Christmas Chaos
Seattle Washington at the KeyArena

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace starts to play. The image of The Tiger fades in, clips of her battling with Bad News is shown. The moment she brutaly beat them on her return to where Bad News hand cuffed her to the ring and made her watch the destruction of her bike. She is shown going threw each member one by one from pinning Ravin the ring, trying to set fire to PitBull, and taking on Draven and Jeff in the ring by her self. The music slow showing the shock between Tiger and Celtic showing when it was releaved that they were related. As the chorse kicks in Tiger is seen attacking Celtic and challenging him. The two stand nose to nose before Tiger is shown being draged awya by secrity. The face of Celtic is shown as the image fades. Clips of the moment of Creeper's match against Jericho is show as Seph's coffin is brought into the ring. The sceen turns a redish as Seph brusts from the coffin and attacks Creeper. Seph is shown standing over Creepers body. The sceen turns back to normal when Creeper is seen running from back stage and kidnapping Chloe. Creeper yells to Seph but no words are heard only the chorse of the music. The profile of an enraged Seph is shown before fading to show the profile of Creeper in a redish tint looking calm and ready. The image fades with the music.))

((Camera opens up on the arena as fire works go off and fans scream to be heard and seen by the camera. In the back ground Three Days Grace can be heard. After paning over the crowd the camera comes to rest on Eddie and Travis. Eddie dressed like Santa and Travis dressed like an elf.))

Eddie: MEERY CHRISTMAS AND WELCOME TO CHRISTMAS CHAOS. We are live in Seattle Washington.

Travis: HWC has hit KeyArena!

Eddie: Don't plan on going anywhere cause just like Christmas we have many surprises for everyone.

Travis: And it doesn't matter of your good or bad.

Eddie: First match of the night is, apparently, a more ‘extreme’ form of Jobber match. As you recall, Ryan Maverick gained a spot as a legitimate piece of HWC talent. Because of that, Ryan Maverick has gained himself his first ever Pay-Per-View appearance, in this match, which has been dubbed a “Breakdown” match.

Travis: I don’t get it.

Eddie: See the cage around the ring? There’s a trapdoor in the roof of the cage, and the only way to win is to set up the ladder in the center of the ring, climb it, and exit the roof.

Travis: Ah. Why are the jobbers in this match?

Eddie: According to what I heard from Austin’s office, it’s in an effort to make sure that this match isn’t going to seriously hurt someone. Apparently, if this match doesn’t seriously injure one or more of the athletes in this contest, then this match stands the chance of becoming a standard HWC match.

Travis: I’ve got to give it to Austin. He’s an asshole, but he has some great ideas for matches.

Eddie: You like the thought of seeing one or more of your favorite athletes in this kind of match?

Travis: No, I like the thought of having one less Jobber.

((The bell rings, as both men are in the ring. Ryan locks up with his opponent, Air Raid. Air Raid catches Ryan with a low blow, followed by a second, then a third, finally letting Ryan fall to the ground. Air Raid begins stomping on Ryan’s crotch, before grabbing the ladder, resting it against Ryan’s groin again, then rolling Ryan to the side, the ladder sandwiched between Ryan’s legs. Air Raid returns with a low dropkick, kicking the ladder into Ryan’s groin. Ryan’s yelp is loud, as Ryan begins trying to drag himself away from the ladder, and get his bearings. Air Raid grabs Ryan, draping him backfirst over the ladder, so the ladder rests solely against Ryan’s back. Air Raid makes his way to the top turnbuckle, then launching off with a swanton, driving Ryan’s back into the ladder viciously, the move visibly focused on Ryan’s bad ribs.))

Eddie: Ryan really didn’t have a chance here. Air Raid just has no problem cheating to win, and Ryan’s honor prevents that.

Travis: He’s a moron.

((Air Raid sets up the ladder, and begins the climb. As he nears the top, the lights cut off, then come back on, showing someone standing in the ring, the ladder moved to one side. The unidentified man climbs the ladder, and drills Air Raid with a spear, the force of the jump carrying Air Raid into the support bar of the cage. The unidentified man begins attacking Air Raid viciously. After a few moments, the lights cut off again, Jericho and Jarred Dylan appearing in the ring, with Daemon standing against a corner across the ring. A cameraman moves around the ring, catching the interaction.))

Jericho: Michael! Settle down! This match doesn’t concern us!

Michael: It does! HE’S THE ONE!

((The last part, apparently, was loud enough that Daemon heard, Daemon quirking an eyebrow, then running his fist under his nose, moving from the corner, grabbing Air Raid by his throat and, in one swift movement, turning, and tossing Air Raid through a panel of the cage, following Air Raid outside the ring, wrapping his right hand around Air Raid’s throat, dragging Air Raid up the ramp, and backstage, all before the other three can realize that Daemon had even been there. The lights cut off again, then returning, showing Ryan slowly getting to his feet inside the ring. Unfettered, Ryan sets up the ladder, climbs it, opens the trapdoor, and exits, sitting on the roof of the cage, looking around confused.))

