Saturday Night Slaughter
Winnipeg, Canada at the Winnipeg Arena

((The blue HWC logo fades in and out. It's Going Down by The X-Ecutioners plays while HWC superstars are seen doing verious moves. One Harley hitting Seph over the head with a Shovel. Another one of Tiger landing the reverse bull dog on Ace, then goes on to showing Ace-man standing on a turn buckle with Patriot waving them America flagg. Amy and Chaotica are shown standing over Die Zerstörer's beaten bodies holding the Tag Team belts. Bulldozer grabing someone by the throat and choke slamming them off the turn buckle and out of the ring. Image changes to a flash of Martain Smalls with the rest of The Black List going on to where Enforcer turned and choke slammed Autumn Lewis. Finally a clip of Jericho turning on The Black List and winning the IC belt. It ends with a shot of a blood stained Slaughter ring. The song ends and the sceen fades.))

Eddie: Welcome to a capacity crowd here in Winnipeg, Canada at the Winnipeg Arena! I'm Eddie Danniels and this is Travis Best..and this is HWC Slaughter!! And to kick us off tonight, Spoon vs. Cleopatra! Cleopatra hasn't been seen at all since her signing at the HWC Headquarters in St. Louis, MO. Spoon really hasn't either, although he did show us he was around the during the very end, Travis!

Travis: Yeah, they were probably boinking somewhere. That's why, man. Has to be. There's only one thing missing from that equation, man.

Eddie: (rolling his eyes) What's that, Travis..

Travis: ME! I was supposed to be boinking Cleo!

Standard Match
Spoon vs. Cleopatra

(Eddie just rolls his eyes in annoyance as the arena goes black, with multicolored lights and lasers and such blinking and fluctuating along with the weird noise at the beginning, and then the arena erupts into a full rave atmosphere when the real beat hits. Spoon has glowsticks or something phosphorescent in his hands as he dances like a madman down to the ring, immersing himself in the oh- so-wonderful Trance music, done by John Digweed. He dances his way to the ring and climbs in, doing some kind of funky spin dance before he waits at the edge of the ring. Suddenly a demented laugh is heard, reverberating through the PA system, instead of Cleo's theme. Spoon stands there, staring as he watches. Suddenly from the back of the ramp, out steps Sothren Du Lac. A wild insane look is in his eyes, and a murderous grin etches across his lips. He stares at Spoon maniacally and laughs, even more dementedly. he then just points at Spoon while laughing the entire time. From behind, however, Sephiroth Du Lac has slid into the ring and is standing there behind Spoon!)


Travis: Blood!!! TAKE HIM OUT!!!

(Spoon starts to get a idea and begins to turn slowly. Seph fires up and releases a absolutely stunning snap side kick with the metal leg guards on to Spoon's face, cracking Spoon's face wide open. Spoon kinda just falls from the ring and bounces onto the floor, laying there. Sothren comes stalking down the ramp as Seph picks Spoon up to his knees and holds him there, securing his arms. Sothren reaches out and gets a hand wet in Spoon's blood then smears it over his own face, laughing insanely. Sothren then stands and delivers his own snap side kick to Spoon's head, flattening him. Sothren then motions for Seph to stand Spoon up. Seph obliges and positions Spoon in the 3D position..Sothren springs into action but instead..CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL!!!!!! Spoon's body snaps like a twig and he lays there, out completely)

Eddie: .......

Travis: So that's the Shadow Weaver...incredible....

(Sothren can be heard, yelling something about Die Zerstrorer as he points at Spoon and laughs maniacally. Suddenly the body of Cleo is thrown through the curtain, also bloodied and wrecked. Seph and Soth stare up at the fallen body of Cleo. Soth strolls up the ramp and stares down at Cleo, then stomps on her face, while cackling demonically. Seph's voice can be heard over the din)


(Seph and Soth walk back behind the curtains as the EMT's rush to take care of the bodies of Spoon and Cleo)

Eddie: Um...we're gonna cut to commercial, folks...

((An ad for HWC HardWear comes on showing Jesse from TNN sitting with his boss Bob. A poster featuring the Sickness is behind them on the wall.))

Bob: Well you ruined our trip to Vegas by goofing off, you spent nearly $3,000 of the networks money and...

Jesse: Hey Bob?

Bob: What?

(Jesse nods to the Sickness poster on the wall.)

Jesse: Would ya?

Bob: What?

Jesse: You know...(does that fucking hilarious fisting thing, then stands up and rips open his shirt to reveal a brand new Sickness t-shirt)

Jesse: I would.

