Sudden Death
Los Angeles, California at the Staples Center

((An orange HWC logo fades in and out. A dark gothic house fades in, low moans and other ghostly sounds are heard from it as the scene gets closer. A low demonic voice is heard.))

Voice: In the darkness of every mans soul lukes the heart of a cold killer.

((The scene goes into the house showing a fire burning and covered with dust and spider webs. The whind howls and an old rocking chair moves by it's self.))

Voice: This lust for blood has brought man together once every year in a battle for blood and to be the best.

((The scene goes up the stairs, were a few bed rooms are, a shallow form is seen walking from one room to another.))

Voice: This year is no different!

((A door is opened and there is The Black list face to face with The Reinforcements. The voice laughs darkly as a orange demone brusts from the floor and seems to pull the camera down to hell. Anything but this by StaticX plays and the camera goes threw hell. He shows a Cell covered in blood and flesh, then goes on to show a broken down ring half burned with some splatters of blood, and a few bones. The last thing shown as it close ups on it is a title belt broken and worn with age. A human skull lays before it as a seavered hand holds onto it. The camera cuts to the arena as orange pyro goes off and black lights light the arena. After panning over the the cheering crowd the camera comes on to Travis and Eddie, dressed for the holiday. Eddie is dressed as roman as Travis is dressed as a solider.))

Eddie: Happy Hallowenn. We are live from the sold out Staples Center in Las Angeles for Sudden Death! I'm Eddie Danniels and with me is Travis Best.

Travis: That's Gerenal Best to you!

Eddie: Right... anyways we have a ..well I don't know if great can describ it.

Travis: The matches tonight are most fitting.

Eddie: Tonight we have Patriot taking on Seph for the IC Belt, and Fiona face Chloe for the Women's Title.

Travis: Saving the best for last huh?

Eddie: Tonight is the night The Black List takes on The Reinforcements. Ten men in the ring at ones just besting each other senseless!

Travis: Ohh I can't wait that's going be the best!

Eddie: Tonight's mian event is that Hell in a Cell match putting three tag teams against one another. We got Amy and Jeff vs Die Zerstrorer vs Draven and Enforcer!

Travis: There will be blood tonight!

Eddie: But first match of the night puts Ace-Man against the monster Bulldozer.

Standard Match
Ace-Man vs Bulldozer

Travis: Do we have to watch this waist of time, I want to get to the good matches!

Eddie: Yes! Unless you don't want to get payed.

Travis: I'll be good.

Fortello: First to the ring, from the Fortress os Finest, ACE-MAN!!!!

((The Ace Of Spades by Motorhead plays, the crowd cheer and chant Ace-Man's name. Ace comes out and stands ontop of the ramp with his hands on his hips. He looks over the crowd before running to the ring and sliding in. Their he stands in the middle of the ring hands on his hips waiting for Dozer.))

Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 345 lbs. from Rock Hill, SC.... BULLDOZER!!!

((Here To Stay by Korn plays as Dozer runs to the ring and slides in. Ace runs at Dozer with a closeline but bounces off. Dozer just stands there and crosses his arm. Ace then starts trying some chopes and pounces, to no avale. Dozer signals for Ace to bring on where ever he can. Ace climbs the turn buckles and leaps off delivering a missle drop kick to the head of Dozer. Dozer staggers to the ropes and boucnes off, he then trips over Ace falling to the mat. Ace quickly covers him. 1..Dozer throws him off and gets up. Dozer goes to hit a closeline of his own but Ace ducks under it and kicks him in the ass, causing Dozer to nearly trip again. The crowd cheers and start to laugh at him. Ace flexes for the crowd for a moment, then turns to face Dozer to hits him with a closeline. The closeline merly stuns him as he gets up again. Dozer goes to pull him on a Gorilla Press Slam but Ace counters with a chop to the throat. Ace drops down and tries to pull Dozer into a suplex but Dozer sends him flips off his back. Dozer runs at Ace to splash him in the corner but Ace dives away. Cross the ring he climbs up top a turn buckle again. He waits for Dozer to turn around before leaping off. This time Dozer catches him in mid air and starts doing curls with Ace in his arms sending the crowd to boo him. With a roar Dozer runs torwards the turn buckle smashing the back od Ace against it. He lets him crumbles to the mat before pulling him up again.))

Eddie: DEAR GOD! Looks like Dozer destroyed another wrestler here!

Travis: It's all over for Ace now!

((Dozer grabs Ace and delivers the Demolition! As the crowd cries out with boos Dozer rests his boot on the chest of Ace for the pin. 1...2...3. The bell rings and the ref raises Dozer's hand in victory. He then leans against the ropes and starts trash talking the crowd before climbing out of the ring. Cemera cuts to Autumn's office as Smalls barges in.))

Autumn: What do you want!

Smalls: I had a stroke of brillinace!

Autumn: Oh?

Smalls: Yes. Lets make the Stable match no DQ! That way we keep things fair.

Autumn: Sense when did you care about things being fair?

Smalls: Hey I have always cared bout things being fair.

Autumn: Only when it suits you!

Smalls: So?

Autumn: You want the Stable match a No DQ? ..... Fine by me!

((Smalls at her and lets out a soft chuckle before leaving her office. Autumn shakes her heads as he leaves.))

Eddie: What is Smalls up?

Travis: Something entertaining as always.

Elimination Match
LumberJack vs Faygo Joe vs Sothren du Lac

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen the following is an elimination match for the number one contendership to the HWC Light Heavyweight title.

((Hard Jungle beats fill the arena as LumberJack walks from behind the curtain. Lights and lasers are flying all around the arena as he makes his way down the ramp with much bounce in his step, he climbs into the ring and awaits his opponents.))

Fortello: Coming to the ring first, being accompanied to the ring by Mr. Green Trees, from Redmond, Oregon weighing 235 pounds, Lumberjack!

Eddie: A newcomer here to the HWC, Lumberjack could walk out of here not only with his first win but with a shot at Kidd Rock's title.

Travis: Why do they keep booking these new guys and boring me?

((The lights go out as "Slither" begins to play over the PA system. Pyro explodes in a huge wall of red flame on the stage and four columns of flame erupt from the ring posts. Sothren walks out as the lights turn a crimson red. He walks slowly down to the ring as flames burn on the stage. He climbs into the ring and stands in the center raising a hand to the sky. Columns of flame erupt from the ring posts as the lights raise and the flames on the stage die.))

Fortello: His opponent weighing 246 pounds, Sothren du Lac!

Travis: Now this is my choice to win it right here! Sothren du Lac! Ever since he and his brother got together to re-form the Web of Deceit they have impressed the hell out of me!

Eddie: Sothren does have a good chance but don't forget who their other opponent is. The new world champion, Faygo Joe!

(("Double X Minus" hits the PA and Faygo Joe comes strolling out into the arena, pushing a wheelbarrow. In the wheelbarrow is Faygo's manager, Bridget Morgan. The World title is laid across Bridget's chest. Joe wheel's his barrow down the ramp and parks it next to the ring. He gives his companion a loving kiss on the cheek, and then plants one on the world title belt before entering the ring and hopping around like a jackass.)

Fortello: And their opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, he is the new HWC World heavyweight champion, Faygo Joe!

Eddie: The man who not only upset Harley Quinn at Slaughter this past saturday, but also broke her undefeated streak and walked out of Slaughter with the World title.

Travis: A fluke I tell ya! If he hadn't have had that squirrel Harley would still be the champ!

Eddie: Well folks this is an elimination match, which means the first man to get pinned, or taps out to a submission hold, or is counted out or DQ'ed will be eliminated, and the last two men will fight until there is a winner and that man will go on to face Kidd Rock for the Light Heavyweight title.

((Before the referee can start the match however,"Outsmarted" hits as "The Genius" Wendell Graham Bell walks out slowly from behind the curtain, but instead of his white lab coat he's wearing his green and white referee's jersey. He still has his trusty abacus in hand however. He steps into the ring as everyone looks at him in confusion as he asks for and gets a mic.))

Bell: Walter Powell, you may go take a break, your services will not be required for this match.

I will be the referee for this match.

Eddie: What? When did he get assigned to this match?

Travis: Well he said his services were always available as a referee, so someone must have taken him up on the offer.

Eddie: I don't think so, LumberJack, Sothren and Faygo all look confused.

