Detroit , Michigan at the Joe Louis Arena

((The Blue HWC logo fades in and out. Chains draped across the screen is seen as the screen starts to crack putting strain on the chains as the soft sound of Bodies starts to play. As the chains snap in two as the song get hard with the yelling of the word "FLOOR!" Sceens from BloodLust Slayerz battling and losing against HWC's Finest come into view. Then showing the Slayerz victory over the Bad News. Images of the Slayerz roaring pulling against binding chains are seen changing to that of the Finest pulling against chains inches away from the Slayerz. The chains give way as the Slayerz and Finest rush at each other taking swings. Just as they hit each other the screen shatters showing the constain feud between Darkside and Bad News. Soth's victory over Enforcer is shown time and time again as it cuts showing Bad News recuriting Jeff Wylde. Then Creeper's win of the Hardcore title over Enforcer months agao is seen. Shots of their fighting ends showing Bad News in chains cross Darkside who is also in chains. Like before they give way sending the two stables coming at each others taking swings. On impact the screen shatters showing the arena with white going off. The song continues to play as the crowd cheers over it. Again pyro goes off again like missles. On the stage around the HWC-Tron broken chains are seen hanging every where. The camera cuts to the comintators table.))

Eddie: We are LIVE from the sold out Joe Louis Arena in Detroit! Welcome everyone to Unchained, I'm Eddie Danniels and with me like a curse is Travis Best.

Travis: The best there is and no other.

Eddie: Hows your arm feeling?

Travis: Great why?

Eddie: Careful what you say tonight or it might hurt worse then before. Jeff is here tonight

Travis: So's Amy.

Eddie: Tonight is filled with many great matches promise not to disapoint the ticket holders.

Travis: Oh Yes, lots of room for HWC carage here tonight!

Eddie: First match is that to deside who faces Creeper next for the Hardcore title. We even have a promo from one of the challengers. He calls him self The Icon.

Travis: Icon? Lets have a look see.....

((A camera pans around showing fans jam packed into the Joe Louis Arena awaiting the opening match of HWC 'Unchained'. The air is tainted with a faint stench of body odour but more to the point a sense of anticipation for the nights entertainment. As the audience clamber around trying to get the best view of the ring, the arena goes dark, the PA system comes alive and their attention is pointed towards the HWC tron. Chris Murphy is shown standing beside The ICON which coincidently is dressed in his ring attire. The crowd is non-respondent yet intrigued at the new face amongst the HWC superstars. The ICON adopts his ICONIC stance while Chris begins the interview.))

Chris: ICON, this will be your first official match in the HWC and what an auspicious occasion for which to debut….. a jam packed arena full of blood thirsty fans and to top it all off your match is a triple threat hardcore…..

ICON: The ICON knows what the damn match is, he knows the stakes, he knows opportunity is looking him in the face, and he knows that tonight will be the night everyone will come to recognize the THE ICONIC one.

Chris: But if you think about it you are going up against two quality opponents in Celtic Hyena and Misguided Angel.

ICON: The ICON couldn't give three drops of monkey piss what you think Chris. Throughout The ICON's career he has always made a name for himself in each federation… BUT, that name has always come at the expense of another….. And Chris, The ICON assures you tonight will be no different, someone in HWC will be The ICONIC ones stepping stone to success, he doesn't care who you are, what reputation you have, all The ICON is gonna say is .. YOU WILL REMEMBER HIM!.

Chris: Those are some strong words …

((The ICON grabs the mic off Chris and steps up to the camera again adopting his ICONIC stance.))

ICON: Hyena, Angel bring your brass knuckles, steel chairs, ladders, hell even try bringing ya mamma, it won't make any difference, the result will always be the same. The ICON is gonna will walk down the ramp, slide into the ring and give the crowd what they want …. CARNAGE ….. WHY?? Cause The ICON is ….. THAT …. DAMN … BETTER!

((With that The ICON drops the mic and walks away while the camera pans back to Chris Murphy's stunned face. Camera cuts back to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Strong words from the up and coming Icon.

Travis: I think he talks to much.

Eddie: Then you have something in comen with him Travis.

Triple Threat Hardcore Match- Winner Gets a Hardcore Title Shot
Celtic Hyena vs The Icon vs Misguided Angel

Eddie: Well, Travis, this next match is a Hardcore Match... And if I recall, you love hardcore.

Travis: Yeah, I do! Tables, chairs and garbage cans...

Eddie: Oh, my!

Travis: Very droll. But funny nonetheless. Who are these guys anyway? Celtic Hyena? The ICON? Evil Incarnate?

Eddie: They're all newcomers. But Celtic Hyena's been in the ring before. He was part of a Northwestern promotion, the NWC, that closed after a few months. The wrestlers would sign contracts, then not bother showing up or telling the owners they weren't coming.

Travis: The ingrates! Was Celtic one of them?

Eddie: No, actually, he wasn't. He held the NWC's Brass Knuckles title at the time it closed.

Travis: Brass Knuckles... That sounds like it's a hardcore title.

Eddie: It was, Travis, it was. The promoters were quite upset when the majority of the roster abandoned them... Perhaps you heard of one of them. Anson Kane?

Travis: *eyes wide* Ego Buster X Anson Kane?

Eddie: Don't tell me... Let me guess... You used to bet on his matches.

Travis: Yup! The guy won me over three grand!

Eddie: So how come you're in the hole?

Travis: I wound up giving the money I won on Anson to my mother.

Eddie: Did she say or do something to influence that decision? Like, oh I don't know, twist your arm?

Travis: Already you know me too well.

((The bag pipes start to play followed by large blast of pyro, Celtic steps out with his arms out and grinning. Stepping past the smoke of the pyro he makes his way down to the ring. He then climbs into the ring and starts shadow boxing throwing punches before throwing out his arms.))

Eddie: Well, there's Celtic Hyena, Travis.

Travis: He certainly looks like a hardcore kind of guy. But we'll have to see the other two before I can decide who to root for.

Eddie: You usually root for the person you bet on.

Travis: HA! Shows what you know! I didn't bet on this match!

Eddie: My God. You mean you're serious about only making small bets?

Travis: You'd better believe it... It's Small or Nothing.

Eddie: That's a terrible pun. But it's definitely a change for the better, I'd say.

((The arena goes dark, children playing games can be heard, then one girl's voice becomes louder and louder, "One, Two, he's coming for you. Three, Four, he's gonna hurt you all." An evil voice then starts. "YOU WILL REMEMBER HIM!!" After a couple of seconds a wall of pyros shoot up in front of the ring entrance lasting for a couple of seconds. As they die down "Panorama Of Endtimes" starts, showing The ICON standing on the ramp looking from side to side at the crowd with no emotion on his face. The lights come up and he then slowly walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. ))

Eddie: There's the man calling himself The ICON... Quite an... interesting... ring entrance, wouldn't you say?

Travis: Interesting isn't the word for it! The only guys I've seen with more intimidating ring entrances are the Dylan Brothers!

Eddie: I'll remember that.

((The lights go flickering as Amazing Grace starts to play. As the lights go out, there is an explosion and M.A.'s video starts to play. As the lights go back on (from the back to front) M.A. is standing in the ring.))

Travis: That's gotta be the last guy... But that wasn't a very thrilling entrance.

Eddie: According to my sheets, nobody knows much about him. And he's only the second man to make the lights go out.

Travis: So? The ICON's was better.

Eddie: *stifling a sigh* This match is about to get underway...

((The referee checks the three men for any weapons, but can find none. So he signals for the bell to ring, starting the match. Celtic sits back on his heels and lets ICON and Evil go at it. They exchange blows, neither man seeing the Hound of Ulster sitting back and watching. ICON whips Evil into the corner, bouncing him off Celtic. Celtic shoves Evil off and charges into the fray, hitting both men with rabbit punches. The ref warns Celtic about those punches, so he shifts to open handed shots to the gut. Celtic's always obeyed the rules... ICON kicks Celtic backward, catapulting him over the top rope to the floor. Celtic takes the opportunity to grab some stuff from under the ring. He finds a Stop sign, a kendo stick, a 2x4, and pulls out a table. And, of course, he pulls out a fire extinguisher. The crowd cheers when they see that... Celtic starts shoving it all in the ring, where Evil grabs the Stop sign and bounces it off The ICON's head repeatedly. Celtic rolls into the ring with the kendo stick in hand and crouches, watching and waiting.))

Eddie: Celtic going for the hardware early on... That might have been a mistake.

Travis: Then again, maybe it wasn't! Look!

((Celtic's started wailing on both men with that kendo stick. He has a vicious grin on his face... Then he sets up the table, leaning it against one corner of the ring. ICON whips Evil into that corner, shattering the table. He goes for the cover. 1... 2... Celtic breaks it up with a shot to the ribs with the kendo stick.))

Eddie: ICON forgot Celtic was in the ring.

Travis: That wasn't a good idea... I honestly have to say Celtic could win this one.

Eddie: He might, at that. Look what he's doing now.

((Celtic's picked up the fire extinguisher. But instead of firing its contents, he uses it like a garbage can and slams the whole thing into The ICON's gut! When ICON's doubled over, Celtic thuds the canister off his back. ICON drops like a stone. Celtic rolls him over and goes for a cover, keeping an eye on Evil. 1... 2... ICON rolls to one side. Celtic shrugs and presses the attack, focusing on ICON's lower back.))

Travis: I am really impressed with Celtic Hyena's performance so far!

Eddie: And that's saying a lot, folks. This is the first guy Travis has been impressed with.