(Bob just shakes his head at Jesse.)

Announcer: Get the brand new Sickness t-shirt and be the first on your block to show off to all your friends that you are down with the Sickness. Call 1-800-HardWear today.))

Iron Man Match
'The Genius' Wendell Graham Bell vs. Ace of Spades

Travis: This is crazy…

Eddie: Your telling me… what a night and it hasn’t even started yet.

Travis: Next match is going to be great.

Eddie: Yes, an iron man match!

("Outsmarted" hits as "The Genius" Wendell Graham Bell walks out slowly from behind the curtain, donning a white lab coat for the entrance. Green, the color of intelligence, randomly fills the arena. He holds his head high in defiance of the average wrestling fan, occasionally stopping to prove his intelligence to a fan using an abacus.)

Eddie: What a pompous ass!

Travis: Shut up… Your just jealous of Wendell’s greatness. By the way what does pompous mean?

Eddie: I’m not telling.

Travis: Fine… I was just testing you anyway… I know what pompous means… stupid head.

Eddie: What are you four?

(Strobes hit, the lights dim and Ace of Spades blares… Ace walks out in a similar lab coat smiling and mocking Wendell… He has false teeth that make him look like a total nerd and big thick glasses as he walks his way to ring side)

Travis: That idiot is so pompous…

Eddie: You honestly don’t know what that means do you?

Travis: Yes, I do… jerk.

Eddie: Moron

Travis: Dumb butt.

Eddie: Doo doo brain.

(The bell sounds and Bell goes for the attack getting a quick smack in the face to Ace. Ace of course retaliates with right hands to the face. The referee just sits back yawning letting the two go at it. Ace gets Bell in the corner and attacks the face of Bell. He goes back for a spear and hits it… but something is wrong… Ace hits the floor holding his shoulder. Bell lifts his shirt showing a iron suit plate. The ref calls for a bell and Graham looks confused.)

Announcer: The result of a disqualification one fall is awarded to Ace!!!

(Bell starts arguing with the ref. But, the ref just shrugs and spits in Bell’s face. Bell goes to smack the ref but the ref ducks… Ace lands a low blow on Bell and Bell cries out. The ref saw it though. The ref calls for the bell again.)

Announcer: The result of a disqualification one fall is rewarded to Bell.

(Ace gets up holding his shoulder and the ref and him argue fiercely. The clock is running still as Bell slowly rises. Three minutes left as Bell rolls Ace up using the extra weight of the suit. 1… 2…3… score is 2 to 1 Bell is leading. Ace can’t seem to throw him off and the ref tells Bell to get off. Bell acknowledges and rises going to a jump on body splash… the iron is dropped on Ace and Ace is in pain. 1… 2… 3… another pin. 3 to 1… Ace goes for a reverse shifting the weight of Bell 1…2…3… 3 to 2 Bell leads… 2 minutes on the clock. Ace gets up smiling… setting up as Bell rises… Sky High Powerbomb! Cover 1… 2… 3… 3 to 3… 1 minute remaining. Ace smiles as he rises again… it looks like Bell is slowly getting up… But, he pulls out a piece of that iron armor. SMACK it is heard throughout the arena and the ref calls for the bell again.)

Announcer: The result of a disqualification one fall is awarded to Ace.

(Bell doesn’t even bother going for a cover the ref counts 1… 2… 3… 4 to 4… a few seconds left. Ace groggy to his feet. Bell lands the invention… goes for a cover as the clock goes to 5… 1.. 2… 3… 5 to 4… two seconds remaining. Bell locks in the Quandry… Ace goes to tap but the bell sounds… )

Announcer: Here is your winner… Wendell Graham Bell…

Travis: Amazing! A show of pure genius…

Eddie: Are you blind… he cheated.

Travis: No… he was using the Philodox approach.

Eddie: Why do you always embarrass me?

((The camera fades to a commercial for Trojan Condoms. Two couples are shown making out then the Trojan emblem is shown))

Standard Match
Harley Quinn vs. Patriot

((The crowd, being chiefly Canadian, responds as the American National Anthem begins to blast on the PA. The patriot steps out, with Miss America at his side.))

Jean Fortello: This is a non-title match, scheduled for one fall. On his way to the ring, accompanied by Miss America, from Washington, D.C., weighing 280 pounds, The Patriot!

((Patriot & Miss America make their way down the ramp, as red, white & blue pyro go off. Patriot assist Miss America into the ring, then climbs in behind her.))

