Saturday Night Slaughter
East Lansing, Michigan- Spartan Stadium

HWC Slaughter

HWC Slaughter-

(A voice enters over a black screen with the HWC main logo in the center.)


Narratar: For nearly a year now the HWC has laid dorment, mearly a memory in the back of mens minds.  All those involved have moved on.  All excpet for one man.  


(The screen then shows CEO and now owner of the HWC Beach standing in the center of a wrestling ring.)


Narratar: That man came back from being utterly bankrupt to bring back the worlds greatest wrestling company.


(The sceen then shows a long table and several men sitting there.  Danny Lashley, Viktor Marx, James Moon all sit on one side and Beach sits on the other.  Papers are passed back and forth and signed.)


Narratar: Searching across the globe for the greatest talent he could find.


(The sceen then shows a cut screen of Beach on the left hand side.  He is on his cell phone.  A sceen of Autum Lewis is on the other side.  She slides out and then one of Victor Black comes up.  He then slides out as well.  Several of the wrestlers come and go as well.  Obake, the Tiger, Steve LaSalle, La Cabra, Baali, and many more wrestlers come over the screen.)


Narratar: And now, the time has come for the HWC to finally open it's doors back up to the world.  It is with that I welcome you all back to the H   W    C!!!


(With that there is an explosion of sight and sound as pyro erupts from the top of the entrance ramp at Spartan Stadium in East Lansing, Michigan.  The pyro does not stop for at least five minutes.  Every fan in the arena is on their feet screaming at the top of their lungs for the return of their favorite wrestling fixture, the HWC.  The camera goes to the announce table where we see the ever present commentary of Eddie Danniels and Travis Best.)


Danniels: Welcome everyone to HWC Saturday Slaughter!!!!!!!  I never thought I'd be saying those words again.  I'm Eddie Danniels and back with me is..........


Best: *cutting Eddie off* I'm not good, I'm not great, I'm simply the BEST!! Travis Best.  I was hoping they'd get me a new partner but, that's the way of life.


Danniels: Well, the most unlikely thing has happened.  Former president of the HWC, Beach.  Has bought out all of the others and now owns the HWC and everything there in.


Best: Ugh, you mean I've got to deal with him again.


Danniels: Beach did a lot for this company.


(Their bickering is suddenly cut off as "Big Cheese" by Nirvana blares over the PA system and pyro explodes from the top of the entry ramp.  All eyes are on the curtain to see who will be the first to make their way down the entry ramp in the new era of the HWC.  No one needs to be told though because everyone that there's only one man known as the big cheese of HWC.  Beach comes waltzing through the curtain and down the entry ramp.  As he comes closer the flames that shot from the top of the ramp follows him down the sides of the ramp.  Beach reaches the ring and slides in as the fans cheer.  Beach stands in the center of the ring and pulls out a mic as he gets ready to address all of the loyal HWC fans.)


Beach: Hello East Lansing....


(With that all of the fans give off a cheap pop.)


Beach: And welcome to the HWC's first show on our return.


(Another pop, this time for the HWC.)


Beach: Now, some of you probably remember me well, I'm now in charge of the HWC.   Tonight is going to be a big night.  We have a lot of our old stars back that you will be seeing in action.  I've searched to find some of the greatest talent that this world has to offer and I believe that they are here in the HWC.  Tonight we take the first step in declaring a new HWC World Champion in our HWC Ultimate Survivor Title Race.  Tonight we have eight matches in the begining of the Quick and the Dead Unethical Tounament.  Also there will be an HWC Junior Champion declared in our main event tonight.  I have a lot of big plans for the HWC and I'm ready to kick things off.  So with out any further hold of.......


(Suddenly "Click, Click, Boom" by Saliva hits over the PA as the Enfocer walks through the curtains at the top of the ramp.  With a mic in his hand he begins to speak.)


Enforcer: Listen, I don't care if you're the CEO or the owner.  I'm trying to figure out why you're out here running your mouth acting like this is a big deal while I sit in a cramped locker room?


(Beach shakes his head in embarecment as he tries to honestly understand why anyone would want to challenge him.)


Enforcer: Now.....


(Beach cuts him off.)


Beach: Listen, you might want to rethink this.  This isn't a bar, cowboy.   And I'm not some sleazy drunk feeling up on the ladies.  So, if you want to mess with me I recomend you rethink things a bit.


(That has obviously set the Enforcer off as he heads down the entrance ramp toward the ring.  Before he can get there though Obake runs out from the back and spears him from behind sending bothbmen tumbling to the bottom of the ramp.  Both men brawl it out with neither one giving an inch to the other.  Beach gets fed up with this after a while.)


Beach: Can I get some one out here to stop this please?


(Within seconds "Sweet" Steve LaSalle comes barreling down the entrance ramp full till and clotheslines both men to the ground.  Both men get to their feet but, are met in turn with big boots from the nearly seven foot Steve LaSalle.)


Beach: Steve, you know what to do.


(Steve then halls both men to their feet and slams their heads together.  Neither men fall but, both of them are staggered.  Steve grabs first the Enforcer by the throat and then Obake and chokeslams both of them to the outside at the same time.)


Danniels: Look at the strength of Beach's personally bodygaurd Steve LaSalle.


(Beach exits the ring and stands over the prone bodies of Obake and the Enforcer.)


Beach: Never test my power and never try and inturupt my show.


(With that Beach throws the mic down and walks back up the entrance ramp with Steve LaSalle in tow.)


Danniels: Beach and LaSalle have just left two of our world title competitors laying on the arena floor.


Best: That's what I like about Beach, he will turn any situation around to his favor.   He's always got an ace up his sleve.


Danniels: Speaking of ace's let's get into our first match of the night.  It will be pitting the Ace of Spades against Katanya.


(Best listens into his headset.)


Best: You idoit we have to go back to Amy Jenson for her predictions first.


Danniels: Oh, man.  That was such a good lead in too.


Best: Yeah, well, when Beach is trying to lay the help, not that that's a bad thing, they get to do what they want.


(Danniels looks extremely bumbed that his realy corny lead into the first match didn't work as the camera switches to Amy Jenson's locker room for her predictions.  The scene opens to see Amy sitting in a plain steel chair.)


Amy: Hey punks and freaks. Amy here. Since I can't wrestle and kick ass like I normally would, I'm going todo some predictions and what I think about HWC's talent. We've got this Unethical tourney running here, which to me, makes no sense. But it's like that crappy ass show, Survivor so I guess it works. I want to get into this thing so bad I can taste it, but with a blown knee, that ain't happening. Anyway...Here's my predictions.


