Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at the Skyreach Centre

((The first thing anyone can see is a shot of Sephiroth holding Sothren upside down in a hospital bathroom. It quickly cuts to several still shots of BLS and the Finest involved in various battles. Then to Bad News and the Darkside. This is really getting out of hand... Or so one would say. The final shot is of Jarred standing at the top of the ramp with Eric at his side. It finally fades to a shot of Cleo and Malice standing side by side. Then it segues into the theme for this PPV, "Headstrong" by Trapt. Loud explosions of pyro rip through the arena while the music blares.))

Eddie: Welcome, everyone, to Edmonton, Alberta at the Skyreach Center! We are live for HWC Desolation! Hello, everyone, I'm Eddie Daniels. And with me, as always, is...

Travis: Travis Best. So what kind of lineup do we have tonight, Eddie?

Eddie: We have a Stable Match between Bad News and the Darkside... A TLC Match for the Tag Titles... A Hardcore Match... The Light Heavyweight Title is on the line... And the Main Event tonight is a Camelot Pit Fight!

Travis: Yes! Bloodshed!

Eddie: The Pit Fight is Brother vs Brother. Sephiroth vs Sothren. I don't know what brought that on, but that's what it is, folks... And now, let's get to our first match of the night.

Standard Match
The Sandman vs Seikan

Eddie: We have two newcomers who want to make a name for themselves here in the HWC...

Travis: Pfft! A pair of losers, if you ask me!

Eddie: Nobody asked you, Travis.

((Travis pouts as The Sandman is standing in the ring. His entrance was masked by the pyro heralding the beginning of another HWC Pay Per View spectacular.))

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring from Boston, Massachussets, weighing in at 250 pounds... The Sandman!

((The crowd could really care less. Across the Nation by The Union Underground starts to play, heralding his opponent.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... Weighing in at 270 pounds... From Cameron, North Carolina...

((The pyro explodes in a semi circle shape, then, Seikan walks out along with his manager, Joseph, and walks down the ring remaining in a normal attitude, when he gets into the ring, he gets on any turnbuckle and lifts his right hand into the air in a fist shape, he then brings it down, smirks, jumps from the turnbuckle and stands in the middle of the ring, his manager stepping out of it.))

Jean Fortello: Being accompanied to the ring by Joseph Moore... Seikan!

((Seikan charges Sandman right away, catching him unaware and knocking him into the ropes. Sandman comes out swinging, catching Seikan in the temple with a wild left hand. Seikan falls backward, only to come out into a spear. Sandman gets folded like a cheap suit and lies on the mat with his arms wrapped around his stomach. Seikan goes for the pin, hooking Sandman's far leg. 1... 2... 3!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... SEIKAN!

((Seikan sneers and heads backstage, Joseph following close behind. Travis shakes his head and sighs.))

Travis: Another lackluster performance by kids who shoulda stayed at home!

Eddie: Travis, if you don't stop it, I'm going to hurt you.

Travis: Like you could.

Eddie: Jarred's around here somewhere.

Travis: *eyes wide* I'll be good!

Eddie: Good boy. Coming up next is a Hardcore Match between Bull and Chimaira... One rookie and one ring veteran.

Travis: Hard to say. I give the advantage to Bull in this one. Just because he's been around longer.

Eddie: I don't know, Travis... Chimaira's young and may have the edge.

Travis: We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

Eddie: Yes, Travis. We will.

((The lights go down almost into blackness, as gold spotlights search over the crowd, as soft woman’s voices are heard speaking in the ancient Egyptian tongue almost chanting, as if calling something into this world. A soft piano music begins to play as the word “Forever” is whispered. The song “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” by Live begins to blare through the arena as the two golden spotlights come together at the back of the entrance ramp. Cleo stands there with a smile upon her ruby red lips. She makes her way to the ring and climbs in with a mic in hand.))

Eddie: What is she doing out here?

Travis: I don't know and I don't care...She's gracing us with her presence! We should feel honored!

Eddie: You do remember that she's running against you for Commissioner right?

Travis: Yeah...But *Sighs* She's so hot!

Eddie: You're hopeless.

((Cleo smiles as she looks around the arena, and adjusts the title hanging off her shoulder.))

Cleo: Hello Edmonton! What a place to have Desolation!

((The crowd erupts into cheers as she paces back and forth around the ring.))

Cleo: I'm out here tonight to just say a few words about my campaign and where I stand! I've been watching the polls and it's funny you know...I only have 15% of the votes while everyone else is still above me...Is that you don't understand the power I posses, or is it you think I'm a cold heartless bitch?

Travis: No one thinks that at all my Queen! You are truly wonderful!

Eddie: You're not helping you know...

((The crowd cheers as she looks around wrapping one hand around her title and smiles slyly.))

Cleo: After all wouldn't the people here at the HWC like to have a champion as the new Commissioner? And plus I can do a lot more with the help of President Lewis. She and I understand each other more than people think! Don't let the other fools win! They don't have a clue on how to run a multi-billion dollar company day by day! But I do! I do it everyday when I'm not here!

Eddie: She does have a point...

Travis: That she does Eddie...If she beats me, I'll be glad to serve under her!

Eddie: Figures you would!

((The crowd still erupts into cheers as she smiles to herself raising the title in her right hand.))

Cleo: And this, this little trinket is the best thing that ever happened to me next to my Creeper of course! If I get Commissioner my life will be complete! Remember A Vote for Cleo is a Vote for the Ancient Powers!

((Her music begins to play again and she climbs out of the ring heading backstage, as Travis watches her walk off.))

Eddie: She kept it short at least!

Travis: She could have stayed out here all night and I wouldn't care...Did you see what she was wearing?

Eddie: Almost next to nothing...

Travis: What do we have up next?

Eddie: A tag team match...

Travis: Damn! Wake me up later...

Hardcore Match
Chimaira vs Bull

Eddie: If you are just tuning in we are here at the sold out Skycenter here in Edmonton Alberta for Desolation!

Travis: Yeah and it's been a boring night so far Daniels!

Eddie: We've only had one match! How can you tell it's going to be boring or not?

Travis: I just can!

Eddie: I'm sure...But the main event tonight is going to be one of the deadliest of them all! Another Camelot Pit Fight!

Travis: Oh boy! Blood! Flames! Torn Flesh!

Eddie: Calm down Travis! We still have a while to go! And plus you'll get to see two of your favorite ladies in the stable match between The Darkside and Bad News!

Travis: Thank you Ms. Lewis! What do we have next?

Eddie: We have a hardcore match between Bull and Chimaira!

Travis: Wake me when it's over!

((The arena goes dark and and a single spot light hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage.The whole time time all this is going on, all that can be heard is breathing then a second Lighting bolt hits the stage."Hero of the day" begins and the spot light shines on a man standing with his head down, and a women right behind looking and smiling at the man. Then the 2 walk towards the ring and as they walk, the lady waves a red flag in front of the man.This seems to be making his angry.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 286lbs, from Bendigo Australia, accompanied by Natasha, Bull!

((The 2 walk up the steps, and get into the ring.As the lady runs around the ring as the man charges at the red flag and they continue to do this till the opp comes out to ring.))

Eddie: Bull looks ready for this match doesn't he Travis?

((Travis has his head laying on the table and snores slightly.))

Eddie: Oh my God! Natasha's clothes just got ripped off by some crazed fan!

((Travis springs up and looks around as Eddie laughs))

Eddie: Welcome back!

Travis: Hey...Natasha's still fully clothed...I hate you Daniels!

Eddie: I know you do Travis!

((As the distorted feedback of Mike Sarkisyan's guitar seeps through the PA, the entrance ramp turns to a sickly green color. Chimaira comes creeping out wearing only the bottom half of a martial arts gi with a matching white belt with Reebok wrestling shoes on. Once the full band gets started, he takes two running starts and bolts down the entranceway, hopping up on the ring apron.))

Jean Fortello: and his opponent, weighing in at 130lbs, from Longmont, CO, Chimaira!

((He flips into the ring using the ring ropes as his leverage. He lands in a Spider-Man like crouch, eyeing his opponent, or the ref.))

Travis: He's only a little thing compared to Bull isn't he?

Eddie: That he is Travis...But I think he can handle himself here in the ring tonight!

Travis: He better...I got money riding on him to win!

Eddie: Figures! Well let's get this match under way!

((Chimaira and Bull stare each other down taking in each other's size, and trying to figure out how each can take the other down. The bell sounds and they lock up! Bull takes down Chimaira down with an arm drag and slides out of the ring and starts to toss up a few things. Trash can, steel chairs, 2X4's, kendo sticks, stop signs,and cookie sheets. Bull slides back in only to be hit in the face with one of the cookie sheets that Chimaira has in his hand. Bull staggers back and Chimaria has enough time to climb to the top rope and pulls a corkscrew moonsault and hits Bull hard enough to send him to the mat. He goes for the pin. 1...Bull gets the shoulder up and tosses Chimaira off of him like a rag doll.))

