Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America from the Maracanã Stadium

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. It then fades as It's not enough by Our Lady Peace starts to play. Shots of Celtic walking to the ring are seen then Panthro going threw a table. Another shows Lucien and B.D. staring down each other then a close up of B.D. smiling in a twisted maner, before showing a shot of Lucien leaning on the ropes looking disapointed. As the chourse kicks in Celtic is seen giving B.D. a big boot out side the ring then to Panthro leaping off the hood of a car deilvering a cross body to Luicen. The next shot is that of total hell breaking out in a Back Alley Brawl. The music slows again showing BloodLust Slayerz long ago throwing a beaten Die Zerstorer into a dumpster. Image changes to that of the Slayerz getting jumped in the ring by Hans and Klaus. Beowulf looks enraged as Palemon looks hurt. Clips of the Slayerz facing Bad News are shows as once again Die Zerstorer attack the Slayerz. Next is show of the two nearly getting run over by a car before Hans and Klaus jump out and beat Palemon and Beowulf sensless and thrown them into a dumpster. Die Zerstorer leave looking confadent bout what they have done. The music gets hard as images are shown of The Tiger stalking out to the ring. Then standing in the ring staring down Kidd Rock as he makes his return. Kidd dives into the ring after Tiger to only have her get pinned by Jeff. Another image clip shows Tiger facing off against Kidd in a steel cage with Vivian as Jeff comes to ring side. Tiger pervokes Jeff into a fight, spits in his face and getting the win. It then changes to show Tiger interfering in Jeff and Kidd's match as she starts beating them with a chair. The chourse plays again as Jericho is seen raising the World title in victory another shows him walking down to the ring. Clips of his high flying skill legenary standing swanton are showed along with the punishment he puts his body threw. Jericho yells in anger as he swings a cane showing little mercy. The song nears the end as Jericho is seen standing nose to nose with The Creeper. As the song fades as does the image.))

(Camera opens up on the ring as all is dark save for a spotlight. Standing in the spotlight is the just President of the HWC, Autumn Lewis.))

Autumn: I want to be the first to welcome the great country of Brazil to X-Treme! We have a new attendance record here in Maracanã Stadium...... 257,437! Here in Rio de Janeiro history will be made. Here you all can say you were the first to witness live...... The very first DisasterPiece Championship title match. So with out further ado....... LET THE BRUTALITY BEGIN!

((Behind her on the stage green and purple pyro goes off in the form of an X, as Not Enough kicks up again. The music can barly be heard of the cheers of the fans. Autumn leaves the ring and head back to her office.))

Eddie: 257,437 here with us live in the Maracanã Stadium to wintness the glory and carnage that is the HWC!

Travis: I think we got that Eddie.

Eddie: I don't know about you Travis but I'm excited. And I think everyone here feels the same!

Travis: Enough already bring out the sap to get his ass hanged to him!

High Impact Match
The ImpactPlayer vs Peter Blankenship

Eddie: Well, Travis, this is a first in any HWC ring... A High Impact Match!

Travis: Yeah, yeah, yeah... Between some loser and a guy who should've stayed in music!

Eddie: And what exactly is that supposed to mean?

Travis: It means our esteemed Assistant Commissioner isn't cut out for this. You saw what happened to him in the gym.

Eddie: Travis, that was a mechanical malfunction. He's fine now. You should see the mess he left backstage!

Travis: (gulping) So who's on the panel for this match again?

Eddie: (laughing) We're about to introduce them.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a High Impact Match, and will only end after a pinfall has been recorded. The panel will decide the winner after that point. Introducing first, representing Bad News, being accompanied by Scott Mercer, THE ENFORCER!

((Click Click Boom hits and the Enforcer steps out onto the stage holding up his arms and looking over the crowd. Scott follows him out and the two head to the ring, Scott giving the Enforcer a pep talk. The Enforcer shoo'es Scott backstage, then goes to a table set up with five chairs and sits in the first chair.))

Jean Fortello: Introducing next, from Prague in the Czech Republic, by request of Cherisse Novak, RAYNE MERRIUCI!

((Rayne Merriuci comes out with no music, as she is not a part of the HWC roster or office personnel. But the small smirk on her face tells everyone she's going to enjoy whatever happens tonight. She makes her way over to the table and sits beside the Enforcer. Their quiet conversation is easily overlooked as something other than strategy.))

Jean Fortello: The third member of the panel... KIDD ROCK!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. He grins and sits beside Rayne, taking his place at the table.))

Jean Fortello: The fourth member of the panel, representing the New Darkside... VIVIAN!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, then stops. She nods once, then walks over to the table and sits in her chair.))

Jean Fortello: The fifth member of the panel... PANTHRO!

((The Mexican Hip Hop Song hits the airwaves, then Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before walking to his chair, filling up the table.))

Jean Fortello: And now, ladies and gentlemen, the competitors. Introducing first, the man who issued the challenge... THE IMPACTPLAYER!

((Superstar by Saliva comes on and the arena goes black, then blue pyro shoots.The Impactplayer makes his way to the ring, he walks slowly. As he gets to the ring music shuts off. He leans over and shouts at the five member panel before turning to face the ramp.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... Being accompanied by his daughter Jessie and the HWC World Heavyweight Champion Jericho Dylan... From Buffalo, New York... Weighing in at 245 pounds... He is the Assistant Commissioner of the HWC... PETER BLANKENSHIP!

((Queensryche's "No Sanctuary" plays quietly at first, then gets louder until it settles in at almost deafening. The point it gets loudest is when the vocalist says "Oh, no sanctuary". Thick fog rolls in, obscuring the ramp from all eyes. Through the haze, three figures emerge. One of them is a tall young woman with raven black hair and electric green eyes, wearing a Type O Negative T-shirt and black jeans and boots. The second one is none other than Jericho Dylan, wearing his usual ring attire with his hair tied back in a ponytail. The third is a very tall man with long raven black hair and electric green eyes. He's clad in a pair of wrestling tights, colored black and shot through with gold threads. He stops just outside the ring and ties his hair back, then slides in between the second and third ropes. Jericho and Jessie take up positions around the ring, providing a lookout in case anyone tries to sneak in and attack him. And out of everyone who sees him in wrestling gear, only The ImpactPlayer's reaction isn't favorable. The members of the panel blink and whisper amongst themselves, obviously discarding any preconcieved notions.))

Travis: Holy moly! I didn't realize Peter was so built!

Eddie: Well, he is a former wrestler... They used to call him The Mauler.

Travis: Oh, yeah, I remember now. I did a little research on him and found out he held more titles than we have here in the HWC. He's some kind of legend on the indie circuit.

Eddie: That doesn't surprise me... He has two younger sisters who also hold considerable sway in the wrestling world.

Travis: Really? Who are they?

Eddie: Angela and Killian Blayze.

Travis: (eyes very wide) Didn't Angela design the new DisasterPiece title belt?

Eddie: Yes, Travis, she did. And Killian used to be Commissioner Novak's Chief of Staff.

Travis: Now I'm impressed. Let's see what these guys can do.

((Peter and ImpactPlayer size each other up, then the bell rings. ImpactPlayer goes for a dropkick and hits Peter solidly in the chest. Jericho winces and Jessie shouts for her father to stand tall. Peter stumbles backward but quickly regains his balance and hits a brutal clothesline that has The Enforcer grinning. Rayne winces, then Kidd leans over and whispers something to her. Vivian and Panthro sit quietly, but Panthro has a smile on his face. ImpactPlayer gets to his feet, slowly. He can't believe he took Peter so lightly! Now he has to re-think his entire strategy! Peter's watching him with a small smirk on his face. ImpactPlayer rubs his neck, then charges toward Peter with the intent of clotheslining him out of the ring. Peter drops down and lets ImpactPlayer pass over him, rebounding off the ropes. Peter grabs his neck and nails an impressive swinging neckbreaker. Everyone on the panel reacts to that, some wincing and some grinning. Rayne is one of the grinners. ImpactPlayer gets up again, slowly again, rubbing his neck. Peter watches him from a crouched position, hands on his knees. So far, his hair's stayed tied back off his face. ImpactPlayer says to hell with it and slams Peter with a standing dropkick. Peter wasn't expecting that, so he hits the mat. He gets up right away, but ImactPlayer's on the move again. He sneaks up behind Peter and hits him with a forearm across the back of his neck. Peter's hair gets in the way, but it still shoves him forward. ImpactPlayer runs toward the middle rope and vaults off it, smashing into Peter with a perfect Lionsault. Peter lands on his stomach, shaking his head to clear out the cobwebs. Jericho shouts something and Peter gets up, turning around as he goes. ImpactPlayer goes for a running lariat but gets cut off by Peter's foot colliding with his face. ImpactPlayer goes down hard, landing face-up on the mat. Peter points to Jericho, then nails a picture-perfect standing Swanton. Jericho laughs and applauds. So do the crowd and the panel. Jessie's standing there watching her dear old dad in action, a look of pride on her face.))