The Fatal 4 way- The only person that has shown any interest is that retard Myzteik, and even that was lame as hell. After watching old tapes of La Cabra in action, he's got a shot, if he can move fast enough. I've never heard of G-Money or Skorpeonqween, so I don't know anything about them. But they've been silent. I think it's gonna come down to La Cabra and Mzyteik. My call? LA CABRA.


First round match, Tiger vs. Dozer- There's been some nasty ass bad blood there between these two. Rumor has it Tiger DEMANDED a shot against this guy. She's been quiet though! Dozer's made his prescence known, but Tiger hasn't said dick! Either she's got something in store for him, or she's scared. Either or. My call? DOZER.


First round, Lone Anarchist vs. Hollywood Harley- Once again, nothing from either of these guys, so I can't say dick either way. But hey, I like Anarchist's name. My call? ANARCHIST.


First round, Payne vs. Neurosis- Neurosis is an oddball. Just looking at him, I can see this. It's like he's killed people. But Payne..I've wrestled in the same fed as him twice. And this guy..he scares me. He's taken 45 foot drops, and walked away. Payne's a freakin' nutjob. My call? PAYNE.


First round, Obake vs. Enforcer- Based on what I've seen of Enforcer, he's a big motherfucker. Big and pissy. He's got this whole Korn thing going. But Obake...I've dealt with Obake before. Obake is a legitimate monster. He doesn't care. He just doesn't. He may be the smaller of the two..but..My call? OBAKE.


First round, Kidd Rock vs. 'Hollywood' Johnny Rave- Not much to say here. They both want it pretty fuckin' bad. I think Kidd'll take it because he's got more drive. Rave is just whining because he didn't get farther. My call? KIDD ROCK

First round, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens Vs. The Spider- Spider's been quiet, so either he forgot he had a match, or he's planning. Stevens has wrestled here before. And he was sick. My call? STEVENS

First round, Katanya Vs. The Ace of Spades- Once again, Not much to say. C'MON PEOPLE, SAY SOMETHING! GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WORK WITH! Although Ace has got this 'Star Wars' thing going.'re a grown man. Star Wars is for kiddies. Star Wars SUCKS ASS. We know what happens already. Lucas is a freakin' moron. My call? KATANYA, due to Ace's Star Wars fetish.


First round, Baali Vs. Chaotica- This one is tough. Chaotica has something up her sleeve, and believe you's gonna be fun. Baali...him and I have a past. I owe a lot to this guy. But that isn't going to stop me from calling it like I see it. My Call? MATCH THROWN.


Now get out of my locker room.


(With that the camera goes back the the announce possition with Danniels and Best.)


Best: Well, now that that load of shite is over with let's get on to this first peice of horse pucky match.


Ace of Spades Vs. Katanya-

("Ace of Spades" by Motorhead comes over the PA system as the Ace of Spades walks out from the back to an ovation from the fans.  Quickly he enters the rings.   He mounts all four corners and raises his arms in the air receiving a good fan responce.  Suddenly he is cut off as "Big Cheese" By Nirvana comes over the speakers, cutting Ace's celebration rather short.  Beach walks through the curtains and enters the arena.  With him comes "Sweet" Steve LaSalle.  Beach grabs a mic.)


Beach: Well, Ace, I'm sorry to disapoint you but, Katanya can't make it to the match tonight, it seams that there was a booking error and Katanya's contract doesn't start untill next week so, I've found a replacement for your opponent.


(Without wasting anymore time Steve LaSalle rushes a very surprised Ace of Spades who is in the ring.)


Danniels: Can he do this? 


Best: Of course he can he's the CE"f'n"O.


(Steve LaSalle Climbs up the apron and steps over the top rope but, he is attacked before he can get all the way in.  Ace charges at him and lands a flying fore arm sending Steve right back to the outside.  Steve gets up groggily and sees Ace diving over the top ropes.  Steve has recovered just enough to catch him and ram him back first into the corner post.  Steve then tosses Ace over the top rope and into the ring.  Steve follows him in and stomps away at him.)


Danniels: Steve has the upper hand early on.


Best: Yeah, Ace is an idiot.  Why do you throw yourself at a 300 plus pound man?


(Steve then picks the fallen Ace up and looks toward Beach, who is on the entrance ramp.  Beach motions for Steve to choke slam him which Steve is more than willing to do.  As Ace lays there Steve looks up at Beach who tells him to do it again.   Steve picks Ace up and is about to do it again but, before he can the Viper and Maxx Imum come flying out from the back stage area to save their stable mate.  They clothsline Beach on the way out.  As they reach the ring Steve Mearly drops Ace and focuses his attention on the OutlawZ.)


Best: Kill 'em Steve.


Danniels: Finally some one has come to help Ace.


(Maxx rushes in at Steve but, catches a big boot for his efforts and gets put flat on his back.  Viper tries a different aproach by climbing to the top rope.  Steve sees him though and grabs him.)


Danniels: This is not the place that Viper wants to be.


(Steve launches Viper off of the top and to the mat.  Steve then proceeds to attack all three of the OutlawZ while they are down.)


Danniels: Wait, who's that in the crowd with that chair.?


Best: What?  Chair?


(Suddennly a woman jumps over the barrier chair in hand.  Steve has his back turned and is about to choke slam Viper but, before he can he is leveled by the woman with the chair.)


Danniels: It's Katanya.  Beach said she wasn't supposed to be on contract for a week. 


Best: What the Hell is she doing here?


(With that Katanya slides out of the ring and runs up the entrance ramp, chair still in hand.  Beach sees this and heads through the curtains to the back with Katanya chasing him.)


Winner: No Contest


Best: She's gonna regret taking out Steve.


Danniels: On top of that she's chasing down the CEO, with a chair.


(The scene cuts to the back stage area.  We see Lone Anarchist preparing for his match.  His mask is on and he's slipping into his shirt.  Suddenly his locker room door bursts open and the lights cut off.  A figure runs into the room and attacks Lone Anarchist but, no one can see who it is or what's going on.  As the door closes again the lights come back on and we see Lone Anarchist laying knocked out.   The camera then cuts back to the commentators booth.)


Daniels: What was that all about?


Best: Who knows.  Who ever did that has a lot of balls to mess with the Lone Anarchist.