Travis: Oh, very funny, Eddie. But I'm in a good mood, so I'll let it slide this time.

Eddie: And why are you in a good mood?

Travis: Because Jarred Dylan isn't at ringside.

((Eddie laughs at that comment, mainly because it's true. Back in the ring, Evil has recovered enough to fire off several shots to Celtic's stomach, alternating with shots to ICON's lower back. Celtic remains unfazed by Evil's assault and pie-faces him backward. Celtic rolls out of the ring and grabs a hardcore fighter's favorite weapon... A steel chair! He rolls back in and slams it off ICON's back, making him cry out. Then he KABONG's it off Evil's head. Evil stumbles backward, bounces off the ropes and comes toward Celtic again. CLANG! Evil drops like a stone to the mat. ICON charges toward Celtic, who casually THWACK's him with the chair. Both men are down... Celtic casually covers Evil, still holding the chair in one hand. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings, heralding a win for someone who proved to be a wily ring veteran.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner... CELTIC HYENA!

((Celtic drops the chair and rolls out of the ring. His theme rips through the arena, providing an audio backdrop as he walks backstage.))

Eddie: That was an amazing match.

Travis: You said it. I have a feeling Celtic's going to go far here.

Standard Match
I2K vs Panthro

Eddie: Our first match is over and what a match it was eh Travis?

Travis: Yeah...But my match is still yet to come! Mia and Cleo in nothing but their tiny hopefully see through bikinis!

Eddie: I'll need a hose to cool you down when they get out there won't I?

Travis: Probably! That match is going to be the best one of the night...

Eddie: To you and most of the guys that are sitting in this arena married or not heads will turn... But for now we have a match between I2K and Pantro!

Travis: Ahhh...I want to see my Angel and the Queen of my heart!

Eddie: Oh boy...Just keep your eyes on the match for now!

((Suddenly "Limp Bizkit: Take a Look Around" hits and the words: "Are you ready for I2K?" appear on the video screen. Blue spotlights search the arena and smoke fills the entrance ramp. I2K appears on the entrance ramp with his head down. He looks up and walks to the ring. He climbs up onto the ring apron and does a flip over the top rope into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 222lbs, I2K!

Travis: My money is on I2K...He's been through here before and he's going to kick some ass.

Eddie: Well Pantro is a only a new comer but he has proven himself last week. He can fight...

Travis: Says you!

((Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 173lbs, from Mexico city, Panthro!

Travis: He's going to get his ass handed to him...Get on with it so I can see my Angel...I wonder where's she been?

Eddie: He's also one of the only people to see Mia since last Sunday too. No one has seen or heard from Mia...Hopefully she'll be here tonight to defend her title.

Travis: I hope so...Let's get on with the match, so we can move on!

((Panthro, and I2K stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring sizing each other up. Panthro looks up at I2K as the bell rings sounding the begining of the match, and takes down I2K with an arm bar. Panthro goes to the top rope abd goes for a frog splash. I2K rolls out of the way as Panthro comes down landing on his front. He rolls in pain as I2K gets Panthro to his feet and goes into a DDT.))

Travis: What did I tell you? I2K will destroy Panthro...

Eddie: The match has only started, Travis...There's still a chance that Panthro can win!

((Panthro hits I2K in the midsection as he goes for another DDT and sends him to the mat. Panthro gets down beside I2K and puts him in a chin lock. The ref comes over and asks I2K if he wants to tap. I2K shakes his head as Panthro lets go. I2K falls back to the mat, and Panthro climbs to the top rope once again and hits I2K with a frog splash and goes for the pin. 1...2...I2K gets the shoulder up and Panthro grabs him once again and hits him in the midsection. I2K is doubled over and Panthro goes for a head scissors but misses as I2K staggers out of the way and slumps into the corner.))

Eddie: Panthro is really giving it his all here...

Travis: It won't help him...No matter what he does he's not going to beat I2K! He's a Legend around here!

Eddie: So is Harley Quinn...She is the only woman to come into the HWC and surivive a Camelot Pit Fight against the man that created it!

Travis: That's true...God I miss her...I think I should visit her sometime...

Eddie: You're the last thing she needs to see...

Travis: What?

Eddie: Never mind...

((Panthro smiles and goes for a bronco buster. Panthro hits it and I2K is at his mercy. Panthro soon breaks the bronco buster and pulls I2K to his feet and goes to the top rope excuting a hurracanrana, and putting I2K to the mat again. Going for the pin. 1...I2K gets the shoulder up again. I2K hits Panthro with a few punshes as he sits up knocking Panthro to the mat. I2K gets to his feet and starts kicking Panthro in the ribs as Panthro writhes in pain. I2K goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault right onto Panthro who is more pain now. He goes for the pin. 1...2...Panthro gets the shoulder up and I2K smacks the floor beside him before getting Panthro to his feet.))

Travis: Did you see that? If Panthro wasn't so stubborn I2K would have had this won by now!

Eddie: How much you got riding on this match Travis?

Travis: Never mind how much I got on this match...(Under his breath) Only 5000...

Eddie: What was that?

Travis: Nothing!

((I2K gets to the top again with Panthro in tow and hits a hurracanrana, sending Panthro to the mat. He gets Panthro to his feet as he wobbles back and forth, and I2K goes for a spinning heel kick, but Panthro catches his foot, and holds him for a few seconds before he uses I2K's own move against him. I2K hits the mat and Panthro goes to the top rope and goes for his Panthro-sault. He hits it and lands right on top of I2K. He goes for the pin. 1...2...I2K gets the shoulder up and Panthro can not believe it!))

Travis: YEAH!! GO I2K!!!

Eddie: This is turning out to be some match eh Travis?

Travis: Yeah I guess so...I2K is going to win it though!

Eddie: You're so sure of that aren't you?

Travis: I just have a feeling Eddie!

Eddie: Yeah so do I...

((Panthro gets goes to the top rope again and goes for another frog splash and doesn't notice I2K waiting for him with a Karate kick to the face! Panthro hits the mat hard after that kick to the face. I2K goes to the tope rope and hits a moonsault right on top of Panthro and picks him up and goes for his Death DDT. He hits it and Panthro is down on the mat in pain. I2K goes for the pin. 1...2...3! And the bell sounds as "Take A Look Around" begins to play.))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, I2K!

Travis: I told you he would do it!

Eddie: You've proven me wrong Travis...You do you have a brain...

Travis: Thank you Eddie for that compliment!

Eddie: You're hopeless!

Travis: What?

Standard Match
Jarred Dylan vs Martin Smalls

Eddie: Our next match was challenged by Jarred Dlyan to Matrin Smalls.

Travis: Smalls better call his goons cause you and I both know Smalls doesn't stand a chance. I mean i should know I had to fight him, and got my arm broken for my troubles.

Eddie: That's one way of teaching respect to someone. Looks like Smalls is going to get that same leason tonight. In just a few minutes in fact. But first I understand Chris Murphy is backstage with Smalls right now.

((Camera cuts to the backstand by the curtain as Chris Murphy stands with anxious looking Martin Smalls.))

Chris: Mr. Smalls we are mere moments away from your match that you agreed to with Jarred Dlyan. And I understand that you have an anouncement to make about this match.

Smalls: That I do but Chris.... I need to make it before Jarred him self and not you. So if you will excuse me, I have a match to be in.

((Camera cuts back to the ring as the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring from New Orleans, Louisiana acompanied by Eric Taylor....... JARRED DLYAN!!!

((When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier. Queensryche fades out as the playing of Godsmack's Whatever starts to play. The crowd starts to boo and chant "YOU SUCK" as Smalls makes his way down the ring with a mic in hand. He's dressed in a blue HWC shirt and black sweat pants. As he reaches the ring he stops as his them dies he raises the mic to his lips to speak.))

Smalls: Jarred.... Jarred. I got a business perpossal for you. (Jarred nods his head listening) Make the standard match an Anything Goes. (Jarred starts to shake his head) There's more Jarred hear me out. If you win I'll change and the join the Finest, but if I win you have to join me with the Slayerz. The only catch is that this maybe a Anything Goes match there can be no out side interferance or the deals off. I have ordered the Slayerz to stay out of this.

((Smalls moves slowly entering the ring watching Jarred carfuly.))

Travis: Smalls loses he has to join the Finest? What is he thinking?!

Eddie: Most likly he got some trick up his sleeve.

Travis: You heared him Eddie everything is on the up and up.

Jarred: (grabs the mic from Smalls.) I Agree!

((Jarred tosses the mic out of the ring and the bell rings. Smalls comes at Jarred with a closeline taking Jarred by surprise knocking him off his feet. Jarred holds his throat as Smalls pulls him to his feet and hits him with a DDT. While Jarred is down Smalls takes this chance to stomp and kick him a bit before sliding out of the ring to get a weapon.))

Eddie: Figures, this is the only way Smalls has a chance of winning, beating some poor guy with a weapon. Smalls isn't even half a man.

Travis: Your right, he's more like a god with his quick wit.

((Smalls grabs singapor cane and climbs back into the ring. Jarred is starting to get to his feet when Smalls slams the cane into the back of Jarred. Jarred staggers falling to one knee crying out in pain. Smalls hits him again sending Jarred staggering away looking for a chance to recover. Smalls follows Jarred swing the cane yet again this time down on Jarred's head. Jarred dodges and steps on the cane pinning it to the mat. Smalls tries to pull it from under Jarred's foot but Jarred slams his elbow into the forhead of Smalls. Smalls lets got of the cane and falls backwards. Jarred grabs the cane and comes at Smalls who is now crawling away in fear. Jarred takes a step forward swing at Smalls who dives foward scurrying under Jarred's legs. Jarred turns watching him and laughs letting Smalls get to his feet. Jarred looks at Smalls still grinning and offers Smalls the cane. Smalls eyes Jarred in question but takes the cane, but before Smalls can use it Jarred hit's him with a swing neckbreaker. Smalls falls flat and Jarred kicks the cane out of the ring.))

