Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the Riverside Centroplex

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The logo fades with the playing of Faint by Linkin Park. Shots of wrestlers getting ready for a match back is seen. Lucien sitting bent over praying, Blood Dragon walking threw a hall, Celtic Hyena showing boxing, and The Tiger standing near the curtain looking out. She turns her head as the music picks up. In ring shots of the wrestlers are seen, B.D. smacking Tiger with a chair, Celtic giving Zac K. a big boot to the face, Lucien knock Matt off the scaffold, and Blood beating Seph with a lead pipe and a kendo stick. The flashing images stop showing Palemon standing up to Beowulf. Beowulf pushes him away, causing Palemon to throw him into the wall. Shots of Palemon beating Beowulf out side the ring and over the guard railing are seen followed by Beowulf getting his revenge back stage. The shots change showing Blood Dragon's shocking return as he jumps Panthro in the middle of a tag match followed by giving Panthro a powerbomb off the top of a steel cage. Panthro is seen stanging on the roof top when Blood Dragon attacks him once again. Blood Dragon holds Panthro who is dangling off the roof top. The clips change to that of the Tiger yelling to Creeper as she is being dragged away by the cops, from there a shot of Tiger interfering in Creepers matches are when. Tiger tries to give Creeper a Click Click Boom but gets beat down before she is finished. Tiger keeps challenge Creeper with him walking away and her attacking every one around him with a chair. Finally Tiger is shown yelling in Creeper face. The song comes to an end more in ring clips of the wrestlers, it shows a relucdent Palemon, an eerie calm Panthro as if ready for death and an enraged Tiger.))

((As Riot comes on the air, cameras set backstage catch a long, sleek, black limo pulling up to the building. Before any speculation can be raised, however, "Only In America" plays on the PA, all monitors moving to the ring, where Autumn Lewis approaching the ring. Autumn steps into the ring, and is handed a mic. Waiting through the crowd's cheers, Autumn appears ready to tell the fans something.))

Eddie: Well, this is a surprise! We're being joined by the HWC President, Autumn Lewis.

Travis: After she fired Martin Smalls, all I want to hear her say is "I quit".

Eddie: She still pays your checks, Travis.

Travis: That doesn't mean I have to like her.

Autumn: HELLO, BATON ROUGE! (The crowd cheers madly.) A few weeks ago, due to his inability to keep, and maintain, order, Martin Smalls was terminated. As I said then, I had a replacement in mind. It just took some doing to get him to come here. So, tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to your new VP, Austin Peremont!

((Metallica's "King Nothing" plays, as a light skinned black man standing at 6'4 and a half, wearing a black leather jacket, a pair of dark blue pants, patent leather shoes, and a white shirt appears, wearing a black "Christy" hat backwards, walks down to the ring with a cocky swagger achieved only by someone with many years of practice. Austin steps through the ropes, grabbing a mic, his face crossed by a happily twisted smirk. Taking a mic, Austin immediately begins speaking.))

Austin: Thank you, Ms. Lewis. A more intelligent, and attractive president there has never been. You should be a model. Yes, hello, fans. Isn't she beautiful? (The crowd cheers) Now, getting down to business, unlike my predecessor, I will not brook uncontrollable problems. Unlike my predecessor, I will not hesitate to suspend, or fire, unruly athletes. And it does not matter who it is. If you're a champion, you are no more safe than anyone else in the HWC.

Autumn: Remember, Austin, I will be here for the rest of the night, so you don't have control just yet. But, if you do a passable job maintaining the peace here tonight, I will leave this in your able hands as I go. . . elsewhere to conduct HWC business.

((Austin smiles broadly, a cheshire cat grin.))

Austin: I won't let you down, Ms. Lewis.

((As the President and VP leave the ring, the cameras move back to the announce position.))

Eddie: Well, we have a new VP, ladies and gentlemen.

Travis: I don't like him. He's got no taste in women. Ms. Lewis? Good looking?! Is he high?

Eddie: Travis, shut up. B.D. will be out here later. Remember what happened last Slaughter?

Travis: I've never wanted to see one man get so beaten in all my life. I hope Celtic Hyena rips him in half.

Standard Match
Kidd Rock vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, first up, we have a match between one half of the HWC Tag Team Champions, and the brother of the reigning HWC World champion, Jarred Dylan, and Kidd Rock.

Travis: After that. . . fool. . .

Eddie: Bear in mind, Travis, he is the VP now.

Travis: That doesn’t mean I have to like him.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 lbs. . . KIDD ROCK!!!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. HE slides in under the bottom rope, then mounts each corner, raising his fists.))

Eddie: Kidd Rock seems ready.

Travis: If he wasn’t, then he should probably just retire. After all the time off, he’d better be ready.

Eddie: Good point.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana-(The crowd cheers madly, bringing a smile to Jean Fortello’s face.) Weighing in at 225 lbs, he is one half of the HWC Tag Team champions, representing the NEW Darkside. . . JARRED DYLAN!!!

((Thick clouds of white fog billow out and engulf the top of the ramp, hiding everything from view. The music plays softly, getting louder and louder until you hear "Well, I won't be the one left behind... You can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind. Tear down the rat-racial slime... You can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind!" The fog dies down, revealing two figures: Jarred Dylan and Eric Taylor. They walk down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. Jarred slides under the bottom rope, Eric taking a place outside the ring with his arms crossed. Despite the obvious temptation to do otherwise, Kidd simply waits for Jarred to step through the ropes, then both men lock up. Kidd gets the upper hand quickly, with a sharp knee to Jarred’s stomach, then a flowing DDT. Kidd gets to his feet, dropping an elbow. Hauling Jarred to his feet, Kidd quickly hits a snap suplex, then floating over, straddling Jarred’s shoulders, and beginning to fire right hands into Jarred’s face. After a few moments, Jarred gets his left arm up, coming across, with his right, in a blow that takes Kidd down. Both men get to their feet quickly, Jarred taking over, catching Kidd with a charging shoulder, to his midsection, only to straighten, and hit Kidd with a spinebuster to the outside of the ring, Jarred only then backing up, to clear the cobwebs from his head.))

Eddie: Already, Kidd’s gone from dominating to being on the receiving end of a no doubt painful move.

Travis: Yeah, but Jarred can’t capitalize.

Eddie: I don’t know about that, Travis.

((Jarred handsprings forward, his feet landing on the top rope, then hitting a springboard rope senton onto the rising Kidd, bearing the both of them to the ground. Jarred slowly begins getting to his feet, getting met by Kidd, firing a right hand to Jarred’s face, then driving Jarred face-first into the guardrail. As Jarred’s head recoils, Kidd grabs him from behind, driving him into the guardrail again, then setting Jarred up for what appears to be a reverse DDT. Instead, of dropping, however, Kidd hits a reverse suplex, sending Jarred groin and stomach-first into the turnbuckle post.))

Eddie: Kidd ratcheting this up a few notches. Makes sense. When you look at Jarred, and see what he and his brother have done, endurance is one of those things that you know he’s got in spades.

Travis: That’s still gotta hurt. I gotta feel for Jarred. But not too much.

Eddie: Bet on Kidd, did you?

Travis: Yep. Got great odds.

((Kidd slides into the ring, to break the count, then sliding back outside the ring, lifting Jarred for a suplex, Kidd’s back to the guardrail. As he attempts to lift Jarred, however, Jarred blocks the move, then lifting Kidd into the air, before dropping him stomach first on the guardrail. After a moment, Kidd gets to his feet, and Jarred bounces off of the guardrail, hitting a hurracanrana, sending Kidd back over the guardrail itself. Jarred jumps back onto the guardrail, and, as Kidd gets to his feet, catches Kidd with a dropkick, sending Kidd rolling backward. Jarred slides into the ring to break the count, and, as Kidd gets to his feet, rushes at the ropes, flipping over the top rope, Kidd moving as soon as Jarred was airborne, causing Jarred to hit the ground hard. Capitalizing, Kidd picks Jarred up, punching him in the stomach, then hitting a droptoehold, sending Jarred facefirst into the edge of the steel steps. Jarred falls to the side, bleeding from a long, thin gash on his forehead now.))

Eddie: Jarred’s been busted open!

Travis: I guess there goes the thought that this is going to be a friendly match.

Eddie: I hear you.

((Kidd gets up, picking Jarred up, hitting a Fisherman’s buster to Jarred, sending Jarred headfirst into the steel steps. Kidd moves around the steps, grabbing Jarred as though for a bulldog, running at the steel steps, then, at the last second, jumping up, and over the steps, Jarred’s knees crashing loudly into the steps. Jarred simply lays on top of the steps, this time. Kidd pulls Jarred off of the steps, draping Jarred facedown over the corner of where the guardrails meet, then sliding into the ring, jumping onto the top turnbuckle.))

Eddie: What is he- He can’t be planning what I think he is.

