Mind Games
Honolulu, Hawaii at the Aloha Stadium

((Camera fades in on the words, "Three weeks ago....." appearing on the sceen in white showing an over head look of the arena, the cuts to the 6 man tag match.))

Eddie: Welmcome everyone to Slaughter live.......Dozer, Ace and Smalls have been destroyed!

((Obake, Chaotica, and Tiger stand over their thoroughly beaten oponnents. The arena lighst go out leaving everyone in total darkness. And eerie distorted laugh is heard but no one has a clue where it is coming from. A light comes from aroudn the HWC-Tron as it comes alive, an out line of a man in some room is all that anyone can see. The laugh continues on then stops suddenly followed but a long silents. When the voice is heard again it is deep and destorted.))

Man: The HWC is in the palm of my hand as I speak......I have the belt Autumn seeks but I am not going to give it back just yet. I have plans for it and some demands that need to be met first. Once they are met and only then I will personaly hand the belt over to its rightfull holder.......... a more simpler tourny needs to be put in action starting next Slaughter. Four, four way matches..... two every slaughter leading up to the PPV....... And when the finally pin fall happens...1......2......3. I will hand over the belt crowning the very first New HWC World Champion. If you ignore my demans I promise you seach all you want but you will never see the belt. I will be watching.........

((Camera fades out on that and back in on back stage........Smack comes up from behind and clocks Jag in the back of the head with the IC belt......Smack begins to kick Jag in the face and rips.....Smack looks both ways then grabs Jag by an arm and dargs him off before found.... Camera cuts to a clip of an angry Jag.))

Jaguar: As for Smack, you little bitch, don't think that you are safe, you attacked me, and quite frankly that pissed me off. But I'll deal with you at the PPV.

((Camera goes back to back stage after Jag is draged off......Shurging Amy picks it up and throws it over her sholder. She grins to her self and walks off like she has just won the IC Title......Looking down at her feet, she turns sharply and walks down the corridor. But it wasn't a wall she suddenly bumps into. It was Neurosis.......))

Amy: Jesus christ, Lurch...wanna mind looking out where you're going?.......since you don't seem to understand words, here's two simple ones for you: MOVE IT!....... Fucking retard

((Slowly he walks off in the opposite direction. We hear his voice slightly audible for the camera.))

Neurosis: ...what a bitch...

((Cutting to after Amy's first match. Stepping from the back with a smirk on his face and claping softly comes Victor Black.))

Black: Last week I happen to see that Amy took the IC belt with out winning a match for it. I'm afraid your actions cant go unpunished. You will earn that belt like any other. And I think a fitting oppoent would be....... him.

((Steping from behind comes Neurosis. He tops next to Black at the top of the ramp and raise the mic to speak.))

Neurosis: You called me Lurch and you called me a retard. Well there's one thing this retarded Lurch knows...... and that is...... That belt will look so good around my waist. And your body will look so good....... BROKEN AND BLEEDING BEHEATH MY BOOT!

((After fading out on Neurosis and Black walking away the camera cuts to Spider and Brett's Hardcore Match...... Jusrt as Spider regains his composure, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens runs out, carrying a monkey wrench. Spider reaches to grab Brett, but the Dragon steps behind him and cracks him HARD across the back of the head! Spider's eyes go blank, then, slowly, he falls, FACE FIRST ON THE GLASS!!!))

EDDIE: SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! A Bruiser Bomb on the glass-covered floor! Spider has had it!

((Brett and the Dragon both pick Spider up. Spider is out on his feet, but Brett grabs Spider's head and places it between his knees. The Dragon heads towards the back as Brett makes the academic cover for the 1-2-3...... The scene fades as the paramedics attend to Spider.))

((The HWC Logo fades in,. then fades to a short video package with dramatic music showing Smalls hitting Tiger in the throat with the chair, Brett Bruiser nailing the Bruiser Bomb on Spider all over broken glass, Cade Donovan and Soulveyer brutalizing each other, Amy stealing the Interconintental Belt, "Sweet"Steve LaSalle landing on top of Travis Best, Kidd Rock nailing Obake with the Shooting Star Press, then the screen fades to a four-way split screen of Ace, Maxx, Tiger and Kidd, and the words "It's All In Your Mind..." drifts across the screen, then fades to black. Fade in on the inside of Aloha Stadium, with thousands of screaming fans. The pyro goes off to the accompaniment of Linkin Park's "Points of Authority", and the Mind Games logo comes up. The camera then switches to Eddie and Travis, who are both dresed in hawaiian shirts.))

Eddie: Aloha, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to HWC Mind Games, live from Aloha Stadium in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii! I'm Eddie Daniels, and with me as usual, the Garth to my Wayne, Travis Best!

Travis: Nice try, Daniels! But I'm not going to let you bug me tonight! I'm having too much fun here in paradise! This is gonna be an awesome event tonight! I'm stoked! Television Title Match- Mike "The Dragon" Stevens VS The Spider

TV Title Match Spider VS Mike "The Dragon" Stevens

(("The Fight Song, SlipKnot Remix" hits on the PA. Lights go out and the voices speak the flash to the beat and the ramp catches on fire leaving only a trail to walk down. Tyberius Spider appears, and makes his way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans.))

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, this opening match of HWC Mind Games is for the HWC Television Title! Making hisway to the ring, from tampa, Florida, weighing 375 pounds, The Spider!!!

Eddie: This should be an excellent opening match. there has been a lot of bad blood between these two, if you'll pardon the expression.

Travis: Ha ha! Baad Blood! That was a good one, Eddie....NOT! Fat boy there is gonna get his ass haned to him by the Dragon!

(("Masato Tanaka's Old ECW Theme" plays on the PA. The Dragon appears at the entrance, his eyes locked on Spider.))

Announcer: His oponnent, from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing 25 pounds, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens!

((The Dragon is greeted by a chorus of boo's from the fans. The theme plays as Stevens makes his way down the isle. He walks slowly as he stares down at his opponent. From the time he appears from the back to the time he reaches the ring, he never takes his eyes off them. He slowly climbs the ring steps and gets in the ring. Spider immediately goes for him, hitting him between the shoulders with a double axe handle as the referee signals for the bell, starting the match.))

Eddie: Spider not wasting any time here, looking for the early advantage over the quicker Dragon.

Travis: Quicker? My dead grandmother is quicker than that lard ass! KICK HIS ASS, DRAGON!

((Spider whips Dragon into the ropes and attempts a clothesline, but Dragon ducks, hits the opposite ropes, and hits a Thesz press, followed with a series of punches. He rolls off, and Dragon gets to his feet only a moment before Spider. Dragon goes for a scoop slam, but Spider instead hooks Dragon up and nails a stiff DDT.))

Travis: Oh, come on! Get up, Dragon! Don't let the world's bigest Goth kick your ass!

Eddie: Dragon getting shakily to his feet...Spider hits the ropes....BIG boot by Spider! Staggers back and leans against the ropes...Spider with a clothesline, and BOTH men fall to the outside! This is turning into one hell of an opening match!

((Dragon lands in a heap on the floor, as Spider stumbles into the security railing. The referee comes over and begins the 10-count. Dragon pulls himself to his feet and kicks Spider in the back of the leg, and the big man goes to one knee. Dragon grabs him from behind and starts grinding his face into the railing, as the fans at ringside , then turns to roll back into the ring as the referee counts six. Spider, holding his face, staggers blindly to the ring, and Dragon reaches over, grabs him by the hair and hauls him in over the top rope.))

Eddie: Wow! Dragon is showing just how vicious he can be! It's starting to look bad for Spider!

Travis: See? I told you that the Pilsbury Goth Boy didn't stand a chance! BREAK HIS NECK DRAGON!

Eddie: Have I told you lately what a sick individual you are?

Travis: Gee, I was beginning to think that you didn't like me, Daniels!

Eddie: That's the point, Best....I DON"T...Dragon stands Spider in the corner...Big time spin kick! Spider collapses in the corner! This could be it for the big man!

((Dragon starts to pick Spider up again, but Spider suddenly explodes out of the corner with a HARD clothesline...Dragon flips halfway across the ring, and Spider immediately picks him up again.))

Travis: Oh no! I don't like the looks of this!

Eddie: Spider with his secondwind now....Whip into the ropes...CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! The fans are starting to get behind the big man now...He's signaling for the Spider's Web! This could do it!