Travis: That was impressive. Only Jericho does it any better than that!

Eddie: Amen, Travis. But I can't help but wonder how much these men have left in them. Those moves are really high impact!

Travis: Isn't that the point of this match? To make as big an impact as they can?

Eddie: Yes, come to think of it. But you really surprise me. No comments about the women at ringside.

Travis: Two of them are sitting at a table full of guys who can tear me apart. And the third... Well, let's just say I prefer to look but don't talk.

Eddie: Wise move. Oh wait, it looks like Jericho's headed this way.

((Jericho makes his way to the broadcast table and sits down, putting on a headset. Eddie waits until he's comfortable, then smiles and welcomes him.))

Eddie: Welcome to the announce table, Jericho.

Jericho: Thank you, Eddie.

Travis: What brings you here?

Jericho: Your commentary about Peter before the match started, Travis. I didn't appreciate hearing my best friend described that way.

Travis: Open mouth, insert foot.

((Eddie laughs at Travis's discomfiture. Peter, meanwhile, has scaled the ropes to the top turnbuckle, watching ImpactPlayer from a crouch. When ImpactPlayer gets to his feet, Peter launches himself off the top rope, hitting a spear that nearly breaks ImpactPlayer in half. Peter rolls to his feet and sees ImpactPlayer lying on the mat. Laughing to himself, he decides to wait, rotating his arm as he does so. Enforcer sees it and frowns, then makes a notation on the notepad in front of him. Remarkably, none of the people at the table have tried to interfere. After ImpactPlayer gets up, Peter makes a few observations, then plants his feet and hits a German suplex.))

Eddie: Peter is really making his presence felt here!

Jericho: Doesn't hurt that I gave him a few tips either.

Travis: I hate to say it, but Peter could go far if he were to become a wrestler again.

Jericho: He could. But I know him. He wouldn't risk leaving his daughter alone if anything happened to him.

Eddie: She certainly looks like a capable young lady.

Jericho: She is. But they just found each other again after ten years. And I wouldn't want to tear them apart again.

Travis: I'm curious. What happened?

Jericho: A curse. That's what happened. The curse was laid thousands of years ago by a man in a position similar to The Creeper's.

Eddie: What were the effects of the curse?

Jericho: It killed Peter's wife and Jessie's mother, and sent Peter to the hospital in a coma. When he came to, he didn't remember a thing. Jessie was sent to a foster home and got taken in by a family with lots of money, but no compassion. She was nine.

Eddie: I'm glad they're together again.

Travis: Curses. Bah! Everybody knows there's no such thing as curses. And another thing...

((He's cut off by Eddie's hand over his mouth. Good thing too... Jericho's eyes narrow dangerously as he fixes Travis with a baleful gaze. Back in the ring, the ImpactPlayer is still reeling from the effects of the German suplex. Peter has completely dominated this match so far... ImpactPlayer looks within himself and, out of desperation, hits a DDT that lays Peter out flat. Enforcer and Kidd both wince, Panthro cringes and Rayne frowns. Vivian remains expressionless, but it's obvious she has something on her mind. Jessie moves around the ring to get a better look at the men inside, passing in front of the table to do so. Vivian's eyes widen, then narrow as she's jostled out of her preoccupation to pay attention. Panthro says something to her and she responds promptly, making him laugh softly. Not too far away, Kidd and The Enforcer are telling Rayne how this match is supposed to work. Inside the ring, Peter picks himself up off the mat and shakes out the cobwebs. ImpactPlayer catches him with a boot to the ribs that lays him out again. Cobra Clutch applied, but Peter powers out. ImpactPlayer shakes his head in disbelief, then hits a hurricanrana that sends Peter sprawling, dangerously near the ropes and close to disqualification. Jessie yelps and shoves his feet back into the ring. Her touch brings him up onto his hands and knees, fighting to catch his breath. He gives her his trademark grin that makes her throw her head back and laugh. Jericho laughs softly too, having caught the vestiges of that grin.))

Travis: What's so funny?

Jericho: That grin. It's Peter's trademark. It means he's got something devious and underhanded in mind.

Eddie: Oh, that doesn't sound good for the ImpactPlayer.

Jericho: He should have known better than to challenge the guy who hit him with an F-5 to a match.

Travis: I don't know... He's doing pretty good so far.

Jericho: So far. Peter's just getting warmed up.

Travis: Why do I get the feeling I don't want to see this?

Jericho: Because you don't.

Eddie: Jericho, can I ask you something?

Jericho: Ask away.

Eddie: How do you feel about having to face The Creeper for your World title later on tonight?

Jericho: I don't like it. But I don't really have much of a choice.

Eddie: I don't blame you for not liking it. You have to face the being who's taught you so much. I'd feel the same way if I were in your position.

Jericho: Well, thank you, Eddie. It's nice to know there's someone here besides my brother who sympathizes with me.

Travis: Sympathy? I don't know the meaning of the word.

Jericho: You also don't know the meaning of the words tact, courtesy and manners.

Eddie: Ouch. But it's true.

((Back in the ring, the ImpactPlayer gets Peter to his feet and pulls off an Angle Slam. Everyone on the panel reacts the same way... With open-mouthed amazement. They'd thought Peter was the only one in this match who could do that sort of stuff! Peter groans and rolls to his stomach to keep from being pinned.))

Eddie: Smart move by Peter there...

Travis: Yeah. ImpactPlayer doesn't seem to realize just what kind of man he's up against.

Jericho: So you finally caught on that Peter isn't what he appears to be.

Travis: You might say that. I didn't wager on this match, because I didn't know what I was going to be seeing. But I do know one thing... I've seen the look in Peter's eyes before. I saw it right before Payne went through our table. I saw it when Jarred faced Blood Dragon, may he rest in peace. I saw it when The Enforcer wrecked Tiger's V-Rod. I saw it when Vivian pinned The Tiger for the Women's Title. I saw it when Sarafan challenged The Tiger.

Eddie: I've seen it too. It's the look of someone who will stop at nothing to get what they want. I've seen it in your eyes, Jericho... Even when you aren't scheduled in a match, you have that look in your eyes.

Jericho: I've overcome so many obstacles it isn't funny. I won't let anyone get in my way again.

((Peter's gotten to his feet by now, and is circling around the ImpactPlayer. It looks like he's trying to avoid any further contact, but he's really searching for a weak spot. His eyes are shining eerily as he finds the perfect spot to strike... The ImpactPlayer's left knee. He takes it out with a vicious chopblock that sends the ImpactPlayer sprawling. ImpactPlayer clutches his knee, gritting his teeth against the pain. Peter stands up straight and looks around. He points to the top turnbuckle and the crowd cheers loudly. He grins and scales the ropes again, then stands tall and executes a perfect Corkscrew Swanton. ImpactPlayer jerks under the impact, then lies perfectly still. Peter drops to a crouch, then springs up and holds up one hand. The way he's holding it makes the crowd cheer loudly... His fingers are curled to show an "F".))

Eddie: That can mean only one thing...

Travis: What, that he doesn't know what he's doing?

Jericho: No, you uneducated lackwit! He's signaling for an F-5!

Travis: (gulping) Oh, boy...

((Peter gets ImpactPlayer to his feet, then slings him up over his shoulders. He gives a shout, then nails ImpactPlayer with a perfect F-5. The crowd "Woo!"s with the impact. Peter looks down at his fallen opponent, then decides to end the poor bastard's misery. 1... 2... 3. The bell rings and the crowd falls silent. Peter leans on the ropes to wait for a verdict. The camera pans over the faces of the five person panel as they deliberate, discussing the finer points to Rayne. When they've come to a decision, they hand their verdict to Jean Fortello on the outside of the ring.))

Jean Fortello: The panel has reached a decision. Before I reveal what it is, let me tell you the scoring system they used to determine the winner. Clotheslines and dropkicks were worth 5 points each. DDT's, swinging neckbreakers and Lionsaults were worth 10, Swanton Bombs and variants thereof were worth 15, hurricanranas were worth 15 as well. Spears and F-5's were worth 20. Angle Slams were worth 20 as well, and chopblocks and cobra clutches were worth 25. After tallying the scores, they came up with the following totals. The ImpactPlayer scored for one DDT, one Angle Slam, one hurricanrana, two dropkicks, one Lionsault and one cobra clutch. The ImpactPlayer's total is 90 points. Peter Blankenship scored for one clothesline, one swinging neckbreaker, two Swanton Bombs, one spear, one F-5 and one chopblock. Peter's total is 110 points. Therefore, by virtue of total and a unanimous vote by the entire panel, here is your winner... PETER BLANKENSHIP!