Eddie: What a move...Chimaira is a crafty one!

Travis: He's going to get killed and then I'll get killed!

Eddie: The match is just starting Travis! You still might have a chance to live!

((Bull slowly gets to his feet and grabs one of the kendo sticks and starts beating down on Chimaira. He hits the mat and rolls out of the way as the next strike comes down. Chimaira flips to his feet and catches Bull in the face with a superkick. Bull goes to the mat and Chimaira grabs one of the 2X4's and starts beating on Bull as Natasha screams for Bull to get up. Chimaira tosses the 2X4 aside and places a chair on Bull's chest and climbs to the top rope again. Natasha catches him and shakes the rope causing Chimaira to fall and hitting him in the groin, and falls to the mat.))

Travis: That had to hurt!

Eddie: He would have hit that move perfectly!

Travis: Natasha is helping her man out here! I wish she would help me...

Eddie: She would probably rather kiss a rattle snake!

Travis: I'm just as deadly!

Eddie: I'm sure you are!

((Bull gets to his feet and sees Chimaira slouched in the corner and picks him up, sending Chimaira to the mat by using a chokeslam. Bull grabs the stop sign and starts beating on the young man's back as he tries to gets up. With every hit Chimaria keeps going down to the mat and finally stays there. Bull smiles to himself and goes for the pin. 1...2...Chimaira gets the shoulder up and hits Bull in the groin with his foot. Bull reels back and Chimaira grabs one of the steel chairs and starts beating Bull over the back with it sending Bull to the mat.))

Travis: Go Chimaira! Take Bull down!

Eddie: How much you got riding on this match Travis?

Travis: My salary for this week...

Eddie: That much? Are you insane?

Travis: No...Because I know Chimaira can beat Bull!

Eddie: You better hope he does!

((Chimaira piles the cookie sheets, the stop sign, and the steel chairs on top of bull and climbs to the top rope without Natasha seeing him and hits another corkscrew moonsault causing all of the stuff to clank together and embed itself into Bull's spine. Chimaira turns Bull over and goes for the pin. 1...2...Bull gets the shoulder up and Chimaira can't believe it. Bull grabs Chimaira and goes for a powerbomb. Chimaira hits the mat and lands on top of the chair. He grabs his back in pain as Bull grabs him again and goes to the turnbuckle and goes for Overkill! He hits it and Chimaira hits the mat once again! Bull goes for the pin. 1...2...Chimaira gets his shoulder up and Bull slams his fist to the mat!))

Travis: I knew Chimaira wouldn't let me down!

Eddie: He wants the win really bad doesn't he?

Travis: He has had three losses since he started here, so he wants this win really bad! And if he does I'll be rich!

Eddie: You don't learn do you?

Travis: Learn what?

Eddie: Never mind!

((Bull grabs Chimaira again and goes for another chokeslam but Chimaira uses a kick to the midsection and Bull drops him to the mat again. Chimaira manages to reach one of the non-broken kendo sticks and starts beating Bull down once more to the mat. Chimaira picks Bull up and goes for the Injector! He hits it and Bull hits the mat clutching at his back. Chimaira goes for the pin. 1...2...3...Chimaira's music begins to play as the ref raises his hand. ))

Travis: Yes! He did it!

Eddie: Amazing! What a match!

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner! Chimaria!

((He leaps out of the ring and heads backstage still clutching at his back.))

Travis: I get to live! And I get my money!

Eddie: You might survive the night just yet you know. If you keep betting like this!

Travis: Don't be silly... I'll live...

Eddie: We'll see...

((Camera opens up back stage, Martin Smalls is seen standing by the other side of the curtain talking with Chimaira after his first win. Chimaira crosses his arms appearing not to care, their voices are soft unheard. Smalls turns his attention away when Pallimon and Beowulf walk up.))

Smalls: Tonights the night boys. Beowulf, you really need to work on your campain. Your last in the polls.

Pallimon: And what about you oh fearless leader?

Smalls: I have an anouncement to make.

((Smalls turns and walks off as BloodLust Slayers sneer at him.))

Travis: Yay Smalls is coming out.

Eddie: Oh what could he possably say that would interest any of us.

((Whatever plays as Martin Smalls walks out greeted by overwhelming boos. Smalls just smiles and steps into the ring. The music continues to play while he grabs a mic from the ring announcer. Smalls stands in the middle of the ring waiting for his music to fade.))

Smalls: I have come here to speak on a Pay Per View in which I have designed. A Pay Per View like none other before. It will redefine the meaning of Hardcore in this fed, and bring an answer to the World Title vacancy. June 15th in Los Vegas I bring you....... 3 Levels of Hell! 12 of the best wrestlers this fed has to offere will battle it out in 3 different Hardcore type of matches, each one more burtal then the next. And in the final stage two compediters will square off in a cage like no other. No way in and no way out, the cage made of rod iron bars. Hanging from the top of the cage are a variety of weapons, the only way to get them is use of a ladder. In order to win such a burtal and hellish match is by last man standing rules. And the man to beat in such a match...... is this man!

((Downfall by Trust Company plays and out steps Blood Dragon. He steps out to the ramp grinning patting the Light Heavyweight belt drapped over his chest then rubbing the World Title that is around his waits. The crowd has mixed cheers seeing this. Blood makes his way down to the ring and climbs in before his music ends Smalls extends his hand to Blood in which he takes and shakes hands smiling.))

Eddie: Blood Dragon has just sold his soul to be a champ!

Travis: If the chance is there jump at it.

Eddie: Yea and just what Blood did, in a dishonest way!

Travis: How is it dishonest?

Eddie: He didn't earn the belt!

Smalls: This Man! One out of 12 wrestlers will have their chance to take the gold if they survive! That is (chuckles) If Blood Dragon doesn't kill them first!

((Blood Smiles and Whatever kicks up again. Smalls grabs the hand of Blood and raises it in the air before climbing out of the ring and heading back stage with Blood.))

Tag Team Match
Die Zerstörer vs Steve Saxon and Brian Supreme

Eddie: Well, now we have a match between Die Zerstorer and HWC Veteran Steve Saxon and his manager, Brian Supreme. It’s been a while since we saw Steve Saxon in an HWC ring.

Travis: And he’s going up against the two germans, Klaus and Hans.

Eddie: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 480 lbs, from Germany. . . . DIE ZERSTORER!!!

((Seek & Destroy plays on the PA,with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Klaus and Hans step out. Klaus just stands with his arms folded, looking around at the fans, while Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, gesturing for the fans to get on their feet. Then they power walk to the ring. Klaus rolls in under the bottom rope, and Hans vaults over the top. They go to oppsote corners, climb to the middle turnbuckle, and do the “Crossed Hammers” to the crowd, then repeat at the other two corners.))

Eddie: These two looking incredibly prepared, here, tonight.

Travis: Yeah. They’re fighting a man returning from a hiatus. You have to wonder how much ring rust Saxon has.

Eddie: Let’s hope it’s not much.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 262 lbs, accompanied to the ring by his tag partner for this contest, Brian Supreme. . . STEVE SAXON!!!

((Ignores the fans almost completely. Stares down his opponents. As soon as Saxon steps into the ring, he’s attacked by both members of Die Zerstorer, Supreme seeming to hold back from entering slightly. Klaus double-chickenwings Saxon’s arms, Hans using Saxon’s face as a punching bag. Supreme gets to the top turnbuckle, jumping off, and hitting Hans with a harsh forearm, staggering him. The move doesn’t taken Hans off his feet, however, something Supreme regrets as he’s hauled to his feet, and hefted over Hans’ head, tossed, summarily, over the top rope, and into the guardrail outside the ring, Supreme simply laying there. Klaus hits a DDT, pulling Saxon back to his feet, locking him in a front waistlock, then hitting an overhead belly to belly suplex, Hans catching Saxon, and driving him into the mat with a piledriver.))

Eddie: Either Saxon has the ultimate in ring rust, or he’s just picked the wrong partner.

Travis: I think Supreme’s catching a few Z’s outside the ring.

Eddie: It looks that way.

((Saxon, now entirely at the mercy of Die Zerstorer, is lifted both from the mat, and into the air, Die Zerstorer hitting a powerbomb. Saxon is then lifted again, looking unconscious. A double hanging brainbuster later, and Hans goes for a pin. 1. . . 2. . . Supreme pulls the ref from the ring, then collapsing again.))

Eddie: Save by Supreme, but just barely. You have to wonder how much, if anything, Supreme has left to offer this match.

Travis: Probably not much.

((Hans goes outside the ring, grabbing Supreme, and driving him, face first, into the ringpost. Klaus, again, goes for the pin, the ref sliding in under the bottom rope. 1. . . 2. . . the count is broken up by Klaus being lifted from Saxon.))

Eddie: What the hell?! That’s Beowulf!

Travis: Don’t forget Palimon!

