Saturday Night Slaughter
Edmonton, Canada at the Skyreach Centre

((The blue HWC logo fades in and out. It's Going Down by The X-Ecutioners plays while HWC superstars are seen doing verious moves. One Harley hitting Seph over the head with a Shovel. Another one of Tiger landing the reverse bull dog on Ace, then goes on to showing Ace-man standing on a turn buckle with Patriot waving them America flagg. Amy and Chaotica are shown standing over Die Zerstörer's beaten bodies holding the Tag Team belts. Bulldozer grabing someone by the throat and choke slamming them off the turn buckle and out of the ring. Image changes to a flash of Martain Smalls with the rest of The Black List going on to where Enforcer turned and choke slammed Autumn Lewis. Finally a clip of Jericho turning on The Black List and winning the IC belt. It ends with a shot of a blood stained Slaughter ring. The song ends and the sceen fades.))

Standard Match Mystic J. vs Apocalypse

Eddie: We are going to start off the night with two new names to the HWC, Mystic J. and Apocalypse.

Travis: Two loser that won't last very long here.

((D12's Revelation plays over the PA as Mystic J comes out. He stops about six steps from the entrance way and raises balled fists to the air as pyros go off beside him. He continues down to the ring, and gets in, where he hops on the bottom- left turnbuckle and again raises his fists to three more mini-pyros. He music fades as The Touch by Stan Bush kicks up. The lights go out as pyros go off all over the arena. The lights come back on and Apocalypse makes his way to the ring. Mystic J stands ready. Apoc climbs up on the out side of the ring, J runs at him to knock him off but Apoc counters with a big elbow to the face of J. J staggers away giving Apoc a chance to climb in. The two lock up as J throws Apoc to the ropes, J knocks Apoc down by hitting a big boot. J pulls Apoc up but Apoc counst by pulling J into a gorrilla press slam.))

Eddie: Good show of skill there.

Travis: Could this be any more boring?

((J's up puts Apoc in a head lock. Apoc breaks free pushing J to the ropes and hits his own big boot on J. Once down Apoc quickly covers him. 1.. and a kick out. Apoc pulls J up and locks him in a bear hug. J groans in pain trying to get out, the ref goes up to J and asks if he gives up. J refuses and head butts Apoc a few times before he lossens his grip. J pulls away but is grabbed once again by Apoc while J tryed to hit a closeline. Apoc choke slams J and over him again. 1...2 and another kick out. Apoc gets up and climbs out of the ring.))

Eddie: what is he doing?

Travis: I doubt asking for our John Hancock.

((Apoc pushes the bell ring out of his seat and takes his chair. Folding it up he climbs back into the ring. The ref gets in his way and tries to stop him, Apoc pushes him aside. Just as J gets to hisw feet he is met with a chair to the head. He crumbles to the mat and the ref throws the match out.))

Eddie: I think beating J was more on his mind then winning.

Travis: Face it Apoc doesn't have what it takes to win any match so he does what he can.

((Camera cuts to back stage where Harley stands in the long hallway, waiting for someone to respond to her knock. The door opens and there stands Livia, with tears streaming down her face. Harley's expression seems to change as she looks at Livia.))

Livia: (Wiping away tears) What do you want?

Harley: I just came by to say I think it's really unfair what Sephiroth did to you...

Livia: Yeah well you still have your man! Would Johnny ever turn his back on you then start sleeping with another woman?

((Harley shakes her head, and sighs as she begins polishing the title hanging off her shoulder. Harley then leans against the the door and smiles slightly.))

Harley: I would kill Johnny if he did that! But that's not why I'm here! I've come to offer my services to you Livia!

Livia: Your services? You mean get rid of Sephiroth? My Sephiroth?

Harley: Other wise yes! So what do you say?

((She hands Livia a small business card and starts to walk away. Livia grabs her arm making the title slide down Harley's arm.))

Livia: I don't want to hurt Seph! He's my master, my lover, and my friend, but lately he's been ingoring me. Thanks to that little tramp Chloe! And I'll get rid of her myself! I don't any help from a two bit whore like you, that cheated to win her last match! Now leave me alone!

Harley: Fine! But don't come cryin' to me, when your precious master is holdin' Chloe tight and makin' her scream his name! But give me a call when or if you do change your mind!

((Harley slides the title back on her shoulder and walks off down the hall as her laughter is heard.))

Eddie: Looks like Harley still holds a gurge torwards Seph.

Travis: Don't they know seph can't be killed.

Standard Match Danny Starr vs Ace of Spades

((The lights begin to fade and the crowd begins to settle down. Strobe lights begin to flash and red spotlights in the shape of spades start circling the arena. Then a guitar riff is hear, and The Ace Of Spades begins to blast through the arena. The fans erupt. This is the loudest they have been all night. Ace appears on the stage from behind the curtain hanging from the gorilla position. Just the site of him makes the fans pop loudly. The Ace Of Spades struts down to the ring, looking as cool as ever. When he reaches the ring he slides under the bottom rope. Now in the middle of the ring Ace begins to flex, the packed arena pops for him. The music begins to fade out.))

Eddie: Ace seems pumped and ready to go awaginst the new rookie Danny Starr.

Travis: Yawns.... I'm going to go watch pain dry.

((The lights go out and a hushed silence goes over the crowd. Red and blue strobe lights begin to flash and "Bother" by Stone Sour hits the speakers. Red pyros shoot out of the entrance ramp and Danny Starr walks out of the back and down the entrance ramp. Red lights surf the crowd as Starr makes his way to the ring. Once in the ring Starr hits all four corners posing and taunting the crowd to a huge ovation. But before he can finish Ace goes over to him and pulls him from the ring post and slams him on to the mat below.))

Travis: Don't think he was exspecting that.

((Danny gets to his feet and races at Ace to land a running closeline. Ace ducks and kicks Danny in the back sending him to the ropes. Ace gets down while Danny staggers backwards off the ropes, Ace grabs him and does a quick roll up. 1...2...3. Danny kicks Ace off too late and gets up looking confused. The ref raises Ace's hand in victory.))

Travis: WHAT THE HELL!!!

Eddie: Looks like Ace caught Danny by surprise. Guess Danny just wans't ready.

