End Game
Toronto, Canada at the Air Canada Centre

((The transmission feed opens on a dessicated warehouse. Only one floodlight illuminates the dead area. Holes have been knocked into walls, rebar and struts are visible in the roof where the roof itself has eroded down to it's skeleton. Garbage has been littered everywhere. The camera zooms in on what looks to be a confrontation. Tiger is seen, standing there in her ring gear, looking ready to fight. Suddenly Draven Masters steps from the shadows, Smalls walking behind him. Draven and Tiger go nose to nose, staring each other down. Smalls is in the background, leering at Tiger.))

Voice Over: Tiger. A caged human, held for the wrong reasons. Draven. Martin Smalls's lackey. One ring. One person's freedom at stake.

((Next to step from the shadows is Harley Quinn. She too is wearing her ring gear, with a cocky ass smirk on her face. The Mafioso is backing her. She stands next to Draven, cracking her knuckles. Opposite her walks Chaotica, standing next to Tiger. They stare each other down. Chaotica has part of The Sickness behind her))

Voice Over: Harley Quinn. World Champion and part of the Black List. She will do absolutely anything to keep her belt. Chaotica. Challenger for the belt and member of The Sickness. The belt is up for grabs.

((Coming up beside Harley is Sephiroth Du Lac. He stands there with a impassive look on his face. The IC Belt hangs from his left hand, gleaming in the flood lamp. Opposite him walks Amy Jensen. She stands there, wearing her ring gear, like everyone else. She glares at Seph and makes a wild motion with her hands, as if daring him. Hans Kuhmann walks up behind Amy, as if to protect her.))

Voice Over: Sephiroth Du Lac. Gothic warrior. Sanguine Assassin. Holder of the IC Belt. Amy Jensen. Resident Hellcat. The daredevil of the fed. Will the ring be enough to contain the two of them in this?

((From the shadows beside Seph steps up Enforcer. He holds a ball bat in his hand, twirling it like it was a weapon. Across from him, steps up Black Flagg, holding his Boom Stick. Zeek ambles up behind him and they stare each other down))

Voice Over: Enforcer. The Muscle of the Black List. Holder of the Hardcore Title. Black Flagg. Brother to the legendary Kash Flagg and resident psycho. They say water runs deep, but grudges stay. For all the marbles.

((Next to Enforcer steps out Faygo Joe, ambling out. He kinda stands there, staring down everyone else. From across from him, steps out Kidd Rock, carrying a steel chair. He opens his mouth in a silent scream.))

Voice Over: Faygo Joe. Necrophiliac. Outstanding new blood. Kidd Rock. Honored Veteran. Unstoppable. These two have been known to take it to the next level in their matches. They meet tonight.

((At the head of it all, Victor Black stands there, in his dapper clothes, carrying his cane. At the far end, all that can be seen is shadows, with a faint glowing red eyes. Nothing else is seen))

Voice Over: Victor Black. Evil Commissioner. He has a chance to lose his title tonight, against a mystery opponent. Will he lose, or prevail? That and all the answers will be decided at tonight's....END GAME!!!!

((The camera cuts to black and in Old English, the words END GAME flash across the screen. The scene cuts to inside the arena, Head Like A Hole by NIN plays in the back ground. Red and yellow pyro goes off as the camera pans over the screaming crowd, the camera stops on Eddie Danniels and Travis Best, who are sitting at ringside))


Travis: Take a chill, Dipshit Danniels. You'll pop a coronary and it'll be your End Game by the time we get started!

Eddie: Let's get this started right now!

Standard Match
Bulldozer vs Hollywood Johnny Rave

((Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at lightning like speed. Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge pyro explosion going off, he walks to the ring menacingly))

Travis: He’s a big bad boy.

Eddie: Yep, he’s one tough SOB but he’ll have his hands full with “the Giant Killer”!

((The lights fade slightly as 'The Beautiful People' plays. White strobes swing towards the entrance as the guitar kicks in. An explosion of pyro erupts all the way down the aisle and 'Hollywood' Johnny Rave strides to the ring. Dancing and jumping as the crowd roars.))

Eddie: An awesome competitor. Wouldn’t you say, Travis?

Travis: I think he’s an idiot. He’s going to get annihilated.

((The bell sounds as Johnny Rave hops in the ring and is met with a charging spear planting Rave into the mat. Dozer standing over him stomping away as Rave looks like he hurt his sternum. Dozer lifting Rave and tossing him into the corner. Dozer delivering hard punches to the chest of Rave. Dozer using his foot to choke the life out of Rave. Referee counting 1…2…3…4… 5… let go Dozer. Dozer pulls off, striking the throat of Rave. Rave on his knees choking as Dozer goes to lift him up. Dozer sending Rave into the turnbuckle on the other side. Rave slams into it and land on his knees looking like he is in a lot of pain.)

Travis: Oh… that’s gotta hurt.

Eddie: Oh, how much more can Rave take?

Travis: I doubt much.

Eddie: Looks like Dozer’s going to finish him off.

((Dozer calling for a powerbomb. Setting Rave up. But, wait Rave reverses it into a hurricanrana. Rave pulling arm drag takedown as Dozer charges. Dozer goes for another but Rave reverses pulling Dozer’s own momentum into a devastating DDT. Rave going to the top rope, showboating for the female fans real quick and delivers a Snuka-esque body attack onto the stomach of Dozer. The cover… 1…2…3!!! Rave won it! ))

Travis: He did it?! What the hell happened?!

Eddie: Dozer got demolished! David has once again defeated GOLIATH!

Travis: You and your damn bible analogies!

Light Heavyweight Title
Kidd Rock vs Faygo Joe

Eddie: In our next match, the light heavyweight title will be decided.

Travis: Indeed it will, even if it is a waste of a title.

Eddie: Hey, the Light Heavyweight title is very important. Now be quiet. Here is one participant…Faygo Joe!