((Beowulf nearly decapitates Klaus with a clothesline, Palimon vaulting the top rope, dropping a leg on Saxon. Turning their focus to Klaus, Beowulf hoists Klaus into the air.))

Eddie: SLAYERZ SPEAR!!! They’ve just taken Klaus out of this match, but they’ve also attacked Saxon. What the hell’s going on here?

Travis: Something put together by Martin Smalls. I told you he’s the greatest mind in the world today.

Eddie: Stop sucking up, Travis. You’re an announcer. You can’t get promoted.

((Another Spear to Saxon, and the ref calls for the bell. The match is thrown out, the BLS grabbing Hans, from outside the ring, and hitting yet another Spear to Hans. The BLS start leaving, Palimon elbowing Beowulf on the way out, and pointing to Supreme. Beowulf hauls Supreme into the air. Another Slayerz Spear, and the BLS leave the ring cluttered with the bodies of Die Zerstorer, Saxon, and Supreme.))

Eddie: This was just heinous! They had no reason to be out here!

Travis: They’re Smalls’ enforcers. They have reasons to be anywhere!

Eddie: Will you stop sucking up for one second, and realize that the BLS just decimated all four men in this match?

Travis: I realize that, but they deserved it.

Eddie: Why?

Travis: Because they’re not the BLS.

Eddie: Great logic, Travis.

((The camera pans around backstage, seeking something to look at, or someone to catch off guard. And what does it see but Jarred Dylan and Eric Taylor! They're walking down the hall, discussing in hushed but animated tones. Then Eric sees something that makes him jerk Jarred to a stop.))

Eric: Isn't that the BLS's dressing room?

Jarred: No, Eric. We passed that a while back. That dressing room belongs to Bad News.

((Walking from down the hall, Blood notices to figures standing outside the Bad News locker room. Watching them for a moment, Blood makes a rather noisy entrance standing right behind the two men.))

Blood: Can I help you gentlemen?

((Jarred turns, leaving Eric behind him and to his right. Seeing Blood, he has an inkling as to who this might be.))

Jarred: Blood Dragon, I presume?

Blood: You'd presume correctly. Let me see. I've watched all of your matches thus far, but none from this close. You'd be my first challenger for this?

(Lifting his still bloodstained Light Heavyweight Title into the air, Blood just smiles at Jarred.)

Jarred: Yes. I am Jarred Dylan. But let's not get into a tangle just yet. I have a proposition for you. Are you interested in listening?

Blood: I'm all ears.

Jarred: *chuckling faintly* I seem to recall you having trouble with a certain masked man, am I right?

Blood: I don't find it quite as funny, but yeah, you've got it about right.

Jarred: Well, I propose bringing an extra man to ringside. Just in case that assclown shows up again.

Blood: Extra man? Like I need the deck stacked against me any more than it usually is?

Jarred: Not to attack you, Blood. To stop the masked man from interfering. I don't want to win because of outside interference.

Blood: Cocky little thing aren't you? Ok, I'm listening. You want somene else out there, but you didn't tell me who.

Jarred: Well, this is all up to you, understand. But I'd like to bring an outsider. Someone who isn't involved with the HWC. His name is Liam... Liam Kendell.

Blood: And the reason I should expect him to do what myself and the Creeper have yet to do is?

Jarred: I can't guarantee he'll take the man out. But he will keep him away from you.

(Glancing off to the side for a moment, Blood lets his thoughts wander. If the masked man was being distracted just enough by someone else, perhaps he could finally get his hands on him. Letting a smile cross his face.)

Blood: I think that might work out well. You have your friend come down to ringside, maybe if he does a good job I'll give him a shot at my belt come Slaughter.

((Jarred hides a grin. So far so good... One more piece of the puzzle.))

Jarred: Fair enough. Do you want to meet him now? Or would you rather be surprised?

Blood: Most people dont, but I like surprises. Maybe I'll even have one for you tonight.

Jarred: Oh, really? I expect a good match. And I misspoke earlier. I meant to say "If I win, I wouldn't want it to be due to outside interference." I hate sounding like Jericho!

Blood: Well then may the best man win. I wouldn't want to start sounding like your brother either. After all I've yet to meet the infamous Jericho Dylan.

Jarred: *mysterious grin* You might meet him sooner than you think... And yes, may the best man win.

((He holds out one hand for Blood to shake it. But if he doesn't, he doesn't. Jarred's just being a good sport. Grasping Jarred's hand a bit more tightly than perhaps a normal handshake, Blood takes a step closer and gives Jarred a toothy grin.))

Blood: I look forward to it, I truly do.

((Jarred chuckles softly, more for appearance than anything else. He doesn't really find anything funny about tonight... People are going to get hurt. Slipping into the Bad News locker room, Blood smiles hearing Jarred's little laugh. For a man in his position, he is in relatively high spirits. Jarred watches the closed door, then shakes his head and walks away, Eric beside him. Liam's already in the building, waiting for his cue, as it were. Then the camera cuts away to find something else to look at.))

Light Heavyweight Title Match
BloodDragon(c) vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, tonight, we’ve already seen the debut of both a man calling himself Sandman, and a young man calling himself Seikan, as well as a match between Chimaira and Bull, both rising stars here, in the HWC. Not to mention the BLS making one hell of an impact in the Tag match between Die Zerstorer and the returning Steve Saxon and his manager, Brian Supreme.

Travis: Those two German border jumpers got what was coming to them. They got beat.

Eddie: They didn’t deserve that. They deserved to have a decent match. Well, anyway, right now, we have a match between Blood Dragon and Jarred Dylan, for the HWC Light Heavyweight title. But this match begets the question, what about the masked man?

Travis: The masked man has, of late, been a thorn in Blood Dragon’s side. And we know that The Creeper is here, tonight, but the question stands, will The Creeper involve himself in this match, if the masked man shows himself?

Jean Fortello: The next match is set for one fall, and is for the HWC Light Heavyweight championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor. . . . JARRED DYLAN!!!!

((As the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche. When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier. As Jarred gets to the apron, another figure appears from the rampway, walking down easily, wearing cargo pants and a tanktop.))

Eddie: That’s the hired ‘enforcer’ that Jarred brought in. What was his name?

Travis: Liam Kendell.

Eddie: That’s it. Well, it’s yet to be seen whether or not he will be a real force in this match.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, the reigning HWC Light Heavyweight champion, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs. . . BLOOD DRAGON!!!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. Dragon hands off the title, the referee holding it up, and then handing it to a ring attendant, Dragon and Jarred meeting in the middle of the ring, and staring each other down. Dragon and Jarred begin exchanging blows.))

Eddie: These two men taking the old school route.

Travis: Blood’s going down.

Eddie: Why do you say that?

Travis: Because he’s got that crazy masked freak coming after him.

Eddie: A good point.

((Blood staggers back slightly, then moving forward, hitting Jarred with a gutwrench suplex. Floating over, Blood tries for a pin. Before the ref can even get to a position to count, Jarred shoves Blood off of him, Blood coming to his feet with a light round of applause for the move itself. Jarred and Blood lock up, once more falling back to the traditional style. Jarred catches Blood with a knee to the midsection, then a double-arm suplex. Jarred capitalizes instantly, dropping a leg across Blood’s throat. Jarred gets up, dropping an elbow, then hauling Blood to his feet bodily, hoisting Blood onto his shoulder, and moving to the ropes, dropping Blood throat-first onto the top rope.))

Eddie: Jarred asserting dominance, here, now.

Travis: Yeah. Jarred’s got this match in the bag.

((Blood gets to his feet, hitting Jarred with a spinning back kick. Jarred staggers back, Blood exploding forward with a clothesline that sends Jarred crashing to the mat. Blood moves to Jarred, locking in a crossface on the fallen man, simply weakening him for Blood’s finisher. Jarred makes his way to the ropes, the referee calling for the break. After a four count, Blood breaks the hold, stepping back a moment. Jarred slowly gets to his feet, rubbing his weakened left arm. Blood charges in with a spinning heel kick, Jarred ducking under it, and catching Blood as he turns with a superkick, hitting it slightly off-center, sending Blood staggering backward, into the ropes. Jarred charges forward, catching Blood with a vicious clothesline of his own, sending Blood over the top rope to the floor. Blood stays out there for several moments, Jarred getting to the top turnbuckle. As Blood stands, Jarred launches himself toward Blood. The attempted dropkick misses as Blood moves, sending Jarred to the ground. Blood smiles, pulling Jarred to his feet, sending him into the ring, and following.))

Eddie: It looks like Blood’s got this match in the bag, here.

Travis: Blood is showing himself pretty well, here, but the masked man has yet to show himself.

Eddie: That’s right. And the world wonders, who is the masked man, and why is he attacking Blood?

((As if on cue, an all-too familiar masked man, in the same black bodysuit, rushes down to the ring, chair in hand, swinging the chair, which crashes loudly on Liam’s face. The masked man then proceeds to beat Liam repeatedly with the chair to Liam’s face, stopping only when Liam’s face is nothing but a bloody mess, darting into the ring, cracking Blood upside the back of his head with the chair, then Jarred himself. The referee looks to throw the match out, only serving to get cracked upside the head with a chair.))

