!

Obake: I can fix that. Later Danniels.

((Obake rips the headset from his head and leaps up over the announce table. He slides into the ring. Fiona sees him enter and moves to the side. Apocalypse, in the meantime is recovering. Obake lashes out and sidekicks Apocalypse square in the face. Apocalypse stumbles back yet again, rebounding off the ropes. Obake, in the meantime has crouched, his eyes burning. One hand twitches in preparation. The crowd roars in approval and anticipation. Apocalypse comes forward and Obake catapults forward, and nails Apocalypse with a crushing Spear, flattening him. Obake quickly grabs Apocalypse by the hair, and position him. Obake lifts him...JACKHAMMER! Obake then stands and looks at Fiona then motions for her to do something. Fiona moves forward, lifting Apocalypse by the hair))

Eddie: Our Commissioner just laid Apocalypse out with his Spear and Jackhammer combination! I think it's over!!!

((Fiona drags Apoc over...she leaps up onto the top turnbuckle, bouncing off...THE FALLEN ANGEL!! Apoc's head bounces off the mat and he is out cold from the assault. Fiona drops down and makes the cover..Obake drops down and counts...1....2...3! "Descending Angel" by Misfits kicks over the PA as Obake raises Fiona's hand in victory. Together they roll from the ring, as Apoc lays there, out cold.))

Eddie: Fiona O'Neil picks up the win with a assist from our Commissioner! I guess Apocalypse will watch who he calls a idiot, now won't he?

((The camera cuts to the locker room of Mystic J. He's lacing up his boots getting ready for his upcoming triple threat match. He hears a knock at the door.))

Mystic: Just a sec.

((He finishes lacing up the boot and then walks over to the door. He opens it and a chair comes crashing down on his head. Mystic falls and we can see Bulldozer standing there. Mystic is not toally out of it and tries to stand, 'Dozer brings the chair down again on Mystic's head drawing blood. Mystic is somehow still concious and Dozer grabs him and throws him into the wall. Mystic falls to the floor, almost out of it. 'Dozer grabs the chair again and slams it into Mystic's head one final time crushing Mystic's head between the wall and the chair. Mystic now slumps to the ground bloody and unconcious. 'Dozer smiles sadistically and grabs Mystic by the leg and drags him from the locker room.))

Eddie: What the hell was that all about? The triple threat match between Mystic J, Bulldozer and Wendell Grahm Bell is up next but Dozer just took out Mystic J! What's that gonna do to the match?

((Show fades to a commercial for 1-800-CALL-ATT. Carrot top is standing in a gym dressed like the dork that he is.)

Carrot Top: When you need to make a collect call, just use--

(Suddenly Amy flies into the scene and hurricanranna's Carrot Top to the floor. He lies there unconcious.)

Amy: Shut the hell up! Nobody wants to hear you. (She turns to the camera) Now, listen up. You'd better use 1-800-CALL-ATT when you make a collect call. Dial down the center (close up of her hand) that's 1-800-CALL-ATT! It's free for you and cheap for them. If you don't I'll send him to your house.

(Camera pans over to reveal a growling Obake.)

Obake: Dial it and save...or else!))

Triple Threat Match
Bulldozer vs Mystic J. vs Wendell

((Slaughter comes back on and we can hear Korn's "Here to Stay" playing and Dozer is still dragging the unconcious form of Mystic behind him down the ramp. He leaves him laying on the ground and gets in the ring. He grabs the mic from Jean Fortello and orders her out of the ring.))

Dozer: CUT THE MUSIC! (The music dies.) Wendell! Get yer ass out here. If you really think you have a chance of beating me! If you think you can think your way to a victory. Just you and me. I don't think Mystic J is gonna be able to participate in the match! Get out here NOW!

((He tosses the mic down and glares up the ramp.))

Eddie: Dozer calling out Wendell here after eliminating Mystic J.

Travis: If Wendell really is a genius he'll stay back in his locker room.

(("Outsmarted" hits as "The Genius" Wendell Graham Bell walks out slowly from behind the curtain, donning a white lab coat for the entrance. Green, the color of intelligence, randomly fills the arena. He holds his head high in defiance of the average wrestling fan, occasionally stopping to prove his intelligence to a fan using an abacus. He tries to get in the ring and Dozer charges across the ring ramming his large knee into Wendell's gut sending him flying off the ring apron and back to the ramp. Dozer climbs out after Wendell and grabs him to his feet and rips the lab coat off choking Wendell with it. The ref orders Dozer to get back in the ring. Dozer takes the coat from around Wendell's throat and tosses him in the ring. He cimbs back in and the bell rings.))

Eddie: Well after that brutal attack the match is now offcially started/

((Wendell is still gasping for air as Dozer grabs a handfull of hair and picks Wendell up over his head and drops him throat first across the top rope. Wendell rolls around on the mat holding his neck. Dozer pulls Wendell up and backs him into the nearest corner and starts to lay a series of hard chops into Wendell's throat.))

Travis: Dozer seems to be focused on the neck of Wendell! And I can't say I blame him, all that guy does is talk about how smart he is! I get tired of listening to him.

Eddie: If Dozer keeps this up, Wendell won't be saying much of anything.

((Dozer whips Wendell across the ring and Wendell goes flying back first into the corner and falls out landing flat on his face. He manages to get to his knees as Dozer stalks across the ring and Wendell goes for a low blow. Dozer bends over in pain and Wendell DDT's him. Wendell then turns to the fans pointing to his head to indicate how smart he is.))

Eddie: If he's so smart then why is he turning his back on Dozer?

Travis: Dozer's back up!