((Once realizing what happened Danny climbs out of the ring and goes under the ring looking for something. Ace climbs up the turn buckle and flexed while the crowds cheer for him, he jumps down as Danny climbs back in the ring with a black bag he holds up in the air. Ace watches in horror as Danny pulls out a big hunk of Limburger cheese.))

Eddie: OH YUK!!

Travis: That's Ace-Man's weakness!?

Eddie: I think that's anyones weakness, just the smell alone.

((Ace turns away as he holds his stomach staggering to the ropes. Danny rushes him and smears the cheese on his face. Ace manages to kick him away and then rolls out of the ring. Danny gets to his feet and follows Ace who is fleeing from the ring.))

TRavis: Where are they going now?

Eddie: At least the smell is gone.

((The camera follows Ace back stage as he climbs into a larg equitment case closing the lid on him. Danny sees the lid close down and goes over to the case with the cheese still in hand. When Danny open the lid Ace pops up covered in deli meat holding a chair above his head. Before Danny and counter the chair is brought down on his head. Danny drops the cheese and staggers back. The Tiger and Obake who have been standing a few feet back the hole time come up to Danny and grabs him in a duel choke slam. Danny lays there out while Ace climbs out ose the case still covered in deil meat. Obake and Tiger and shake their heads at him as all three walk off leaving Danny there. The camera close ups up him and a hand is seen taking the Limburger cheese that was laying on the floor.))

Travis: Well that was weird.

Eddie: I won't think that will be the end of the whole Limburger thing.

Travis: Who took it?

Eddie: Don't know but I doubt they are going to make a sandwich with it. But we have to take a break.

((Camera opens up on a city street. The Tiger waits at a stop light for it to turn green sitting on her V-Rod, when a nerdy looking guy pulls up check to her on a scooter bike.)

Nerd: Wanna race?

The Tiger: You call that a bike! Come with me boy!

(Tiger grabs him and pulls him off the scooter, she drapes his body over the small back seat. The light turns green and she pulls off. Camera cuts opening up on a Harley Davidson shop as Tiger drags him threw the door. Once inside Tiger throws him to the floor as two big biker looking clerks watch.)

The Tiger: Total make over boys.

(The clerks leap over the counter and grabs off the nerd screaming.)

The Tiger: The only bike worth riding is a Harley Davidson. Remember that....... cause next time I won't be so nice about it!

(Camera cuts to out side the shop the clerks and the now biker dressed nerd wave to Tiger as she rides off into the sun set.))

((The camera fades in from black to the outside of the recently blown-up warehouse, where night has fallen. Police tape is surrounding the scene as fire fighters are on stand-by incase of reoccurrence. Reporters begin to cover fill the parking lot and surround a podium that is carted in front of the area. The police chief walks up to the podium and signals that it is time to begin. As he waits for the crowd to quiet a man wearing a trench coat walks onto the screen, standing behind the reporters.))

Police Chief: This morning at approximately nine fifteen a large amount of C-4 was set off that exploded this abandoned warehouse. Before that incident occurred a scream was reported coming from the building and a man entering. This man was said to be Patriot, a wrestling super star, he never exited the building before the explosion.

((The group begins to grow louder, the chief raising his hands to calm them then continuing.))

Police Chief: No body was found in the building, only pieces from a Ford F-150 pick-up and burnt pieces of an American Flag. This pick-up and the pieces of the flag are presumed to be part of the American-Mobile and Patriot's outfit. I repeat again, no body was found; we do though think that his body could have been disintegrated if he was next to the C-4 when it exploded. I have no time for questions, thank you and have a nice day.

((The reporters begin to shout questions as the chief walks away from the podium and back into the crime scene. The man wearing the trench coat begins to snicker as he walks away from the area. As the man walks into a back ally he lowers the trench coat collar reviling the true identity, Dictator. The Dictator begins to rub his hands together and laugh evilly as he continues down the ally.))

Dictator: Finally I have rid the word of that sorry son-of-a-bitch Patriot! He will never be able to stop me from taking over this sorry country!

((Dictator reaches the end of the ally and throws the collar up again walking into the street. A little girl is running down with a balloon in hand and as he reaches the street she knocks into him, falling to the ground. Dictator continues on without flinching, the girl drops the balloon and begins to cry. She then jumps up and grabs Dictators coat.))

Girl: Why did you do that, my balloon!

((Dictator turns towards the girl and grabs her by her shirt lifter her off the ground. He draws back his fist when suddenly a spotlight shoots down and blinds him, causing him to drop the girl. As the girl runs away the camera turns towards the source of the light. Patriot, whose suit is torn from the explosion, stands next to it with the dog from inside the building next to him. ))

Patriot: Leave that girl alone!

Dictator: But but how!!

Patriot: America never loses my friend, America never dies! I will show you that and get Miss America back all in one time!

((Patriot jumps down from the building tackling Dictator, and beginning to pound him. As the two rise from the ground Patriot hit's the big boot and stands over him. Patriot then kicks Dictator in the head and begins to question him.))

Patriot: Where is Miss America where is she!

Dictator: I will never tell never!

((The dog suddenly jumps down and grabs Dictators arm, shaking his head back and forth. Dictator begins to scream for help saying he will tell. Patriot tells the dog to back off.))

Patriot: Well where is Miss America!

Dictator: She is in that van over there, just get him away from me.

((Patriot looks towards the other side of the street and then back at Dictator. Patriot reaches into his belt and pulls out a rope, wrapping Dictator up. He then presses his American flag belt buckle and runs towards the van, ripping the back door off. Miss America is tied to the side, mouth gagged. Patriot unties her and pulls her out, grasping her in a hug. ))

Miss America: Thank you so much, I thought he had me forever. When he said he was going to use those explosives I was so scared.

Patriot: It is alright now, he is going to jail and you are coming with me.

((The police begin to pour into the street, Patriot presses the button on his belt again. The dog then walks over to the two and sits next to Patriot. ))

Miss America: Who is this?

Patriot: This is our new friend. Dictator put him in a bag so I would think it was you in there.

Miss America: What is his name?

Patriot: He doesn't have one yet, I will let you pick it.

Miss America: How about Thor, strong and proud!

Patriot: That sound good to me, now lets go home.

(( As Patriot, Miss America, and Thor begin to walk down the street the police throw Dictator into the back of a police car. The National Anthem plays as the camera fades to black.))