Eddie: There he is! Does this guy have some kind of desire to see Blood crippled?

Travis: No idea. But. . . wow!

Eddie: What are you wowing now?

Travis: That. Coming down the ramp.

((Coming down the ramp is a unidentified, but incredibly gorgeous, woman, who proceeds to bulldog the masked man into the chair he holds, then hauling him to his feet, and hitting a pendulum backbreaker. Wasting no time, the woman grabs the mask, and yanks it off, the man covering himself completely. The woman grabs the chair, Dragon getting to his feet. Dragon looks up, seeing the woman with the chair, as she rears back to hit the now-unmasked masked man, Dragon yanking the chair down, smashing it into the back of the woman’s head, dropping her face-down, The Creeper finally getting into the ring, pulling Dragon away from the woman, and leveling an accusatory finger at Dragon, then checking on the woman. The Creeper looks over at the unmasked man, his eyes filling with anger. The Creeper picks the man up, saying several things to him, then tossing him backward, to Dragon.))

Eddie: That’s B.D.!

Travis: The Creeper’s brother was the masked man?! Then who’s that woman?! Is he cheating on Cleo? I’ll comfort Cleo.

Eddie: The Creeper has just thrown B.D. to the wolves, essentially.

((The Creeper picks the woman up, draping her over his left shoulder, then stopping Dragon as he’s attacking B.D., his words caught by a camera.))

Creeper: This masked man garbage is over, but this battle isn’t. Think twice before you attack my property again, Dragon. (The Creeper looks at his fallen brother.) You wanted to play with fire? Now you’re dealing with Blood. (The Creeper walks from the ring, carrying the woman over his shoulder, The Creeper adjusting the dress she’s wearing as he does, so no one can see up it.)

((Jarred, now to his feet as well, begins to assist Dragon in the assault on B.D., the referee finally coming to, and declaring the match be thrown out via DQ.))

Eddie: What an incredible turn of events. The masked man that has been plaguing Blood Dragon was none other than The Creeper’s brother, and now, The Creeper has left him in the ring, to fight for himself.

Travis: It’s not over yet!

((B.D. rolls out of the ring, finally, then back in, catching both Jarred and Dragon with hard clotheslines, leaving the ring again, his hands going to his jaw, B.D. walking up the rampway, toward where he last saw his brother. The camera follows The Creeper, still carrying the as-yet unidentified woman over his shoulder.))

B.D.: HEY! (The Creeper stops, turning.) How dare you-

Creeper: I dare because you are my subordinate, Brother. (The word spoken with complete distaste.) You dared to involve yourself in my battle with Dragon.

B.D.: Because you refused to simply kill him and leave his corpse in that ring! You have gotten soft during your time here!

((By now, Cleo appears on camera, The Creeper handing the woman to her.))

Creeper: Watch Vivian, Cleo. (The Creeper advances on B.D., then, with a simple finger gesture, B.D. is lifted from the ground, by a large clump of darkness, B.D. clutching his throat.) Soft, B.D.? It is not weakness to toy with your prey. You, of all people, should know that. This is a warning. Do not-(The Creeper's voice becomes demonic, and ominous, the very ground underneath his feet trembling, like an earthquake.) EVER accuse me of being soft again. I guarantee you, it will only cause you to find out that being stripped of your body by a demon means you will have to wait until said demon is no more. And that, B.D., will be a long time coming. Understand?

((B.D. nods, the darkness disappearing, dropping B.D. to the ground. The Creeper returns to Cleo, once more draping the woman called Vivian over his shoulder, and walking off with Cleo. After a moment, B.D. gets up, and follows.))

TLC Match
BloodLust Slayerz(c) vs HWC's Finest

Eddie: Well, Travis, it's been an amazing night so far, wouldn't you say?

Travis: I don't see what's so amazing about it.

Eddie: Malice and Cleo are going to be here later...

Travis: Yes!

Eddie: I thought that'd get you going. Now let's call this match, shall we? This is a TLC match for the HWC Tag Team titles.

Travis: Despite those lamers the Finest being in it, it's gonna be great!

Eddie: You always have to badmouth them, don't you?

Travis: Yes. It is my lot in life.

Eddie: It's also your lot in life to have Jarred Dylan breathing down your neck!

Travis: What? Where is he?

Eddie: Backstage.

Travis: Whew.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a TLC Match. And it is for the HWC Tag Team Titles. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 570 pounds...

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthem begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing with Ace-Man waving Old Glory. They both salute it before continuing on down to the ring to chants of "USA...USA...USA". The crowd cheers wildly, waving little American flags. Once inside the ring, they hang Old Glory off the ringpost and wait. It doesn't take long...))

Jean Fortello: The Patriot and Ace-Man... The HWC's Finest!

Eddie: The Finest looking to be in good shape tonight, Travis.

Travis: Whatever.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents... At a combined weight of 500 pounds...

((The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as their theme does, followed by the crowd bursting into boos. The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like they are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring through it letting out a battle cry. They slide into the ring and climb up the front two ring posts removing their camo jackets that match their pants. They throw the jackets down out side the ring and roar to the crowd before leaping off and facing their opponents.))

Jean Fortello: Being accompanied by Martin Smalls... They are the HWC Tag Team Champions... Palimon and Beowulf, the BloodLust Slayerz!

((Smalls stands at ringside with a smirk as the belts hang high above the ring. He's confident enough in his men to be at ringside. That may be one of his biggest mistakes... Ace-Man starts the match against Palimon. They tie up in a collar-and-elbow situation that results in Ace-Man getting caught in a side headlock. Brett stomps his feet and claps his hands, gaining support from the crowd. Soon the fans are clapping and cheering for Ace-Man, who gets out of the headlock and bounces Palimon off the ropes into a clothesline. Palimon goes down hard. Brett gets off the apron and slides a ladder into the ring for Ace-Man. Ace-Man sets it up and starts climbing. But Palimon gets up and shakes him off by rattling the ladder. Ace-Man hits hard, making Brett wince. But the fans are in the Finest's corner... They keep cheering their heroes. Smalls puts his hands over his ears so he can't hear them.))

Eddie: Martin Smalls not too keen on the fans here...

Travis: And I can't blame him in the least!

Eddie: How much is it this time?

Travis: Eddie! I'm insulted you'd imply...

Eddie: How much?!?

Travis: *meekly* $5,000.

Eddie: I should have known... You're hopeless.

((Before Travis can comment on that, the action in the ring picks up. Palimon and Beowulf have gotten a table into the ring, and are now double-teaming poor Ace-Man. Martin Smalls has the referee distracted. The crowd is boo'ing for all it's worth... But it suddenly bursts into cheers for the man they see coming down the ramp...))

Eddie: Wait a minute! Who's that?

Travis: I don't know... But he sure looks familiar!

Eddie: That isn't who I think it is, is it?

Travis: I think it is... That's...


((Jericho comes down to ringside, an intent look on his face. When Smalls sees him, he yelps and leaps down off the apron. Jericho stands at the base of the ramp, arms crossed as he glares at Smalls. From the other side of the ring, Smalls glares back. He even goes so far as to stick out his tongue at Jericho! But Jericho stays put. He isn't going to fall for that... In the ring, Ace-Man scrambles over and tags in Brett "The Patriot" Bruiser. Brett goes to work on Palimon's lower back, hammering it with the steel chair Beowulf brought in to hit Ace-Man with. After Palimon drops to the mat, Brett scales the ladder. But Beowulf slams into it, knocking Brett off, hitting the ropes with his stomach. He lands right beside Martin Smalls... Smalls gets in a few kicks before Jericho races over and chases him off. Brett reaches up to lift himself to his feet and finds Jericho's outstretched arm. Using it as a prop, he gets back in the ring. Fortunately, he's close to Ace-Man... So he reaches up and tags his partner in. Ace-Man bounds over the top rope and hits Beowulf with a flying cross body. Beowulf falls backward, slamming into the ladder he knocked Brett off only moments before. Jericho, standing clearly in the corner of the Finest, turns and waves someone down to ringside. That person is his brother Jarred, the third man in the Finest. Jarred stops at the bottom of the ramp, breathing heavily. He's still recovering from his match with Blood Dragon...))

Eddie: He shouldn't be here! He's just been through a grueling contest with Blood Dragon!

Travis: I'm surprised he's still standing after that!

Eddie: You and me both. But I daresay Jericho isn't surprised.

Travis: Nothing surprises him!