Travis: What do you think he’s planning?

((Kidd launches himself off of the turnbuckle, for a Shooting star press. Before impact, however, Jarred rolls off of the intersection of guardrails, Kidd hitting the guardrails with all of his speed and weight, falling back, clutching his chest and ribcage, writhing in pain. Jarred gets to a knee, wiping the blood that had fallen into his eyes out of his vision, before grabbing Kidd, and throwing him, in his mind, toward the ring. However, blurred vision causes Kidd to be tossed, headfirst, into the apron. Moving toward Kidd again, Jarred grabs him once more, again trying to throw Kidd into the ring, again simply driving Kidd headfirst into the apron. Frowning slightly, Jarred grabs the hem of his shirt, pulling it up, wiping his eyes with it, then grabbing Kidd, again, and slinging him into the ring, this time not hitting the apron. Jarred slides into the ring, picking Kidd up, hitting a quick samoan driver, then hooking the leg. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Jarred won!

Travis: Good job by blood-face.

Eddie: Remember, Travis, Jarred has beaten you in the ring.

Travis: Bah.

((Jarred gets to his feet, his arm raised in victory, his face a canvas of blood, his hair turned a mild red color, now. Suddenly, the lights flicker, and, when they return to their steady light, Jarred and Kidd are both gone.))

Eddie: The whole disappearing thing was normal for the Dylans, B.D., and The Creeper. But why Kidd?

Travis: B.D.’s going to tear him apart.

Eddie: Ha ha, Travis. Very funny.

Travis: Who was joking?

Standard Match
Zac K vs Sarafan

Eddie: Our next match is going to be an inter-gender match, featuring Zac K. against Sarafan!

Travis: Sarafan's gonna be here! Hot damn! She's a mega-babe!

Eddie: She's also a very talented wrestler, in case you've forgotten!

Travis: Baloney! She's eye candy for the masses!

Eddie: (shaking his head) The depths of your ignorance is truly astounding....

(("Welcome Burden" by Disturbed hits on the PA. Zac K walks out from behind the curtains and stands at the top of the ramp and his fists shoot out of his sides like a crucifix position. and the fans start to boo. While he's standing there his wife/manager Karen Walks out and up to his back and wraps her arms around him and after she does that she lets go and they both walk down the ramp.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall. Accompanied by his wife Karen, from Binghamton, New York, weighing in at 200 pounds, ZAC K.!!!

((Zac slides into the ring and Karen stays on the outside. Zac walks over to the ring rope and Karen climbs up onto the apron and gives Zac a kiss and then she hops down and Zac waits in the ring, and the music fades, replaced by "Queen of the Ryche" by Queensryche. At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, accompanied to the ring by Johnny Cho, from Okinawa, Japan, weighing in at 115 poounds...SARAFAN!!!!

((She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she starts to sprinkle a handful of rice on the mat,but Zac interrupts her pre-match ritual with a high knee in the back! The fans boo as the music fades, and the referee signals for the bell to start the match.))

Eddie: Zac not wasting any time, as he catches Sarafan in the middle of her pre-match ritual!

Travis: Damn smart move, if you ask me!

Eddie: I didn't ask you!

Travis: Well, you should! After all, I AM the Best!

Eddie: In your dreams...Zac whips Sarafan across the ring...catches her ,and Belly to Belly Suplex, and Sarafan lands flat on her back! Zac grabs a foot, but Sarafan kicks him in the face! Sarafan with a leap, and is back on her feet!

((Sarafan faces off with Zac, and the fans cheer for her athleticism. Johnny Cho applauds from ringside, and even Karen looks mildly impressed. They circle now, then meet in the standard collar-and-elbow lockup. Zac, the stronger of the two, gains the advantage with an armlock, then with a twist and a flip takes Sarafan down, and immediately applies a Fugiwara armbar! Sarafan cries out in agony as Zac cinches in the painful hold.))

Eddie: Zac has locked in the very painful Fugiwara Armbar! Sarafan needs to get to the ropes if she has any hope of escaping!

Travis: She's got one hell of a nice ass, though!

Eddie: You never let up, do you?

Travis: Only in my sleep!

Eddie: Sorry I asked....Sarafan, thrashing around, her feet mere inches from the ropes.....Zac trying his best to hold her still, but Sarafan isn't going to just lay there for him...She's so close....aaand...She's got it....but wait a minute! What's Karen doing?!

((Karen comes over and shoves Sarafan's foot off the bottom rope. However, the referee sees her, and immediately starts yelling at her and gesturing towards the back!))

Eddie: It looks as if the referee is ejecting Karen!

Travis: And she's not taking it too well! I think that was a middle finger directed at the ref!

Eddie: But wait a minute, here comes Johnny Cho!

((Johnny Cho comes around behind Karen, locks his arms around her waist, hauls her off her feet, and proceeds to carry her to the back! The crowd cheers as Zac argues vehemently with the referee. Sarafan, taking advantage of the confusion, sneaks up behind Zac, and waits for him to turn. When he finally does, he is met with a thunderous superkick! Zac bounces back against the ropes, Sarafan quickly turns, gets Zac on her back with his chin on her head, and...))

Eddie: TOTAL ENLIGHTENMENT! ZAC IS OUT! Sarafan with the cover...1...2...3!!!SARAFAN WINS IT!!!

Travis: Wow, I gotta hand it to her! She caught Zac off-guard and hit him with everything!

((Sarafan leaps to her feet as "Queen of the Ryche" plays again. Johnny Cho returns to the ring to celebrate the victory with Sarafan.))

((Camera cuts to the Jobber picket line outside in front of the Centroplex. As the jobbers continue to picket, a black 2004 Pontiac GTO suddenly skids to a halt, just a few feet from the picket line, with the rear of the vehicle facing the jobbers. The doors open, and Die Zerstorer climb out, resulting in a few cheers from the fans in the arena. Hans Kuhmann pops the trunk, then both men lift out a large army-style dufflebag, which seems to contain something alive. WIth a heave, Hans & Klaus toss the bag at the feet of the astonished-looking jobbers, and the bag actually emits an audible "OOOFF!" Mystic J is the first to step forward, and he sets his picket sign down and cautiously opens the bag. A limp arm pokes out, and Mystic J jumps back with a yelp. The camera moves in for a better look, and inside the bag is a human form! The rest of the jobbers, overcome by curiousity, move in for a better look. Klaus von Hammer steps forward, grabs the bottom of the bag, and yanks it free of the body, revealing a bloody, battered Jesse Madison!))

Mystic J: Oh my god, it's Jesse!


((Unnoticed, Hans & Klaus have moved back next to the car. Hans climbs in and revs the engine, whuich roars almost like an animal. Klaus pauses, facing the shocked jobbers.))

Klaus: Consider this a warning! The next time you interfere in Die Zerstorer's affairs, you will ALL suffer the same fate!

((Tank the Dwarf & the Cushion lunge forward, but Klaus hops in the car, and Hans floors the gas. Tank hurls his hammer with a yell of rage, but misses, and the GTO goes roaring off into the evening, leaving the raging jobbers to tend to the barely-conscious Jesse.))

Celtic Hyena vs B.D.

Eddie: And now, ladies and gentlemen, we here at the HWC are pleased to bring you a match that's sure to be brutal... A No DQ match between B.D. and Celtic Hyena!

Travis: Those two against each other? Talk about a disaster waiting to happen!

Eddie: I know. Rumor has it Celtic Hyena asked for this match because of what B.D. did to The Tiger, and the constant fighting with Luicen.

Travis: Why in the name of all that's holy would he do that?

Eddie: Travis, sometimes I wonder if you even have one shred of intelligence in your head! The Tiger is Celtic's half-sister!

Travis: I'd feel safer not knowing that, ya know.

Eddie: Well, be that as it may, I see we're going to be joined shortly by the competitors, so let's go to the ring.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a No Disqualification Match and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 260 pounds... B.D.!

((As the music fades in, the lights fade, and the HWC-tron shows a very distinguished looking gentleman, in an elaborate study, his hands resting on his left knee, folded over his right. As the song proceeds, the man's voice cuts in. "Look, I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen." The HWC-tron then fades to black, and two large red dots appear on the Tron, only to flow down, and leave behind two letters made from the red liquid, in B.D. Smoke fills the entranceway and the ring, after a few seconds obscuring both, the lights come back up, the smoke flowing from the ring, showing B.D. waiting, in a low crouch, for the match to start.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From Limerick, Ireland... Weighing in at 335 pounds... Representing Bad News... CELTIC HYENA!

