Chicago, Ill. at the Allstate Arena

[“Breaking Me Down” plays in the background of various pieces footage. Redhorn is shown walking from a wooded area, toward the camera, the footage then flips to four men flying from the front doors of a bar, followed by Enforcer and Draven, both carrying an unconscious form under their arms. Looking at one another, Draven and Enforcer smiled, hurled the bodies ahead, walking forward, and the camera switches again. This time, it shows a packed club, strobe lights flickering intermittently in the room, and millions of people dancing to some unheard music, before the door flies open, and Hans Kuhmann steps through, again walking toward the camera, only to have the camera switch. This time, it shows a packed arena, and, in the middle, a cage housing Damon Lancaster and some unknown other man. A quick kick, and Damon Lancaster steps from the cage and toward the camera. The camera switches again, this time to show a darkened alley. No activity trumpets this scene, until, abruptly, a foot lands on the ground in the halo of light, the camera sweeping up to show Jarred Dylan walking off toward the camera. The final scene is of Petra Debeaux walking from a movie set toward the camera, and then everything goes black and silent. The camera then comes back, showing all seven combatants in what seems to be a darkened, dimly-lit ring. Simultaneously with the line “Just Let It Go”, all hell breaks loose, and, through the chorus, the brawl continues. Following the chorus, an errant chair sails from out of nowhere, catching the unseen cameraman, and knocking him to the ground. As the camera falls, it lands facing a second chair, with the word “Chaos” written in what seemed to be blood.]

Eddie: Welcome to Chaos!

Travis: Holy shit. . . . I can barely hear you, Daniels. . . this crowd is insane. . .

[The camera, then, panned over the crowd who, when they realized they were on camera, cheered louder.]

Eddie: And why not, Travis? We have one hell of a card, here, tonight.

Travis: For once in your miserable life, I agree with you. It won’t happen again, I can assure you.

Eddie: Folks, tonight, we’re going to see Jarred Dylan and Redhorn face off against Enforcer and Draven for the Tag Team Titles, and of course the two battle royals to decide Hardcore and World Champions. . .

Travis: And no one with half a brain is betting on Enforcer, Draven, Jarred, or Redhorn.

Eddie: That would seem to be a safe bet, as there will be no time for a recovery in any of these matches. We’re live on Pay-Per-View, which means no commercials, folks!

[The crowd seemed to lose their minds further when they heard that.]

Eddie: Take it away, Lanisha!

Lanisha: The following match is a ladder match! Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois-

[Lanisha had to pause to let the crowd quiet slightly.]

Lanisha: -And New York, New York, weighing in at a combined weight of 595 lbs, Draven Masters and The Enforcer, Bad News!!!

["Angry Again" hits and images of Bad News's past exploits play on the Tron. As the song reaches it's chorus there's a huge explosion of pyro on the stage, and when the smoke clears the Enforcer and Draven are standing there arms crossed over their massive chests. They look to each other, nod and casually walk down to the ring, stepping over the top rope and high five each other waiting for the match to officially start.]

Eddie: Quite a reception for Bad News, here, tonight, eh, Travis?

Travis: Wow. . . .

Eddie: Would you stop ogling the women in the front row!

Travis: Hey, this place is a complete shithole. I know, now, why Draven left this place as soon as he could.

Lanisha: And their opponents, introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, “The Untouchable” Jarred Dylan!!!!

["Sleepwalker Did I give you concrete shoes And throw you off of a bridge When I lay down to sleep Your soul's mine to keep I feel you near me... Sleepwalker!"

When Dave Mustaine's signature growl creates the word Sleepwalker, a blast of red pyro shoots up into the sky at the top of the ramp. When it dies down, there's someone standing there. He doesn't look around, instead choosing to walk slowly down the ramp until a spotlight finds him. When that white light engulfs him, his identity is exposed. It's Jarred Dylan! The fans rise up and start cheering, clapping and chanting his name. He looks around a bit, then grins and starts high fiving the fans around the ring. Staring up at the ring, he backs up a bit, then runs up the ring steps and does a Swanton over the ropes to land in the ring. Draven and Enforcer gave Jarred enough room he wouldn’t feel like they were going to jump him before the match.]

Eddie: Jarred seems to have recovered from that suplex last week fairly well. . .

