Chrismas Chaos
Billings Montana at the Metra Park

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out. Always by Saliva starts to play as chips from past matches of Amy are shown. They fade out slowly then Jeff Wylde is shown standing in the ring followed by past chips of his matches. After they fade out as well Amy is seen standing face to face with Jeff in a ring of a dark empty arena. The camera then cuts to the packed arena as red and green pyro going off, Always can bearly be heard over the screaming fans and the blasing pyro. The camera pans over the crowd and turns to Eddie and Travis sitting at the announce table wearing santa hats.))

Eddie: Welcome to the sold out Metra Park in Billings Montana. I'm Eddie Danniels and with me is Travis Best.

Travis: Chrismas Chaos is finaly here!

Eddie: Chrismas the way HWC knows how and that's hardcore. Tonight ends it all Amy Jensen takes on Jeff Wylde, a man she calls her brother.

Travis: Some family.

Eddie: But that's later tonight, right now we have Jericho taking on Commissioner Obake.

Travis: Ah, Jericho one of Armageddon's followers.

Standard Match
Jericho vs Obake

Eddie: This is an unusual match here, Travis...

Travis: Understatement of the year.

((Eddie just shakes his head and turns to face the ring. 'Left Behind' by Slipknot kicks over the PA system as Obake steps from behind the go position. He walks to the middle of the ramp and stands there, head down. Suddenly he is engulfed in a stream of pyro from both sides, covering him. When the pyro dies, Obake roars, the very smoke from the pyro exuding from his mouth. He throws a series of right crosses at the camera ending with a slashing uppercut. Each thrust is punctuated by a pyro explosion. He walks towards the ring and climbs in, and stands in the middle of the ring. The fans cheer resoundingly at the sight of their Commissioner in the ring once more.))

Eddie: Jericho Dylan earned this dubious honor by beating the Enforcer half to death...

Travis: Looks like it's lights out for Jericho.

((Clouds of thick red smoke billow at the top of the ramp, followed by blue fog. After the fog and smoke have both cleared, the lights flicker. When they’ve steadied, Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” floods the arena. There’s a person at the top of the ramp. A long red crushed velvet cloak hangs down, concealing his short black hair and brown eyes. His black and gold tights catch and reflect the light, which then dances off his black boots. One hand reaches up and flips back the hood, revealing the one and only Jericho Dylan! While the crowd cheers, and in some places boos fervently, he walks down the ramp slapping hands. The lovely Natassja, representing the McLarson Agency, walks beside him with a smile. Once he gets in the ring, he perches on the top turnbuckle, then waves to the fans before pivoting and diving at Obake in a suicide dive. Obake catches him easily and throws him against the ropes.))

Eddie: Ouch.

Travis: That's what Jericho gets for crossing the Commissioner.

((Jericho gets to his feet and seemingly scowls. But then he tips his head and winks at Obake! Obake returns the wink and proceeds to pummel him as hard as if that wink didn't happen. Jericho drops a bit and avoids the brunt of most of those blows. But one hit lands squarely and makes him stagger. He walks right into Obake's raised right foot. Obake does a few military presses then throws Jericho over the top rope. When Jericho lands, his right leg won't co-operate, and he lands with his full weight on that awkwardly bent knee. His scream of pain nearly muffles the snap as his knee completely dislocates. Almost as if summoned, Armageddon comes running out to the ring and lifts Jericho into his arms. Obake watches in confusion as his opponent is taken away. But since the bell never officially rang to start the match, it doesn't really matter. Obake shrugs his massive shoulders, then walks to the back. The fans murmur amongst themselves, then stop as the camera catches up to Armageddon in the back. Jericho's hands are shaking as he tries to hold his leg still.))

Armageddon: Calm yourself, Jericho. This will soon pass.

Jericho(in between grunts and stifled screams): When? When will it all stop?

Armageddon: The time is drawing near, my follower. But for now, I'll leave you to the medical personnel. Your knee is more important than my grand scheme.

Jericho: Grand scheme? What are you talking about?

Armageddon: That isn't for you to know yet.

((Armageddon touches Jericho's forehead and it's like his fingers were steeped in a skin-absorbed sedative. Jericho's eyes close and he goes completely limp. The EMT's set the knee back into its original socket, then bind it firmly. Clutched loosely in Jericho's right hand is a small white card. On the back of that card is a black skull and crossbones. Under the symbol of a pirate is a single word written in what appears to be blood... "Vengeance". The camera cuts back to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Baffling. That's what that was. Utterly baffling.

Travis: I have to agree with you. Why didn't the bell ring to start that match? And why did they wink at each other?

Eddie: Your guess is as good as mine, Travis...

((The camera cuts backstage as Patriot is tapping his wrist and Ace-Man is tying his boots. Miss America walks into the locker room and throws them both a t-shirt.))

Patriot: What is this?

Miss America: It's the new "Masked" t-shirt.

Ace-Man: "Masked" t-shirt.

Miss America: Yeah, it has a picture of your masks on the front and says, "HWC's Finest here to protect."

Patriot: Sweet, but why do I need a picture of my own mask on my chest?

Miss America: Just wear it and worry about your match!

Patriot: Yes ma'am!

((Ace-Man smiles and laughs a little before he does the whip cracking sound and hand motion. Miss America then turning to him and stomping her foot.))

Ace-Man: Sorry, I will wear it. Uh, speaking of the match that damn Martian Smalls keeps talking junk about us Patriot, saying that we are just wanna be American hero's!

((Patriot snarls before speaking.))

Patriot: That fool Martian Smalls is just trying to get me worked up. That idiot is trying to make me lose my edge. That loser is trying to make me flip out, and it is working!

((Patriot suddenly jumps to his feet and puts the shirt on his back. He then grabs the chair he was sitting in and slams it against the wall.))

Patriot: Smalls has crossed the line and I am going to throw him right back over it. The Bloodlust Slayerz are going to get taken down like never before as a message right to him. The pain will be pure to that fool Smalls, for the love of America and the democracy it upholds! America can only take so much before America sends it back, with interest! Smalls will pay and the Slayerz with him.

((The chair in hand Patriot heads out of the locker room. Ace-Man stands and chuckles slightly before Miss America and he walk out of the room. Fade to black.))

Light Heavyweight
Sothren vs Hans

Jean Fortello: The following is a Light Heavyweight Title match first to the ring...

((Walk Among Us hits on the PA, with blue and white lights flashing all around the arena. after about 15 seconds, Hans steps out, paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, his hands on his hips, then power walks to the ring, climbs to the ring apron, then vaults to the top turnbuckle and flashes the "Crossed Hammers" sign.))

Jean Fortello: HANS!!!!!!

Eddie: You want to take bets on this one and make me a rich man?

Travis: Shut up Eddie!

((Hans theme cuts then Slither by Metallica hits the PA as the croud starts to cheer.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, he is one half the Tag Team Champions and the Light Heavyweight Champion........ SOTHREN!!!