Danniels: His match is scedualed to be next.


Lone Anarchist Vs. Hollywood Harley--


(Hollywood Harley is all ready in the ring and facing the entrance ramp awaiting the Lone Anarchist.  After a few seconds the ref walks over to the ring aid and talks to him.  The aid then grabs a mic.)


Ring Aid: The referee has just informed me that if the Lone Anarchist is not in the ring in the next twenty second that he is going to be eliminated and Hollywood Harley will be declared the winner. 


(Both the ref and Harley are facing the entrance ramp in anticipation of what will come next.  The crowd counts down from ten waiting to see what's next as well.)


Crowd:  10....










(Suddenly some one steps out from behind the curtains.  It is Beach once again with a mic in his hand.)


Beach: God, I'm getting tired of all these stupid wrestlers.  Since Katanya wants to break her contract and what not, she'll be facing none other than "Sweet" Steve LaSalle next week on Slaughter.  But, on to better things.  Since Lone Anarchist can't compete there is another opponent for you tonight.


(While Beach is talking some one hops over the barrier behind the ref and Harley.   He has a lead pipe in his hand.  As Beach stands there watching the man dives into the ring and nails Harley in the back of the head with the pipe.)


Beach: And there he is now.


Danniels: Who is that?


Best: Whoo hoo, it's SmackDaddy.  Smack is back and he's on the attack.


(Smack has thrown the lead pipe out of the ring so as to not be DQ'd and dives for the pin on Harely.  The ref gets down and it's 1......2.....3.....counts you're out at the old ball mean......yeah.)


Winner: SmackDaddy??????


(Smack then leaves the ring and walks to the top of the ramp where he and Beach shake hands before heading to the back.)


Danniel: What the heck is this all about?  Smack is in leauge with Beach?   What's going on here tonight?  This isn't wrestling, it's a circus.


Best: Yeah, isn't it great?


(We then go to a commersial for FAYGO featuring some of HWC's brightest stars.)


**The view switches to Comissioner Victor Black's office. The Comissioner is seated behind an ornate antique desk, facing to the left, his hands folded across his chest, looking thoughtfully at a photo of Sir Winston Churchill. After a moment, he turns and faces the camera and begins to speak in his proper English inflections.**


COMISSIONER BLACK: This is a glorious day for the world of professional wrestling. Today, we stand at the threshold of a new era, an era that will no doubt be filled with trials and tribulations for this company. But with the guidance of CEO Beach, as well as my own expertise in the administration and supervision of the employees of this company, I feel, not unlike Sir Winston Churchill, that this will be our finest hour. We will open doors that other companies are afraid to open. We will blaze a path for others to follow. We will set the standard in the industry of professional wrestling that other companies will seek to emulate. Today, we begin our conquest of professional wrestling, and those who stand in our way, from within or without, will be cast to the wayside.


**With that, the comissioner turns back to his left, taking out a silver pocket watch and opening it up, then the view switches back to Eddie and Travis.**


EDDIE: Strong words from the new comissioner of the HWC, Victor Black!


TRAVIS: Hey, that's Mister Black to you, Eddie boy! Only his friends are allowed to use his first name!


EDDIE: Oh really? And how would you know that?


TRAVIS: Well, naturally, because Mister Bl...err, Victor and I are the best of friends!


EDDIE: **looking thoroughly unconvinced** If you say so....Anyway, the competitors for our next match are already in the ring. We have a couple of newcomers, Tyberius Spider and Mike "The Dragon" Stevens!


TRAVIS: The Dragon looks like a tough customer, but this Spider is some kind of freak


EDDIE: IF I were you, Travis-


TRAVIS: Thank god you aren't...I would never get laid!


EDDIE: Very funny. You better be careful, though....a man as big as the Spider can dress however he wants! Let's go to the ring!


**Camers switches to the ring. Dragon and Spider circle each other, then go to the standard collar-and-elbow tieup. Spider turns it into a top wrist lock, twisting the arm up and bending the wrist into a painful position. Dragon reverses and takes Spider's arm behind his back. Spider does a standing switch, then so does Dragon. Dragon shoves Spider into the corner hard, and Spider bounces off the turnbuckle. He turns, holding his chest and glaring at Dragon. Dragon, looking very intense, motions for Spider to bring it on.**


EDDIE: Wow, a show of strength from the smaller Dragon! This could get interesting in a hurry!


TRAVIS: Dragon's gonna show this big fat freak that size doesn't matter!


**The two lock up again, and this time Dragon plants a boot in Spider's midsection, then drives an elbow into Spider's back, forcing the bigger man to one knee. Dragon grabs Spider by the neck and takes him to the nearest turnbuckle. He tries to ram spider's head, but spider blocks it, then throws an elbow into Dragon's midsection, then rams his Dragon's head into the turnbuckle. Dragon reels backwards, and spider charges, leveling Dragon with a stiff clothesline. Spider then sits on the top turnbuckle, shows a fist to the crowd, who is giving the big man a few cheers. He tries a fistdrop from the second turnbuckle, but Dragon sees it coming and rolls out of the ring, and gets some heat from the fans at ringside. Spider comes up holding his hand.**


TRAVIS: Way to go, Dragon! Take a breath and regroup! Smart man!


EDDIE: Smart, indeed. But Spider isn't going to wait...he's going out after Dragon!


**Spider does indeed roll out of the ring after Dragon. Dragon sees this, and cuts loose with a lethal spin kick, catchingthe big man right in the head. Spider collapses to the floor, and Dragon takes advantage by putting the boots to him, stomping the big man's back to a chorus of boo's from the fans. The referee has begin his count, but Dragon rolls in, stopping the count. He rolls right back out, picks the bigger man up, and rams his head into the ring post, hard. Spider collapses again, his head busted open.**




EDDIE: Travis, you are one sick puppy, do you know that?


EDDIE: What, did you think I would change?


TRAVIS: We can always hope. I should have known better, I guess.


TRAVIS: Yeah, I missed you too, Daniels....NOT!!!


EDDIE: *sighs* Why did I agree to come back to this?