((The crowd erupts in a tumult of cheers, nearly drowning out Jessie's scream of joy. Jericho's headset comes off and he slides into the ring to help his best friend celebrate. The members of the panel stand up and file into the ring to congratulate Peter on his victory. Rayne hangs back and whispers something to Vivian, who nods and seems to smirk before heading up the ramp. Rayne is right behind her... The others follow suit soon after. Jericho raises Peter's hand in victory, then the three of them leave the ring to the sound of Rob Zombie's "Never Gonna Stop". Vivian, Panthro, Rayne and Jericho all disappear into the New Darkside's locker room. That seems to be what Cherisse was referring to on Slaughter...))

Eddie: Folks, that was just one example of the high quality matches the HWC has to offer!

Travis: You got that right! And there's more to come, including the World Title match pitting Jericho Dylan against his stablemate The Creeper!

Women's Title Match
Vivian(c) vs Moon Raven

Eddie: Speaking of Creeper we got Vivian up next. After a crazy show, last week, we’ve been informed that the history between Vivian and Moon Raven is that they are sisters, ladies and gentlemen.

Travis: Sisters? They don’t look anything alike.

Eddie: I don’t know about that, Travis.

Travis: Have you seen the rack on Vivian?

Eddie: You’re a pig.

Travis: Yup.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall, and is for the HWC Women’s championship. Introducing first, from The Creeper’s Compound, weighing in at 225 lbs, she is the reigning HWC Women’s Champion, representing the Darkside, VIVIAN!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, title in her other, entering the ring extremely slowly. Tossing the clipboard outside the ring, Vivian tosses the title to the referee, who holds it aloft, to show that it was a Title match.))

Eddie: Vivian, as always, looking like the best combination of elegance and dangerousness.

Travis: Yeah, but she’s fighting her sister, of all people!

Eddie: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from no fixed location, weighing in at 130 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by her fiancée, Matt Montey, MOON RAVEN!!!

((Droppin' Plates blast out of the PA. Fire explodes out of the stage. Moon Raven heads out from the curtain and the crowd boos. Ciera dressed in a black leather skirt and a black tank top gets into the ring and slaps the announcer for not being Gothic. As Raven turns back to look at Vivian, she’s nearly split in half by a spear that would make Obake jealous, Vivian straddling Raven, firing off punches to Raven’s face, then stepping back, picking her up, Raven punching Vivian in the stomach, then hitting a DDT, locking Vivian in a STF.))

Eddie: Moon Raven seems focused, here.

Travis: Focused maybe, but Vivian isn’t the champion because of her looks.

Eddie: Good point.

((Vivian makes the ropes, the referee calling for a break. Raven breaks the hold, after a four count, stepping back, and, as the referee moves to reprimand her, Raven shoves the referee aside, hitting a low dropkick to Vivian’s head, sending her out of the ring, the referee reprimanding her again, Goth moving in, picking Vivian up, hitting the One Last Rite, then picking Vivian up, and sliding her into the ring, the crowd booing Goth and Raven madly.))

Eddie: Come on! That was not even close to being fair!

Travis: Fair, no, but will it help Raven get the win, and take the title? Probably.

((Raven pulls Vivian into the center of the ring, and hooks the leg. 1. . . 2. . . kickout.))

Eddie: Vivian just kicked out!

Travis: Either she’s extremely tough, or her body’s acting on impulse, here.

((Raven wastes no time, picking Vivian up, kicking her in the midsection, and then going to the top turnbuckle, jumping off for her finisher, Hell’s End. As she touches Vivian, however, the champ plants her feet solidly, straightening slightly, spinning Raven around, smashing her in the back of the head with a forearm, then shoving Raven into the turnbuckle. Before Raven can react, however, Vivian is already on the move, going through the ropes to the right of Raven, glancing at the crowd, then running at the turnbuckle post, grabbing the post, and swinging out, hitting a 619 into Raven’s back, causing her to sag against the corner.))

Eddie: Vivian showing her sister, here, no pity. You have to wonder about the past that these two women shared.

Travis: Probably a bad one, if they can attempt to destroy each other like this.

Eddie: That’s probably right, Travis.

((Vivian looks at Raven, then, instead, springboards off of the top rope, crashing into Goth, on the outside, before picking him up, again, and hitting a quick german suplex to Goth, on the outside of the ring, leaving him there, and sliding into the ring, moving to Raven, who, by now, was slightly away from the corner. Setting Raven up for the Rescheduling, Vivian moves to end the match, only to have Raven slide from her grip, and roll forward, grabbing Vivian’s ankles. 1. . . .2 . . . Vivian kicks out, again, making her way to her feet. Both women face each other for a moment, Vivian then moving forward, as though to either hug Raven, or hit a belly to belly, only to duck under Raven’s arm, and hoist her into the air, hitting the Rescheduling to Raven, turning to look at Raven, and running in, springboarding from Raven’s ribcage, and going to the top rope, hitting the backflip that made up the beginning of the Tantrum, only to have Goth pull Raven out of the ring, causing Vivian to land, hard, on the mat.))

Eddie: Come on! That’s not right! Goth saved Raven’s butt, right there, but that shouldn’t be allowed!

Travis: Hey, if I had a woman that looked like that, I’d want to save her ass too. She’s got a nice ass.

Eddie: Did you forget your medicine tonight?

Travis: Nope.

((Vivian gets to her feet, Raven perched, groggily, on the top turnbuckle. As Raven jumps from the top turnbuckle, Vivian steps back, Raven landing hard on her back, Vivian picking her up, and hitting a fisherman’s suplex, pinning Raven’s shoulders to the mat. 1. . .2. . . Goth yanks on one of Vivian’s legs, breaking the pin. Rather than jabber at Goth, however, Vivian vaults to the top rope, this time hitting a perfect Tantrum, reaching over, and hooking Raven’s leg, without moving her leg from over Raven’s throat. 1. . .2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Vivian won! And you have to think that it was because Vivian pinned Raven too far from the ropes for Goth to prevent the pin.

Travis: Looks like Vivian hurt her butt. Maybe I should go help her out.

Eddie: Maybe she’d rip your head off for trying.

Travis: Maybe I should stay here.

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, and still HWC Women’s champion, VIVIAN!!!

((Vivian grabs her title, sliding out of the ring, and walking backstage.))

Hardcore Tag Team Match
Luicen Merriuci & Celtic Hyena vs B.D. & Panthro

Eddie: Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for a match between Insanity and Piety.

Travis: What?

Eddie: Insanity describes both B.D. and his partner, Panthro, and Piety describes Celtic Hyena and Lucien.

Travis: Yeah, and another word describes all four men in this match.

Eddie: Oh yeah?

Travis: Yeah. Dangerous. They’re in a hardcore tag match. That means, basically, there are no rules. B.D. could come out here and light everyone on fire and dance on them, and there isn’t anything the referee can do until the pin is made.

Eddie: Good point. But B.D. won’t do that.

Travis: How do you figure?

Eddie: He’s said himself. It interferes with the joy of the kill.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hardcore Tag Team Match, set for one fall. In the ring, from New Orleans, Louisiana, he is the special guest referee for this match. . . JARRED DYLAN!!! And introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as “The Call of Ktulu” starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring. Lucien points at Jarred, as if to tell him to be fair, Jarred raising his arms in a sign of non-involvement.))

Eddie: Lucien’s got an uphill battle here. If this match had been later on, after B.D.’s shot at the new DisasterPiece title, Lucien and Celtic Hyena may have had a cakewalk. As it stands, B.D. is walking into this match fully prepared.

Travis: And fully insane.

Eddie: That too.

Jean Fortello: And his tag team partner, from Limerick, Ireland, weighing in at 335 lbs. . . CELTIC HYENA!!!

((The arena darkens giving away to a strobe light effect with the start of Somewhere I Belong. On the tron clips of Celtic in training are shown. Just as the music starts to get hard Celtic steps out. He takes a moment to stand there and stare hard at his partner, then nodding. Before he continues on, Celtic shadow boxes for a moment throwing some mean punches. The strobe light effect gives away to a spot light that follows Celtic all the way to the ring.))