Bell: Go on now Mr. Powell, my superior brain power will allow me to call this match fairly.

((Wendell holds the ropes open for Powell and ushers him out.))

Bell: Go on now.

((After a moment Powell shrugs his shoulders and leaves the ring and heads back up the ramp. Wendell puts down his abacus and makes a big show of checking each man for weapons before he calls for the bell.))

Eddie: Well whether they like it or not Wendell is refereeing this match.

((Jack storms across the ring and nails Soth with a huge clothesline, and then turns around only to get a dropkick from Joe, Joe then stomps on the downed Soth. Soth grabs Faygo's leg and shoves him off. Jack is back up and rams his foream into Joe's face. Soth and Jack team up and whip Joe off the ropes and nail him with a double clothesline. Soth then turns to Jack and lays into him with a right hand.))

Travis: No friends in this match, all three men in the ring at the same time and anything can happen.

Eddie: And already has, Soth and LumberJack teamed up on Joe, then Soth turned on Jack. The real question is will Wendell be a fair referee?

Travis: Of course he will be, he's a genius! He can easily count to three!

((Soth and Jack are exchanging punches next to the ropes when Joe suddenly screams out and charges both men and hits a double clothesline knocking both men down. He starts kicking both men and then concentrates on Soth. Jack gets to his feet and grabs Joe from behind and back suplexes him. Soth waits for Jack to get up and hits him with a superkick knocking him out of the ring.))

Eddie: Nice shot there by Sothren du Lac, sends Jack flying over the top rope with that superkick.

Travis: And Wendell looking at a countout here as he's started the count.

((Joe staggers back to his feet and Soth whips Joe off the ropes and sends him flying with a huge back body drop. Mr. Green Trees is arguing with Wendell over Wendell's count on Jack, and Wendell orders Trees to leave the ring area. He gets out of the ring and starts shoving Trees toward the ramp, and orders him to leave one final time. In the ring, Soth has hit Joe with a spear and then sets him up for the Devil's Dance!))

Eddie: Soth has nailed the Devil's Dance! He's got the cover but Wendell is still counting down Jack!

Travis: And he's had that idiot pinned for at least a five count.

Eddie: Soth now releasing the pin and going to get the attention of Wendell!

((Soth grabs Wendell by his jersey and tells him to pay attention to what's going on in the ring. Joe comes up from behind and rolls Soth up and Wendell jumps in the ring and dives into the cover, 1...2...kickout!))

Eddie: Nice even count by Wendell.

Travis: He is calling this one right down the middle.

((Jack finally gets back to his feet and gets to the top rope and waits for both men to get up. He jumps nailing Soth in the back with a missile dropkick. Jack then rolls Soth over for the cover but before Wendell can even count, Joe breaks up the pin. He grabs Jack and DDT's him, and as Soth recovers Joe whips him off the ropes and nails a belly to belly suplex tossing him halfway across the ring. Soth comes flying out of the corner and hits a flying forearm knocking him into the corner. He then gets on the second rope and starts wailing away on Joe's skull.))

Crowd: 1...2...3...4...5...6...

Eddie: The champ interupts the count with a huge powerbomb out of the corner and goes for the cover. Wendell is in position 1...2...Jack breaks up the count kicking Joe in the the head. Joe goes tumbling out of the ring, but Wendell instead concentrates on the match as Jack goes for the cover on Soth. 1..2..kickout.

((Jack pulls Soth to his feet and whips him to the opposite corner, he goes charging in after him and nails him with a clothesline in the corner. Soth staggers out and Jack nails a snap suplex. He climbs up to the top rope and nails a huge legdrop off the top rope. He goes for the cover, however, Wendell is outside the ring helping Joe to his feet.))

Eddie: What the hell is Wendell doing, he should be counting him out or counting the pin not

helping Joe to his feet!

Travis: He's smart enough to realize the world champion might be hurt!

Eddie: Jack has had Soth down for at least a ten count.

((Wendell helps Joe back into the ring and then casually walks across the ring before getting into a pin position, 1...Soth easily kicks out. Jack starts arguing with Wendell and Soth reaches up and pulls Jack backwards slamming his head into the top turnbuckle. Faygo comes running over and hits a superkick knocking Jack out of the ring. He applies a Boston crab, but Soth is close enough to the ropes to grab them, but Wendell is counting out Jack ignoring the now illegal submission hold being appplied to Soth.))

Eddie: You call this good officating? The man is ingoring a blatant breach of the rules!

Travis: Well he's trying to make sure LumberJack gets back in the match, or he'll be counted out.

((Soth reaches over and grabs Wendell's ankle getting his attention pointing to his other hand holding the ropes. Wendell turns to Jack again.))

Wendell (quickly): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

Eddie: That was the fastest countout I've ever seen! What the hell was that all about?

Travis: Soth interupted his count, so he made up for it.

Jean Foretllo: LumberJack has been eliminated via a countout!

((Jack gets to his feet and glares at Wendell with hatred burning in his eyes. He walks backwards up the ramp talking trash to Wendell who is now counting slowly to make Faygo let go of the illegal Boston crab hold. When Wendell finally reaches four Joe lets go. He turns and starts stomping on the legs of Soth. He drags Soth to the middle of the ring by his leg, and tries for a figure four, but Soth kicks Faygo off of him.))

Eddie: Wendell has proven to be an even worse referee than he claims Walter Powell is!

Travis: No, he's a smarter referee!

((Soth gets back to his feet limping slightly as he moves in on Joe. He grabs Joe and whips him across the ring and kicks him in the stomach then rebounds off the ropes and nails Joe with a scissors kick. He covers and Wendell issues a very slow two count allowing Joe to kickout. Soth gets up in Wendell's face telling him to count faster. Soth gets grabbed from behind as Joe rolls him up. Wendell slides in with a fast count but Soth manages to kick out.))

Eddie: Something's fishy here!

Travis: Nah, that smell is just Bridget decomposing on the other side of the ring.

Eddie: I mean in the match you moron! Something isn't right here.

((Soth gets fed up and tosses Joe over the top rope realizing the same thing Eddie just pointed out. He grabs Wendell by his green ref's jersey and socks him one knocking Wendell across the ring. Joe however is up on the top rope and comes flying off with a flying clothesline flooring Soth. Soth grogilly regains his feet and as he does Joe nails him with the Hedpop. Soth staggers over towards Wendell who has grabbed his trusty abacus and slams the device into the skull of Soth. Soth falls to the mat like a stone and Joe pulls Soth back up.))

Joe (screaming): Feel like a bitch, don't ya?

((Joe then nails Soth with the Devil's Dance, and covers, Wendell flies into position and counts.))

Wendell: Onetwothree!

Eddie: That was the fastest count I've ever seen!

Travis: Looked fine to me.

Eddie: That's because you're an idiot!

((Jack stands as Wendell raises his hand. The two then smile and embrace. This obviously a set up from the beginning.))

Fortello: The winner of this match and the number one contender to the Light Heavyweight title,

Faygo Joe!

((Walter Powell comes down to the ramp waving his hands over his head. He walks over to Jean and takes the mic from her and looks to the two men in the ring.))

Walter: No, no no! I am the senior referee and my say is final, and due to that biased officiating, I am reversing the decision. The winner of this match and the number one contender for Kidd Rock's title is Sothren du Lac!

Eddie: Walter Powell just reversed the decision!

((Wendell and Joe are enraged by this and start stomping away on a groggy Soth. The arena lights suddenly go out.))

Travis: Who pulled the plug? I can't see!

Eddie: Let go of me you big baby! Get your hand off my leg!

((The lights come back on just as suddenly and Sephiroth is in the ring standing over the unconcious bodies of Joe and Wendell.))

Eddie: I don't know where he came from or what he did, but Seph just came in and saved his brother from that vicious beating.

Travis: What the hell just happened here?

Eddie: Beats me!

((Septh and a recovering Soth shove the bodies of Joe and Wendell out of the ring. Joe slowly gets to his feet and wheels his barrow up the ramp with a groggy Wendell following him holding his head. In the ring Seph helps Soth to his feet. Faygo staggers back to his locker room from the match. He proudly carries the World title belt over his shoulder. As he rounds a corner he is met with a lead pipe to the back up the head. Corning round the corner stepping ober Faygo's fallen body wearing a Black List shirt is Hollywood Johnny Rave.))