((The arena darkens giving away to a strobe light effect with the start of Somewhere I Belong. On the tron clips of Celtic in training are shown. Just as the music starts to get hard Celtic steps out with Maggie at his side. He takes a moment to stand there and stare hard at his opponent. Before he continues on, Celtic shadow boxes for a moment throwing some mean punches. The strobe light effect gives way to a spotlight that follows Celtic and Maggie all the way to the ring. Maggie stays a few feet away as Celtic gets in and gets right in B.D.'s face. The bell rings and Celtic delivers a big boot to B.D.'s jaw. Now, B.D. being the way he is, he falls back giggling. Celtic stands there with a scowl, then moves in with a thunderous clothesline. B.D. spins around and hits the mat hard. But he gets up right away, still giggling hysterically.))

Eddie: That didn't even faze him!

Travis: I have a feeling Big Irish has his work cut out for him here tonight.

Eddie: I've been meaning to ask... Why do you call him Big Irish?

Travis: Look at him, Eddie! He's 6'5, weighs 335 pounds... And perhaps most importantly...

Eddie: He's from Ireland.

Travis: Exactly. Nobody in their right mind would mess with him.

Eddie: But B.D. isn't in his right mind. He hasn't been for who knows how long.

Travis: That explains it right there.

Eddie: You have a point there.

Travis: Just a bit of logic in the right place at the right time.

Eddie: Speaking of places and times, this is neither the time nor the place for our new Vice President to be.

Travis: Excuse me? You mean that weaselly-faced sycophant is here at ringside?

Eddie: Why do you call him that?

Travis: He has no taste in women! Did you see how he tried to suck up to President Lewis?

Eddie: Are you saying our President isn't beautiful?

Travis: No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying you shouldn't suck up to the boss.

Eddie: This from a man who was rejected by that self-same President when he tried it. Maybe it's because you're the weasel around here?

Travis: No! I just have more brains than that, thank you very much.

((The subject of their conversation, one Austin Pierremont, is standing at the top of the ramp watching the match with an avid gaze. Some of the ladies scream and wave at him, but his eyes are on the ring. B.D. charges Celtic, holding the dented chair he used to hit Tiger on Slaughter. But he has it turned so Celtic can't see the blood on it. Celtic turns and kicks the chair out of his hands. It lands outside the ring and Maggie promptly stands on it. B.D. pouts at her, leaving Celtic plenty of opportunity to get a baseball bat and swing it with all his might. But instead of going across his head, the bat hits B.D. square in the spine. B.D. turns around and pouts at Celtic, then grabs the bat and breaks it over Celtic's head. Celtic hits the mat hard.))

Travis: Big Irish in a world of hurt here...

Eddie: And trouble. Look what B.D. has!

((That insane lunatic B.D. has a fire extinguisher. He lifts it high, then brings it down on Celtic's gut. Then he goes for that bloodied chair. But Maggie's standing on it, so he can't. He pouts again and finds another one. But he doesn't seem too happy with it... He takes it into the ring anyway. But Celtic isn't lying on the mat any more... No, he's standing behind B.D. with a biker chain in his hands! Taking several hefty swings, he wraps it around B.D.'s neck and pulls. B.D. goes down hard, grabbing at the chain around his throat. Celtic winds it around his hands and pulls until B.D. is in the middle of the ring. Then he goes for a cover, still holding the chain. 1... 2... B.D. kicks out and sends Celtic flying across the ring. Celtic bounces off the ropes and meets the kneeling B.D. with another boot to the face. B.D. hits the mat hard and lies completely still. Celtic goes for a cover. 1... 2... Another kickout. Celtic puts his hands on his legs and watches with hard-won patience. B.D. gets up and waffles Celtic with a kendo stick to the throat. Celtic goes down hard, grabbing at his throat and struggling to breathe. Maggie screams at him to relax so he won't have so much trouble. B.D claps his hands over his ears and yells at Maggie to stop screaming. Celtic rolls onto his stomach and sucks in huge lungfuls of air. B.D. tunes Maggie out and drops a big elbow onto Celtic's spine. Celtic doesn't make a sound as B.D. rolls him over for a pin. 1... 2... Celtic shoves him backwards and gets onto his knees. B.D. gets up and, in a rare moment of sanity, hits Celtic with a modified baseball slide. Then he goes for another cover, this time sitting on Celtic's stomach. 1... 2... Celtic heaves and throws B.D. backward. Celtic gets up and immediately goes for that biker chain. He gets it wrapped around his hands, then uses the length between his fists as a collar, effectively choking B.D.))

Eddie: I don't believe this...

Travis: Anything goes, Eddie. And Big Irish certainly knows how to use that biker chain!

((Celtic brings him down to the mat, then goes for a pin. 1... 2... Thr- NO! B.D. somehow managed to get the shoulder up! Celtic slams chain-covered right hands into B.D.'s face, then slams him down for another pin. But B.D. kicks out before a one count.))

Travis: Big Irish seems to be getting frustrated here.

Eddie: I hope he doesn't lose his cool... That could cost him the match.

Travis: I hear ya, Eddie.

((Celtic does indeed seem to be getting frustrated. But he keeps it in check as he goes for another favorite move... B.D. gets up and finds Celtic's hand around his throat, much like The Creeper does to an enemy. He thinks Celtic's playing and smiles. But instead of a laugh, Celtic hoists B.D. into the air and slams him down with incredible authority.))

Eddie: My God, what a chokeslam! The ring shook with the impact!

Travis: I didn't think Big Irish could get that madman off his feet!

((Celtic goes for a cover. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings and Celtic looks around in stunned amazement. The referee lifts his hand to the sky with a smile.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... CELTIC HYENA!

((Celtic looks around and sees Maggie smiling and clapping her hands. He grins and rolls out of the ring. They walk up to the top of the ramp and stop near Austin Pierremont. Austin smiles and extends a hand in congratulations. Celtic shakes Austin's hand with a smile and Maggie nods in acknowledgement. Austin lifts Celtic's hand, then goes backstage. Celtic turns to leave, Maggie by his side, then stops. With his back to the crowd, he puts his right hand in the air. The crowd cheers loudly as they go backstage. B.D. is lying in the ring, counting the lights. The Creeper appears and shakes his head, then the lights die out. When they come back up, the ring is empty.))

Eddie: What a spectacular match!

Travis: Spectacular isn't the word for it! That was... PHENOMENAL!

Eddie: Amen! Coming up, folks, we have the main event that pits the siblings of the men we just saw against each other.

Travis: In other words, The Creeper defends his Hardcore title against The Tiger. Stick around, cause we have a lot more action to come!

Eddie: But we don't take commercial breaks! It's non-stop action here in the HWC!

((On the HWC Tron, a video comes up with "Earlier Today" in the lower right corner. Air Raid, Lurker, Cushion, Mystic J and Tank are walking their picket line at the entrance to the arena, where several fans are waiting to enter. The jobbers hold signs like "HWC Unfair to Jobbers" and "Jobbers Are People Too!" One of the fans, a slender youth in a black trench coat, "Misfits" t-shirt, black bandanna and large dark sunglasses steps forward, his hands in his coat pockets. He looks familiar, somehow, and starts yelling at the jobbers in some foreign accent.

Fan: You jobbers don't know how good you have it!

Mystic J: (stepping near the fan) What do you know? You're just a stupid kid! The Jobbers of the HWC deserve better treatment!

Fan: The jobbers of the HWC suck shit!

((The kid spits at Mystic J, who drops his sign and makes a move at the fan, who seems ready. His hand whips out of his pocket, revealing a stun gun! Before Mystic J can react, the fan zaps him with the device, and Mystic starts to drop, but suddenly a large individual, dressed similarly to the first, barges into the picture and hauls Mystic J over his shoulder! They quickly move through the crowd as the other jobbers finally realize what's going on. By the time they get through the crowd, they see the two men dumping Mystic J into the trunk of a 2004 Pontiac GTO. The smaller of the two slams the trunk shut, then the two remove their obvious disguises. It's Die Zerstorer! The jobbers try to give chase, but Hans & Klaus jump into the car and go roaring away.))

Last Man Standing Back Alley Brawl Match
Panthro vs Blood Dragon

Eddie: Now, we have a match between the crazed little pupil of B.D.’s, Panthro, and the man he attempted to kill, Blood Dragon.

Travis: See, that’s the difference between B.D. and Panthro. If B.D. wanted to kill someone, they’d be about dead.

Eddie: About?

Travis: He’d probably open them up and play with their insides as they died.

Eddie: And, with that disgusting thought, we go to the back, for the back alley brawl.

((Backstage, Blood Dragon is seen walking in the parking garage. As he passes a dumpster, the top of the dumpster erupts upward, Panthro jumping from the dumpster, catching Blood with a spinning wheel kick, before jumping into the air, dropping his leg over Blood’s throat. Panthro gets to his feet abruptly, Blood following him. Blood catches Panthro with a clothesline, before picking him up again, and tossing Panthro headfirst into the dumpster. As Blood goes to pick Panthro up, Panthro reaches up, grabbing the back of Blood’s neck, lurching upward slightly, then dropping entirely horizontal, in a mini-cutter.))