Eddie: These two look as ready as any team could be, when dealing with insanity.

Travis: Yeah, how do you prepare for insanity?

Eddie: Drink a lot, maybe.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, introducing first, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . PANTHRO!!!

((Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring. Jarred moves to stand between Panthro and the opposing team, preventing any preliminary attacks.))

Eddie: Jarred already doing his job.

Travis: Someone tell him to move. I want to see those two, Lucien and Celtic, take out Panthro.

Eddie: I’m sure they want to do that too.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 260 lbs, representing the Darkside. . . B.D!!!

((“(Can’t Be) Fixed” plays loud over the PA. As the song fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle across from his opponent, or to the immediate left, if his opponent is yet to appear, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee, looking at his opponent like they're out of their mind for stepping into the ring with him. B.D. drops from the turnbuckle, Celtic already moving, leveling Panthro with a vicious big boot, B.D. spearing Lucien, and firing off a flurry of punches, then going outside the ring, grabbing a chair, coming into the ring, and tossing the chair to Lucien, following it with a lunging headbutt, driving the chair into Lucien’s face. Celtic has picked up Panthro, meanwhile, lifting him into the air for a powerbomb, Panthro snapping backward, sending Celtic spilling over the top rope.))

Eddie: B.D. and Panthro seem all too-prepared for these two.

Travis: Did you see that?! B.D. headbutted the chair into Lucien’s face! That’s becoming almost a trademark.

Eddie: You’re right.

((Panthro goes to the top rope, a man under a wide sombrero vaulting the guardrail, chair in hand, sneaking up behind Panthro, and cracking him, hard, in the back with the chair, sending Panthro over the edge, crashing to the ground, the chair-weilding Sombrero clad man following him. The next chairshot is avoided, barely, by Panthro, who quickly gets to his feet, standing, only to have Celtic turn him around, step back, and let fly with another Big Boot, Panthro ducking, barely, the boot smashing into the chair held by the sombrero clad man, flooring him, the chair falling to cover the man’s face, as the sombrero falls off. B.D. picks up the chair from Lucien’s body, smacking him with the chair again, then moving to the ropes, shouting at Celtic, and tossing him the chair, only to shoot himself out of the ring with a suicide dive, headfirst into the chair, the velocity sending B.D. over the guardrail. Lucien gets to his feet, walking outside the ring, lifting Panthro up, and moving him to the guardrail, to drop Panthro throat-first on the guardrail, B.D. springing up like a coil, jumping onto the guardrail, only to springboard off, hitting a spinning wheel kick to Lucien, Panthro dropping onto Lucien.))

Eddie: Lateral press.

Travis: And pinfalls count outside the ring.

((Jarred slides outside the ring, into position quickly, making the count. 1. . . 2. . . kickout. B.D. grabs the discarded chair again, picking up Celtic Hyena, putting the chair on CH’s face, then resting the top of his head against the back of CH’s head, dropping into an inverted sitdown jawbreaker. B.D. stands, turning to Lucien, grabbing the chair, and cracking Lucien in the back of the head.))

Eddie: B.D.’s not even trying to work over one guy exclusively. He’s just going after anyone standing, here.

Travis: Maybe that counts as a strategy in his messed up mind.

Eddie: Maybe.

((Lucien drops to the ground, the man without the sombrero getting to his feet, a mask over his face, picking up the chair, and moving toward Panthro, B.D. swinging a chair at the masked man, the masked man ducking, and waiting for B.D. to turn around, swinging the chair, hard, into B.D.’s head. B.D. raises an eyebrow, then laughs, jabbing the man with the chair, and rearing back, to crack the man in the head with the chair, Panthro telling B.D. to wait, Panthro himself moving to the masked man, and, after untying the back of the mask, wrenching at it hard.))

Eddie: Panthro’s trying to unmask this. . . luchadore, I guess.

Travis: What a way to piss off the fans here in Brazil.

((Panthro continues tugging at the mask, the fans booing madly. When Panthro finally gets the mask off, however, the arena dies down to complete silence.))

Eddie: It can’t be!

Travis: It is!

Eddie: But he’s supposed to be dead!

Travis: Looks alive to me.

((The man, unmasked, is shown to be none other than the man rumored to have been dead, Blood Dragon. No one seems more shocked than Panthro himself, who stands there slack-jawed, gaping at the returned Blood Dragon. Blood responds by lurching to his feet, spinning on his heel, and hitting an explosive clothesline to Panthro, flooring the Mexican althete with ease. Blood hauls Panthro to his feet, setting him up for a Dragon suplex, only to get cracked in the back of the head by a chair swung by B.D., forcing him to drop the move, Panthro and Blood beginning to trade blows, B.D. resuming his pastime, beating people with chairs. Lucien gets away, walking off, and coming back with a kendo stick, cracking B.D. in the head, B.D. laughing, again.))

Eddie: B.D.’s again, laughing off several shots to the head.

Travis: I think B.D.’s numb from the neck up.

Eddie: Who knows?

((B.D. jabs at Lucien with the chair, then leveling him with another chairshot, spinning around, to crack Blood Dragon in the head, and then going back to Lucien and CH, only to find CH waiting on him, CH hitting another Big Boot into the chair B.D. holds, flooring B.D. Panthro hits a spinning wheel kick to the stumbling forward Blood Dragon, then jumping onto the guardrail, hitting a combination spinning wheel kick and flying crosschop to both CH and Lucien, leveling them both, B.D. getting to his feet, grabbing the chair, again, cracking Celtic with it once more, and then tossing the chair to Panthro, telling him something. Panthro responds by sliding into the ring, vaulting to the top rope, chair still in hand, and hitting the Panthro-sault to the two fallen athletes, CH and Lucien, Blood Dragon meeting Panthro as he stands, firing off right hands, each shot sending Panthro backward, soon enough both of them ending up at the top of the ramp, before disappearing into the backstage area, B.D. wasting no time in pinning both Lucien and CH. 1. . . 2. . .3, CH kicking out a second too late.))

Eddie: B.D. and Panthro won. Even with Blood Dragon’s incredible return, here, tonight.

Travis: Why is he going after Panthro?

Eddie: Who knows?! And who is that?!

((At the top of the ramp, a man wearing a white trenchcoat, and a wide-brimmed hat of the same white color, watching the ring. After a moment, B.D. glances to the top of the ramp, and, upon seeing the man, bolts from the ring, the man in white turning on his heel, and walking calmly from the stage area, B.D. right behind him.))

Eddie: Okay, well, that was nice and disturbing.

Travis: Maybe there's a woman under there!

Eddie: Everything is woman-related to you, Travis.

Travis: Better than having them be man-related.

Dumpster Match
BloodLust Slayerz vs Die Zerstörer

Eddie: Next up, a dumpster match between the BLS and Die Zerstorer, in their first match since their return.

Travis: The BLS have been lost, since being removed as Smalls’ attack dogs.

Eddie: That’s right.

Travis: But they’re still cracked.

Eddie: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Dumpster match. Introducing first, making their in-ring return, from Germany, weighing in at a combined weight of 480 lbs, Hans and Klaus. . . DIE ZERSTORER!!!

((Seek & Destroy plays on the PA, with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Klaus and Hans step out. Klaus just stands with his arms folded, looking around at the fans, while Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, gesturing for the fans to get on their feet. Then they power walk to the ring. Klaus rolls in under the bottom rope, and Hans vaults over the top. They go to opposite corners, climb to the middle turnbuckle, and do the “Crossed Hammers” to the crowd, then repeat at the other two corners, the fans cheering madly.))

Eddie: These fans love these two Germans.

Travis: Why? Are they handing out beer?

Eddie: I don’t think so, Travis.

Travis: Then they suck.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, from Norway, weighing in at a combined weight of 500 lbs, Beowulf and Palemon. . . THE BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!

((A dark cloud of smoke fills the stage as Possession play. Once the music gets hard and fast the smoke clears showing Palemon and Beowulf standing there where they weren't before. After a moment of standing there listening to the crowd boo, the two start heading to the ring. Once in the ring the two stand before the Germans, staring them down, but not for long, as the Germans rush the BLS, Hans hitting Beowulf with a clothesline, Klaus hitting Palemon with a spear, both laying in the punches. Quickly enough, the referee gains some semblance of order, getting Beowulf and Hans out of the ring, Klaus hitting a DDT to Palemon, Palemon sliding under the bottom rope, then back in, near his corner, tagging Beowulf, who comes into the ring, and floors Klaus with a clothesline.))