((Rave starts beating the pipe into the back of Faygo before turning and walking off. Down the hall Martin Smalls is seen peeking around a corner watching the attack.))

Women's Title Match
Chloe vs Fiona

Fortello: The following is a standard match and it is for the Womens title. First to the ring...

((The lights dim and red spotlights come on with a greyish cold mist rolls over the ground. Cheap and Evil Girl starts as black lights flash at the stage entrance. Chloe comes out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring.))

Fortello: From Allentown P.A. she is the HWC's Women's Champion.... CHLOE!!!

((Chloe enters the ring and holds the women's belt up and receaves a large pop from the crowd. She then hands it to the ref and waits for her opponet.))

Travis: I love these matches Eddie.

Eddie: I'm sure you do.

Travis: Fiona vs Chloe. There is a god and he works for the HWC.

Eddie: What's taking Fiona so long, where is she?

Travis: I hope she didn't get jumped by one of those savages in the back.

((Just then a crew man comes running down the ramp and to Jean. She bends over the middle rope as he whispers something in her ear. She pulls away after looking at him in shock.))

Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen, Fiona has left the HWC for reasons unknown. Which makes Chloe still the Women's Champion.

((The hands Chloe back her belt as she looks disapointed but takes it anyways. She holds it up against breifly as her music kicks up.))

Travis: This was a rip! Fiona can't leave, not yet!

Eddie: Oh get over it Travis, no need to whine!

((The camera suddenly cuts to the backstage area, where The Enforcer is standing. He's sipping from a bottle of water, talking indulgently with one of Martin Smalls' lackeys about something. Nobody knows what it is, and frankly, they don't give a rat's ass. They hate this man with a passion, as is evidenced by their resounding boos. The lackey departs to take care of something for Martin, thus leaving The Enforcer on his own. He's laughing softly to himself when he hears a creak as of someone stepping on a loose board.))

Enforcer: That's impossible. This place doesn't have loose boards.

Voice (still unrecognizeable): Wanna bet, Enforcer?

((The Enforcer's eyes widen as he alone recognizes that voice. His face contorts in a rictus of hate as he looks around for that SOB. But he can't see anyone. Or anything, for that matter.... The lights go out. When they come back on, the Enforcer is kneeling with one hand to the back of his head.))

Enforcer: Where the F**K are you?!?

Voice: I am everywhere and nowhere. I am all and nothing. I am everyone and noone. I am your doom and your redemption. I am your Alpha and your Omega.

Enforcer: Don't be so goddamn cryptic and get out here so I can kick your ass!

Voice: Be careful what you wish for, Enforcer...

((A baseball bat wrapped in razor-wire flashes out from the shadows, catching Enforcer off guard and across the back. He cries out in agony as blood wells and drips down from the gouges. The bat changes directions and hits him across the stomach. Enforcer cries out again, now on his knees. The bat clatters to the ground, blood on the razor-wire glinting menacingly in the dim lighting. Enforcer reaches out for it, fingers coated in his own blood. It flies from his weak grasp, rolling into the shadows.))

Voice: You just might get it.

Enforcer: What do you want from me?

Voice: What you took from me, Enforcer... Your LIFE!!!

Enforcer: That's bullshit. I didn't take anything from you!

((A kendo stick lashes out from the shadows, in the opposite direction from the voice, and nails Enforcer in the chest. He gasps for breath as the stick starts hitting the open gouges on his back, making them wider and increasing the pool of blood. The kendo stick lands hard across his neck, making him scream in agony.))

Eddie: Who is that?

Travis: I don't know, but someone better call Security. Enforcer has another match later on.

Eddie: I don't think he'll be able to participate in that one...

Travis: You may well be right.

((The kendo stick flies across the darkness and lands squarely on Enforcer's exposed right knee. The stick hits so hard that not only does it break, but The Enforcer's kneecap shatters under the impact. The Enforcer is lying on the ground, covered in blood and holding his right knee. A steel chair comes out into the light, then lands firmly on his skull, knocking him out.))

Eddie: Well, at least he won't feel any more pain...

Travis: I concur. But whoever is doing this is a complete psycho!

Eddie: Agreed.

((The steel chair hovers for a moment, then comes down on Enforcer's already bloody back hard enough to make him jerk involuntarily. Then it too is discarded, lying on the ground, Enforcer's blood smeared all over it. Martin Smalls and Draven Masters come running in with EMT's.))

Smalls: Get that backboard in here! He needs help!

EMT: Mr. Smalls, we need to bandage his back and stomach before we can move him.

Draven: Martin, I smell a rat.

Smalls: So do I, Draven. (to the EMT's) Do it.

((The EMT's work with careful precision, wrapping the wounds caused by the razor-wire bat. When they're done, they put a neck brace on him before they move him to the backboard. Draven, ever vigilant, scans the shadows for any evidence of who was daft enough to do this. He sees the bloody bat, broken kendo stick and blood-smeared chair lying in a haphazard pile across the room.))

Draven: Hey, Martin! Get a load of this!

((Smalls comes over to check out what Draven found, his eyes widening at the sight of the razor-wire. He kneels, but doesn't touch any of it. Draven goes out with the EMT's to load Enforcer into the ambulance, leaving Martin alone as well. Bad move... Another chair lands squarely on Smalls' back, sending him down to the floor.))

Smalls: So you're still here. I figured as much.

Voice: You're as guilty as the rest of them, Smalls. You too shall pay the price for your sins.

Smalls: Who are you? Maybe we can work something out.

Voice: You had your chance the first time, Smalls. But you didn't follow up on the advantage. Pity... I thought you were smarter than that.

((Before Smalls can say anything else, the chair comes down, this time on the back of his head. Smalls slumps to the ground, rendered unconscious by the powerful blow. The mystery assailant's words ring in many a fan's ear as the accoutrements of destruction disappear one by one. The cameraman tries in vain to get a glimpse of this psychotic bastard that's taken out The Enforcer AND Martin Smalls in the same night. The chairs, bat and kendo stick all wind up in a nearby Dumpster, wiped clean of any prints. Then it catches sight of a cloaked figure standing near the entrance to the arena. The fingerprints won't matter anyway... A pair of work-roughened hands come up and push back the hood. Revealed under the harsh halogen bulbs of the arena's parking lot is the face of a man. The face of a man all had thought dead... The face of...))

Eddie and Travis: JERICHO DYLAN?!?

((Sure enough, it's Jericho. He turns to the camera and laughs a wicked laugh.))

Jericho: Revenge is sweet, and mine will be the sweetest of all. Let what happened here tonight serve as a lesson to the rest of the Black List... Like dominoes, you will fall at my feet. Be it in a bloody heap or not, you WILL FALL!

((His right fist lashes out and slams into the camera, shattering the lens and ending the video feed from that particular source. But the audio feed is intact... All anyone can hear is sadistic laughter, followed closely by the sound of tires screeching out of the parking lot. Then the ringside camera picks up the slack and we're faced with Eddie Daniels and Travis Best.))

Eddie: Fans, we're as dumbfounded as you. This is truly a shock.

Travis: You can say that again, Eddie. But be that as it may, Jericho Dylan is back, and the Black List will pay the price for their sins, as he said to Mr. Smalls. I don't get it... Do you?

Eddie: I think Jericho is blaming the Black List for Natassja suffering a tragic miscarriage and losing their unborn baby.

((Travis looks at Eddie in shock for a moment, then lowers his head. He doesn't like Jericho, but he does have a heart. To lose a baby is a tragedy for any family. Private lives are meant to be happy... Eddie remains silent, not wanting to disturb this golden moment.))

IC Title Match
Sephiroth du Lac vs The Patriot

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the HWC Intercontinental championship.

((As the National Anthem begins to blast through the speakers The Patriot steps through the curtains and walks into the middle of the entrance ramp. The crowd begins to roar as he flexes his muscles, sending red white and blue pyro from the stage. He then enters the ring and stands in his corner. Miss America trails just behind him.))

Fortello: Coming to the ring first, here is the challenger, being accompanied to the ring by Miss

America, from Washington, DC, weighing 280 pounds, he is America's Hero, The Patriot!

Eddie: He says that when he wins this match he's going to take American values all over the world as the Intercontinental champion.