Eddie: Even the fans here in the Great White North seem to appreciate a true hero like the patriot!

Travis: Hero, my ass! They're just cheering for Miss America! What a hottie!

Eddie: One of these days, Travis, so help me...

Travis: You'll get a new wardrobe?

Eddie: Never mind.

((Travis continues to gawk at Miss America as the music fades. The lights go black as various searchlights go over the crowd. "Square Dance" by Eminem begins to play as a huge bright light comes from behind the four members of the mafioso. Their silhouettes are the only thing visible until the spot light lands on them, and the crowd immediately boos at the sight of harley & the Mafioso.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, accompanied by the Mafioso, from the Black Light section of the Jersey Shore, weighing 165 pounds, she is a member of the Black List, and the HWC World Champion, Harley Quinn!

((Harley & The Mafioso make their way to the ring, ignoring the rousing boos from the crowd. Miss America, at the Patriot's advice, vacates the ring as they climb in. Harley huddles with her boys for a moment.))

Eddie: I wonder what this little conference is about.

Travis: Why don't you go ask them?

Eddie: No thanks, I prefer my legs unbroken!

Travis: Wuss!

Eddie: I don't see you hurrying up there, either!

Travis: I'm busy staring at Miss America!

Eddie: I figured as much...well, the conference in the ring seems to have concluded, and the Mafioso are leaving....wait a minute, they're'e not leaving, they're posting themselves at the foot of the entrance ramp! Looks like she was serious about not wanting anyone else interfering....there's the bell, and we're underway!

((Harley & Patriot circle each other in the ring, then move in for a lockup. patriot wins the lockup, getting the upper hand with a top wristlock. Harley executes a quick standing switch and kicks Patriot's feet out from under him. Patriot falls on his face, but hops right back up. Harley lunges, and Patriot takes advantage of her momentum, nailing an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Harley pops up, favoring her back slightly, and rushes again, and Patriot nails a drop toehold. Harley smacks the mat, then rolls out to re-group.))

Eddie: The Patriot looking sharp thus far against the World Champion!

Travis: ((Still staring at Miss America)) Never mind the Patriot....I think I'm in love!

Eddie: Would you please, just this once, get your brains out of your pants and pay attention?! We do have a match going here!

Travis: You call this a match? C'mon, Harley's undefeated! She's the World Champion, for chrissakes! You think this wannabe super hero is gonna pose a real threat?

Eddie: He not doing too bad so far...okay, Harley back in now, and Patriot grabs her....she reverses the whip, and Patriot goes into the turnbuckle....she goes into a handspring....Big time Frankensteiner! patriot is down!

Travis: Told ya!

((The Patriot lays on the mat, holding his head. Harley climbs to the top rope, and goes for a flying elbow, but patriot rolls aside, and Harley hits the mat. She screams, grabbing her elbow. Patriot jumps up, picks Harley up, and nails an Oklahoma slam. He goes for the cover...1...2...Harley kicks out, and Patriot picks her up again. He whips her into the ropes and goes for a flying DDT, but Harley ducks, hits the opposite rope, and nails a flying clothesline. Patriot goes down hard, and Harley begins to climb the turnbuckles again.))

Eddie: It's not looking so good for the Patriot right now....Harley's at the top.....MOONSAULT! Cover...1...2...Kick out, but just barely!

Travis: That was like two and seven-eighths! How did Patriot kick out?

Eddie: well, I see you're paying attention after all!

Travis: Just until Miss America gets back around to this side!

Eddie: I should have guessed....Harley picking Patriot up....taking him to the corner.....and stomping away!

Travis: Holy shit! She's stomping his red, white and blue guts out!

Eddie: thanks for the mental picture, Travis!

Travis: Heh heh heh!

Eddie: Weirdo....Harley going to the opposite corner...yes, it's a Bronco Buster!

Travis: ((singing badly)) Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me!

Eddie: Dammit Travis, this is a family show!

Travis: ((laughing his ass off))

((Harley climbs off of Patriot, who slumps in the corner. She grabs one foot and drags him to the center of the ring. She covers again...1...2...thr-KICKOUT!!! The fans cheer wildly, and Harley thumps the mat in frustration. She hauls Patriot to his feet, whips him into the ropes, and drills him with Sweet Chin Music! Patriot goes flying over the ropes and to the floor. About then, Harley signals to Reno, who turns and climbs up to the ring apron, and Walter Powell immediately goes over, admonishing him to get down. Harley climbs out, picks Patriot up, and rams his face into the ring post, Patriot staggers back and collapses. Harley picks him up again, and this time leans him against the ring post.))