((Dozer spins Wendell around and whips him off the ropes and nails a big boot. Wendell hits the mat hard and Dozer drops a huge elbow on him flatening him. Wendell looks to be out and Dozer covers. 1...2...and Dozer pulls Wendell up!))

Eddie: What is Dozer doing?

Travis: He's playing with Wendell!

((Dozer headbutts Wendell who is now on rubber legs. Dozer backs him to the ropes and whips him off and tries for a clothesline, but Wendell ducks, and comes off the other side with a foream to Dozer. Dozer staggers and Wendell runs to the ropes bouncing off and tries it again. Dozer staggers like he's about to go down. Wendell tries it once more but Dozer's hand flies out and he grabs Wendell by the throat. CHOKESLAM! Wendell lays there flat as all the air gets driven from his body! Dozer puts his foot across Wendell's chest. 1...2...Wendell manages to push the foot off.))

Eddie: Dozer getting arrogant here. And Mystic J has still not moved. His motionless body is laying at ringside!

Travis: Well would you get up if you just had your head slammed between a wall and a steel chair?

Eddie: I hate to admit it but I agree with you!

((Dozer looks annoyed at Wendell, he reaches down and pulls Wendell back up and powerbombs him hard to the mat. Wendell looks to be totally out of it, as Dozer pulls him back to his feet. He backs Wendell into the corner and pummels him with huge right hands. He then drives his elbow into the top of Wendell's head, and Wendell slumps down to the mat. Dozer steps on Wendell's throat, and the referee orders him off, Dozer gets off at the four count. He pulls Wendell back up and takes him over with a huge gut wrench suplex. He then drops Wendell with a vicious backbreaker, he holds on and does it again, he holds him and drops him with one final backbreaker. He backs Wendell to the ropes and whips him off and sends Wendell flying head over heels with a vicious clothesline.))

Eddie: Wendell was just turned inside out! He's not moving!

Travis: I'd like to see him think his way out of being unconcious!

((Dozer reaches down and pulls Wendell up and drops him with a second thunderous chokeslam. He pulls up Wendell's motionless body and sets him up for the Demolition. He nails it! He goes for a one handed cover. 1..2..3! Dozer wins!))

Eddie: What a brutal match! Dozer just totally anhilated Wendell! Wait, what the hell is he doing?

Travis: He's coming over here, and he just grabbed the timekeepers chair!

((Dozer slides into the ring and slams the just now rising Wendell in the head with the chair. He then slides out the other side of the ring where Mystic J is just getting to his feet. He's met with another chairshot. Dozer then reaches under the ring and pulls out a table. He sets the table up and lays out the semi-concious J on it. He then gets in the ring, grabs Wendell in a powerbomb position, and walks over to the ropes and powerbombs Wendell out of the ring onto J and through the table. He then grabs the mic.))

Dozer: The entire HWC is on notice! From this moment on Bulldozer will take no prisoners! Anyone who gets in my way will end up like these two! DEMOLISHED!

((Dozer tosses the mic down and leaves the ring stepping over the broken bodies of Wendell and J.))

Travis: Dozer putting the HWC on notice! He's turned into a monster!

Eddie: Well as the EMT's attend to Wendell and J. We're gonna go to a commercial.

((A commercial comes on for the HWC Slaughter game. Various scenes of the characters in the game are shown doing their signature moves.)

Announcer: HWC Slaughter! Play as the Tiger, The Enforcer, Harley Quinn, Amy, Sepheroth or Obake, or create your own wrestler and see if you have what it takes to win the HWC world title!

(The camera shows Harley as Reno and Rude play the game behind her.)

Harley: Come on, I dare ya!

Announcer: HWC Slaughter, now available for Playstation 2, XBOX and Nintendo Game Cube!

Harley: Do you have what it takes?))

((Walk Among Us suddenly hits on the PA, and Hans Kuhmann steps out, looking very unhappy. Under his arm he holds what looks like a notebook. he power walks to the ring and demands a microphone.))

Travis: He does not look happy.


Eddie: So glad I have you here to tell me these things.

((Hans takes the notebook from underhis arm and opens it.))

Hans: Do you know what I found? This is a diary. But not just anyone's diary. It is the diary of my dear sweet beloved Amy!

((Hans thumbs through it, then stops at one particular entry.))

Travis: What'd she have to say about me?

Hans: Allow me to read to you a sampling from the diary of my sweet, beloved Amy!

((Hans traces his finger down the page, reading))

Hans: There's someone else in my life. It's really whack. He doesn't even know I'm watching him. But I am...Everything he does is so right

Travis: I know! I know!

((hans pauses to look up))

Hans: Well, that sounds okay so far. She must be talking about me!

((Hans continues reading))

Hans: I'm gonna have to break up with Hans first. I heard this song on the radio the other fits how I feel for him...the mystery man...I absolutely love it...

Eddie: Uh oh!

((Hans looks up again, the anger on his face painfully obvious.))

Travis: I knew it! I'm finally gonna get my sweet Amy all to myself!

Hans: She has to break up with ME?! My dear sweet beloved amy?! And because of a fucking SONG?! Oh, but it gets better!

Hans((reading again)): I got close to him today. Very close. He even talked to me. I almost lost my breakfast for fuck sake. I can't believe I'm acting like this. A girl with a crush. How depressingly normal.

Eddie: Hans is obviously upset, but what about Amy? He's revealing her innermost thoughts to the world here!

((Hans pauses , gritting his teeth, obviously fighting back his emotions, then looks up again.))Hans: BUt this last......this is what really does it for me.

((Hans forced his eyes back to the page, reading again))

Hans: I'd even go through fucking childbirth for him.