Travis: Well there went Smalls chance of winning. Today will be a black day in wrestling. the day Smalls joined the Finest.

Eddie: Oh shut up Travis you make it sound like he's dying. We should be so lucky.

((Jarred pulls Smalls into an STF putting most the pressure on his neck hoping he will tap out. Smalls groans in pain trying to reach for the ropes not having enough strength to pull him self to them. Smalls refused to tap and Jarred breaks the hold not wanting to hurt Smalls the way he did Travis. Jarred pulls Smalls to his feet and it met with blows to his mid section. The blows causes Jarred to stagger but isn't enough to knock him off his feet. In till Smalls hits Jarred with a low blow followed by a knee to the face. Jarred falls back and Smalls pins him. 1...2....3NO! At the last second Jarred got a shoulder up. Smalls starts beating away on the face of Jarred.))

Travis: So close!

Eddie: Smalls is a rat you really think he can beat Jarred where you could not?

Travis: Maybe?

Eddie: Your fooling only your self.

Travis: So what if I am, let me dream at least!

((Smalls gets up and grabs Jarred by the lets and pulls him in a sharp shooter. Jarred too reafuses to tap and slowly pulls him self to the ropes. But before he can get there, Icon comes running from the back and grabs the cane before sliding into the ring.))

Travis: That's Icon? What is that rookie doing here?

Eddie: He's going to get him self hurt if he's not careful!

((Standing behind Smalls Icon takes the cane and slams it into the back of Smalls' head heard enough to break the cane. Smalls' eyes roll in the back of his head as he falls forward to the mat. Icon leaves rasing his broken cane in victory as he leaves. Jarred sits up eyeing Icon not quite sure what to make of him.))

Eddie: Looks like Icon wanted to make a name for him self by taking out the sorce of all evil in the HWC.

Travis: You make it sound like Smalls is the devil.

Eddie: I wouldn't be surprised.

((Jarred sees Smalls laying there and rolls him over going for the pin. 1...2...3. The bell rings and the ref raises Jarred's hand in victory.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner....... JARRED DLYAN!!!

Eddie: Well Jarred did despite Smalls plans to beat him. Now he will have to join the Finest.

((Travis just bangs his head against the table. In the ring Smalls slowly starts to come to, holding the back of his head he see's Icon standing on the stage holding a broken cane. Jarred tries to help Smalls to his feet as Smalls pushes him away. Moving to the ropes he takes the mic from Jean.))

Smalls: You may have won the match Jarred......... but I don't have to join the Finest. DEAL'S OFF. You agreed to it "No Out Side Interferance!" Whether Icon knew it or not, he broke the deal.

Eddie: It's not Icon's fault. What a cheap way to back out of this.

Travis: He did state that, No interferance. He's a free man.

Eddie: Free maybe but he's got it coming to him!

((Camera cuts backstage to reveal an SUV pulling in. The camera catches the liscence plate which reads "NEWS 1".))

Eddie: News 1? Is that Bad News?

((The door opens to reveal it is. Scott emerges from the drivers side door, the Enforcer from the passenger side, Jeff, Amy, Draven and Pit come out from the back doors. Behind them is another SUV. The members of Bad News wait until that SUV unloads it's passengers. One of them is Clarence the bouncer from Sub-Zero. Along with him are six other men around the same size. The same size being close to or exactly seven feet tall, and each guy weighing about 300-350.))

Scott: You guys ready?

((Everyone nods.))

Scott: (as they start walking into the arena) Remember you're here to be at ringside in case Creeper brings his brothers down for the hardcore match, and to make sure the Darkside or the BLS don't try anything before, during or after our matches.

Draven: Pit and I will go to ringside with the Enforcer for the Hardcore title match but we want you guys ready to come down to the ring the second the situation warrants it. You're only to come down there in the same numbers that they do, becuase they might try and get us to empty the locker room, leaving us open to attack.

Clarence: Don't worry Draven. We got it. We know what to do. That's why we're here.

Enforcer: Well, frankly I just don't trust the bastard. I'd say I trust him as far as I can throw him, but I can throw him pretty far.

((They reach their locker room and the rest of the conversation is cut off as they file in and close the door behind them.))

Pool Match for the Women's Title
Mia(c) vs Cleo

Eddie: You've been waiting for this all night haven't you?

Travis: You bet your boots! I can't wait to see Cleo and Mia in those skin tight bikini's! My god...I'll be in heaven after all.

Eddie: Yeah I'm sure...This is the first ever pool match here in the HWC. It's unusal but it's something new...

Travis: And something that I can enjoy!

Eddie: Oh boy...Do I have to tie you to the chair again?

Travis: I'll be good!

((The arena goes dak as Gold Lust begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage as something rises up from the floor. It's an Egyptian sarcaphagus. The lid of the sarcaphagus slides open and there stands Pharaoh Cleopatra. She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowd cheering for her. In her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown, and hands the scepters and the crown to the ref and faces the enterance to wait for her opponent.))

Jean Fortello: Making her way to the ring at this time weighing in at 150lbs, from New York City, Cleopatra!

Travis: God damn she's looking fine tonight! Look at that skin tight gold thing...

Eddie: I must admit...She does have good fashion sense...But what about Mia...No one has seen or heard from her in a week...

Travis: She'll be here...She said she would be...

((Cleo waits for Mia and folds her arms in front of her as "All The Things She Said" starts to play. The music plays for almost a minute and still no sign of Mia.))

Travis: Where is my Angel?

Eddie: I'm not sure Travis...We're mising one...

((The music seems to stop and out of nowhere "Dark & Grey" blares on the PA. Seph walks out smiling mic in hand as the crowd cheers.))

Travis: I asked for an Otaku Angel not a Fallen Angel!

Eddie: Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll send out the Anahiem Angels!

Travis: Are they still a team?

Eddie: I'm not sure I haven't paid attention to baseball since 1992.

Travis: Has anyone?

((Seph goes to the pool area standing on what is known as the fight deck smiling all the while. Cleo looks at him confused but he holds out a hand in assurance and waves to the crowd finally addressing the masses.))

Seph: Everyone, Everyone, please. I know your looking forward to seeing my protegy, Mia Lang facing Cleo in a Pool match for the Women's title! I know... but, she can't make it tonight.

((The crowd boos as Seph goes to finish.))

Seph: I know... I know... but, she is safe and everything is fine. She is just recovering in the Intensive care ward at UVA after sustaining some problematic injuries in a car wreck. But, I assure you she'll be good to go in no time flat. Now, that just leaves me with no choice though but to proclaim Cleo the winner by defaul...

((Just then "The Man without Fear" plays as Amy Jensen walks out in her typical street attire. Seph looks shocked and Confused as does Cleo as Amy walks to the pool area. She snatches the mic from Seph's hands and looks him dead in the eye.))

Amy: Seph, what do you think we're all stupid?

((The crowd cheers as Seph rolls his eyes.))

Amy: Let me tell you something you dead bloated rotting bastard. That excuse... with the car wreck! That's bullshit! Now, I know Mia and if it was anything it was you that put her in that hospital wasn't it?

((Seph just bites his bottom lip trying to suppress his anger at her insolence.))

Amy: Why don't you just come out and say it Seph! Why isn't she here? What did you beat her? Did you hurt her? Cause if you did and I find out ya really will be the dead man! Understand, Vamp?

((Seph rips the mic from her hands and Amy looks infuriated... Seph backs away pacing as the crowd screams and roars in approval.))

Seph: Amy... first off great to see you here tonight. I'm looking forward to kicking your boyfriends ass later.

((The crowd roars))

Seph: But, as for your thoughts of conspiracy. No, I have not hurt Mia and yes she is in a hospital recovering from injuries. So, to answer your question yes, she is out for the night and the winner by default is Cleo!!!

((The crowd roars as Cleo turns her back to Amy waving to the crowd.))

Travis: Aww... I wanted wet puppies.

Eddie: Guess you'll just have to settle for damp Playboy magazines.

((Just then Amy lunges forward knocking Cleo in the ice cold pool. Cleo looks up with a fright as the ice cold water drenches her.))

Travis: Yes, she's wet!

Eddie: That's something Travis will never say in any company besides his hand.

((Seph then lunges at Amy but is met with a block and a repeated left hands. Knocking him backward. Amy continues the assault as she beats on the Fallen one all the way down the ramp. Amy and him make it to the ringside area and Seph irish whips her toward the ring. Amy jumps up and moonsaults back pulling a hurricanrana on Seph knocking him into the steel steps. Amy slides into the ring telling Seph to bring it on as he slowly rises to his feet.))

Eddie: Whoa! Amy pulling some amazing stunts on the champ!

Travis: Damn straight.

((Seph slides in and Amy let's him stand. Seph throughs a punch but Amy blocks it slapping him with a hard right. Seph tries again blocked and punched. Third time and Amy does it again. Seph staggers and Amy spins around and clocks him nocking him on the ropes. Amy sets up and drops him in a Twist of Fate. Seph lands on his back from the Impact as Amy moves to the Turnbuckle.))

Travis: Oh my god! Here it comes.

Eddie: Good night! Here comes the Swanton!