((In the ring, Martin Smalls is up on the ring apron again. Jericho races over and yanks him down to the floor... with his LEFT hand! Smalls looks at him in total surprise, not seeing Beowulf climbing the ladder toward the belts. Jarred strolls over and shouts. When Beowulf looks over, he makes a rude gesture. Beowulf roars at the insult, not seeing Ace-Man until he flies off the ladder. Ace-Man and Beowulf hit the ropes at the same time, catapulting Beowulf into a winded and still very SORE Jarred Dylan! Jarred shoves him off and he hits the apron. Ace-Man rights the ladder and scrambles up it, hoping to get the belts. Palimon shakes him off, then scales the ladder. Smalls hops up and starts yelling at the referee. On the referee's other side, Beowulf is back in the ring and is crawling toward the ladder. Brett grabs it and shoves. Ace-Man moves the referee, whereupon the falling ladder hits Martin Smalls squarely in the head. Smalls falls off the apron, knocked unconscious by the blow. Palimon and Beowulf stare in shock, then turn on the Finest. Jericho looks over at Jarred, who nods. The two of them slide into the ring and remove Palimon. Since Beowulf is the legal man, the referee doesn't have a problem with it. The Dylan brothers gang up on Palimon, using whatever they can get their hands on. Then Jericho looks at Jarred and points up. Jarred grins ferally and perches on the top turnbuckle. Jericho gets Palimon up on his shoulders and...))


Travis: Holy SHIT!!!

((Palimon is broken and bleeding, having caught his arm on the steel steps as he fell. Beowulf sees his blood brother's fate and roars. But he's the one being double teamed now... Patriot and Ace-Man have taken a page out of the Dylans' playbook. They're using whatever is in the ring. Then Brett steps out, leaving his partner, the legal man, standing in the ring, towering over a fallen Beowulf. Beowulf gets to his knees and is met with a standing dropkick to the face. He drops to the mat. That being a pre-arranged cue, the Dylan boys sling Palimon under the bottom rope. The BLS have been dismantled... The referee checks on them and shakes his head.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has decided that the BloodLust Slayerz are too badly injured to continue. Therefore, this match has been thrown out!

((Jericho grins ferally and makes a hooking gesture. The Finest, including Jarred, clear the ring of all the debris, leaving the BLS lying on their backs. Then Jericho looks up at the belts being lowered by the boom operator. He was the one who got Jericho's signal... When the belts are within reach, they're unhooked and draped over the unmoving bodies of Palimon and Beowulf. Jericho lies a chair cross-wise over Beowulf's torso, then moves everyone back. The Finest watch in total disbelief as Jericho executes a Standing Swanton Bomb onto the steel chair! Beowulf jerks out of reflex, but Jericho is undamaged. Giving each other high fives, they leave the ring, chased by the sounds of the National Anthem being played.))

Eddie: Fans, we are as dumbstruck as you are. As soon as we find out what's going on, we'll let you know.

Travis: This is unbelievable! Martin Smalls is out cold on the outside of the ring and his boys are out cold IN the ring! I haven't seen so much carnage since Brett Bruiser was the Hardcore Champion!

Eddie: I agree. But fortunately, there isn't so much blood...

Travis: *visibly shaken* Yeah.

((The camera cuts to the backstage area, where the fans can see Jericho Dylan. They cheer wildly, loving the sight of him in the arena. He's got one shoulder propped against the wall, sipping at a glass of water. Various people walk by and say hello. His smile as he responds is genuine. The sound of running footsteps makes him stifle a sigh as Chris Murphy enters camera range. Jericho deliberately sips his water until Chris gets set up. Then Chris positions himself to one side so the fans can see Jericho, not him.))

Chris: Mr. Dylan, sir, may I ask you some questions?

Jericho: Certainly.

Chris: Thank you. First of all, I'd like to say welcome back.

Jericho: Thank you. It's great to be back. Especially in a city like Edmonton.

Chris: My first question is an obvious one. Why are you here at Desolation?

Jericho: I had some unfinished business to take care of.

Chris: Is that why you got involved in the TLC match earlier?

Jericho: I won't tell you why I got involved in that match. All I will tell you is that Martin Smalls finally got what was coming to him.

Chris: Yes, well, if you're still in rehab, what did your doctors say?

Jericho: That is none of your concern. When did you become such a jackass anyway?

Chris: I... What does that have to do with anything?

Jericho: Exactly. Now ask something intelligent!

Chris: Okay... In light of what we saw between you and Creeper, what exactly is your position in the Darkside?

Jericho: Now that's an intelligent question. I didn't say I'd answer it, but it's a good question.

Chris: But...

Jericho: But nothing. You're a disgrace to the wrestling industry. Get out of my face before I make you regret it.

((Chris, smarting from Jericho's remarks, turns and walks away. Jericho just shakes his head and grins before turning to leave. He stops and tips his head to one side before dropping into a crouch. A steel chair clatters against the backdrop where his head was but a moment ago. When he sees it, he nods to himself and walks on. Far down the hall, Autumn Lewis comes out of her office. When she sees Jericho, her face brightens and she flags him down. He breaks into a trot and quickly reaches her position.))

Jericho: Hello, Ms. Lewis.

Autumn: Hello, Jericho. Can I talk to you?

Jericho: You're the boss... What's on your mind?

Autumn: I'd like to discuss your contract, if you don't mind. It's up for renewal, and...

Jericho: Say no more. Shall we take this inside your office?

Autumn: Good idea.

Jericho: After you. After all, it is your office.

Autumn: Thank you.

((The door to her office swings closed, shutting out all outside interference. Before the door closes all the way, the fans can see Jericho's head thrown back in laughter at something Autumn said.))

Eddie: Well, Travis, what do you suppose they're talking about in there?

Travis: You mean besides his contract?

Eddie: Exactly. His involvement in the TLC match earlier was...

Travis: Uncalled for. He may think Mr. Smalls got what he deserved, but I don't. He should be hung by his toes!

Eddie: Hung by his toes?

Travis: What do you expect me to say? That he did the right thing?

Eddie: Yes! Martin Smalls is a slimeball who got what was coming to him! And Jarred seems to agree!

Travis: Jarred? He's still here?

Eddie: Yes. Oh, wait... President Lewis's door is opening!

((Sure enough, the door swings open to reveal Autumn and Jericho shaking hands. She's got a sparkle in her eye that hasn't been there in a long time. He's got a smile that can only be called predatory.))

Autumn: So I'll have that contract typed up and ready for you to sign on Saturday, okay?

Jericho: Sounds good to me, Ms. Lewis. Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Autumn: There is one thing. Why did you and Jarred get involved in the TLC match?

Jericho: *shrugging a bit* We both hate Martin Smalls. I only regret it turned out that way.

Autumn: There's more to it than that.

Jericho: You're a very perceptive woman. I got word from my doctors as to when I could get back in the ring.

Autumn: And when would that be?

Jericho: *grinning viciously* Whenever the hell I wanted.

Autumn: Does that mean what I think it means?

Jericho: That depends. What do you think it means?

Autumn: I think it means you've been given full clearance to return to an HWC ring.

Jericho: You're right. I got the call this morning. And I figured what better way to make my comeback than to take down the man who had me taken out?

Autumn: It was a risky venture, Jericho. What if they'd anticipated your arrival?

Jericho: I always have a contingency plan. Tonight's was Jarred.

Autumn: Clever. But I would have you be careful from here on out. The BLS are going to be looking for revenge. And I'm afraid they're going to target you and Jarred!

Jericho: I appreciate your concern. I'll be careful. And don't worry about Jarred... He's always careful.

Autumn: Good. So you'll get back to me on that other matter we discussed?

Jericho: No need. I have the answer you've been looking for.

((He presses a slip of paper into her hand and walks away, whistling a merry tune. She opens it and reads what it says. She's smiling when she turns to go back into her office. The camera cuts back to ringside, revealing a baffled Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: What was that all about?

Travis: Just another nightmare for the fans of the HWC... Whatever Jericho has in mind, it isn't good.

Eddie: Well, if I've interpreted what he said correctly, he's been given clearance to return to an HWC ring. Which means...

Travis: Which means he's going to be an active wrestler again! God help us all!

Eddie: Oh, shut up, Travis. We're ready for our next match.

Stable Match. 6 Man Tag, anything goes
Bad New vs Darkside

Eddie: What a great night this has been, so far! And we have two more matches, to go! This next match, however, is a Stable match. Between three members of the two most prominent stables in the HWC. The Darkside and Bad News. The Bad News team is led by the Enforcer, and fleshed out with Draven Masters, and the newest member of Bad News, Celtic Hyena. The Darkside team is led by The Creeper with Cleo and Malice fleshing out their ranks. Now, Celtic Hyena and The Creeper have been having problems of late, and we have received word that The Creeper is promising something big, here, tonight.

Travis: The Darkside always brings the big guns to the table.

Jean Fortello: The next match is a six man stable match! Introducing first, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Hardcore champion. . . . .THE CREEPER!!!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. As the lights come up, the presence of The Creeper’s four brothers at ringside is apparent, but another pair of legs is visible between the four brothers, arrayed in a diamond pattern.))

Eddie: The Creeper has apparently brought someone to ringside, under intense protection.

Travis: I wouldn’t try them. They’ve got to be, the shortest, at least a good 7’2.