((The lights go out as "Slither" begins to play over the PA system. Pyro explodes in a huge wall of red flame on the stage and four columns of flame erupt from the ring posts. Sothren walks out as the lights turn a crimson red. He walks slowly down to the ring as flames burn on the stage. He climbs into the ring and stands in the center raising a hand to the sky. Columns of flame erupt from the ring posts as the lights raise and the flames on the stage die. Hans comes up behind Soth and hits him with a axe handle. Soth drops the belt as the bell ring, the ref takes the belt out of the way. Soth turns around and hits Hans with a super kick, Hans is knocked down and gets to his knees shaking his head at first. Soth grabs him and hooks him for a suplex but Hans reverses it by pulling Soth down followed by a quick roll up, Hans puts puts both feet up on the second rope after the ref gets down to count. 1...2...3 Soth gets out just after the 3 count, he looks at the ref in shock. Hans gets up laughing and is handed the belt. Soth stares at Hans for a moment in shock the rolls out of the ring.))

Eddie: Was that even a match?

Travis: Quickest match I ever seen in my hole HWC carrer!

Eddie: Hans cheated Soth out of his belt. Oh looks like it's not over.

((Soth slides back in the ring with a chair. The ref tries to stop him but Soth pushes him away and hits Hans in the head with a chair. Hans drops like a rock and Soth continues away to beat on him with the chair. More refs and security come running from the back followed by Seph. The refs slide into the ring as Soth slams the now bent chair into the head of the fallen Hans. Soth swings the chair at the refs causing them to back away. Security slides in and one gets taken out by the chair while the rest swarm Soth pulling him away. The refs check on Hans when Seph slides in. Security takes the chair away from him and back him into a corner, Seph comes over and tries to talk sense into him. Seph looks over at Hans as a few of the refs check out the fallen security officer. Seph sudden leaps over to Hans and starts beating away on him as well. More Security come out from the back but not before Soth get past the ones already in the ring to kick Hans a few times in the ribs.))

Eddie: Hans got what he deserved.

Travis: Hey as much as I like Hans I know never mess with a mad man.

Eddie: Well Hans is the new Light Heavyweight Champion but at what price. He made some dangerious enemies this night.

((To no music at all Scott Mercer comes down to the ring. He's wearing a brown suit jacket over a black t-shirt, slacks that match the jacket and a pair of black Italian loafers. He casually steps into the ring and ask for a mic.))

Eddie: Well Scott Mercer, the agent/manager for the MIA Enforcer is out here. We haven't seen the Enforcer since he lost his match to Faygo Joe at the last Slaughter card before the holidays.

Travis: Well, I still can't get over the fact that the Enforcer lost that match! I lost fifty bucks on that match!

Eddie: Well, I'm sure no one cares. We do know that the Enforcer left the arena after that loss and hasn't been seen yet.

((In the ring Scott brings the mic up and begins to speak.))

Scott: Now as most of you know, at the most recent Slaughter card, the Enforcer had a chance to strip Faygo Joe of the world heavyweight title, and unfortunately he didn't. He seemingly walked out of the arena and the HWC, and no one has seen or heard from him since. Not even me. So here's what I'm going to do.

((Scott reaches into his jacket pocket and produces a thick wad of cash.))

Scott: This is five thousand dollars cash! I will personally give this five grand to any fan here in the arena tonight, or watching at home that can give me a lead that not only leads to me finding the Enforcer but convincing him to come back to the HWC!

((The fans cheer all wanting the money.))

Scott: As a matter of fact, the fan that can find him and convince him to come back will be handed this money, by me, right here in the ring at whatever event they can get the Enforcer to come back at. You hear me big man? Do you see what I'm doing here? I'm putting up five grand of my own money to get you to come back to the HWC! I need to know what's going on in your head man! I know you're upset over the loss, but goddamn it! You're a grown man and running away from your problems isn't going to solve anything! You can bounce back from this. There will be other chances!

((Suddenly Saliva's "Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA and all eyes turn to the entrance ramp. The song plays through the first verse and when it gets to the "Click Click Boom" line in the chorus a huge wall of pyro explodes on the "Boom" and when it dies down the Enforcer is standing there.))

Eddie: HE'S BACK!

((The Enforcer is dressed in a pair of black wrap around Ray Ban shades, a black t-shirt with the words "ENFORCE THIS" in white, black jeans and his Lugz. He rolls his head on his shoulders, cracking his neck and starts to walk to the ring, pulling off the shades and tucking them into a pocket of his jeans as he does. He steps into the middle of the ring and hears a sound he's not used to...cheering. He looks around at the fans and then back at Scott. He takes the five grand from his managers hand and pockets the wad of cash. Then he takes the mic. He turns towards the ramp and siginals to the tech backstage to cut the music. After a moment he begins to speak.))

Enforcer: Where did I go? That's the burning question on everyone's mind. Where did the Enforcer go after he let the Black List down? Well, I did what anyone would do when they needed time to think. I went home. I walked out of the arena, got into my car and flew back to New York and spent the last two weeks thinking things over. And this is what I came up with.

((He paces the ring for a second and then speaks again.))

I didn't let the Black List down, I didn't let Harley down, I didn't let Scott down, I didn't let the fans down...I let myself down. I spent a solid week training for that match with Faygo Joe and I had him in the palm of my hand, I had him right where I wanted him, and what happens? I get beat by the oldest trick in the book, a hook of the tights...or pants in my case. But either way, a simple cheap win for the champion and I look like a chump. But while I was sitting at home I realized something...I'm just a man. I'm not some unstoppable machine that's programmed to rip through everyone at the command of Martin Smalls or Harley Quinn or anybody else. I'm just a man, and like any man...I make mistakes.

((Again a quick pace of the ring before resuming his speech.)

I made my first mistake when I took out a personal vendetta on Obake. Sure, I may not like the man, but he was just doing his job. Then I made my second mistake when I let Martin Smalls boost my ego and line my pockets, and I did the same thing when Harley took over the Black List. I didn't listen to myself. But while I sat there at home, I realized something. I finally listened to myself. And I realized that all the time I was being led around by the wallet. There was only one other person...besides Scott, that gave a damn about me. Who cared about how I felt, what I was thinking about, how I was physically. Not someone who cared about what I could do for them or what I could do as a wrestler, but what Tony Michaels...not the Enforcer could do. How Tony Michaels was. And that one person, like I said isn't Scott. But this man...

((Suddenly all the lights in the arena go out.))

Travis: What's going on?

Eddie: Let go of me you big baby!

((Just as suddenly all the lights come back up and standing in the ring face to face with the Enforcer is...))

Eddie and Travis: Draven Masters?!

((Draven Masters indeed! He stands there dressed in a black leather jacket, black t-shirt, black jeans and boots. He and the Enforcer shake hands before the Enforcer resumes speaking.))

Enforcer: A lot of people thought that after the Hell in the Cell match at Sudden Death, that you'd never see Draven Masters again! Well he spent a month in the hospital letting his ribs heal, and I was the only one who went to see him to make sure he was okay. I was the only one who made sure he actually lived through the most hellacious night in HWC history. And as I sat at home I relaized that Draven Masters was the only person who I could honestly call my friend. And my partner.

((He hands the mic over to Draven.))