Eddie: I don't like the looks of this....Harley's going for a chair....she swings....PATRIOT DUCKED! PATRIOT DUCKED!!!! The chair rebounded off the steel, and Harley dropped it! The referee finally got Reno down from the ring apron, and is now administering the ten count!

Travis: Damn, that was close! Harley was looking to do her Barry Bonds impression on hero boy's head!

Eddie: Harley now rolling Patriot back into the ring....SMALL PACKAGE BY PATRIOT! 1...2...Ohh, Harley just barely kicked out in time! The fans are really getting behind the patriot now...Harley up, Patriot up...Harley with a kick to the midsection...Swinging neckbreaker! BUT PATRIOT POPS RIGHT BACK UP! THE FANS ARE GOING CRAZY!!!

((Harley tries another boot to the midsection, but Patriot is feeding off the fans' energy, and doesn't even feel it. Harley runs, hits the topes, and tries a cross body, but Patriot catches her, holds her there for a moment, then, in a display of power, gorilla presses her straight up! He even does a few reps, then lets Harley crash to the mat!))

Travis: How the hell did he do that?!

Eddie: Damned if I know...Patriot picks Harley up...whip into the ropes...BIG BOOT! HARLEY IS DOWN! FINISH HER, PATRIOT!

Travis: Here's Reno again! he's obviously worried about his boss!

Eddie: Worried, my ass! He's distracting the referee! Patriot going to the top rope...THE OLD GLORY!!! he nailed it! He's going for the pin, bit the referee doesn't see it! TURN AROUND REFEREE!!!!

((The referee, busy with Reno, doesn't see Harley getting pinned. Rude, meanwhile, sneaks around the ring, grabs a chair, and slides into the ring. The Patriot looks up just in time to see the chair descending on him. The chair hits with a resounding WHACK, and Patriot goes limp. Reno hastily shakes Harley, then quickly jumps out of the ring, taking the chair with him. About then, Reno jumps down, and the referee turns, sees the pin, and counts...1...2...Harley just gets the shoulder up!))

Eddie: Damn that Rude! Patriot had the win right there!

Travis: hey, those guys have to look out for their boss, especially if they want to keep their liquor allotment!

Eddie: But it's just not right....Harley slips out from under Patriot....she's going for a pin with her feet on the ropes!...1...2...3!!!! Dammit, she cheated!!!

((The referee calls for the bell, and Harley removes her feet from the ropes just in time. She gets shakily to her feet and the referee raises her hand as the Mafioso climb into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match...Harley Quinn!

Eddie: This is an outrage! The world champion, cheating, and in a non-title match, yet! What does that say about Harley Quinn?

Travis: That she's good enough not to get caught, Eddie boy! It's only cheating if the ref sees it!

Eddie: Wait a minute....The Mafioso are picking Patriot up....Harley is laying the badmouth on him...Wow, what a slap in the face!

Travis: I think she slapped the fillings out of his teeth!

Eddie: And now Harley and the Mafioso are beating the Patriot! This is uncalled for! STOP, DAMMIT!

((Harley and the Mafioso proceed to give Patriot a Jersey-style beatdown. Walter Powell attempts to intervene, but Reno pops him one, and the senior referee goes down in a heap. Then, Miss America climbs in, attempting to get them to stop beating her man. Reno turns and, smiling evilly, grabs her by the arm. The crowd begins to boo as Reno yells at her.))

Eddie: Dammit, this isn't right! She's not even a wrestler! Travis: Hey, that's what she gets for stepping in the ring!

Eddie: That doesn't make it right, dammit.....wait a minute, someone's coming down...IT'S ACE MAN!!! THE CAVALRY HAS ARRIVED!!!

Travis: Oh no, not that idiot!

((The fans go ape shit as Ace Man hits the ring, wielding a chair. Ace deals out a few whacks with his chair before Harley & the Mafioso clear out. He just barely misses a shot aimed at Harley's head. He makes sure they are leaving before turning his attention to the now-bloody Patriot. Miss America is already kneeling beside him.))

Eddie: Thank god Ace Man got here when he did! There's no telling what that monster Reno might have done to that lovely lady!

Travis: I can think of a few things I'd like to do to her! Heh heh heh!

Eddie: You're sick...let's take a break!

((The camera watches as Ace & Miss America help Patriot to his feet, then Ace goes to check on the just-rising Walter Powell as the scene fades to commercial.)) ((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

* Fade back in on the HWC Arena. Harley walks through the halls of the arena and smiles when she spots Hans standing by a table.She walks over to him and smiles leaning against it as well.*

Harley: What in the hell do you think you're doin' runnin' around with that little hussy Amy? Think about it! You are Black List she is Sickness!