**Spider, bleeding profusely now, pulls himself back to his feet. He spots Dragon going for a chair. He charges and clubs Dragon right between the shoulders, knocking him into the timekeeper's table. The ring announcer and timekeeper scramble to get out of the way. The referee's count, started over when Dragon rolled in and back out of the ring, is on four. spider grabs Dragon by the scruff of the neck and his tights, picks him up, and tosses him into the ring. Spider then grabs a chair of his own and starts into the ring. The re3feree, seeing this, steps up to Spider and blocks him from using the chair. Meanwhile, Dragon rolls out of the ring on the other side and gropes around under the ring, and comes up with a wrench. He slides back into the ring, where the referee has finally persuaded Spider to relinquish the chair. As the referee turns to drop the chair to the floor, Dragon stands poised with the wrench. Spider turns just in time to get a coldcocked with the wrench, which Dragon immediately tosses from the ring. Spider drop, knocked out, and Dragon makes the cover....1-2-3!!!!***


TRAVIS: Dragon did it! He beat the big fat freak! WHOO HOO!!!


EDDIE: Yeah, but it took a wrench to do it! What a cheater!


TRAVIS: Oh, Daniels, quit griping! The lard ass had it coming! I don't even know how that freak got into this company!


**Dragon stands triumphantly in the ring, his hand raised by the referee, as the crowd boos him soundly. He jerks his hand away from the referee, as EMT's come down to attend to the unconscious Spider.**


(The camera cuts back into Beach's office.  Beach is sitting at his desk with Steve LaSalle and SmackDaddy sitting across from him.  Beach has a smile on his face and is leaning back with his feet up on his desk.)


Beach: Ah, beautiful chaos.  Ha, no one knows what to expect.  Even I don't know. 


(Suddenly the phone rings and Beach looks at it angry.  It rings again and he finally picks it up angrily.)


Beach: HELLO!!!

What?  He can't be here, that's impossible.  Seal off all of the exits don't let anyone in or out.  I'm not going to let him make my show fall apart.


Steve: What's going on?


Beach: One of our old friends is in the building.


(The three look around at eachother before heading for the door.)


(The scene cuts back to the arena.  The next match pits Baali vs. Chaotica.   Both are in the ring and ready to go.)


Chaotica vs. Baali--


(Chaotica and Baali go face to face saying some harsh words back and forth. Chaotica starts of with a knee to the groind of Baali then throws him to the ropes. Chaotica goes to land a close line but Baali throws him self at her knowing Chaotica to the mat. Baali start to beat away on Chaotica till the ref pulls Baali off, Baali pushes the ref away and threatens him. Chaotica gets to her feet and delivers a DDt on the distracted Baali, Chaotica then goes for a quick cover.....1......2.....and kick out. Chaotica tries to throw Baali to the ropes again but Baali grabs her and locks her in a sleeper. Chaotica struggles a bit to get free but Baali locks in tigher, it isn't losng before Chaoticas movements become less. The ref picks up Chaotica's hand and lets it drop, no movement. The ref does it again and Chaotica keeps her hand up using it to battle her way free. Chaotica elbows Baali in the face a few times causing him to stagger back to the turn buckle, Chaotica jumps up and starts to wale away on his face. Before the ref can break it up Baali pushes Chaotica hard to the mat. Chaotica holds her back in pain, Baali grabs her and pulls her into a piledriver but Chaotica counters with a Hurracanrana sending Baali down. Chaotica then climbs to the top of the turn buckle and waits for Baali to get up. It takes a moment but Baali finaly gets to his feet, turning around to find Chaotic he is meet with a missle drop kick off the top rope by Chaotica. Chaotica quickly covers Baali......1.......2.......3. Chaotica beats Baali! )

Winner: Chaotica


(Oddly there was no sound during the match.  The camera then cuts to the Audio/video trailer.  There we see Beach, Steve, and Smack playing around with the controls.)


Beach: That was great Steve.  Now, can you make the lights flicker.


(The camera pays attention to the monitor on the panel they're looking at.  As it does the lights in the arena begin to flicker.)


Smack: Cool, what does this do.


(Smack presses one of the various buttons on the panel.  Back in the arena they are getting ready for the next match.)


Kidd Rock Vs. "Hollywood" Johnny Rave


("The Beuatiful People" by Marilyn Manson plays as "Hollywood" Jonny Rave steps from the back. He stands at the stop the ramp for a moment, raising his hands in the air he is greeted with a pop of cheers.  Suddenly pyro explodes right next to him causing him to jump. Feeling embaresed, he continues on down to the ring. He waist no time getting into the ring and perparing for his match, he stands ready waiting for Kidd to come.)


(The camera comes back to the back and shows Beach, Steve, and Smack laughing hystericly at Rave's misfortune.)


(Back in the arena. Rave's music fades then Bahwitdabah by Kid Rock hits, Kidd Rock comes tearing out the back running full force to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope and is meet with a kick to the head from Rave. A few more are delived before Kidd can get to his feet, Rave tries to kick him in the midsection but Kidd catches his foot. With his other hand he gives Rave a close line for his troubles, while down Kidd starts to kick Rave in the head till he is stoped by a low bow from Rave. Staggering away in pain, Rave jumps to his feet and does a standing drop kick to the back of Kidd. Kidd falls throat first on the ropes before falling to his back, he holds his throat and kicks his feet in greater pain. Rave uses this time to climb to the top of the turn buckle, he leaps off to land a frog splash but at the last second Kidd puts his feet up kicking Rave in the chest. Rave crumbles to the mat. Kidd gets up and pulls Rave up by his hair and into a suplex. Picking him up again Kidd delivers a sit down powerbomb to Rave. Rave lays on the mat looking quite out of it, Kidd gets a twisted grin on his face as he drags Rave over to the ropes. Picking him up again Kidd ties Rave in the ropes and starts to chop him hard in the chest. After the fivith chop Rave manages to get one of his arms free and ducks causing Kidd to flip over and fall to the floor below. Rave slides out of the ring and follows the stumbling Kidd, running up to Kidd from behind Rave bulldogs Kidd face first on the ring steps. Kidd's forehead is cut open deeply above his left eye, Rave grabs Kidd and rolls him into the ring and follows. Rave quickly pins Kidd.....1......2..kick out. Rave goes to pin Kidd again but Kidd counter by punching him in the throat. Kidd rolls over on him and goes of a pin......1...kick out. The two get to their feet and lock up, Rave gets the upper hand and throws Kidd to the ropes. Rave goes to deliver a close line but Kidd ducks, coming off the other side Kidd stops suddenly and hits Rave with a superkick when Rave tries to land the close line. Face half covered in blood Kidd quickly lands the shooting star press and pins Rave.......1.......2.....3. Badly hurt Kidd comes out with a win.)