Eddie: You have to think that Die Zerstorer would have some level of ring rust, after being out of a wrestling ring for several months.

Travis: Yeah, but the BLS have been getting their asses handed to them by Die Zerstorer on a number of occasions, here in the HWC, since their return. I doubt the BLS will let Die Zerstorer’s ring rust stop them from beating the Germans senseless.

Eddie: I have a feeling you’re right, there.

((Klaus gets to his feet, hitting a standing powerslam to Beowulf, hauling Beowulf to his feet, and tossing him over the top rope. Chaos reigns as Hans bolts across the ring as soon as Klaus and Beowulf are out of the ring, hitting a high spear, taking both him and Palemon out of the ring. Klaus picks Beowulf up, driving him headfirst into the guardrail, Hans sliding into the ring behind Klaus, and shouting something at Klaus, Klaus responding by hoisting Beowulf into the air, for a powerbomb, Hans handspringing over the top rope, hitting a flipping neckbreaker.))


Travis: I guess that gets rid of the thought that the Germans had any ring rust.

((As Hans stands, he’s floored by a missile dropkick from a flying Palemon, Palemon hitting a low blow to Klaus, then driving him into the rampway with an Impact DDT. Palemon drags Hans up the rampway, setting him up for a DDT, only to ramp Hans, headfirst, into the side of the dumpster, before dumping him into the dumpster, then moving to Klaus, who lifts Palemon up with a charging shoulder, and hits a hard spinebuster to Palemon, at the stage, Hans jumping from the roof of the dumpster, hitting a swanton, then picking up Palemon, and tossing him into the dumpster, going down the rampway, and grabbing Beowulf, who responds by hitting a quick chokeslam to both Germans, groggily walking up the rampway, toward the dumpster, grabbing Palemon from the dumpster, and dropping him outside the dumpster.))

Eddie: This match is going to come down to who can knock out the other team completely, I think.

Travis: Well, if you were in a tag match, would you want to have your partner taken out of the match?

((Klaus and Hans move up the ramp, doubling up on Beowulf, tossing him into the dumpster, Hans going down the ramp, grabbing a chair, and coming back, waiting for Beowulf to begin to climb out of the dumpster again, and, as he does, cracking him in the head with the chair, doing the same for Palemon, driving Palemon into the side of the dumpster, then lifting him up, Hans going to the top of the dumpster, standing on one of the tops of the dumpster, jumping off and hitting another flipping neckbreaker.))

Eddie: Well, Die Zerstorer have just hit another Final Solution to Palemon. They have now, officially, hit their finisher on both members of the BloodLust Slayerz.

Travis: Yeah, but that doesn’t matter, in this match.

Eddie: Again, you have a point, Travis.

Travis: I know. Don’t you hate it when I do that?

Eddie: Yes, I do.

((Die Zerstorer grab Palemon, tossing him into the dumpster, then closing the lid, and locking the top. The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: Here are your winners, Hans and Klaus, DIE ZERSTORER!!!

Eddie: Well, Die Zerstorer won, after a long while, outside the ring.

Travis: I gotta wonder. How much training did those two do to get back in shape? And how much of that training was outside a bar?

Eddie: What are you saying?

Travis: Come on, Eddie. The Germans are second only to Irishmen in drunken population.

Eddie: You may regret that statement.

Travis: And I may be able to get lucky without having to pay for it. Some things just don’t happen, Eddie.

((After Die Zerstorer leave Zac K. comes out on to the stage. He looks over the dumpster that have BloodLust Slayerz locked in and grins evily. Using all his might Zac pushes the dumpster till he pushes it off the side of the stage. The dumpster lands with a crash on its side. Zac yells something then leaves.))

Eddie: This can't be good.

Travis: No it stinks.... CLEAN UP CREW ON AISLE 4! I alway wanted to say that.

First Ever DisasterPiece Championship Match- TLC Match
Draven Masters vs B.D.

((Cut to the arena, where the ring crew is surrounding the ring with tables, steel folding chairs, and metal stepladders of varying heights.))

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is not going to be for the faint at heart!

Travis: That's putting it mildly, Eddie! Two people are going to willingly batter each other with Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!

Eddie: You actually sound concerned!

Travis: Hell no! I can't wait! This has the potential to be the best match of the night!

Eddie: I guess I'll never learn! Let's go to Jean Fortello!

Jean: (in the ring) Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match, for the brand-new Disasterpiece title!

((The crowd cheers wildly, mostly for the prospect of a TLC match. but partly for the new championship. Then, "(Can't Be) Fixed" by Spineshank begins to play on the P.A. As the song fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee.))

Jean: The first contender, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing 260 pounds, B.D.!!!

((The crowds reacts with a mixture of applause and booing, but most are still not sure what to make of this enigma. Then, Spineshank fades out, and Jean Fortello waves her hand in front of her face, trying to clear the smoke before she can continue.))

Eddie: I will say one thing, that Creeper sure knows how to make an entrance!

Travis: (coughing) He knows how to make people choke!

Eddie: You never sounded better!

Travis: (reaching for some water) Bite me!

(("Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA and Ravin Masters comes out onto the stage and walks to the ramp walking about halfway down and then throws up her hands. A huge blast of pyro goes off on the stage behind her and when it fades, Draven Masters is standing on the stage.))

Jean: The other contender, accompanied by his sister Ravin, and representing Bad News, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 290 pounds, Draven Masters!!!

((Draven walks to Ravin and the two head to the ring. Draven and his sister reach the ring and she gives him a kiss on the cheek for good luck. B.D. slides out of the ring and immediately grabs a chair, daring Draven to come after him. Referee Doug Richards holds up the shiny new DisasterPiece belt, indicating officially that the belt is up for grabs, then hands it off to the exiting Jean Fortello, and signals the timekeeper to ring the bell. Draven gestures to B.D., who, grinning like the maniac that he is, rolls into the ring with his chair. Draven greets him with several boots.))

Eddie: Draven not wasting any time here!

Travis: You wouldn't either, if you were in there against a nutjob like B.D.! But Draven's gonna have to do better than that!

Eddie: No argument there! B.D. hit HIMSELF over the head with a steel chair last week, so I am having difficulty imaging just what Draven is going to have to do to beat him!

((The predictions are borne out quickly, as B.D. gets to his feet with his chair. He attempts to swing it, but Draven just swats it aside, sending the chair flying across the ring and narrowly missing the referee. B.D. goes into a rage at this and charges at Draven, knocking the bigger man back with a clothesline. Draven uses the momentum to bounce off the ropes and knock B.D. flat on his back with a clothesline of his own. Draven wastes no time, but resumes putting the boots to B.D., who can only cover up and roll out of the ring. At this, a bit of a cheer goes up for Draven's efforts.))

Eddie: The fans seem to be taking sides with Draven!

Travis: And B.D. seems to be taking sides with the hardware!

((Travis is right, because B.D. is folding up a 6' ladder. He lifts it over his head, and with a yell tosses it into the ring at Draven, who steps back easily. But B.D. isn't done, as he tosses in one, two, three chairs, keeping Draven busy dodging. As Draven gathers up the chairs, this gives B.D. time to pick up one of the tables leaning against the railing and slide it in underneath the bottom rope, to the cheers of the more bloodthirsty fans, who cheer even more when Draven comes over and kicks the end of the table, sending the opposite end into B.D.'s face! B.D. staggers back, but lunges forward again with a snarl and dives into the ring. Draven meets him, and to the utter delight of the fans, the two start trading blows!))

Eddie: I the words of the late, great Gordon Solie, it's a Pier Six Brawl!

Travis: Who the hell is Gordon Solie?

Eddie: You're kidding, right!

Travis: Yeah, I am! He's that Canadian folk singer, right?

Eddie: (Groaning) Somebody save me! No, you moron, that's Gordon Lightfoot!

Travis: Whatever you say, Eddie boy!

((Draven blocks a wild swing from B.D., and unleashes a hard right hand, sending B.D. back against the ropes. B.D. bounces, and Draven nails a Big Boot, sending B.D. to the mat. While B.D. is down, Draven turns and to the thunderous cheers of the fans, picks up the ladder. As B.D. gets to his feet, Draven hefts the ladder like a battering ram and charges, but B.D. is quicker than that, and drops back to the mat. As Draven passes, B.D. pulls the middle rope down, allowing the ladder, and Draven to pass through, out onto a table set up at ringside. There is a crash, and the end result is a pile of ladder, turned-over table, and Draven.))

Eddie: Big backfire for Draven and a big opportunity for B.D.!

Travis: (laughing) Remind me never to hire Draven as a furniture mover!