Draven: While I sat there in the hospital and let my ribs heal from that spear that Obake gave me I thought over a few things myself. I entered this buisness to wrestle. Not to stand behind my cousin Martin Smalls and be his lackey. Not to be nothing more that some mindless brute who runs in to help other members of the Black List when they need help. Not to be some big dumb brute who throws people around when someone tells me to. I'm here to break bodies and win titles.

((The Enforcer has grabbed a mic of his own.)

Enforcer: And if you're not in this business to win titles, then my friend you are in the wrong fuckin' line of work! I came to HWC for the same reason all the other boys and girls in the back win some gold! And I did that. I won the Hardcore title...which I don't even know if I still hold anymore or not. But now that Draven and I are back, as a tag-team...that means only one thing for all the other teams back stage...

Enforcer and Draven: BAD NEWS!

((Draven throws off his jacket and he and the Enforcer rip off their shirts to reveal black t-shirts with the words BAD NEWS! written in red letters and on the back they read "EXTRA! EXTRA! We just kicked your ass!")

Draven: So, to the HWC Finest, Bottled Genius, Die Zerstorer, The BloodLust Slayerz and the Kindred...

Enforcer: Especially the Kindred!

Draven: Bad News has come to the HWC and there is nothing...nothing that is going to stop us from going straight to the top and straight through every tag team in the HWC if that's what it's going to take to get those tag-team title belts around our waists!

Enforcer: And that is today's headline!

((With no theme played to announce him out steps Smalls from the back. He stands on the stage with a mic in hand.))

Smalls: Aint this all very touching, to see my own cousin turn his back on the man who made him the great man he is today. But that's okay you do what you want to. But Draven, when Enforcer who's become weakened and soft by Harley's poor leadership and he brings you to a new low don't come crawling back to me, cause I don't know you! That's right you heard me Draven I have disowned you! You should of stayed out of this fed, you can grovel in the dirt under my feet and I can promise you, you will get no farther then the other jobbers in this fed. You Draven are...... WEAK!!!!

((As if having enough Draven climbs out of the ring and runs up the ramp at Smalls with Enforcer close behind. Smalls turns and heads back stage. The camera cuts back stage just behind the curtin showing Smalls running and being chased by Draven and Enforcer. Smalls turns down a hall and is traped in a corner. Draven grabs Smalls and brings his arm back to hit him when a door flies open and BloodLust Slayerz emerge and attack Draven and Enforcer. The men go blow for blow but being catch off guard gives BloodLust Slayerz the upper hand. Palimon slams Enforcer's head threw the door while Beowulf chokes Draven out. Before the fight is finished Patriot comes running up and slams the a chair against his head. Beowulf drops as Palimon charges at him but gets his head nearly took off by a base ball swing from the chair. Smalls tries to get away but Patriot sees him and again he's trapped in the corner by Patriot this time. Patriot gets inches from his face staring him down for a moment saying nothing. Then suddenly he turns away and leaves.))

Women's Title
Chloe(c) vs The Tiger

Eddie: Welcome back everyone... We're about to get underway with the Women's Title Match. Chloe defends against The Tiger.

Travis: A sexy lady against a ravening beast. How fair is that?

Eddie: Shut your mouth.

((Travis glares at Eddie as Bree Sharp's "Cheap and Evil Girl" hits the PA. The lights dim and red spotlights come on with a greyish cold mist rolls over the ground. Her theme starts as black lights flash at the stage entrance. Chloe comes out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. The Women's Title gleams coldly from its position on her shoulder. She leans against the ropes and watches intently.))

Travis: There's the beauty... Now where's the Beast?

Eddie: Shut up, or I'll sic Jericho Dylan on you!

((Travis shuts up in a hurry. That's nothing to laugh at... Jericho has been seen in the building tonight. "Better Than You" by Metallica shreds its way across the PA system. Once her music hits white and green lights flash to the beat. She steps out onto the stage and shows her left side at first flexing her left arm showing her muscles and her tribal tattoo that goes from her shoulder to her wrist. She then makes her way down the ramp and to the ring. Reaching the ring she climbs up the turnbuckle on the outside and throws both fists up in the air, elbows bent a bit. The crowd roars in approval and anticipation as The Tiger stands tall. Chloe drops the belt and shoves at Tiger from behind, making her stagger off the turnbuckle. The bell rings as the current Women's Champion takes it to Tiger. Tiger turns and pie-faces Chloe, making her do a somersault to the back set of ropes. Chloe gets up quickly, her anger at Sephiroth metamorphing into anger at Tiger. She takes it to the HWC's Hardcore Legend with a series of lefts and rights. Tiger bounces back and hits Chloe with a standing clothesline. A roar from the crowd, and Tiger is on fire. She gets Chloe into position for a Power Bomb, but the champ somehow wriggles out of it. She now works at getting Tiger off her impressive vertical base. It doesn't seem to be working, though...))

Eddie: Chloe needs to do something drastic to get Tiger off her feet...

Travis: No kidding. Come on, Chloe!!

((Chloe's scowling in frustration now... Tiger hasn't budged an inch! In desperation, Chloe hits Tiger with a running clothesline. Nothing. Another desperation move, this one seeming to do the trick... A running chopblock takes Tiger's knee out from under her. Chloe goes to work on that knee, hammering away at it with her fists. Despite her normal stature, The Tiger is as tough as nails. Chloe goes high...))


Travis: Yes!

((But they can't believe their eyes... For, just at the count of two, The Tiger powers out of the count and sends Chloe reeling! The fans roar in approval and the rafters shake ever so slightly. Chloe, for her part, goes back to work on that knee from before. Only a minor effect this time... The Tiger gets a feral grin on her face and moves in for the kill. The crowd starts stomping their feet, motivating Tiger to be brutal. Knife-edge chops make the crowd go "WOO!" after each one. With Chloe reeling in the corner, Tiger grins again and motions to the crowd. With each shot, the crowd shouts out loud.))

Crowd: Click...

Crowd: Click...

Crowd and Both Commentators: BOOM!!!

((Chloe, being so slight, falls face-first on the mat. Tiger rolls her over and pins her. 1... 2... 3!! The bell rings and the referee lifts Tiger's hand in victory.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner, and NEW HWC Women's Champion... THE TIGER!!!

((Tiger stares down at the belt, then bounces over to the nearest turnbuckle and hoists it high above her head. The crowd cheers so loudly, it's almost deafening. Tiger repeats her pose three more times, and nearly gets deafened three more times. She hops down from the apron and lands on her feet, then walks to the back, belt held high all the while.))

((A black limo pulls into the parking lot and Harley steps out. Johnny gets out behind her and shuts the door. Harley looks up at the arena and lets out a deep breath.))

Johnny: Are you sure you want to do this by yourself? I mean we could wait back in the locker room if you…

Harley: I'm sure! No… I want to prove that I'm not scared of Sephiroth or anyone else! If anythin' should happen to me everythin' is goin' to be taken care of so don't worry…

Johnny: Harley don't say that…You will come out of there…But I'm not going to lie to you and tell you, you'll be walking out of there…You will get hurt! I don't know how bad you'll be when you get out of there, but no matter what I'll stay beside you… I just wish you would let us come with you… If Seph tries anything funny we could take of it!