Hans: Why does that matter?

Harley: You don't get it! We are bigger, and better then they are! Or ever will be! I'm really startin' to wonder if I can trust you!

Hans: You think you cannot trust me? I am of Black List! That should be enough!

Harley: I know when you sleep with you're enemy it's never a good thin'!Trust me Hans...If you don't shape up I'll have Smalls toss you out of the Black List! You and Klaus...Well actually at least Klaus knows where he stands!

Hans: I completely stand with Black List! I will come if needed!

Harley: Yeah we'll see tonight then! I mean if I get in trouble are you goin' to help me or are not goin' to show, because you're with Amy?

*Hans just looks at her as she starts to walk away, and turns back with a smile on her face.*

Harley: Oh when you go out into that ring tonight with Seph and his brother I wish you all the best of luck! You'll need it!

*She walks away and laughs as she disappears around a corner.*

Tag Match
Die Zerstrorer vs. WOD

("The Shortest Straw" plays on the PA,with blue and white lights flashing in the entrance way. After about 15 seconds Klaus and Hans step out. Klaus just stands with his arms folded, glaring at the fans, while Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, his hands on his hips. Then they both power walk to the ring. Klaus rolls in under the bottom rope, Hans vaults to the top turnbuckle, they flash the "crossed Hammers", their arms crossed at the wrists, their fists balled above their heads.)

Best: There they are Amy's boyfriend and his partner.

Daniels: Their names are Hans and Klaus you idiot.

Best: Whatever, Hans is doing what every man dreams of. Sleeping with Amy. Daniels: President Lewis, if you're watching I need a raise.

(The lights go out and flash red and blue as the intro of Green Jelly's "Maximum Carnage" plays out. All of a sudden the lights go out when "CARNAGE RULES" is yelled and the song begins to blare. Two lightning effects (one red and one blue) strike the stage at seperates sides. Pyro of matching colors goes off as one half of the arena is bathed in red light and the other in blue. Blue flames engulf the left side as Seph rises from them in brood fashion. On the red Sothren rises from red flames. Once in the ring they both raise their arms toward heaven. They drop them and Purple flames shoot from the ring posts as the lights raise. Livia is nowhere to be seen.)

Daniels: And there's no Livia. It's odd to see Seph without her by his side.

Best: Well he has been occupied with Chloe you know.

(The bell rings and Hans and Seph start off, Hans charging across the ring and mowing down Seph with a hard clothesline. Seph gets back up and Hans nails him again. Seph charges in and gets a scoop slam. He slithers back to Soth and they talk strategy. Seph moves back to the center of the ring and gets into a collar and elbow tie up with Hans. Hans pushes Seph back and the German unloads with a huge chop and Seph reels back into the ropes, and Hans whips him across the ring, nailing a drop toe hold as Seph comes back. Seph gets back to his feet and Hans kicks him in the gut before grabbing a handful of hair and dragging Seph over to his corner and tagging in Klaus.)

Best: And the Germans take the early advantage dragging Seph over to the wrong part of town.

(Klaus comes in and both men whip Seph in and nail him with twin back elbows to the face. Klaus grabs Seph and takes him down with a reverse neckbreaker. Seph is then dragged back to his feet as Klaus takes him over with a textbook vertical suplex. Seph rolls over to his corner and tags in Soth.)

Daniels: Seph has had enough and now tags in his brother!

Best: And Hans and Klaus proving once again why they are in the Black List, and why the BL is the single most destructive force in HWC today.

(Soth charges in and ducks under a clothesline attempt by Klaus and superkicks him in the back of the head. Klaus goes face first into the mat and slowly rolls onto his back, and Soth drops a leg across the neck of Klaus. He pulls Klaus to his feet and calls for Seph to put his foot up, and then rams Klaus' face into the raised limb. A tag in results in Klaus getting a double back bodydrop and a cover attempt by Seph. Klaus kicks out after two.)

Daniels: First pin attempt of the match as the Du Lac brothers take over on Die Zerstorer.

Best: A minor setback, you'll see. Come on Klaus, kick his undead ass!