Eddie: B.D. is setting up two of the chairs in the ring...and now he's placing a table on them! This isn't going to be pretty, folks!

((Draven painfully extracts himself from his crash, just in time for B.D. to come out, grab him, and slg him a few times before hauling him back into the ring. He lays him across the table suspended between the two chairs, then picks up a third chair. He then proceeds to wail on Draven with the chair...three times...four...five...eight! Ten! with each wallop of the chair across Draven's chest, B.D. looks more rabid. At ringside, Ravin flinches visibly with each chair shot on her brother. Suddenly, B.D. drops the chair rolls out of the ring, to grab another ladder.))

Eddie: Dear god! What's he going to do now?

Travis: I don't know, but this is getting good! We'll see blood very soon now, I can feel it!

Eddie: One of these days, it's going to be your blood that we all see!

Travis: My my, Mister Daniels! Getting touchy in your old age, aren't you!

((Travis winces as the clipboard makes contact with his head. Back in the ring, B.D. climbs up a second ladder, oblivious to the fact that Draven is starting to move. B.D. pauses, making scary faces at the fans, before getting to the top of the ladder. He then carefully balances himself, and is standing on the very top of the six-foot tall ladder. With an insane yell, he dives headfirst, just as Draven comes to his senses and rolls off the table. B.D. hits the table, smashing it to pieces and sending the two chairs, now bent, flying. The crowd responds with wild cheers, and the Spanish equivalent of "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!"))

Eddie: A Major miscue by B.D., and just like that, the match is in favor of Draven!

Travis: That had to hurt even somebody as nuts as B.D.!

Eddie: And now Draven h as a chair!

((The crowd cheers even more wildly as Draven picks up a chair of his own, pounding it on the mat a couple of times, and is clearly heard to yell "COME ON MOTHERFUCKER!" B.D. extracts himself slowly from the wreckage of the table, and stands, only to be smacked back down by a thunderous chairshot from Draven! B.D. pulls himself up, and Draven swats him down again with the chair. Draven doesn't wait for him to get up again, but starts pounding away with the chair.))

Draven: See (WHAP!) how you like it (WHAP!) motherfucker! (WHAP WHAP WHAP!!!)

((B.D. finally manages to get clear of Draven's onslaught by rolling out of the ring. Oddly, or not when you consider that it's B.D., as he writhes in pain, B.D. is actually LAUGHING!))

Travis: Somebody call the guys with the straight jackets, because B.D. has officially gone bye-bye!

Eddie: I knew that B.D. was a few dozen bricks short of a full load, but when a man bursts out laughing after being thrashed by a chair-wielding monster like Draven Masters, it's a sure sign that he's lost his marbles!

Travis: And now it's Draven's turn to play with the hardware!

((Draven has rolled out of the ring buy the ramp, beside which there are two ten-foot ladders and several tables. Draven sets up one table right next to the ring, then another atop that. He drags the two ladders to the ring and shoves them in. followed by another table. On the other side of the ring, B.D. is regains what passes for his composure, and arms himself with a chair. They both roll into the ring at the same time, and B.D. charges at Draven with his chair, but Draven is ready for him, and plants a big boot firmly into the upraised chair, sending it crashing into B.D.'s face! B.D. falls flat on his back, and the chair goes flying out of the ring. Draven stomps B.D. a few times, then busies himself with setting up the ladders.))

Eddie: Dear God almighty, what is Draven up to now?

Travis: Unless I miss my guess, he plans to be about ten feet in the air here in a minute!

((Draven pauses long enough to put a few more boots to B.D., then positions the two ladders next to each other, so that the rungs are facing each other, right by the ropes on the side where he stacked the two tables earlier. B.D., meanwhile, crawls over to the corner and gets to one knee, and seems to be concealing something. Ravin, at ringside, sees what he's doing, and slaps his hand, sending white powder flying into B.D.'s own eyes!))

Eddie: Little sister Ravin standing by her big brother!

Travis: Little sister probably just cost B.D. the match! She should be ejected from ringside!

Eddie: Hardly! B.D. on his feet now....and staggers right into Draven! Draven with a kick to the midsection...DRAVENIZER! But he's not going for the pin here....oh my god, what's he doing with that table?

Travis: Looks to me like Draven's turning this into a Scaffold Match!!!

((Draven, by way of a pair of folding chairs, manhandles the hefty-looking tabe up onto the top of the two ladders, so that it makes a platform. He then drags B.D. over by the nearest of the two ladders. He then sits him up and with a resounding SLAP to the back of the neck, wakes him up! B.D. looks around in confusion, then sees Draven, climbing the ladder! B.D. slowly starts up behind him, but Draven had a good head start, and gets to the top before B.D. can get a hand on him. Amidst shouted exhortations from Ravin to be careful, Draven gingerly swings his large frame up onto the table, then, after making sure it's not going anywhere, crouches by the ladder. As soon as B.D. is within reach, Draven grabs him by the hair and hauls him up onto the table!))

Eddie: Dear god in heaven, this is way too dangerous! Cherrise Novack or Autumn Lewis or SOMEBODY needs to put a stop to this! These two men are putting their very lives at risk here! No title is worth this!

Travis: For once, I agree. But these guys seem to have stopped caring about anything but hurting each other. It's almost as if they're possessed, or something!

Eddie: You're right, Travis, they do seem unusually single-minded in this seeming desire to destroy each other.....Draven has B.D. on top of this makeshift platform...and B.D. swats his hands away! They're going at it toe-to-toe over ten feet in the air!

((To the roaring of approval from the fans, Draven and B.D. slug away at each other, each one heedless of his own safety. Finally, B.D. lets a swing go a little wild, and Draven ducks then plants a boot in his midsection. B.D. doubles over, and Draven hefts him up across his shoulders. Then, to the absolute and utter astonishment of everyone present, Draven simultaneously fires B.D. around and hops across to the double-stacked tables, and HITS THE MASTER PLAN THROUGH BOTH TABLES!!!!!!! The ladders in the ring topple over, dumping the table to the mat, but this is drowned out by the noise of two heavily muscled bodies crashing through two wooden tables. B.D. is well and truly out, and Draven nearly so. Draven manages to crawl, on his arms alone, to the bottom of the ladder, and, slowly, making his way up the ladder. At the top, Draven grabs the belt, looping his arm through the strap, and doing what comes natural, passing out, the belt coming loose in his hands, and crashing to the mat with him.))

Eddie: Great God Almighty! Draven has won it, but at what cost?!

Travis: For once, I actually don't know what to say!

(("Click Click Boom" hits on the P.A. as Jean Fortello makes the official announceemt.))

Jean: The winner of this match, and FIRST EVER DisasterPiece Champion, DRAVEN MASTERS!!!!

((Ravin hurries over to Draven, as the rest of Bad News comes out. Together, they all carefully pull Draven from the carnage, and the referee comes over. He quickly checks Draven out, then hands him the belt. Draven, his adrenaline pumping from the fans and the music, hoists the belt into the air, and the rest of Bad News picks him up and carries him out on their shoulders. Meanwhile, the referee is calling for a stretcher for B.D., who still isn't moving. As the stretcher nears, B.D. starts moving, slowly, getting to his knees, and glancing to the top of the stage, at a man clad in a white trenchcoat and a white, wide-brimmed hat. B.D.'s eyes go wide in an instant, and, with a move only described as the suicide dive from an insane man, B.D. dives outside the ring, landing in the front row, then hurdling the guardrail, and bolting up the ramp, toward the man who has, by now, turned on his heel, and walked backstage.))

Eddie: Who is that? Apparently, it's someone that B.D. knows.

((Camera cuts to back stage where Chris Murphy is standing with a brooding Tiger.))

Chris: I'm here with The Tiger just mer moments away from her Hell in a Cell match for the IC title against Kidd Rock and Jeff Wylde. But I think the question on everyones mind is, what is Damage Inc?

The Tiger: Death and Distruction!

Chris: Excuse me?

The Tiger: Did I studder?! This is a wast of time! There is no way to explain what Damage Inc. to a simple minded sheep like your self. Damage Inc. is me doin' what I do best.... and that is leaving a path chaos behind me where ever I go.

Chris: The first signs of this Damage Inc. was then you took out ImpactPlayer after his win over Lone Goth. Are you and Goth joining forces?

The Tiger: Oh Hell no! See I gave the rook a chance to see who's the Big Cat in this fed, as I did with Impact. But the difference is Goth didn't get his brains scrambled. And now I am going out there and doing the same to those chumps!

((Tiger pushes Chris aside just as he does to ask another question. Tiger keeps walking storming off heading for the ring.))