((Harley sighs as the door of the limo opens again and out steps Reno and Rude. Harley leans against the limo and drops her head like in prayer placing one hand around her rosary beads that hang around her neck. A single tear falls down her cheek as she looks up at the arena once again.))

Reno: Boss, you're goin' to be ok! You're goin' to kick Sephiroth's ass all over that damn thin'! You're goin' to come out of there alive…

Rude: We'll be watchin' from the tv in the limo. We'll be in there at the slightest sign of trouble! You can count on us!

Johnny: They're right Harl! We'll be there at the first sign of trouble! It's getting late…And you still have to get ready and everything…

Harley: I know…And I thank you boys for that…It won't take me long to change…Tell JJ I love him, and Mia that I really appreciate her takin' care of our son! Oh and tell Joey to take care of our Father…

Johnny: Anything else?

Harley: Yeah…I want you to have this.

((She removes a silver ring from her hand and places it in Johnny's hand and smiles. The ruby in the middle catches the little light that surrounds them as it glimmers in Johnny's hand. He looks at the inside and reads the inscription around the inside of the band. ))

Johnny: What's this?

Harley: It's my family ring…I just had it inscribed…Read it…

Johnny:" My pride, my joy, my life… Johnny,and JJ…"

((Johnny looks up at her and smiles taking her in his arms. She kisses him and looks into his eyes before breaking the embrace and hugs Reno and Rude before walking away leaving the guys in the cold, and bitter darkness.))

Reno: She doesn't look scared…She's calm… I mean if she wasn't she would have begged us to go with her right?

Rude: You're right dude…She looks very confident!

Johnny: She might look relaxed, but she's terrified… She wants to run from the match but her pride won't let her… She knows it's going to be bad, but it doesn't matter to her…She has something to prove… Plus she knows she might possibly die…

Reno: Trust me man…She's ready for this…If she wasn't I know damn well you wouldn't have just let the woman you love walk in that arena alone to her possible death!

Johnny: I know…But I'm still worried…

((The guys get back in the limo and pull out of the parking lot, not seeing Harley standing by the door watching them drive off with tears streaming down her face as the scene fades out.))

Tag Match
BloodLust Slayerz vs HWC Finest

Travis: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way!

Eddie: You're in a good mood! This is going to be one of the most horrific nights in the history of the HWC!

Travis: I know! Think about it Eddie, we're going to see blood shed! Where's your Christmas Spirit?

Eddie: Oh I got the Christmas Spirit but tonight is not going to be joyous! Onto our next match! BloodLust Slayerz vs the HWC's Finest!

Travis: Go BloodLust Slayerz!!!

Eddie: You really need some help Travis!!! Serious help…

Travis: What are you trying to say Eddie?

Eddie: Nothing…Nothing at all…

(( The lights go out, and Beowulf is heard saying in a deep voice " SUMMON THE DRUMS OF WAR! Possession by OTEP begins to play as does the sound of drums. The crowd bursts into boos as Palimon and Beowulf appear after the smoke from the pyro clears.))

Jean Fortello: Making their way to the ring at this time, from Norway at a combined weight of 500lbs The BloodLust Slayerz!

Travis: We're really going to see some blood from these two! My money is riding on these guys!

Eddie: Figures you would! The HWC's Finest will come out on top! Speaking of which…

((The lights in the arena dim and then completely fade out as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthem begins to play. The Patriot along with Miss America make their way to the ring stopping half way and salutes the American Flag. He enters the ring and yells "IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A PLANE! NO!! IT'S ACE MAN!" Ace man then appears from the rafters by a harness. The harness is unhooked and he and the Patriot shake hands.))

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, from our Nation's Capital, Washington D.C, at a combined weight of 505lbs accompanied by Miss America, The HWC's Finest!

((Palimon and Ace Man stand face to face in the middle of the ring as the bell sounds. Palimon takes the upper hand with open hand punches putting Ace Man in the corner. Palimon backs away and goes for a flying head butt but ends up missing Ace Man. Ace Man gets to his corner and tags in the Patriot. The Patriot goes to the corner and picks up Palimon and uses an eye gouge. Palimon clutches his face and backs off trying to get the tag out to Beowulf.))

Eddie: The Finest are going to destroy BloodLust Slayerz!

Travis: No they're not! You'll see! BloodLust Slayerz will rid the us of the HWC's Finest! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go…

Eddie: You're just sick! This is going to be one of the bloodiest shows and you're singing Christmas Carols?

Travis: What? I'm just in the Christmas mood!

((Beowulf has been tagged in and he goes after the Patriot and picks him up hitting a hangman's neck breaker sending the Patriot to the mat. Beowulf goes for the pin. 1…2… The Patriot gets the shoulder up! Beowulf can't believe what he's seeing! The Patriot gets up and heads to his corner to tag in Ace Man!))

Eddie: Ha! I told you Finest would take over!

Travis: Yeah, well it's not over yet! At least you don't have 100 bucks riding on the BloodLust Slayerz!

Eddie: You never learn do you?

Travis: It seemed like a good idea at the time!

((Ace Man goes for the Superkick, knocking Beowulf to the mat. Ace man goes for the cover. 1…Palimo jumps in the ring breaking up the cover. The ref is distracted by Palimon, and Ace and the Patriot look at each other and smile before Ace hits the Ace's Wild on Beowulf as he gets to his feet. The Patriot gets tto the top rope and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash knocking Beowulf out!))


((The ref turns back not seeing the Patriot rolling out of the ring as Ace Man makes the pin. 1…2…3!!))

Jean Fortello: Here are your winners! The HWC's Finest!

Travis: I can kiss that 100 bucks good bye right?

Eddie: Yep! You need to stop betting on the bad guys!

Travis: Don't be silly! Hey I bet you 5 bucks that Seph totally kills Harley tonight!

Eddie: Were you even listening to me?

Travis: What?

Eddie: (Sighs) Never mind!

Amy vs Jeff Wylde

((The lights in the arena start to flicker and dim and Snake River Conspiracy starts to play over the PA. The curtains part and Amy comes stalking through them. She is wearing all black, with arm stockings to cover her recent carving. She steps into the ring and waits in the dead center of the ring, her eyes narrowed. Clearly she's been through the ringer mentally. She is pale.))

Eddie: This is not the same Amy Jensen we've seen in the past. Ever since the events with Hans and Jeff Wylde, she's turned darker and scarier than I've ever seen her.

Travis: Hey I dig gothic chicks. I think she looks hot!

Eddie: Can't you ever be serious? She's fighting a man who used to be her best friend, a man who was like a brother to her.

Travis: The man she claims ruined her perfect relationship with Hans. I thought they made a cute couple!

Eddie: You are impossible!

((Megadeth's "Reckoning Day" hits and Jeff Wylde steps out onto the stage. Instead of his wresting gear, he's wearing an HWC t-shirt with the sleevs cut off, black jeans and a pair of Lugz. He pauses at the top of the ramp and looks at Amy. He pulls a mic out of his back pocket.))