Eddie: Ryan has a victory!

((A limo pulls up to the arena, the back opening, Austin stepping from the limo attired for the winter night, then walking into the building, toward his office, beginning to pull his coat off. A voise from down the hall calls to Austin as a kid no older then 20 comes running up. The strange thing about this kid is not the fact that he is wearing no shoes or dressed all in gray cammo, but the fact that he is whiter then white with braided blood red hair shaved all around. He stops before Austin and smiles.))

Voice: Mr. Perremont, I glad I found you yo.

Austin: Look, if your girlfriend wasn't happy with you, then it's not my fault that she came to me. Get out of my way.

((Austin moves past the kid, walking toward his office.))

Voice: (grabs Austin's shoulder to stop him) No Mr. Perremont, I'm not here about my girl yo. My name is Remy Straiz, or better known as Ghost in the backyard circet.

Austin: Well, you're in an entirely different world, now. The fans are supposed to stay behind the guardrail.

Ghost: I'm no fan dude. But I can promise I'm more hardcore then the pussies ya have hired here.

Austin: You're funny, kid. Listen, I don't have time for arrogant little kids. You know how many people have said that? A shitload. You know how many have actually backed it up? Not a one. What's your reason for being here, kid? I'm a busy man. I don't have time for you to tell me your damn life story.

Ghost: Hey dude, all I ask for is you to give me one chance and yous won't be sorry Mr. Perremont.

Austin: You want a tryout match?! Yeah, right kid. Get lost. Security! Get this punk out of my arena!

((Austin walks into his office as the security force moves to drag Ghost out of the arena.))

Ghost: I'll be back Mr. Perrremont. I don't quit!

Standard Match
"Sick" Rick James vs B.D.

Eddie: Well folks, this match shouldn't take very long!

Travis: Are you kidding? This could prove to be the match of the evening!

Eddie: Have you been sniffing paint fumes or something? Just in case you've forgotten, our main event is certain to be a classic, with Jericho Dylan defending the HWC World Title against a two-time former champion, Kidd Rock!

Travis: Yeah yeah, but they're a couple of goody-goody guys! They probably won't even draw blood! B.D., on the other hand, will make mincemeat out of this "Sick" Rick idiot! There's almost guaranteed to be blood!

((Andrew WK's "Party Hard" comes over the PA system, as the Sick one, Rick James makes his way through the curtain and sprints to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope, and into the center of the ring. He stares wild eyed at the crowd... awaiting his opponent.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 212 pounds, "Sick" Rick James!

((The crowd reacts with a rousing chorus of boos & catcalls as "Party Hard" fades, and is momentarily replaced with "Super Charger Heaven" by White Zombie. As the music fades in, the lights fade, and the HWC-tron shows a very distinguished looking gentleman, in an elaborate study, his hands resting on his left knee, folded over his right. As the song proceeds, the man's voice cuts in. "Look, I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen." the HWC-tron then fades to black, and two large red dots appear on the Tron, only to flow down, and leave behind two letters made from the red liquid, in B.D. Smoke fills the entranceway and the ring, after a few seconds obscuring both, the lights come back up, the smoke flowing from the ring, showing B.D., armed with his chair, behind Sick Rick. Jean Fortello bails out of the ring as he charges his unaware opponent, and clobbers him with the chair, to the wild cheers of the fans!))

Eddie: B.D. Is actually being cheered by the fans!

Travis: If they know what's good for them, they'd better! B.D. has his chair, and isn't afraid to use it!

Eddie: You've got that right, as Sick Rick just found out the hard way!

((The referee finally gets the chair away from B.D., but not before he gets in three more hits. Rick rolls out of the ring, clutching at his back, as the referee stops B.D. from going out after him. After a moment, Rick gets himself together, and tolls back into the ring, and the referee signals for the bell to officially start the match. B.D. immediately attacks, kicking & stomping, and Rick rolls out of the ring again. This time, as Rick tries to recover, B.D. shoves the referee aside, vaults over the top rope, and hits a flying cross-body, sending both men to the floor, and the fans roar with approval of the insane move.))

Eddie: No offense whatsoever from "Sick" Rick thus far!

Travis: Of course not! This guy sucks! B.D. is going to destroy him! He doesn't even deserve to be in the ring with an HWC superstar! Hell, the jobbers could probably beat this guy!

Eddie: Well, that's hard to argue with, given that Rick is winless in the HWC, but I've learned to assume nothing these days!