((Double X Minus hits the arena and Faygo Joe comes out onto the entrance ramp. He is pushing an empty wheelbarrow. Joe starts running down the ramp with the wheelbarrow, and then he jumps in and rides it down to the ring. The wheelbarrow crashes into the side of the ring and Joe flips out and winds up rolling into the ring. “THEY CALL ME COCKY, AND I SAY WHAT!!?? IT AIN’T BRAGGIN’ MOTHA FUCKA, IF YA BACK IT UP!!” The fans hear Kid Rock’s Cocky and realize that Kidd Rock is making his way to the ring. They erupt with cheers and Kidd sprints down to the ring. He jumps right into the ring and begins punching Joe. Joe is reeling, and Kidd sweeps Joe’s legs and Joe falls on his ass. Kidd springs off the ropes and drop kicks Joe right in the face. Kidd takes Joe’s leg and lifts it up, then he slams it Achilles tendon first into the floor. Joe grabs is ankle area and screams in pain.))

Eddie: Damn! Kidd is really showing what he’s made of!

Travis: He isn’t made of anything.

Eddie: When they made Kidd Rock, they broke the mold!

Travis: Well when they made Travis Best, the mold was atomized!

((Joe is on his feet but he is limping. Kidd is taunting for the crowd and drawing cheers when Joes fist crashes into the back of Kidd’s head. Kidd goes down and hits the floor. Joe delivers an elbow drop and then pulls Kidd’s hair. He then slams Kidd’s face into the floor. Joe picks up Kidd and sidewalks slams him down. Joe then climbs a turnbuckle and signals for a shooting star press.))

Eddie: Don’t tell me….

Travis: YES!!!

((Joe yells as loud as he can “FEEL LIKE A BITCH DON’T YA!” and comes flying of the top rope with Kidd Rock’s very own finishing move. Kidd gets out of the way at the last second and Joe crashes hard into the canvas. Kidd gets up and picks up Joe. He goes behind Joe and locks in a chicken wing…THE HEDPOP!! Kidd yells “NO!! YOU FEEL LIKE A BITCH!!” Kidd covers Joe for the 1---2---3 and the bell rings.))


Travis: BAH!! He had to steal Joe’s move to win.

((Back in the ring Kidd is celebrating, and the ref hands him the belt. He holds the title over his head and his music begins to play.))

Hardcore Title
Enforcer vs Black Flagg

Eddie: THis match might be halfway decent, I dunno, Travis.

Travis: Yeah right. None of have said shit! What's the point of saying that, when you know it's gonna suck?

((Danniels shakes his head. Suddenly "Euro-Barge" by The Vandals plays over the speakers and the arena lights go black while white strobe lights go over the crowd. The entrance lights up and Black Flagg runs out very energetic, followed closely by Zeek the Freek. He yells and screams at the fans . Black Flagg is carrying his "boom stick" to the ring with him, twirling it like it in his hand over and over. He faces the go ramp and waits. 'Click Click Boom plays over the PA, and Enforcer steps from behind the curtain. He is carrying a nightstick in his hand. He starts to walk halfway down the ramp when suddenly Kidd Rock comes running down, carrying a steel chair! Never breaking stride, Kidd swings low in his best Tiger Woods impression. The chair connects with the back of Enforcer's leg, and a loud CRACK is heard. Enforcer goes down, screaming and grabbing his knee. Kidd has a enraged look on his face, a wild look in his eye. He starts to repeatedly slam the chair over and over into Enforcer's leg and arm, screaming something about payback.))

Danniels: Get security down here! Now! Kidd's lost it!

Best: Holy fuck, man....he's lost it..

((Flagg stands there, watching his opponent being massacred. Kidd backs off right as the security comes. He looks up at Flagg, locking eyes with him. Kidd thumps his chest twice then points at Flagg as he walks backwards towards the curtain. Flagg thumps his chest twice as well then points to his eyes, then points to Kidd, as if saying 'I'm watching'...))

Danniels: We're gonna have to cut to a commercial, folks. When we get back, We'll have our mystery matchup!

Best: Eddie. Stay with me here. We don't have commercials. It's a Pay-per-View. We've got word that there's something going on backstage. Let's check it out.

((Scene cuts to the back, outside the Black List locker room. Hans & Klaus are lounging around outside, watching the matches on a monitor. Victor Black comes bustling up to them, with a gym bag over his shoulder and his ever-present cane in hand. He stops in front of them, a questioning look on his face.))

Victor: There you are! You two were supposed to meet me in my office. Would you care to tell me what you are doing here with Martin Smalls' louts?

Klaus: I am so sorry, herr Victor, it seems we never got the message. so we have been here, watching the matches. What can we do for you?

Victor: I think you bloody well know what you can do! In case you've forgotten, I have a match with some mystery man tonight, and I don't intend to lose, if you take my meaning!

((Klaus rises to his feet, a faintly amused look on his face. Hans stays seated, his feet up on the table and grinning.))

Klaus: Why, I have no idea what you mean. We were just going to watch the match from here, like we've been doing all night. Are you suggesting that we do something else?

((Victor drops his bag and steps forward, getting in Klaus' face. Hans drops his grin and stands.))

Victor: You're bloody right I am! I brought you back here, Klaus! I offered you a chance to re-start your career! And as for Hans, he was a nothing, and I gave him a shot at stardom! And you've both gotten what you want, all thanks to me! You damn well owe me for everything you have!

((Klaus puts his face right in Victor's. Hans steps closer, leering at Victor. Then, Klaus steps back, nodding thoughtfully.))

Klaus: Perhaps you're right. We do owe you. And tonight, we shall repay you for all that you've done!

Victor: (stepping back and picking up his gym bag) That's bloody well more like it! Now, you just watch, and be ready. When you see my signal, you will know what to do.

((Hans & Klaus both nod, and Victor turns away, smiling evilly as he heads for his office. Klaus turns to Hans ans whispers something in his ear. Hans listens, smiling more and more as Klaus whispers, then the scene fades. The camera quickly switches over to Danniels and Best.))

Danniels: Why do I get the feeling something's going on there?

Best: Eddie..that's your anxiety striking. It's called PROZAC. Get your dosage upped. Stat.