((Just as Amy is about to go Cleo comes out of nowhere drenched to the bone and pulls Seph out of harms way. Helping him stay on his feet as Amy stands infuriated in the ring. "Immortal" plays on the PA as the two make their way up the ramp humiliated and beaten.))

Eddie: Well, this is an amazing turn of events, eh Travis?

Travis: Yeah, whatever I think I can see a nipple through that material.

Eddie: Put away the God damn binoculers!

Travis: You collect your stamps and I'll continue my bird watching, thank you very much!

Hardcore Title
Creeper(c) vs Enforcer

Eddie: What a night what a night. The action tonight has been unbelievable and nonstop, and it only gets better from here on out. Starting right now….

Travis: We're about to get HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the Hardcore Championship match. Introducing first, your HWC Hardcore Champion, THE CREEPER!!!!!!!

((The lights die, a loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, his Hardcore title clutched tightly in one fist, raised above his head. The other turnbuckles are thusly occupied as Paine, Aginie, and Rayj sit perched upon them, while Furie and B.D. stand on either side of Cleo in the middle of the ring.))

Eddie: What an impressive entrance by The Creeper and his entourage here tonight.

Travis: Yeah, but the Russian judge gives it a seven.

Eddie: Try and be serious, if only for a few moments.

Travis: I'm working on it. The girl who shall remain nameless is on her way out, I can't wait.

Eddie: Do you think if you describe Amy like that, Jeff won't know you're talking about her?

Travis: Jeff has enough to worry about without pounding me for commenting on his lovely woman. See Jeff, that wasn't so crude.

Eddie: Stop kissing ass.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, the former HWC World, Tag Team, and Hardcore Champion, THE ENFORCER!!!!!!!!!!!

(('Click Click Boom' blares over the sound system as The Enforcer walks out onto the stage. Glaring out at the crowd first, The Enforcer slowly turns his attention to the ring, and the small army awaiting him there. Slowly making his way to ringside, showing no fear, The Enforcer pulls himself up on to the apron and defiantly smirks up at The Creeper, who is still perched on the turnbuckle.))

Eddie: Looks like the Enforcer is making good on his word of not bringing the rest of Bad News with him.

((Almost in unison with Eddie's words five random figures in the audience leap to their feet and hop the guard rail, surrounding the ring. With Pitbull, Draven Masters, Jeff Wylde, Amy Jensen, and Scott Mercer surrounding the ring, the Enforcer calmly steps over the top rope to confront the Creeper.))

Travis: One second too late Daniels. When have you ever known the Enforcer to keep his word?

Eddie: In a situation like this, I'd pick having back-up rather than having a reputation as someone who never goes back on his word. It looks to me like the ref is going to have his hands full tonight.

Travis: Three referees would have their hands full with this grouping.

((Slowly but surely, everyone in and surrounding the ring split off on to one of two sides of the ring. Bad News nearest the announcers, and Cleo and the Brothers nearest the entrance ramp, leaving the Creeper and The Enforcer nose to nose in the center of the ring.))

Travis: How long till all hell breaks loose? I'm betting ten minutes, maybe fifteen.

Eddie: I think all hell will have broken loose, when these two monsters start trading shots.

((Again, almost on cue with Eddie's words, both the Enforcer and Creeper slide out to the empty sides of the ring, and begin tossing weapons from under the ring to the inside of it. Chairs, Sledgehammers, Tables, Garbage Cans, Singapore Canes, Street Signs, a Cinder Block, and two ladders litter the ring by the time the Creeper slips back into the ring unnoticed by the Enforcer. The cries of Bad News are just seconds late as a cord once belonging to one of the camera crew wraps around the Enforcer's neck and begins pulling him up into the ring. Feet kicking, and hands tugging at the cord, the Enforcer's face begins turning blue as Creep hauls him over the top rope from the floor outside. Letting the Enforcer's airless body drop to the mat, Creep begins searching through the goodies littering the mat. Settling on one of the many garbage cans, he begins bringing it down on the Enforcer's prone form again and again.))

Eddie: The Creeper with a definite advantage already, and looking to dish out a little more pain to the Enforcer.

Travis: I'm surprised Bad News hasn't gotten involved already. I don't trust them any further than I'd trust your mother not to give me VD.

Eddie: But what about….Wait, what did you say?

Travis: You heard me.

((Inside the ring, the Creeper has tossed the dismantled garbage can aside, and has apparently settled on one of the two sledgehammers. Turning to bring it down over the skull of the Enforcer, he is met with a low blow, quickly followed up with an implant DDT. Lying still for a moment to get his wind back, the Enforcer slowly pushes himself off the mat, and begins setting up tables. With three tables set up, and ready to cause someone pain, Enforcer reaches down and hauls Creep to his feet. Whipping him into the corner, Enforcer sets to spinebust Creep through on of the tables, only for Creep to swing his momentum all the way around and tornado DDTs the Enforcer through his own table. Reaching over the Enforcer's prone form, Creep goes for the early win. 1…2..kickout.))

Eddie: You're not going to put the former World Champ away that easy Creeper.

Travis: If there was any justice in this world he would have.

Eddie: What is it exactly you have against Bad News?

Travis: What don't I have against them?

Eddie: Well maybe with them standing so close, you should keep your comments to yourself.

((Turning to let Travis know Eddie is speaking the truth, all the members of Bad News glare coldly at MR. Best's now shaking form. This however gives the Brothers opportunity, and they take it in the form of B.D. bringing a chair across the skull of the Enforcer who unluckily was trying to pull himself up the ropes on their side of the ring. Quickly sliding in for another cover, the Creeper only gets a one count as the Enforcer lazily gives the Brothers the finger. Pulling the Enforcer to his feet, Creep sends in into the corner, following him with a monster clothesline. Reaching for one of the Singapore Canes, he brings it into the ribs of the Enforcer, until the wood splinters and the weapon becomes useless. Clutching his ribs, but still propped in the corner, the Enforcer explodes outward catching Creep with a huge right hand, and following it with a back elbow. Both men drop to one knee, and eye each other for a moment before grabbing the nearest object and simultaneously bashing each other in the skull with it. For the Creeper, it was one of many stop signs, which dents almost in half on the Enforcer's head. For the Enforcer, it is the lone cinder block, which explodes into fine powder and tiny pieces as it connects with the Creeper's skull. Both men hit the mat hard, and lay still while their respective sides yell for them to get up.))

Eddie: MY GOD, did you see that? That cinder block just exploded on the Creeper's head. If he is still conscious, then he is one lucky man.

Travis: Speak for yourself Daniels, that shot busted him open, and he is losing blood like crazy.

Eddie: Neither man looks too good right now, I'll bet the Enforcer is still feeling the effects of that hanging the Creeper gave him to start the match.

((The referee is halfway through a double countout when the Enforcer rolls over and drapes an arm over the chest of the Creeper. 1…..2….3…NO!!! The Creeper kicks out just before the ref's hand hits the mat. Looking to the ref in disbelief, the Enforcer slowly pushes himself off the mat and sets up a ladder. Looking to the top of the ladder, and then back down at Creeper, the Enforcer begins making the climb. All eyes are glued to the Enforcer, so no one notices B.D. slip around for an opportunity to topple the ladder. Reaching into the ring from outside, B.D. grabs the bottom legs nearest him, and yanks the ladder out from under the Enforcer, sending him through yet another one of the tables.))

Eddie: If I didn't know any better, I'd say this B.D. is looking for this to turn into an all out war.

Travis: He did say the Enforcer had made it personal.

((Looking to where the ladder was, Bad News rushes into the ring to begin pounding on the Creeper, who is just now getting to his feet. Losing themselves in the attack, Bad News quickly finds itself on the defensive as Cleo and the Brother's join the fray, each separating their own member of Bad News. Lifting him into a suplex, Paine sends Pitbull to the outside before following himself to continue in the assault. Rayj, Aginie, and Furie have also somehow managed to isolate Jeff, Draven, and Amy each bringing their respective target to the outside as if in an effort to further divert the ref's attention. Cleo has long since dispatched Scott Mercer with a couple chair shots to the head, leaving the Enforcer in the ring with her, B.D., and the Creeper. All three begin to stomp away at the Enforcer, before the Creeper calls for Cleo and B.D. to lift him up. Screaming something into the Enforcer's face, Creeper kicks him in the stomach before hoisting him into the air powerbomb style, and slamming him down to the mat in a rockbottom type maneuver.))

Eddie: Death Rattle. This three on one assault has lead to the Enforcer receiving a death rattle.

Travis: It wouldn't be three on one if Bad News had stayed out of this match.

Eddie: It was B.D. that stuck his nose into this match twice before Bad News decided to even things up.

Travis: Well then, maybe if they knew how to fight they wouldn't be getting pounded right now and they could help out a little bit.

((The announcer's bickering, as well as all attacks on members of Bad News comes to a halt as a primal yell rips through the arena. Suddenly music kicks up, and the chorus of 'Headstrong" pumps out of the many speakers surrounding the Joe Louis Arena. "Back Off I'll Take You On. Headstrong To Take On Anyone. I Know That You Are Wrong. Headstrong, We're Headstrong." As the music dies down, and everyone's attention centers on the stage, a figure parts the curtain and stands staring down to the ring. Dressed in a black and red hooded jog suit, the figure remains unseen until about halfway down the entrance ramp he stops and throws back the hood.))

Eddie and Travis: It's BLOOD DRAGON.

Eddie: Blood Dragon is back.

Travis: I thought he was injured.

Eddie: Apparently not too injured to help his friends, and teammates.