Travis: ((groans)) No, not like this! Don't let it end like this!

((Spider turns Dragon over and slaps on his version of a camel clutch, which he calls the Spider's Web, and Dragon screams with pain as the big man sits back on him. Dragon reaches futilely for the ropes, unable to move the huge mass on his back. Spider leans back eurther, stretching Dragon's back and legs, and Dragon is left with no choice but to tap out, adn the referee calls for the bell, to the cheers of the fans.))

Announcer: The winner, and NEW HWC Television Champion, The Spider!!!

Travis: ((puts his face in his hands)) I don't believe this! I just don't believe this!

Eddie: Spider is the Television champion! What an opening match!

Travis: ((groaning, his face still in his hands)) I should have known it would be like this! I never get to have any fun!

((camera cuts to nice room set up with a couch and a chair designed for interviews. Back behind the cough is a small palm tree.))

Chris Murphy: Ladies and gentlemen I am joined today, by what can be considered the most cohesive unit in the HWC today. Of course I am talking about The OultawZ. Made up of The Ace Of Spades and Maxx Imum, who are involved in the world title match, and Viper who is in a last man standing match, these 3 men, are a big part of tonight's Pay-Per-View. And how are we doing tonight gentlemen?

Viper: I'm all hot and bothered. I need to take a shower with my manager.

Ace: I'm all that and a bag of chip C.M.

Maxx: Narf.

Ace: He just said narf. He said narf on live T.V.

Viper: He hasn't said much else since he lost Steady Fender.

Chris Murphy: Such a great competitor too. Well Maxx, maybe you'd have something you would like to say about your match.

Maxx: I will say something about my match Christopher. I will say that I will wrestle in it for Steady Fender. I will show Steady Fender that I am great. And then Steady Fender will come back to me. Yes, that is what I'll do Christopher. I will do that. Everything I do, Steady, I do it for you.

Chris Murphy: How about you Viper?

Viper: How about me?

Chris Murphy: Do you have anything to say?

Viper: About what?

Chris Murphy: About your match?

Viper: I'm going to win.

Chris Murphy: Anything else? I'm going to win isn't much on an interview.

Viper: "Hollywood" Johnny Rave is going down to Viper Town. My overseas training will get the better of him. And Johnny Rave I'll tell you this: Asian Chicks ROCK!!!

Chris Murphy: And Even though I'm almost afraid to ask this, Ace do you have anything you would like to say?

Ace: And Even though I'm almost afraid to ask this, Ace do you have anything you would like to say?

Chris Murphy: What?

Ace: What?

Chris Murphy: Stop that!!

Ace: Stop that!!

Chris Murphy: The Ace Of Spades is going to lose his match tonight.

Ace: Aren't you guys supposed to be neutral? Talk about disrespecting the staff…sheesh. Chris Murphy: One last time, do you have anything to say about your match?

Ace: Yes, yes I do. I am going to win my match. And I will be the HWC World Heavyweight Champion. And there isn't a damn person in the world, or any other, that is going to stop me. And this interview Chris Murphy is over.

Chris Murphy: You were never this rude before. Who do you think you are? You can't just end an interview.

Ace: Actually I can, we still have a Pay-Per-View to run, and we weren't granted any more time for the interview. I know, it sucks, but who are we to argue with the higher-ups?

Chris Murphy: Well in that case, Viper, Maxx and Ace, thanks for your time, and good luck in your matches tonight.

Last Man Standing Match Viper VS "Hollywood" Johnny Rave

Eddie: This match is an interesting one, Travis. It's two old favorets pitted against one another, but they seem to be late getting to the ring.

Travis: You're right, for once. Let's send a camera to find out what's going on back there.

((The camera heads backstage and finds Viper standing there with a confused look on his face. Someone taps him on the shoulder and points to a fellow standing by the camera.))

Viper: "Hey, where's Rave?"

Man: "Dunno. Haven't seen him yet."

(("Hollywood" Johnny Rave doesn't bother showing up... Instead Autumn Lewis finds a note taped to her door. It says he's not coming in till the next Slaughter after Mind Games. She can't believe this! So she finds Viper in the back.))

Autumn: "Viper, he isn't coming. He decided not to show up until next week at Slaughter. You win by default."

((Viper doesn't look very pleased, but shrugs and heads back to his locker room.))

Eddie: "I don't like the way Rave's career is starting out here..."

Travis: "If he doesn't shape up, he'll be shipped out."

((Eddie just nods with a sigh as the camera cuts out to somewhere else. We find our resident Mobster sitting in his locker room with Natassja in a very passionate embrace. He sits back abruptly and looks around rather frantically. She has to catch his face in her hands to make him look at her.))

Natassja: "What's wrong?"

Jericho: "Where'd you put the videotape?"

Natassja: "It is in your duffel bag. I put it there this afternoon."

Jericho: "I don't see it, babe. Maybe you put it in yours?"

Natassja: "It is possible. They are the same color."

((There's a bit of a shuffle as they look for the videotape, rifling both duffel bags. When it becomes obvious that they can't find it, Jericho panics. He grabs his head in both hands, slicking his hair back.))

Jericho: "Where the hell is it?"

Natassja: "I forgot to mention it earlier, but I saw an odious little man looking around in here before you arrived."

Jericho: "What did he look like?"

((Her voice is halting and hesitant at first, then gets stronger as she describes a man Jericho's already met. A shrewd businessman with a talent for manipulating people... A man who owns the Tiger... His name explodes like an epithet.))


Natassja: "He works here, yes?"

Jericho: "Yes. He controls the lady wrestler known as the Tiger. He humiliated her by putting her in a dog collar. Now I'm not one to badmouth a businessman like that, but in his case I'm prepared to make a very big exception."

Natassja: "A man who puts a dog collar on a lady? He is not a man. He is a filthy jerk."

Jericho: "You know something, you're right. He isn't a man. He's nothing more than a dirty little weasel."

Natassja: "So go get the tape back."

Jericho: "You know, I think I will."

((He kisses her goodbye and sets out to retrieve his property. Namely one very explicit videotape. If he doesn't get it back, Immigration will know she's more than his accountant. And if they find that out, she'll have to go back home. And he doesn't want that. He's come to care for her very much in the short time she's been here. He took her in when it became apparent she wasn't very good at waitressing. Her math was better than the others', but the pay was very poor. He'd seen her get yelled at for dropping a plate and felt something other than hate or contempt. He'd felt compassion. He knew what it was, but had never felt it for himself until that moment. She'd gone to sit alone and he'd taken his plate with him when he joined her. They'd spoken for quite a while and he'd found out she was an accounts manager for the Swiss Banks. She had a Master's Degree in Accounting... When he'd found that out, he'd promptly offered her a job as his personal accountant. He'd called Immigration and told them he'd hired Natassja as his accountant until she could become an American citizen. There had been no censure in the spokesperson's voice when she'd found out who he was. His mind brings him back to the present, and a future that could very well be bleak and empty. He has to get that tape! His stride gets longer as he storms towards the main area so he can find Martin Smalls and get his tape back.))

Jericho *muttering to himself*: "Smalls, you bastard... If she hadn't noticed you, you'd have gotten off scot free."

((Smalls sits behind his desk, his feet up on the desk provided to him by HWC, a cell phone pressed to his ear, and his bodyguard Draven Masters a few steps to his left standing with his arms crossed like a giant statue ready to ward off trouble. Martin continues to talk but suddenly the door is kicked open and Jericho Dylan barges in, a look of anger on his face that could peel the paint off the walls.))

Dylan: Smalls! The Tape! NOW! I'm only going to ask once!

((Martin chuckles into his cell phone.))

Smalls: Something just came up Kim…I'll call you back babe.

((Placing the cell down on his desk, Martin glares up at Jericho. Draven, however, does not move a muscle, his eyes follow the intruder but he remains rock steady.))

Smalls: Mr. Dylan, what a pleasant surprise…can I offer you something? A beer? A soda? A nice tall glass of sit down and shut the hell up?

((Jericho snaps, lunging forward he moves to wrap his hands around Smalls' throat but before he can get even close to the small man Draven's hand flashes out and wraps itself around Jericho's wrist, with a painful twist Draven wrenches the arm up behind Jericho's back and slams him down on the desk, Smalls chuckles and leans down))

Smalls: Barging into my office is one thing…but threatening physical abuse upon me…well Draven doesn't like that, because he's my body guard see? He's paid to make sure when ignorant people like you get an idea in their heads to hurt me you don't follow through…Now lets discuss business Mr. Dylan.