Travis: He means IF he wins this match, which he won't, Seph is gonna crush him, and then Miss

America will be all mine.

Eddie: Is there any woman you don't like?

Travis: Well, there is a woman sitting in the forth row that's rather ugly.

Eddie: Never mind.

((The lights dim as a "wall" screen with the HWC logo on it drops over the walkway. Thunder sounds repeatedly as "Fade to Black" begins to play. Some of the sounds are matched with Lighting effects flashing the logo. Then the logo seems to disappear a few flashes revealing Sephiroth's siloette. Then Lightning effects strike the stage as Pyro explodes, the lights raise and the wall lifts revealing Sephiroth. He walks to the ring slowly his long cape dragging behind. Once he reaches the ring he stands in the center and just raises his hand to the sky. Then the lights flicker on and off until they go out and Lightning effects strike the ring posts with a crackling sound. The lights go normal and he stands staring down the Patriot.))

Fortello: His opponent, weiging in at 246 pounds, he is the HWC Intercontinental champion,

Sephiroth du Lac!

Eddie: No matter how many times I see this guy he still creeps me out!

Travis: I think that's the effect he's shooting for.

((Seph and Patriot lock up in a typical collar and elbow tie up. The Patriot gets the early advantage locking Seph in a side headlock and grinding down on it. Seph back to the ropes and tries to whip the Patriot off, but the Patriot stops and manaages to keep the headlock on, grinding down tighter on Seph's head. Seph tries it again and this time gets the Patriot off of him and both men collide mid ring with neither man budging, Seph bounces off the ropes charging the Patriot. The Patriot ducks underneath a charging Seph, and as the champion comes off the ropes again the Patriot scoops him up and takes Seph over with a huge powerslam!))

Travis: Now that's how you start a match! A huge powerslam by that red-white-and-blue geek the

Patriot to Sephiroth du Lac!

Eddie: That was truly amazing and Seph is just now getting back to a vertical base. And the

Patriot is smartly staying on him.

Travis: Don't get too excited, Seph is gonna kick his ass.

Eddie: How much money did you put on this match?

Travis: None I swear.

Eddie: Yeah right.

Travis: I didn't I put it all on the Black List to win the stable match.

((As Seph gets back up the Patriot sends several right hands crashing into Seph's head before nailing him with a facebuster! Seph rolls around on the mat holding his face, and the Patriot pulls him back up and sends him off the rope nailing Seph with a huge clothesline. Seph hits the mat hard and the Patriot pulls him back up yet again and nails him with and Oklahoma slam! He goes for the cover, 1...2...kickout by Seph.))

Eddie: The challenger going for an early cover there but only getting a two count.

Travis: This is why he's not a champion, he went for the pin way too early!

((Both men back to their feet and Seph asks for a test of strength agains the the Patriot. The Patriot agrees and as soon as their hands are locked, Seph unloads with several kicks to the stomach as Seph had suckered him in. The Patriot goes down and Seph steps on his hands! With his hands pinned under the feet of Seph the Patriot can't move and Seph starts punching the Patriot in the head. He finally releases his fingers from the mat and then pulls the Patriot up to his feet and headbutts him knocking the Patriot back to the corner. He whips him across the ring. The Patriot goes crashing into the corner. Seph comes charging in with a spear but the Patriot moves and Seph goes shoulder first into the steel ring post and falls out of the ring to the floor holding his shoulder.))

Eddie: The Patriot saw that spear coming and dodged out of the way and Seph paid for it as his shoulder met steel!

Travis: And too bad for Seph that the ringpost wasn't going anywhere!

Eddie: He can't say the same for his left shoulder.

((Seph gets back up on the ring apron and the Patriot grabs his left arm and snaps it over the top rope causing Seph to yelp in pain. The Patriot then hooks Seph in a suplex and brings Seph back into the ring. He then holds Seph down on the mat and drives his knee into the shoulder before slapping on a cross arm breaker. Seph screams as his shoulder is wrenched by the challenger.))

Eddie: And you can see an ugly bruise starting to form there Travis.

Travis: Well he was running full tilt when the Patriot moved! Let's see how good your shoulder looks after you run all out into a steel pole.

Eddie: You first.

((The Patriot has let go of the hold and is now standing on Seph's wrist and stomping on the shoulder much to the delight of the fans. The Patriot pulls Seph up to his feet and bends the left arm into a hammerlock and then drops Seph in a scoop slam right on the arm. He then picks Seph up and rams him shoulder first to the turnbuckle.))

Eddie: Smart move by the Patriot. He's taking advantage of that sore arm of Seph. Take away that arm and Seph has to work twice as hard!

((The Patriot goes to whip Seph across the ring but he jerks on the arm in an attempt to further work over the arm of Seph, but Seph jambs his thumb into the Patriot's eye. He rams his face into the turnbuckle and starts kicking the Patriot as he slumps to the mat. He shakes his left arm trying to get the feeling back into it and places the Patriot on the top rope and heads up after him and takes him down with a top rope franknensteiner!)

Travis: See! See! I told you Seph would make a comeback!

Eddie: Yes you did, now will you calm down?

((Seph kicks the Patriot in the head and pulls him to his feet and whips him off the ropes and nails him with a vicious superkick! The Patriot's head snaps back as he falls to the mat like a rock! Seph drops for the cover! 1...2...and the Patriot manages to get the shoulder up angering Seph. Seph gets behind the Patriot and takes him over with a German suplex and holds on, takes him over for another, he holds on and takes him over for a third!))

Travis: Ha! Take that you freak!

Eddie: One has to wonder which freak you're refering to Travis. A lot of people think that Seph is the freak.

Travis: Seph is the champion, the Patriot is the freak, don't you know anything about wrestling?

((Seph punches the Patriot in the head a couple of times before backing him in the ropes and sending him off the ropes and tossing him in a huge belly to belly suplex! The Patriot goes crashing to the mat and rolls out of the ring. Seph runs up and perches on the top rope and waits for the Patriot to get to his feet and then launches himself off the top rope clotheslining the Patriot down to the floor. Both men lay on the floor as Seph wrenched his shoulder as he hit the floor. Both men slowly rise as the referee is issuing the ten count. The Patriot is closer to the ring and he rolls in and out breaking the count.))

Travis: A huge move by Seph and he takes the Patriot out.

Eddie: Yeah, but he seems to be favoring that left shoulder, I think he may have hurt it when he hit the floor.

Travis: And the Patriot is going back after him! Come on Seph, don't let this idiot beat you!

((The Patriot grabs Seph by his injured left arm and tries to ram Seph shoulder first into the ring post, but Seph reverses at the last second and Patriot hits the ring post head first and Seph catches him before he falls and tosses him back into the ring. He rolls in after him and tries for a cover, but only gets a two count.))

Eddie: The Patriot is still in this thing, getting a face full of steel post isn't enough to stop the American hero!

Travis: Come on Seph, wipe up the ring with this jerk!

((Seph drops the Patriot with a piledriver, and then pulls him back up and kicks him in the gut and rebounds off the ropes and nails a scissors kick flattening the Patriot. He waits for the Patriot to get up and slaps on the Million Dollar Dream.))

Travis: Good night, it's all over, thank you drive through!

Eddie: He's got tha MDM locked in tight and the Patriot is starting to fade, despite that sore shoulder it looks like Seph may hold on to the Intercontinental strap!

((The Patriot sags and his body goes limp. The referee checks his arm once, it drops. Twice, it drops again and then comes up before the ref can check a third time! The Patriot jams his elbow into Sephs ribcage, once, twice and make it three! He then gouges the eyes of Seph and he takes a moment to shake the cobwebs loose and then suddenly grabs Seph in a gorilla press slam!))

Eddie: The Patriot has gotten his second wind! And hit that gorilla press slam out of nowhere!

Seph is in trouble now!

((The Patriot whips Seph off the ropes and nails the Patriotic big boot and then positions Seph under the nearest turnbuckle and heads up. He jumps going for Old Glory but Seph gets his feet up at the last second and drives them into the Patriot's guts!))

Travis: A last minute comeback by the champ!

Eddie: The Patriot taking those knees into his ribs! That had to hurt! He's rolling around on the mat in pain!

Travis: Go, get him Seph, this is your chance! Kick him while he's down!