Hell in a cell for the IC Title
Jeff Wylde(c) vs The Tiger vs Kidd Rock

Eddie: It’s time for the Hell In A Cell!

Travis: This match is going to be crazy.

Eddie: Why do you say that?

Travis: Because it’s got Tiger in it.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hell In A Cell match, set for one fall, and is for the HWC Intercontinental Championship. Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 280 lbs, representing Bad News, he is the reigning HWC Intercontinental Champion. . . “THE WYLDEMAN” JEFF WYLDE!!!

((As “Bodies” blasts over the PA, Jeff takes the stage. Jeff walks to the edge of the stage and stands with his arms over his head looking back and forth over the crowd. Jeff just walks down and climbs in, taking a moment to warm up before the match starts.))

Eddie: Jeff had better be ready for this match, if he plans to leave with his title intact.

Travis: Yeah. And he should go after Tiger, first. She’s lost her mind.

Eddie: You may be right.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs. . . TIGER!!!

((“King of My World” plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters threw the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start, the referee just barely keeping Tiger back from Jeff.))

Eddie: Tiger doesn’t want to wait for Kidd Rock. She wants to take care of business right now.

Travis: Well, unless she wants to take out the referee, she’ll have to wait.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 lbs. . . KIDD ROCK!!!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope, then mounts each corner, raising his fists. Once in the ring, the bell rings, and Tiger wastes no time in rushing at Jeff tackling him with a Lou Thesz press, then just choking Jeff blatantly, Kidd sitting back, willing to let the other two beat each other senseless, then pick his shot.))

Eddie: Kidd’s letting the other two do their worst.

Travis: Smart plan. He lets those two beat each other senseless, and then comes in, takes out the both of them, and gets the victory.

Eddie: Smart, but there’s no guarantee that the other two will let him stay out of the fight.

((Jeff fires off a punch into Tiger’s kidneys, causing her to reflexively bring her elbows down, to protect her kidneys, Jeff shoving Tiger off of him, then getting to his feet. As Tiger gets to her feet, Jeff throws her, bodily, over the top rope, into the cell wall, then turning toward Kidd, only to get clotheslined out of the ring by Kidd, Kidd following the both of them, sending Jeff into the steel steps, then, as he looks at Tiger, turning right into a Click Click Boom, however, before the third shot could connect, Kidd ducks, Tiger’s hand thudding into the post behind Kidd’s head, with a light crack. As Tiger withdraws her hand, however, the cage post bears a dent.))

Eddie: Holy-! What kind of training is Tiger doing?! If she did that to a steel pipe, what would she have done to Kidd’s face?!

Travis: Messed it up real bad, I think.

((Tiger shakes off the sting from the impact, then rears back, lunging forward, for a clothesline, Kidd ducking, Jeff coming from behind Kidd, and getting the clothesline intended for Kidd, Jeff falling back, his head thudding against the steel steps, the impact, surprisingly, simply seems to make Jeff mad, Jeff rising to his feet, and charging at both Tiger and Kidd, clotheslining them BOTH.))

Eddie: Where have these two been training?! We’ve seen Tiger nearly punch straight through a steel support pipe, and Jeff shake off hitting his head on the steel steps like it was a featherweight.

Travis: I don’t know. But I know I want to stay away from that place.

((Jeff picks up Tiger, slinging her, hard, at the steel steps, Tiger hurdling the steps easily, sliding into the ring, rebounding from the ropes, and hitting a baseball slide, Jeff pulling Kidd up, into the path of the baseball slide, the move sending Kidd into the cage wall. Jeff grabs Tiger, pulling her out of the ring, Tiger swinging a right hand, Jeff ducking, lifting Tiger up, and hitting a short spinebuster, sending Tiger into the cell wall, but not letting her go, lifting her up again, and hitting another one, sending Tiger through the cell wall, to crash on the floor itself. Jeff turns to Kidd, only to have Kidd kick him, hard, in the stomach. Tiger, by this time, has gone up the side of the Cell, waiting on the roof, as Kidd sets Jeff up for the Kidd Cruncher, only to have Jeff send Kidd into the cell wall, then leave the inside of the Cell, and begin climbing to the top of the Cell. Kidd quickly follows.))

Eddie: These three, with all the craziness already in this match, have now taken this match to the top of the Cell.

Travis: Who knows what’s going to happen next? You have two crazy people in there, and then you have Tiger.

Eddie: Tiger’s not crazy?

Travis: Tiger’s gone beyond crazy. She’s delusional.

Eddie: Ah.

Travis: But still hot.

Eddie: (Sounding exasperated) Oh, of course.

((As soon as Jeff gets to the top of the Cell, he’s met by Tiger, stomping on him repeatedly, then picking him up, and going for the Click Click Boom, only to have Jeff duck the last swing, and hit a spinebuster, sending Tiger crashing hard to the top of the Cell. Kidd gets to the top of the Cell, lifting Tiger up, and hitting the Kidd Cruncher to her, then going for the pin, Jeff breaking up the pin attempt instantly, Kidd getting to his feet, and shoving Jeff, Jeff shoving him back, Kidd returning the favor, sending Jeff staggering backward, his foot hitting one of the support pipes for the roof, sending Jeff over the side.))

Eddie: Jeff’s falling from the top of the Cell!

Travis: Damn. Kidd’s a bit vicious.

Eddie: Wait, Jeff’s not dead yet.

((Jeff manages, as he falls, to hook his fingers in the mesh of the cage wall, sending his body crashing, hard, into the side of the Cell, the impact jarring Jeff’s left hand free from his handhold on the wall. After a moment of dangling helplessly, Kidd looking at Jeff to make sure Jeff’s not going to die in a serious fall, Jeff manages to swing his left arm back to the wall, and slowly begin the climb back to the roof. Tiger gets to her feet, and, as Kidd turns around, hits him with the Click Click Boom, sending Kidd staggering back, incredibly close to the edge, wavering there, Tiger moving forward again, and, again, hitting a Click Click Boom, a smile on her face as Kidd begins to fall over the edge, Jeff grabbing Kidd, and both of them hanging on the side of the Cell, Jeff unable to move, as he only has one arm, Kidd near-completely unconscious. Tiger leans over the side of the Cell, firing off punches into Jeff’s head.))

Eddie: Tiger’s trying to kill both of these two men!

Travis: I think Jeff would survive, because he’d have Kidd to fall on.

Eddie: That’s deplorable.

Travis: Deplorable maybe, but it is true.

((After a moment, Kidd finally regains consciousness enough to realize the position he’s in, and realizing that if he moves too much, he could endanger both of them. As a result, he remains motionless, their fate now dangling in the hand of Jeff. Suddenly, behind Tiger, the air seems to simply explode, then subsiding, to reveal The Creeper, standing behind Tiger with a smile on his face. Moving forward, The Creeper hauls Tiger to her feet, turning her around, then slapping his right hand around her throat, moving to stand at the edge of the cell, dangling Tiger over the edge for a moment, before tossing her backward, to land in the center of the Cell. Instead of helping Jeff and Kidd, however, The Creeper turns to face Tiger.))

Eddie: Don’t tell me these two are going to continue their little squabble here, on the roof of the Cell?

Travis: Looks that way.

((Tiger rushes at The Creeper, who simply sidesteps, grabbing a handful of Tiger’s hair, and yanking her back to the roof of the Cell. From the curtain, a massive man appears, standing easily 7’4, moving to the outside of the Cell, pulling Kidd from Jeff’s grip, and placing Kidd on the Cell wall itself, freeing both men to make the climb fully, the huge man turning on his heel, and walking out of the ringside area. As Kidd and Jeff make it to the roof, Jeff lunges forward, hitting Tiger with a spear, The Creeper stepping backward, off of the side of the Cell, disappearing in an explosion of fire, Jeff lifting Tiger off of the rooftop, only to drive her back into the rooftop with massive Wylde Night, sending both of them crashing through the roof, to land in a heap on the mat below, Jeff landing with his arm over Tiger’s shoulders. 1. . . 2. . . pinfall broken up by a senton from Kidd, from the top of the cell, through the hole in the cell.))

Eddie: Holy crap! This match continues!

Travis: Yeah, but not for long. Looks like Kidd might have taken himself out of this match.

((As seen in a split screen replay, Kidd hit the mat with the back of his head, his body hitting the rest of them, Kidd’s head recoiling severely. Jeff stays where he is, the referee counting, again. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: This match is finally over! Thank god!

Travis: Yeah. Now, someone get a spatula, to clean those three off of the mat. I don’t think they’re going anywhere.