Smalls: Since this doesn't appear to be a social call I take it you're here about your little amateur video stint…Payne was a frigging moron to set up that video camera in your room but you know what? What appeared to be a hopeless plan actually turned out into something decent… You see, I know your little blond servant means a great dealt to you…I also know you'd do anything… anything to keep her here in the good ol US of A wouldn't you?

((Smalls motions for Draven to release the hold. Jericho leans up and rubs his shoulder, his eyes flashing with anger… But it's controlled anger.))

Jericho: Who the HELL do you think you are…

((Smalls holds up a finger and cuts him off))

Smalls: You know what your problem is, Dylan? You don't know your betters. I don't care who your father was, and I don't give a flying shit who your grandfather was… In this business, you, your father, your grandfather and your little "companion" don't mean shit to me! You chose wrestling to hide from your past… and guess what? I know a great deal of your dirty little secrets Jericho, and so do a select group of people. So if you get it in your head to bump me off or be "Disagreeable" I can brings the feds down on your ass faster than Ex Vice-President Beach's reputation went down the shitter.

((Jericho remains silent, fixing Smalls with a glare.))

Smalls: On the other hand… I can use you, Jericho. Men of your talent, especially in a place like this, are hard to come by. I mean, look at the contenders for the world title… Do you know how sick it makes me to see those worthless wastes of air fighting for that gold strap? It's like throwing a scrap of food into the middle of a bunch of starving hoboes and watching them put up a pathetic display for the scraps. Payne doesn't deserve to be there either. He's screwed up every chance I've given him thus far and I'm about sick of giving him chances!

Smalls: Do you know who I want to see with the title around his waist? I want to see YOU, Jericho. I want to see the Soulveyer carrying that gold strap! And deep down, I know you want to see that happen as well. Now here's the deal…With Martin Smalls you get two chances. You refuse my first offer and your "Tape" will be number one on the Immigrations box office. Your little "friend" will be shipped off back to her little island where she belongs out in the cold snow of the Arctic.

((Jericho moves forward again. Draven holds up a hand and shakes a finger as if lecturing a child. He cracks his knuckles as if welcoming a fight. Smalls smiles and continues))

Smalls: Now, now…settle down. That's what happens if you refuse my first offer. If you refuse my offer a second time I'm not going to bother asking you a third. You'll be behind bars and most likely a jailhouse shower toy for the rest of your life. You know how those poor men get when they can't get any "Lovin" just look at Pitbull…the man's so uptight he could shit bricks whole and make a house!

Smalls: Now…I want to forget you ever set foot in my office. So what you're going to do is leave. I will hear from you no later than a week from this very day about an answer to my proposal. I offer that you take my advice and say yes the first time. That's a gorgeous piece of ass you got yourself there Jericho.

((Enraged, Jericho turns and storms out of the office, slamming the door behind him. Smalls picks up the cell phone and dials a number as if nothing had happened.))

Travis: Whoa you see that Eddie. Maybe Smalls will let me have a look at that tape before it gives it to Immigration.

Eddie: Smalls is a sick twisted soul black mailing Jericho to be another one of this lackies!

Travis: I wouldn't mind working for Smalls.

HWC Hardcore Title Match Brett "The Diamond" Bruiser(c) VS Soulveyer

Eddie: Ladies and gentleman welcome back to Mind Games! The HWC's FIRST ppv since its return!

Travis: And up next is a match that personally I've been looking forward to ever since Brett Issued the challenge

Eddie: No doubt because of the…

Travis: Blood!

Eddie: and the potential of…

Travis: Career ending injuries and broken bones!

Eddie: Would you stop interrupting me I'm trying to…

Travis: Call the show?

Eddie: Yes! Now if you don't mind letting me…

Travis: Do your job? (Smiles as he's enjoying himself)

Eddie: (Looking annoyed) You're an….

Travis: Amazing broadcast partner?

Eddie: An asshole

Travis: …

Eddie: As I was beginning to say Tonight's match is for The Hardcore championship Title and will pit our current Hardcore Champ Brett "The Diamond" Bruiser against one of the HWC's newest Rookies who gave his all last week in a brutal Hardcore match against Cade Donovan…Jericho Dylan!

Travis: Rumor has it Cade has asked for a leave of absence to recuperate from various injuries suffered during his match last week…and frankly I don't blame him, that match saw him drop head first through a table and makes me think…Brett Bruiser is coming here Hardcore Champ…but can he stand up to Jericho's onslaught?

Eddie: If Jericho is indeed on par with his performance last week the Brett may have his hands full here

((The lights begin to slowly fade, the fans go from murmuring to silence waiting to see who will appear from behind the curtain, the lights begin to flash red and "Circles" by "Incubus" begins to play over the speakers…The Hardcore Champ himself appears from behind the curtain! The crowd erupts in cheers as the Champ makes his way down the ramp, a steel chair in hand and a large black bag in the other))

Travis: Brett "The Diamond" Bruiser with the tools of his trade…but what's in the bag?

Eddie: If I know anything about Brett then I'm pretty sure we'll eventually…

Travis: Find out?

Eddie: Don't start that again!

((Brett tosses the chair into the ring and sets the black bag down by the steel steps, without waiting for his opponent he bends down and begins to slide a table out from underneath the ring, once he gets one out he reaches in and begins to pull out another table))

((Suddenly "The God that Failed" by Metallica begins to play over the speakers, Brett looks up from his work at the ramp but there's no sign of Jericho))

Travis: Maybe Jericho decided to back out at the last minute?

Eddie: He wouldn't…wait look!

((Brett returns to pulling the second table out, but as he turns Jericho hops the crowd barrier with a kendo stick in hand, charging the oblivious Hardcore Champ he swings the kendo stick slamming Brett in the small of the back, Brett cries out and grabs his back in surprise and pain))

Travis: Sneak attack! Jericho getting a little payback for last week!

((Jericho pummels the Hardcore champ with the kendo stick…blows rain down striking Brett's back, head, and kidneys, Jericho raises the stick over his head and with a tremendous swing brings it down over Bretts head the force of the blow snaps the stick in half, the crowd goes nuts as Brett falls to the canvas busted open. Tossing the ruined weapon aside Jericho picks up the fallen champ and rolls him into the ring, reaching under the ring apron he pulls out a trash can and tosses it into the ring, tossing another chair and a fire extinguisher in he quickly follows, but to his surprise Brett is already to his feet and meets him with a boot to the gut following up by planting him into the mat with a ddt!))

Eddie: Jericho is learning first hand how adept our champ is to the realm of Hardcore!

Travis: Did you see the look on his face when he saw Brett was standing? Jericho looked like he'd seen a ghost!

((Brett gets to his feet and sways momentarily on his feet, grabbing the ropes for support he shakes of his daze as Jericho gets to his feet, he charges Jericho with a clothesline but Jericho ducks, Brett bounces off the ropes only to be met by Jericho who launches him into the air with a back body drop! Brett flies through the air and lands hard on his back, his hands again fly to his back in pain))

Eddie: Jericho is doing a number on the Back of our hardcore champ…if he's smart he'll continue to work on it

((Not wasting any time Jericho picks Brett up by the hair and takes him back down to the mat with a Swinging neck breaker, with momentum on his side Jericho picks Brett up and whips him into the ropes, but to his surprise Brett reverses and whips Jericho into the corner! Brett bends down and picks up the fire extinguisher…as Jericho shakes out the cobwebs and gets out of the corner he's met by a blast of Smokey white powder from the Fire Extinguisher! Jericho grabs his eyes in pain and stumbles around trying to rub his eyes. Brett swings the fire extinguisher and connects with Jericho's ribs, Jericho grabs his ribs and hits the mat))

Travis: If Jericho thought he had sore ribs last week wait till he's done with Brett!

((Brett brings the extinguisher down on Jericho's back once…twice…three times, tossing it aside he lifts Jericho up by the hair, picking him up he hefts him up in the air and holds him up in an impressive display of strength before sending him crashing back to the mat in a gorilla press slam! But to everyone's surprise rather then continue to press the attack Brett slides out of the ring and begins to set up the table on the outside))

Eddie: Where's he going?