Eddie: Have you considered prozac?

((Seph is back on his feet and he runs over and grabs the Patriot and whips him off the ropes and nails him with a spear (hitting with his right shoulder). The Patriot crumples in a heap holding his ribs. Seph pulls the Patriot to his feet and sets him up for the Fallen Angel! He nails it, He goes for the cover in the middle of the ring. 1...2...3!))

Travis: Ha! I told you! Seph retains the title.

Fortello: Here is your winner and still HWC Intercontinental champion, Sephiroth du Lac!

Eddie: A great succesful title defense for Sephiroth du Lac! I won't deny that!

Travis: Now that is a champion we can be proud of!

Eddie: Now THAT I will deny!

((Camera opens up back stages showing The Lurker standing by the ramp enterance. The camera then cuts to down the hall showing The Reinforcements heading to the ring. Just as they see Lurker down the hall, the see a well build man dressed in all black and his head shaved with two pericings in his bottle lip. The Lurker turns to him to choke slam him but the man grabs his throat first bring Lurker to his knees. Then Lurker is level with the man he grabs Lurker by the face and slams the back of his head threw the wall. The Reinforcements witness and stop in their tracks in shock. One by one the slowly pass by this man watching him closely.))

Travis: Who was that?

Eddie: I don't know but he just took out The Lurker!

Stable Match
The Black List vs The Reinforcements

((The bell rings announcing the next match.))

Fortello: The following is an HWC Stable match. First to the ring.... THE BLACK LIST!

((The lights dim and "Points of Authority" begins to play, the lights begin to flash red and white, the vid screen comes to life and past exploits of the BL are shown on the screen. Amidst the boo's the members make their way out onto the stage, clad in Black List T-shirts that read "The Black List...You're either on it...or against it!" they make their way down to the ring. Their music fades as Enforcer, Hans, Klaus, Draven, and Scott all stand in the ring waiting for The Reinforcements to arrive.))

Fortello: Their opponents coming to the ring... THE REINFORCEMENTS!!!

((The crowd jumps to their feet and cheers. Megadeth plays as The Tiger and Kidd Rock walk from the back and down the ramp calmly. Ace, Flagg, and Obake enter from behind the ring threw the crowd with chairs in hand. They slide into the ring and starts nailing them with chair shots to the head, Scott, Hans, and Klaus are the first to fall. Enforcer and Draven spin around and start fighting back. By now Kidd and Tiger have enter. Tiger jumps on Draven's black locking in a sleeper hold. Kidd goes to drop kick Enfrocer from behind up Enforcer throws Ace into the way.))

Eddie: This isn't a match this is just bloodly chaos!

Travis: Do you know anything better?

Eddie: Yes matches should have order and reason. This is just of people trying to kill one another! God forbid the ref gets hurt in all this.

Travis: That's why he's on the out side.

((Draven has Ace in Abdominal Stretch while Tiger is beating double teamed by Hans and Klaus. Obake and Enforcer go blow for blow till Scott grabs a chair and wacks Obake over the head with it. Obake just turns and grabs Scott by the thought when he is met with another chair to the head by Enforcer. He falls to his knees still holding on, Enforcer starts beating away on Obake's head with the chair. Kidd climbs the top turn buckle and leaps off delivering a missle drop kick to the back of Draven. Klaus cover Tiger for a 2 count as she kicked out. Klaus looks up and sees Flagg delivering a Full nelson slam to Hans. Klaus gets uo and takes it to Flagg when Tiger gets up and hits Klaus with a DDT. Ace the turn buckle as Draven laughs at him, from behind Flagg and Tiger hit him with a conchairto bust him open. Ace then leaps off landing a flying closeline to Scott. Ace covers him. 1..2... Enforcer grabs Ace and throws him out of the ring. Before Enforcer can help Scott up he is hit with a speak from the bloodly Obake.))

Eddie: Good god! After the beating Enforcer took from Jericho I don't think's he is going to be able to walk after this match. He's already spitting up blood from that spear!

Travis: The Reinforcements are out muscled!

Eddie: Is that so? Looks like they are mopping the floor withe The Black List.

Travis: It's a fact, The Black List is holding back letting them wear them selves out. Then it will be all over.

((Enforcer lays on the floor out side the ring holding his stomach, Scott checks on him before climbing back in. Tiger is in the corner taking it to Klaus with lefts and rights. Draven spinns her around and delivers an hold handed choke slam. Ace comes running up to help her with a chair in hand when he colides inot a big boot from Klaus sending the chair smacking in his face. Draven pionts to the fallen Ace and tells him to finish. Draven keeps back anyone that tries to help him. Flagg is one of them as he gets a piledriver on a chair. Klaus picks up Ace and delivers the Hammer Drop. He quickly pins him. 1... and Ace is pulled out by Kidd.))

Travis: Damm that Kidd Rock!

Eddie: Eddie: Close on by Klaus, after the Hammer Drop it would of been all over for The Reinforcements if not for that save from Kidd.

Travis: Don't remind me!

((Draven and Klaus climbs out of the ring and start stalking Kidd. Before they know what's hit them Tiger comes flying over the top rope and lands on Draven and Klaus with a frog splash knocking them both down. Kidd starts stombing away on Klaus. Enforcer is to his feet again, after grabing Kidd he whips him to the steel steps. Enforcer pulls Kidd to his feet and sets him up for a rock botten when Tiger delivers a bull dog to Enforcer sending him face first on the steps him self. Draven gets up and sees the carage on the out side.))

Eddie: This mercyless slaughter has broken out side the ring.

Travis: Yea the only safe place now in the ring!

((Draven rolls Ace back into the ring, Out side Tiger and Kidd are taking it to Enforcer, who's fighting back just the same but now his face is covered with blood. Draven covers Ace as the ref counts. 1..2..3 No! Obake just kicked Draven in the face and is now on him beating away on his face like it was a drum! Tiger climbs back into the ring as Kidd throws the ring steps at Enforcer whos staggering away. Scott takes a swing at Tiger with the chair, Tiger tries to dogde but ins't quickly enough. She crumbles to the floor. Ace comes out of no where with a super kick to Scott before he can hit her again. Ace pulls Scott into the lion tamer. Tiger lays there staring off, she reaches up and touches her head, shes bleeding.))

Travis: Finally some kocked some sense into Tiger and as a bonus she's bleeding.

Eddie: Youe a very very sick man Travis.

Travis: I know.

((After a power bomb on the ramp Enforcer drags Kidd back to the ring and rolls him in. He sees Scott in the lion tamer and hits Ace with a double axe handle causing him to break it. Klaus climbs back in the ring, Hans and Flagg are going blow for blow. Flagg whips Hans into the ropes then Klaus takes and hits Flagg with a full nelson slam. Followed by a leg drop from Hans. Enforcer grabs Ace by the throat readying for a choke slam when Tiger stops him cold with a low blow. Tiger sets Enforcer up for the Click Click Boom. She dives him to snap jab with her left then raises her right in the air as the crowd cheers once again. But before she can finish Obake charges at Enforcer with a spear. He sees it and dives out of the way ending Obake to slam into Tiger so hard it sends her threw the ropes and out of the ring. Enforcer kicks Obake in the head and grabs a chair climbing out of the ring. Tiger slowly gets to her feet but Enforcer keeps her down by slamming the chair into her ribs over and over. He trash talks her then does it one last time. Obake slides out and pounces Enforcer in the face a few times and rolls him back into the ring.))

Eddie: Tiger has been kocked out of the ring by her own team mate! A powerful spear by Oabke that was ment for Enforcer!!

Travis: The best part was when Enforcer came out and finished her off with that chair.

Eddie: Thats this?

Travis: Who's that?

Eddie: That looks like the same guy who took out The Lurker before the match?

Travis: He has no right being here! This isn't his match!