Danniels: I think we need to cut your TV time. You're starting to think you're on the set of ER. Well ladies and gentlemen, this past week has been quite eerie. We've had Autumn Lewis come out and instate a match on us for the PPV. Let's take a look at this week's recap, courtesy of Subway Sandwiches!

((The screen changes to a shot of Autumn Lewis standing on the Slaughter stage from last week's Slaughter, holding a mic. Her voice is heard.))

Autumn: I have learned that Commissioner Black has been getting his checks from a Martin Smalls. Now knowing this I think it's time to shift the scales of power. I have been away making deals and signing new talent. One deal is that of a match for End Game. This match will take place, and not even the mighty Smalls can change that. Victor Black will face off against a mystery man for the job of commissioner. If he values his job he can fight for it. Smalls reign is about to come to an end I'll see to that personally!

((Danniel's voice can be heard as a voice over))

Danniels: And to make it worse, no one knows who the challenger is. All attempts to find out who it is have been met with stone walls and absolutely no answers! All we saw this past week was cryptic comments. Let's take a look.

((A recap of the black room is seen, with the hellish distorted mockery of music, then the mystery voice is heard.))

Voice: For weeks now, we have watched as Victor Black has exercised his diabolical will alongside the tyrant Martin Smalls. He has taken money from Smalls..money we would call 'Blood Money'. He has decided to enlist his tag team into the Black List to further his power. The scales are tipped against the HWC. Autumn Lewis does not control the HWC. Perhaps it is time to even the scales. Victor Black. You have exactly one week to make peace with those around you. For at End Game..it is your End Game. We will end your reign.

Commissioner Match
Mystery Man vs Victor Black

((The camera cuts back to Danniels and Best. Best starts to talk, in a total opposite of his usual comments.))

Best: And our esteemed Commissioner freaked out. He started purging all ties to him, severing himself from the Black List as a whole!

Danniels: well..it looks like we won't have to wait long! It's time!

((The camera cuts to the ring, showing Jean Fortello, standing there, with a mic to her lips.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way down to the ring, our current HWC Commissioner, Victor Black!

((Victor Black makes his way to the ring, with no music. Instead of his usual three-piece suit, however, he is dressed in a dark grey jogging suit. His silver tipped cane, however, is still with him. The crowd favors him with a rousing chorus of boos, which he loftily ignores.))

Eddie Danniels: Well, So far in his Commissionership, Mr. Black has pissed off a lot of people, and signed up with the Black List.

Travis Best: Yeah, whatever. He's still our commish! Look at Lewis! She's trying to play Harriet Tubman with Tiger! What I wanna know is who's Mr. Black gonna kill tonight?

Eddie Danniels: Good question..

((After Victor makes his way to the ring and steps in, the arena goes completely black. No lights anywhere. Suddenly the distorted feedback starts, with the eerie voice. The sickening mockery of music continues for a minute. Suddenly the blaring guitar of Slipknot kicks up and the lights flash on. Standing in the middle of the go ramp is HWC's resident animal, Obake! The crowd roars in absolute shock and cheers as the pyro explodes. He stares down at Victor with a feral gaze as he throws a set of slashing uppercuts follows by a devastating right cross at the camera. He is dressed in his ring gear, ready to fight. He climbs into the ring and roars over at Victor.))

Eddie Danniels and Travis Best: HOLY FUCKING LORD IT'S OBAKE!!!!!!

Eddie Danniels: I think we're gonna have a new commissioner!!

((Victor goes pale, not having expected anything like this. In an act of desperation, he charges Obake, cracking his cane across the bigger man's midsection, splintering it. Obake winces just a bit, then roars at Victor as if challenging him further. He then grabs Victor by the front of his jogging suit. He roars in Victor's face then delivers a lashing right hand to Victor's stomach, doubling him over...He then picks him up..Powerbomb!))

Eddie Danniels: (laughing) Well, Mr. Black tried! Oh god he tried..

Best: Ah christ! That's not how you do it!!! Oh no....

((Victor folds up like an accordion, then rolls to the outside, attempting to escape the onslaught of Obake. He slumps to the floor, still doubled over in pain. Obake growls as his prey runs. He stalks after him, taking his sweet ass time about it. He kneels down, sizing Victor up as if for a Spear, but then just kinda grins menacingly and stands there, waiting for Victor to move. Obake then moves towards him and kicks him in the ribs a couple times. Victor falls over, writhing in pain on the floor. He then crawls desperately away, as if looking for a place to hide, then starts to worm his way underneath the ring.))

Best: Ha! Our commissioner is gonna get backup!

Danniels: More like trying to hide!

((Obake snarls a bit then smirks in amusement. He delivers a kick to Victor's Achilles Tendon, then bends over, and starts to yank Victor from underneath, purposely trying to hurt him as much as he can. His eyes are aglow with contained fury at the prospect of this. Just as Obake pulls Victor from under the ring, Victor comes up with a stun gun. Before the Obake sees it, Victor activates the device and jams it into Obake's midsection.))


Danniels: Oh god...Mr. Black just shocked Obake with a stun gun!

((Obake roars and drops to one knee, his face contorting in pain. His entire body ablaze with pain, Obake lets one hand fall to the mats as he attempt to soak the pain up. He shakes his head repeatedly, trying to shake it off as well.Victor pulls himself painfully into the ring, then motions to the back. A moment later, Die Zerstorer makes their way to ringside, to a profound chorus of boos from the fans. Victor points at the incapicated Obake, and they walk around, pick him up, adn roll him into the ring.))

Danniels: Oh no..not them! Obake get up! Obake's return might be in vain here..

Best: (in fits of happiness) YEAH!! GET HIM! PUT THAT ANIMAL DOWN!

((Obake is rolled into the ring. He lays there on his back, shaking his head, as his body is wracked with the electric shocks. He half growls/half winces in pain, as he rolls just a bit. He keeps trying to get to his feet, but his legs just don't wanna work yet. Victor smiles evilly and starts kicking Obake in the ribs. He motions for Hans & Klaus to do the same, but they just look at him with cold stares. Victor stops and turns to them, berating them.))