Travis: I think Brett has a plan…

Eddie: But look Jericho is back to his feet! What heart shown by this young man!

((Jericho gets to his feet, he see's Brett setting up the table, throwing himself into the ropes he races across the ring and vaults himself over the top ropes, he soars over the table and nails Brett with a cross body block! The crowd cheers his efforts as Brett goes down; the ref slides out of the ring as Jericho attempts a cover))

Travis: One…Two…No Brett got the shoulder up!

((Jericho curses and gets up, rather then press the attack he rummages under the ring and comes out with a stop sign, as Brett gets to his knee's Jericho charges and slams the stop sign over Bretts head, Brett slumps to the mat but to Jericho's surprise his head snaps right back up in a hateful glare directed at the young rookie! Jericho smashes the sign down on Brett's head again! Again the head slumps but then snaps right back up in a menacing glare directed at Jericho, Jericho now looking surprised raises the now dented sign over his head for another crushing blow! But Brett's fist lashes out and connects with a vicious low blow! Jericho drops like a ton of bricks to the floor))

Eddie: Oh my god! Did you see Brett shake off those blows like nothing?

Travis: Forget that man…I feel pain for Jericho…it's an unspoken code, guys just don't hit guys in the balls…it aint right!

((Brett picks up Jericho and rolls him into the ring, then turning back to the table he sets the other table up on top of the already standing table, then he moves over to the steel steps and picks them up tossing them into the ring, he quickly slides in and picks the steps up as Jericho gets to his feet slowly))

Eddie: The more I see the more I feel something bad is coming for Jericho…

Travis: Brett is winding up for the swing!

((Brett charges Jericho and swings the steel steps but Jericho manages to duck under the swing and boot Brett in the gut, Brett drops the steel steps to the ground, Jericho quickly grabs his head and brings it crashing down into the steel with a X Factor!))

Eddie: Oh my god! You could hear the impact of Brett's head bouncing off that steel! This rookie is punishing Brett!

Travis: Jericho certainly is taking our Hardcore champ to the extreme here tonight

((Jericho picks Brett up and whips him into the ropes, without pausing he follows up with a clothesline that sends both men toppling over the ropes and onto the floor by the announce table, the crowd cheers))

Eddie: These two just can't keep it in the ring!

Travis: That's what Hardcore is all about!

((Both men are stunned, but Jericho gets to his feet first and picks Brett up, with a quick jerk he whips Brett into the steel post, Brett collides face first and busts himself open again! Jericho wasting little time picks Brett up and lays him out on the announce table))

Travis: Hey! Hey what are you doing!? Go get your own announce table!

Eddie: I think it would be in our best interest to move…and quickly!

((The two announcers get the hell out of the way as Jericho gets a steel chair and lays it across Brett's face and chest, then sliding into the ring he scales the turnbuckle and waves to the crowd))

Eddie: No way!

Travis: Get up Brett! Get up!

((Jericho leaps through the air in a perfectly timed frog splash…he lands square on the chair covering Brett, there's a loud CRACK from the Impact followed by an even Louder CRASH as the two men break through the announce table and everything goes crashing down))

Eddie: HOLY SHIT!!!

Travis: I can't believe it! Jericho must have had a death wish! Because from the looks of things right now he's dead! And Brett doesn't look much better!

((The crowd chants "Holy Shit" as the camera pans over the carnage…Jericho lying bloody amidst the ruins of the table and an even more bloodied Brett breathing hard through a crimson mask of his own blood))

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen our announce table has been destroyed! We may very well have to end this match here, the heart and resilience of this young rookie! Amazing…this could very well be the end of his career!

Travis: For once I'm at a loss for words…

((Suddenly Jericho stirs! Crawling ever so slowly he drapes one arm over the body of Brett, the ref drops to the mat and begins the three count))

Eddie: And this one is over! One…two…thre….NO! Brett got the shoulder up!

((Jericho looks down in exhausted disbelief, sitting up on one hand he presses his hand down on Brett pinning him again and adding more pressure to the pin))

Travis: One…two…thre…NO! Again Brett gets the shoulder up! Incredible!

((Angrily Jericho straddles Brett and punches him in the side of the head one…twice…three times…and a fourth…but suddenly Brett's eyes snap open wide and a snarl of white teeth can be seen through the red that covers his face, his hand shoots out and grabs Jericho by the throat, the crowd explodes as Brett sits up right and then slowly to his feet still gripping the throat of Jericho!))

Eddie: On my god…it's like he's risen from the dead!

Travis: Our Hardcore champ is a monster! He's not human!

((Brett picks Jericho up and literally tosses him over the top rope! Jericho hits the mat and lays still, Brett moves around the ring to the tables and picks up his black bag, setting it on the ring apron he opens it up and pulls out one of the objects contained within))

Travis: Holy mother of god it's a canister of gasoline!

Eddie: He wouldn't!

((The crowd roars as Brett begins to pour the gas over the bottom table and then the top of the table…the liquid spills over the wood and the mat, Brett slides into the ring and grabs the steel steps…positioning them in the ring over the tables…then with a snarl like grin he leans down and picks up the fallen Jericho))

Travis: He's…He's…He's….

Eddie: He couldn't!

((Climbing up on the steel steps Brett reaches into his pocket and brings out a lighter, flicking it on he holds it up in the air for the crowd to see, then he tosses it onto the gasoline soaked tables, the crowd gasps as the tables burst into flame! Brett positions Jericho between his legs and then hefts him up high in the power bomb position…time seems to stand still as he holds Jericho up))

Eddie: No! He'll kill him!

Travis: It's all legal….

((With a cry Brett plunges Jericho through the flaming tables, the crowd begins to chant "Holy Shit" as Jericho hits the mat and slumps into unconsciousness! The flames snuff themselves out leaving Jericho lying amidst the smoldering ruins of the table, Calm and collected Brett jumps down from the steps and slides out of the ring, the EMT's are already rushing down to ringside as Brett puts his foot on the fallen Jericho…the ref counts out the three count))

Eddie: One…two…three…good lord

((The EMT's shove Brett aside as they examine Jericho before putting him on a stretcher, Brett watches the whole ordeal as if shell shocked, he weaves on his feet and has to grab the ring apron for support, he looks surprised when the ref puts that hardcore title into his hand and raises it in victory, he looks down at the belt and then falls to his knee's…he's unconscious before he finishes hitting the ground))

Travis: No doubt these two men are headed to the hospital…we'll keep you updated on their condition as the night progresses

((Camera cuts to a HWC Shop commercial showing the newest video tape. "HWC Making of an Empire" Shows the very start of the opening of the Hardcore Wrestling Corporation in it's old days threw it's grow, close and up to it's reopening. Buy it now live the dream.))

Travis: What a downer, we go from a great match like the Hardcore title to this.

Eddie: Well every one needs a start.

Travis: They shoudl make it a rule everyones first match should be a hardcore match with Brett.

Standard Match Sephiroth du Lac VS Harley Quinn

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring at this time, haling from parts unknown…Sephiroth Du Lac!!!

((The lights grow dim and "Vampire Killer (Heavy Metal Remix)" begins to blare over the PA. Black lights illuminate the stage. Pyrotechnic lightning effects strike the stage and pyro explodes. Sephiroth du Lac walks out in his cloaklike Trenchcoat. The black light illuminates his eyes, his skin, his hair, and his teeth. The stage has small flames pouring from beneath the stage which he walks through to the ring. Once inside he raises his arms and strikes them down. Blue flames burst from all four ring posts and the lights raise.))

Travis: I would assume, if you are from parts unknown, you could never be the hometown hero.

Eddie: I guess not.

Travis: Maybe on my next week off I'll take a vacation to parts unknown. I hear the weather is nice.

Ring Announcer: And his opponent, hailing from the Jersey Shore…Harley Quinn!!!

((The theme to the Godfather begins to play, as a tall blonde haired, blue eyed woman appears dressed in an armani suit. Three guys appear by her side. Johnny has jet black hair and is muscular, Reno has red hair, and is always seen smoking a cigarette at ring side, and rude is a 6'5 bald headed man, who wears sunglasses to the ring, and are all dressed in armani suits to match hers. They make their way to the ring and once they get there the boys help her in the ring. The bell rings and both participants lock up. Seph is obviously stronger and tosses Harley down to the mat. Harley, however, jumps right back to her feet. She runs towards Seph and dropkicks his knees. Seph drops to his knees, and is slapped across his face. Seph shakes off the slap and rises back to his knees. He brings his hand back and attempts to punch her in the face. Harley ducks the punch, but gets hit with a back elbow smash.))