Eddie: Desperation move from Panthro, there.

Travis: Or maybe he’s finally losing his mind. He has been training with B.D., of all people.

Eddie: Good point.

((Panthro kickflips to his feet, walking off, to find a weapon of some sort, returning, shortly, with a long metal pipe. Swinging it at Blood, Panthro attempts to make the match shorter than normal. Blood rolls to the side, the pipe clanging hard against the ground. Getting to his feet, Blood charges Panthro, lifting him up, and slamming him into the dumpster back first. Blood backs up, grabbing the pipe again, and, moving forward, swinging it at Panthro. Panthro jumps up, handspringing into the dumpster, then popping back out, throwing a bag of garbage onto Blood, the pipe ripping the bag open, sending the entire contents of the garbage bag spilling out, onto Blood. Blood scowls, tossing the garbage to either side, and taking a hurracanrana, sending him crashing into the side of the dumpster. Blood gets to his feet quickly, catching Panthro with a shot to the jaw. Grabbing Panthro, Blood tosses him, like a dart, into the dumpster itself, before walking off, returning with two sawhorses. Powerbombing Panthro hard on the concrete, Blood walks off again, returning with a plate glass window, resting it over the two sawhorses, then lifting Panthro, and hitting a hard Implant DDT into the concrete, before leaving again, and returning with a steel chair, which he rests on the plate glass window. Blood moves over to Panthro, locking him in a standing front facelock, then spinning, sending Panthro’s left side crashing into the brick wall, before Panthro drops to the ground.))

Eddie: What is Blood doing?!

Travis: Getting revenge, probably.

Eddie: That’s disturbing, but, given these two men’s past, together, I’m sure it’s probably true.

((Blood walks off, again, returning with another plate glass window, placing it over the chair on the first plate glass window, then picking Panthro up, carrying him to the odd chair sandwich, hoisting Panthro into the air, and powerbombing Panthro into the plate glass window, sending Panthro through the first window, and the second one, the chair placed between them seeing to it that the glass shards rip into Panthro’s back, the impact causing Panthro to recoil, clutching at his back. Blood steps into the wreckage, pressing his boot to Panthro’s cheek. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: OH MY GOD! Blood may have just killed Panthro!

Travis: Good riddance. Now, maybe, he can get rid of the loon.

Eddie: I doubt that.

((EMT’s appear on-screen, tending to Panthro, as Blood, seemingly with not a care in the world, turns and walks off, into the building.))

((Ravin is walking down the hall taping up her right hand, she's focused on the job and isn't looking up. Suddenly her head snaps up and she looks to her left. She sees Tiger standing by the buffet table.))

Ravin: (to herself) So that's her...

((Tiger stands there a moment looking over all the food trying to deside what to eat. That is in till one of the ring crew comes over to the table and grabs the last browie. Tiger watches him stand next to her and take it. Before going he looks up at Tiger and smiles, Tiger doesn't smile back. Instead she pulls up her left hand which is holding her dented up chair and swings at the crew man. The chair connects with is head and he crumbles to the floor. Tiger glares down at him.))


((Ravin strolls over and causally steps over the downed crew member. She looks down at the crew member then at the brownie.))

Ravin: You gonna eat that?

The Tiger: (looks calm again) No not really.

Ravin: Then what was that all about? (pours herself a cup of coffee and picks up the brownie, using a napkin she wipes it off and takes a huge bite) I mean I heard you were fuckin nuts, but now I have the proof.

The Tiger: Lady..... ya have no fucken idea.

Ravin: You are the Tiger right? Then trust me I know. I've seen and heard enough about you to know that you ain't playin with a full deck lady. And if you are all the cards are Jokers. (sips her coffee casually not seeming the least bit intimidated by the chair weilding former champion)

((Tiger turns and faces her, staring her down. With out one word Tiger knocks the coffee cup out of her hands. Ravin stares at the coffee as it spills on the floor.))

Ravin: Coffee tasted like shit anyway. But, you obviously don't know who you're fucking with bitch. Try something like that again and I'll rip your fuckin arm off and shove it so far up your ass you'll have to open your mouth to file your nails.

((Tiger's arm shoots out again, this time grabbing Ravin by the throat perventing her from saying any more. It looks like she readies for a choke slam.))

The Tiger: Shhh... you talk to much......

((Ravin gasps in surprise and then suddenly slaps Tiger's arm away.))

Ravin: Don'!

The Tiger: (looks her over before stepping past) Go home and pop out a few dozen kids. This is no place for the weak.

Ravin: First rule of wrestling, never turn your back on an opponent.

(Ravin charges after Tiger and lowers her shoulder slamming it right between Tigers shoulders sending her staggering a few steps forward. Tiger stops herself short of hitting the wall.)

The Tiger: (looks over her shoulder and growls before swinging her chair at Ravin's head) You just made an ENEMY!

((Ravin puts up a hand and the chair stops a half an inch from her head. Tiger struggles but the chair refuses to move.))

Ravin: Considering who you are and who my brother is, I've been your enemy since day one you psycho. And just in case you didn't know...(points behind Tiger)...he ain't heavy. He's my bother.

(Draven stands behind Tiger grinning down at her.)

Draven: Bad kitty!

The Tiger: (glaces slightly behind her and then grins back at Ravin) Then ya know that yar family can't beat me!

((Tiger lets go of the chair and spins quickly, kicking Draven in the chest hard sending him to the wall. Before Ravin can react Tiger back flips behind her and shoves her forward into Draven. Draven catches his little sister and without warning picks her up and hurls her at Tiger, Ravin stretches her arm out and clotheslines Tiger to the floor. She rolls through and grabs the chair as she rises to her feet.))

Ravin: Normally I'd brain you with this but I think I'll keep it.

The Tiger: (stands ready) Ya think ya've won, but yar wrong. I whiped the floor with yar bro. Ya will be no different

((Tiger reaches up and grabs her chair away from Ravin before turning and walking off.))

Ravin: Hey Tiger!

The Tiger: Go home girl..... yar out of yar leage!

((Ravin flips her hand up and the chair jerks up and hits Tiger in the face. Ravin then walks over to the stunned Tiger and pins her to the floor with her foot on Tiger's throat.))

Ravin: We'll see who's out of who's leage Slaughter!

((Tiger looks up at Ravin and growls.))

Ravin: I'll take that as a yes.

((She takes her foot off Tigers neck and then backs up to Draven. Draven has Tiger's chain wrapped around his fist. He grins at her and then he and Ravin exit through a convinently located door....laughing.))

Ravin's voice: (fading as the door closes) I thought you said she was tough!

The Tiger: (gets to ger feet) First you will see how tough I am.... THEN I'LL TAKE BACK MY CHAIN!

Voice: (from behind her) I doubt it.

The Tiger: (turns) Now what!

((PitBull stands there hands in his pockets leaning against the wall.))

Pit: You just don't get it do you Ani?

The Tiger: No.... but ya will!

((Again with out warning Tiger slams the chair into the head of PitBull this time. Once he crumbles to the floor, Tiger grabs his ankle with her free hand and drags him off.))

Steel Cage Ladder Match for the DisasterPiece Title
Draven Masters (c) vs Lucien Merriuci

Eddie: What a night!

Travis: And we're STILL not done!

Eddie: Not by a long shot, Travis! Right now, the ring technicians are lowering a steel cage and securing it to the ringposts.

Travis: I wonder if the men in this match know what they're getting into.

Eddie: I think they do, Travis. Folks, we're getting set up for a Steel Cage Ladder Match for Draven Masters' DisasterPiece Title.

((The cage is finally secured to the ringposts and someone rattles each side to make sure it won't fall off. The techs nod to Jean Fortello on the outside of the cage and go backstage.))

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a STEEL CAGE LADDER MATCH for the DisasterPiece Title! The only way to win is to get the belt off the loop holding it above the ring. Introducing first, the challenger. From Prague in the Czech Republic... Weighing in at 275 pounds... LUCIEN MERRIUCI!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through the referee with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps through the door into the steel cage.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From Chicago, Illinois... Weighing in at 290 pounds... Representing Bad News... He is the DisasterPiece Champion... He is DRAVEN MASTERS!

(("Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA and Ravin Masters comes out onto the stage and walks to the ramp walking about halfway down and then throws up her hands. A huge blast of pyro goes off on the stage behind her and when it fades, Draven Masters is standing on the stage. He walks to Ravin and the two head to the ring. Draven and his sister reach the ring and she gives him a kiss on the cheek for good luck. He rattles the cage, then gets in with a shrug of misgiving. The belt is already suspended high above the ring and two ladders rest in the corners. The door is shut and locked and the bell rings.))

Eddie: The only way to win this match is to climb a ladder and unhook the belt from that loop holding it above the cage.

Travis: As with all things you see on television, please... Don't try this at home. These men are trained professionals.