Danniels: What the hell? Could it be? It looks like Die Zerstrorer and Mr. Black are having problems!

Best: NO! Quit fighting! Save it for after the match! You need to stop him!

((Obake growls in pain, muttering curses and taking wild swipes as he is kicked. He rolls a bit, trying to protect the burned part of his skin and his ribs, which sting everytime he is kicked. As Victor turns away to berate Hans and Klaus, Obake takes that moment to roll away, getting to his knees. He shakes it off, not watching them.Victor points and orders Hans & Klaus to pick Obake up, but they refuse, still giving him cold stares. In a fit of rage, Victor slaps Klaus across the face. Klause eyes go wide, and he grabs Victor by the throat, yelling at him in German. He then kicks Victor in the gut, doubling him over. He signals to Hans, who springs into action, bouncing off the opposite ropes. Klaus hoists Victor into the air, and drives him down in a devastating power bome, just as Hans executes a neckbreaker. Victor lays in a broken heap, barely moving after the Final Solution.))


Best: OH SHIT!!!

((Obake watches as they execute the FInal Solution and nods a bit. He then stands, intent on some payback. Walking right past Hans and Klaus with no intent on attacking them at all, Obake kneels over the fallen Victor. He grabs Victor's hair and holds his head still and lays devastating rights into Victor's face, breaking his nose for sure. Blood coats Obake's fight gloves. Hans & Klaus watch for a few seconds, then nod to each other and leave the ring area. Victor writhes in agony, trying weakly to shield his face from further blows.))

Danniels: This is just about over. I think Obake's just trying to hurt him now.

Best: Goddamn Obake! We need Mr. Black!!

((Obake growls down in his face in utter defiance. Everytime VIctor puts his hands up, Obake punches through them, making the blow twice as hard. After a minute or so of it, Obake stands, moving into the corner, crouching in his trademark setup. His eyes burn with the uncontrolled anger, as his left hand twitches. The crowd erupts in anticipation, as Obake moves his feet a bit, preparing. Victor feebly pulls himself to his feet, the blood now in his eyes, obscuring his vision. He tries to balance himself with a hand on the ropes, never seeing what Obake is about to do.))

Danniels: YES! FINISH HIM!!!!!!


((The second Obake sees that Victor is up, Obake charges forth, low to the ground. Obake nails a brutal Spear, driving Victor into the mat. The Spear is so powerful that Obake damn near runs right over him, having to stop himself from flipping over. Obake roars out to the crowd, and makes a motion like he is slitting his own neck, signaling that the end is near. Obake then lifts Victor to his feet, basically holding him up. Obake then positions him, and lifts him up for the Jackhammer. Midway through, Obake lets go with one of his hands, in a show of strength. Obake then rejoins the hand and drive shim HARD into the mat in a crushing Jackhammer, denting the mat. Obake then lifts his leg, as the ref drops and count.....1.....2.....3....Slipknot's 'Left Behind' kicks over the PA))



((Victor lays unvonscious in the ring, his face a bloody, battered mess. He could possibly have several broken bones as well. Paramedics make their way to the ring with a gurney. Obake roars out to the crowd, moving away from the fallen body of Victor as he moves to the camera. making the #1 motion, he yells into it..'I'M BACK BOYS!'..Obake watches as they carry Victor off..Camera cuts from the ring to Seph locker room. (Sephiroth sits in his dressing room alone staring at his old black tights and tossing them to the ground. Suddenly there is a knock at the door.))

Seph: Enter...

((Chloe opens the door and looks in she is wearing a pair tight black leather pants and a red velvet corsett she walks in closing the door.))

Chloe: Hey nice to see you again

Seph: Chloe... what can I help you with?

((She Leans against the closed door and looks him over))

Chloe: Just wanted stop by and let you know its nice to see you again I missed you around here

Seph: Thank you... it's nice to know someone actually cared to notice...

((He grows silent looking awayand at an old duffle bag covered in dust. She walks towards him the sound of her highheels on the floor can be heard as she sits down next to him))

Chloe: I saw that match couldnt beileve you were gone

Seph: No one is ever truely gone... if you don't want them to be.

((His face turns to hers his long hair dreaped over his visage, she laughs softly))

Chloe: seems those you truely wish gone never leave either

((She reaches a hand out instinctively and moves the hair slowly out of his view then pulls her hand back rather fast as she relizes what she did.))

Chloe: I just wanted you to know I missed you around here Im glad your back was to quiet

((Smiles softly and looks into her eyes.))

Seph: I'm glad you stopped by... I... tend to get lonesome waiting for Livia to arrive.

((His head drops his eyes seem to show a pain and anguish as if he is trying to hide something that hurts.))

Chloe: Yea I meet your mmmm Girlfriend the other night at a club told me stay away from you. As you see I dont listen to jealous woman Im glad i could keep you company

((She smirks and stands starting towards the door trying to hide her own feelings as she looks away.))

Chloe: I hope I will see you around more offen was so scared you had been hurt

Seph: Wait , Chloe... can I ask you something?

((She turns her blonde hair falling around her face as she looks in his eyes.))

Chloe: Sure

Seph: Would you... accompany... I mean to say... um... I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner after the show?

((She walks over to him and smiles))

Chloe: Yea I would enjoy that very much.....sure your girlfriend wont mind?

Seph: Who? Livia? She's not really my girlfriend... more like... well, I can't say. But, I'm sure what she doesn't know won't hurt her. She's got errands to run anyway.

Chloe: So she is what just your manager? Sure then i would love to I will be here after your match waiting for you.

Seph: Okay... I'll try to stay in one piece.

((Smirks but quickly it disappears from his face to a solemn glance. She leans in and kisses his cheek softly the outprint of her red lipstick on his pale cheek.))

Chloe: Good Luck and i have no dout you will be in one piece

((He smiles softly and looks deep into her eyes. Something very warm radiates from them could it be affection? He leans in and kisses her lips gently.))