Travis: I think Harley Quinn should use the spinning shirt lift on Sephiroth, he'd lose for sure.

Eddie: I'm going to regret this, but what is the spinning shirt lift?

Travis: Well Harley would spin Sephiroth around. And when he wasn't looking she would lift her shirt revealing her rack.

Eddie: You're a pig. But hell, I wouldn't mind seeing a spinning shirt lift!!

Travis: It might have taken you a few years, but you're finally understanding how to call a match!!

((Seph picks Harley up and delivers a he kick to her stomach. When she doubles over he bounces himself off the ropes and hits an axe kick…))

Eddie: Know she stood up, Sephiroth Du Lac did not connect…

((Harley backs up and hits Seph with a giant Super Kick!! The ref is down to make the count and the Mafioso is staring as Harley makes a quick cover. 1--------2-------3!!))

Travis: She won! She won!! She should strip! She should strip!!

Eddie: AN impressive debut for both competitors, but Harley Quinn, gets the win here tonight!!

Travis: If she would strip, I'd say everyone is a winner here tonight!!

Eddie: Horn dog!!

Intercontinental Title Match Amy Jensen(c) VS Neurosis

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, now on to our next match

Travis: Yes, this match came about as a result of Amy just walking into the dressing room and taking the HWC IC belt. Now I must commend Amy on having the kahunas to do something like that.

Eddie: However as a result, Commishoner Black has banned the Sickness from being anywhere near ringside. This match is for the Intercontinental Title!

Travis: Alright, lets get this match underway now shall we?

Eddie: Where's the referee?

Travis: I don't know...Hold on a moment Eddie, I'm getting a feed that we have some video footage that's about to be aired that was taped a couple of days ago....Lets turn our attention to the HWC tron

((video feed begins))

((Kimber walks into the offices of Autumn Lewis, dressed in a pair of black jeans and the sickness t-shirt Kimber walks right by the secretary heading down the hall for Autumn's office...))

Secretary: Hey! You cannot go in there!

Chaotica: Watch me lady!

((Kimber replies as she bursts through the doors marked "president" Autumn looks up from her work kind of surprised by the unexspected viste but none the less is polite.))

Autumn: Chaotica....... um what can I do for you?

((She lays her hands on autumn's desk, the right one sporting a bandage and leans over looking down at Autumn...))

Chaotica: Yes, you can help me by telling me what the hell is going on with banning the Sickness from ringside during Amy's match!"

Autumn: Yes I saw that. That Victor's call a bad one at that. I've talked to him and warned him. He says this is for the good of the company but I don't see how.

Chaotica: What are you going to do about it? We've done nothing warranting us being banded from ringside...we could have easily taken out Solomon but we didnt

Autumn: Well I do see his point in keeping things fair but he going around it the wrong.......

Chaotica: I want a stipulation put into the match...I'm looking out for the best interests of Amy, a friend and fellow stable mate....

Autumn: Of course....... what's your stipulation?

Chaotica: I want a special guest referee

Autumn: You know I was thinking the same thing.

((Autumn raises from her chair and smiles....Kimber raises an eyebrow as she watches Autumn closely))

Autumn: To show Victor that he's not the only one in power here I think that referee should be you.

((Straightning up to her full height of 6'0, Chaotica folds her arms across her chest and her trademark grin spreads across her lips))

Chaotica: I like the way you think Autumn...

Autumn: Who did you have in mind?

Chaotica: Someone that I feel would be fair and impartial....

Autumn: And that person is.....

Chaotica: Will be revealed the night of the PPV if you allow this stipulation

Autumn: hmmmmm I don't know

Chaotica: If not...then lets just say there will be trouble...in a big way at the ppv

Autumn: Are you threatening me Miss Kenson?

Chaotica: Not at all Miss Lewis...Simply making a statement is all

Autumn: Do make me regret giving you your stipulation Kimber or you your self will be in a world of trouble

Chaotica: So I am assuming then that my request will be granted?

((Autumn nods her head.))

Autumn: And next time Chaotica....... try knocking

((Smiling wickedly she extends a hand out to Autumn))

Chaotica: I think this is going to prove a very fruitful event for all of us

((Autumn looks at the hand at first and then shakes it))

Autumn: Don't disapoint me

((Chaotica clasps Autumn's hand and shakes it firmly))

Chaotica: Dont worry....I wont."

((video feed ends)0

Eddie: I knew Chaotica had something up her sleeve

Travis: Commishoner Black is not going to be very pleased

((Their voices are cut off as "Glow" by Coal Chamber begins to play signalling the entrance of the IC champion Amy Jensen. She stops at the top of the ramp and looks out across the thousands of people and thrusts the belt high in the air, then slinging it over her shoulder Amy trots down the ramp and does a baseball slide into the ring. Jumping up on the middle rope of one turnbuckle she once more holds the belt high as the crowd goes asbsolutely nuts....A moment later, "Wrist" by Mushroomhead kicks up and Neurosis appears at the top of the ramp...His eyes never leave Amy as he walks down the ramp to chants of " LURCH!" Ignoring the chants, Neurosis makes his way up the metal steps and steps through the ring, both he and Amy look around for the referee when the ring announcer begins to speak))

Announcer: And now....the special guest referee.....HUNTER KENSON!

Eddie: Oh my god! Hunter Kenson, Kimber's younger sister hasnt stepped into the squared circle in almost a year since her last match in the GCW where she suffered a blood clot in her brain after her hardcore match

Travis: Jean Claude van damn!!!!! She looks fine tonight

((Amy's eyes widen slightly as she watches Hunter flip over the top rope...Running a hand through her now considerably shorter black hair Hunter grins as she signals for the match to begin. Neurosis casts Hunter a sideways glance, with his head turned Amy decides to capitalize and she spears him. Stumbling backwards a step or two he looks down at Amy and shoves her backwards, rolling with the shove Amy grabs a hold of Neurosis's foot as he tries to step on her.))

Hunter: Watch it Neurosis! Or I'll throw you outta here so fast it'll make your head spin!

((The two of them stand toe to toe for a moment, and as Neurosis turns around to face Amy she quickly surprises him by with a round house kick...however Neurosis catches Amy's foot and just grins at her...))

Amy: Retarded Lurch!

((She says with a wicked smile on her lips as she reverses the move and nails Neurosis solidly in the back of the head with an insaguri kick. The big man goes down like a ton of bricks and Amy is right there hooking his leg))

Hunter: One...two..thr...

((Just as Hunter brings her hand down for the three count Neurosis is able to kick out with authority. Amy is the first to her feet, as she charges at him, Neurosis takes her down with a massive clothes line))

Eddie: Good lord almighty! That clothesline just about took Amy Jensen's head off!

Travis: Too bad it didnt take her top off too!

Eddie: You sick freak

Travis: Sick freak I may be but at least I'm getting laid on a regular basis

Eddie: (rolling eyes) Can we get back to the match?

((Hunter flinches for a micro second as she watches her fellow stable mate go down, Neurosis capitalizes and goes for the cover))

Hunter: One...two...

Eddie: Simply amazing! How is Amy even finding the strength to kick out of that after the clothesline she just took? Absolutely outstanding I tell you folks.

((Neurosis pulls amy to her feet by the scruff of her neck and then sticks her head between his knees setting her up for a last ride. As Neurosis lifts Amy up above his head she wraps her legs around his neck and holds on for dear life as she wails away on his face. Neurosis tries to stand up straight but the weight of Amy and her blows sends him falling to the ground landing on his back. Amy capitalizes as she leans back in a bridge..))

Hunter: One...two...three! Ring the bell!

((Just a split second after Hunter calls for the bell Amy scrambles up off of Neurosis and grabs her belt, in her hurry to get out of the ring Amy trips over her own feet and Hunter who was already out of the ring reaches under the bottom rope and pulls Amy out as Neurosis gets up and goes ballistic in the ring..As they make their way up the ramp Hunter grins and holds Amy's hand up high, as they reach the top the rest of the Sickness appears. Everyone is all grins as Rancid and Ramus lift Amy up on their shoulders.))