((Lucien charges Draven with the intent of great physical harm. Draven simply steps out of the way and Lucien bounces off the ropes. Lucien staggers backward and Draven hits a neckbreaker. Lucien goes down hard, but gets back up almost immediately. Draven blinks, then shrugs and hits the doubled over man with an Axe Kick. Lucien hits the mat again. Draven goes for one of the ladders propped in the corner. Lucien gets to his feet before Draven can place the ladder, so Draven swings the ladder like a baseball bat, nearly decapitating his opponent.))

Eddie: Good Lord! Did you see THAT??

Travis: I sure did! What an impact!

((That was the point, Travis. Draven puts the ladder in the center of the ring and makes sure it's on solid footing. Then he starts to climb up, going for his belt. Lucien gets up and climbs the other side of the ladder.Draven sees him and kicks at him through the rungs of the ladder. But when he does that, something silly happens... He gets his foot stuck! He looks down and starts shaking his foot in irritation, trying to get it loose. He winds up toppling the ladder! He and Lucien go flying into the side of the steel cage. His foot gets unstuck... But his face gets busted wide open. So does Lucien's. But that's beside the point. They wipe the blood out of their eyes and keep going... Lucien gets the ladder set up first and scales it like a monkey. Draven goes up the other side, throwing punches when he gets to Lucien. One of them connects and sends Lucien sprawling on the mat. Draven looks down at him, then continues his climb up the ladder. Lucien reaches up and shakes the ladder, causing Draven to fall off and hit the mat hard enough to rattle the ring.))

Eddie: What a match, folks... Both men have been split wide open and are lying nearly motionless in the ring. All for that shiny belt hanging above the ring.

Travis: These men are giving it their all in hopes of claiming the belt as their own and becoming, or remaining, a champion.

Eddie: This is the kind of talent the HWC possesses... Dedicated men and women giving it everything they've got every time they set foot in that ring. And for that, I salute them. They are the backbone of this company.

Travis: That they are, Eddie... That they are. Look, Draven's the first one up!

((Sure enough, Draven's going back after that ladder. He wants his belt! Lucien groans and drags himself to his feet, then scales the other side of the ladder. They're both so exhausted and sore they have to stop and rest.))

Eddie: You have to wonder how much they have left after falling so far down.

Travis: They have more guts than brains, that's for sure... They won't give up!

Eddie: They're both thinking the same thing, Travis... To give up now is to throw in the towel. Neither man wants to be seen as weak.

((That seems to be the answer right there, Eddie. These men want that title so badly they're willing to do whatever it takes to win. They've both reached the top... From both sides of the ladder, a hand reaches up.))

Eddie: They're both holding the belt! But the question is...

Travis: Who can get it off the loop first and actually hold on to it?

Eddie: Exactly.

((They're both trying to get it open... Draven finally tires of the tug-o-war and pie-faces Lucien off the ladder. Then he opens the belt and claims his prize. The bell rings, ending the match.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner, and STILL HWC DisasterPiece Champion... DRAVEN MASTERS!

((The cage opens and Ravin climbs in to congratulate her brother. Draven ouch'es when she hugs him too tightly, suggesting a few bruises where there weren't any before. Or perhaps a broken rib or two. God only knows... The Masters siblings head up the ramp, Draven limping and cussing a blue streak all the while. Ravin shoulders open the door to the Bad News locker room and they go in to a shower of cheers from the other occupants.))

Eddie: I have to say that was one of the shortest matches we've ever had on a Pay Per View.

Travis: It was kinda short... But they knew what they wanted and how to get it. Poor Lucien... He was so close.

Eddie: That he was, Travis... That he was. But that wasn't his only shot at an HWC title. There are more than that waiting to be challenged for...

Travis: Yeah, like Jeff Wylde's IC title.

Eddie: And Jericho Dylan's World title. Although that one is a ways off.

Travis: As you're so fond of telling me, Eddie... You never know!

Eddie: *laughing* You're right about that one... There's plenty of action to come, so stick around!

Travis: Or else!

Eddie: Yeah, or else you'll miss out on some top-notch entertainment!

((Camera cuts to the back, by the delivery entrance, where an arena maintenance golf cart sits unattended. One of the large overhead doors starts to roll up, and shortly reveals the back of a familiar-looking 2004 GTO, backing into the loading dock. After it stops, the trunk pops, the doors open, and Hans & Klaus climb out. the move to the trunk, which holds something in a burlap bag. They haul the bag out of the trunk and up onto the loading dock. It lands hard, and there is a distinct OOF. Hans & Klaus hop up onto the loading dock, spot the unattended golf cart, and drag their bag over to it. They heft it up into the small cargo space in the rear, then they climb aboard and, with Hans driving, they appear to be heading through the area near the ring!))

Eddie: Hey, it looks like Die Zerstorer are headed to the ring! And we can only speculate as to what's in the bag!

Travis: Hello? McFly? What did we see earlier?

Eddie: (looking a bit shocked) You don't think...?

Travis: Only when they pay me to, Eddie boy!

((By this time, "Seek and Destroy" hits on the PA, and the golf cart comes through the curtain. Hans & Klaus wave to the cheering fans, then finish their drive to the ring. They climb out and heft their burden into the ring, and climb in themselves. They climb the turnbuckles, doing the "Crossed Hammers", then they switch and repeat at the opposite corners. Hans gets a microphone from Jean Fortello as the music fades.))

Eddie: Die Zerstorer are going to speak! This is a first!

Travis: What, they actually speak English?

Eddie: I'll make sure Klaus hears that!

Travis: Never mind!

((Back in the ring, Die Zerstorer are finally ready to speak, and Hans starts. He has a somewhat medium-pitched voice, which is not hindered by his German accent. While Hans speaks, Klaus rolls back outside the ring and is retrieving a table from underneath the ring.))

Hans: Two weeks ago, just as I had finished destroying yet another opponent, I was senselessly attacked by a group of people that we in the world of professional wrestling call "Jobbers!" ((the fans boo, and Hans & Klaus not in agreement.)) That's right, just because they are so jealous that they are not good enough to be part of the upper tier of professionals in the HWC, they felt the need to lash out at someone, and the unfortunately picked yours truly! ((more booing)) That disgusting individual called Tank assaulted me with a sledgehammer! A deadly weapon! A lesser man might have been left laying in a hospital bed, but thanks to the physical training regimen that we use, I was only diagnosed with bruised ribs. ((the fans cheer a bit at this.)) The unfortunate thing I mentioned earlier is the fact that when they attacked me, they were attacking my large friend here as well! ((Klaus nods fervently as the fans cheer again, Hans glares into the camera.)) You jobbers only completed half of the job, which proves your incompetence! And now, to further prove what I am saying, we have something to show you!

((Klaus has by now finished setting up the table. He grabs the bundle, and Hans yanks the bag loose, revealing...))

Eddie: Oh my god, it's Mystic J! And he's a bloody mess!

Travis: Told ya! Didn't I tell ya?

Eddie: Whatever.....wait, I don't think they're finished with him!

((Mystic J struggles feebly, but Klaus ends that with a few stomps. Klaus positions Mystic J, hoists him up, and nails a brutal powerbomb at the same time that Hans executes a neckbreaker, THROUGH THE TABLE, which splinters into dozens of pieces! The fans roar with approval. Klaus picks up the Mic.))

Klaus: This is what happens when you cross Die get DESTROYED!!!

((The fans cheer loudly as "Seek & Destroy hits again. Klaus drops the mic on Mystic as they exit the ring.))

Eddie: Hans & Klaus broke Mystic J in half with the Final Solution through the table!

Travis: This is a message to those lousy jobbers! Don't piss off the Germans!

((The camera pans in on a scene the fans take an immediate disliking to... The jobbers are still on the picket line. Mystic J and Jesse Madison have been taken care of, but they're in no condition to continue the strike. Air Raid is scowling fiercely when he sees a taxi pull up. His face lights in what can only be called an evil grin. He doesn't see the faces of the people heading for the door, but maybe he should have looked...))

Air Raid: There's two more! Let's let these high-falutin HWC types know we're not to be messed with!

Mavrick: I don't know, Air Raid... They look important.

Air Raid: All the better! Now go!

((The jobbers move in for the kill, as it were, Ryan Mavrick hanging back and protesting violently. Tank sneers at him and shouts "Do you want your job back or not?" He does... They all want better careers. But he never thought it would escalate to this! He gets a glimpse of long black hair as the others start throwing punches and gets a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Still he hangs back, not wanting to get involved. He can hear a female voice and realizes they're attacking women! Enough is enough! He runs at them and takes Tank down with a flying tackle. Lurker lifts Ryan up by his belt so Air Raid can see his face.))

Air Raid: Now why'd you go and do that, hm? I thought you were with us.

Mavrick: I have my limits! I don't attack women!

Air Raid: So what? They tried to cross the picket line!