Seph: I will for you.

((Her cheeks flush a bit as she stands))

Chloe: well i will let you get ready for your match need go back to my hotel and change

((She walks to the Door and opens it. He smiles behind her admiring the view. He then turns to his duffle bag. Chloe opens the door leaving Seph's locker room. TV Champ Chloe Jackson steps from the locker room, holding the TV strap on her shoulder.. She walks down the hall, until she reaches a impasse. One named Draven Masters. She glares up at him, as he looks down at her. She speaks coldly))

Chloe: Wanna mind moving?

((Draven looks at her, tilting his head. He then smirks and just stays in her way. He then speaks, his voice menacing))

Draven: Pretty little rookie. And you've got a pretty little rookie belt to match. How disgustingly cute. You want me to move, why don't you show respect, rookie. Because I don't move for rookies, nor girls at that.

((Chloe rolls her eyes and stares at him, shaking her head. She then speaks, her voice cold once more.))

Chloe: I'll ask only one more time. Wanna mind moving?

((Draven laughs, a deep bellow of a laugh. He reaches out and promptly plucks the TV Strap off her shoulder and looks it over, shaking his head, making 'tsk' sounds before speaking.))

Draven: This belt really doesn't mean anything, you know. Everyone's held it. It just means you can win a match. Nothing special. I think we should get rid of it, don't you agree?

((Before Chloe can react, Draven palms the belt from behind. Moving quickly, Draven swings his arm back, then brings it in a massive swing at the wall. The faceplate of the belt strike the wall with a resounding CRACK and parts of the now shattered faceplate rain to the ground. He laughs and stares down at her))

Draven: How's that, rookie? Earn some respect and get a better belt.

((Chloe loses her temper and lashes out with a knee to the nuts. Draven's eyes go wide and he falls to his knees. Chloe quickly knees him in the nose, cracking it. She then walks off camera, saying absolutely nothing))

IC Title Match
Amy Jensen vs Sephiroth

Danniels: My god it's been a wonderful night! We've seen some major things happen..and now we have the IC title match! Sickness member and resident Hellcat Amy Jensen, takes on the undead Sephiroth Du Lac!

Amy hasn't been much. Instead she's chosen to spend time with her boyfriend, Hans.

Best: She isn't gonna walk away with the title tonight, Eddie. She doesn't care! She's lost her spark! Instead she feels like just getting laid! Amy! I'm here! Fuck me too!

((The lights grow dim and "Vampire Killer (Heavy Metal Remix)" begins to blare over the PA. Black lights illuminate the stage. Pyrotechnic lightning effects strike the stage and pyro explodes. Sephiroth du Lac walks out in his cloaklike Trenchcoat. The black light illuminates his eyes, his skin, his hair, and his teeth. The stage has small flames pouring from beneath the stage which he walks through to the ring. Once inside he raises his arms and strikes them down. Blue flames burst from all four ring posts and the lights raise. Suddenly 'Brackish' by Kittie kicks over the PA and Amy comes walking from behind the curtain. Instead of slapping hands, Amy stalks down the entrance ramp. She is wearing a pair of black cargo jeans with bondage buckles, and a skin tight white tank top. Her black bra is visible underneath it. She slides into the ring and Seph wastes no time. He attacks her, unleashing rights and lefts to Amy. Amy reels back, and Seph takes advantage. He whips her into the ropes. Amy bounces off, but ducks a attempted clothesline. Seph turns just in time to catch a staggering dropkick from Amy right in the face. Amy rolls to her feet and rolls her eyes))

Danniels: It looks like Amy doesn't want to be here! Almost like she's preoccupied with something else.

Best: Probably when she's gonna get dicked again! You know chicks get rabid about sex once they get it once!

((Amy kinda leans against the ropes, not interested in this. As Seph gets up, Amy jumps forwards, delivering a dropkick to Seph, but Seph catches it in mid stride. He turns the dropkick into a dragon screw leg takedown. Amy hits the mat hard. Seph goes for the pin...1...2..Amy kicks out. She delivers a elbow to the back of Seph's head then pushes him off of her. She rises to her feet faster than Seph and starts laying the boots to him, kicking him in the ribs a few times. She turns to leave, but the ref stops her. After a quick exchange of words, and Amy pushing the ref, Seph comes up behind her and picks her up..Belly to back suplex! Amy kinda lays there, writhing in pain. Suddenly the crowd seems to boo and the camera rotates to show Hans Kuhmann standing on the ramp, watching the match! Seph looks over at him and screams something..Hans simply gives him the finger and keeps watching.))

Danniels: Hans, showing his support of his girlfriend here. It's painfully evident that she doesn't want to be here.

Best: (rolling his eyes) Who cares? Seph's gonna kick her ass.

((Amy shoots a glare at Best, who cowers a bit. Clearly Amy heard his words. She turns to face Seph, then slides out of the ring. She reaches under the ring and pulls a steel chair out! Sliding back into the ring, Amy waits..As Seph turns..Amy takes a swing with the chair, but Seph dodges! Amy stumbles forth a bit. She goes to take another swing but Seph dodges. He then kicks her in the gut, causing her to drop the chair. He delivers a DDT, flooring her. Hans screams something in German towards the ring, directed at Amy. Seph turns towards Hans and screams something back at Hans. Once again, Hans responds with the finger, this time a double bird. Seph kicks the chair to the side, and goes to pick Amy up. As he does, Amy delivers a crushing low blow! Seph drops, grabbing his crotch. Amy moves over, picking up the chair. She turns and stares at Seph.))


Best: Oh lord...she can't beat him with her fists, so she's gotta use a chair...

((Amy brings the chair up then cracks Seph over the head with the chair, denting it fully. Seph tumbles to the side, woozy. Amy goes to step out of the ring, but the ref stops her. Amy growls and kicks him in the gut, then positions him..SPINESHANK TO THE REF! The ref falls like a sac of potatoes, and Amy rolls from the ring. Hans starts to walk down the ramp as Amy walks over to Best. Best looks, then cowers back as Amy leans over the announce table, glaring.))