No DQ The Enforcer vs Rancid

Eddie: Next up we got Rancid taking on Enforcer.

Travis: No chance in hell does he got to win this.

Eddie: Seems to me Rancid is trying to settle an old score for The Sickness.

((Scene cuts back to the ring, where Rancid is already awaiting the arrival of his opponent as "Byte Block" by Fear Factory blares on the PA.))

Jean Fortello: The following is a no disqualification match, scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, from parts unknown, weighing 230 pounds, he is a member of the Sickness, Rancid!

Eddie: Well, a mixed reaction for the biggest member of the Sickness!

Travis: Heh heh said "biggest member!" Heh heh heh heh!

Eddie: (sighing) I swear, you could make a joke out of a train wreck!

Travis: Well, sure! I mean, if you think about it, a train wreck is pretty damn funny! Just imagine, all those people staggering around looking for missing body parts!

Eddie: That confirms're sick!

(("Byte Block" fades out, and is replaced a moment later with "Click Click Boom", and the crowd immediately boos. Enforcer steps out, glaring first at the fans, then at the waiting Rancid. He seems oblivious to the jeers of the fans as he makes his way to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, from New York City, weighing in at 300 pounds, a member of the Black List, The Enforcer!

Eddie: Put the kids to bed folks, this one isn't going to be pretty!

Travis: Just look at the looks these guys are giving each other! Those stares could cut through a bank vault! I love it!

Eddie: enforcer in the ring now...uh oh, the two big men are nose to nose...this is going to get ugly folks...the referee calls for the bell, and the match is officially underway as the staredown continues!

((Rancid & Enforcer are still nose-to-nose in the center of the ring. Enforcer moves first, unleashing a massive right hand. Rancid is knocked back a step, but appears otherwise unhurt. He steps back up to Enforcer and unloads with a right hand of his own, but Enforcer holds his ground and lets another right hand fly. Rancid responds in kind, and the two big men are slugging it out in the center of the ring.))

Eddie: Wow, what a toe-to-toe slugfest we have here! Who's going to give in first?!

Travis: I don't know and I don't care! This is great!

Eddie: Both men with lefts and right, one after another...Enforcer staggered! Rancid grabs him and whips him to the ropes...gorilla press....and drops Enforcer over his knee!

Travis: Spare ribs, anyone? (chuckles)

((Rancid drops Enforcer to the mat. Enforcer gets up to one knee, with a hand to his ribs. Rancid grabs Enforcer by the throat and hauls him to his feet, looking to attempt a chokeslam, but Enforcer slaps the hand away and jabs a quick thumb to Rancid's eye. Rancid's hand goes to his face, and Enforcer grabs his free arm. He whips Rancid to the ropes, catches him, and delivers a thunderous spinebuster! He goes for a quick cover, but Rancid easily kicks out at 2. Enforcer hauls Rancid to his feet again, scoops him up and nails a hard fallaway slam. Rancid rolls to the ropes, and Enforcer kicks him repeatedly in the ribs until Rancid rolls out to the floor.))

Travis: I guess he's really feeling down with the sickness right about now! (chuckles)

Eddie: If I were you, I'd watch it with those comments. The Sickness, and Amy in particular, don't exactly like you!

Travis: Amy? Hah! She's busy eating Hans Kuhmann's Shnitengruber!

Eddie: (Shaking his head) I don't know why I bother anymore...Rancid is pulling himself to his feet, and Enforcer is going to the outside for a little extra added insurance!

Travis: What's he going after.....ohh yeah, he's got a singapore cane! Now it gets interesting! And the ref can't do anything about it!

((Rancid is rolling in under the bottom rope as Enforcer climbs back in with his singapore cane. Rancid seems to be shielding something from the view of Enforcer, who walks up on Rancid, twirling the cane. Just as Enforcer goes to nail Rancid, Rancid's hand suddenly shoots out, unleashing a cloud of white powder into Enforcer's face!))

Eddie: Rancid was ready with a little surprise for Enforcer!

Travis: I guess Enforcer's taking a powder whether he wants to or not!

Eddie: Travis, that was so lame!

Travis: Well, you would know, you're the authority on lameness around here!

Eddie: One of these days, Travis, so help me!

Travis: Help you what?

Eddie: Never mind...Enforcer swinging wildly with the cane....he doesn't even know Rancid is behind him....Rancid grabs Enforcer.....German suplex......and another.....and a third! He's bridging into a pin...1....2....Enforcer just got the shoulder up in time....wait a minute, here comes Draven Masters! And he's got a chair!

Travis: Oh yeah! Beat down time, Black List style!

((Draven slides into the ring with his chair. the referee tries to intervene and gets shoved to the mat for his troubles. Rancid turns just in time to take a vile chair shot to the head. Rancid crumples as Enforcer gets to his feet. The two proceed to put the boots to Rancid.))

Eddie: Well, I can't say this surprises me in the least, but that doesn't make it right!

Travis: Hey, it's a no DQ match! As you like to say, it's as legal as a top wristlock!

Eddie: But it's not fair....wait a minute, here comes somebody from the back...IT'S KIDD ROCK!!!!

Travis: Oh no, not him!

((Kidd hits the ring with a chair of his own. Enforcer sees him and points him out to Draven who starts to turn, but not before Kidd lays a chair shot to Draven's back. Enforcer bails out, narrowly avoiding Kidd's chair. Kidd turns and takes another swing at Draven, who ducks out just barely in time. The referee, back on his feet, is calling for the bell.))

Eddie: It looks like the referee is throwing this one out!

Travis: He can't do that! This is a no DQ match!

Eddie: Well, he just did!

Travis: talk about not fair!

((Kidd stands at the ropes, chair in hand, glaring at the two BL members, who glare back, running their mouths at Kidd. Kidd motions them to come back to the ring, but they just keep walking backwards up the ramp, talking trash at Kidd.))

((Rancid starts to stir and awaken from the chairshot. Letting a roar of anger and ferality, Rancid stands. He grabs the first person he sees, the ref...LIBERATE THE MADNESS! Rancid screams in primal fury and rolls from the ring, screaming something about 'Liberating all of you freaks'...then heads backstage. The camera follows him as he storms backstage, right by The Sickness' locker room. Poking her head out, Kimber spots Rancid and her face pales. Hunter looks over Kimber and her face pales as well. The two of them bolt from the door, chasing after Rancid. Kimber's face is a ghost white, her eyes widened. She drops the two tag title belts as she goes, running away. Charity is left behind as David Tanjic comes running up.))