Eddie: That was some match

Travis: Absolutely, now security gets to figure out a way to get neurosis out of the ring

((Camera cuts from the ring to Smalls office. With out warning Autumn barges into Smalls room and slams the door behind her. She galres at him the anger on her face is obvious, though angery her tone is soft.))

Autumn: What in the hell gives you the right to make matches as you feel!

((Smalls looks up at her with a Smile, a warm tropical breeze blows through his office windw as he has landed safe and sound in Hawaii))

Smalls: I believe i stated my intentions very claer Autumn...you don't mind f i call you Autumn do you? I've sat back and watched your "Hardcore Wrestling Corp go week after week without much of anything "Hardcore" unless you count what Payne and myself did to Tiger heh...So i went ahead and booked a little Hardcore match...it made the fans happy and It turned out to be one of the greatest matches since the reopening of the HWC, if you don't believe me just look at the ratings"

((Autumn crosses her arms looking very unamused and does her best to stay calm.))

Autumn: You have ideas for match Samlls then it would be in your best intereast to talk to me first. You have no power in this fed. Your just some sleazy manager with a loose cannon creeping up on your back.

((A look of annoyence flickers in Smalls eyes))

Smalls: My dear Autumn I have a great deal more Power at this point then you are even aware of, but until Mind Games you're just going to have to sit back and wonder...why give me shit about the match i booked, even you have to admit it set up possibly one of the most brutal matches of Mind Games! Or are you just jealous that my Hardcore match may get more spotlight then your halfass Tourney idea?

Autumn: I'm going to enjoy the day when you get a knife in your back. Then I am going to watch you come crowing back to me begging. Cause as I see it now all your doing is digging your self deeper into a hole. And I better not catch you matching any more match, or I'll have you thrown so fast from this fed you won't know whether it was a kick to the ass or to your manhood.

((Martin chuckles, then he laughs, his shoulders shake in mirth when he finally settles down he wipes away a tear from his eye))

Smalls: Autumn Autumn Autumn....Too many people love me to stick a knife in my back...do you know why? Not because they respect my personality but because i can offer people the one thing they want the most in abundence! Money! If i so desired I could control half your roster just the way i control Payne...By promising them a title shot or Money! these men are all shallow minded Autumn...they want to be forcefed gold...they want to star in an angle...if not they either bitch and moan or leave...Let me offer you the best advice in your life Autumn...Hop on the Martin Smalls bandwagon...you wont come to regret it"

Autumn: Their are a few don't care about your money and soo enough they will bring your down fall.

((Turning before she might hit him Autumn leaves slaming the door on her way out.))

Smalls: You'll see Autumn...after Mind Games you'll have rock solid proof that i'm the way to go...wether you like it...or not!

((Smalls chuckles to himself before leaning back in his chair and basking in the tropical breeze))

Eddie: I tell you I really don't like him

Travis: What's not to like!? If you might pay attention you might learn something from him.

Eddie: Like what how to be a low life!

No Holds Barred Match Smackdaddy VS Jaguar

Eddie: Next up is a No Holds Bar match. This is Jag's chance to seek revenage on getting jumped a few weeks ago on Slaughter.

Travis: Wrong place at the wrong time.

Eddie: He was heading to his match, what's wrong with that?

Travis: Nothing but I guess that tells you that he shouldn't of done that.

Eddie: You make no sence

(("Bloodfeast" by the Misfits hits on the PA, and the crowd instantly starts to boo as SmackDaddy steps out. The announcer begins the introductions.))

Announcer: The following match is a No Holds Barred match! Making his way to the ring, from Little Rock, Arkansas, weighing 236 pounds, SmackDadddy!

((SmackDaddy walks out of the curtain and the Misfits pound over the P.A. and he comes out to a chorus of boo's and fans throwing garbage at him he gives the finger and walks down not letting anything phase him.))

Eddie: The fans really getting on Smackdaddy's case tonight! It seems his reputation proceeds him even in Hawaii!

Travis: They just don't know a true legend when they see one! SmackDaddy is one of the best in the business!

Eddie: Well, I can't argue with that, but his methods leave alot to be desired!

((The lights dim as "Debonaire" by Dope starts to play. Suddenly over the Tron, the words "Welcome 2 Da Jungle" written in red appears. The crowd instantly comes to their feet with a thunder of cheers.))

Announcer: His oponnent, accompanied by DC and Emma, from Chicaho, Illinois, weighing 256 pounds, JAGUAR!!!!!

((As the music picks up in intensity and volume the words explode and a huge pyro show of red, black, and gold erupts from the stage. Jaguar, DC, and Emma walk out to a thunderous applause, as they just stand at the head of the stage. Jag scans the huge crowd before running to one side of the stage as DC runs to the opposite, pumping up the crowd. Emma just waves to the crowd as the two men again join her and proceed down the long ramp slapping hands on the way. Jag then slides under the bottom rope and jumps onto the closest turnbuckle raising his right fist into the air as DC helps Emma into the ring.))

Eddie: What a welcome for the returning Jaguar! The fans love him!

Travis: Forget Jaguar! That wife of his is a hottie!

Eddie: If I were you, Travis, I would be careful making comments like that! you saw what he did to that 15-year old kid! Just imagine what he would do to you!

Travis: Err, what are you talking about? I didn't say anything!

Eddie: Uh oh...Smackdaddy is already talking trash to DC, and DC is talking right back!

((Smackdaddy gets right in DC's face and lays a serious bad mouth on him, dut instead of backing down, DC comes right back with some trash talking of his own. Jaguar hurriedly escorts Emma from the ring as Smackdaddy suddenly shoves DC, who shoves right back. Smackdaddy draws back a fist to belt DC, but Jag grabs his arm, turning him around. Smack, a surprised look on his face, stares down jaguar, who stares right back.))

Travis: Whoa, baby! This is gonna get ugly real quick!

Eddie: You might be right there. Smackdaddy has never been able to beat Jaguar, and he's got something to prove tonight...to himself, the fans, and most of all to Jaguar!

((Smack and Jag are nose to nose now, jawing back and forth. Suddenlt, Smackdaddy lashes out, slapping Jaguar in the face. Jaguar takes a step back, rubbinghis face and looking astonished. jaguar makes as if to turn away, and Smackdaddy gestures to the crowd, oblivious to their booing.))

Travis: Wow! Smackdaddy just punked Jaguar out! Jaguar is leaving!

Eddie: Not so fast, Travis! Jag is turning back....there he goes!

((Jaguar grabs Smack's arm. Smack spins around and is met with a thunderous right fist from Jaguar, knocking Smack on his ass, and the crowd cheers wildly.))

Eddie: Now that's the Jaguar we know and love! That'll teach Smackdaddy to turn his back!

Travis: He sucker punched him! What kind of legend sucker punches a guy?

Eddie: And Smackdaddy is back on his feet...they meet in the middle of the ring, and they're really going toe to toe now!

((Smack and Jag exchange several lefts and rights, to the sheer delight of the roaring crowd. Then, without warning, Smack catches Jag with a thumbin the eye, and Jag staggers back. The crowd immediately boos loudly as the referee admonishes Smack. Smack ignores him, however, and grabs Jag, hooks him up, and executes a textbook standing suplex. Jag hits the mat and clutches at his back. Smack picks him up and immediately executes a double-arm suplex, then runs his mouth at the crowd.))

Eddie: Smackdaddy looking good so far here! But he had better pay attention because justwhen you think you've got Jaguar down, he springs back into action!

Travis: Oh come on! Smackdaddy could end this any time he wants to! He just wants the people to know it! He's giving the people what they came to see!

((Smack turns back to Jaguar, who is getting shakily to his feet. Jag, however, suddenlt grabs Smack and executes a single-arm DDT, and the crowd cheers. Jag picks Smack up, but Smack again uses the thumb to the eye. Jag puts a hand to his face as Smack scoop slams Jag. Jag is down, writhing in pain. Instead of going for the cover, though, he proceeds to lock on a choke hold. Jag writhes around on the mat, attempting to escape.))

Eddie: Look at that! A blatant choke hold!

Travis: Hey, this is a No Holds Barred match! That choke is as legal as a wrist lock!

Eddie: Dammit, Ihate it when you're right!

Travis: **shocked** I don't believe it...you actually admit that I'm right! Let me mark my calendar!