Eddie and Travis: WHOAH!

((Hans snaps the diary shut, pacing around thde ring for a moment, then stops and looks up again.))

(Suddenly 'Brackish' by Kittie blasts over the PA and Amy comes stalking out. She looks like she has just gotten to the arena, still wearing her leather bikers jacket. She has her own mic and her wallet chain is wrapped around her fist. Her blue are ablaze with fury and uncontrolled hatred, narrowed directly at Hans. She stops halfway and yells into the mic, almost a growl)


Eddie: I don't think I've ever seen her this pissed before! She looks absolutely livid!

Amy: Where the FUCK do you get off stealing MY diary and reading it to the world?!

((She walks towards the ring. It's evident she can barely keep herself in check))

Amy: I trusted you, you asswipe!

((She looks over at Travis))

Amy: And YOU! Be expecting a grade A ASSKICKING later on!

((Travis ducks under the desk.))

Hans: You trusted ME? I gave you my heart, amy! MY FUCKING HEART!!! And THIS is what I get in return?!

Eddie: Oh this doesn't look good!

((Amy gets right in his face.))

Amy: AND YOU STOLE MY PROPERTY! I GAVE YOU MY HEART AFTER RANCID CRUSHED IT! (She looks about ready to swing at him) Amy: So I'd say we're even! I don't know what they do over there in assholesville.. But here in America, STEALING IS WRONG!

((Hans glares back at her for a moment, also looking on the verge of violence, but he steps back after a moment))

Hans: There is no pain I could inflict on you that would make up for what you have done to me, Amy! So, here...

((he tosses the diary at her feet, then turns his back))

Hans: Here you go, Amy! Go ahead and take advantage of my turned back!

Eddie: Hans telling Amy to hit him!

((Amy growls into the mic))


((She balls up her left fist, the chain gleaming on her fist. She throws the punch, clearly not thinking and intending to take him out....))

Travis: Anything that gets hitting me off her mind is fine with me!

((Hans suddenly whirls around, grabbing her arm))

Hans: Hah! Did you think I would actually let you hit me? You really are a child!

((Hans starts to push Amy towards the nearest corner))

((Suddenly "Reckoning Day" by Megadeth hits and Jeff Wylde come sprinting down to the ring. The sudden blast of music makes both Hans and Amy turn around.Jeff gets in between the two and pushes them both back from each other. He takes a mic.))

Jeff: CUT IT OUT! Jesus Christ! What the hell is wrong with you two? Hans, I warned you, if you hurt her in any way, ANY WAY, you were gonna have to deal with me. And you pull this shit? I oughta beat the shit out of you right now!

((Amy watches, her fist gripping the chain. She has one eye on where Travis is, but she knows she needs to stay. Her face is a pale white, and she is actually shaking a bit, but from rage and anger. In this state she could take them. Hans turns to glare at Jeff))

Hans: This is none of your business! And as for hurting her....SHE is the one who hurt ME! So I suggest that you BUTT OUT!

((Jeff gets up in Hans' face))

Jeff: That is my little sister! That is her personal diary! There's a reason it's called a personal life! You just violated her! So I'm making it my business!

((Hans shoves Jeff back and raises his fists, screaming))


((Amy stares at them, not sure who to jump at first. She sees her diary on the ground and scoops it up quickly, tucking it in her jeans. She then gets in the way and screams, her hands out to the sides, separating them))


Eddie: This thing is about to explode!

Amy: Jeff you back the fuck off! It's between me and him! Not you!

((She then turns to face Hans))

Amy: Give me one reason not to break your nose, you bitch!

((Jeff backs off but doesn't leave the ring. He simply glares at Hans. Hans looks at Amy, seething with rage. He steps toward her, his fists balled up. He raises one, hesitates, then lowers it again.))

Amy: Try it! Hit me! Do it! I wanna see you hit me! You already violated me personally, might as well do it physically! I fucking dare you!!!

((Hans raises his fist again))

Hans: I can't hit you. But there is one thing I CAN do!

((Hans suddenly whirls around and swings at Jeff. Jeff absorbs the blow and then swings back at Hans. The two start exchanging punches in the middle of the ring.)

Eddie: We've got a slugfest going on here! This thing has gotten out of control.

((Amy's eyes widen and she starts pulling on Jeff's waist, literally wrapping her arms around him. Once she gets herself in the way, she turns and swings at Hans with the chained fist, aiming at the jaw. Her eyes are full of fury. Hans, totally unprepared, catches the chain on the jaw and stumbles back, then falls down, his eyes wide with surprise.))


((All three turn to look, Autumn Lewis comes out on to the stage followed by...))


Autumn: Now I don't care about you love life! I don't care about who hurt who. But you are not going to turn my show into "Days of Our Lives"!

Martin: For once she and I agree on something. If you want to settle this in the ring, you can settle it in the ring...At Sudden Death.

Autumn: Something else we agreed on it will be a triple threat tag-team match!

((Amy stands there, staring at them from the ring. The chain starts to unwind from her hand and falls to the mat as she listens. her eyes are a mask of rage.))

Autumn: The teams will be Amy and Jeff, since you two seem to be so close you two can team up!

((Hans picks up his dropped microphone))

Hans: That's fine! I already haev a partner anyway! But who will be facing Die Zerstorer?

Autumn: And Hans, you and Klaus will be the other team,

Martin: And the last team will be...The Enforcer and Draven Masters!

Eddie: What? Four members of the Black List on opposite teams?

Martin: And to make things a little more's going to be held in the confines of a 20 foot HELL IN THE CELL!

((The crowd goes nuts.))