David: Charity! What the hell is going on!

((Charity looks panic-stricken))

Charity: Rancid...he's loose...Amy just quit the Sickness...Chaotica...she just dropped the tag titles....oh my god...

((Charity bolts away, headed after them as David turns to face the camera))

David: it looks like the Sickness is imploding! Amy has separated from the Sickness, and the tag titles are vacant. Back to you Eddie.

Eddie: Looks like madness has struck them all. With The Sickness gone does this mean The Black List has more power to run wild with?

Travis: Of course it does, and I've told you this before.

Eddie: I can't help but woulder if Amy left cause of Hans and if she's going to join The Black List?

Travis: Put your brain to rest it time for comercails.

((A commercial for HWC HardWear comes on. It shows the new HWC video game. HWC Slaughter. We see video images of Obake and Sepheroth Du Lac fighting. It pans back to show the real Obake and Seph playing the game! On screen Obake hits the jackhammer and then Seph and Obake turn to each other and growl. Then Seph grins.)

Seph: Rematch?

Obake: OK, but this time a hardcore match!

Announcer: Always wanted to wrestle like an HWC superstar? Now you can...HWC Slaughter. Now for the Playstation 2, XBOX and Nintendo Game Cube. Available wherever video games are sold or call 1-800-HardWear to order!

(Obake's entrance music can be heard on the game as the commercial fades out.))

Eddie: Folks this is what happened back stage durning break.

((Camera opens up back stage with the words "Moment's ago" at the bottom left hand side of the screen. A fight has broken out back stage between The Black List and The Reinforcements. Kidd is beat beating away on Enforcer, Tiger and Draven are going blow for blow, Hans has Ace in a head lock as Flagg takes a swing at him with a chair missing and is taken down by a tackle by Klaus. Obake comes running ing to break up the fight, he manages to divid the them till Smalls comes walking up, followed by Harley. The two stables try to rush each other but Obake continues to stand in the way. Smalls pushes Obake away from his men.))

Smalls: What the hell is going on here!

Obake: Just evening the odds!

Smalls: No.... HEY! You don't touch my guys. I will have you removed from this building!

Obake: Try It!

Smalls: You know I am SICK of you Autumn warshipers thinking you can go threw here and do wh ever you want. You know what? I'm going to end this fight once and for all! At Sudden Death it's going to be The Black List vs The Reinforcements.!

The Tiger: Finally a peice of revenge on Harley.

Smalls: You would like that Tiger, wouldn't you! Miss "Free Agent".... "The Force!" Well it's not going to happen. As far as I'm consered you will never get a shot at Harley let alone the World title.

Obake: You can't do that!

Smalls: Oh no!? I already signed and booked Harley for two matches for next weeks Slaughter and for Sudden Death. Both Title matches. And they aren't against Amy, or Seph, or that mental case there....

Obake: WATCH IT!

Smalls: As far as I'm consered this discussion is over! Not get out of my site..... ALL OF YOU!

((Obake stares down Smalls while everyone elseturns and leaves, some getting ready for matches. Obake growls and finally turns away. Harley is the only one that stays by Smalls side till Smalls reaches out and grabs Kidd's arm. Kidd pulls it away and sneers at Smalls.))

Smalls: I'm not done with you! Sense you so longing to get in the ring with Enforce, you go your wish.

Kidd: Great! Fine by me.

Smalls: Next Slaughter you vs Enforcer...... in a Singapore cane Lumber Jack match.

Kidd: Like I said.... Fine By Me!

((Kidd turns and walks off, Smalls watches him and chuckles. Harley turns to him with a look of confuse on her face.))

Harley: Why you do that. I can take them, let me be in the stable match. You won't regret it.

Smalls: Oh I know but I'm not giving them the joy to get one hit on you. All I need you to do is sit back and hold onto that belt.

Eddie: Who does Smalls have facing against Harley?

Travis: Don't know but no one that can beat her thats for sure. Man I can't wait, The Black List vs The Reinforcements.

Eddie: And Harley will be defending her belt against someone Smalls has hand picked out. It all goes at Sudden Death persented by Mountain Dew. Thrusday the 31st, Halloween night from the Staples Center.

Travis: It's going to be great!

Eddie: We got Amy taking on "The Genius" Wendell right now.

Travis: Oh yes Amy, I love watching her in action

Standard Match Amy Jensen vs The Genius

(("Outsmarted" hits as "The Genius" Wendell Graham Bell walks out slowly from behind the curtain, donning a white lab coat for the entrance. Green, the color of intelligence, randomly fills the arena. He holds his head high in defiance of the average wrestling fan, occasionally stopping to prove his intelligence to a fan using an abacus.))

Eddie: This match will prove to be high risk and very dangerous...if you're Genius, that is.

Travis: He's a retard! my Amy is gonna kick his ever loving ass!

((Suddenly 'Brackish' by Kittie starts and Amy Jensen comes creeping out of the curtain, mock-tiptoeing. As the the guitar pounds, Amy starts to headbang in time with the tunes, slapping fans with the fans. She then points at Wendell and starts to run down the ramp, sliding in. She gets right in his face as the bell sounds. Her words, although quiet due to the roar of the audience, are clearly foulmouthed and threatening. Wendell takes a step back and holds up his hands, as if to try and talk Amy out of the match.))

Eddie: What is the Genius doing? Is he trying to balk out of his match?

Travis: I don't doubt it. Amy's gunning for him...

((Amy tilts her head, still talking trash. She takes a step back. Wendell leaps to his feet and dropkicks her suddenly, sending Amy out of the ring. He laughs and throws his hands up, posing, yelling something about 'OUTSMARTED'. Amy lands on her ass outside the ring, and stares up. Her eyes are seething daggers as she stands. She jogs back towards the ring, then leaps up on the ringside. She then leapfrogs onto the ropes, and sends herself catapuling at Wendell in a massive legdrop which flattens Wendell. Amy rolls through and starts delivering hard lefts and rights to Wendell's face, as she snarls. Her voice can be heard.))