Travis: Of course. Like our insane boss shows, when you’re insane, pain is just something other people’s children feel.

Eddie: He’s looking over here, Travis.

Travis: So? I have a block of cheese I can throw.


Travis: No, but he’s easily distracted by small things.

Lanisha: And his partner, from Mount Vernon, Tennessee, weighing in at 255 lbs, Redhorn!!!

[What Do Ya Think About That, starts to play and Redhorn slowly strolls out onto the stage. He stands there grinning slyly looking over the crowd. As the music picks up Redhorn begins to wave the Confederate flag he carries with him. He then begins walking down the ramp to the ring. As he does, Redhorn gets right up on the camera mouthing Blah Blah Blah as he gesture a yaping mouth with his free hand. Pushing past the camera man Redhorn continues on to the ring. Climbing in Redhorn moves to the far side climbing the turn buckle to wave the flag once more. As Redhorn turned, he noted both Enforcer and Draven looking at him intently, and darted outside the ring, pointing at Jarred as if Jarred had always been the one chosen to lead off. Jarred glares at Redhorn, and then turns, shrugging, charging across the ring and catching Enforcer with a series of right hands. Draven grabs Jarred bodily, and throws him away. Redhorn, meanwhile, is outside the ring retrieving a ladder. Sliding the ladder into the ring, Redhorn follows the ladder into the ring, picking it up and throwing it, like a log, at Enforcer and Draven’s backs. Fortunately, it draws them off of Jarred. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much more than make them angrier. Enforcer and Draven rush Redhorn, then, and, much to the glee of the fans in attendance, get their hands on Redhorn before he can flee again, then both of them moved to either side, hitting Redhorn with a double chokeslam. Redhorn thus removed, both pairs of eyes went to Jarred, who had, by now, rested the ladder against the turnbuckle, and rushed Draven with a chair, catching Draven hard alongside the head, and then jabbing the chair into Enforcer’s stomach, doubling the big man over. Jarred dropped the chair, grabbing Enforcer’s arm and throwing him into the ladder. As he turned, Draven was mid-rush. Jarred quickly dropped, hitting a drop toehold to Draven, sending Draven headfirst into Enforcer’s crotch. Both men crumpled, and Jarred retrieved the ladder, resting it on Draven’s chest, before climbing to the top turnbuckle, and jumping off with a splash, aiming for the ladder. Draven, however, shoves the ladder into the air, catching Jarred in the face with the flying ladder. Jarred, airborne, combined with Draven’s throw, send Jarred spinning backward, Jarred landing in a very sickening-looking fashion, and simply laying there.]

Eddie: Jarred Dylan may very well be out cold, here, folks. . . That ladder shot was particularly nasty. . .

Travis: Ladder shot? What did I miss?

Eddie: I’ll show you.

[The screen did a ‘split-screen’ effect, and showed, again, the move, in slow motion, the ladder sailing upward, to collide with Jarred’s head, setting him spinning backward.]

Travis: Nasty. Of course, it’s also not that bad.

Eddie: How do you figure?!

Travis: He doesn’t have very many braincells in the first place, so it’s not a great loss. Lanisha: Here are your winners, Bad News!!!

Eddie: Wow. . . . that was definitely a. . . . unique tag match. Jarred got taken out of the ringside area, and Redhorn returned to his war with Hans, and it was elementary from there. . .

Travis: Hey, that was pretty nasty, that ladder shot Jarred took. I can’t poke fun at that. . .

Eddie: Well, you could, but thankfully, you’re not.

Lanisha: The following match is a battle royal, and will decide the HWC Hardcore Title.