Autumn: And my little addition to this match, the special guest referee...OBAKE!

((Suddenly The familiar strains of 'Left Behind' Blasts over the PA as Obake steps out. He stands behind Smalls and Lewis, literally towering over them. He takes Small's mic from him. When Smalls glares back, Obake merely glares back then speaks into the mic, his voice a dark growl.))

Obake: I'm the only one that can contain all of you. First time any of you break the rules in that cell you deal with me directly!

((Hans is going ballistic in the ring))

Hans: This isn't right! You can't make the Black List fight each other!!!

Eddie: Smalls just double booked the Black List!

Martin: I am the leader of the Black List and you'll do what I damn well tell you to do! You fight in this match or you and Klaus are out!

((Obake glares at Hans from the ramp and starts making his way down. He climbs into the ring and moves towards Hans, and stares right down in his face. Obake speaks into the mic))

Obake: Problems, BOY? You listen to the VP!

((Hans glares up at Obake, showing no fear))

Hans: Let me tell you something, Commissioner! You WILL call this match fair and square, you WILL pay the price!

((Jeff steps in.))

Jeff: I got no problem with that, because Hans, I warned you, but nobody wants to listen to me! Well maybe you'll listen to the people with the power. And I can promise you this... Sudden Death will take on a literal meaning in that Hell in the Cell!

((After Jeff finishes, Obake grabs Hans by his shirt. He delivers a punch to Hans' gut which knocks the air from him, then lifts him over his head in a massive show of power. Obake then throws him like a lawn dart from the ring. He then picks the mic up and speaks into it))

Try me, Kuhmann and You're Next! Anyone else want to challenge the Prez's will?

((Hans gets shakily to his feet, still glaring at the people in the ring, but obviously thinking better than to try anything. He limps towards the back, watching them as he goes.))

Martin: Normally I would argue you putting your hands on one of my boys, but under the circumstances, I think this is a wake up call for all of you. Enforcer, Draven, I know you guys are listening back there,and that goes for you too!

((Martin turns and walks to the back.))

((Obake walks back with Lewis as Amy stands there in the ring, with Jeff. Her hand rests on his shoulder and she has a grim look on her face. She then speaks something in his ear then picks up her chain. Amy slides from the ring and heads over to Eddie and Travis. She backhands Travis with a chained fist HARD...then walks back to the ring with Jeff.Jeff smiles at his little sister and then sides out of the ring waiting for her then as "Brackish" starts back up the two head to the back apparently talking strategy. The scene cuts to a commercial))

((Commercial showing the HWC's nastiest bumps. Watch as Kash Flagg takes a 40 foot dive off the HWC-Tron..or when Obake Jackhammered Stumpy Malone! Only 19.99! Call 1-800-HardWear today!))

((Slaughter comes back from commercial and a freeze frame of the events from just before the break are seen, a caption in the bottom left hand of the screen reads "Before the Break".))

Eddie: Folks, in case you're just joining us we had big news before we went to commercial. Hans Kuhmann of Die Zerstorer came out here to the ring with his now ex-girlfriend Amy Jensesn's diary and started reading it aloud to the fans here in the arena and to the fans at home.

Travis: She hit me!

Eddie: Serves you right. Anyway, Amy revealed that she had a new boyfriend, and was going to break up with Hans.

((As he continues to talk the scene plays out again))

Eddie: Amy came out fired up and did indeed break up with Hans, but not before Amy's "brother" Jeff Wylde came out and tried to break up the confrontation. This led to a slugfest between Hans and Wylde and then the stunning announcement by President Lewis and Vice President Smalls that at Sudden Death Jeff Wylde and Amy Jensen would team up to take on Die Zerstorer and The Enforcer and Draven Masters in a triple threat tag-team match thus double booking the Black List. Actually triple booking Die Zerstorer, as they have a tag-team title match for the vacated tag-team belts, plus the stable match between the Black List and the Reinforcements.

Travis: My face hurts.

Eddie: What my broadcast partner was supposed to say was that as if that wasn't enough, Martin Smalls made the shocking annoucement that the match would be contested in a Hell in a Cell! And then Autumn Lewis built the momentum even more adding Obake as the special guest referee. Hans wasn't too happy about the commisioner being put into this match as the referee.

Travis: I think she knocked my fillings out.

Eddie: Jeez, I'm gonna have to recap this whole thing by myself. Anyway, Obake claimed that he was the only one who could contain the participants in this match, and Hans threatened Obake if he didn't call the match down the middle. Obake then used Kuhmann as human javelin almost tossing him through our announce table. And then Amy came out here and did what so many of us have wanted to do and that's slug Travis right in his smart mouth for all the comments he made about Amy during the reading of the diary. However we understand that David Tanjic is in the back and trying to get a word with President Lewis, VP Smalls and Obake. David?

((Scene cuts to backstage where David is standing outside a door with a placard proclaiming it as the office of Autumn Lewis.))

David: Well Eddie, during the commercial Autumn Lewis, Martin Smalls and David Howlett were seen heading into this office and I'm going to see if I can get a word with them right now.

((He turns to knock on the door and Obake opens in and sticks his head out.))

Obake: WHAT?

David: I was just wondering Commissioner Howlett if I could get a word about what the three of you are talking about?

Obake: NO! Get lost!

((Obake then slams the door in David's face.))

David (looking a bit pale): Back to you Eddie.

((Scene cuts back to the broadcast table, Eddie is sitting composed and Travis is still rubbing his jaw which is now bandaged from where Amy hit him.))

Eddie: Well we don't know what's going on in that office but we know at least two matches that have been set up for Sudden Death.