Eddie: That’s why you’re not in the ring, Travis.

Jean Fortello: His partner, from New York, weighing in at 150 lbs, she is the HWC’s reigning Women’s champion. . . CLEOPATRA!!!

((The lights go down almost into blackness, as gold spotlights search over the crowd, as soft woman’s voices are heard speaking in the ancient Egyptian tongue almost chanting, as if calling something into this world. A soft piano music begins to play as the word “Forever” is whispered. The song “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” by Live begins to blare through the arena as the two golden spotlights come together at the back of the entrance ramp. There are 4 men wearing what looks like ancient Egyptian slave attire with the crown of Osiris resting upon their heads, appear carrying a Royal carriage. There lays Cleo done in her usual ring attire with the scepters laying in her lap and the crown of Egypt on her head. Walking only a few steps behind is a muscled attendant, with eyes lowered, as they head to the ring. When they reach the ring the carriage is set down and the attendant helps Cleo to her feet and bows before her as she climbs into the ring. She raises her arms and gold sparkle falls from nowhere, as she hands the scepters and crown to a ring attendant, planting a kiss on The Creeper, now standing in front of the turnbuckle he appeared on, both waiting on their third representative.))

Eddie: The Creeper and Cleo in a tag match. There’s something we haven’t seen before.

Travis: Wow! Look at Cleo! (The Creeper’s gaze turns to Travis. Travis yelps)

Eddie: Looks like The Creeper heard you.

Travis: I’ll be good.

Jean Fortello: And their partner, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 135 lbs. . . MALICE!!!

((The lights go as red spiral lights appear on the stage. The theme from American McGee's Alice begins to play as Malice appears with the flamingo shaped croquet mallet in hand. She makes her way to the ring in a trance like stare ignoring the crowds around her. She steps in the ring and faces the entrance to wait for her opponents.))

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, the team of Celtic Hyena, The Enforcer, and Draven Masters. . . BAD NEWS!!!

((The lights go out, a spotlight shining down after a few seconds, showing a man in full Irish piper attire, kilt and all, playing a haunting irish tune as he descends the ramp, stopping outside the apron. As his tune finishes, Click Click Boom starts up, Celtic Hyena appearing first, at the top of the ramp, followed by Enforcer on his left and Draven on his right, all three of them wearing blue face paint, and a looking lost in a semi-berserker rage. Celtic leads the charge to the ring, Enforcer and Draven staying outside the ring. The Creeper, in the corner, still, the two women outside the ring. The Creeper smiles, snapping his fingers, the piper’s left foot bursting into flame. The piper rushes backstage with his burning foot. Celtic starts off against The Creeper, both men simply staring down one another. Celtic takes the lead, kicking The Creeper in the stomach, then backing up and catching him with a boot that floors Creeper. Celtic pulls The Creeper to his feet, The Creeper picking Celtic up with a military press, then tossing him into The Enforcer, knocking them both off the apron, and out of the ring. The Creeper shrugs nonchalantly, Draven rushing into the ring, catching The Creeper with a clothesline.))

Eddie: The Creeper is taking this match too lightly, it looks like.

Travis: Look at the man he’s got in the ring with him! Celtic Hyena?! Newsflash, Celtic, this isn’t Braveheart!

Eddie: And again, Travis Best showing his ass, ladies and gentlemen.

((Celtic and Enforcer slide into the ring, the three men triple teaming The Creeper. Cleo and Malice dart into the ring, Malice with the croquet mallet in hand, using it like a golf club, bringing the head of the mallet into Enforcer’s groin, dropping Enforcer to the mat. Malice hefts the mallet again, swinging at Celtic. Celtic ducks, Cleo attacking Draven, the mallet now headed for her. As if he can see the mistake, The Creeper spins, taking Celtic’s feet out from under him, and then springing up to catch the mallet, nodding to Malice, who releases the mallet, The Creeper spinning, and clouting Draven with the mallet, then returning it to Malice, who resumes beating on Enforcer. Enforcer struggles to his feet, hitting Malice with a tremendous spinebuster. The Creeper grabs Celtic, catching him with a punch to the midsection, then a headbutt to the spine. Wrapping his right arm around Celtic’s neck, he proceeds to slam repeated headbutts into Celtic’s back, hefting him into the air, dropping Celtic in an elevated pendulum backbreaker.))

Eddie: Creeper focusing on the back of Celtic. The question on my mind is, why?

Travis: End a irishman’s career? Who knows?

((Celtic is pulled to his feet, in time to hit a DVD on The Creeper, Enforcer still capitalizing on Malice, the mallet out of the ring, on the floor, now. Draven lifts Cleo into the air, obviously going for the Master Plan. Cleo shouts out something, The Creeper moving back slightly, hitting Draven in the groin, causing him to drop Cleo harmlessly to the mat. The momentary distraction of The Creeper, however, allows Celtic to haul him to his feet, and then put him back on the mat with a diving reverse DDT. Celtic reaches down, wrapping his right hand around The Creeper’s throat, pulling him to his feet, then, without breaking the hold, lifting The Creeper into the air. B.D. appears at the top of the ramp, rushing into the ring.))

Eddie: Now B.D.’s out here! But, earlier tonight, we saw the masked man unmasked as B.D., and The Creeper’s almost declaration of disowning B.D. So, who’s he out here to help?

Travis: Who knows, really?

((B.D. clocks Enforcer with a right hand, picking Malice up, checking on her.))

Eddie: Apparently, he’s trying to reprove himself here.

Travis: Smart man. Check on the untaken one.

((B.D. kicks Malice in the midsection, hitting her with The Plague, leaving her on the mat. Enforcer moves up behind B.D. B.D. spits on Malice, then darts out of the ring, finding himself face to face with Paine, who simply glowers down at B.D., Enforcer going for the pin on the disabled Malice.))

Eddie: What the hell?! B.D. just turned on his brother and his team?! This is a very odd night!

Travis: Malice is hurt! I need to go check on her!

((After a heated argument, B.D. gets back into the ring, punting Enforcer’s head like a football, then picking him up, and tossing him out of the ring. B.D. advances on Celtic, locking him in a military sleeper, Celtic struggling, but only for a moment, his wind effectively cut off. Celtic fades quickly, then is dropped to the mat, visibly unconscious. The Creeper gets to his feet, looking at B.D. The Creeper’s brother smiles, and shrugs. The Creeper and his brother shake hands, only to have B.D. pick his brother up, into the air, and hit the Tornado of Souls, The Creeper landing in almost a DDT fashion. B.D. then simply walks up the ramp, and out of the arena floor. The arena is stricken mute. The referee takes the general disorder to reassert some level of control, getting Enforcer and Draven to their corners, then Cleo and Malice to theirs, Cleo having to essentially drag Malice to the corner.))

Eddie: This match has become a test to see who can get to their feet first.

Travis: Well, you have to figure that, since Celtic went down first, he’d be the first one to his feet, but The Creeper is one of the toughest men I’ve seen in a while.

Eddie: That’s true.

((The Creeper’s right hand comes up, slapping the canvas of the mat, and pushing his body up. The Creeper slowly gets to his feet, shooting a glance to the ‘Suffering’ twins, Paine and Aginie, both nodding, and running up the ramp, their absence revealing that the fifth in their entourage is a smaller woman, the remaining two of The Creeper’s brothers holding her in place. Celtic, too, is on his way to his feet. In an odd quirk of reality, both The Creeper and Celtic reach for a chokeslam. The Creeper kicks Celtic in the stomach, Celtic responding with a left cross that rocks The Creeper’s head. The Creeper shakes his head, kicking Celtic again, Celtic again responding with the same left cross. The Creeper appears to run backward, then jumping into the air, Celtic lifting The Creeper easily, only to find The Creeper coming back with a double-footed kick to Celtic’s midsection, Celtic dropping to his knees, then falling back, the backward motion allowing Celtic to tag Enforcer into the ring. The Creeper looks at Enforcer, then walking calmly back, to tag Malice. Malice comes into the ring, launching herself at Enforcer with a clothesline, Enforcer catching her easily, and turning the attempted clothesline into a fallaway slam. Enforcer picks Malice up, hitting a sideslam, picking her up again, going for a powerbomb, only to have Malice go up and over, coming down it what almost ends up being a sunset flip, only to have Malice bring her right foot into Enforcer’s groin, sending him into the ropes, Malice turning over, tripping Enforcer, and, locking his ankles under her arms, rolling backward, almost bending Enforcer in half, but also pinning his shoulders to the mat. The ref counts. 1. . . 2. . . the pin broken up by Draven, who hauls Malice to her feet, dropping her back down with a DDT.))

Eddie: Neither of these teams wants to let this match go.

Travis: See, Eddie? This is why the HWC gets the big ratings! The Bad News just doesn’t realize that they’re not up to Darkside caliber.

Eddie: I see you’ve made your choice.

Travis: It’s the right choice. Look at Malice and Cleo!!

