HWC- Rules

Wrestler Creation

Original Wrestlers Only!- No Rock, no Hogan, no Triple H...get the picture? It's okay to very loosely base your wrestler on a real wrestler, but try for some originality! Also, management reserves the right to reject any wrestler they feel is too closely based on real-life wrestlers. Don't bring a character in only to take it out again, make sure the character you bring in is one you want to play for some time. It is okay to play more then one wrestling character, but no one person may have more then 3.

Be Realistic!- It's okay to have a big guy or a small guy, but don't get carried away with it. It would get really boring with a fed full of seven feet tall, 350 pound behemoths lumbering around the ring. No Metagaming!

Be Creative!- The more originality, the better. Use your imagination!

Role Playing

Killing- No graphical descriptions of death or bodily dismemberment. You can have your character dismember people, or kill people, in RPs, but we do not want to see specifically graphic depictions of both.

Match Mentioning- In order for an RP to count toward a match, the match must be referenced in each and every RP posted, if only in passing. IF you want to write an RP without any match context, that's what the Free RP board is for.

Televising RPs- RPs are not televised unless specified as such. However at least one RP must be on camera, if not all then half. Your opponent must be given something to respond to.

Creative Control- Everyone has creative control over their own character. In doing so you decide how your character acts in different situations. Roleplays do not always have to be done in the ring trash talking, this is where creative control comes in. Roleplays can consist of how a person's character lives life outside the ring, or humorous stories. This goes for match Roleplays as well.

Weekly RP count- RPs are to be spread out. Flooding/sandbagging might fly in other feds, but we're the HWC, and that doesn't work here. If you absolutely MUST post more than one RP on the last day, ask your opponent if they mind if you do it, and then notify staff. If you forget one or both of those rules, one, or more, of your RPs may be invalidated.

Writing RP's- Roleplays written for matches should be no less then 2 paragraphs long. And no one person may post more then 4 times per match. This give everyone a fair chance, that no one person will be swamped by another.

Card Promos- You are responsible for sending in promos of your character to be put on the cards. This is part of Creative Control, it is your job as the player to further your character at your will. We won't do it for you.

Express Permission of Other's Props- No player can use another player's character, NPC (Non Playable Character), home, car, etc; without permission of the character's player. Doing so is grounds for severe penalties. If you discover that another RPer is using your wrestler, props, or locales without your permission, please report it immediately to a member of the HWC staff, and they will be dealt with.

Deadlines- Any RP's submitted after the deadline will not count. Continuous posting of RP's after deadline will result in penalties. Deadlines are Sunday at midnight for Delirium and Friday at midnight for the PPV. After this time all matches will be locked on the board.

Jobbers- The jobbers are free reign. If you want to write a match in your RP, feel free to use the jobbers. If you want to write an altercation with your character and another person to underline your character's personality, pick a jobber and have at it.

Hate Crimes- Racial , religious, or ethnic slurs absolutely will not be tolerated! This is grounds for immediate suspension. A second offense will result in immediate removal from the fed. Any RP's that violate these rules will be automatically discounted.


Winning and Losing- Winners of matches are decided on who Roleplays better. Better is determined by creativity in the RP and how well detail of settings, thoughts, and emotions are written out. Don't go overboard on detail, as that might make the RP long winded and boring, but describe what you see in words so others can see it just as well.

Challenges- If you want a match against a particular wrestler, you should issue a challenge on the RP board. If a wrestler is challenged by more then one person, HWC staff will decide who that wrestler faces (or maybe a triple-threat match!).

Title Rankings- There will be rankings to determine who is eligible for a title match. These rankings will be determined by win-loss record, overall performance, and if you defeat a higher ranked wrestler. Remember, unless you're Hulk Hogan, nobody comes right in and gets a title shot!


Right to Know- Everyone has the right to know if their character is being used in an angle/storyline, and or what will be the outcome and/or details of said angle/storyline. If your character is in a angle/storyline, you have the power to help decide the outcome of things.

Decisions- The HWC staff reserves the right to add, subtract, or change the rules at any time. IF you feel that a rule has been violated, or if you have a grievance against another wrestler or staff member, please contact another member of the staff, and we will do our best to resolve the situation. Please do not take any grievances into RP's.

Angle/Storyline- Angles/Storylines must be discussed with all parties and then cleared with the Staff. Staff must know what is going on to help further things or add to them.

Good Sport- Everyone loses matches now and then (some more than others). Crying about it doesn't help matters. If you lost a match, there is most likely a very good reason. Look for that reason, and do your best to correct that reason. Don't be afraid to ask a staff member or fellow wrestler for advice. And remember don't take it personally, it's just a game for fun.

The Most Important Rule of All- HAVE FUN!!! That is, ultimately, what this is all about. If you feel that there is any way that we can improve the HWC, please feel free to contact a staff member. We are always looking for ways to improve things around here, so never hesitate to speak your opinion.