((A graphic of the Sudden Death logo comes up. On the left hand side of the screen we see the members of the Reinforcements and on the right side we see the Black List. Written over them in bones are the words "Stable Match".))

Eddie: The Black List will take on the Reinforcements in a huge stable match.

((Then a graphic of Jeff and Amy, Die Zerstorer and The Enforcer and Draven comes up. Obake dressed in a referee shirt with the sleeves cut off appears behind them. A Hell in the Cell is superimposed over their faces. Over them written in bones are the words "Triple Threat Tag-Team Hell In A Cell Match".))

Eddie: And in a double booking for the members of the Black List it will be "The Wyldeman" Jeff Wylde teaming up with Amy Jensen vs Die Zerstorer vs The Enforcer and Draven Masters in a triple threat tag-team match to take place in a Hell in a Cell with our own commissioner David "Obake" Howlett as the special guest referee.

Travis: She hit me!

Eddie: Get over it! Let's go to the ring for our next match.

Tag Match
HWC Finest vs The Kindred

((Patriot is seen walking down the hall heading to Ace-Man's locker room. The door is cracked open a bit, he pushes it open and calls out to him.))

Patriot: You ready Ace?..... Oh crap!

((Inside Ace-Man lays sprawled out on the floor out, on his chest lays a block of Limberger cheese. Patriot knocks it away and drags Ace out into the hall.))

Patriot: Come on Ace wake up? Who did this to you? Damn it! We have a match now!

((Camera cuts to the announcers table.))

Travis: Good now I don't have to watch them wrestle.

Eddie: Who could of done this to Ace?

Travis: Same person who took the cheese last week?

Eddie: Theres no time to recover the tag match is happening now.

Jean Fortello: To the ring at a combined weight of 492 lbs. they are The Kindred!

((The lights go out and In The End by Linkin Park starts to play, Seph and Soth step out as a spotlight turns on behind them. They're silhouettes show against the bright light. Blue lightning effects strike the stage and red flames burst up in a huge explosion. The lights raise and the two make they're way in the ring. Once inside they both raise they're arms and drop them at the sametime causing a massive explosion of purple flames.))

Jean Fortello: And thier opponents weighing in at 505 lbs..... the HWC FINEST!!!

((Jimi Hendrix' National Anthom plays and out steps The Patriot helping Ace-Man walk to the ring. Stand on the outside the two talk as the ref pushes back Kindred. Ace stays on the out side as Patriot climsb into the ring. Soth climbs on the out side as Seph locks up with Patriot.))

Eddie: The odds are against the Finest here, the weight of the match lays mostly on Patriot.

Travis: Shut up I'm trying to watch the match, and they stand no chance against the walking dead unless they are a bunch of Buffy wanna bies.

((Patriot hits Seph with a belly to back suplex, Seph quickly gets to his feet but is knocked down agin by a close line. Patriot gets down to lock Seph in a figure four but gets kicked in the face. Seph leaps up and hits the ropes coming back and landing a scissor kick to Patriot. Seph goes for a pin, 1.. kick out. Patriot gives Seph an eyes gouge followed by a gorilla press. Patriot then pulls Seph to his feet, Seph elbows him in the gut and delivers a reverse DDT. Patriot down and Seph tags in Soth. Soth grabs Patriot deliver a german suplex and then another in till Patriot elbows him in the head serval time causing him to loosen his grip. Patriot then delivers an oklahoma slam to Soth followed by the figure four leg lock. Soth cries out in pain as Patriot smile at the fact that Soth may give up at this move. Soth continues to scream but it soon changes into a dark laugh and Soth turns the table by fliping the figure four over. He laughs more as Patriot cries out in pain forcing him to break the hold.))

Eddie: It seems Soth is enjoying him self.

Travis: I'm telling who there's something not right with that man.

Eddie: Well duh!

((Soth picks Patriot up and throws him to the turn buckle Ace is it. Soth starts stomping away on Patriot, Ace slaps Patriot tagging him self in. Soth backs away watching Ace climb in and starts laughing. Soth goes to hit a super kick but Ace ducks and counter with a dragon screw tack down. Once down Ace pulls him in a lion tamer. Soth starts to laugh again and then manages to kick the weaken Ace back and into a roll up when he loses his balance. 1...2.. Ace gets a shoulder up. Soth pulls Ace up and takes him down with a tiger suplex. Ace lays there for a moment while Soth tags Seph in. Ace is now dazed and Patriot yells to him reaches out for the tag. Ace gets to his slowly and turns to face where Soth should be but instead he is met with a spear by Seph.))


((Sothren sets Ace up for a 3D but instead Sephiroth pulls a jump spinning fallen angel DDT...))


Eddie: It don't look good!

((Soth heads back to the corner as Seph drops to pin Ace, the ref counts. 1...2... Patriot jumps in to break up the pin but Soth comes flying over the ref knocking Patriot down with a divering spear....3! The bell rings))

Jean Fortello: Your winners.... THE KINDRED!!!!

Travis: What the hell was that!

Eddie: The Kindred have brutalized the Finest!! I wouldn't be surprised if they where the ones that used the cheese on Ace.

((Camera cuts to Smalls walking out of his office, Enforcer comes up from behind and taps him on the shoulder))

Smalls: Enforcer hey, ready for your match against Kidd?

Enforcer: Yea but I wanted to talk to you about the stable match at Sudden Death.

Smalls: Well make it quick.

Enforcer: Why did you pull Harley out and put your self in?

Smalls: Oh I'm not in the match...

Enforcer: Then who....

Smalls: Scott Mercer is.

Enforcer: What!