((Lurker drops him and they go back to their protest. Mavrick reaches out with a shaky hand and turns one of them over. When he sees who it is, he pales ominously, then calls for the EMT's. They take the poor women away and Mavrick makes a decision. He looks at the other jobbers and shakes his head, then stalks into the arena. He's looking for Cherisse Novak's office... One of the staffers points him in the right direction. WIth a tip of his hat and a "Thank you right kindly, ma'am", he goes on down the hallway.))

Eddie: Who could the other jobbers have attacked that has Ryan Mavrick in such a tizzy?

Travis: I don't know, Eddie... Your guess is as good as mine. But did I hear him say "I don't attack women!"?

Eddie: Oh, dear God.

((Ryan finds the office he's looking for and knocks. Cherisse opens it and sees him standing there with his hat in his hands.))

Cherisse: Come in, Ryan. You look like you could use a cup of coffee laced with brandy.

Ryan: Thank you, Miss Novak. You see, I have something to tell you... Something you ain't gonna like.

((She moves back so he can go into her office, the camera snapping back to ringside.))

Eddie: This does not sound good for the jobbers...

Travis: I pity Ryan Mavrick. He's going to get the tar beaten out of him for this.

Eddie: He's just trying to do the right thing.

Travis: Exactly. Air Raid won't be too happy when he finds out.

((Not too long after that, Cherisse's door opens and she steps into the hall. A miserable-looking Ryan Mavrick is sitting in her office with a snifter of brandy in one hand.))

Eddie: What could have upset him so much?

Cherisse: Rudy, go to the picket line and find the jobbers. Tell Air Raid I want to see him in my office. Immediately.

Rudy: Yes, Miss Novak.

((Rudy heads for the jobber picket line, hands in his pockets. When he gets there, the first one he sees is The Lurker. Ignoring the silent man, he finds Air Raid.))

Rudy: Air Raid?

Air Raid: Yeah?

Rudy: Commissioner Novak wants to see you in her office immediately.

Air Raid: Really now. That's what we've been waiting for, boys... Hold the line while I go see what she wants.

((He heads for the arena door, Rudy leading the way. He passes several HWC superstars, including Jarred Dylan and Sarafan. Sarafan gives him a dirty look as he passes by. Air Raid knocks on the door to Cherisse's office and waits. The first thing he sees is Ryan Mavrick sitting there.))

Air Raid: What's he doing here?

Cherisse: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Close the door.

((Air Raid, suddenly looking unsure, closes the office door. The camera cuts back to ringside.))

Eddie: That didn't sound as promising as he'd hoped, Travis.

Travis: No, it didn't. You gotta wonder who those women were that he and his men attacked!

Inferno Barbed Wire Career Match
Palemon vs Beowulf

Eddie: This has got to be the most insidious, sick and twisted match the HWC has ever seen, Travis.

Travis: I don't agree with you very often, but in this case, I'm willing to make an exception. Why would Beowulf want to put Palemon through something like this?

Eddie: Revenge, Travis. Beowulf thinks Palemon is getting soft, therefore keeps costing them matches.

Travis: Soft? Palemon?

Eddie: Well, it's either that, or Beowulf wants to get revenge for Palemon stepping in when he tried to assault Jericho's wife Natassja. We've learned that Natassja and Palemon are in some way related.

Travis: You mean that lovely woman Jericho married is part of Palemon's FAMILY?!?

Eddie: That's right, Travis... And Beowulf either doesn't know that, or he doesn't care. All he sees is a beautiful woman he thinks is an object for his attentions.

Travis: I'm going on record here as saying Beowulf better not try to touch Natassja again... She has two men willing to kick his ass for her.

Eddie: Five, Travis. Jericho, Jarred, Michael, Daemon and Palemon.

Travis: Oh yeah. I nearly forgot.

((The ring ropes have been replaced by barbed wire. The barbed wire has been soaked in gasoline, and igniters have been placed on the ring apron on all sides. The referee is wearing special fire-proof clothing. He's also been treated with a special salve to prevent any serious burns. Hovering on the sidelines, in case something goes wrong, is a team of Baton Rouge paramedics. Jean Fortello is outside the ring, not wanting to get anywhere near that barbed wire.))

Jean Fortello: The following match is an Inferno Barbed Wire Career Match, where the loser must leave the HWC forever. Pinfall, submission or Last Man Standing will end the match. Introducing first, from Norway... BEOWULF!

((Beowulf comes to the ring without the benefit of music, but is heralded by raucous boos. He ducks in between two strands of barbed wire and stands in the center of the ring. Jean clears her throat off mic and goes into a fit of coughing. Someone hands her a glass of water so she could moisten her throat. When she's ready, she continues.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... Also from Norway... PALEMON!

((Again, the competitor comes to the ring without music. But instead of boos, the fans cheer him vociferously. He looks around, then smiles hesitantly before stepping cautiously through the barbed wire. Palemon seems unsure, but Beowulf doesn't. Right after the bell rings, he charges in and smashes Palemon with a forearm to the back of the head. Immediately after Palemon stumbles forward, someone hits a switch and the igniters under the barbed wire flare upward, then die down. The barbed wire is burning brightly, but that's all that's on fire. The crowd's startled gasps override the whoosh of the flames as they lick greedily at the gasoline on the barbed wire.))

Eddie: This is insane! Why did Palemon even agree to this?!?

Travis: Pride. He doesn't want to back down. But, to be totally honest here, even if he'd had the chance to turn him down, I don't think he would have.

Eddie: You're right. He was being choked when Beowulf demanded this match... And I hesitate to think about what could happen if either of them touches that barbed wire.

((You don't want to know, Eddie... Really, you don't. After that initial stumble, Palemon is right in Beowulf's face. They're shouting at each other, Beowulf outright accusing Palemon of being soft. The camera zooms in as close as it dares, catching Beowulf's commentary.))

Beowulf: You wouldn't let me have that woman! Such is not the mannerism of the Skaven!

Palemon: You fool! I wouldn't let you touch her even if she wasn't of my blood! That woman you've been lusting after is Jericho Dylan's wife!

((That got Beowulf's attention! He looks at Palemon in something akin to shock, then grins sadistically and shoves his former blood brother back into the burning barbed wire. The fans start to scream, but Palemon simply shrugs it off and charges forward. The camera pans backward to reveal ring monkeys running around and removing the remote igniters from the ring apron. They're highly powerful explosive devices and if one of them goes off, it won't be pretty. Someone comes racing out to help them remove the final igniter, the wires getting caught on the ringpost. The fans can't see anyone's face, but they know it's someone close to the Dylan brothers. If they saw his face, they'd know he was one of the Dylan brothers! Shouted instructions get the wires untangled and the final igniter is removed safely. A quick scan by that unknown helper reveals a can of gasoline left perilously close to the ring. He long-arms it and goes backstage, panting and gasping. Beowulf shoves Palemon backwards, again sending him against that flaming barbed wire. Palemon shrugs it off again, but he's in a bit of discomfort... Getting your back singed will do that to you. He comes out into a thunderous clothesline that knocks him onto his back.))

Eddie: Ooh, ouch!

Travis: For once, I'll agree with you on that! That's gonna leave a mark!

((Truer words were never spoken, Travis... For not only did his back get singed, but it's been cut open by the barbed wire. Beowulf goes for a cover. 1... Palemon throws him backward with authority. Beowulf hits those burning ropes and immediately, the tide has turned. Palemon rises to his feet and wipes a trickle of blood from his lip. He looks at his hand and sneers, then hits Beowulf with a brutal shoulder to the stomach. Beowulf doubles over and gets hit with a foot to the face that sends him onto his back. But Palemon knows better than to go for a cover... He keeps stomping away until the referee tells him to back off. Palemon shrugs one shoulder and backs up.))

Travis: You know, Eddie, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I honestly thought the entire ring area would be on fire.

Eddie: So did I. But it's still brutal all the same. That's barbed wire under those flames!

Travis: I was trying to forget that part.

((Everyone was. But that's not the truly dangerous part... That's still to come. Nobody knows this except Beowulf, though. He truly wants to destroy Palemon... To the point that he would even consider what he's going to do. Palemon watches Beowulf rise to his feet, then pulls a Jericho Dylan and hits him with a thunderous superkick to the chin. Beowulf falls backward, and into those flaming strands of barbed wire. The crowd winces in unison as his skin gets torn to shreds on the barbed wire. He stumbles forward and Palemon floors him with a thunderous clothesline. Spatters of blood hit the mat as Beowulf falls. This time, Palemon does go for a cover. 1... 2... Beowulf barely manages to get the shoulder up. Palemon simply backs off and watches his former ally closely. Beowulf gets to his feet and shoves Palemon back, then hits him with a huge cross-body that sends them both into those burning strands. They get to their feet without having to cut their hands on the barbed wire, but Palemon seems to be limping.))

Eddie: This isn't good... Palemon is limping!