((Tiger lays on the out side of the ring holding her ribs. Seeing bight yellowish Tiger looks torwards the ramp. A extremely musclur man in all black stand atop the ramp. He's holding his arms out like to the heavens. The light fades and he comes running to the ring. Sliding in no one seems to see him till he clears the ring. He starts by throwing Scott out of the ring. Hans and Klaus come running at him but the man knocks them both down with a double closeline. Flagg uptop the turn buckle was going to leap off and land on Draven, but seeing this man interfer leaps off after him. The man rears back and pounces him hard causing Flagg's head to snap back and his body to flip before hitting the mat. Draven comes up to hit him with a chair. He dodges and kicks Draven before taking the chair and slaming it into the skull of Draven. He falls like dead weight. Obake charges at him with a spear but the man spins around and slams the chair into his skull as well. Though hurt he can't stop and ramps into the corner pole. Enforcer kicks the chair out of the mans hands and grabs him for a choke slam. The man gives a hard head butt to Enforcer causing him to lossen his grip, the manthen pulls Enforcer into a Double Underhook Powerbomb, laying him out. Ace-Man tries a super kick on the man in black but he doesn't move. He grabs ace and puts him in the torture rack then throws him out of the ring. HAving had enough Kidd grabs a chair and slams it into the head of the man from behind, the blow only causes him to stagger a few steps. Turning around and glares at Kidd and knocks the chair from him. Kidd goes it hit Sweet Chin Music, but me man just grabs his leg. Before Kidd can counter back the man takes and breaks his ankle.))

Eddie: This man is more burtal then the two teams put together! Not only did he clear the ring but he just broke Kidd's ankel!

Travis: I know I love him!

Eddie: I didn't know you were that way Travis. Do you love the fact that he took out the Black List?

Travis: Uh no, and your sick.

Eddie: What's he doing now?

Travis: Look out!

((The man legs out of Kidd's leg and grabs him by the throught, he then starts climbing the up the turn buckle. With one had he lifts Kidd up and throws him out of the ring to crashing on the announcer table as Travis and Eddie dive for cover. The man stands in the middle of the ring and raises his hands to the heavens again as the yellow light fills the arena once more. After it fades he turns and leaves the ring heading back.))

Eddie: Everything has been destoryed even out table?

Travis: I don't think there is anyone left to win the match, oh wait Scott's climbing back in.

Eddie: As is Tiger!

((At first the two don't see each over they just cover the first person the see. But when the look to the ref awaiting the counting they finally see each other. Tiger stands holding her ribs as Scott runs at her to land a closeline. Tiger ducks and grabs him by the wrist whipping him into the ropes.))

Travis: NO!!

Eddie: Oh Yes!

((Tiger comes at Scott with a Riders Hell nearly snapping his neck. With what left in her she pins Scott. 1...2...3. The bell rings and the ref tries to raise her hand in victory but she pulls it away in pain.))

Fortello: Your winner.... The Tiger of THE REINFORCEMENTS!!

Travis: Dam it to hell! If it wasn't for the man inturding The Black List would have won!

Eddie: Someone get the EMT's in here fast!

((Camera cuts backstage, Smalls brust into Harley's locker room looking anything but happy.))

Smalls: Do you have anything to do with Rave?

((Harley looks up at him with a look of confusion.))

Harley: What in the hell are you talkin' about?

Smalls: Oh don't play with me. Rave... Hollywood Johnny Rave... He just attacked Faygo in the halls, I saw it. He claimed he did it for The Black List. I sure as hell didn't tell someone as worthless as Rave that he could join The Black List. (Gets in Harley's face) So I'm thinking it had to be someone with a gruge against Faygo Joe.

((Harley holds up her right hand as if to silence him and looks at him with a smirk.))

Harley: Oh please! I'm over that! If I happen to get a chance at him I'll take it! But I wouldn't send someone else to take that necro down! I would have done it myself!

Smalls: Oh don't give me that bull! I know it was you!

((Harley begins to laugh, and turns from him.))

Harley: Of course I did it! You see...As far as I can figure it's your fault that I lost my title! YOU took me out of the Stable match! YOU put me in a match against Faygo Joe! I blame you for all of the Black Lists losses!

Smalls: My fault?! How is it my fault that you can't beat a jobber! Your part of The Black List, if anyone should be blaming it should be me blaming all of you for your failurs!

((Harley turns and faces him with narrow eyes and grabs him by the collar.))

Harley: Look asshole! I've lost once! ONCE! I've beaten every superstar I've been put up against! The one week you put me up against a jobber I lose! I think you set me up!

((Martin pushes her away and points at her raising his voice.))

Smalls: Don't ever grabs me like that again, I can have you fired! It's your own fault you lost. But it appears I kept the wrong woman wrestler!

((Harley smiles slightly, and straightens her jacket.))

Harley: Well you know that could be fixed...All I have to do is gain the support of the Enforcer, Draven, Hans and Klaus and then we can run you out...And the Black List is mine!

Smalls: (laughs) Oh please you think Draven would every side with you........ I pay everyone good money to work for me. But it's looks to me that yar another follower of Lewis.

Harley: Oh please! Why would I run back to Lewis...I mean I know Hans and Klaus would side with me...And the Enforcer...And Draven would soon follow...I mean face it...Your reign is over! And mine is just beginnin'!

Smalls: Why would they follow you when I pay them the big bucks to work for me!

((Harley laughs and sits back down on the bench.))

Harley: Simple my dear Smalls...I can pay them 10 times as much to stay with me...You forget who you are speakin' with here! And you haven't even called me Godmother! How rude...I can give them everythin' you couldn't!

Smalls: I got a better name for you, how about bitch! This ain’t over Harley you need me, with out me, Seph and Tiger will be coming for you. And if you though losing to Faygo was bad, facing them will be far worse. I'm done with you! You lost your edge Harley!

((Martin eyes one last dark look to Harley making his point clear. Turning away he storms out of the room. Reno steps in front of him in the hall and Harley smiles.))

Harley: Actually we're goin' to finish this...If I have to kill you I'll do it...Just give up Smalls...It's mine!

((Martin just looks back at her for a moment, he says nothing. He pushes Reno aside and walks off))

Harley: Don't worry...It'll be mine by the end of the night!

((She turns and walks back into the locker room shutting the door behind her. Patriot and Ace-Man who were standing in the hall witness Smalls loss of The Black List. They turn to face the camera and rub their chin in thought looking like are ploting something.))

Eddie: Folks while we were away, we learned that the man was a new comer called Armageddon! I guess he wanted to make an impact.

Travis: Well he went about it the wrong way. You just can't go around doing what ever you please here. This is the HWC!

Eddie: Why Smalls does it.

Travis: That's different, he's VP.

Eddie: He wasn't always. Anyways, Black Flagg and Kidd Rock were rushed to the hosiptal, so our wishes and prays go out to them. But right now Chris Murphy as Jeff and Amy back stage.

Travis: Oh yes Amy, I'll take a trick or treat from her. Amy is a treat!

((Chris Murphy is standing with Jeff Wylde and Amy Jensen, the crowd goes nuts as they show up on the HWCTron.))

Murphy: I'm here with Jeff Wylde and Amy Jensen, and in just a few minutes you two will be stepping into a Hell in a Cell to take on Draven Masters the Enforcer and Die Zerstorer in a triple threat tag-team match? Amy any comments on going onto such a dangerous match?

Amy: Yeah. Hans. You german asswipe. You want to read my diary? Fine. I'm going to take it out of your ass. Ass is cheap today, so I'm going to get my pound of it for real cheap! Anyone else that gets in my way I'm just going to hurt miserably!

Murphy: Mr. Wylde?

Jeff: I think it's rather simple Chris. Hans fucked up big time, and he's going to pay, and if Klaus gets in the way he gets hurt too! The Enforcer and Draven, same goes for them, and as long as Obake calls it down the middle, there won't be any problems!

Amy: He won't have to worry much about calling it down the middle. I'm going to hurt as many as I can. I got me some brand new spikes and I'm going to use them....

Jeff: You do what you need to sis, but I promise everyone this, there's going to be a lot of blood spilled tonight, and Hans is going to finally get what he deserves for not heeding my warning. You fuck with Amy, and you fuck with me!

((Amy flips the camera off and walks offscreen, intent on finding her way down to the match))

Jeff: Tonight ain't about winning or loosing it's about causing severe amounts of pain!

((Jeff stalks off after Amy, leaving Chris Murphy in stunned silence.))

3 way dance Hell In a Cell Jeff/Amy vs Die Zerstrorer vs Draven/Enforcer

((The Hell in the Cell starts lowering as Anything But This by StaticX plays.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen this is our main event. It is a triple threat tag-team Hell in a Cell match!