(Klaus however is on the recieving end of more punishment as Seph runs Klaus into the corner. Klaus goes hard back first into the turnbuckle. He slumps in the corner and Seph moves in, but Klaus suddenly launches out with a desperation spear. Not as effective as he hoped, it's enough to get him over to tag in Hans. Seph lunges out with a right hand and Hans fires right back. Both men start exchanging punches in the middle of the ring with Hans getting the advantage. He tries for an enzuguiri but Seph sees the move coming and ducks causing Hans to fall on his face. Hans staggers to his feet as Seph launches a kick to the ribs.)

Daniels: Change of advantage again as Hans missed with that enzuguiri after Klaus took some abuse at the hands of Soth earlier on.

Best: Come on Hans, stop thinking about Amy and fight. I'll think about her for you.

Daniels: You do know she is here tonight and she can hear you.

Best: Yeah so? Daniels: She doesn't like you.

(Travis shuts up as Hans gets dropped in a reverse DDT. Seph goes for a cover, 1...2...Klaus makes the save. The ref makes Klaus leave the ring allowing Hans to hit a low blow on Seph. Seph and Hans both tag out and Soth and Klaus meet mid ring and start pounding into each other both men hitting each other so hard they both fall down from the sheer intensity of the fist to head contact. Powell starts the ten count as both their partners start calling for the tag. The ref gets up to 5 before they both stagger to their feet and then charge and double clothesline each other. Both men go down again, but Soth falls on top of Klaus. The count, 1..2...Hans breaks up the pin bringing in Seph.)

Best: Now here we go with some action! Hans and Seph are pounding each other as a groggy Soth and Klaus get back to their feet.

Daniels: The referee is gonna have a hell of a time breaking this one up.

(Soth and Klaus get back to their feet and all four men are brawling in the ring with the intensity level rising. Hans and Klaus try to run Soth and Seph together but Seph reverses and whips Klaus into a belly to belly suplex by Soth and Klaus goes flying into Hans. The WOD waits for both Hans and Klaus to get up and charge in with double superkicks. Hans and Klaus go down hard, and as the referee tries to regain control trying to get Seph and Hans out of the ring. Klaus nails Soth with a thumb to the eye as the ref has his back turned. Klaus kicks Soth in the gut and goes for what looks like a powerbomb, but intstead takes Soth over and drops him neck first across the top rope. He goes for a cover but the ref is still trying to get Hans and Seph separated. Hans points out the pin and the ref goes to count, 1...2...kickout by Soth.)

Best: And another low blow by Hans to Seph. And wait, what the hell is this?

Daniels: It's Tiger! And she's armed with a chair! She slides into the ring. Best: Why is Amy's name written on that chair?

(CLANG! The chair goes crashing into Hans's skull with a sickening thud. However the referee sees this and calls for the bell. This match gets awarded to Die Zerstrorer via disqualification. Suddenly the crowd roars as the curtain explodes open. Amy Jensen comes tearing down the ramp, a dark glare in her eye. She slides in on her stomach and heads straight for Sothren. Tackling him to the ground, she starts unleashing hard rights to his face while screaming something about Hans and murder.)

Best: Holy crap Amy's beating the tar outta Sothren!

Danniels: Well yeah..Sothren was talking about murdering Hans and taking Amy forcefully...I guess this is how Amy handles that!

(Sephiroth sees Amy pounding on his brother and goes to intervene but Hans catches him with a textbook standing dropkick, kicking Seph out of the ring. Amy slides off of Sothren and waits for him to get up. She then runs for the nearest turnbuckle. Taking one giant leap up the turnbuckle, Amy reaches the top. She then throws herself off in a corkscrew moonsault. But instead of smashing Sothren down, Amy lands square on his shoulders. Quickly changing the momentum, Amy throws herself backwards in a hurricanrana, launching Sothren out of the ring and onto his brother.)

Best: What the hell is that maneuver?!?!

Danniels: I don't know but damn was it impressive!!

(The crowd roars again as Jeff Wylde comes running down the ramp. Sliding in the ring, he grabs Amy by the back of her pants/thong, literally keeping her from going out to inflict further damage. He drags her from the ring, holding her off the ground. Amy is kicking and screaming obscenities as Hans just stares, watching as his girlfriend is dragged away)

Danniels: That's incredible! Let's get a recap of that move! I've never seen any move like that in my life! (A split screen recap is shown of Amy executing the corkscrew moonsault/hurricanrana hybrid on Sothren, even as the live side of the screen shows Jeff pulling Amy backstage)

Eddie: Once again, I've been shocked to hell! We're gonna have to cut to a commercial!

(Travis just shakes his his head as the camera fades)

((Scene opens in a Wal-Mart, Tiger walks up and unloads her shopping cart. The cashier looks up.)