((The ref comes over and forces Amy to break the attack, counting and motioning for her to get off. With a scowl, Amy does. She stands back, waiting for Wendell to rise to his feet. Wendell slowly rises to his feet, shrugging off his labcoat. They then lock it up in a collar and elbow tie-up..Wendell easily pushes Amy off to the mat. Amy bounces on her ass then gets up. She then heads back over, and locks up again! Wendell goes to push her off, but Amy brings her left foot up, and kicks Wendell square in the balls! Wendell's eyes go wide and he drops to his knees, grabbing himself. Amy executes a standing dropkick to Wendell's face, flattening him))

Eddie: So far Amy's outsmarting Genius here. She tricked him into a lock up then delivered the Great Equalizer..

Travis: Man I hope she -never- does that to me....yowtch....

((Amy stands over him, waiting for him to get up. When Wendell stands, Amy assists by lifting him to his feet. She irish whips him into the ropes..Wendell comes back and shoulderblocks her to the floor. He bounces off the far ropes..Amy flips to her feet then quickly executes the chinese splits, poising her head on her knee so she isn't ran over.Wendell goes over her..Amy spins to her feet..Amy delivers a stunning dropkick to Wendell, staggering him back into the ropes!! Amy moves forward and delivers a kick to Wendell's ribs, then irish whips him again. He reverses it, sending Amy into the ropes. Coming back, Wendell executes a textbook swinging neckbreaker! Amy lays there on the mat, wincing and grabbing her neck. Wendell lifts her to her feet and positions her..Stalling piledriver! He lets Amy's body flop to the mat. Amy spasms a bit then curls up, grabbing her head.))

Eddie: Looks like Genius is coming back! After a amazing show of gymnastic prowess by the Hellcat, Genius quickly slowed the pace down. And that's what he's gotta do here. Slow her down.

Travis: She can go as fast as she wants with me in bed...heh...yeah...

Eddie: Travis. This is a wrestling match. Not a strip club. Stay with me.

((Wendell lans down and applies a arm-bar submission...Amy cries out in pain. The ref leans down, asking Amy if she wants to submit..Shaking her head, Amy starts to move a bit, angling for support. Wendell slaps the move on tighter, and Amy screams a bit. With her free hand, Amy reaches around and drills Wendell right between the eyes, cracking his glasses in half! Wendell breaks the hold and reaches up to his face in pain. Amy rolls away, holding her shoulder. The ref is right there by Amy, asking if she wants to quit. Amy shakes her head and quickly moves forward as Wendell stands. She leaps up on his shoulders and delivers a perfect frankensteiner! Wendell's head hits the mat and he flops over, laying there))

Eddie: Amy just drilled Wendell's head into the mat with a frankensteiner!

Travis: Genius! You're supposed to OUTSMART HER, not get hurt by her!

((Amy starts delivering kicks to Wendell's head and ribs, purposely being stiff. She then straddles his chest and starts to pound on his face with her left hand. The spike bracelet on her left wrist slides down and she grabs it, the spikes placed over her fist perfectly. She goes to swing again but her hand is caught by the ref! Pulling Amy off him, he quickly confiscates the bracelet! Amy yells in his face but the ref doesn't back down. Suddenly Amy falls back..SMALL PACKAGE!..1...2...Amy kicks out and Wendell slaps the mat in frustration. He flips her over and locks in a half boston-crab! Amy screams in pain. the ref is down there, asking Amy if she wants to submit. Amy shakes her head and starts to wiggle to the ropes as much as she can.))

Eddie: Wendell's got it locked in! Amy might be forced to submit here!

Travis: Wendell! Don't damage the goods! I need her tonight!!

((Wendell uses his strength and barrels Amy to the center of the ring! Amy wriggles a bit and suddenly Wendell finds himself holding only Amy's left boot and her pants! Amy slips out, revealing her black thong! Amy taps him on the shoulder and Wendell turns, knowing it's gonna happen. As soon as he turns, CRACK! Amy lets fly with a fist directly to his nose, busting him open!))

Eddie: (laughing) Oh my god..that was the most...innovative way way to get out of a finisher...Travis...are you okay over there?

((Travis's eyes are just rolled back in his head and he is smiling deliriously. Amy quickly grabs her pants and slides them back on, along with her boot as Wendell stumbles around, grabbing his nose. She then dropkicks him from behind, knocking him onto the ropes! Wendell hangs there..Amy starts motioning as she reaches in her pocket...she pulls 6 spikes from her pocket! She quickly screws them in..the ref goes to stop her...Amy runs...619 WITH SPIKES TO WENDELL!!!!! Wendell's face opens up and bleeds freely! The ref just kinda stares, knowing that DQ'ing Amy is useless, and she'll just keep going anyways. Amy poses for the crowd to a huge pop mostly from the guys. Amy starts delivering kicks to Wendell's back, screaming for him to get up. Wendell staggers from the ropes, turning around. Out of instinct, he quickly clotheslines her, flattening Amy. Amy lays there, grabbing her head again. Wendell's face is a mask of blood))

Eddie: Amy has opened Wendell up! It looks like this match is slowly starting to sway towards Amy!

Travis: More legs please....uhh....yeah....

((Wendell lifts Amy up and irish whips her into the corner. As Amy runs, she takes two steps up, landing on the top turnbuckle. She then throws herself back and nails a perfect corkscrew moonsault! But instead of flattening him, Amy lands on his shoulders. She then quickly turns it into a hurricanrana, throwing him into the turnbuckle she had just been at! Wendell lays there upside down on the turnbuckle, grabbing his head in dizziness. Amy yells out at the crowd then grabs Wendell's hair, pulling him down. With a lot of trying, Amy hoists him to where he is sitting on the top turnbuckle. She then hooks him...SPINESHANK FROM THE TURNBUCKLE! Wendell screams and falls, laying there. Amy then goes outside, and grabs his abacus. Sliding back in, she smashes the abacus across his face, then lays it on his chest. She then leaps onto the turnbuckle then throws her arms wide))


Travis: WENDELL! MOVE!!!!!!!!

((Amy leaps off the top turnbuckle and executes a perfect Swanton Bomb, then goes for the cover...1....2....3! Amy wins the match! Amy rolls from the ring as 'Brackish' plays over the PA. Hans Kuhmann comes down to the ring and Amy leaps into his arms. They hug as they walk back to the backstage. Hans lifts her up, holding her as they disappear.))