Winner: Kidd Rock


(Back in the A/V truck.)


Beach: Okay guys, enough playing around, turn the sound back on we've got buissness to take care of. 


Smack/Steve: Awww, man, that sucks. 


(Steve then turns the announcers head sets back on and the three of them leave the trailer.  The scene then cuts back to the arena and the anounce table.  We see Travis Best more or less passed out on the table.  Eddied Danniels elbows him and Best wakes up.)


Best: No daddy, don't touch me there.  Hmm...What the???   oh...


(Eddie just gets a broad smile on his face as he chuckles at Travis.)


Eddie: We're back finally we've got sound.  Some one has to do something about Beach and those other two thugs.


BesT: Yeah, sure, I just got paid to sleep half of the time.   God forbid that happen.


Eddie: On to the next match though, it's Neurosis and Payne facing off.


Payne Vs. Neurosis


{"Breaking me down" by Soil hits the arena and the fans in attendance do not give him a warm welcome.}


Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at an undisclosed weight, and standing at 6’1”, for the first time in an HWC ring, PAYNE!!!


{The fans boo again, this time louder, at the mention of Payne’s name}


Ring Announcer: And already in the ring at this time, standing a 6’2” and weighing in at 239 pounds, the man they call Neurosis!!


{The fans boo at the mention of Neurosis’ name as well The 2 men look disgusted as they are booed. They make rude gestures towards the audience, and they fans’ jeers grow louder.}


Eddie Daniels: Looks like neither one of these men are getting the response they were looking for.


Travis Best: Well, we haven’t ever been able to say much about the fans. Just look at the people they used to cheer for. Obviously these so called fans didn’t grow any taste in our off period. Just…


{Travis is cut off as Neurosis scoop slams him hard onto the mat. While Payne struggles back to his feet, Neurosis hits him with a knee drop. As Payne is on the floor Neurosis stomps a mud-hole in Payne. Neurosis gets cocky and starts to yell at some fans that bought ringside seat tickets}


Travis: You tell ‘em! They don’t deserve the good seats!


Eddie: While you listen to yourself talk, I’ll mention that Neurosis is giving Payne a run for his money.


Travis: Well I’m not a betting man…


Eddie: Tell that to your bookie.


Travis: Hardy har har! But if I were a betting man, I’d put my money on Neurosis!


{Neurosis turns his attention back to Payne. Payne is back on his feet. Neurosis goes for a charging shoulder block, but Payne sidesteps him. Payne hits Neurosis with an axe handle smash. Neurosis staggers, but doesn’t go down. Payne knife-edge chops Neurosis’ chest, and follows up quickly with a stiff punch to the nose.}


Eddie: Damn that was a hard punch! The blood is just pouring out. They might have to stop the match!


Travis: Hell no! Neurosis has to win, I got money riding on the match remember? I just told you a few minutes ago.


Eddie: Actually I believe you said that you were NOT a betting man.


Travis: It doesn’t matter. Neurosis is back up anyway. And he has fire in his eyes!!


{Neurosis begins to repeatedly punch Payne in the gut. Payne retaliates with a suplex that came out of nowhere. Payne bounces off the rope, but is met with a drop toehold. Neurosis tries to put Payne in a leg grapevine, however Payne rolls out of it. Both men rise to their feet. Neurosis and Payne lock hands in a test of strength. Neurosis gets the better hand and Payne drops to his knees. Payne head-butts Neurosis below the belt and Neurosis doubles over in pain and drops to the canvas. Payne rolls to the outside of the ring for a breather of his own.}


Eddie: This match is becoming action packed!


Travis: Yeah, well Payne better get back into the ring, the referee has started the count and he is already at 5.


{Payne re-enters the ring as the ref counts to 7. Neurosis also is back on his feet. Payne whips Neurosis into the ropes, and then he uses the rope to whip himself at Neurosis. They both clothesline each other with a great amount of force and they both hit the ring hard. The ref starts to count as both men stir slowly. At 9 Neuroisi is the first to his feet, seeing Payne slowly get up Neuroisi knees him in the face and covers him for the pin.....1......2.....3. The bell rings and the ref Neurosis' hand in victory.}

Winner: Neurosis


(The two competitors make their way to the back.  The next match is waiting to start when "Tear Away" by Drowning Pool plays and out comes The Tiger lead by PitBull. Tiger looks as menessing as ever and are meet by many boos, Tiger only ignores them and enters the ring. Pit goes over and snags a mic from Travis before climbing in the ring to speak.)


PitBull: Hey!..... Shut..... SHUT UP! KILL THE MUSIC! I have something to say! Today before you all you will be lucky enough to witness the greatest match every. No it's not the main event with all those jobbers competing for a stupid unimporant little belt. Though this should be the main event, but some people in back seem to want to try to hold us back. If you ask me they are fool and soon learn the hard way of those that stand in The Tiger's way. One of those..... one with a big mouth that will have to learn the hard way... will be none other then The Bulldozer. That worm has it coming........


(Pit is cut off by the playing of Dozer's theme and out he steps with mic in hand. As he waits for his music to stop he grins at them both as if he knows something.)


PitBull: Wha..... What are you doing here? Can't wait to get your ass handed to you by the force that is The Tiger!


Dozer: Pit do everyone a favor and shut up for once. You don't speak for me and as far as I know you don't speak for any of us. In fact the only one you do speak for this that brainless wonder you manage. All you do is yap yap yap..... You keep talk yet nothing of importance to hear comes out. Right now a match could be going on and all these nice fans could be enjoying that but instead they have to listen you droan on how the mentaly challenged is the greatest wrestler. So I say put your money where your mouth is, cause tonight I will prove you wrong once again!


(Pit raises his mic to speak but Tiger pulls his arm away, Pit looks at her questionbly. Tiger nods and Pit slowly hands her the mic. She speaks her vioce horse and rough.)


The Tiger: Dooooooozzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr............


Dozer: The primate can speak....... evalotion works!


(The chants of YOU SUCK to Tiger stop her from saying another word. She lowers the mic and looks around and if suddenly enrage by this Tiger drops the mic slides out of the ring and starts to run at Dozer. Dozer stands their calmly waiting for her to come take a swing, but before she can make it up the ramp sercurity comes out and restrains Tiger from ever getting to Dozer. Feeling cocky Dozer gets an inch from her face and starts insulting her knowing she is helpless to do anything. Finally Dozer turns and head to the back, at the time Pit comes cover to Tiger. Their both esscorted to the back by sercurity.)