Travis: Why don't these people ever stay gone?

((Ripping the jacket of the jogging suit off to reveal a white T-shirt with a Dragon and the words "Now a Healthy Dose of Bad News," Blood Dragon rushes to ringside. Met by an attempted clothesline from Rayj, Blood ducks and locks in a full nelson before tossing Rayj backward overhead and into the crowd.))

Eddie: Dragon Suplex. He is back, and ready for a fight.

Travis: Wow, I'm soooo impressed.

((Lifting Jeff Wylde to his feet, Blood eyes him coldly before sending him off to assisst Draven, Pit, and Amy before slipping into the ring and coming nose to nose with B.D.))

Travis: This just got interesting.

((Outside, Jeff makes short work of Furie in an effort to grab Amy's help fighting off the remaining Brother's and Cleo, who has since slipped out of the ring. Inside the ring, the Creeper, who is busy bashing the Enforcer's head into tiny bits of the table he just crashed through, has yet to see the staredown going on between B.D. and Blood. Turning to call for B.D. to help him with something, the Creeper stops and just watches as Blood and B.D. begin to pound away at one another. Trading rights and lefts, the pair take the Creeper's attention away long enough for the Enforcer to roll him up. The ref, who at this point has given up trying to separate all the miniature brawls, drops to make the count. 1….2…kickout.))

Eddie: Near fall by the Enforcer. With everything that's going on around the ring, it's going to be hard for these two to concentrate on each other.

Travis: I think we need a little help down here to get rid of Bad News. Everything would be fine if they weren't here.

((On cue with Travis' words, referees begin pouring out of the back in an attempt to separate members of Bad News from Cleo, and Creeper's brothers. Unnoticed by most of the people at ringside, Draven slips in under the bottom rope just as the Enforcer tosses Creep into the ropes. Waiting for him as he rebounds, the two founding members of Bad News nail him with the Headline before Draven squirts back out of the ring. Quickly rolling into the cover, the Enforcer is surprised as the Creeper squeaks out with a very close two count. Staring at the ref in disbelief, he is even more surprised as one of Cleo's scepters hits him right between the eyes. Dropping to the mat, the Enforcer barely recognizes Cleo dragging the Creeper over to make the cover. Looking up at the ref, the Enforcer slowly watches his hand raise once, 1. Raise twice, 2. And finally raise a third time, 3. Only after the bell has sounded does anything come to the Enforcer. Looking around the ring, he can see members of Bad News held back by a good number of HWC staff, and the Creeper's Brothers held back by even more HWC staffers.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner, and still HWC Hardcore Champion, THE CREEPER.

Travis: Finally it's all over.

Eddie: I don't think we will ever see a one on one match as long as these two sides are involved. A hard fought match by both men, but once again the deciding factor for the Creeper was Cleo.

Travis: Hey, this is a Hardcore match. Last I checked that meant anything goes. No whining or complaining from you or anyone.

Eddie: Who said I was whining? But I'm sure just about everyone watching wants to know if the Creeper can win without Cleo's help. Maybe it even bothers the Creeper himself. Anyway, this one is in the books, let's move on to the rest of our show.

((The camera fades into the back as Patriot and Ace-Man are completing their pre-match warm up. The two turn face to face, Patriot only an inch taller then Ace-Man, as they finish the warm up.))

Patriot: This is it, the time we have been waiting for.

Ace-Man: We are going to get the gold and nothing is going to stop us.

Patriot: Our time is now, America is going to show the world what it can do.

Ace-Man: The next tag team champions, the HWC's Finest.

Patriot: Lets get going and show the BLS what we are.

((Ace-Man and Patriot connect a high five and turn to walk away, Miss America walking out of a side room and runs between the two men.))

Miss America: Sorry I'm late.

Patriot: Where have you been?

Miss America: I just got sick worrying about you two in this match.

Patriot: You have nothing to worry about we have taken these two before and will do it again.

Ace-Man: He is right, this is going to be just another win except we are getting the titles this time.

Miss America: I am worried that it isn't going to be that easy. The Slayerz are more determined then ever now that they have the titles. I don't think that anything can stop them now, I think that they are ready for anything.

Patriot: They might be ready for anything but they are not ready for America, we are bringing the whole country with us and they can't stop that. We are the greatest tag team this world has seen and nothing is going to stop us from getting the gold.

Ace-Man: We are the Finest and America is behind us, we are going to get the gold, lets go!

((With grins on their faces Ace-Man and Patriot head to the ring, Miss America stopping. She shakes her head and frowns before suddenly running behind the Finest to the ring.))

Tag Team Title Match
BloodLust Slayerz(c) vs HWC's Finest

Eddie: This match is just the calm before the storm. I can promise you this won't be a fair fight!

Travis: You worry to much Eddie, this going to be great. BloodLust Slayerz bring the end to HWC's Finest at long last.

Eddie: You are so un-American you make me sick, I don't know how you can look your self in the mirror!

Jean Fortello: The following is for the Tag Team Championship..... To the ring...

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthom begins to blast in the arena.))

Jean Fortello: Weighing in at a combined weight of 570 lbs, from Washington DC......... HWC'S FINEST!!!

((Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing with Ace-Man waving Old Glory. They both salut it before continuing on down to the ring to chants of "USA...USA...USA"))

Eddie: They really got the backing of the crowd. The sound of their cheering for these two is loud enough to make you deaf.

Travis: WHAT?

Eddie: To late....


((The chants of USA quickly turn to boos as the voice of Beowulf is heard saying "Summon The Drums of War!"))

Jean Fortello: And from Norway weighing in at a combined weight of 500 lbs, they are the HWC Tag Team Champions........ BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!

((The lights go out, as Possession starts to play. The beating of drums start as thier theme does, followed by the crowd brusting into boos. The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like their are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring threw it letting out a battle cry. They slide into the ring and climb up the front two ring posts removing their cammo jackets that match their pants. They throw the jackets down out side the ring and roar to the crowd before leaping off and facing their opponets. The Slayerz start to circle Finest as they stand umoving and un-afraid. The ref stops the Slayerz and take their belts from them before handing them to Jean as she leaves the ring. Ace-Man and Beowulf step to the out side leaving Pallimon and Patriot to stare each other down. The two go nose to nose for a moment while trash talking intill Patriot pushes Pallimon in anger, Pallimon comes back with a close line. Patriot ducks spinning behind Pallimon coming back with a thrust kick to the back of the head of Pallimon. Pallimon falls face first to the mat holding the back of his head, Patriot shows no mercy in his attacks. After kicking Pallimon in the ribs a few times Patriot pulls Pallimon to his feet and whips him into the turn buckle, Pallimon hits it hard and crumbles to the mat. Patriot comes over and starts stomping away on his rib cage before placing his boot to the chin of Pallimon as if trying to pop his head off.))

Eddie: Patriot really wants those belts.

Travis: Yea but it will be a cold day in hell before he gets them.

Eddie: I don't know Travis, Patriot is showing no mercy to Pallimon's ribs. This is the same thing the Slayerz did to Bad News to win, find a weakness and stay with it. The Finest are stealing a play from the Slayerz book!

Travis: And they call them selves heros, nothing but a bunch of theives.

((The ref pulls Patriot of Pallimon, as Pallimon climbs back to his feet rubbing his jaw. Patriot comes at Pallimon again to give him a should thrust to those ribs when Pallimon dives out of the way letting Patriot's should ram into the ring post. Pallimon goes over and tags Beowulf in. Beowulf lets out a roar as she climsb into the ring heading for Patriot. Bewoulf grabs Patriot by the face and slams him down on his back with great force. Beowulf tries to stomp his face but Patriot rolls out of the way and leaps to his feet. Patriot hits the ropes and comes flying at Bewoulf with a cross body block. Beowulf catches him and delivers a giant swing sending Patriot flying over the top rope and out of the ring.))

Travis: Guess he is a super hero Eddie, cause he just flew.

Eddie: The Slayerz are taking no prisoners here tonight nor are they holding anything back.

Travis: Beowulf's show of strength is proof of that!

((Beowulf rushes at Ace-Man hitting him with a forarm knocking him off the side of the ring before heading to the out side. On the outside Beowulf pulls Patriot to his feet and slams his head against the guard railing, he goes to do to it again but Patriot comes back with a elbow to the gut. This only angery Beowulf as he grabs Patriot and raises him above his head. Ace-Man is to his feet and hits Beowulf with a drop kick to the back causing Beowulf to fall droping Patriot on the aproching Pallimon. Patriot wasts no times and beats away on Pallimon. Beowulf get to his feet and grabs Ace by the face ready to slam him back when Ace counters with a kick to the gut. Beowulf comes back with a powerful closeline but Ace dives low triping up Beowulf sending him face first into the ring steps.))

Eddie: Dear god things have realy gotten burtal for both side.

Travis: This keeps up and I might start liking the Finest.

Eddie: Ace nearly cracked open the thick skull of Beowulf sending him into those rings steps. How he can still go on fighting I'll never know.

((The side of Beowulf's head is cut open and bleeding when Patriot grabs him and rolls him into the ring following behind him. Beowulf staggers a bit holding the side of his head while Patriot climbs upon the turnbuckle. Patriot then leaps off delivering a flying headbut to the standing Beowulf. Beowulf crumbles to the blow as Patriot goes for a cover. 1...2.. Beowulf gets a shoulder up before 3.))

Eddie: Near fall by Patriot.

Travis: Well near wont win the Finest the belts.