Eddie: There it is! That cell is coming down!

Travis: Man, that thing gives me chills just looking at it! I was in here earlier today before the show started, and just looking at that cage hanging over the ring, in the empty arena, it still looked imposing.

Eddie: In just a moment, six men and one woman are going to be locked in there in the ultimate grudge match!

Travis: And that woman is my lovely Amy!

((Suddenly Slipknot's "Left Behind" kicks up and Obake comes walking down the ramp. He wears a pair of black sweats and a ref shirt that has been cut to fit. He walks right through the pyro, climbing into the ring a second before the cage is lowered. he stands in the middle of the ring, waiting.))

Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, here is the special guest refreee for this match, he is the comissioner of the HWC, David "Obake" Howlett!

(("Reckoning Day" blasts over the PA and Jeff Wylde and Amy appear at the top of the ramp. Amy is thrashing to the beat and Jeff has his arms raised and is looking over the crowd.))

Fortello: Coming to the ring first here is team number one, at a total combined weight of 375 pounds, HWC's resident Hellcat Amy Jensen and "The Wyldeman" Jeff Wylde!

Travis: Look at her! She is so hot! I wonder if she will ride me.

((Eddie smacks Travis in the head as Jeff and Amy enter the ring.))

Eddie: I'll be sure to tell her you said that, or better yet, I'll tell Jeff you said that.

Travis: I said nothing!

(("The Shortest Straw" plays on the PA, with blue and white lights flashing in the entrance way. After about 15 seconds Klaus and Hans step out. Klaus just stands with his arms folded, glaring at the fans, while Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, his hands on his hips.))

Fortello: And their opponents. Representing the Black List, at a total combined weight 463 pounds the team of Hans Kuhmann and Klaus von Hammer, they are Die Zerstörer!

((Amy glares up the ramp, swearing at Hans as she stands in front of Jeff.))

Eddie: Jeff is giving Hans the hairy eyball...

Travis: The what?

Weddie: The hairy eyeball...never mind it would take me a week to explain it to you.

((In response to Jeff and Amy's actions, Klaus and Hans charge down the ramp with hatred in their eyes.))

Travis: And Die Zerstörer not wasting any time! Here they come!

((Hans and Klaus charge the ring and pair off with Amy and Jeff repectivley. The four start pounding away as Obake tries to break it up, as he does "Points of Authority" hits. The two remaining Black List members come flying into the cage as Walter Powell slams it shut behind them locking them in.))

Eddie: All six members of this match are in the Hell in the Cell and this thing is offically underway!

Travis: This is not going to be pretty, but it is going to be pretty brutal!

((Obake grabs Hans by his belt and literally flings him into his corner, also doing the same to Amy. He glares over at the Black List and yells for them to choose one member and get in the battle. He leaves Jeff and Klaus in the ring. He then signals for the bell and gets ready. Amy lands on her ass in the corner and has no choice but to get out.))

Eddie: One person from each team in the ring at a time, but regular tag-team rules apply. First team to get a pinfall or a submission wins! No countouts no disqualifications. Just sheer brutality.

Travis: I want to see someone bleed before this thing is over!

Eddie: You are truly a sick, sick man.

Travis: Thank you.

((Klaus immediately goes after Jeff, first planting a boot in his midsection, then whipping him into the ropes, looking for a back body drop. Jeff shows his agility and leapfrogs over Klaus only to get clotheslined by Draven. Draven then grabs Jeff back to his feet and he and Hans whip Jeff to the ropes, Jeff bounces back and hits the Black Listers with a double clothesline flooring both of them.))

Eddie: Jeff Wylde turning the double team to his advantage. He took down two members of the Black List with an amazing double clothesline!

Travis: Don't get so arrogant Wylde, you're outnumbered in there!

((Obake stays out of the way, officiating right down the middle. When Amy attempts to get in, Obake keeps her out. He moves around the ring, trying to get the best vantage point. Klaus rolls toward his corner, tagging in Hans, who vaults to the top turnbuckle and nails a corkscrew moonsault on Jeff. Instead of going for another move, however, Hans gets up and starts taunting Amy.))

Eddie: And the animosity between Hans and Amy boiling over here! This is only going to get worse as this match goes on. After what happened on Slaughter, I can't say I blame Amy one bit for the way she feels towards Hans!

Travis: Especailly after what she said about dumping Hans for me!

Eddie: Do you want her to hit you again?

((Amy again tries to get in the ring and Obake again keeps her out, with his back turned Draven nails Hans with a low blow. Hans grabs his crotch and falls to the mat. Jeff gets up and grabs Draven in a DDT. While Obake's back is turned, Amy climbs the top turnbuckle. She flips them all off and makes one wild dive from the turnbuckle , flying over Obake's head. She crashes into all three of them in the ring, taking them all down. She takes the chance and delivers a HARD boot to Hans's head before she is pulled away by Obake. He forcefully pushes her into the corner and yells at her. When she goes to swing at him, Obake blocks it and pushes her clean off the ring apron.))

Eddie: Obkae shoved Amy off the ring apron and she just went flying into the side of the cell. She falls to the floor hard!

Travis: No! Obake how could you do that to my sweet, sweet Amy?

((Hans crawls to his corner, where he tags in Klaus, who climbs in and hauls Jeff to his feet and plants him hard with a full nelson slam. Jeff rolls around in pain as Draven kicks away at him. The two whip Jeff off the ropes amd nail a double backdrop, Amy is screaming for the tag and Draven goes to tag in the Enforcer. The big man comes in and shoves Obake out of the way before going over and grabbing Jeff and nailing him with a right hand, he whips him towards Klaus who clotheslines him down to the mat. The two BL members grin at each other before the Enforcer charges across the ring and nails Klaus with a big boot. Jeff rolls over and tags in Amy. Obake grabs Enforcer after he attacks and yells at him, getting right in his face, yelling about respecting the ref. Obake then lets go as Amy flips into the ring. She runs full steam and double dropkicks Enforcer and a just standing Klaus. She then starts to kick them both in the head before she drops to cover Enforcer. Obake counts..1...2....Enforcer kicks out with power. Amy stands and grabs her crotch obscenely at Hans.))

Travis: Somehow I'm not offended by that move, I'm oddly aroused.

Eddie: That's because you're odd.

((Hans responds to the gesture by charging into the ring, just in time to be collared by Obake, who manhandles him back to his corner. As Klaus starts to rise to his feet, he jabs a thumb into Amy's eye, then turns to confront Enforcer.))

Travis: A Greco-Roman thumb to the eye!

Eddie: What? There is no such thing!

Travis: Yes there is! You just saw it!

Eddie: Are you watching the same match as I am?

((Amy staggers around holding her eyes and The Enforcer and Klaus start jawing at each other. They start fighting and Amy mounts the nearest turnbuckle and leaps off nailing the Enforcer in the back with a missile dropkick knocking him into Klaus, both men go tumbling down and Amy waits for the Enforcer to get back to his feet and goes for a hurricanranna. He turns it into a sitout powerbomb and goes for the cover. Obake counts 1...2...Jeff comes in to break up the count then kicks a rising Klaus in the head. He then charges to the corner and nails Hans with a forearm knocking him off the ring apron before Obake makes him leave the ring.))

Travis: And Wylde getting in a cheap shot! That cheater! Thank goodness Obake is in there to restore order!

Eddie: You are such a hypocrite! Two minutes ago you hated him!

Travis: I did not.

Eddie: But you said...

Travis: I said nothing!

((As Klaus gets up, Amy dropkicks him from behind, hanging him on the ropes. She then does the same to Enforcer, also hanging him...She then kinda does a lazy over-exaggerated run to the opposite side..Amy runs forward...DOUBLE 619! Amy then drops for the cover on Klaus. 1...2....Klaus gets his arm up. Hans starts screaming something about Amy's and his sex life. Amy looks over at him, her eyes truly reflecting hurt. Amy kicks Klaus taking out her aggression towards Hans. All three head for their corners and make simultaneous tags. Jeff charges across the ring and nails Hans with a clothesline. Draven grabs Jeff from behind and back suplexes him. He then turns and wallops Klaus with a huge right hand and then grabs him by the head leading him over to his corner, The Enforcer puts his boot up and Draven slams Hans' head into the boot and tags the Enforcer back in. Jeff gets back to his feet and he and the Enforcer whip Hans in and nail him with a double back elbow. The two then turn on each other and start exchaning punches.))