[Draven quickly tossed the tag titles out of the ring, and they threw the ladder over the top rope. The ring quickly filled, then, with the other competitors, Hans and Redhorn being kept apart by multiple security members. As the bell rang, however, the security force bolted, and Redhorn charged across the ring, completely ignoring everyone else, making a beeline for Hans. Hans ducked the charge, though, and grabbed the top rope, sending Redhorn to the floor, and, immediately, Redhorn darted back into the ring, grabbing Hans by the back of the head and throwing him over the top rope, both of them, again, immediately, picking up where they left off. Jarred, barely standing, still charged at Enforcer. Enforcer responded, simply, by picking Jarred up, and dumping him over the top rope, before turning to look at Damon, who was presently taking shots at Draven. Enforcer charged Damon, then, Damon quickly ducking out of the way, and catching Draven with a Demon’s Fang. Enforcer grabbed TSO bodily, and threw him over the top rope, then. As Damon stood, he was shoved aside by Petra, who then moved on to dump her brother over the top rope, when he rose slightly. Draven hit the ground, and, after he’d cleared the cobwebs, and realized he had been dumped by his sister, would proceed to blink at her in bewilderment. Enforcer blinked, himself, and that moment of confusion allowed Damon to shove Petra, and upend her over the top rope. Damon stood, then, and rather immediately caught Enforcer with the Demon’s Fang, then struggled to try to get Enforcer to his feet. Attempting to throw Enforcer to the ropes, Enforcer planted his feet, and prevented Damon from throwing him, then pulled him back and clotheslined him. Enforcer grabbed Damon, then, and pulled him up, moving to throw Damon toward the ropes himself, only to have Damon hit the ropes, and slide between Enforcer’s legs. As Enforcer turned, again, he ate a second Demon’s Fang. This one, however, split Enforcer open at the bridge of his nose. Enforcer dropped, again, and, again, Damon attempted to pull Enforcer to his feet. Again, Enforcer’s weight made it harder to do than expected. Enforcer was obviously dazed. So much so that, when Damon got Enforcer to a knee, Enforcer toppled forward, the weight alone sending Damon through the middle ropes. When Damon slowly stood, outside the ring, he was obviously confused as to the rules, and it took Devin calming him down for Damon to get back into the ring. Damon slid back into the ring, and, by then, Enforcer had retrieved a chair, and began to drive the chair into Damon’s skull, repeatedly, before tossing the chair aside, and pulling Damon to his feet. As Damon rises, however, he grabs the chair, and, on his feet, throws the chair into Enforcer’s face. Enforcer catches the chair, however, before realizing that it’s probably not a good idea to pick up the chair. . . only to have the chair driven into his skull by a Demon’s Fang. Both men remained on the ground, then, and, after a while, began to rise to their feet. As Enforcer got to his feet, Damon, again, tried for another Demon’s Fang, only to have Enforcer duck under the kick, and catch Damon from behind, moving toward the ropes and lifting Damon into the air, as if going for an atomic drop, only to have Damon flip out back behind Enforcer, grabbing Enforcer from behind and throwing him toward the ropes. Enforcer, however, hit the ropes, then came back with a back elbow, before grabbing the back of Damon’s skull, and driving him, face-first, into the turnbuckle, before stepping back enough that Damon could stumble from the corner, only to have Enforcer charge forward, clotheslining Damon over the top rope.]

Lanisha: Here is your winner, and new HWC Hardcore Champion, Enforcer!!!