Eddie: Well, right now, Malice is being overpowered by Enforcer.

((Enforcer hits a gutwrench powerbomb, Malice rolling out of the ring, and grabbing Enforcer’s ankles as he approaches, pulling him nearly out of the ring, and then turning him, ramming his groin into the neutral corner turnbuckle post. Enforcer writhes in pain, Malice getting to the apron, and vaulting over the top rope, hitting a legdrop onto Enforcer, then moving over, tagging in Cleo. Cleo wastes no time, getting into the ring, and hitting a series of kneedrops, then pulling Enforcer to his feet.))

Eddie: Mummification!!! This match is over!

Travis: Not yet. There’s still two members of Bad News waiting.

((Draven gets into the ring, physically pulling Cleo off of Enforcer, only to find The Creeper waiting on him, The Creeper hitting Draven with the Epiphany, running to the other side of the ring, out of the ring, and pulling Celtic down. Turning Celtic facedown, he picks up Celtic’s legs, stepping through, and sitting down, in a sort of Boston Crab, The Creeper facing the wrong way, however. The Creeper then reaches forward, pulling Celtic’s head up, and locking him in a combination Boston Crab and Camel Clutch, his arms under Celtic’s, simply holding him in that position, Enforcer standing up only to get hit by Malice coming from the top turnbuckle.))

Eddie: Down the Rabbit Hole! Now this match is over! Celtic is being detained outside the ring, Draven’s out cold, and Enforcer has just been hit by Malice’s finisher.

Travis: This is not looking good for Enforcer, like I predicted.

((Cleo pulls Enforcer to his feet, simply to hit him with the Mummification again, and pin Enforcer.))

Eddie: It’s all elementary, from here.

((1. . . 2. . . .3!!! The bell rings, The Creeper refusing to release the hold.))

Eddie: This match is over, finally, but The Creeper appears to be trying to end Celtic’s career, here!

Travis: Well, Celtic shouldn’t have stepped into the ring with these three.

Eddie: Celtic’s biggest concern for this match was The Creeper.

Travis: Yeah. He should have left well enough alone.

((Several referees surround The Creeper, trying to get him to release the hold, The Creeper holding the move. Malice sits in the ring, laughing at the sight, Cleo finally darting out of the ring, saying something to The Creeper. The Creeper drops the move instantly, walking toward the entranceway, then stopping. At his feet is the flamingo croquet mallet. The Creeper picks it up, running through the crowd of officials, bringing Celtic to a seated position, and cracking Celtic in the head with the mallet, Celtic toppling backward, a spray of blood shooting from his head as he falls. The Creeper moves to attack Celtic again, and, once again, the only thing preventing him from doing so is Cleo. This time, however, she gets the mallet from The Creeper, The Creeper walking toward the entranceway himself, the referees going with him. Behind them, however, Cleo rears back, again hitting Celtic with the mallet, dropping it to the ground, and moving to walk with The Creeper, who already walks with Malice. Several EMTs appear from the backstage area, a stretcher in tow. They get to Celtic, strapping him in, picking him up, and putting him on the stretcher. As Celtic passes the lone woman guarded by the two remaining behemoths that are The Creeper’s brothers, the woman’s face moist and tear-streaked, the two behemoths release her, the woman rushing to Celtic’s side, checking on Celtic. As Celtic reaches the top of the ramp, the woman seen already once before, tonight, the one called Vivian, appears, handing the other woman a folder of papers, then standing aside. Then the light's in the arena go out as the HWC-Tron comes to life, the words HWC Jackass pained across the screen in what looks like blood. Camera opens up on Amy leaning on the handle bars of a green mountain bike.))

Amy: I'm Amy Jensen and this is Human Speed Bump!

((Amy grins and tears off down a dirt road going full speed. The camera pans down the road showing The Cushion laying down on the road. Amy comes at Cushion not slowing down one bit, Amy hits Cushion with the bike sending her and the bike flipping end over end before coming in contact with the ground and skidding serval feet. Amy comes to a stop looking a bit banged up but mostly unhurt, the bike comes to a rest on top of her with the front tired bent up.))

Amy: Medic!

Camelot Pit Fight
Sephiroth vs Sothren

Eddie: And now… the most brutal match ever created. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Seph vs. Soth in a nonsanctioned Camelot Pit Fight.

Travis: Sibling rivalry at it’s best. No holds barred. And with these two, it should be a helluva match.

Eddie: Indeed. No love lost between the two brothers with Seph giving up the belt and rumor has it… unofficially disbanding the Darkside some are wondering what is his motivation to fight Soth. I assure you that it is motivated by pride. By honor. This is a fight amongst Kings and Sephiroth is the King of the Ring.

Travis: And for Sothren it’s nothing short of arrogance. He believes that he is the best. The champion of Darkness as it were. This match alone is a show of that arrogance challenging his own brother to this… the most hellish of matches, Sephiroth’s own Camelot Pit Fight. Sothren wants to be the best and to do it he has to just do one thing, kill the king.

Eddie: Easier said then done. This will be a match for the Hall of Fame like the first CPF this will be made for the Immortals. We’ll see hell tonight I guarantee it.

Travis: I tell you I’m anxious. I’m so conflicted as to who the best might be I didn’t even get a chance to make a bet on the match.

Eddie: You poor guy. Well, we’ve just been told that we are ready and now let’s go to Michael Buffer, our guest ring announcer for the summoning of the two brothers…

((The camera falls on Michael Buffer standing in the middle of the ring a card in his hand. He smiles and begins as the cell door is opened.))

Michael Buffer: It’s time… FOR OUR MAIN EVENT!!!

((The crowd roars in anticipation))

Michael Buffer: Are you ready?!

((The crowd roars to almost a fever pitch.))


((The crowd roars a loud “YEAH!”))

Michael Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, for the millions watching at home… ladies and gentlemen… LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!

((The crowd roars to an incredible roar shaking the very foundation of the arena as The lights go low and the black lights flick on as a low hideous dark laugh is heard and the words "Gehenna is here" appear on the screen "Dark and Grey" plays over the loud speaker. Sephiroth steps out behind the curtain as it begins and the Black Lights show his skin in a illuminous white. He bears his fangs and pulls out a Ivory-hilted Katana. He raises his blade high in the air and reaches the full height right when the words "F*** Off" hit then a V-line of Lightning effects strike right in front of him causing the whole stage to blast with green pyre. The lights then raise as green flames erupt from under the walkway.))

Michael Buffer: Now coming to the ring at this time standing at a height of 6’5 weighing in at approximately 246 lbs. He is the Vampire King, The Sanguine Assassin, The Fallen one, the chosen one, THE ONLY ONE… SEPHIROTH DU LAC!!!

((The crowd cheers as Sephiroth slowly sheaths his blade and walks calmly to the ring through the cell door. He steps inside the ring and undoes his trenchcoat. He removes it and the sword-sheath handing them to the ring girl and with a smile is ready. Just then the lights go out as "Facing Hell" begins to play over the PA system. Red Lights illuminate the stage as Sothren walks out with a huge grin. He stands on the top of the walkway almost standing on the stage as he pulls his right arm down and his leg up as if in a "YES!" pose and Pyro like Booker T's erupts he just smiles and laughs))

Michael Buffer: And now coming to the ring at this time at a height of 6’5, weighing in at 246 lbs. He is the Black Guard, the Death Knight, The Athar, The Champion of Evil… he is SOTHREN DU LAC!!!

((Sothren walks down to the ring arrogantly stepping inside the ring he slides in on all fours looking up with a smirk at his brother who stands still as stone watching him. Sothren stands and raises his arms looking dead straight into his eyes and drops them causing a bright explosion of Pyro which makes the audience jump and Michael Buffer go running. Seph however is unmoved as Sothren smirks at him. Seph just raises his right arm regally and slams it down causing lightning to strike the cage sparking a loud explosion of thunderous might and also causing the cage to burn with an amazing fire. Sothren is unmoved but looks rather angry at the reaction of his brother.))

Eddie: Whoa!!!! What a blast!

Travis: Man, Seph’s explosion was way more impressive. I think I got my choice. Can I go call my bookie… I mean my wife.

Eddie: No, cause you don’t got a wife and the match is about to start.

((Suddenly enraged Sothren goes for a clothesline and Seph quickly ducks. Sothren turns around and Seph goes for a kick to the midsection following up with an attempted Scissor Kick Sothren spins out of the way just in time and quickly grabs his brother tossing him to the outside of the ring and toward the flaming cage.))

Travis: Did you see that?! Soth just threw Seph out of the ring! I changed my mind! I want Soth to win!

Eddie: Sure thing Benedict Arnold.

Travis: Who?!