Eddie: The members of the Black List are fighting each other as well as Jeff and Amy!

Travis: Martin calls it tough love, this will make them a stronger unit! You saw how well they worked in the stable match!

Eddie: All I saw in that match was bodies flying everywhere! Kind of like this one!

((Hans staggers back, then ducks under the second rope and starts to climb up the side of the cage! Hans steps out onto the top rope, leaps, and nails a flying head scissors on Enforcer! Amy, feeling hurt by Hans' comment, retreats to her corner. She watches as Hans staggers up the cage. She then watches him do the move as she contemplates something. Obake, in the meanwhile is enforcing order. Jeff catches the falling Enforcer and nails a neckbreaker. He gets up and Hans grabs Jeff by his dreads and leads him to the corner and slams his face into the turnbuckle. Jeff's face gets rammed into the corner several more times before Hans lets go and then charges off to dropkick the Enforcer into Obake. The Enforcer turns and he and Obake glare at each other and then suddenly start swinging at each other. Hans knocks Jeff down and catapults him out of the ring. Jeff goes crashing into the cage and knocks down the section of fence on the cage and falls to the floor bleeding. Hans then goes over and grabs Amy by her hair and starts yelling in her face. Draven, seeing Obake occupied grabs Klaus and powerbombs him off the ring apron back first into the cage.))

Travis: BLOOD! Yes! Wylde is busted open! We have blood!

Eddie: I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are a very sick man. You need help! But what about that powerbomb by Draven? Right onto the broken section of cage.

Travis: I heard that impact and I'm scared because they're right next to us!

((Amy lashes out and headbutts Hans in the face before driving her knee into his crotch. She then pushes him aside, looking for a appropriate target. Klaus rolls off the section of cage, then sees Jeff, and starts slugging it out with him on the outside. Hans doubles over, then falls and rolls out of the ring and through the opening in the cage. Draven and the Enforcer start double teaming Obake. Suddnely Hans' words sink into Amy's brain and she bursts into tears and heads to the door yanking on it, the referee outside refuses to open the door, Amy's hand reaches out and grabs the ref pulling him into the cage face first knocking him out cold, she pulls the keys from his limp body, and unlocks the cage, and goes running back up the ramp in tears. Jeff grabs a chair and waffles Klaus, busting him open. He whips Hans into the side of the cage before heading up the side of the cage. Inside the ring The Enforcer and Draven realize Obake is not going down easy.))

Eddie: I think Draven and the Enforcer have awakened a monster! They've ripped Obake's referee shirt off and this isn't a match anymore! It's a damn riot!

Travis: And Obake is getting the crap kicked out of him! Go Black List!

((Obake growls as he is attacked. He grabs Draven and headbutts him square in the nose, blinding him. He then kicks Enforcer in the gut, doubling him. He then grabs Enforcer by the waist band and hooks him..Obake lifts him onto his shoulder...Obake then drops quickly and catches a massive show of strength, Obake drops him into a Gorilla Press Slam, roaring.))

Eddie: DEAR GOD! Obkae just destroyed The Enforcer! I never thought I'd see that happen!

Travis: This can't be happening! I don't care if the match is no longer going on, but The Enforcer can't be down! He's the hardcore champion for crying out loud!

Eddie: Well Obake just broke him in half!

((Hans sees Jeff climbing, and with an insane look in his eyes he starts following. Klaus, wiping blood from his eyes, crawls back into the ring. Jeff sees Hans coming up after him and grabs him as he reaches the top of the cage. He piledrives him on top of the cage drawing blood from Hans. He then looks down at the announce table with an insane look in his eyes.))

Eddie: Travis, I think we'd better move.

Traivs: I think you're right!

((Jeff turns to Hans with an evil gleam in his eye, he grabs Hans in a chokeslam position and chokeslams him from the top of the cage down through the announce table. The crowd starts chanting "HOLY SHIT!" Hans crashes through the table and goes limp and then motionless.))

Eddie: HOLY SHIT! Jeff Wylde just killed Hans Kuhmann!

Travis: Our announce table and Hans are both shattered! That is the most incredible thing I ever saw!

((A replay from four different angles of Hans going through the table is shown before returning to live action.))

Eddie: Hans is not moving, is he still even breathing?

Travis: Is he still in one piece?

((Klaus, seeing this, goes into a rage and climbs up the cage. Once there, he starts slugging it out with Jeff. Klaus catches Jeff in the gut with a boot, then hoists him across his shoulders, then, with a roar of rage, delivers the Hammer Drop. As both massive bodies hit, the top of the cage gives way, and both men plummet through the hole and crash to the mat, eliciting another round of "Holy Shit!" from the crowd.))

Eddie: DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN! Jeff Wylde came down on his face and Klaus landed on his back!

Travis: If this keeps up there's going to be no one left alive after this! First Hans now Jeff and Klaus! They may be broken in half!

Eddie: May be? No one could survive that!

((As Enforcer lays there grabbing his chest and back in pain, Obake crouches, his eyes burning. he quickly charges forth and Spears Draven so hard Obake has to roll through with the momentum. Obake is on his feet in a instant. He quickly turns and grabs Draven, picking him up. Obake positions him then delivers a crushing Jackhammer in the dead center of the ring. Obake then picks Draven up and throws him from the ring, adding insult to injury.))

Travis: Now Draven is gone. Obake just crushed him!

Eddie: Hans, Klaus, Jeff and now Draven Masters have all been but killed in this match. If any of these men survive it will be a miracle!

Traivs: You ain't kidding. I knew this match was gonna be brutal, but this is just sick!

((The Enforcer and Obake charge each other colliding head to head in the middle of the ring both of them staggering around as a result of the double spear attempt. Then the Enforcer grabs Obake and nails Enforcing the Law on top of Klaus' limp body. Just as Obake manages to struggle to his feet a familiar voice rings out.))

Voice: ENOUGH!

((Autumn Lewis and Martin Smalls once again appear together. They look at the only two concious men in the ring.))

Autumn: Apparently this was a bad idea so at the next PPV, we're going to have to even the odds! So you can tell Jeff and Hans when they wake up that next month they will be facing each a table match!

Smalls: And Obake, since you can't seem to stick to your role as a referee, you and the Enforcer will meet at the next a last man standing match! And to insure that this doesn't happen again, all members of the Reinforcements and the Black List are banned from ringside, if anyone intereferes in either of those matches they will be fired!

((Obake just shrugs in the ring as he stands there. His ref shirt has been ripped clean from him. He yells at Smalls, gesturing for the man to step into the ring.))

Smalls: Nice try, but I'm Martin D. Smalls the smartest man in wrestling, not some idiot! Comissioner or not, you will fight the Enforcer next month!

((Obake gets a hold of a mic and speaks into it, growling.))


((The Enforcer suddenly spears Obake taking him totally by surprise! He rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair and rolls back into the ring slamming it down into Obake's skull, adding him to the count of men busted open in the match. The Enforcer then hits Enforcing the Law on the chair.))

Travis: This was the most brutal match in the history of brutal matches!

Eddie: I hate to say it but I agree with you! Obake is down and he looks about out of it as well. Hans, Klaus, Jeff and Draven have not moved since they all destroyed each other. Amy left the ring in tears, this match was nothing more than an all out war!

Martin (heading into the ring and standing over a barely concious Obake): You will fight the Enforcer in the last man standing match! Do I make myself clear?

Eddie: This siutation can only get worse from here!

Travis: The battle may be over but the war has only just begun!

((Camera cuts to Autumn back stage, she left the arena after getting an up date on Kidd's and Black's condissions from a crew man. She made her way to Seph's and Soth's locker room, with something in her hand. After knocking Autumn entered the room, Seph stood seeing her enter and Soth eyed her with a dark stare.))

Seph: What do I owe the pleasure Presindent Lewis?

Autumn: I just received a message from the hosiptal, Kidd is in critical condission. He won't be coming back to wrestle for a long time if at all. So the Light Heavyweight title is awarded to Soth.

((Autumn turns and brings up what he is holding which is the Light Heavyweight title belt. She hands it to Soth who almost has a look of surprise on his face. Camera fades out on the belt.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))