Travis: Ugh, that was horrible.  No more Dozer, Tiger moments.


Eddie: Um, both of them could take you.


Travis: Um, no.


Eddie Daniels: Anyway, the competitors for this next match are very evenly matched


Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, making his way to the ring, is a man who needs no introduction. He is OBAKE!!


{The arena quiets down. And without any music Obake walks onto the stage. Some fans cheer, some boo, some stand in awe due of the size of the man, but the sound in the arena is deafening. Obake doesn't look at the crowd. He walks straight to the ring.}


Ring Announcer: And his opponent, standing at 6'8" tall and weighing in at 300 pound…The Enforcer!


{"Click, Click, Boom" by Saliva hits the arena, and the crowd gives another mixed reaction. The Enforcer also walks straight to the ring without acknowledging the fans.}


Travis Best: This is going to be a doozy.


Eddie Daniels: I sense sarcasm in your voice, but you are correct.


{Obake and Enforcer lock up and Obake winds up shoving the Enforcer to the ground. Enforcer springs back to his feet and charges at Obake. The Enforcer is met with with an elbow to the face. Obake begins to punch Enforcer in the face. A punch is blocked and Obake is met with a jab to the throat. Enforcer elbows Obake in the head, and Obake shakes it off. Obake kicks Enforcer in the stomach and lifts him up over his head….BOOM!}


Eddie: JESUS!! What a slam!


Travis: Enforcer just rolled out of the ring.


Eddie: Probably the best thing he could do.


Travis: No, getting a chair is the best thing he could do…and he just did!

{Enforcer re-enters the ring with the chair and walks up to Obake. He swings the chair and whacks Obake in the head. Obake hits the floor}


Eddie: The ref just called for the bell, Obake wins by disqualification.


Travis: BULL!! That was a fair move!


Eddie: Look at The Enforcer taunting the crowd and mocking Obake!






{The Enforcer turns around and sees Obake standing. Obake bounces of the ropes and hits The Enforcers with a spear. Then Obake moves the chair into the middle of the ring. He picks up The Enforcer and lifts him up over his head}


Travis: It's coming.




Travis: And right onto the chair.


{Obake leaves the ring and heads backstage and The Enforcer just lies in the ring.}


Eddie: He's not moving.


Travis: Obake just killed him! Murderer!


{A brigade of referees comes to the ring and helps the Enforcer out of the ring. The refs help The Enforcer to the backstage area while the fans look on}


Travis: MURDERER!!


Eddie: He isn't dead. He just got up.


Travis: He was helped up! Murderer!


Eddie: Let's go to commercial, while my broadcast partner continues to scream murderer.

Winner: Obake


(A commersial for the HWC comes on staring the old and new stars of the HWC.  After that we come back to Beach, Steve, and Smack in Beach's office.)


Beach: Well, Enforcer's gonna be out for a while.  It seams like the HWC's talent roster is dropping like a two dollar whore in the middle of winter.  


Steve: Yeah, dude, what're you gonna do?


Beach: I don't know.  Enforcer's injured, Baali has quit, La Cabra just got fired for not showing up, an......


(Steve cuts him off.)


Steve: You fired La Cabra?  Dude, he's the best lightweight we've got here.  Why?


Beach: He didn't show and then started talking in Spanish when I fired him.


Steve: Oh well.


(The camera then goes to the arena.)

Eddie: Well ladies and gentlemen this next match should prove to be extremely interesting. I'd say that it has been a long time coming

Travis: Oh come on, how much of a match is this going to be? Tiger's been locked up in a mental ward for how long? And the only reason she's back here in the HWC is because Autumn Lewis felt sorry for her.

Eddie: Well I guess we'll see who's gonna win this one won't we?

Travis: Yes Eddie we will and when Dozer wins your mother loses her bet.

Eddie: What?! You leave my mother alone

(Travis just laughs as the lights flicker off and on and Dozer's music starts, the fans are not quite sure what to make of him as of yet so they boo him.  Dozer does not seem to mind this at all and simply strides down to the ring then does a baseball slide under the bottom rope. Dozer stands in the middle of the ring and waits with his hands on his hips as The Tiger's music starts. After about thirty seconds there is no sign of the Tiger)

Eddie: No sign of The Tiger.  Travis, where could she be?

Travis: Maybe she realized Dozer's superior wrestling capability and decided not to show!

Eddie: Wait a minute! Here she comes! Here comes Tiger through the crowd!

( Tiger slides into the ring behind Dozer and crouches down before calling out to Dozer. Turning around at the sound of his name Dozer is greeted with a clothesline from hell that nearly takes his head off)

Eddie: What a clothesline from Tiger!

Travis: Come on Dozer! Get up! Don't let a woman beat you!

( Tiger pulls Dozer to his feet and the pair exchange a series of blows back and forth. Dozer pushes Tiger into the corner and wails away on her)

Referee: One..two..three.. break it up Dozer!

( Dozer backs up from Tiger as the referee pushes the two of them apart, as the referee moves out of the way Tiger pokes Dozer in the eye and shoves him backwards.  Tiger comes after him and lashes out with a forearm shot to the face, tripping over his own feet and falling to the mat a smirk spreads across Tiger's face. Climbing the ropes while Dozer lays there stunned she does a backwards flip and hooks Dozer's leg.)

Referee: One..two..thr....

Eddie: A kick out by Dozer as the referee almost makes three.

Travis: That was a fast count! Ref do your job man!

(Tiger goes to pull Dozer to his feet again but Dozer counters with an elbow to the jaw of Tiger.  Stumbling backwards into the ropes she is quickly met by Dozer who grabs her by the arm and sling shots her across the ring. As Tiger comes back across the two competitors take each other out with a double clothesline.)


Travis: Yes Eddie, both competitors are down. and the ref is beginning to administer the ten count. Who will be the first to there feet?

Referee: One..two..three..four..five..six..

( Both Dozer and Tiger stagger to their feet as the ref counts seven. Tiger goes to hit Dozer but he blocks the shot and nails her with a forearm shot.)

Dozer: Come on Tiger! That the best ya got?  Awww cat got your tongue?

( Tiger's eyes blaze with fury as she launches her body at Dozer and spears him half way across the ring, his hands come up to try and protect his face as she wails away on him.)

Eddie: Come on Tiger!  Wait a minute..Who's that at the top of the ramp Travis?