((Beowulf's raises up slowly his eyes look glazed, Patriot turns and tags Ace-Man in before Beowulf can figure out where he is. Ace comes in and gives Beowulf a low drop kick to the face and quickly covers him for another pin. 1... kick out. Beowulf throws Ace off him about three feet away. Beowulf uses the ropes to get to his feet whiping the blood away. Ace gets to his feet and comes at Beowulf with a spear Beowulf looks up in time to dive out of the way sending Ace flying threw the ropes to the out side. Beowulf drops and rolls out of the ring still whiping the blood flowing freely down his face. Beowulf kicks Ace in the head before picking him up and throwing him back into the ring over the top rope. Climbing back in Beowulf goes across the ring and tags in Pallimon. Pallimon, with Beowulf come over to Ace-Man and grab him delivering a duel choke slam. Beowulf returns to the outside as Pallimon goen for a pin. 1...2...kick out. Pallimon looks shocked and starts to argue with the ref.))

Travis: The ref's blind it was three, this match should be over!

Eddie: Save it Travis, Finest still have a chance to win. If Ace can ever tag in Patriot.

((Patriot desburtly reaches his hand out for the tag, Ace tries to crawl fow it but Pallimon grabs him by the hair pulling up back and to his feet. Pallimon hits a snap DDT before pulling Ace into a half boston crap.-

Travis: It's ober he's going to tap!

((Ace cries out in pain raising his head ready to tap but fights the urge. Instead he starts to crawl towards Patriot. Pallimon puts more presure on the hold but doesn't notice how close Ace really is. Ace pauses raising his hand again looking ready to tag out but instead despite the hold and pain pushes him self forward and tags in Patriot. The crowd burst into cheers as Patriot comes at Pallimon hitting him from behind with a missle drop kick off the top rope. Ace-Man crawls back to the corner while Patriot pulls Pallimon to his feet and starts beating away on him with left and rights. Patriot grabs him and whips Pallimon into the ropes. Pallimon reverses it sending Patriot instead. Patriot comes off the ropes flying DDT to Pallimon. Patriot quickly gets to his feet and pulls Pallimon into a belly to back suplex, then another. Pallimon lays there looking dazed. Patriot throws up his hands and turns to the turn buckle.))

Eddie: He's going to fly again Travis.

Travis: Oh joy, a lame ass move atempeted by Patriot.

Eddie: Could you sound any more childish?

Travis: Maybe could you sound any more boring?

((Patriot climbs up the turnbuckle and leaps off to land the Justice Is Served but at the last second Pallimon is bulled out of the ring my Martin Smalls. Patriot lands hard hitting nothing but the mat.))

Eddie: God Dam that Smalls, always sticking his nose where it doesn't need to be.

Travis: Smalls has come to save the day!

Eddie: More like wreck the day for the Finest.

((Smalls looks at Pallimon as he regains him self yelling something about divide and conquer. Beowulf leaps into the ring and goes for Ace-Man as Pallimon rolls in after a breather and climbs up the turnbuckle to nail the swanton to the hurt ribs of Patriot. Beowulf grabs Ace-Man and pulls him into the ring, Beowulf looks over the booing crowd and roars just before he gives Ace a Mandible Claw Choke Slam to the out side of the ring.))

Eddie: Dear god, there's no getting up from that slammed!

Travis: Just like the man said Divide and Conquer. That's how you win matches Eddie!

((Pallimon leaves Patriot to Beowulf as Pallimon climbs up the turn buckle again. Beowulf pulls Patriot to his feet as Patriot tries to fight back with a few chops to the chest, Beowulf laughs at his atemps. Beowulf stuns Patriot with a strong head butt before hosting him up on his shoulders. Pallimon leaps off landing the Slayerz Spear to Patriot followed by the pin. 1...2...3. The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: The winner and still Tag Team Champions... BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!

Eddie: Well the did it. No thanks to Smalls.

Travis: They did it like never before. The Slayerz are the most burtal force in the HWC!

((Smalls slides into the ring as the ref hands the Slayerz the belt, he riases their hands before turning to get a mic. Beowulf puts the belt around his neck and climbs out of the ring grabbing Ace-Man. There's little fight left in him as Beowulf rolls him back into the ring.))

Smalls: Take a good look at your hero's.... cause this will be the last time you see them like this!

Eddie: What! What is he taking about.

Travis: Maybe he's going to fire them and he won't have to watch them wrestle any more.

Smalls: Pallimon! Remove his mask and show America the true face of their so called hero's!

Eddie: He can't do that!

Travis: He's the VP Eddie he can do what ever he wants!

((Pallimon nods grinning wildly and pulls Patriot to his knees before grabbing the straps of his mask. Patriot knocks Pallimon's hands way trying to stop him when Pallimon punches him in the side of the head. Patriot nearly falls over but Pallimon holds him up and tries again to remove the mask. Patriot comes back with a low blow fighting desburtly to keep his mask. Bewoulf climbs out and grabs a chair from the time keeper, while Smalls tries to remove the mask of Ace-Man knocks Smalls away with an upper cut.Ace-Man does this just as Beowulf slides into the ring, Ace-Man is the first to get hit with the chair sending him falling back. Ace-Man lays motionless as Beowulf steps up to Patriot. Beowulf brinsg the chair down on his head, Patriot sways slightly holding his head in pain still on his knees before he swings blindly at Beowulf. Beowulf swing the chair again hitting Patriot in the side of the head knocking him over. Patriot lays there holding his head in pain.))

Eddie: This is uncalled for! The Slayerz are nothing but a bunch of bullies!

Travis: Patriot don't know when to stay down, they deserve this for their stupidty.

Eddie: You have no soul Travis!

((Patriot still trying to fight back gets two more chair shots to the head when he stops moving. Beowulf tosses the chair away and pulls Ace-Man to his knees as Pallimon pulls Patriot up. Smalls rubs his jaw for a moment before continuing.))

Smalls: UNMASK THEM NOW! I Warned you Patriot, you should have never messed with me! (turning to the crowd) Let this me a lesson to all of you and anyone in the back to NEVER cross Martin Smalls!

((Pallimon removes Patriots mask followed the removal of Ace-Man. Pallimon raises the mask up high before tossing it away. Glancing at Patriot Pallimon does a double take as Patriot and Ace-Man were really Brett Bruiser and Storm!))


Travis: Who let them back in here!

((Pallimon stares down at the dazed Brett Bruiser his face red with rage having had a history with them. The Slayerz start beating away on the helpless unmasked Finest. Smalls watching on with a look of joy on his face as the starts to cheer wildly. For a brief moment Smalls thinks the cheers are for him intill he is pulled out of the ring by Die Zerstörer. Klaus grabs Smalls and delivers a Hammer Drop on him taking him out. The two grab chairs and slide into the ring behind the Slayerz. Finished with the Finest leaving their montionless bodies on the mat the Slayerz turn to see Hans and Kluas behind them. Before they can act Die Zerstörer give the Slayerz a con chairto, knocking their head together with the force of the chairs. They pick up the Tag Team titles and hold them up a moment as the crowd cheers. They then drop it on the fallen bodies of the Slayerz and climb out of the ring, leaving them there.))


Travis: This night is just full of surprises? What's next is Obake going to come out in a pink tutu singing It's Rainning Men?

((As if on cue, Obake comes out...but NOT wearing what Travis wanted. He'd heard what the announcer said and is walking to to a loud pop, no music. He walks around the ring..and promptly smacks Travis upside the head with a hand. His words can be heard over the announce mics.))

Obake:: I heard that, BOY!

((And just like that...he walks back out and up the ramp. No rhyme, no reason. As Obake leaves looking back over his shoulder the EMT's rush out to tend those in the ring. Camera cuts to the back and we spot none other than Jericho Dylan walking around. The crowd cheers to see him at an HWC event again.))

Voice: Hey, Jericho!

((He turns just in time to see a chair come down on his head. A chair weilded by none other than the Enforcer. The Enforcer tosses the dented chair aside and is seen to be wearing a kendo stick through his belt like a sword.))

Enforcer: (leaning over Jericho as he tries to stand) You think I forgot what happened at Sudden Death?

((Jerihco tries to stand and the Enforcer kicks him in the head. Jericho falls back down.))

Enforcer: Well guess again!

((He pulls the kendo stick from his his belt and whacks Jericho across the knee with it.))

Enforcer: Remember that?

((The Enforcer then hits Jericho several more times with the kendo stick until the weapon snaps in half. The Enforcer looks at the broken kendo stick and then tosses it down on Jericho before walking off whistling to himself. Jericho lays on the floor holding his knee in silent pain. The camera cut back to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Looks likes the bad blood between Jericho and Enforcer is far from over.

Travis: That may be but the way Enforcer beat on Jericho it maybe longer before he returns to the ring.

Eddie: This night has been full of twists and brutality.

Travis: That's why they call it Unchained. This is like HWC uncensered.

Eddie: So true as we grow nearer to the main event. But I heard eariler there was going to be a cerimony held tonight.

((Only in America plays as the crowd leaps to their feet cheering as Autumn Lewis steps out from the back. She waves and nods in greeting carrying with her a mic in one hand and what looks like a plaque in the other. She shakes hands with the fans on her way down to the ring.))

Eddie: It's Autumn Lewis.

Travis: We can see that and I could care less.

Eddie: You would care if she stopped signing your checks.

Travis: Uh...... Go Autumn!

((Autumn climsb into the ring which the mat is now red for a specail cerimony. Her theme fades out and she waits a moment for the cheers to die down before she starts to speak.))