Cashier: Oh wow! The Tiger! Your're my favorite wrestler! The Click Click Boom! The Rider's Hell! Former HWC champion. Thorn in the side of Martin Smalls! I've followed your whole career! You're the best!

(She pulls out a poster of Tiger)

Could you sign this? I know you're gonna win the title back from Harley Quinn.

Tiger (smiling): Thanks. Is it okay if I write a check for this?

Cashier (with a straight face): Sure, I just need to see some ID.

(Tiger turns to the camera and gets a confused look on her face.)

Announcer: Get the Visa check card, it gets you in, out and on with life.

Cashier (over Wal-Mart PA off-screen): I need a manager at register 12.))

(Show fades back in and Amy and Jeff standing in the back. They're arguing.)

Amy: What the fuck do you think you're doing?

Jeff: Trying to save you from getting your ass kicked all over that ring!

Amy: Goddamn it Jeff! I can handle myself. I didn't win the IC title or the tag-title because I'm some fucking damsel in distress! I can kick ass just as good as you can! Plus that son-of-a-bitch threatened to kill my Hans!

Jeff: And what makes you think that had you stayed in that ring he wouldn't have tried to kill you too? That guy's a fucking psycho!

Amy: Jeff, I know you're trying to look out for me but I don't need--

(Hans comes running up to the two.) Hans: What goes on here?

Amy (runs to him and hugs him): Hans baby! Are you okay?

Hans (hugging her and glaring at Jeff): I am fine. A little sore, a slight headache, but ok.

Jeff: Amy we need to talk. You've got a lot more on your plate than some fucking lunatic who thinks he's a goddamn vampire! You've got the Sickness to think about!

(Amy turns on her heel and storms over to Jeff and glares up at him.)

Amy: You leave them out of this! I will take care of my obligations to the Sickness! I will take care of myself. I understand the fact that you care about me, but I don't need a guardian angel.

Hans: She's got me.

Jeff: Well wether you like it or not, I'm going to be keeping an eye on you.

(He turns to glare at Hans.)

Jeff: And you too.

Hans: Don't worry about me. I am fine.

Jeff: I'm talking about how you act with Amy. She's like a sister to me, and I swear that if you do anything...ANYTHING to hurt her, mentally or physically, there won't be a place on this planet you will be safe from me!

(Hans walks over to Jeff and gently pushes Amy out of the way and gets eye to eye with Jeff.)

Hans: I would never do anything to hurt her. Jeff: You'd better not, because I swear to God it'll be the last thing you ever do.

(Amy slides in between the two of them and shoves them apart.)

Amy: Cut it out you two! Jeff, I can handle myself, you know that. Hans loves me, I know that. You are just looking out for me, and I appreciate that. But you can't watch me all the time.

(She leans up and kisses him on the cheek before walking off arm in arm with Hans. Jeff watches them walking off.)

Jeff: That's what you think.

(He turns and walks off. He pulls out his cell phone and starts dialing.)

Standard Title Match
Chloe vs. Lightning

Travis: Why is this is the main event?

Eddie: What's the matter Travis, tired of girls already cause you're not getting any?

Travis: Getting more then you! And yes my love for the female gender has never died, but whats so big about Chloe going against Lighning in a stanard match.

Eddie: More like lust, but I think we are going to learn that now.

((Only in America hits as Autumn Lewis steps from beyond the curtain. She waves to the crowd that cheers her, in her hands she carries a white breif case and in the other a mid. After climbing into the ring her music fades but the crowd continues to cheer. Autumn smiles and waits for them to quiet before speaking.))

Autumn: Tonight's main event will be like no other seen before in the HWC. A first. I wanted to keep it a secret till the last second but before I did I went and asked around back to all the female wrestlers if they wanted a standard match. Well it seemed Hans is very popular with the ladies. The ones that did say yes were Chloe and Lightning. Oh yes it's a standard match.......

((Autumn lays the brief case on the mat and opens it up, she pulls out a white leather belt and holds it up for all to see. The crowds burst into cheers again.))

Autumn: A standard Women's Title match!

Travis: You hear the Eddie!!!?

Eddie: Yes I did, the HWC has enough women now they out their own belt.

Travis: Good maybe they will leave the World Title to someone more deserving like Enforcer!

Autumn: So lets get this this first ever Women's Title match under way!

((Autumn hands the belt to the ref and makes her way out, Cheap and Evil Girl by Breesharp plays over the PA as the crowd cheer to Chloe coming out. She climbs into the ring and eyes the ramp waiting for her opponent, her musice fades to silents. A few minutes pass and still nothing. Chloe shrugs and talks to the ref turning her back to the ring.))