( Both Travis and Eddie look up to the ramp where a man with green hair and a woman are standing. Both of them have a microphone, the man puts the mic to his lips and begins to speak  with a raspy voice)

Man: HWC and fans of the HWC, you have no idea what awaits you..It's coming, it's coming like a tidal wave.

( The woman, who'd had her back to the crowd turns around and lifts up the green shades she was wearing. She wears a black t-shirt with green lettering but the lettering cannot be made out)

Woman: Yes people of the HWC, it's coming like a tidal wave, and when the infection arrives nobody and I mean nobody will be able to stop it.  You can run, you can try to prepare, but that will all prove useless in the end.

Eddie: Oh my god! That's Chaotica, I've heard of her.  She wrestled earlier and beat Baali.

Travis: And the freak with the green hair, that must be Rancid..Good lord almighty if it is indeed him.

( By this time Tiger and Dozer have gotten to their feet and are listening to what the pair are saying. Tiger's eyes regard Chaotica with a questioning look. Some kind of look pass between the two and it dawns on Tiger that Dozer is preoccupied with Chaotica speaking. She turns and grabs Dozer by his shirt and nails him in the back of the head, he stumbles forward and falls into the ropes, Tiger is on him like lightning, she pulls him away from the ropes and clamps on the figure four ankle lock. Dozer howls in pain as Tiger cinches the lock even tighter)

(Chaotica turns to Rancid and nods her head with her wicked trademark grin. The pair smile at each other before disappearing behind the curtain. The referee gets down beside Dozer and asks him if he wants to give up)

Dozer: No!

( Tiger, getting off on Dozer's yells of pain puts the move on as tight as she possibly can and adds a twist, by this time Dozer's face is nearly purple from the pain and he is finally forced to tap out)

Anouncer: Your winner, THE TIGER!

Eddie: What did I tell you Travis? I knew she'd win.

Travis: Yeah yeah lucky break, Dozer was distracted by the two up on the ramp. Then again who would not be distracted by Chaotica? She is one fine piece of.....

Eddie: Travis! Not on national television, we have children watching!

( The referee holds up Tiger's hand in victory and she smirks before doing a baseball slide out of the ring leaving Dozer lying in a crumpled heap on the floor)

Eddie: Well folks, I think it's time for a break while we clean up the mess.

Travis: We'll be back in a few minutes so don't go anywhere!


(The camera cuts to a commercial for Beach's new video "How to be the boss.  When we come back on we are in Beach's office.  Beach is furious.)




(Beach's face turns beat red as Smack and Steve sit there smirking trying not to let Beach see.)


(We then go back to the arena for the main event.)


MyZteik Vs. Skorpeonqween Vs. $G-Money$


**The camera switches to the ring as the ring announcer begins the introductions.**


ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, this main even triple threat match is for the HWC Junior Championship!


**"James" by Laid hits on the PA system**


ANNOUNCER: From Kitchener, Ontario, weighing 155 pounds, Skorpeonqween!!!


**The music begins and down comes the skorpeonqween wearing the golden robe with the leather laces holding in the DD breasts like a bustier. Underneath the crown flows her long blone hair pinned underneath the jeweled crown. As she approaches the ring she seductivly unties her robe to reveal her skimpish outfit and perfectly toned body she hands her manager the robe and he carefully removes the crown from the qween. The manager steps up to hold the ropes back for the qween. Skorpeonqween bends between the ropes to walk royally to the corner of the ring where she stands on the first rope and stretches towards the sky. She places her hand on her forhead (as if to block the sun) and the crowd goes wild!!


** TRAVIS: Wow! What a hottie!!! **whistles** Hey baby! What's your sign?


EDDIE: Get real, Best! A classy lady like that wouldn't give you the time of day!


TRAVIS: **snorts** Eddie-boy, you wouldn't know class if you were in school!


EDDIE: **Brandishes a clipboard at Travis, who cringes** Shut your hole, Best!


TRAVIS: Alright, alright, no need to go postal!


**The West Virginia Pride Theme hits on the PA, and the ring announcer continues**


ANNOUNCER: Accompanied to the ring by Hollywood Harley, from Huntington, West Virginia, weighing 215 pounds, G Money!!!


**Both men step into the ring, jawing at the fans, as MyZteik's theme hits on the PA, and the crowd, cheers a bit.**


ANNOUNCER: From Douglasville, accompanied by his friend Rick, weighing 155 pounds, Mysteik!!!


**Mysteik and his friend Rick start down to the ring, but Hollywood Harley steps in the way, meanacing the two**


EDDIE: What's Harley doing? Mysteik has to get in the ring before this match can start!


TRAVIS: HE's just letting little Ricky know that he won't have any funny stuff!


**Harley, with some coaxing from the referee, finally steps aside, and Mysteik slides into the ring, and the time keeper rings the bell. G Money approaches Skorpeonqween, rubbing his hands together and talking some trash. Qween backs into the corner, but Mysteik creeps up behind him and grabs him in a Full Nelson. Qween kicks him in the gut, and Mysteik drops him like a sack of potatoes.**


TRAVIS: Hey! No fair! That's cheating!


EDDIE: Cheating? This is a triple threat match, you dunce!


TRAVIS: Dunce?! Why I'll...


**Eddie brandishes his clipboard again, and Travis backs down.**


TRAVIS: That's it, no more Prozac for you!


EDDIE: Bite me!


**G Money rolls out of the ring to confer with Harley, while Mysteik and Qween face off. They go into the standard collar-and-elbow tie-up, and Qween turns it into a standing side headlock. Mysteik shoves her off into the turnbuckle, where she bounces back and Mysteik catches her in a sidewalk slam, then drops on her for a quick cover, but only gets a 1 count. Meanwhile, G Money rolls back into the ring and grabs Mysteik and executes a release German suplex. Mysteik lands hard, and G Money grabs his leg and tries to roll him over for a half Boston Crab, but Qween clotheslines him from behind.**


EDDIE: Wow,The action is really heating up! It's looking like the management made the right choice in picking these three for the Junior title match!


TRAVIS: I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I have to agree! But then the HWC gives nothing less than the best!


EDDIE: My god, we agree twice in a row! I think Hell just froze over!


TRAVIS: Don't worry, Eddie boy, I'm sure we'll get over these warm, fuzzy feelings in no time!