Autumn: The HWC has seen many great wrestlers come and go. They have entertained us threw the years with their feats of strength and skill. The ablity to make it seem like they fly when leap from the ropes. Or unbreakable will to take so much pain and punishment pushing their bodies to fight reaching for the greatest prise of all. HWC Gold. Tonight at here in Detroit at Unchained we honor such a man. A man who has been with us from the very start. A man who has captured alot of HWC gold in his career, holding the TV Title, Erou Title, IC, and World Championship titles twice in his career. A man who made his way to the top taking out such great wrestlers as The Tiger and Brett Bruiser.

((Autumn pauses and the crowd cheers and starts to chant, "DOZER DOZER DOZER!"))

Travis: Well tell us who is this man?

Eddie: Shut up and listen!

Autumn: Tonight we add the name Bulldozer to those listed in the HWC Fall of Fame!

((Bulldozer's theme starts to play as teh crowd breaks into cheers again. Dozer steps from the back and smiles as he heads to the ring. He to slaps hands with the fans even going so far as stopping to give one young fan his autograph. Reaching the ring he climbs in stepping over the top rope and throws his hand up as confedy falls around him.))

Travis: ACK! Eddie! It's raining paper.

Eddie: Maybe you might get a paper cut and bleed to death.

Travis: I know I'm scared too.

Eddie: Sissy!

((Autumn hands Dozer the plaque and shakes his hand as the last of the confedy falls. Autumn then hands Dozer the mic and stands aside letting him talk. Dozer looks down on the plaque before he speaks.))

Dozer: This is a huge honor to me. I didn't think I would actuly ever get into the Hall of Fame. But just the same, Thank you. Wrestling here in the HWC was the best thing in my life. It holds alot of memories for me...... and it always will. I take this time to announce my retirement.

Travis: What!

Eddie: Dozer can't leave not yet.

Dozer: I know, not many you like hearing this. But I'm not as young and quick as these new guys. I know when it's time to call it's quiets before I really hurt my self, and nows that time. I will always......

Brett: Dozer...... HEY DOZER!!

((Dozer looks over at the entrance stage seeing a beaten Brett Bruiser standing with a ref by his side. Dozer looks at him pulzzed.))

Travis: Now what's Brett doing here. He should be in the ER after the Slayerz beat him with that chair.

Eddie: Guess he has something to say to Dozer.

Brett: I think the fan will agree, you can leave. Not yet! (the crowd cheers in respons.) Not with out one last match! The Tiger had her rematch against you, I want mine!

((Dozer nods to him telling him to bring it as he hands Autumn the mic and plaque. Brett races down to the ring with the ref behind him, as they both slide into the ring the bell rings starting the match. Bulldozer and Bruiser begin to circle one another in the ring until both men go for the grapple at the same moment. The two men struggle until they finally push off one not being able to gain the advantage over the other. With smiles on their faces the two begin to circle one another again. Suddenly Dozer charges Bruiser and hit's a dropkick that sends Bruiser into the ropes. Bruiser bouncing off and hitting a low clothesline, the two once again turning to one another faces.))

Eddie: This is a battle of the titans, not one can gain the advantage over the other.

Travis: The old days are coming back to me, two of the vets from the old HWC in the ring for Dozer's last match.

((Suddenly Dozer and Bruiser grapple once again Dozer finally gaining the upper hand and connecting a lifting DDT. Dozer then rolling onto Bruiser and wrapping him into a perfect surfboard. Dozer rears back Bruiser's face turning in agony, the ref getting in his face to see if he wants to give up early in the match.))

Eddie: This is amazing, Dozer has gotten the advantage suddenly but I don't think that Bruiser will ever tap out.

((Dozer finally lets the move go as Bruiser shows no sign of giving up and backs into the closest corner. As Bruiser gets to his feet Dozer charges him with a knee lift, only to have Bruiser grab his knee and swing Dozer around. Bruiser then grabs Dozer and hit's a German suplex that sends Dozer across the ring. Bruiser then gets to his feet and walks over to Dozer, lifts him also. Once he has Dozer before him Bruiser lifts the 345 pound man in a tiger bomb and then wraps his legs in the figure four.))

Travis: Wait a second, the figure four, I haven't seen Bruiser use that move the whole time he has been Patriot.

Eddie: Bruiser is back and he is bringing it all with him.

((Dozer fights the move as the ref checks him until he finally get flipped over, putting the pain onto Bruiser who quickly lets the move go. The two get up and face one another yet again this time Dozer quickly kicks Bruiser in the gut and hitting a brain buster. Dozer then turns to the fallen Bruiser and jumps into the hair hitting hits knee dead on to Bruiser's face.))

Eddie: He is making this last match count.

((Dozer then lifts Bruiser into a Gorilla Press, Bruiser struggling until Dozer can't hold him anymore. Bruiser drops to the ground behind Dozer and quickly bounces into the ropes. As he comes off Dozer turns around and Bruiser jumps into the air spinning in the air with his elbows out, hitting the Diamond's Edge.))

Eddie: That was the Diamond's Edge, a move that Bruiser used to love.

Travis: What in the hell is going on, they are back and forth like no ones business!

((Bruiser stands, holding his back as he does so. He then looks at the crowd and smiles, slowly climbing up the top rope. Once on top he waits for Dozer to get to his feet and jumps into the air, Dozer ducking and rolling into the corner he jumped off of. As Bruiser hit's the ground Dozer stands over him and grapples his hand around his neck. Dozer then lifts Bruiser in the air and hit's a choke slam.))

Travis: That was his trademark choke slam, Dozer's one and only!

Eddie: This is what the Hardcore Wrestling Corporation is about!

((Dozer leans against the ropes in a struggle to stand as Bruiser begins to struggle to his feet and stumbling towards Dozer. As the two met Bruiser suddenly gets a rush of energy and kicks Dozer strait in the gut and places his head between his legs.))

Eddie: I think this is it, is it the Bruiser Bomb?

((Bruiser suddenly lifts Dozer in the Bruiser Bomb, struggling to get the man over his head. As soon as Dozer is on his shoulder the sweat allows Dozer to slide off and stand right in front of Bruiser. Once in front of him Dozer grabs Bruiser and hit's the Demolition, his body staying atop Bruisers.))

Eddie: The Demolition and pin, ONE, TWO, THREE!!

((The bell rings as Dozer gets to his feet again, the ref raises his hand in victory. Dozer looks down on Brett and helps him to his feet. Brett looks at Dozer unsure of his intentions till Dozer exstends his hand to Brett. Brett smiles and shakes it before pulling Dozer into a hug. the crowd breaks into DOZER chats again as Brett raises Dozer's hand in victory.))

Travis: Aww isn't that sickening sweet.

Eddie: Brett showing no hard feeling to Dozer like the true hero he is.

((The lights lower as the HWC-Tron comes to life. In red lettering the words "HWC Jackass" come into view. The camera then opens up on the twisted smiling face of Sothren comes into view.))

Soth: Hi, I'm Sothren du Lac, and this is Malkavain Flame Thrower.....

((The camera pans back showing Soth dressed in what looks like a grey wet suit with two HWC crew man standing next to him. Behind them is what looks like a crowd of fans. One of the crew pulls out a light and sets fire to the suit. In an instent the suit is covered in flames. Soth holds out his arms a moment before turning around to face the crowd. Still holding out his hands he starts to run at the crowd who starts to run from him in fear. As he chases them he cries out.))

Soth: HUG ME........ HUG ME!!

((The camera fades out on Soth running around in flames and fades in on a warning stating to never try these stuns at home.))

Travis: What the hell was that?

Eddie: It's the return of HWC Jackass, HWC Superstars doing their own Jackass stuns permoting the release of MTV's Jackass in video stores now.

Travis: Shameless plug

World Title Match
Sephiroth(c) vs Jeff Wylde

Eddie: Now, we have the World Title match.

Travis: That means Seph's going to be out here, right?

Eddie: Yeah. And Jeff.

Travis: Oh yeah! That means Amy's going to be out here too! Chloe and Amy outside the ring?! This night is going to be the best ever!

Eddie: Even with your history with Jeff?

Travis: Jeff can't stop me from looking at Amy!

Eddie: Well, let's go to Jean Fortello with the introductions, before you get yourself killed, out here.

Jean Fortello: The next match is set for one fall! Introducing first, the challenger, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 280 lbs, accompanied to the ring by "Hellcat" Amy Jensen, representing Bad News. . . ."The Wyldeman" Jeff Wylde!!!

((Jeff walks out onto the stage and pauses at the top of the ramp and raises both arms, and looks from side to side before lowering his arms and heading to the ring, Amy barely a step behind him.))

Eddie: Jeff looking extremely prepared here tonight.

Travis: Amy looking extremely hot here tonight.

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, that is my announce partner, Travis Best, signing his death warrant.

Travis: Jeff can't worry about me. He's got a match against Seph, tonight!

Eddie: You have a point. But don't think he's going to let this pass un-answered.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, the reigning HWC World and Intercontinental champion, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 246 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Chloe Jackson, representing the Darkside. . . . Sephiroth Du Lac!!!

((The lights go low and the black lights flick on as a low hideous dark laugh is heard and the words "Gehenna is here" appear on the screen "Dark and Grey" plays over the loud speaker. Sephiroth steps out behind the curtain as it begins and the Black Lights show his skin in a illuminous white. He bears his fangs and pulls out a Ivory-hilted Katana. He raises his blade high in the air and reaches the full height right when the words "F*** Off" hit then a V-line of Lightning effects strike right in front of him causing the whole stage to blast with green pyre. The lights then raise as green flames erupt from under the walkway. Sephiroth slowly sheaths his blade and walks calmly to the ring. He steps inside the ring and undoes his trenchcoat. He removes it and the sword-sheath handing them to the ring girl and with a smile is ready. Jeff jumps into action, hitting Sephiroth with a flying forearm shiver. Seph staggers backward, then grabbing Jeff as Jeff comes in to follow-up the attack, and driving Jeff into the top turnbuckle.))