Travis: Bet Wendell is feeling smarter now.

Eddie: Amy is a great wrestler, but I think she has alot on anger inside to bloodly up a man like this.

Travis: Sense when did you become a head shinker?

Eddie: When you became a nice person to work with.

((Camera cuts to where Amy half walks/half runs through the backstage area of the arena. Her makeup is running down her eyes, and she is sweating like hell from her previous match with Wendell. She looks like she's been through hell. her eyes dart back and forth. Evidently, her tag team title belt is missing. Jeff walks out of his locker room and sees Amy down the hall. Even from a distance he can tell she's distraught about something. He's dressed for his match with Johnny Rave, but he takes a moment to jog after her.))

Jeff: Amy!

((She keeps running, either she didn't hear him or she's ignoring him. He jogs after her and catches up to her.))

Jeff: AMY!

((She whips around and about jumps when she sees who it is. He can see the redness from the crying in her eyes, and the anger that will eventually seethe forth once she's calmed down. She practically throws herself in his arms, burying her head in his chest.He pulls her close as she breaks down sobbing heavily, he hugs her tightly.))

Jeff: What's wrong kiddo?

((she speaks so quickly that it's a blur almost))

Amy: IlefttheSicknessNowImallbutalone...

((she just wraps her arms around him and holds onto him, almost like a torn lover would her other. Her hands rest on the small of his back.))

Jeff: Whoah, slow down. You left the Sickness? Why?

((He leans her back a bit and tilts her head up wiping away her tears.))

Jeff: What's going on?

Amy: I can't do it anymore. I can't take the pressure..the stress....I chose Hans over them....

((A bit of black mascara comes away with the tear streaks. She gulps in air as she starts to calm down. Realzing she can't go back to the Sickness locker room he walks her back towards his.))

Jeff: You did what you felt was right. I'm not going to judge you, you know that, but I will tell you this much. You're never alone, as long as I'm around, no matter what happens you will never be alone.

((He grabs a crew member walking by.))

Jeff: Do me a favor. Go to the Sickness locker room and get her equipment and take it to mine. Do it now.

Crewmember: Yes sir.

((Amy looks up at him.))

Amy: You don't have to do this.

Jeff: I know, I want to.

((She nods as she runs a hand through her hair. She then blinks once and speaks softly.))

Amy: Thanks...I just don't want to be a intrusion.

Jeff: You're not an intrusion. You're my sister.

((They reach his locker room and he opens the door as the crewmember comes back with Amy's bag. Jeff takes the bag and ushers Amy into his locker room.)

Jeff: I gotta go get ready for my match, but when I get back we'll talk, okay?

((She nods and goes in..))

Amy: Mind if I borrow the shower? I really stink like ass.

((For the first time he is able to see what she is wearing: A very small tanktop which plasters to her like a second skin and a pair of baggy blue jeans with her AD 1's. He stares at her for a moment longer than he should, then he turns and grabs his tape and starts taping up his wrists.))

Jeff: Go ahead, mi casa es su casa. Or locker room as the case may be.

((He looks up at her and smiles, still taping up his wrists. She laughs and drags her bag with her over to the shower, disappearing inside. A bit later, the sounds of dropping clothes and the water activating is heard, and then there is silence, save for the water moving around and muttered words quietly. Jeff finsishes taping up his wrists and walks over to the shower without looking in.))

Jeff: I gotta go get ready for my match kiddo. You gonna be okay?

((She calls out, her voice masked by water and soaking wet hair in her face))

Amy: I think so...unless I drown from some guy comin' in here....

((She snickers a bit as she cleans and Jeff chuckles to himself. He shakes his head and leaves the locker room to go get ready for his match, leaving Amy alone in the shower with her thoughts.))

Travis: That's where every man wants to be.

Eddie: In Jeff's locker room?

Travis: No! In the shower with Amy.

2 Out of 3 Falls Match Jeff Wylde vs Hollywood Johnny Rave

((The lights fade slightly as the opening starins of 'The Beautiful People' play. White strobes swing towards the entrance as the guitar kicks in. An explosion of pyro erupts all the way down the aisle and 'Hollywood' Johnny Rave strides to the ring. He climbs in and throws his hands up as anothe explosion of pyro hits. He awaits Jeff Wylde))

Eddie: Well so far Rave's all but been silent. No one's seen him at the hotel, he's missed all of his press events and everything. Travis: He's probably been sick. Cut the man a break. He's a vet!

((Suddenly 'Reckoning Day' by Megadeth hits and Jeff walks out onto the stage and pauses at the top of the ramp and raises both arms, and looks from side to side before lowering his arms and heading to the ring.))

Eddie: Now Jeff's become one of our most prominent stars! He's found himself swirled in with HWC hellcat Amy Jensen and the relationship she has with Hans Kuhmann! Jeff's been like a big brother to her, but a lot of people think it goes further, Travis! Travis: No! Not my Amy!!! Goddamnit!!!

((The ref signals for the bell and the match is underway. Rave initates it with a collar and elbow tie up. The both of them strain and buck for position, jockeying. Finding that they are at a standstill, they break the hold. Jeff shakes his hands out then they lock it up again..Rave reverses, moving behind Jeff and hits a textbook release german suplex. Jeff hits and rolls to his feet, shaking his head. Rave moves forward to lock it up, but Jeff kicks him in the gut and hooks him for a vertical suplex, but Rave blocks it..Rave hits a snap suplex))

Eddie: Jeff and Rave, looking solid so far. This is perfect textbook wrestling!

Travis: Too bad Jeff's 'sister' can't emulate that, instead of other things. But she can emulate with me in bed...

((Rave starts to stomp on Jeff, who rolls around. Rave delivers one last kick to Jeff before posing to the crowd. What he doesnt see, however is that Jeff's gotten back up and is standing there. Rave turns around and is met with a hand to the throat..Jeff picks him up...CHOKESLAM! Rave lays there, dazed and not expecting it. Jeff starts to deliver his own boots to Rave's face and chest, stomping a mudhole in Rave.))

Eddie: Rave did it..he woke up a dragon...

Travis: Pft. Rave's gonna float through and kick his ass.