Jeff: You mind telling me what the hell is going on? I've been trying to call you all week.

((Amy pulls out a black cell phone and throws it as hard as she can out at him. When the cell hits the ramp, it shatters, but there is no battery whatsoever. Amy picks up a mic and speaks into it.))

Amy: What the fuck does it matter? Get your ass in here!

Travis: Well I guess that answers that question.

Eddie: Amy is no mood to talk, she just wants to fight, but we all know that's the last thing Wylde wants. He's been trying to avoid this for weeks. He's not even in his wrestling gear.

Travis: Get in there and fight Wylde! I'm not here for "As HWC Turns"! I want to see blood!

Eddie: The man lost his family, and possibly his only friend in the world and you're calling for a fight. You truly are sick!

Travis: Thank you.

((Jeff looks at the shattered phone and slowly walks to the ring.))

Jeff: You really want this? Is this what you really want? (He gets in the ring and walks face to face with her.) Look me in the eye and tell me the truth. Because I know you Amy, you can't bullshit me, so look me in the eye and tell me this is what you really want.

((Amy whips her arm forward and clubs him with the mic, catching him off guard in the face. She then knees him in the inner thigh, knowing he'll be prepared for a nut shot. She speaks softly.))

Amy: You did all this....

Eddie: Wylde was not expecting that.

Travis: Hit her back! C'mon dammit, fight!

((Jeff rolls over to the ropes and pulls himself to his feet. He looks shocked not at her blows, but her words. He picks up his dropped mic.))

Jeff: Me? I tried to help you! But you pushed me away, you didn't let me in! Goddamn it Amy, I care about you, but you don't seem to care about anybody but yourself! You're nothing more than a selfish little BITCH!

Travis: Ooh, them's fighting words.

Eddie: He's doing everything he can to avoid fighting her.

((Amy snarls in anger and leaps forward, tackling him down. She starts to ram her tiny fists down on him with all her strength. It's clear she isn't holding back whatsoever. She yells in his face.))


Travis: Finally some action!

Eddie: Wylde trying to shield his face, but she's getting some blows into his face. He looks more annoyed than anything else.

((He shoves her off, and Amy lands on her butt on the mat. Jeff stands up.))

Jeff: That's because you never talked to me! All I wanted was to help you! And this is how you repay me? I would've done anything for you! But I give up! You're hopeless! I don't know why I even bothered! (He glares down at her.)

Eddie: This is truly sad.

Travis: You're telling me! They've been in there for five minutes and we've barely had a match!

Eddie: Shut up Travis, just shut up!

((Amy flips to her feet and kicks him square in the gut as she moves forward, driving her boot into his solar plexus. She then rams her knee into his face. Her eyes are wild. She says nothing.))

Travis: Come on you wuss! Fight back!

Eddie: I thought I told you to shut up!

Travis: When have I ever listened to you?

((Jeff once again pulls himself to his feet. He glares at Amy. Then he slaps her. Hard. She staggers back a few steps.))

Jeff: You're nothing more than a petulant little child!

((Amy's face reels from the slap and blood trickles from her pale lips. Her eyes flare angrily and she lashes out, punching him in the temple hard with her right hand, then dropkicks him as hard as she can muster.))

Amy: Petulant that, bitch!

Eddie: Wylde has yet to do anything besides that insulting slap to the face. He refuses to fight her.

Travis: Come on, these people paid good money to see a fight!

((Jeff staggers back into the ropes. He walks over to Amy and glares into her eyes. He shakes his head at her and turns to walk away. He reaches the ropes and then suddenly, with a grace that belies his 280 pound frame he spins around and runs across the ring clotheslining Amy inside out as she goes flpping head over heels. He rebounds off the ropes on the other side and drops an elbow on her.))

Travis: Now we're getting somewhere!

Eddie: Wylde has taken all he could from Amy and has taken his first offensive move by nearly turning her inside out with a huge clothesline. He broke her in half!

((Amy lays there, flattened. She coughs hard, curling up tightly. Holding her chest, Amy's eyes shut tight, but she remembers the resolve she used to have and her eyes open. She staggers to her feet and jumps up, catching his head with her legs. She then proceeds to throw him across the ring, with a textbook head scissors. She follows up with a stiff kick to his chest. Jeff headbutts Amy in the chest and then grabs a handfull of hair and unloads with right hands to her face. She drops to the mat and he pulls her back up and suplexes her. He stomps on her before pulling her up again and whipping her hard into the corner. She staggers out into a belly to belly suplex.))

Eddie: Dear God! He tossed little Amy all the way across the ring!

Travis: Well he outweighs her by nearly 200 pounds! She bounced off the mat with the force from that suplex!

((Amy is once again tossed around. She crumples like a piece of paper on the mat. Laying there, she fights back tears from the pain as her ribs are screaming out at her. She writhes a bit then starts to stagger again to her feet, refusing to stay down. She suddenly leaps onto the top turnbuckle, and throws herself into a corkscrew moonsault at him, but instead of crashing on him, she lands on his shoulders. Throwing herself backwards, she catapults him out of the ring. Jeff goes crashing to the floor and rolls over to the barricade. He stands up as Amy comes flying over the top rope with a cross body. He manages to catch her 95 pound frame and with a growl slams her back first into the ring post causing her to scream out in pain. She almost falls out of his arms but he keeps her on her feet and whips her into the barricade causing her to scream in pain again and then rolls back into the ring. He looks at her as if he's daring her to get back into the ring.))

Eddie: Amy is tough, but I don't think even she can stand up to the assault that the Wyldeman is unleashing on her!

Travis: Well at least he's fighting instead of running his mouth!

Eddie: Too bad your mouth is still running.

((Amy lays there on the outside as the ref starts to count. She is seeing stars, clearly out of it. Her eyes are swimming, every nerve in her body firing at once. The past 2-3 months flash before her eyes as she lays there and she finally shows enough movement to count as coherent. She crawls back into the ring at the count of 7, still not giving up. She staggers towards Jeff and breaks out into a run past him. Bounding off the ropes, she dropkicks him into the ropes from behind, hanging him on the ropes. She then signals and runs...619!!!!!!! She then bounces onto the top rope and executes a Swanton Bomb onto his fallen form.))

Travis: The 619 out of nowhere and she follows that up with the Swanton!

Eddie: Where did she get that burst of energy from? Amy's still got gas in her tank! But she's still hurting! She has a chance to end this thing, but that Swanton took a lot out of her!

Travis: And Wylde is not moving. The 619 may have knocked him out!

((Amy crawls over and tries for a cover. 1..2..Jeff kicks out tossing her off of him. He gets to his feet as Amy rebounds off the ropes and tries for a hurricanranna, but Jeff turns it into a sit out powerbomb. He reaches down and pulls Amy up by her neck, and lifts her up. Chokeslam! Amy lays there looking out of it. Jeff covers her. 1...2...KICKOUT! How she managed that no one will ever know, but she did and Jeff is just as shocked as everyone else.))

Eddie: How in the world did she kick out of that? By all rights she should not be able to move! She was just chokeslammed by a 280 pound man!