((Soth leaps down and goes for the attack grabbing Seph’s face and running it against the burning cage. Scratching it and burning it at the same time… singeing Seph’s hair and face horribly. Seph quickly locks his legs with Soth’s tripping him and causing him to fall face first into the burning cage. Burning Soth’s eyes. Seph slowly gets up as Soth screams temporarily blinded. Seph grabs him and throws him right into the cage slamming him against it. Soth lands back first in to the burning cage and Seph goes for a full body attack but Sothren moves out of the way causing Seph to land right into the cage. Sothren quickly grabs Seph as he’s reeling and drops him in a reverse DDT. Soth gets up and the ref starts counting 1… 2… 3… and Seph is up to his knees. Sothren grabs him again and goes to throw him head first. Seph grabs the burning cage enduring the pain and reverses it by doing a martial arts sweep causing Soth to fall to the ground. Seph grabs Soth’s leg and applies a single leg crab causing Soth to scream aloud.))

Travis: Why is Seph doing that? He can’t win by submission.

Eddie: He maybe trying to soften Sothren up, Best. Slow him down to try and get an advantage.

Travis: Ooo… good thinking. I‘ll put it all on Seph.

Eddie: Oookay…

((Soth screams out and finally positions himself right, kicking Seph square in the groin causing the Fallen One to crash right into the cage causing more pain. Seph reels back toward the ring post as Soth gets to his feet. Seph stands seemingly helpless as Soth goes for a spear… Seph gets out of the way sending his brother shoulder first into the ring post. Seph grabs Soth sending him into the cage. Sothren hits again back first and Seph charges for a spear. He connects and the burning cage wall breaks sending the two spilling out of the cage area and onto the outside. Both collapsed on the floor as the crowd roars in amazement.))

Eddie: My god!!! This is too much!!!

Travis: That was incredible! Are they dead?!

((Sothren first to his feet slowly creeping up on his brother. He grabs him quick and applies a Dragon Sleeper on him setting Seph up for the Nightmare Syndrome. Seph quickly seems to leap in a strange awkward way linking his legs to Sothren’s head finally flipping him in a frankensteiner onto the burning section of the cage. The crowd screams in amazement. Seph quickly goes to the ring girl tearing a shred off his coat. Seph wraps his hands with the cloth as Sothren lay there almost unconscious as the ref counts. 1… 2… Seph begins to climb the cage… 3… 4… 5… Seph finally reaches the top… 6… 7… Seph sets himself over his brother… 8… 9… Seph leaps in a corkscrew plancha landing on Sothren and disrupting the count. Both men lay there… half dead as the crowd roars again.))

Eddie: Holy hell!!! That was… that was Seph’s old move… the “Meteor Strike”!

Travis: Last fight of the evening can’t hold anything back.

((The Ref begins to count again… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… and both are back to their knees. Soth rises first grabbing Seph and going for a German Suplex which lands Seph right into the Cage area again. Soth going to grab Seph’s hair… Seph pulls up a major kick to the face. Soth reels back and Seph slowly gets to his feet. Seph goes to grab Soth in the Tazzmission but Soth reverses pulling a diamond cutter on Seph.))

Eddie: Whoa… “The Black Rose” done on Seph… Soth’s old move out of nowhere.

Travis: Last fight of the evening can’t hold anything back.

((Soth gets up and Seph lays there unconscious as the ref begins to count. Soth climbs in the ring to celebrate… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… just then Seph slowly gets up and Sothren can sense something not right. Soth turns around as Seph jumps on the apron. He goes to grab Seph but Seph reverses and jumps down causing Sothren’s neck to slam into the ropes. Soth reels as Seph leaps in. Soth recovers and Seph stands ready both deliver a massive Super Kick to each other’s faces almost instantaneously.))

Eddie: Ooh!!!

Travis: Ouch! Both bands have played and the tune is pain! Hey that rhymed!

Eddie: Oh god…

Travis: What do you know? I make a rhyme everytime.

Eddie: Stop that rhyming I mean it.

Travis: Anybody want a peanut?

((Soth is the first to his feet and stands behind his brother with a grin. Soth grabs him up and sets him up for the Athar. Just as he is about to bring it Seph reverses into a stunning Spinning Fallen Angel DDT!!!))

Eddie: My god! He reversed it! He reversed the Athar!!!

Travis: Last fight of the evening can’t hold anything back.

Eddie: We know… we know.

((Seph stands over Soth, both their faces red with blood. Crimson masks covering their visages as the ref counts Seph goes to the ropes and rests. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… just then Sothren sits up. As if back from death itself. Seph can’t believe it…))

Eddie: He sat up!!! Unbelievable!!!

Travis: Last fight of the evening can’t hold anything back.

Eddie: Travis? How would you like a black eye?

Travis: I’ll stop…

((The two stand staring into each other’s face. Burnt and bloody these two warriors stand ready. Sothren spits out a wad of blood as he is internally bleeding. Seph shakes the effects of a badly hurt jaw. Both men are tired but determined and now it has come to this. Sothren charges going for the clothesline from hell but Seph ducks linking their arms and twirling back wrapping into a full nelson he lifts… and drops Sothren in the devastating Shadowsphere!!!))

Eddie: Shadowsphere!!! Shadowsphere!!! Shadowsphere!!!

Travis: Last fight of the evening can’t hold anything back.

Eddie: Dammit, Travis, stuff it!!!

((The ref counts 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… Seph stands nervous. The crowd is breathless.))

Travis: We have to go to commercial!

Eddie: Travis!!!

Travis: Sorry!

((10… Seph wins!!! Seph wins!!!))

Michael Buffer: Here is your winner… SEPHIROTH DU LAC!!!

Eddie: My god! These men went through hell and back but, by god both men deserve a round of applause.

Travis: Last fight of the evening can’t hold anything back.

Eddie: Dammit Travis!!!

Travis: Ow, why did you punch me?!

((Seph smiles and waves to the crowd as the ref clears the ring. Sothren slowly gets up and Seph looks back at him. Seph lifts him up and the two stand toe to toe… eye to eye…))

Eddie: Uh-oh… this may not be over yet…

Travis: Last fight of the…

Eddie: Dammit! Would you stop?!

((The two look at each other with mutual respect and uneasily Seph extends a handshake to Sothren. Sothren looks at it then at the crowd who are urging the two to shake hands Sothren hesitates as Seph sweats.))

Eddie: Will Sothren shake Seph’s hand?

Travis: Find out after this commercial!

Eddie: Touch that knob and you won’t walk straight again!

Travis: Um… okay…

((Sothren finally shakes Seph’s hand and the two go from a handshake to a hug as the crowd begins to cheer. Just then someone jumps from the crowd and through the hole in the cage.))

Eddie: It's Bad News!

Travis: Or whats left of them!

((Enforcer, Draven, Jeff, and PitBull enter the cage and attack Seph and Soth. Even though cought off guard they put up a fight. Enforcer and Seph go blow for blow while Draven, Jeff and Pit beat Soth senselessly. Sephh gets the upper hand on Enforcer by beating him into the side of the cage before he grabs him and whips him across the ring. From the side Draven comes at Seph with a spear while he is busy with Enforcer. Once down Bad News threw up their hands to the reaction of both boos and cheers.))

Travis: Looks like they had some unfinished buisness with Darkside.

Eddie: Or of a more personal reasons.

Travis: Their just sore losers!

((Bad News make their way out of the cage quickly before the rest of Darkside come to Seph and Soth's reacue leaving like they come threw the crowd. The camera follows them as they laugh about they done. They move quickly threw the back stage area making their way for the parking lot. Reaching the back door Pit kicks it open. Enforcer's SUV is parked out in the parking lot ready for them to jump in and leave. But as they get closer They stop suddenly neaqrly diving out of the way as a semi truck blows it's horn and comes barreling across the parking lot headed right for the SUV. The semi colinds with Enforcer's SUV nearly rolling over it. The semi finally skids to a stop as Enforcer stares on in total shock. Draven and Pit Bull go running at the semi to beat up the driver. The semi front door swings open revealing The Tiger in the driver's seat. Still dressed in her organe prison jump suit and broken cuffs around her wrists she is armed with a crow bar.))

Eddie: What is Tiger doing here!

Travis: Someone call the cops! She broke out of jail!

((Draven rushes at Tiger with a spear just as she swings upwards clocking Draven in the head as he comes at her. Draven grabs his face and falls backwards. PitBull is next to come at Tiger, she kicks him in the gut as soon as he gets close enough. Pit doubles over in pain and gets thrown at the adavncing Jeff Wylde. Tiger kicks Jeff in the nuts to insure he stays down before she steps over him and to Enforcer. Enforcer takes a swing at Tiger as she dodges before slamming the crowbar into his gut. As he is doubled over in pain Tiger knocks Enforcer off his feet by swinging the crowbar to the back of the knee. Once down Tiger knees over him pressing the crowbar into his throat.))

The Tiger: What ya think now bitch! Huh! Ya talk to much!

((Tiger releases her hold on him before slamming the crowbar into his ribs. Throwing the weapon away Tiger stalks off and head inside.))

Eddie: The Tiger has returned to the HWC leaving a trail of destrution in her path! God have mercy on this fed!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))