Eddie: So far, neither man has given the other much to work with.

Travis: Look at Chloe! Even pregnant, she's still unbelievably good looking!

Eddie: Travis, bear in mind, Sephiroth has no problem beating you to a bloody mess.

Travis: Yeah, but he's busy with Jeff now.

((Sephiroth, not willing to let the opportunity pass him by, begins throwing flurry after flurry into Jeff's prone body.))

Eddie: Sephiroth showing the world that he's got the ability to brawl with the best of them.

Travis: He's a fighter, yeah, but look at Chloe cheer for her man! Keep jumping, Chloe!

((Jeff begins to block the strikes, then kicks Sephiroth in the midsection, catching the doubled-over Sephiroth with a European Uppercut. Rebounding off the ropes, Jeff hits Sephiroth with a hard DDT, laying him out. Not wasting any time, Jeff moves to Sephiroth's side, kicking him in the kidneys repeatedly, Seph rolling out of the ring, to safety.))

Eddie: Sephiroth taking the low road out of the ring.

Travis: Look at Amy bend over. What a great-


((Seph darts back into the ring, catching Jeff with a rising clothesline, then, in a surprisingly agile move, jumps onto the top rope, spinning, and landing with a hard 180 legdrop. Seph then picks Jeff up, locking in a Dragon Sleeper.))

Eddie: Shades of Jeff's Bad News partner, Blood Dragon. A perfectly executed Dragon Sleeper.

Travis: Amy's in motion! Look at those-

Eddie: TRAVIS! Seph's locking that hold in tight. Smart move, weakening the head and neck area for Seph's finisher, the Fallen Angel DDT.

((Jeff reaches up, grabbing a handful of Seph's hair, the motion broken by the referee. Jeff simply stays there, waiting, and then begins to move toward the ropes, hooking his left leg in the ropes themselves. The ref calls for the break, Seph breaking the hold just shy of the five count. Jeff falls to the mat again, Seph moving over to Jeff, and locking a full nelson on Jeff, pulling him up slightly, and turning it into a modified camel clutch.))

Eddie: Sephiroth still applying pressure to the neck and shoulders.

Travis: Are you still watching this match? Seph's going to keep doing the submission moves until Jeff taps, or Jeff's crippled from the neck down.

Eddie: I'm sure Jeff loves that vote of confidence, Travis.

Travis: I'm not here to make friends, Eddie. I'm here to do my job, get paid, and go home.

Eddie: And ogle the female talent.

Travis: Yes. And ogle the female talent. Hey! No fair, Eddie! You tricked me!

Eddie: Freudian slip, Travis?

Travis: I'll get you, Eddie.

Eddie: Yeah, yeah. And my little dog too. We know all this, Travis.

((Amy, at this time, moves around the ring, grabbing Chloe's hair. Chloe's scream brings Seph's attention over that direction. Seph releases the hold, moving to the side of the ring, yelling at Amy to release Chloe. Chloe spins, turning into the hold, and catching Amy with a right to the midsection. Jeff, behind Seph, gets to his feet, and, after a moment to regain himself, smashes Sephiroth in the back of the head. Seph bounces, chest first, off of the ropes, then back into Jeff, Jeff hitting a reverse DDT.))

Eddie: Jeff mounting a comeback.

Travis: Speaking of mounting, I'd like to mount-

Eddie: TRAVIS! STOP RIGHT THERE! You're going to get us kicked off the air!!

Travis: You can't get kicked off the air just for talking about it! Besides, this is a PPV. We could parade eighteen naked women out here, and no one could do anything about it!

Eddie: Oh yeah. Ms. Lewis would love that.

((Jeff gets to his feet quickly, waiting for Seph. As Seph climbs to his feet, Jeff signals, and hits the Wylde Night on the slowly rising champion.))

Eddie: WYLDE NIGHT!!! This match is over! We have a new champion!

Travis: What?! How'd that happen?!

((Instead of going for the pin, however, Jeff steps back, again, waiting for Seph to get up, once more. As Seph gets to his knees, Jeff pulls him forward.))


Travis: Jeff's trying to kill Sephiroth! And we're on PPV, so it can happen!!

((Jeff goes for the pin, the ref starting the count. 1. . . 2. . . ))

Eddie: What the hell? The referee just stopped counting!


((The referee stands, a long silver wig in his hands, looking confused and bewildered.))

Eddie: Sephiroth's shedding?!

Travis: Fastest transpiring of male pattern baldness I've ever seen.

((Sephiroth stands, lacking the silver mane of norm. In it's place is hair black as night. Seph begins laughing, peeling off his skin.))


Eddie: Good eyes, Travis.

Travis: But then, where's Sephiroth? Where's the champion?

Eddie: Good question.

((Sothren rolls out of the ring, and begins stalking Amy. Jeff follows, getting behind Soth, tapping Soth on the shoulder. A fan wearing a Darkside hat jumps the guardrail, spinning Jeff, and shoving him into the turnbuckle post. The fan tosses Jeff into the ring, following, the referee calling security to ringside. Security moves to grab the fan, the fan breaking free, moving to Jeff, and hitting a flawless Fallen Angel DDT.))

Eddie: That fan has just hit Jeff with Sephiroth's finisher!

((The fan reaches up, tossing the hat out of the ring. A deft tug at the chin, and, again, the face peels away.))

Eddie: That is Sephiroth!!!

((Sephiroth takes several moments to fight off the security, before they realize he's actually supposed to be in the match, then they leave, Jeff already weakly to his feet. Jeff moves behind Sephiroth, tapping him on the left shoulder. Sephiroth spins, with a right hook, Jeff catching Sephiroth in position.))

Eddie: Jeff's going to hit the Wylde Night!!

((Jeff hits the move perfectly, then going for a pin. 1. . . .2 . . . Sephiroth kicks out with authority.))

Eddie: Sephiroth kicked out with emphasis!

Travis: He just came from out of the crowd. He's not going down just yet!

Eddie: You have a point, Travis. But how much of a chance does Jeff have, here?

((Jeff staggers up, taking a superkick to the face, and tumbling over the top rope. Seph rebounds off the ropes catching Jeff with a baseball slide. Jeff curls around the guardrail, then comes back, pulling Seph under the bottom rope, hitting him with repeated punches. Jeff grabs Seph, hitting another Wylde Night to Seph, onto the guardrail, Seph's head bouncing off the top of the guardrail.))

Eddie: If Jeff was supposed to be a pushover for Seph after fighting his brother, no one told Jeff.

Travis: Someone get out there and stop Sothren! Make him leave Amy alone!

Eddie: Why don't you go down there and make it happen?

Travis: Because I don't have to! Here comes Draven!!

((Draven comes down the ramp, catching Soth with a right hand, then hitting the Master Plan to Soth, onto the guardrail, Soth's head bouncing off the guardrail like rubber. Jeff bounces Seph's face off of the apron, Jeff then leaning down, grabbing Seph's ankles, and lifting him slightly, once more driving Seph's face into the apron. Seph rebounds from the apron, Jeff using the recoil to deliver a german suplex over the guardrail, into the first row. Jeff gets up, looking over the guardrail, a hard right hand coming up, colliding with the bridge of his nose, Jeff staggering backward. Seph comes over the guardrail with a dropkick, sending Jeff back-first into the apron. Jeff tries a clothesline, Seph hitting a drop toehold, dropping Jeff face first onto the guardrail, again. Seph catches Jeff off the rebound, spinning him, and tossing Jeff into the ring.))

Eddie: Looks like Seph's going to finish this match right here.

Travis: Look at Draven just beating Soth to a pulp!

((Draven hits another Master Plan on Soth, glancing in the ring, his eyes connecting with Seph's for a split second. Seph then smiles, flipping Draven the bird, and proceeds to hit Jeff with, of all things, the Master Plan.))

Eddie: Seph just hit Draven's finisher on Jeff!!!

Travis: And Draven seems none to happy about that.

Eddie: Draven's just flipped Seph off, and now. . . Fallen Angel DDT! These two men are apparently having some sort of finisher contest!

((Seph laughs again, then pins Jeff. 1. . . 2. . . .3!!!))

Jean: The winner of this match, and STILL HWC World champion, Sephiroth Du Lac!!!

Eddie: Seph just pinned Jeff!! With Draven's finisher!!

Travis: Sneaky move by the champion!

((Seph and Soth begin to 'celebrate', after Seph sneaks up behind Draven, and hits the Fallen Angel DDT onto Draven. As both brothers get back into the ring, two figures descend the ramp. When they reach the ring, both are easily recognized.))

Eddie: That's Beowulf and Pallimon! What are the BLS doing here?!

Travis: They're here to accept Seph's offer, obviously.

((The BLS get into the ring, and, after waiting for Seph and Soth to turn around, proceed to extend their hands. As Seph and Soth extend their hands, the BLS snap forward, catching them both with a hard double clothesline. The BLS then hit Seph, then Soth, with the Slayerz Spear, leaving both men lying in the ring))

Eddie: The BLS just destroyed the brothers Du Lac!!!!

Travis: I guess that's their way of turning down Seph's offer

((Camera fades out on the Slayerz as they stand over the broken bodies of Soth and Seph.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))