Livia: Hey...... HEY CHLOE!!!

((Taken by surprise Chloe turns to see Livia standing on the stand with a bloody steel chair in one hand and a mic in the other.))

Travis: Livia?

Eddie: What's she doing here where's Lightning?

Travis: Isn't that Seph's bitch?

Livia: Don't worry about Lightning..... she's he he he ......been taken care of. That just leaves you and me. And when I'm done I will hurt you the most by being the first female to hold the belt.

((Chloe gestures to bring it on, Livia throws away the mic and races to the ring. Chloe steps back as Livia slides into the ring with the chair. Livia runs after Chloe with the chair raised but the ref stops her by pulling it away. Livia turns to yell at the ref when Chloe comes up and bull dogs her. Chloe pulls Livia up by the hair and throws her to the ropes but Livia reverses throwing Chloe to the ropes instead. Before Chloe can get the upper hand Livia spears her to the mat and starts beating away on her. When the ref comes over and pulls Livia off Chloe Livia gives the ref a low blow. Chloe gets up grabing Livia and lands a DDT to her.))

Travis: She's got two left feet!

Eddie: This match was over the moment Livia stepped into the ring.

Travis: Nice rack though......

Eddie: TRAVIS....... stop mentally undressing her and do your job.

((Throwing Chloe to the ropes again Livia hits a drop kick and cover's Chloe. 1..2 kick out. Chloe gets to her feet and stuns Livia with an elbow shot to the head while Livia was trying to rip Chloe's hair out. Chloe throws Livia hard to the turn buckle knocking the wind out of her. Chloe then delivers a splash on Livia in the corner. Livia crumbles to the ground but Chloe pulls her up by her hair this time. Chloe props her up on the top turn buckle and climbs her self on the middle rope. Livia fights back by nailing blows to Chloe's mid section but Chloe hands on to Livia. After giving back a few blows of her own Chloe pulls Livia up and delivers a superplex.))

Eddie: DEAR GOD! Livia is going to be feeling that one for a while.

((Chloe moves over and pins Livia. 1...2...3. The belt rings as Livia is still laying there out from the drop. Chloe gets to her feet as the ref hands her the Women's Title and raises her hand in victory. Chloe pulls away from the ref and walks over to the nearest camera man, she says something and is handed a mic. Brushing her hair back Chloe stands over Livia and holds the belt above her.))

Chloe: You're not even worth me using any real moves on you. Do the fans a favor and STAY OUT OF THE RING....... Do me a favor and stay away from Seph!!

((Chloe throws the mic down on Livia's head and kicks her a few times. Turning away from Livia Chloe raises her hands up reseaving a large pop before climbing out of the ring and heading back the Women's title.))

((Far from the eyes of the fans...Far from their cheers...their boo's...far from humanity he has distanced himself. Once he took pleasure from the masses cheering him on or in some cases booing him, but after a lifetime spent living around people he has become disgusted and jaded with even something as minute as contact...the touch of anothers skin is too much to bare))

((In the GWF it was his own locker room that he'd laid claim to, long after the room had been torn apart and seemingly painted in his own blood in a bizzare incident that even to this day had never been fully explained, of course even if someone had the presence of mind to approach him and ask this question he wouldn't be able to put the issue to rest...he doesn't remember))

((The GWF had closed off his locker room after the one had gone near it or ever desired to lay eyes on the grisley scene, so no one knew when he once again took up residence there, though gone from the GWF physically he was there like a disembodied spector of it's past, representing what they could not ignore...but couldn't deal with))

((The GWF has long since been buried beneath the rubble of obscurity, a quick attempt to resurect it met with failure several months ago, if he had been aware of it he probably would have been amused))

((This time it is the darker parts of the HWC arena he has confined himself too, not many come down here save a few simple janitors and they are too ignorant to notice the presence of another human being in the dark musty rooms, down here he can be alone))

((Fear lurks beneath the HWC, the cheering fans and highly paid wrestlers remain ignorant of this, blissfuly unaware they wont see it coming until it is already upon them, Fear has a plan for the HWC, Fear in the emodiment of a man will sweep through their ranks and cleave them where they stand, Fear will consume its targets))

((But for now...The Embodiment of Fear is content to wait))

((Above the crowd roars...a dim echo by the time the sound reaches the bottom of the arena, in the darkness Fear smiles))

((Let them Enjoy it))

((For now))

The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))