((Jeff picks Rave up by the hair and whips him into the ropes..Rave bounces off and Jeff kicks him in the gut..WYLDE NIGHT!!!! Rave's body bounces off the mat and he lays there, dazed. Jeff snarls and grabs him, picking him up..Jeff positions him..THE WYLDE RIDE!!! Jeff goes for the cover....1....2....3...Jeff wins it! The crowd roars as Jeff's hand is raised in victory and 'Reckoning Day' blares over the PA system.))

Eddie: Rave got his ass handed to him today, folks! Jeff Wylde with his first official HWC victory here!

Travis: Bah! Where's Amy...I'm gonna go ask her out.

Eddie: You do that while we take a break so you don't embarress your self on tv.

((A kid walks down a dark neiborhood street when he sees a sign for a scary haunted house. He walks up to the house and inside, the door squeeks when it opens.)

Kid: hello?

(He walks threw the house and heads up stairs. As he walks down a hall with many doors that lead to rooms, he hears screams of horror and dark laughs. One by one he opens each door he passes. In side he finds a HWC wrestler dressed in a lame Halloween costum. The first as Seph and Soth dressed as typical looking vampires.)

Kid: Weak...

(The next room has Smalls dressed like a rat. Another room has Dozer dressed as a ghost with the white sheet covering him as he makes ghostly sounds.)

Kid: Lame...

(After a going threw a few more rooms he comes to one that is empty. The kid looks inside as Obake dressed as Frankinstein steps up from behind and roars. The kid turns aroudn and looks at him.)

Kid: You call that scary?

Obake: Oh no?! Try this!

(Obake opens the door behind him and the kid screams running out. Obake laughs as the scene cuts to the Sudden Death logo showing superstars wrestling in the back ground.)

Announcer: Sudden Death Oct. 31 live from the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

(Camera cuts back to the house where Obake is standing in the door way laughing. He steps aside showing Ace-Man wearing only his mask and a bikini.)

Ace-Man: Hey does this make me look fat?))

((The lights flicker then go out, only to come back on to reveal a shrouded face on the HWC-Tron. A voice echoes throughout the arena, sending chills down everyone's spines. It's eerily familiar, but at the same time it's not.))

Voice: "The time has come for the HWC to know fear. I will NOT be forgotten. My time is now... And I will make sure the HWC knows it!"

((Faint murmurs can be heard in the background and two beautiful women are exposed to the crowd. They don't know this, but those two women are Renee and Melissa DeLioncourt, Jericho's mother and sister. They're both dressed in black, holding bouquets of yellow roses. Behind them is the most well-known of Jericho's female associates, Natassja Ericksen. She's weeping softly into a handkerchief, carrying a bouquet of red roses. Behind them all comes his twin brother Jarred, dyed hair and all. The dark brown hair is a good look for him... On his arm is his rekindled love Sarah. They stand in the ring, heads bowed, while sonorous music plays in the background.))

Jarred: "Thank you, Jericho. You showed us you can have honor even as a Mobster. Never once did you raise your voice against an opponent unless they deserved it. Never once did you raise a hand against another unless it was in retaliation. Never once did you fire a gun in anger. Your beliefs did not permit gunfire."

((Jarred steps back and Renee takes his place. There are tears in her eyes and she has to compose herself before she speaks.))

Renee: "No matter what you did, you always thought of others first. I'm proud to have called you my son. Thank you."

((She steps back and Melissa takes her place. Sarah is whispering quietly to Jarred, making sure he's facing the right way. Something isn't right about the way he's standing...))

Melissa: "I didn't get to know you very well in the last few weeks, but... You and Jarred were the best brothers a person could have."

((She steps back and hands the microphone to Natassja. Natassja hugs her tightly, then stands tall in the ring.))

Natassja: "Jericho was the first man I met over here that was actually nice to me. He took the time to care while others did not. We met at my job in a diner. He sat with me when I felt so alone. What started as friendship soon blossomed into something more. We fell in love and were going to start a family..."

((Her face contorts in anger and hatred for what was lost. Her voice echoes and lashes out with her next words.))

Natassja: "But the Enforcer took that away from us. He had his Black List attack him from behind! He held me back while his goons beat him for having the guts to walk away from them! He ruined our lives!"

((Sarah reaches forward and tugs Natassja back from the spotlight. She turns and cries on her shoulder while Jarred assumes the place of honor once again.))

Jarred: "So to you, Jericho, we say this... Goodbye and God bless you."

((They stand there in the ring, heads bowed while the HWC-Tron lights up with a still shot of Jericho holding the Intercontinental Title above his head. That shot soon shifts to one of Jericho holding the bag containing $50,000 in it with Deliano behind him. Another still shot comes up, this one of Jericho standing over the fallen Enforcer. That one garners several cheers from the crowd. For the most part, however, they're silent. Pockets of watchers are sobbing openly, mourning the loss of such a brilliant young man. The final shot anyone sees on the HWC-Tron before the lights go out again is a shot of Jericho and Jarred standing in the ring together after his debut. Soft cheers echo in the arena long after the image fades from sight.))

Travis: One less no talent on the roster

Eddie: Have Some Respect For The Dead!

Hardcore Match Hans Kuhmann vs The Tiger

Travis: Well now we got a hardcore match. Hans Kuhmann taking on the Tiger. This oughtta be good. Hans'll kill her.

Eddie: Don't be so sure, after all she is the former world champion and the Hardcore Icon.

Travis: Whatever.

(("Walk Among Us" by the Misfits starts to play and Hans walks out. Before he even gets to the edge of the ramp the Tiger comes charging out from behind in her specially made #23 Oilers hockey jersey, helmet and hockey stick. She's taken the time to write "Hardcore Icon" on it in red magic marker. She lowers her head and rams her shoulder into Han's back, spearing him from behind.))

Travis: And the Tiger attacking from behind before the bell! That's cheating!

Eddie: It's a hardcore match you goofball, there's no rules remember? No countout, no DQ, falls count anywhere.

Travis: Well then Hans can do that too.

Eddie: If Tiger doesn't kill him first.

((Tiger rolls Hans over onto his back and start nailing him with punches, but he reaches up and pushes her off of him. She reaches back and grabs the hockey stick and as Hans stands up she jams it into his gut. He falls backwards and goes tumbling down the ramp. Tiger charges down after him and spears him again this time into the edge of the ring. She then brings the stick down over his back.))

Eddie: What a shot by the Hardcore Icon. She's taking Hans apart! There's another shot!