[Enforcer is quickly handed the title, and he looks at it for all of a moment before rolling out of the ring, and walks backstage, the remaining ‘title-less’ members of the Battle Royal walked to the ring. Again, the bell rings, and hell breaks loose. This time, however, it’s a bit more ‘structured’, as Damon pairs up with Draven, picking up where he left off, Petra begins working over Jarred, and, immediately, Hans and Redhorn pick up where they left off. Hans and Redhorn, however, by this point, were both bloodied, and their punches slowly got more and more slow and weak. Two thrown right hands connect, and both men drop, an arm landing on the other. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!! This time, both men are removed on stretchers, only to have both of them come to as they ride up the ramp, and begin throwing punches again. Draven, by now, is beaten down rather visibly by Damon’s kicks and punches, and, without the DQ rule, those punches are closed-fist. Draven quickly begins bleeding, until he manages to take Damon down with a double-leg takedown. Draven immediately climbs atop Damon, beginning to fire off punches, before standing. As Petra stepped away from Jarred, she’d turn to face Draven. Draven would point at her, and then point outside the ring, obviously still irritated at the fact she eliminated him. Petra responded simply: By rushing Draven with a flying forearm. The siblings began trading shots, Draven getting the advantage early due to power, until Petra caught him with a low blow, then stepped back, and launched herself at her brother. Draven ducked, then, Petra nailing Damon with a clothesline. The move dropped the recently-standing Damon, and Petra turned, not even worried about Damon, returning to her attack on her brother. Draven slowly began to rise, then, and Petra hit the ropes once more, only to have Draven counter it at the last second into a powerslam. As Draven tried to stand, he’d get kicked in the head by TSO, and, as the force rocked Draven to a more vertical position, TSO would plant him, quickly, with a DDT. TSO rolls Draven over, and makes a pin. 1 . . . 2 . . . TSO is pulled off of Draven by Petra, who simply throws TSO into the turnbuckle post itself, before catching him with the kick/neckbreaker combo she called the French Kiss, before pinning him. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!! TSO, then, removed from the match, the match would be down to Petra, Draven, Damon, and, surprisingly, Jarred. Jarred, however, was presently out cold in the corner, and, as Petra stood, Draven rushed her, and, before TSO could get out of the ring, he’d have Petra DDT’ed into his stomach. Draven slowly wobbled to his feet, then, before Damon began to move up behind Draven. Damon grabbed Draven’s shoulder, and, as Draven turned, Damon launched into yet another Demon’s Fang, only to have Draven duck, and the kick hit Petra. Draven turned, looking at Petra, and then whirled on Damon, drilling him directly with a right hook between his eyes. Draven then paused, and pulled Petra into the ring further, pinning her himself. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!! Vengeance attained, Draven slowly stood, and then turned, into a Demon’s Fang, followed by Damon simply toppling over onto Draven. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!! Damon, after Draven left the ring, slowly began to groggily get to his feet, and, from behind him, Jarred suddenly snapped awake, darting forward, and rolling Damon up from behind, moving to put his feet on the top rope. The referee didn’t see it, but the crowd did, and began shouting at the referee to try to draw his attention. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!! The crowd booed raucously, then, as Jarred had won the match through underhanded means. . .]

Lanisha: Here is your winner, and your NEW HWC World Champion, “The Untouchable” Jarred Dylan!!!

[Jarred walks backstage, then, and Chris Murphy approached him.]

Chris: Jarred! Jarred! That was incredible! How did you do that?

[The smile that Jarred leveled toward Chris was obviously intended to be good-natured, except that it just gave off a very distinct impression of ‘evil’.]

Jarred: Well, Chris, it’s like this. Sometimes, to get to your goal, you need to make some sacrifices. Whether it was earlier tonight, and sacrificing Redhorn to those two idiots in Bad News, or pretending to be injured all night, the ends justified the means. Because, hey, who’s the champ now?

[And Jarred simply walked on, then.]

[Backstage, Lauren was in B.D.’s office, looking at some documentation, and the door would be flung open, Michael bursting into the room, looking at his own documentation.]

Michael: We have at least three potentially major injuries, and a few almost fatal injuries. . . and you want to do another show next week?!

[Lauren looked up, then, raising an eyebrow.]

Lauren: What are you saying, Michael?

Michael: I’m saying, if we have another card in a week, you’re going to kill about ninety percent of the roster!

Lauren: Alright, then we’ll take a week off.

Michael: And that’s- Wait, what?

Laruen: We’ll take a week off, Michael.

Michael: If you’re joking, Lauren, I can’t handle jokes like that.

Lauren: Who’s joking? Have you seen the buyrates for this Pay-Per-View? The fans are eating this up. If this quality of matches is dependant on getting these people a week off every month or so, I’m all about it.

Michael: Well. . . thanks.

[As Michael moved to leave, Lauren cleared her throat, stopping Michael.]

Lauren: Michael, if you find my husband, tell him I’d like him to come back to the office now.

[Michael nodded, and walked outside the office, and slightly down the hall, stopping short at finding B.D. glaring at him, chair in hand.]

Michael: Lauren wants you.

[B.D. continued to glare at Michael, Michael staring back unflinchingly. And then B.D. walked off.]

[The back door opens as Enforcer and Draven slowly limp out carrying their new belts. Their soft chatter isn’t too clear what they are saying. It's been one hell of a night as they head for their SUV to take them back to their hotel. As they get within sight of the SUV they stop short staring in confusion and growing anger. The camera pans over to the SUV. The tires are slashed and the windows all broken and smashed. But to top it all someone as spray painted in orange paint the letters T and D. The camera fades.]

[The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2008, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.]