Smalls: If that's all I have an announcement to make and you have a match to get ready for.

((Enforcer look annoyed by this and turns walking away. Smalls watches him go and shakes his head chuckling softly, Smalls turns to head to the ring but comes face to face with Seph. Stepping up from behind making sure Smalls doesn't go no where is Soth. Smalls smiles fades as Seph breathes in his face.))

Smalls: What do you want!

Seph: .....Harley

Smalls: Harley? HA! I got news for you! You don't get Harley, you still haven't earned it. And that little victory you call a tag match don't cut it!

Seph: I want.....

Smalls: Yea I know what you want but tell you what! At Sudden Death you get The Patriot one on one for the IC belt. How you like that! Now if you're done waisting my time I have better thing to do then talking with two retards that think they are zombies!

((Seph steps aside letting Smalls pass. Seph and Soth stand thier watching him go, Soth starts laughing like a hyena before the two turn and walk off them selves.))

((A Commercial for HWC HardWear comes on. Ace-Man comes into the scene.)

Ace: Hello citizens! Be the first on your block to fight off evil with the brand new Ace-Man t-shirt!

(The Patriot then jumps into the scene.)

Patriot: Fend off evil in your neighborhood and show your support for America by wearing the Patriot t-shirt.

Ace: Or team up with a friend and wear the HWC's Finest t-shirts!

Both: Team up and fight evil today!

Announcer: To order the t-shirts advertisded and any of the other fine HWC products call 1-800-Hard-Wear today!))

Singapore cane Lumber Jack Match
Kidd vs Enforcer

Eddie: Here we are ready to go for the Lumberjack match, but before we can start Smalls has something to say.

Travis: That means you shut up and listen!

((Smalls stands in the ring with a cane in one hand and a mic in the other. All around the ring the HWC roseter has gathered all with canes in their hands waiting for the match to starts with The Reinforcements by the ramp and The Black List by the announce table. Kidd waits in one corner and Enforcer in the other across the ring.))

Smalls: As of this moment I'm changing a very old rule here in the HWC. The one stating that no one can hold more then one belt at a time. That was the old HWC, this is a new era! So I'm doing away with that and making it legal here in the Hardcore Wrestling Corperation that any one can hold any belts at any time as long as they defend them. For some it means alot more work, for others it means more matches, but I like to think for all it means more rating. So to start this new era off right, I've decided to up the stakes a bit. Not only with this be a Singapore cane Lumber Jack Match. But it will be a match for.... The Hardcore Title.

((Enforcer face turns anger as he stares down Smalls. Smalls only smiles as he tosses away the mic, he pats enforcer on the shoulder and slides out of the ring. The bell rings as the two men got at it.))

Eddie: Wrestlers can now hold more then one belt?! Who do he think he is!?

Travis: VP that's who.

Eddie: Where is Autumn in all this!? This is just another exspmale of him Smalls showing off his power! Smalls over confadents will be his down fall.

Travis: Watch what you say the Black List might hear you and then beat you down like a dog.

Eddie: I'm not scared of them!

((Enforcer pulls Kidd into a double underhook suplex. Kidd quickly gets to his feet and comes back with a spinning heel kick to Enforcer. Enforcer gets up and grabs Kidd whipping him to the ropes, Kidd reverses sending Enforcer to the turn buckle. Kidd starts beating away on Enforcer. Enforcer counters with a blow of his own and grabs Kidd by the throat ready to choak slam but Kidd kicks him in the gut when he tries to lift him. Kidd then hits him with a standing drop kick sending him to the ropes. Kidd runs at him with a close line to knock him over but Enforcer ducks his head and flips Kidd over the top rope. Kidd falls to the floor and his beaten by Seth, Soth, Dozer, and Scott. After the beating Dozer grabs Kidd picking him up over his head and throws him over the top rope back into the ring.))

Travis: Only from the mind of Smalls do you find the bets matches.

Eddie: Best! More like burtal!

Travis: I know isn't it great!

((Enforcer pulls Kidd to his feet and into a jack knife powerbomb. Enforcer pulls Kidd to his feet again, Kidd lands a weak chop. Enforcer pulls Kidd into a suplex but Kidd slips out and behind him. He hits Enforcer with a swinging neckbreaker. Once down Kidd heads over to a turn buckle and climbs up top. Kidd leaps off to land an elbow drop but gets kicked in the jab by Enforcer bring up his feet. Kidd lays on the mat holding his head as Enforcer covers him. 1..2.. kick out.))

Eddie: Kidd is going to be a hard one to beat, not only goes he want revenge on Enforcer but he wants that belt.

((Enfrocer pulls Kidd to him feet and throws him to the ropes, coming back Enforcer grabs him by the throat and nails a choke slam. Kidd rolls onto his belly and tries to get to his feet. Enforcer rolls him over and pin him there with his foot. 1.. and Kidd sweeps his other foot out from other him. Enforcer and Kidd are both to to their feet, Kidd grabs him and throws him to the ropes. Tiger grabs the top rope pulling it down causing Enforcer to fall back onto the floor when he hit it. The Reinforcements starts beating away on Enforcer not letting him get to his feet. The Black List see this and rush the Reinforcements to help Enforcer.))

Eddie: Thing have just gotten ugly as a fight has broken out starting with the Black List and Reinforcement but now everyone is invald.

Travis: Dam that Tiger she causes all the trouble!

Eddie: And Samlls is inoccent?

Travis: Damn straight!