Travis: That's never a good sign around someone like Beowulf!

((How right you are, Travis... How right you are! Beowulf goes right for that injured ankle, intending to twist Palemon's foot right off. But Palemon surprises his adversary by turning the ankle lock submission into a small package pin attempt! 1... 2... Beowulf just barely gets out of it by teetering to the side and getting his shoulder off the mat. Palemon lets go and backs off, favoring that left foot. Beowulf staggers to his feet and glares at Palemon before spearing him into the barbed wire. They fall between the strands and hit the floor hard.))

Eddie: My God! They fell out of the ring!

Travis: That's not good... They have to get back in without touching the barbed wire.

Eddie: You're right... But how can they possibly move after what they've gone through?

Travis: By sheer force of will.

((Spoken arightly, Travis... They find the tiniest gap in the flames and sneak through it back into the ring. Beowulf just followed Palemon, like he did before. Palemon gathers as much energy as he can muster and throws himself on top of Beowulf. 1... 2... A fraction of a second later, and it would have been all over. But Beowulf shoves Palemon away and reveals something he'd been hiding under the ring...))

Eddie: Is that what I think it is?!?

Travis: It is, Eddie. Beowulf somehow got hold of a can of gasoline! If he dumps that on the barbed wire...

Eddie: Oh, dear God. I'm glad the referee is in fire-proof clothing!

Travis: Me too. But the fans nearby aren't! That's who I'm worried about!

Eddie: Good God! He wouldn't!

Travis: I hope not!

((He does. The gasoline gets dumped on the already brightly burning barbed wire and sends the flames shooting another fifteen feet in the air. The fans in front scream and duck down, hoping not to get burned. Palemon stares at Beowulf in shock, then lets out an ear-splitting roar that is heard even above the roaring flames. The referee stays as far away from the ropes as he possibly can. Beowulf smirks and tosses the can out through a gap in the flames, then hits a brutal spear. They're somehow managing to stay away from those twenty foot high flames... What happens next can't be seen, but its outcome is obvious. The bell rings and Jean Fortello waits for someone to extinguish the flames. The fire suddenly dies down, without any warning whatsoever, leaving an unobstructed view. The situation becomes clear to the fans...))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner, by pinfall... PALEMON!

((Palemon rises so he can roll under the barbed wire, but gets tripped up by a sneaky Beowulf. The flames roar up to the sky, then die out completely. Palemon is gone and Beowulf is lying in the ring on his stomach, a steel chair lying on the back of his head. At the top of the ramp is Palemon. He's leaning on someone... Someone very tall and very strong. He's leaning on one of the most powerful men in the HWC...))

Eddie: I can't believe my eyes! Is that who I think it is holding Palemon up?

Travis: It certainly is, Eddie! It's the World Champion, Jericho Dylan!

((Jericho makes a gesture and the ring seems to come alive and swallow Beowulf. Ring monkeys with thick gloves on come down to take down the barbed wire and put up the regular ropes. The camera closest to the top of the ramp zooms in to catch a comment or two.))

Jericho: Are you sure you're all right, Palemon? Your back is a bloody mess!

Palemon: I will heal. But I do seem to need assistance in determining which way I am to go.

Jericho: That doesn't surprise me... I thought you'd had it for sure when Beowulf brought out that gas can!

Palemon: So did I, my boy... So did I.

((They go backstage, leaving the ring crew to undo what was done. There's no sign of Beowulf whatsoever... It's as if he disappeared. And, perhaps, he has. He lost the match, so he can never set foot in an HWC arena again. Not that he'd want to, mind you... They're seen disappearing into the medic's office. The camera cuts back to ringside with Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: I don't think anything else we see tonight can possibly match that.

Travis: Probably not... Then again, I don't think I want it to. You know?

Eddie: I certainly do, Travis... I certainly do.

((The camera pans the backstage area, stopping to highlight Eric Taylor, Johnny Cho and various other HWC superstars as they relax in the back. It's been a hellacious night so far... The camera focuses on the door to Cherisse Novak's office. It swings open, disgorging an irate Air Raid and an absolutely livid Cherisse Novak.))

Air Raid: This ain't over, missy! Not by a long shot!

Cherisse: That's where you're wrong, Air Raid. It's over, as of right now! Get your jobbers and get the hell off the property. If I see you or your cronies anywhere near any HWC event or personnel, you're going to be in so much shit, you won't be able to find your way out!

Air Raid: Is that a threat?!?

Cherisse: *arms crossed* No. It's a Goddamn GUARANTEE! NOW MOVE IT!

((Air Raid, who isn't used to being yelled at, jumps and goes to hit her. His hand is blocked by the open palm of one Jericho Dylan. The fans cheer wildly at seeing a Louisiana boy in the back with fifteen pounds of gold around his waist. Jericho crosses his arms and glares at Air Raid, as if saying "Try me, asswipe!". Air Raid gives in with a grumble and heads to tell his fellows to clear out.))

Cherisse: Thank you, Jericho.

Jericho: No problem. Need an escort somewhere?

Cherisse: *sighing* Yes, actually, I do. I'm heading to the ring... Find Peter for me, would you?

Jericho: That's an easy one... He's right here.

((Cherisse waves for them to follow her. What she has to say isn't going to sit well with anyone in the arena tonight... But it has to be said. And she's going to deal with it. Her way! "Sweet Little Sister" cranks out over the PA and the three of them make their way to the ring. Peter is his usual silent self, watching everything without letting on he's doing so. Cherisse takes the microphone and swallows audibly before lifting it to her lips.))

Cherisse: Earlier tonight, we saw Die Zerstorer exact revenge for being assaulted by Air Raid and his jobber pals. They took care of Jesse Madison and Mystic J. Now while that made the folks in the back happy, it made the jobbers mad. It got them so mad, they decided to take it out on the next person or people to cross the picket line. You saw Ryan Mavrick summon the EMT's and come to my office to tell me what happened. He was heard as saying, and I quote, "I don't attack women!". That tells you something right there. What it doesn't tell you is who those women were. Ryan had to turn them over so he could see how badly they were hurt. He recognized one of them right away...

((She stops here and swallows audibly. Jericho puts a steadying hand on her shoulder and she gives him a grateful smile. Then she goes on, saying what needs to be said.))

Cherisse: Air Raid and his pals are no longer welcome on these premises. The only exception is Ryan Mavrick because he didn't participate in the vicious assault that sent two women to the hospital. He even tried to stop it by tackling Tank the Dwarf. The women they attacked were very important to one of the men in this very ring. The women they attacked were... *hesitating* Nancy and Jessie Blankenship.

((The camera zooms in on Peter's face. He's in total shock! He's not the only one... The entire arena is in an uproar!))

Cherisse: I kicked Air Raid and his goons off the property. But... Peter, I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you like this.

Peter: ...

Eddie: He's speechless!

Travis: I don't blame him either. His wife and daughter were coming in late... They didn't deserve that!

Eddie: You said it, partner... You said it!

Cherisse: I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please let me know.

Peter: There is one thing. I want Air Raid in the ring on Slaughter live from New Orleans!

Cherisse: Jericho? Does that sound fair to you?

Jericho: Sure does, Cherisse. I even have the perfect stipulation to tack on.

Cherisse: Let's hear it.

Jericho: It's really quite simple. If Air Raid pins our esteemed Assistant Commissioner, he and his jobber pals will get full wrestler status. But if Peter pins Air Raid, every single jobber who laid hands on Nancy and Jessie are fired. Sound good to you?

Peter: Sounds good to me. But it's up to Cherisse.

Cherisse: This was brought to my attention... So I'll take any fallout there may be from it... DONE!

Eddie: My God! This is a HUGE opportunity for Air Raid!

Travis: You said it! If he can pin Peter next week on Slaughter live from New Orleans, he and the other jobbers will get what they want! But if Peter pins Air Raid...

Travis: Then Air Raid, Tank the Dwarf, The Cushion and The Lurker are fired. I didn't see Ryan mentioned in there anywhere...

Eddie: He didn't participate. So I assume he's excused from the repercussions.

Cherisse: There's just one more thing... No matter what the outcome, Ryan Mavrick will be offered the chance of a lifetime. That's right... Ryan Mavrick will be given a place on the regular roster as a full-time HWC wrestler! I think he deserves it... After all, he's the one who told me what happened.

Peter: I couldn't agree with you more, Cherisse.

Jericho: I'll even bring him the contract myself in Nawleans!

Eddie: WHOA!

Travis: That's putting it mildly! Regardless of the outcome, Ryan Mavrick will be given a full-time HWC contract, and it'll be hand-delivered by Jericho Dylan in New Orleans next week on Slaughter!

Eddie: What a night this has been so far, folks! We've got more action coming up, so don't go anywhere!

Travis: If you leave for even one second, you'll have missed something!

Eddie: You said it!