((Smackdaddy stands over the fallen Jaguar, obviously gloating. He then rolls out ofthe ring and starts towards Emma, who backs away. DC, however, steps in his way. Smack shoves DC, and DC answers with a punch in the face! Smack staggers andturns around just in time to get his face slapped by Emma, to the sheer delight of the crowd.))

Eddie: Wow! Emma just slapped him silly! He had that one coming!

Travis: See? She had nop business doing that! Jaguar should be disqualified!

Eddie: Disqualified? Give me a break, Travis! He started it...and here comes Jaguar! Smack's in big trouble now!

((Jaguar rolls out of the ring and grabs Smack from behind and whips him into the security railing. He then tosses Smack back into the ring and follows. He stomps Smack a couple of times, then climbs o the top rope and hits a top rope leg drop. Smack rolls to the ropes and pulls himself to his feet as jag motions to the cheering crowd.))

Travis: Smack! look out!!! Superkick!

Eddie His signature move, Welcome 2 Da Jungle! And now a choke by Jaguar!


Eddie: Remember, Travis! This IS a No Holds Barred match!

TRavis: Shut your hole...Wait a minute...Who is that?

Eddie: It's Dane Seganot! Smackdaddy's tag team partner! What is he doing here!

((DC spots Dane, and jumps up on the ring apron, pointing and shouting at the referee, who turns his attantion to DC. Emma, however, pulls DC down, and the referee turns just in time to see Dane nail Jag with a superkick. The referee immediately calls for the bell, disqualifying Smackdaddy. Dane jumps on the prone Jaguar and starts ebating on him, but DC climbs in the ring and pulls Dane to his feet. Dane shoves DC, right into the waiting Smackdaddy, who grabs DC and hits a spinning cradle suplex.))

Announcer: The winner as a result of disqualification, Jaguar!

Eddie: Damn that Dane Seganot! Jaguar was about to put Smackdady away! That's not right!


Eddie: BUt wait! Jaguar is on his feet again! Dane's in trouble!


((Jaguar stands behind Dane, his hands n his hips. Dane bumps into Jag, turns, and Hag kicks him in the gut. He then hooks him and executes a thunderous double-underhook sit-out powerbomb!))

Eddie: Jaguar just Unleashed the Beast on Dane! Dane is out! Smackdaddy in! Jag ducks...jag kicks him in the midesction....and Jag UNLEASES THE BEAST ON SMACKDADDY!!! The growd is going nuts!

Travis: I don't feel so good.

Eddie: Well, go be sick somewhere else!

((Jaguar stands over Smack and Dane as Emma climbsinto the ring and hugs Jag. They both help DC to his feet, then they show off to the crowd a bit as "Debonair" hits on the PA again))


Four Way Match for the HWC World Title The Tiger VS Ace of Spades VS Maxx Imum VS Kidd Rock

((The camera's panning the back on the off chance that it'll spy one of the four main eventers. It catches something all right... It catches Bulldozer leaving Commissioner Black's office. He turns and shakes his hand, then walks off, headed for parts unknown. The fans boo when they see whose office that was.))

Eddie: What a PPV so far, folks, and we still have the main event heading our way!

Travis: That's right. I wonder what that nutjob Tiger's gonna do with that computer?

Eddie: I don't think that's any of your business, Travis. You might not like the outcome.

((Travis goes to say something, but is cut off when his headset somehow comes unplugged. Eddie's whistling innocently. The crowd is screaming, and chearing for their favorite wrestlers. It's a capacity crowd in the HWC Arena tonight. The lights begin to fade and the crowd begins to settle down. Strobe lights begin to flash and red spotlights in the shape of spades start circling the arena. Then a guitar riff is heard, and The Ace Of Spades begins to blast through the arena. The fans erupt. This is the loudest they have been all night. Ace appears on the stage from behind the curtain hanging from the gorilla position. Just the site of him makes the fans pop loudly. The Ace Of Spades struts down to the ring, looking as cool as ever. When he reaches the ring he slides under the bottom rope. Now in the middle of the ring Ace begins to flex, the packed arena pops for him. The music begins to fade out.

Travis gets his headset plugged in, but doesn't have a chance to say anything. "Meateor Of War" by Rancid starts up and Maxx comes out to the ramp and raises his arms as the crowd cheers. Maxx walks down to the ring slapping fives to the fans. When he reaches the ring, he walks up the steps and walks on the apron, He raises his arms to the fans behind him. He then gets in the ring.

Travis finally manages to get a word in edgewise.))

Travis: That's two of em so far. Wonder if it's gonna be that batty Tiger?

Eddie: Watch it, Travis. She doesn't like people who insult her.

(("Bahwitdabah" begins, and the arena lights dim. The Jumbo-Tron shows various scenes from wrestling's past, one image fading to anotherdually picking up speed, until, at the point where the music the goes, "My name is Kiiiiid...", when they are all a blur. At this point, the Jumbo Tron goes black. Then, as the main part of the song kicks in, there is a large blast of Pyro, and Kidd Rock steps out, hands on his hips, looking around at the fans. after a moment, he makes his way to the ring, where he climbs the turnbuckle to his left and gestures to the fans. There's only one opponent left... The Tiger steps from the back and stands there for a moment crossing her arms over her chest. As her music gets fast she throws back her arms taking off her trench and cloak. Blast of white pryo technics go off as she runs down to the ring. Grabing the top rope she catapults herself into the ring landing with a roll. Leaping up to her feet she climbs a turn buckle looking out over the crowd before grabbing her hair looking as if she is being tormented from with in. After a moment of that back flips off standing in a low fighting position. The crowd is cheering wildly by this point, excited and anticipating a hell of a match.))

Eddie: All four wrestlers are in the ring now, but there doesn't seem to be any room for the referee.

Travis: There he is. He's hiding behind Kidd. Bad place to be, if you ask me.

Eddie: We didn't, but he's moved. The bell's rung and this match is officially underway!

((Tiger and Maxx start off, exchanging blows in the corner closest to the announce tables. Over on the other side, it's Ace and Kidd. Furiously exchanging lefts and rights, they intermingle, hitting anyone in their way. The ref's playing it safe and standing outside the ring. He'll come in when someone goes for the win. Tiger nails Ace with a closed fist, sending him reeling backward into Kidd. Kidd shoves him forward into Maxx's outstretched boot. These two had shaken hands before the match, but now it's every wrestler for themselves. Tiger hits a giant suplex on Ace and goes for a cover. 1... 2... Ace gets his foot on the ropes, and the ref stops the count. Tiger, now totally focused on the match, goes in for the kill, slamming Kidd with a clothesline. She doesn't seem to realize who she hit. But it's all business inside an HWC ring. Kidd gets in the middle of Ace and Maxx, sending them both sprawling. Ace gets a lucky hit on Tiger and lays her out flat. He and Maxx soon find themselves shoved out of the ring. Since there are no countouts or disqualifications, they're still in the match. Kidd goes up top, in hopes of hitting a Swanton on Tiger. But someone comes running down and shoves him off the turnbuckle. Since this person is wearing a black cloak much like Tiger's, or Jericho Dylan's for that matter, they can't see who it was. But Kidd is now down on the mat, holding his sides. He's been hurt bad... Ace, Tiger and Maxx are back on their feet now. Tiger's first instinct is to go for the cover. But Ace pulls her off. Maxx rolls Kidd out of the ring and starts hammering on him on the outside. That leaves Ace and Tiger in the ring together. They slam each other with lefts and rights, until Tiger gets lucky with a suplex. Ace somehow gets out of it, and tries to counter with an Enziguri. But she dodges it... Ace tries again, with a scoop slam. She gets right back up. Tiger is on fire...))

Eddie: Wow! What a match!

Travis: It's one of the better ones I've seen. But they aren't even paying attention to Maxx and Kidd on the outside!

((Maxx and Kidd have been ramming each other into the steel steps. Kidd has a gash in his forehead and Maxx is holding his ribs. Back in the ring, Tiger and Ace are really going at it. At one point, he hits her with a swinging neckbreaker, but she gets up. He can't believe his eyes! He starts screaming and calling her names. She stands there, impassive, until he makes a mistake. He calls her a mental case who should have stayed in the asylum with the other freaks. Her eyes widen, then narrow dangerously. Ace doesn't realize what he's unleashed... She charges him like a bull charges a red cape. She gets him pinned in the corner, then winds up. CLICK! CLICK! BOOM!! He staggers for a bit, then falls on his stomach. She pounces on him like a kitten on a ball of yarn, and locks in the Crippler Crossface. The ref slides in and asks Ace if he submits. Nothing yet... Then Tiger leans back, increasing the pressure on Ace's lower back. Screaming in pain, Ace's hand slaps the mat. The ref calls for the bell. The announcer chimes in over the roar of the crowd.))