Amy: I heard that shit, Travis...say it to my face, bitch!

Danniels: Something to say now, Travis?

((Best shakes his head. Amy shakes her head then quickly lashes out, drilling Travis in the face with a left hand, right in his nose. Blood sprays and Best falls out of his chair, grabbing his Nose. Amy's voice can be heard.))

Amy: Fuck the IC Belt! I'm going after the World Title!

((Hans comes up beside her and utters something in German to Amy, then they leave together. Danniels, half laughing, speaks as Best struggles to gain his thoughts.))

Danniels: Well..Amy lost this match clearly. Although we don't know which offense. Using a illegal object, attacking a official, assaulting Travis here..then leaving?...Seph's still the winner folks clearly.

Travis: What the hell?

Eddie: What is going on?

((All of a sudden the lights raise and standing in te ring standing eye to eye with Seph is the Man in Black. The two stand motionless as the crowd goes wild. Seph goes to defend himself but the figure holds a gloved hand up. He reaches with his other hand and pulls off the porceline mask and robed hood revealing a man looking exactly like Seph except with red eyes, black hair, and tan skin.))

Travis: I'm seeing double!

Eddie: Who is that?

((The robed unknown man pulls out a mic and looks at the shocked Sephiroth du Lac.)

Man: Hello, Brother!

((The crowd roars wildly as the two brothers hug each other. The announcers can't believe it.))

Eddie: Seph's brother?!

Travis: There's two of them?!

((The brother's go together into the back smiling all the while as the crowd cheers.))

Travis: This just keeps getting wierder and wierder every week!

Career Match
The Tiger vs Draven Masters

Eddie: Here we are Travis.

Travis: Yes indeedy feed the needy.

Eddie: What the hell did you just say?!

Travis: I have been waiting years for this match.......AND IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!

Eddie: Smalls made this match and Autumn aproved of it.

Travis: I know don't you just love him?!

Eddie: Love isn't the word........ Everyone in back has been instructed not to aid Draven of Tiger in any durning this. May god have mercy on The Tiger.


((Better Then You kicks up as the crowd jumps to their feet in cheers. The Tiger steps out and flexes her left arm showing her tattoo. She slaps hands with those she passes on they way to the ring, climbing on the out side of the turn buckle Tiger throws her hands in the air before jumping down into the ring. Her music fades quickly, Points Of Authority plays as Draven steps from the back. The arena burst with boos, Draven walks to the ring eyes locked on Tiger's as she sneers. Tiger raises her fists once Draven reaches the ring. Tiger hits the ropes and comes at Draven who is standing on the outside. Draven moves and pulls the ropes down at the last second causing Tiger to flip over them and to the floor.))

Travis: The match hasn't even started and already Draven has the upper hand.

Eddie: This was a mistake.

Travis: The only mistake made was hiring you.

((Draven pulls Tiger to her feet and whips her into the ring steps. On contact they break apart, Tiger lays there holding her back. The ref yells at them to get into the ring. Draven walks over to Tiger and picks her up again, this time he picks her up over his head and throws her into the ring over the top rope. She lands on the mat with a thud, she rolls over on her side looking to be in pain. Draven climbs in and the bell rings. Not wanting a quick match Draven pulls Tiger to her feet and whips her into the corner, Tiger hits it hard chest first and leans against it. Draven pulls her into a back body drop. Tiger rolls out of the ring and flops to the floor. Draven smiles and follows after her climbing out of the ring nearly stopm her head as he lands. Tiger crawls under the ring while Draven tries to grab one of her legs to pull her out, but every time he would kick till free. Lifting up the ring apron he tries to see where she is.))

Travis: You saw it Tiger turned yellow knowing she can't win so she ran.

Eddie: Don't be so sure, there she is.

Travis: She's going to run just you wait.

((Tiger appears on the other side of the ring with something in her hands she tries to hide. Climbing on the out side of the ring she whiles for Draven, looking up he smiles and climbs back into the ring. He heads over to her when Tiger leaps up on the ropes it self and dives off them hitting Draven in the head with a trash can lid. As Tiger lands with Draven falling she rolls forward away from him and quickly throws out the weapon, the hit was so fast the ref didn't catch it. Tiger crawls over to him and pins. 1.. kick out. Before Tiger can get up to her feet Draven grabs her by the throat and stands. He readys a choke slam when Tiger kicks him between the legs. His eyes cross and loses the hold as he bends over to hold him self.))

Eddie: Looks like Tiger is making a come back.

Travis: She can come all she wants but she can't beat Draven.

((Tiger raises her right first in the air as the crowd burst again with cheers, Tiger lifts Draven's head to face her. She hits him with two snap jabs with the left and pulls back with the right, but before she can hit him Draven surprises her with a rock bottom. Dropping to his knees Draven pins her, 1...2.. Tiger gets a shoulder up looking wild eyes at Draven. Draven grabs her by the hair to pull her up but Tiger knocks his hand away and grabs his arm. Pulling hard Tiger pulls Draven down to his back and locks in a wrist lock. The lock doesn't last long before Draven grabs the ropes with his free hand, the ref forces Tiger to break the hold. She gets to her feet and waits for Draven to get up.))

Travis: What's she doing?

Eddie: I think Tiger has gotten to cocky, which will cost her everything.

((Tiger trash talks Draven as he gets to his feet, in a fit of rage Draven charges Tiger with a powerful close line. Tiger was ready wanting him to do that and sides steps him hooking his arm as he passes. Tiger keeps the hook and gets on his back, the sudden change of weight causes Draven to fall. Once down Tiger locks in the crippler.))

Travis: NO!!

Eddie: Smart move by Tiger, this may end Draven.

((Tiger leans back on the lock handing on as Draven tries to fight it and screams. Grabbing her right at the elbow joint Draven causes Tiger to losen the grib. Kocking Tiger off his back Draven gets up and starts stomping away at Tiger's head keeping her from getting up. Tiger stays down sheilding her head from the kicks, Draven stops and picks her up lifting her high above his head. Holding her there for a few moments to show his strength he then drops her. Tiger bounces as she hits the matt suddenly.))