Travis: And look at the welts on Hans' back. If she's not careful she's gonna break that stick over his back!

((Tiger tosses Hans into the ring and rolls in after him grabbing the hockey stick. Hans has gotten back to his feet, but Tiger scoops his feet out from under him and starts jamming the stick into his ribs. Even through the helmet you can see her teeth are gritted in concentration. Hans swings a foot out and catches Tiger in the knee and she staggers backwards. Hans gets to his feet and starts to pummel her in the stomach and chest since her head is covered by the helmet.))

Eddie: Tiger's got her head protected by that helmet, Hans can't hit her in the head!

Travis: She's such a coward. Then again, hitting her in the head might re-trigger that mental case that she once was!

((Hans shoves her back into the corner and picks up the stick that Tiger dropped and sends her across the ring. She staggers back out and he clotheslines her with the stick. However the helmet goes low enough to protect her so the stick crashes across the face mask of the helmet. Tiger goes down nonetheless. Hans then returns the favor and starts ramming the stick into her guts shouting in German at her.))

Eddie: What is he saying?

Travis: I can't say it on the air, just be glad it's in German.

Eddie: Like you understand German!

Travis: (Says something in fake German)

((Hans grabs the face mask of Tiger and pulls her up and takes her over with a German suplex. The helmet protects her head but her body absorbs the shock of the blow. Hans kicks her in the ribs as she gets up. He grabs the stick and pulls up the back of her jersey and starts wailing away on her back. Screaming in German with each blow of the stick across her back.))

Travis: Hans returning the favor with those blows to the back of Tiger.

Eddie: This match is going to give new meaning to high sticking.

((Tiger hits Hans with a low blow. He drops the stick and staggers back. She pulls her shirt back down much to the chagrin of Travis. Tiger unloads with two solid rights to his skull before headbutting him with the helmet. Hans staggers but doesn't fall and she nails him again. Hans falls and blood can be seen trickling from his forehead.))

Eddie: Tiger has drawn first blood! Hans has been busted open.

((Hans staggers to his feet looking dazed. Tiger gets the stick again and swings at him but Hans drops and rolls out of the ring. She hits the turnbuckle instead. Hans ducks under the ring and pulls out a garbage can, throws it in the ring and Tiger sees it and smacks it down with the stick denting it. Hans again ducks under the ring and then comes out the other side having crawled under the ring and this time he's armed with a 2X4. Tiger is looking for him on the other side of the ring before Hans brings the board down over her back.))

Eddie: And now Hans has a weapon of his own!

Travis: Yeah, beat her with it Hans, beat her down!

((Hans does just that slamming Tiger down to the mat before ripping the helmet off of her. He raises it over his head and drives it into her back. Tiger screams in pain as the helmet crashes into her spine. Hans pulls her to her feet and whips her off the ropes and tries to nail her with the helmet but Tiger ducks and comes off the other side with a flying clothesline! The helmet goes flying from Hans' hands and bounces out of the ring as Tiger picks Hans up but he gouges her in the eye. She backs to the ropes and Hans hits a running clothesline sending both of them over the top rope. He picks up the helmet again and bashes her in the head with it, drawing blood and he hits her again with it.))

Travis: Yes! Blood!

Eddie: You didn't get that excited when she busted Hans open.

Travis: That was different.

((The two trade punches up the ramp all the way to the stage. On the stage Hans swings and misses hitting the staging. He shakes his hand cursing in German, Tiger kicks him in the groin and drops Hans. She runs back to the ring and grabs the hockey stick and runs back up the ring with the stick over her head with a battle cry. Hans recovers and lifts his foot into Tiger's face. Tiger ducks the boot and scoops Hans's foot out from under him. Hans falls and rolls off the side of the ramp onto the floor. Tiger stands on the stage and looks down at Hans. She raises the stick over her head and jumps!))

Eddie: DEAR GOD! Tiger just brought that stick into Han's head from at least 10 feet up!

Travis: Hans is down and bleeding even more!

((Tiger's knee buckles and she falls as well. She crawls over to Hans and covers him, 1..2..kickout by Hans. He gets to his feet and starts kicking Tiger in her knee. Her leg buckles and she falls down, and Hans stomps away on her. He pulls Tiger up and runs her towards the stage, she slams into it face first and falls to the floor. Hans grabs her by the hair and drags her off to the side and rams her head into a table.))

Eddie: They're headed towards the back!

Travis: Get a camera back there! We can't miss this bloodbath!

((The two battle back into the backstage area where Hans grabs Tiger again trying to run her into a wall. Tiger reverses it and Hans hits the wall instead. He staggers backwards and Tiger takes him by the head and leads him over to the buffet table. She takes a cup of coffee and splashes it in his face, he screams and staggers away. From out of nowhere Amy comes running in, jumps on the buffet table and hits Tiger with a hurricanranna off the table. Before she can inflict any more damage, Jeff comes in and drags her off kicking and screaming.))

Eddie: This is getting out of hand!

Travis: Jeff seems to have things well in hand!

((Hans watches his girlfriend get dragged off. Tiger recovers and slams Hans over the back with a tray off the table. He staggers forward down a hallway, and Tiger chases him. He stops and spins catching her with a superkick. She falls backwards and staggers down another hallway. Hans chases her and rams her head into a door. They move down another hallway and Hans slams Tiger on the floor and walks off to the side. He comes back with a table which he promptly rams into her stomach. He then walks off again with a ladder. He yanks Tiger up by her hair and rams her face into the table and then he lays her out on it. He starts to climb the ladder and stands at the top.))

Eddie: He's not going to do what I think he is?

Travis: Good bye Tiger!

Hans: Hardcore Ikone mein Esel! (Hardcore Icon my ass!)

((Hans jumps...and Tiger moves! He goes crashing through the table from fifteen feet. Tiger crawls over and covers him in the wreckage of the table. One...two...three!))

Travis: NO!

Eddie: Tiger wins! What an amazing win!

Travis: Sheer luck!

((Amy comes running over as Tiger celebrates cradling Hans' bloody head in her hands.))

Hans: OH-, mein Kopf! (Oh, my head!)

((Amy leads Hans off and Tiger leans against the wall siding to the floor looking worn. Rubbing her hurt leg left, Tiger raises her right hand fist balled in silent victory. The camera fades out on her.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))