Travis: That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen! Little 95 pound Amy kicked out of a thunderous chokeslam!

((Amy lays there, reeling. She spasms a bit then lashes out on instinct, kicking him square in the nuts. When he reels over from the pain, Amy kicks him square between the eyes. When he is a sufficient way away, she crawls over. 1...2...and a kickout! Amy slaps the mat in frustration then starts to beat on his head with her fist in anger. Jeff reels a bit as she slams her fist into his skull and it's clear that the kick in the face has caused a nosebeed if not a broken nose. He fights the pain and lashes out punching Amy in her neck. She staggers back coughing. He gets to his feet and moves around behind her taking her over in a release German suplex folding her up. He then whips her off the ropes and nails a Samoan drop. He covers again, 1...2...but they're too close to the ropes and she puts her foot on the bottom rope breaking the count.))

Travis: Was that instinct or was she trying to kick out?

Eddie: Whatever it was it saved her. This match will go on. Somehow Amy is still in this thing despite the pounding that her former best friend is giving her!

Travis: That's why she's HWC's resident Hellcat!

((Amy continues to cough from the neck shot but then grabs Jeff's neck, and just resorts to strangling the fucker! She locks her hands tight around his neck and squeezes. A crazed look is in her eye, indicating she isn't seeing Jeff anymore. She just squeezes, doing her best to at least try and choke him out. The ref leans down and yanks at her tiny arms, trying to pull her away. She shoves him away and goes back to choking him. Jeff lays there, choking and gasping for air. He manages to get a hand up and rakes her eyes causing her to break the blatant choke. He staggers to the corner trying to catch his breath. Amy charges in and he dodges at the last second allowing her to crash into the turnbuckle. She staggers back, and he spins her around and grabs twin handfuls of hair headbutting her. She sags but he holds on and then sends her off the ropes, but they both have the same idea. DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! They both go down. The ref starts the mandatory ten count.))

Eddie: They both thought the same thing and paid the price. Wylde and Amy are both down. This match is the most brutal thing I have ever seen. These two are former friends who are now trying to kill each other!

Travis: And I thought Wylde had it, but now it's anyone's ballgame, Eddie.

Eddie: The ref is up to four now, and neither one has moved yet.

((Amy lays there, almost unconscious. At the 5 count, Jeff stirs and throws an arm over Amy, covering. 1...2...Amy comes to her senses and kicks out on instinct. Jeff is utterly shocked for a second time that the little Hellcat has kicked out. Amy spits up blood, curling up tightly. Tears form at the edge of her eyes, as she rocks a bit in the extreme pain. She cannot even form an attack. Jeff slowly rises to his feet and he's grinning down at her. He walks in a circle around her and then reaches down pulling her to her feet by her hair. Again he takes two handfuls of hair. However instead of the headbutt everyone is expecting he leans in and kisses her! The arena falls into a hushed shock. Not even Travis has anything to say about this bizzare turn of events.))

Eddie: What the hell...?

((Amy kisses him back just as hard, totally caught off guard but enjoying it just as much. Her tongue dances with his, blood tasted from her lips and mouth. Amy then lets her head fall back limp, stil conscious but with no longer the power to hold it up. Jeff rolls from the ring and takes her to the back as the camera follows them but stops at the curtain. The crowd suddenly buzzes with excitement as a camera in the back follows them as Jeff is walking by with Amy in his arms past the shocked crew and wrestlers. He says nothing to any of them as he reaches the exit. He disappears outside the arena with Amy still in his arms. The camera follows them out after a moment and all we can see are the tailights of Jeff's Camaro as he pulls out of the parking lot.))

Daniels: ...

Best: ...

((Armageddon stands in the ring with a mic, in the spotlight he looks more menicing the ever. The crowd stays quiet waiting for him to speak, this eyes scan over the crowd as if looking for a something. When he finally speaks his voice carries a hint of force behind it))

Armageddon: I was denied a match, and not to say anything about it is not good enough. I know all the roster and even those in charge here are scared of me. So I'm announcing an open challenge..... to anyone. This this is anyone brave enough to stand against me. I promise you demise will be quick.....

((Before he can finish Air Raid steps out onto the stage. He stares down Armageddon before walking down making his way to the ring, something about the he carries him self is differnert.))

Travis: Is it me or is there something different about Air Raid.

Eddie: I don't know but he was foolish to come out here, Armageddon is going to kill him.

((Armageddon tosses the mic away and stands ready to fight. Air walks around on the out side of the ring first before climbing is. The second he's in Armageddon is on him. A few blows and Arm throws him to the corner and starts beating away on him. Seeming dazed Arm pulls Air over his shoulder and climbs up top the ring post, Arm the delivers a gorilla press slam off the turn buckle. Arm then goes for a cover. 1.. kick out. Seeming annoyed Arm gets to his feet and pulls Air to his.))

Eddie: Air don't know when to stay down.

((Arm goes to throw Air to the ropes but Air stops suddenly spinns around and delivers the Kold Hard Kash to Armageddon.))

Eddie: What the hell!!

Travis: It Can't Be!!!

((Air Raid stands over Armageddon's body and pulls off the paint ball mask releaving Kash Flagg. The crowd burst into cheers as he looks over the crowd.))

Travis: OH MY GOD!!


Travis: And he just took out Armageddon!!

((Kash tosses the mask onto Armageddon and turns to climb out of the ring.))

World Title
Faygo Joe(c) vs Bulldozer

Travis: Not much can top that.

Eddie: What A night it's been so far, but it's not over yet.

Travis: What else is going to happen?

Eddie: Maybe you might get laid tonight.

Travis: That was cold!

Eddie: The World Title is on the line, and will Dozer be able to claim it again.

Travis: I sure would hope so, our curent champ is distrubingly creepy.

Eddie: Not to mention sick minded.

((Double X Minus" hits the PA and Faygo Joe come strolling out into the arena, pushing a wheelbarrow. In the wheelbarrow is Faygo's manager, Bridget Morgan.))

Jean Fortello: The following is for the World Title, to the ring weighing in at 180 lbs. he is the World Title Champion........ FAYGO JOE!!!

((Joe wheel's his barrow down the ramp and parks it next to the ring. He gives his companion a loving kiss on the cheek before entering the ring and hopping around like a jackass. Faygo's music dies out as Here To Stay kicks up.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 345 lbs. from Rock Hill........... BULLDOZER!!!

((The lights dim, red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at ligthing like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimadatily.))

Eddie: Dozer seems pumped and ready for this, lets hope Faygo is as well.

Travis: If Faygo was wise he would hand the belt over and leave the ring.

Eddie: Then he's not a smart man cause he's not going to back down from this giant.

((The bell rings and the two tie up, Dozer gets the under hand and pushes Faygo so hard he is slammed to the mat by the force. Faygo gets to his feet looking steamed he tries a standing drop kick but Dozer bearly budges from it. Faygo gets up again this time he hits the ropes. Coming off them he flies at Dozer but Dozer catches him. Before Dozer can slam Faygo back first into the ring post Faygo delivers a tornado DDT catching Dozer off guard. Wasting no time Faygo locks Dozer in a Boston crab, it isn't long before Dozer breaks the hold and gets to his feet. Faygo kicks Dozer in the gut and hits the ropes again in hopes to knock Dozer down again but Dozer is ready. When Faygo flies at him Dozer hooks his arm and sends him flying over the top rope to the floor below.))