Main Event
Hardcore Title Match

The Creeper (c) vs The Tiger

Eddie: Well, now we have the Riot main event, a match between Tiger and The Creeper, for The Creeper’s Hardcore title, something that hasn’t left The Creeper’s hand for over a year.

Travis: If anyone could do it, it’d be Tiger. We have a Hardcore Legend, and a man quickly becoming one himself.

Eddie: You have to wonder if Tiger plans to get revenge for last week, and the attacks suffered at the hands of B.D.

Travis: Hey, you can’t hold anyone accountable for the loon.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall, and is for the HWC Hardcore title. Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs. . . THE TIGER!!!

((King of My World plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters threw the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start. After a moment of standing in the ring alone, Tiger drops outside the ring, grabbing a steel chair, and returning to the ring itself.))

Eddie: Tiger getting a chair, in preparation of her attacks.

Travis: Yeah. I heard somewhere that, if you catch your opponent off-guard at the beginning of the match, you get an easier match

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Hardcore Champion, representing the NEW Darkside. . . THE CREEPER!!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, Tiger already moving as the fires appear, swinging the chair at all four turnbuckles. When the flames die down, The Creeper is nowhere in sight.))

Eddie: Did Tiger kill The Creeper before he appeared, or something?

Travis: I doubt that.

((The HWC Hardcore title drops to the mat from the rafters, Tiger turning to the sound. Behind her, seeming something almost surreal, multiple shadows collect at a point, then surge upward, quickly revealing The Creeper. The Creeper catches Tiger with a forearm shot to the back of the head. Tiger staggers forward, dropping the chair. Turning her around, The Creeper kicks Tiger in the stomach, then hitting a powerbomb into the chair. The Creeper moves to step back, only to find Tiger getting to her feet already, to catch The Creeper with a spear that takes them both to the outside of the ring.))

Eddie: As you can see, we have a new official calling this match.

Travis: That’s a new ref? They all look the same to me.

Eddie: I’m sure they do, but this one is the referee in his first match ever.

Travis: Well, as long as he lets the match go on without getting in the way, I have no problem with him.

((The Creeper and Tiger get to their feet at about the same time, Tiger going for another spear, The Creeper dodging it quickly, Tiger’s momentum carrying her into the steel steps. The Creeper grabs Tiger, pulling her to her feet, then driving her head into the apron, before stepping back, and firing off a kick to her midsection. Tiger backs from the apron, The Creeper grabbing her again. The Creeper straightens, pulling Tiger forward, setting her up for a DDT. Tiger shoves The Creeper back, firing off a Click Click Boom which doesn’t even faze the champ. Another, and then a third, followed by a fourth, and The Creeper falls to a knee. Tiger grabs the top of the steel steps, throwing them at The Creeper, the steps colliding with The Creeper’s face. Tiger smiles, and leaves the ringside area.))

Eddie: Where’s Tiger going?

Travis: There are more weapons in the back.

Eddie: Ah.

((The arena goes dark as the words “ Forever” are whispered across the speakers. Gold lights line the entrance ramp as four guys wearing the head of Anubis, Ma’at, Set and Osiris carrying a golden sarcophagus from Ancient Egypt. They carry the sarcophagus down to ring side, bow and walk away. Creeper gets to his feet, watching the sarcophagus.))

Travis: What in the hell is that thing?

Eddie: It looks like the sarcophagus like Cleo used when she was here.

Travis: You mean my Queen has come back to me?

Eddie: I don’t think so…But who knows?

((Creeper looks down at the sarcophagus, not seeing two figures run through the crowd, and leap over the barriers, and behind The Creeper. As the lights go up, it’s revealed that it is Cleo and Max. Cleo taps Creeper on the shoulder and smiles smacking him dead in the face with a hard slap, as Max kicks him in the midsection letting him hit the ground. Max gets Creeper to his feet, and holds him with arms behind his back.))

Travis: My Queen has come back!

Eddie: This is amazing folks! This is the same woman, who 6 months ago left the HWC confused, and utterly heart broken. Now she’s back, but what is she doing here?

Travis: I’m not sure, but God she’s hot as ever!

((Cleo smiles as the crowd bursts into cheers, as a mic is handed to her.))

Cleo: Your Goddess, and God have returned to you! Hello to all my fans out there! I have met with President Lewis and Max and myself will be signing our contracts after tonight! We have come home!

((The crowd erupts into cheers, as Cleo looks around the arena, and looks back at Creeper with a smirk forming on her lips.))

Cleo: And my dear Creeper, you are but the first to taste the true power of the Pharaoh! But that’s not the reason I came out here tonight! Seph, you came to me, and asked for my help, you wanted me to make a decision and let you know what I’ve chosen! If you’re back there please come out here.

Travis: She’s still in control!

Eddie: That she is! She won’t take no for an answer!

Travis: I know I would never say no to her if she wanted me to bend over and…

Eddie: ENOUGH! That’s all we need to hear Travis!

((“Square Dance” begins to play as Harley walks out. She smiles and waves to the crowd, as a mic is handed to her.))

Travis: My Mob Boss! My little beauty!

Eddie: What’s Harley doing out here?

Travis: I don’t know, but I don’t mind looking at her!

Cleo: What in the hell are you doing out here? I didn’t call you!

Harley: Well Seph isn’t here! He’s gone for the night!

Cleo: Damn you Harley Quinn! You’ll be next!

Harley: Yeah right! I’m sure an ancient broad like yourself could even kick my ass!

Cleo: How dare you! If you don’t watch yourself Quinn, you’ll be mummified!

Harley: Ohhh…I’m really scared! If you think you can beat me, let’s set a match! Anytime anywhere!

Cleo: Fine! It’ll be your blood that is spilled!

((Harley laughs and disappears. Cleo and Max turn to leave, as “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” begins to play, only to find The Creeper standing with a darker than normal look on his face, and a sinister smirk. Giving both only a moment to register he’s even there, The Creeper catches Max with a kick to the midsection. After a moment to glare purposefully at Cleo, The Creeper lifts Max almost to vertical, before spinning and dropping.))

Eddie: You heard it here folks, Harley has thrown out a challenge to Cleo!

Travis: She truly is a beauty! And I know my little Queen could take out Harley without any hassle!

Eddie: She’s a beautiful woman, but a deadly one. But does Harley know what she’s getting into?

Travis: I don’t think she does!

Eddie: Max has just been hit with The Creeper’s new finisher, The King’s Wrath, a move that, reportedly, was created as the last thing that Sephiroth asked him for when he died.

Travis: Then what the hell is Sephiroth so worked up about?

((The Bell rings, Cleo dropping out of the ring, and exiting via the crowd.))

Eddie: What the-?

Travis: I dunno.

Jean Fortello: This match has been thrown out, by virtue of Tiger walking out, as well as the outside interference of Cleo and Max.

Eddie: What the hell?!

Travis: In a Hardcore Match?! What is this guy, new?

Eddie: Yes.

((The Creeper grabs the chair from where it fell in the ring, earlier, sets it up, and then moves to Max, setting him up for a powerbomb behind the chair. As The Creeper hauls Max into the air, he turns, to face the back of the chair, and then drops Max in the Death Rattle, the upper part of the chair driven into the small of Max’s back. As Max recoils, falling to the side, The Creeper grabs the chair, a glow spreading throughout the chair rapidly. As the chair glows, The Creeper slams it down onto Max’s face, the impact barely audible, but both the hiss and Max’s scream are far from inaudible.))

Austin: HEY! HEY, dammit! That’s enough!

((The Creeper turns slightly, looking at Austin, on the stage.))

Austin: You have gotten your revenge! Now leave him alone, before you kill him!

((The Creeper smiles darkly, speaking, without a mic, his voice easily heard.))

Creeper: That’s my intention.

((Austin blinks, wide-eyed, then shakes his head.))

Austin: Well. . . I don’t care! Leave him alone! Leave him alone, or I’ll award Tiger the victory!

((The Creeper simply looks at Austin, before throwing the chair down, onto Max’s burned face, then taking his title, and walking out of the ring. As he passes Austin, he leans close, the mic catching his words.))

Creeper: Any time you think you’re big enough, little man, give it a shot. Unlike everyone else, I’m not just limited to making your waking hours hell. I can make every moment of your life a hellish eternity.

((The Creeper walks backstage.))

Austin(Quietly): Is he gone? Yeah? (Louder) You don’t scare me, Creeper!

((No sooner are the words out of Austin’s mouth as The Creeper appears on the HWC-tron behind him.))

Creeper: You should be scared, Austin. You’re either scared, or dead. Pick one.

((The Creeper’s face disappears from the screen, Austin walking backstage quickly.))

Eddie: Well, ladies and gentlemen, this. . . odd match was our last match for the night, and as such, we’ll see you at Slaughter!

((The cameras zoom in on Max’s face, as the cameras fade from Riot.))

(Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corporation))