Travis: She bounced!? Does that mean she's not a Tiger but a Tigger?

((Pulling Tiger up by her hair Draven delivers a giant swing to Tiger, when she drops Draven looks at his hand to see a fist full of her hair in his hand. He grins and goes after Tiger who's trying to crawl away again. Grabing Tiger by her leg and pulling her back, Draven betters his grib and lifts her for a pile driver. Tiger hooks Draven's legs before he can deliver it and causes him to fall back. The ref sees it as a pin and counts. 1...2... Draven throws Tiger off him. Tiger crawls to the ropes to stand as Draven gets to his feet. Draven grabs her for another pump hand drop when Tiger counter with a school boy. 1... kick out. This only anger Draven more. Letting Tiger get to her knees Draven knees Tiger in the face, dropping to cover her Tiger kicks him in the gut. Fustrated Draven leaves the ring and grabs Eddie throwing him out of his chair.))

Travis: See Eddie, it pays to be on the winning side.

((Draven enter the ring with the chair and runs at Tiger, the red sees this and takes the chair from him. The two angue over it as Tiger climbs the turn buckle. After pushing the ref away Draven turns to face Tiger but is quickly met with a moonsalt. Tiger rolls off him and gets to her feet as does Draven.))

Eddie: Son of a......

Travis: Watch it.

Eddie: There's no stopping him.

Travis: Like I said, best day of my life.

((Resting on the ropes Draven grabs Tiger wraping her arms around the ropes Draven is left to tug as hard as he can just to get her. Seeing he is putting everything to pull her free Tiger lets causing Draven to fly back to the ropes trying to keep his balance. Tiger gets up and ducks a close line from Draven on the rebound. Draven hits the ropes again finding it's to late to stop. Tiger hit the ropes sending her self at him. Desburtly taking a swing at Tiger to stop her, Tiger ducks her head and hooks both his neck and arm delivering the Rider's Hell. Draven drops holding his neck, Tiger crawls over to him and pins. 1...2...3. The bell rings as Tiger rolls away breathing hard and in shock. The ref helps her up and raises her hand.))

Eddie: You were saying?

Travis: Shut up!

Jean Fortello: Your winner and first ever HWC made Free Agent.... THE TIGER!

World Title Match
Harley Quinn (c) vs Chaotica

Eddie: Well ladies and gentlemen, it's been a wild night, but now it's time for the main event, and this one should prove to be a dandy!

Travis: Dandy?! Did you just say "dandy"? I think you're getting old, Eddie-boy!

Eddie: Okay then, hotshot, how would you decribe it?

Travis: I'd call it a slobb-

Eddie: (interrupting) Don't go there, Travis! you don't wear a black cowboy hat, you know!

Travis: Please! I wouldn't be caught dead in a black cowboy hat!

Eddie: That's more like it. Let's take it up to Jean Fortello for the introductions!

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, this Main Event match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the HWC World Heavyweight Championship!

(("Broken" by 12 Stones hits on the PA, and the crowd begins to buzz with anticipation. Chaotica appears at the top of the ramp, her tag team title belt around her waist, gazing out at the crowd for a moment she smiles as she starts to walk down the ramp, occasionally slapping hands with some of the fans along the way.))

Jean Fortello: The challenger, from Vancuver, British Columbia, Canada, weighing 170 pounds, she is a member of The Sickness, and one-half of the HWC Tag Team Champions, Chaotica!

((The crowd reacts with a misture of cheers and boos. Upon reaching ring side, Chaotica jumps up on the ring apron then flips over the top rope landing on her feet. THen, "Broken fades out, then the lights go black as various searchligts go over the crowd. "Square Dance" by Eminem begins to play. The fans break into a rousing chorus of boos as a huge brigt light comes from behind the four members of the mafioso. There silhouettes the only thing that shows until all the searchlights land on them. The lights raise as they all go down to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Her opponent, accompanied by The Mafioso, from the Black Light section of the Jersey Shore, weighing in at 165 pounds, she is a member of the Black List, and the HWC World Heavyweight champion, Harley Quinn!

((Harley and Chaotica meet in the middle of the ring, nose to nose, and they start jawing at each other. The Mafioso start to gather around Chaotica, but uncharacteristically, Harley turns to them and starts yelling at them.))

Eddie: Wow, what's up with the champion? She's really chewing out her boys....wait a minute, they're leaving the ring! Harley has ordered the Mafioso to leave!

Travis: Tha could prove to be a big mistake, with the rest of The Sickness hanging around tonight!

Eddie: I guess Harley wants to prove that she can do this on her own....the Mafioso are out of the ring now...there's the bell, and this title match is underway!

((Harley & Chaotica circle each other, then lock up in the center of the ring. Harley drives a knee to Chaotica's midsection, then shoots a forearm uppercut into her face. Chaotica absorbs the blow and hits a forearm ofher own, then another, which staggers the champ slightly. Chaotica does a jump kick, which sends the champ reeling backwards. Chaotica presses her advantage by grabbing Harley and whipping her, but Harley reverses, whipping Chaotica instead. Chaotica bounces off the opposite ropes, and Harley executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Chaotica crashes to the mat and rolls to the outside.))

Eddie: What a matchup so far! But it looks like the champion has the upper hand so far!

Travis: As it should be! A champion of Harley Quinn's caliber can always be expected to come out on top!

Eddie: Travis, if I didn't know better, I would almost swear that you're just trying to kiss up to Harley!

Travis: Why, I don't know what you mean, Eddie! Besides, Harley can be on top, on the bottom bottom, doggie style....any way she wants it!

Eddie: I'll make sure she knows you said that!

Travis: I said nothing!