Travis: Bet Faygo didn't see that coming.

((Dozer climbs out of the ring and picks Faygo up in a grollia press and steps over to the ring steps. The ref starts his count. 1...2...3...4..))

Eddie: He wouldn't!

Travis: DO IT!!!

((Dozer looks at the crowd that starts to boo him just before he slams down Faygo, he slips behind him and leg sweeps him causing him to fall face first into the steps. Rolling away it can be seen that Dozer is busted open and the steps are bent. Faygo gets over Dozer and starts beating away on Dozer. 5...6...7..... Faygo backs off and slides into the ring for a moment then back out starting the count over. 1..2... Faygo goes back over to Dozer to beat on him some more, but Dozer grabs him and gives him a hard headbutt. Faygo staggers away holding his head while Dozer whipes his face and gets to his feet. Dozer grabs part of the ring steps and comes running at Faygo.))

Eddie: No...... LOOK OUT!!

((Faygo staggers to the ring rail then turns seeing Dozer running at him, before he can act the steel steps connect with this head knocking him over the rail and into the crowd. 3....4....5....6...7...8 Dozer turns back and steps into the ring for a moment then out causing the ref to start the count over again. 1...2...3...4 Dozer turns back to where Faygo was laying, he fails her see the blood cover Faygo climb out of the crowd just to Dozer's right. He had a chair in hand and before Dozer can turn Faygo slams the chair into the back of Dozers skull. Dozer holds his head as Faygo hits him again this time in the back, the blow causes him to fall over the railing. Faygo follows and starts beating away on him intill Dozer kicks causing the chair to fly up and smack Faygo in the face. Dozer gets to his feet and closelines Faygo back over the railing. 5....6... Staggering slightly him self Dozer picks Faygo up and rolls him into the ring following right behind. Dozer goes for the cover, 1...2.. kick out. Dozer pulls Faygo to his feet again and grabs him by the throat.))

Eddie: It's all over now!

Travis: What I tell you!

((Dozer singals for a choke slam and raises Faygo off the mat with one hand. Faygo counters by kicking Dozer in the nuts. Dozer's eyes cross and he drops Faygo as he drops to his knees in pain.))

Travis: Come on ref do your job.

Eddie: Quick thinking by Faygo.

((Faygo pulls Dozer up and irish whips him followed by a belly to belly suplex. It almost looks like Faygo can't pull it off and Dozer will fall ontop of him and crush him, but some how he pulls it off. Dozer seems a bit surprised by this as he tries to get up. Faygo already to his feet is holding his back, he starts stomping away on Dozer trying to keep him down. The ref comes and breaks it up, Faygo pushes the ref away and goes to give Dozer The Hedpop. But before he can Faygo is pulled out of the ring by Martin Smalls.))

Eddie: What the hell!

Travis: (sings) Here he somes to save the day!

Eddie: More like wreck the day.

((Faygo starts yelling at Smalls as he holds up his hands showing him he won't hurt him. In the ring Dozer starts to get to his feet. Smalls starts backing away from Faygo till Faygo comes running at Smalls to deliver a close line. Smalls steps out of the way and trips Faygo causing him to slams into the other ring steps. Smalls quickly pulls Faygo to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Dozer pulls Faygo to his feet and delivers a Demolition followed by a pin. 1...2...3. The bell rings and Smalls slides into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner and new World Champion...... BULLDOZER!!!

((Smalls takes the World Title from the ref and hands it to Dozer then raises his hand in the air.))

Travis: This almost makes up for Tiger beating that cutie Chloe.

Eddie: I have a feeling this is far from over. Faygo had it won before Smalls butted his way in again!

Travis: Better not let him hear you bad mouth him, or you might lose your job.

Eddie: One can only dream.

Camelot Pit Fight for the IC Title
Sephiroth vs Harley

Eddie: Now it is time for our main event! The most horrifying match I've ever heard of is about to get underway.

Travis: This is going to be great! I can't wait to see what happens!

Eddie: What kind of sick, twisted individual would find this entertaining?

Travis: Oo! Oo! ME-ME-ME!

Eddie: God…

((The hell-in-a cell cage lowers slowly and workers quickly secure it to the floor. The crowd sits in quiet anticipation as they ready for the big moment. The moment that will forge the face of the company into a new era. The most vicious sadistic match ever created is about to come to fruition.))

Eddie: This must be the very epitome of evil.

Travis: It's the match that made Sephiroth du Lac a household name. The Camelot Pit Fight.

Eddie: No one has seen or heard from du Lac in at least a week. He has had no contact with any superstar and even his brother hasn't heard from him. Now, the mystery will be solved and du Lac will be looking to get revenge on Harley Quinn.

Travis: Speaking of the Jersey Devil Diva! Here she comes!

(("Square Dance" begins to play as the silhouette of Harley Quinn appears in front of the bright searchlight at the beginning of the walkway. She walks down very cool and confident through the door of the cell. She stands in the ring alone removing her jacket so that she can better be prepared. The lights raise and Harley stands ready to face the Sanguine Assassin.))

Travis: Here we go.

Eddie: Wait… we still need Seph.

(("Fade to Black" begins to play but the lights stay on. Harley stands waiting in the center of the ring. Focused she stands waiting, as does everyone in eager anticipation. But after a minute Seph doesn't come out.))

Travis: What the hell?

Eddie: Where is du Lac?

Travis: He didn't show for his own match?

Eddie: Wait! I'm being told there is a disturbance in the audio room.

((The camera goes to the audio room where there are a bunch of technicians lying unconscious. Among them Sothren sits smoking a cigar looking at the camera.))

Soth: Hello, boys! Now giving you the Darklord of Camelot itself. The master of the Black Arts. The founder of the Sabbat. The lord of darkness itself. I bring you Sephiroth du Lac!

((The old "Corporate Ministry" music plays as the lights dim. This is the old music the music of a time that has already passed. The music of the "Darkside". The camera switches to black robed monks carrying a strange symbol upon a war banner. It is the symbol of a catholic cross bound inside a pentagram. It is the symbol of Sephiroth… the Knight of the Black Rose. The other banner that follows has a black hand with an eye in the center. It is quickly apparent. The old Sephiroth is back. Livia walks out in a black mourning dress with shackles upon her hands and feet. A collar bore on her neck and the word slave written on her right cheek. She is bearing a single candle lit as a dim blue light enshrouds all. Sephiroth then walks out his top half clad in a black chrome metallic armor. He walks slowly to the ring and walks through the cage door. His face never changing, as he looks at Harley who is severely unnerved. His eyes never blinking fixed on her. He pulls a strap and the armor falls off, it is quickly gathered by the small Livia who carries it away. Sephiroth's physique seems to have grown a bit. His arms rather pulsing with power. He looks up and holds his hands above his head… and as he drops them a blue lightning bolt strikes the cage setting it on fire in a huge fiery explosion. Harley flinches and looks in awe at a smirking Sephiroth du Lac.))