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, your new HWC World Champion... THE TIGER!!!

Eddie: The Tiger has made history! She hsa become the HWC World Champion! And the fans couldn't be happier!

Travis: **slumped over the desk, sobbing** Why god?! WHY?! This is so wrong!

Eddie: Best! Get hold of yourself, man! THis is history in the making here! And President Autumn Lewis is joining the brand new Champion in the ring

Travis: **sobbing** I can't watch!

((President Lewis stands in the middle of the ring raising Tigers hand in victory, the crowd cheers as all of the young woman's hard work has finally paid off, Tiger herself has a bright smile on her face, Pitt gives her a big hug after making his way through the ropes…suddenly the lights go out and a computer modified voice speaks, the same voice that claimed it held the HWC World Title))

Voice: Well Congratulations President Autumn Lewis…it looks like you did something right after all, The HWC Championship belt has finally been earned, and as I promised I am here with the belt, and as I also Promised I will reveal my identity…

Eddie: The mystery thief is about to reveal himself! Travis! pay attention!

Travis: **sits up and wipes his face** Now this I gotta se!

((The lights flicker and a spotlight appears on the stage revealing two figures…one man holds a Mic, and the other man is decked out in the HWC Championship belt, the lights on the stage come on revealing Payne and Martin Smalls, the crowd immediately breaks into boo's and chants of "ASSHOLE!"))

Eddie: It's Martin Smalls! I should have known it was him!

Travis: **suddenly ecstatic** YES!!! MARTIN MY MAN! I KNEW it was him!

Eddie: Give me a break!

Travis: Shut up, Daniels! let the man speak!

Smalls: Oh come on you simple-minded Hicks! Tell me you didn't see this coming! Tell me this doesn't surprise you! Martin Smalls saves the day! If it hadn't been for me that sorry sack of crap Beach would have had his tired old tournament…I mean how many times have we all seen such tired bullshit!

((The crowds boo's intensify, Payne shifts on the stage obviously enjoying the gold around his waist, Tiger throws herself at the ropes her teeth clenched in rage, Pitt holds her back))

Smalls: Martin Smalls took control! Martin Smalls brought you an innovative new way to award the HWC Championship belt; Martin Smalls even manages the HWC world Champion! I've trained and groomed The Tiger up until this point…some say she might have been treated harshly under my care but after all it was only in preparation for what was to come! And here it is…the moment you've all been waiting for…

((President Lewis motions for a Mic, cutting Smalls off she angrily shouts into the Mic))

Lewis: You are in so much trouble Smalls! Your ass is buried so deep you wont see a wrestling ring for the rest of your life, You've got to the count of three to get that title off you errand boy and bring it to me or I'm going to bring security down on you so fast you wont know what hit you!!

((Martin chuckles and looks at his watch, he waits for three seconds to tick by and then turns back to the ring))

Smalls: Now look what you've done Autumn…you've gone and spoiled the moment…Now I know you promised harsh consequences when you found out who took your 15 pounds of gold…but I'm afraid you can't legally fulfill your promise of retribution…why you ask?

Eddie: What does he mean, "can't legally fulfill?" What's going on here?

Travis: **So excited, he can barely stay in his seat** Shut up! This is gonna be great!

((Tiger grabs the Mic from Autumn her voice comes out in a growling rage as she points to the top of the ramp))

Tiger: MY…BELT!!!!

((Smalls sighs and shakes his head))

Smalls: Yeah it is yours Champ…but you know what? You're gonna have to wait a lil longer to get your hands on it.

((Lewis again interrupts))

Lewis: Smalls I'm only going to ask nicely once more…get your ass down here with that belt! You may contribute well over half of the financial gain of the HWC but only an executive member of the HWC can make title decisions like that! Now hand the belt over NOW!

((Smalls looks at Payne with a mock look of surprise))

Smalls: Payne…you mean to tell me…you didn't tell her?

((He holds the Mic out to Payne who grins and speaks))

Payne: I guess it just slipped my mind Martin…How clumsy of me!

Smalls: Well I guess it's time to…drop the bomb so to speak…President Lewis, ladies and gentlemen in the audience, and all the wrestlers out back…Say hello to your new Vice President!

((The crowd gives a collective gasp and begins to boo even harder, President Lewis's jaw drops in surprise, Tiger Lunges against Pitt's grasp still desperately intending to get what's hers))

Travis: **jumos up from his seat** YES!!!! SMALLS IT THE MAN!!! WHOO HOO!

Eddie: Oh no! How can this be possible? Martin Smalls, the Vice-President of the HWC? We're doomed!

Smalls: Today just before Mind Games I made my move on the political Chessboard of the HWC…to spare you the boring details of paper work and lawyers I'll make it simple…I bought myself enough shares to become the acting Vice President of the HWC…and all the power that comes with it!

((Lewis raises the Mic to her lips, her voice betrays a hint of weariness))

Lewis: Smalls even if you are the new Vice President that belt is The Tigers now! Fair and square! She earned it…you have to hand it over…It's not for Payne to wear!

((Smalls grins and looks at Payne)

Smalls: I don't know…I think it looks good around his waist…heh heh and as The New Vice President I have enough power to indeed hold the belt from the Tigers clutches if I so please…say Mental Instability? If I wanted I could deny The Tiger her precious title!

((He's literally drowned out by the boo's that follow from the angry crowd, he even has to duck as a soda can is thrown his way, He grins but doesn't lose his composure))

Smalls: But why would I go and do that? Heh heh no…But you all will have to wait Until Slaughter! In which during a ceremony I will present the HWC World Championship to it's rightful owner! Until then folks I bid thee ado…

(Martin and Payne turn and walk away from the stage amidst an angry shower of boo's but Martin suddenly turns around and grins))

Smalls: Oh and Tiger…I've got one last surprise for you…My way of saying congratulations!

((The lights flicker back on throughout the arena the crowd gasps as Draven Masters can be seen standing behind Pitt and Tiger, he grabs Pitt and hurls him over the top rope! Then Grabbing Tiger by the back of the head he picks her up and brings her down hard on the mat with a vicious chokeslam! Tiger grabs her throat and the crowd cries out horrified))

Eddie: ON MY GOD! Draven Masters just chokeslammed the Champion halfway through the mat! She's choking! SOmebody get some help out here! This is absolutely sick!

Travis: YEAH BABY! She may have won the title, but she sure as hell doesn't look like a champion right now....Wait a minute? What the hell is that?

((But suddenly Martins Grin fades as "Down With the Sickness" begins to play over the PA system, From The crowd Chaotica and Rancid appear, leaping over the barriers and sliding into the ring they are on Draven in the blink of an eye, Rancid Grabs The huge man by the throat and lifts him up in the air with an incredible show of strength, picking him up in the gorrila press slam position he hefts him over his head…Chaotica kneels on one knee…Rancid then drops Draven straight downwards chest first into Chaotica's knee, Draven hits the mat grabbing his ribs and writhing in Pain! Chaotica grins up at Martin and takes the Mic from President Lewis))

Chaotica: Martin! I don't give a rats ass if you're the new Pope! If you don't deliver what you promised come Slaughter Rancid and I are going to make what we just did to your boy toy here to you! And let me assure you we wont be so gentle with you! Or Payne!

Eddie: THe Sickness putting Martin Small on notice! He had betterdeliver what he promised, this Wednesday at the return of Warzone!

Travis: Oh, settle down, Daniels! Martin Smalls is one of the most intelligent men in the world! Surely you don't think the he isn't going to be prepared!

Eddie: I don't know, but we're out of time! For Travis Best, I'm Eddie Daniels...We'll see you Saturday night at Slaughter! Good night, everybody!

((Martin shakes his head in anger and throws the Mic down on the stage, he and Payne storm off accompanied by the ASSHOLE chant and the cheers of the crowd, Chaotica helps Tiger up and raises her hand in Victory, Rancid takes her other hand and raises it in the air, the crowd chants the Tigers name as the scene fades))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))