((Enforcer staggers away from the fight and climbs back into the ring. Kidd has his back to him as he yells out to fight where the ref was pulled out of the ring. Draven hands a cane to Enforcer, Enforcer steps up behind Kidd and waits for him to turn. When he finally turn around he is met by a cane to the head by Enforcer. The impact is so great the cane breaks over Kidds head sending kidd to the floor. After saving the ref from the fight Smalls rolls the ref back into the ring as Enforcer covers Kidd. 1...2...3. The bell rings and the ref raises Enforcer hand in victory. No no realy noticed and the fight divides, some chase others threw the crowd others leave bodies laying, but the Black List chase The Reinforcements from the ring after Kidd is pulled out.))

Eddie: Well like clock work Enforcer wins keeping his belt with the help from the rest of the Black List.

Travis: Travis: Tiger started it and just like her and the rest of the has-beens they all fled from the ring like chickens.

((Announcer: Tickets to and HWC event-$40

(A scene of a father and son buying tickets.)

Announcer: Obake and Tiger t-shirts-$30

(A scene of the two buying t-shirts.)

Announcer: Refreshments-$25

(A scene of the two at the refreshment stand.)

Announcer: Seeing the HWC live-Priceless. There are somethings money can't buy...for everything else there's MasterCard.))

((Harley sits in the locker room with the rest of the Mafiaso polishing her title before going out to her match against Faygo Joe. She finishes polishing it and smiles seeing her reflection in the gold, and sets it down as a knock comes to the door.))

Harley: Reno get that...

Reno: Sure thin' boss!

((He opens the door and there stands Smalls with a smile on his face.))

((Smalls walks into the room and over to Harley))

Smalls: Hows my champ feeling? Ready to add another win to The Black List?

((Harley smiles, as she leans back in her chair .))

Harley: A bit tired...But I'm ready to get another win for me...And the Black List...Which reminds me...I was wonderin' why did you pull me out of the Stable match?

Smalls: Because you are gold. No one from The Reinforcements has a right to even look at you let alone lay a hand on you.

Johnny: Harley can take anything they throw at her...Even you know that...

((Harley smiles as she holds her up to silence Johnny.))

Harley: Thank you sweety, but I can handle this...I don't care...I wanted to get my hands on all of them...Especially Tiger!

Smalls: Tiger had her chance and failed. You don't need to be waisting your time with trash, and easy prey.

Harley: Instead you put me up against Faygo Joe! A nobody! Gawd! I'll wipe the floor with him! You don' think that's easy prey?

((By this time Harley is on her feet and staring Smalls in the eyes.))

((Smalls just chuckles and looks over the room))

Smalls: It's a mind game with Autumn and her followers, they want to get at you. But I'm not going to let them. I Know you can take them all on but I'm not going to give them what they want. They will have to kiss my ass before they can stand before The Best in the HWC!

((Harley backs down some, and sighs, turning away.))

Harley: Let me guess I'll be up against another loser come Sudden Death won't I? Trust me Smalls if the Black List was mine I would play their little mind games just to show those assholes that I'm not scared of anyone...But it's not my judgement is it?

((Smalls smile quickly fades as his face turns to annoyance))

Smalls: Don't you forget The Black List is MINE! And if you cross me your fate will be the same as Jericho's and Tiger's! As for Sudden Death, you face a name in this company, so just hold onto that belt!

((Smalls stares at her for a moment in silence. He then turns leaving and slams the door shut behind him))

((Harley stands there and seems to shake with anger as she stares at the door.))

Harley: I swear one of these days...

Johnny: Calm down...You have to get ready for your match..

Rude: Johnny's right boss...You need to calm down...

((Harley looks at herself in the mirror and grabs the title off the floor beside her chair,before walking out the door, with the guys following behind her.))

World Title Match
Harley Quinn vs Faygo Joe

Eddie: The HWC title is up for grabs right now so let's go to the ring.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is for the HWC world heavyweight title and is scheduled for one fall. First, here is the challenger, being accompanied to the ring by Bridget Morgan, from Detroit, Michigan weighing 180 pounds, the Faygolicious one, Faygo Joe!

(("Double X Minus" hits the PA and Faygo Joe comes strolling out into the arena, pushing a wheelbarrow. In the wheelbarrow is Faygo's manager, Bridget Morgan. However since his recent "world tour", Bridget is starting to smell rather...ripe. Joe wheels his barrow down the ramp and parks it next to the ring. He gives his companion a loving kiss on the cheek before entering the ring and hopping around like a jackass.))

Travis: Eeew! Eddie...did you fart?

Eddie: God, that smell! It's gotta be Bridget! She has been dead for quite a while now!

Travis: Are you sure you didn't fart?

Jean Fortello: His opponent, representing the Black List and being accompanied to the ring by the Mafioiso. From the Black Light section of the Jersey Shore, weighing 165 pounds, she is the Jersey Devil Diva, the original Gangsta Bitch, the HWC world heavyweight champion Harley Quinn!

((The lights go black as various searchligts go over the crowd. "Square Dance" by Eminem begins to play as a huge bright light comes from behind the four members of the Mafioso. Their silhouettes the only thing that shows until all the searchlights land on them. The lights raise as they all go down to the ring. Reno and Rude take a wide berth around the dead Bridget in the wheelbarrow. They look like they're about to be sick. Harley slides in under the bottom rope and Faygo wastes no time in charging her and clotheslining her over the top rope.))

Eddie: And the challenger off to a quick start here taking Harley right back out of the ring!

Travis: That is no way to treat the undefeated champion!

((Harley slides back into the ring and Joe charges again. Harley kicks him in the midsection, and then DDT's him. She pulls Joe back to his feet and starts to unload with lefts and rights to the head. Joe wobbles and then falls down. She pulls him back to his feet and she whips him off the ropes it but Joe reverses it into a short arm clothesline. Joe then punches Harley in her head a few times. Harley gets to her feet and gouges Joe in his eyes.))