Eddie: My god…

Travis: The black knight…

Eddie: What do you think has happened to du Lac? Is this the next form of a "Dark Evolution".

Travis: He is evil incarnate… maybe this is just a scare tactic.

Eddie: Yeah, well it worked!

((Livia walks to the announcers table and puts on a headset.))

Travis: Livia? Where have you been? Last we heard of you, you were buying real estate for Seph.

Livia: Yes, well, my lord has kept me busy. I've been helping him train and training myself. I've got my eye on the Women's Title.

Eddie: Oh… I see. So where have you two been all week.

Livia: Let's just say all three of us needed to get away.

Travis: Well, let's get this thing underway!

Livia: Yes, time to watch the slaughter.

Travis: This isn't Slaughter it's christmas chaos!

Eddie: Don't mind him, he ate paint chips when he was a kid.

Travis: So!

((The bell sounds and Sephiroth stands there eye to eye with Harley the two seem to have their eyes fixed on each other. Harley slaps Sephiroth right in the face causing Seph's head to go back but Seph only smiles and returns the look. She goes to hit him again but is caught and flipped with a martial arts throw. Seph follows up with some vicious right hands. Seph lifts Harl to her feet but Harl sends Seph into the ropes and follows up with a head scissors take down. Seph rises but Harl pulls an arm drag take down. Seph rises to his feet Harl goes for the clothesline but Seph ducks and pulls a neckbreaker stopping Harley's momentum. Seph going for the attack. Seph attempting a kick to the midsection. Harl grabs him. Seph going for the reverse insuguri but Harley ducks still holding the leg. Harley pulls a reverse insuguri to Seph's face bringing the champion down. Harley goes for the attack but Seph performs a martial arts leg sweep taking Harley down and rising to his feet at the same time. Seph picking up Harley and irish whip to the ropes Seph pulls a belly to belly suplex and sending her over the ropes. Her back striking the hot metal of the cage as she falls to the outside. Harley screams as the pain hits her. Her hair sets on fire but she quickly puts it out as Seph pulls her up. He grabs her hair and slams her face into the fiery steel. Seph goes to do it again but Harl blocks. Harl goes for the reversal but Seph blocks and seph pulls a thrust to the throat.))

Eddie: Oo… Seph and Harl pulling out all the stops.

Travis: Man, that's got to work.

Livia: Come on, Master you can do it!

((Seph following through by grabbing Harl's hair. Slamming her head repeatedly in the cage. Harley screams as Seph rams her whole body into the flaming trap. The crowd is going crazy some in jubilation others in horror as they watch the most hideous sight in their lives. Sephiroth is going under the ring now. Reaching underneath and pulling out a black baseball bat and a can of gasoline. Just then the crowd roars as the Mafioso runs out.))

Livia: Those fools!

Travis: No, they'll wreck everything.

Eddie: I'm glad someone is coming out here to stop this.

((Just then Seph unscrews the top of the can. He throws it toward the cage and flames erupt outside as the spectators gasp. The flames envelop the mafioso setting them on fire. Reno and rude quickly roll on the ground and Johnny only scorches his coat arm. The referees come to the sides to help them and security comes to escort them in the back.))

Eddie: My god did you see that! In all my years ladies and gentlemen I've never seen such a thing. With one foul swoop I think Harley's chances of getting out alive just went up in smoke.

Travis: Don't say smoke around Reno and Rude they'll think it's 4:20.

Livia: But, it's only 11:30…

Travis: Nevermind.

((Seph goes to pick harl up but Harley reverses with a leg drag and Seph bashes his head against the burning steel. Seph down on the ground holding his face as Harley grabs the bat. Harley bashing the bat against the body of the Sanguine Assassin. Seph screams in pain as the Baseball bat beats against his flesh. Harley now begins choking du Lac with the bat. Seph manages to use his positioning to drive Harley back into the burning metal. Harley screams and releases. Seph irish whipping Harl into the ring. Seph climbs inside as Harl makes it to her feet. Seph goes for a Scissor kick but misses and Harley takes the bat driving it hard into the groin of Sephiroth. Seph falls to his knees as Harley goes to hit him in the back of the head. She misses but barely as he rolls out of the way and clotheslines her hard in the neck. The bat goes flying as Seph gets to his feet first. He stands ready to deliver what looks like the sweet chin music. Seph stands ready as Harl gets to her feet. He goes for it but misses and Harl Backside slams him to the mat. Seph woozy getting up. Harley going to the top rope. She flies and nails a hurricanrana on Seph. Seph is on the mat as the ref counts… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… Seph slowly gets to his feet again as Harley goes to the top for another Hurricanrana. She goes for it but Seph sees it. He plants her with a powerbomb in the nick of time and Harley looks out of it.))

Travis: Ouch! Call my chiropractor I felt that one!

Livia: I almost feel sorry for her.

Eddie: Almost? My god what are you?

Livia: I am… my master's.

Travis: Oo… I wonder if Seph can get me a beautiful woman to obey my commands.

Eddie: Yeah, I'm sure.

((Both contenders trying to get up from that one as the ref counts. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… Seph is up. Seph goes for the bat as Harl stays on all fours trying to get her head straight. Seph grabs the bat and looks to one side of the cell where Harley's coat is seen. Seph runs over grabbing it as Harley gets to her feet. Seph wrapping the coat around the wooden bat. He looks to the floor and soaks up as much gas as he can from the floor. Seph lights all of it on fire and stares at the now lethal weapon. Harley hanging on the ropes looking like she's too tired to fight back. Seph climbs in the ring and in desperation Harley catches the Vampire with the Sweet Chin Music. The flaming bat still in his hands. Seph is out as the ref counts Harley collapses in the corner waiting the count. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… Seph literally leaps to his feet as the crowd roars. Harley can't believe it.))

Livia: YES!

Eddie: Holy shit! He got up! He leapt up to his feet like it was nothing!

Travis: Hey, man! You pissed off superfly!

((Harley charges as Seph smacks her in the face with that flaming baseball bat. Harley is blind and dazed and stumbles right into the FALLEN ANGEL DDT!!! 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9…….. 10! It's over! SEPH WINS!!! The crowd is on their feet as the "Corporate Ministry" music blares. Seph stands the soul survivor of the first HWC Camelot Pit Fight!!!))

Eddie: My god! That was the most intense brutal match I have ever witnessed in all my years! These two competitors gave it their all and unfortunately for Harley Quinn this was Sephiroth's match!

Travis: This was awesome, Eddie. Without a doubt this one belongs in the highlight reels! Livia, thanks for spending a little time with us.

Livia: Thanks Travis… Thanks Eddie. It was fun. Now if you'll excuse me I have to be at a celebration.

Eddie: Well, my god Sephiroth du Lac has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt tonight that he is hardcore. For Travis Best I'm Eddie Daniels. See ya later, ladies and gentlemen and merry christmas.

((The camera fades on a picture of Harley being loaded on a stretcher with a neckbrace on as the cameras fade. Copyright Hardcore Wrestling Corpartion 2002))