((No sooner had Travis said that than, in the pile of bodies, there is movement, as Jeff slowly extracts himself from the carnage, Kidd rubbing the back of his head, and moving to get up himself. It started slowly, but, soon enough, the entire crowd was on it’s feet, cheering for the effort, and feats, put forth in that match, Jeff taking the title, and cracking off a light wave, Kidd doing the same thing, Tiger laying there still with the ref checking on her.))

Eddie: Up next we’re about to have a match between The Creeper and Jericho Dylan.

((Camera cuts back stage to a very trashed looking BloodLust Slayerz. They walk slowly heading for their locker room. Palemon brushes off a bannana peal off his shoulder.))

Palemon: All I want right now is a hot shower with lots of soap.

Beowulf: All I want right now is to know who pushed over the dumpster....

Zac k.: It was me!

((Before they can turn around Palemon is knocked down back a lead pipe to the back. Beowulf turns just in time to block Zac's blow and throws him hard into the wall. Once down Beowulf starts kicking away at Zac's mid section till he coughs up blood. Beowulf kicks him one last time in the head and turns to Palemon helping him back to their locker room.))

World Title Match
Jericho Dylan(c) vs The Creeper

Eddie: Well, here we go, with the World title match.

Travis: I’ve got to admit, lately, I’ve gotten more and more freaked by Jericho and his brothers, and The Creeper. It’s like they don’t care about anything but serving their own purposes.

Eddie: You may have a point. But I’m not about to ask The Creeper or Jericho, about that.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, representing the Darkside, he is the reigning HWC World Champion. . . JERICHO DYLAN!!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. When he gets to the ring, he leaps up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, he bounces up on the turnbuckles, throwing his arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, he starts bouncing on his toes. He’s just itching for some in-ring action, and it shows! Jericho waits, appearing slightly fatigued.))

Eddie: Apparently, Jericho’s home life has made him tired.

Travis: I dunno if you want to say that, Eddie.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from the Deepest Pit in the Abyss, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Hardcore Champion. . . THE CREEPER!!!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. The Creeper drops from the apron, the bell ringing, The Creeper stepping forward, and slapping his hand around Jericho’s throat. Instead of attacking, however, The Creeper seems to simply flicker, the flickering spreading into Jericho. After a moment, The Creeper releases the hold, Jericho blinking, then raising an eyebrow. The Creeper smiles, then steps back.))

Eddie: Well, after that exercise in oddity, I think the match is going to start, here.

Travis: What was that?

((The Creeper and Jericho lock up, Jericho shoving The Creeper, The Creeper not moving an inch, responding by shoving Jericho, to the same effect. The Creeper laughs, grabbing Jericho, and tossing him into the opposite side ropes, hitting Jericho with a gutwrench suplex, Jericho seeming to roll to stand facing The Creeper.))

Eddie: These two seem either evenly matched, or just beginning.

Travis: If they’re just beginning, it may end up being a match to see who can last the longest.

((Suddenly, Lone Goth appears from out of nowhere, sliding into the ring, the referee moving to stop Goth from interfering, The Creeper looking at Goth, raising an eyebrow. From behind Jericho, Tiger appears from the crowd, chair in hand, sliding into the ring.))

Eddie: Tiger’s going to cost The Creeper the match!

Travis: She’s just crazy enough to do something like that.

((However, from behind, Tiger cracks Jericho with the chair, then continuing the assault, leaving the ring after she was sure that her dirty work had been done, waiting on the rampway, Goth cold-cocking the referee, dropping him like a stone, Goth then leaving, meeting with Tiger on the rampway. As they leave, The Creeper turns to look at Jericho, fallen, and having a problem regaining his feet. The Creeper moves to Jericho, picking him up, Jericho looking the worse for wear.))

Eddie: I don’t get it. Why didn’t Tiger attack The Creeper?

Travis: Who knows? Tiger’s lost her mind.

((Seeming to be an electrical problem, the lights get brighter, then blindingly so, before settling back down, revealing a man that had been seen already once tonight, the same man in white, shoving The Creeper from behind, smoke rising from the point of impact, sending The Creeper rolling forward, coming up facing the man in white, a handprint burned into The Creeper’s back.))

Eddie: What does that guy have on his hand? He burned through The Creeper’s shirt like nobody’s business, but The Creeper appears to have no lasting damage.

Travis: Okay, now there are three men in that ring that freak me out.

((The man in white advances slowly, Jericho throwing a punch, only to have it swatted aside without much of any effort, the man in white shoving Jericho, only to get hit by a spear from The Creeper, the Creeper’s right shoulder smoking, the right shoulder of his shirt melting away. The Creeper growls, picking the man in white up, taking a shot to the stomach willingly, cracking off a kick to the chest area of the man in white, doubling him over, Jericho leveling the man in white with a DDT. The man in white stands looking uneffected by their attack. He then grabs both Creeper and Jericho slaming their head together. Creeper and Jericho are knocked out cold as the man in white lets them fall to the mat and disappearing in a burst of light, blinding everyone in the arena. As their vision clears, the man in white is standing at the top of the ramp. The man simply turns slowly, on his heel, and walks from the ringside area.))

Eddie: We just had a meeting of the minds at the man in white's hand!

Travis: He's leaving?!

((The referee begins moving, and, slowly, gets to his feet. After seeing both Creeper and Jericho laying motionless on the mat, the referee begins his count. 1. . . . 2. . . . 3. . . . 4. . . .5. . . . 6. . . .7 . . . 8 . . . .9. . . 10!!!))

Jean Fortello: This match has been declared a draw.

Eddie: Who was that guy in the white?!

Travis: I don’t know, but he was scary.

Eddie: My god... what a match!

Travis: I've never seen anything like that in...

((Suddenly the lights in the arena start to flicker and the screen on the Hardcore-tron begins to flicker to life showing nothing but Static.))

Eddie: What the hell is that?

Travis: I don't know.

((Creeper and Jericho come too and get to their feet, both men exhausted from the match. Both wondering what the heck is going on. Suddenly the lights go out completekly and the screen goes black. Slowly, A symbol begins to form on the screen a cross bound by the eternal pentegram and lightning strikes the stage in a giant explosion as "Whisper" by Evanescence begins to play))

Eddie: My god!!! What now?

Travis: What's going on?!

((Slowly from behind the curtain a monk carrying the symbol on a war banner comes out mist begins to raise from the walkway and behind him steps the stranger known as Brimstone carrying a Crucifix. Behind him walks Chloe clad in a Black mourning dress and behind her a Cadre of 6 Monks carries a coffin down the rampway.))

Travis: Who? Wha? You don't think!

Eddie: God help us. Could it be?

((As the funeral procession reaches the ring side area they put down the coffin before the ring and before all a loud pounding is heard. A monk unseen by Creeper and Jericho sneaks into the ring. The strength of the blows to the coffin is immense and the coffin moves with each pounding. Brimstone runs to the coffin and begins to unlatch it. Creeper and Jericho watch this strange display with a morbid curiousity as Brimstone raises the coffin revealing nothing.))

Travis: What? No, Seph?! Thank god!

((Jericho breathes a sigh and turns around as the monk pulls out a Black Baseball Bat and clocks him out with a single swipe. Jericho slams into the mat and Creeper realizes what has happened. Creeper charges but the Monk drives the bat into his abdomen and gets Creeper into a Full Nelson. From there He lifts and with grace and speed drops Creeper in a Full Nelson Slam/Rock Bottom combination. The crowd cheers as everyone looks at the hooded figure dressed in Black.))

Eddie: Wasn't that the SHADOWSPHERE?!!!

Travis: Oh no, it's him!

Eddie: It can't be!

Travis: No! No! No!

((The monk slowly lowers the hood revealing the silver hair and pale flesh. His back turned to the camera quickly he turns around and with the glint of fangs and green eyes reveals himself to be Sephiroth du Lac!!! The crowd roars a massive thunderous applause as Seph stands over the two New Darkside members with a smirk. Throwing down the bat in the process. He walks to the turnbuckle and screams a battle cry causing the crowd to roar back in frenzied appreciation))

Eddie: My God!!! It's Seph?! The Fallen One is back from the dead!!!

Travis: Oh god don't let him eat me!!!

Eddie: But, but, he was dead!

Travis: He was dead the last time.

Eddie: Point taken.

Travis: Oh no... we're all doomed!

Eddie: The Ultimate Darkness has returned to the HWC!!! And the question remains... who's side is he on? For Travis Best... I'm Eddie Daniels... see ya at Slaughter. My god...

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))