Eddie: Joe starting off early taking the champ down.

Travis: And Harley fights back now.

((She whips Joe into the corner and follows him in with a clothesline. She backs up all the way across the ring and goes for a Bronco Buster! Joe is woozy but uses the ropes to pull himself up. Harley whips Joe across the ring and he staggers backwards and Harley unloads with a series of forearms to the back.))

Travis: The Harvelous one making a comeback!

((Harley takes Joe over with a belly to back suplex folding him up in the middle of the ring. He slowly makes his way back to his feet and Harley whips him off the ropes and clothelines him. Joe staggers back to his feet and lashes out catching Harley in the jaw, he backs her to the ropes and whips her off and backdrops her. He tries to elbow her and she rolls out of the way and stomps him. She then scoop slams him, he staggers back to his feet and Harley goes for the Punchline but Joe ducks and grabs Harley in an inverted DDT!))

Eddie: Joe turns things back his way after avoiding the Punchline!

Travis: Come on Harley, don't let this bum ruin your undefeated streak!

Eddie: He just nailed her with his own version of the Punchline, and now he's going over to talk to Bridget?

((Joe finally finishes his "conversation" with Bridget and goes for a cover but only gets two as he wasted time talking to Bridget. He whips Harley off the ropes and hiptosses her, she gets up and catches an elbow to the face. He backs her into the corner and pummels her. She fights her way free and hits a low blow on Joe dropping him.))

Eddie: A great back and forth match here.

Travis: And Harley with the combeack.

((She whips Joe off the ropes and nails a huge back body drop. She gets Joe up and drops him with a powerbomb. She drops for the cover and the ref slides into position. 1...2...kickout! Harley pulls Joe back to his feet and whips him into the corner and Joe staggers back out right into a clothesline. He rolls out of the ring and Reno and Rude start stomping on him while Harley distracts the ref. Reno and Rude hold Joe up and Johnny comes around and spears Joe on the floor. They toss him back in the ring.))

Eddie: The Mafioso helping Harley out with beating up Joe. It's four against one, that's illegal!

Travis: It's only illegal if you get caught Eddie!

((Harley grabs Joe and nails him with a huge spinebuster! She goes for a cover, 1...2...kickout! Joe fires back and starts nailing Harley with a series of rights to the head. He then nails her with a jawjacker. He climbs to the second rope and nails her with a flying reverse elbow as she gets back to her feet. He goes for a cover, 1...2...kickout by the champ!))

Travis: Quinn is still in this thing!

Eddie: But Faygo Joe has the upper hand as he takes Harely down with a suplex.

Travis: That was the worst suplex I've ever seen!

Eddie: Yeah, but it was effective!

((Joe backs Harley into the corner and unloads with a series of chops, the crowd screaming "Whoo!" after each shot. He then whips Harley across the ring and she hits the corner hard. He charges in after her but Harley gets her foot up and catches Joe in his face. Joe staggers away from the corner holding his face and Harley charges out of the corner and takes him down with a bulldog. She rolls him over and goes for the cover. 1...2...kickout by Joe! Harley slaps the mat in frustration and pulls Joe back to his feet. Harley grabs him and suplexes him over. Joe staggers back to his feet using the ropes to pull himself up. Harley charges him and clotheslines him over the top rope. Joe falls head over heels out of the ring landing next to the wheelbarrow with Bridget in it. Johnny, Reno and Rude come over to assault Joe as Harley once again distracts the referee.))

Eddie: The Mafioso going for the three on one attack again. But what's Joe doing?

Travis: Just grabbed something out of the wheelbarrow and stuffed it in his pocket.

Eddie: The Mafioso backing off due to the stecnch from the long dead Bridgett. Joe rolls back in the ring and Harley still keeping the ref occupied, and Joe from behind with a forearm to the back of the head.

((After knocking Harley down he drops a knee to the back of her head and turns to face the Mafioso outside the ring and then reaches into his pocket and pulls out...))

Travis: What the hell is that?

Eddie: It's a dead squirrel! He just threw it at Reno! Reno tosses it to Rude, Rude throws it at Johnny! They're playing keepaway with the dead squirrel!

((As Reno, Rude and Johnny continue to toss the squirrel back and forth between the three of them they back up towards the dead Bridgett and then the stench hits them and they drop the squirrel and retreat up the ramp. During the game of keepaway with the squirrel Harley recovered and hits Joe with a low blow and starts yelling at the Mafioso. As they retreat up the ramp from the squirrel and Bridgett she's still yelling at them to get back to ringside. Joe recovers and runs up behind Harley and rolls her up. Walter Powell slides into place, 1...2...3! New champion!))


Eddie: We have a new world champion! Faygo Joe not only won the world title, but he broke Harley's undefeated streak! A huge upset as Faygo Joe becomes the new HWC champion!

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner, and NEW HWC world heavyweight champion Faygo Joe!

((Powell hands the title belt to Joe as the rest of the Mafioso rushes back to the ring. Harley is sittting in the middle of the ring with a shocked expression on her face. Joe slides out of the ring and tosses the belt in the wheelbarrow with Bridget and pushes the wheelbarrow up the ramp as the Mafioso is in the ring helping an irate Harley to her feet. She glares at Joe as he reaches the stage and takes the title out of the barrow and holds it over his head and celebrates, jumping around like a maniac.))

Eddie: Faygo Joe has just become the new HWC world champion! How is this going to affect Sudden Death this thursday? Tune in on pay-per-view to find out!

(The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.)