((The referee begins to administer the ten count as Harley follows Chaotica to the outside. Chaotica gets up to one knee as Harley reaches to grab her. Suddenly, Chaotica grabs Harley's arm and whips her HARD into the security railing. Harley lets out a loud "OOF" and slumps over the railing. Chaotica climbs to the ring apron, raises her arms to the crowd, then leaps, dropping a leg across Harley's back. Harley arches backwards in pain as Chaotica crashes to the floor. She gets up, grabbing her left leg as she rolls back into the ring to break the referee's count, then rolls back out, slightly favoring her left leg. Harley turns and rakes her eyes, then grabs Chaotica and whips her into the railing. Chaotica yells with pain, and Harley whips her again, this time into the side of the ring. Chaotica sags to her knees, and Harley rolls into the ring, favoring her back.))

Eddie: This is turning into one hell of a match with this back and forth action!

Travis: I swear, Eddie, any second I expect you to start channelling Tony Schiavone!

Eddie: That's about what I'd expect, coming from a Mark Madden wanna-be!

Travis: Mark Madden? He's got nothing on me! I'm way better looking than he is, and way more talented to boot!

Eddie: If you say so....Chaotica pulling herself back into the ring, and Harley's right there on her, stomping away! The champ is in firm control!

((after a few more stomps, Harley drags Chaotica to the corner. She then trots to the opposite corner, runs, and goes for a bronco buster, but Chaotica rolls aside at the very last instant. Harley nearlt impales herself on the bottom turnbuckle as Chaotica struggles to her feet. Grabbing the top rope for balance, Chaotica does some stomping of her own, then grabs Harley's arm and drags her to the center of the ring. She grabs Harley's legs and rolls over into a Boston Crab! Harley screams out in pain!))

Eddie: All of a sudden, Chaotia is in control! She has the champion screaming! Harley is too far from the ropes...can she get to the bottom rope?

Travis: Come on, Champ! you can make it! You're better than this Sickness scum! Don't let her beat you like this!

Eddie: Harley painfuly inching toward the bottom rope...closer, closer....ohh, she's so close, her fingertips are just grazing the rope...SHE'S GOT IT! Chaotica has to break the hold, but she's not letting go! Walter Powell is counting...1...2...3..finally, Chaotica lets go, but the damage may be done!

((the referee moves Chaotica back, admonishing her about breaking the hold immediately. Harley struggles to pull herself to her feet, but her legs will just barely support her. She hangs across the middle rope for a moment, but, Chaotica pulls her off, laying her face up near the corner. Chaotica climbs to the top, signals, and goes for a corkscrew moonsault, but Harley rolls aside at the last second! Chaotica crashes down to the mat, writhing in pain. Harley, now gaining her second wind, gets to her feet. She shakily climbs the turnbuckle herself, and nails a moonsault. She goes for the cover..1...2...Chaotica just barely gets the shoulder up before three! The crowd is going nuts!))

Eddie: Oh my god, that was close! Harley can't believe she didn't put Chaotica away right there!


Eddie: Travis, Walter Powell is the senior referee. I think he knows how to count to three!

Travis: Coulda fooled me! Harley had her there, but the ref blew it!

Eddie: Will you Quit kissing up? It's not gonna help you beat that gambling debt!

Travis: Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying, can you?

Eddie: Harley might...Harley pulling Chaotica to her feet now, Chaotica is almost out of it here...Harley into the ropes...clothesline! Both women go sailing to the floor!

((Both wrestlers collapse to the floor, and the referee immediately begins the ten count. Neither woman moves, until around the count of five, when Harley slowly pulls herself to her feet and drags Chaotica back into the ring.She rolls Chaotica up for a pin...1...2...Chaotica gets the shoulder up again, and Harley screams in frustration. She pulls Chaotica to her feet, hoists her to the top turnbuckle, and climbs up with her. She carefully balances herself, then nails a PERFECT top-rope Frankensteiner! Harley then climbs back to the top, flips off the booing crowd, and nails a moonsault. She goes for the pin...1...2...3!!! "Square Dance" kicks up again on the PA, as the fans boo heartily.))

Jean Fortello: The winner, and still HWC World Champion, Harley Quinn!

((Before Harley can leave The Sickness comes running down to the ring for some pay back. Harley knocks the first down before they can get into the ring but is soon over whelmed. Rancid helps Chaotica up as the rest of the Sickness finish beating on Harley. Amy pulls Harley to her feet for Chaotica, Chaotica takes Harley's world belt and looks at it. Looking back up at Harley, Chaotica slams the plate into the head of Harley busting her open. The Black List comes racing to the ring as Chaotica raises the belt over her head causing the crowd to cheer. Black List enters the ring and start taking it to the Skickness, Amy rolls out of the ring leaving the fight. Draven takes on two while Chaotica yells at Amy to get back and help before she is knocked down by Klaus. Rancid knocks Hans over the top rope sending him to the floor. Amy goes over and helps Hans up. Rancid turns to help Chaotica who is getting stomped by Smalls and Klaus but ends up geeting a lead pipe to the head. Amy and Hans turn heading to the back stage.))

Travis: Where they think they are going?! Wait what's this?

Eddie: The locker rooms have emptied out to help The Sickness!

((Seeing Tiger followed by Kidd, Obake, Ace, Flagg, and Autumn come running down, Amy and Hans leap off the ramp and leave threw the crowd avoiding the fight. Tiger slides into the ring and goes blow for blow with Draven. The Black List who was dominating the ring over The Skickness has been forced out. Smalls is cornered by Ace and Flagg when Flagg grabs him and delivers a half nelson slam. Draven grabs Smalls and pulls him out of teh ring before they can hurt him any more. The Sickness still in the ring tend to their hurt while Autumn gets a mic. She climbs the turn buckle to be seen better by the retreating Black List.))

Autumn: Smalls........For to long you have complete control. In one night all that has changed. Match after match my guys have bested you at every turn. SMALLS! LIKE A ANY WAR....... THE REINFORCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED!!!

((Smalls walking back up the ramp facing the ring, he holds his head in pain and yells something about it not being over.))

Travis: That's all we need a stable of has beens.

Eddie: Looks like finally Smalls has gotten a taste of his own medicine!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))