**Mysteik gets up, reeling from the suplex, and Qween grabs him in a side headlock. Mysteik does a standing switch and executes a back body drop. G Money dropkicks Mysteik. who flies backwards and falls over Qween and through the ropes, right in front of Harley, who immediately puts the boot to him. Qween gets shakily to her feet, and G Money whips her into the ropes. She ducks his attempted clothesline, bounces off the ropes and executes a flying cross body, taking G Money down. She attempts a pin...1...2...kickout by G Money.Meanwhile, Harley attempts to whip Myseik into the ringpost, but Mysteik reverses and Harley hits the post and staggers back. executes a drop toehold on Harley, who hits the stairs FACE FIRST!!!!**


EDDIE: Oh my god!!! What a move by Mysteik! Harley's gotta be regretting ever coming to ringside!


TRAVIS: It sure can't make him any uglier! **snickers**


**Mysteik rolls back into the ring, where Qween is executing a piledriver on G Money. Mysteik grabs G Money's legs and spikes the piledriver. Qween looks at Mysteik angrily, then charges at him. He ducks, then, as she bounces off the ropes, catches her in a powerslam. Cover, 1...2...kickout, barely. Meanwhile, Harley is getting to his feet, and reaches inder the ring and pulls out a folding chair. He gestures to G Money, who has just gotten up, and holds the chair up next to the ropes. G Money grabs Mysteik, attempts to whip him, but Mysteik reverses, and G Money hits the chair instead, HARD!!!**


EDDIE: OUCH! That's what happens when you don't play by the rules!


TRAVIS: These dumb country boys probably can't even spell "rules"!


EDDIE: You better be careful, Travis...Remember "Deliverance"?


TRAVIS: Shut your hole Daniels! I do NOT have a real purty mouth!


EDDIE: **snickers**


** The referee and Harley check on Ge Money as Qween grapples with Mysteik. Qween attempts a powerbomb, but Mysteik backflips her, and she lands hard. Mysteik steps over her and applies the Mysteik Twister, a modified Steiner Recliner. Qween screrams in pain, as the referee comes ofer and sasks herif she wants to quit.**


EDDIE: This could be it! He's locked in the Mysteik Twister! Can Skorpeonqween somehow escape from this painful hold?


TRAVIS: I don't see how! Give it up, toots! You're toast!


EDDIE: Shut up, Travis. Just shut up!


**Qween starts inching towards the ropes, her hand reaching out, inching ever closer, until her fingers just barely brush the ropes. But Mysteik pulls her back to the center of the ring and cinches in the excruciating submission hold. Qween screams again, and waves her hand wildly, and the referee calls for the bell!**


ANNOUNCER: The winner of this match as a result of a submission, and NEW HWC Junior Champion, Mysteik!!!!


EDDIE: Mysteik has done it! HE has become the first ever HWC Junior Champion! And his friend Rick is jumping for joy at ringside!


TRAVIS: Big whoop...where was he when Mysteik was getting his guts stomped out by Harley? Some friend!


**The crowd cheers wildly as Mysteik and Rick celebrate in the ring. Qween gets to her feet with the assistance of the referee. He starts to escort herout of the ring, but she suddenly shrugs off his help, and steps in front of Mysteik, her face angry.**


EDDIE: Uh oh, this could be trouble...that young lady looks mighty upset!


TRAVIS: Maybe she wants his phone number?


EDDIE: Travis, you''re wierd.


TRAVIS: Never pretended to be anything else, Eddie boy!


EDDIE: Why do I even bother?


**Mysteik looks at Qween, obviously wondering what the problem is. After a moment of glaring, she hold out her hand, to the cheers of the fans. Mysteik looks at her, then at Rick, then back to Qween, then, after a moment's hesitation, takes her hand and shakes it heartily. Qween then holds Mysteik's hand up, pointing to him, causing the crowd to cheer louder.**


EDDIE: Wow, what a show of sportsman, er, sportswomanship by Skorpeonqween! That lady is a class act!


TRAVIS: Oh,come on, stop with the feel good lovey dovey crap before I puke!


EDDIE: Puke later...we're out of time, folks! See you next week!


(Suddenly fromthe back come "Sweet" Steve LaSalle and Smack Daddy.  The rush the ring and clober the thre celebrating.  Harley and G-money try to attack the two but are stopped short.  Suddenly the OutlawZ rush the ring and attack the two in there.  Without much time in between the entire HWC roster has rushed to the ring and are battling it out.  At the top of the ramp we see Beach standing there with a grin on his face.)


Danniels: This is sick, he's enjoying this carnage and chaos.


Travis: Isnt it great.


(Suddenly all of the lights in the arena go out.  On the HWC-tron we se several words flash across.  First it reads "Be Ready!"   then come the words "Be Prepared!" and lastly, "Be Ware!")


Travis: What the Hell is going on.  Suddenly pyro erupts on the ramp and the four corners of the ring.  Beach is knocked on his but by the force and many of the HWC stars head for the higher gound of the ramp and to the back.  In the ring the only ones left are Tiger, Smack, Steve, and Obake.  Being the most brave of the roster.  Suddenly the lights begin to flash on and off.  In the ring there are now five people.  The lights come all the way on and it sees the fifth man.   He is wearing a cloak with a hood on it and as he looks into the camera we see that it is none other than Kash Flagg.)


Best: What the Hell is Kash doing here?


Danniels: This is who Beach was talking about before.


(Obake, Smack and Steve give the hardcore icon the repect he deserves but, the Tiger refuses to back down even to the man deamed Captain Insano.   Without hesitation the other three head back through the curtains. Tiger though walks right up to Kash and stares into him face to face.  She gets a funny look on her face as she stares at him but, before she can do anything she is kicked in the gut and receives some Kold Hard Kash.)


Eddie: Kold Hard Kash on Tiger.


(Suddenly though the lights cut out again.  They are off for a second and when they come back on the camera's see that there is something laying on the Tiger's chest.  It's a Kash Flagg mask.)


BesT: That isn't Kash, what's going on.


Eddie: Who is that.


(The cameras look at the ramp where the cloaked man is staring right into the face of Beach who is shaking like a leaf in a hurricaine.  The man mearly takes a step forward and Beach stummbles backwards landing on his back.  He then curls up into the fetal possition and lays there shaking as the cloaked man mearly walks through the curtians.)


Eddie: Who is that?


Travis: I don't know but he just left the CEO a pathetic heap of quivering mindless jello, and he didn't even touch him.


(The show goes off the air with Beach laying on the top of the ramp still curled into a ball.)