((B.D. hauls Rick to his feet, rolls him into the ring, and follows, then picks him up. He hits, in succession, a Cradle DDT, a double-arm back-breaker, a double-arm piledriver, a compact chokeslam, and a lifting powerslam, then does a Stalling suplex setup, after holding the opponent in the air for a few minutes, spins to the left, wrapping his right arm around opponent's throat, continuing the spin, and dropping down to his stomach, driving the back of the opponents head, neck, and his shoulders, into the mat hard, the opponent still completely vertical.))

Eddie: The Tornado of souls! This has got to be it! The cover…1…2..No, B.D. picked him up!

Travis: B.D. isn't done having fun yet! This could get real ugly for Mister James!

((B. D. Hauls the semi-conscious Rick to his feet, then sets him as if for a powerbomb, snakes his hands down, looping them under the opponent's triceps, locking his hands behind the opponent's head, then driving him into the ground face first!))

Eddie: The Plague! This has got to be it! But B.D. isn't going for the cover!

Travis: He's gonna do it again! He's sending a message!

Eddie: To who?

Travis: How the hell should I know! It's B.D.!

Eddie: And a SECOND Plague, and finally a cover…1…2…3, and it's mercifully over!

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match., B.D.!

Travis: See, I told ya B.D. would wipe the floor with this looser!

Standard Match
Lucien Merriuci vs Zac K.

Eddie: What night this has been so far, eh, Travis? Our main event tonight is a World Title match between Jericho Dylan and Kidd Rock!

Travis: Big fat hairy deal.

Eddie: Travis, these two men have never faced each other before. It was Kidd and JARRED!

Travis: So? It's still a Dylan.

Eddie: (sighing) Travis, are you still sore about the Commissioner banning you from betting?

Travis: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Either way, I don't care.

Eddie: Rumor has it Sarafan's in the building...

Travis: SARAFAN?? Are you sure??

Eddie: Could be true... But it might not. We'll just have to wait and see.

Travis: I hope it is true... What did you say the main event was?

Eddie: (laughing softly) Jericho and Kidd for the World Title.

Travis: Oh, yeah! I take back what I said earlier. That's going to be a HELL of a match!

Eddie: You said it, partner!

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first... From Prague in the Czech Republic... Weighing in at 275 pounds... LUCIEN MERRIUCI!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu" starts. Lucien slowly and methodically walks to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes (metaphorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Eddie: Lucien has the distinct honor of being one of only four people to defeat Jarred Dylan... One of his few wins thus far in his career.

Travis: That is an honor... Jarred is a gifted athlete, just like his big brother.

Eddie: He certainly is. I wouldn't be surprised if he got a shot at a singles title of his own. But if it's the World title, and Jericho's holding it, wouldn't that cause a problem?

Travis: Ooh. I never thought of that. It sure would... Those two are a great team, but I don't know if they could handle something like that coming between them.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From Binghamton, New York... Being accompanied by his wife Karen... Weighing in at 200 pounds... ZAC K.!

((Zac K walks out from behind the curtains and stands at the top of the ramp and his fists shoot out of his sides like a crucifix position. While he's standing there his wife/manager Karen walks out and up to his back and wraps her arms around him and after she does that she lets go and they both walk down the ramp and Zac slides into the ring and Karen stays on the outside. Zac walks over to the ring rope and Karen climbs up onto the apron and gives Zac a kiss and then she hops down and Zac waits in the ring. Lucien hits him with a clothesline that knocks him down. Karen watches anxiously from outside the ring. Lucien scoops Zac up over his shoulder and executes a flawless running powerslam that has the crowd gasping.))

Eddie: Whoa! Lucien's been hanging around the brawlers again!

Travis: Musta been! He's got a lot of power for someone so skinny!

((Karen hops up on the ring apron to yell at the referee, claiming that the running powerslam was an illegal move. She doesn't see a flurry of activity as someone comes barreling down to the ring. A pair of female hands reaches up and hauls her down with so much force, she crumples into a heap on the floor. Standing there is a petite blonde girl with fire in her eyes and hands hooked into claws.))

Eddie: Who's that?

Travis: I don't... Wait. I'm getting a feed in from the back... Apparently that's Eric Taylor's girlfriend Samantha Wilson!

((Samantha grabs Karen and hauls her from the ringside area, making things even. Standing at the top of the ramp is one Jessie Blankenship. She's smiling when Sam pushes the woozy Karen backstage... Then she salutes the referee and saunters down to the announce position. Eddie rises to his feet and helps her get her headset in place.))

Eddie: Welcome to the announcer's table, Jessie.

Jessie: Thank you, Eddie. It's a nice change from watching in the back.

Travis: Jessie, this is a question everyone's been asking themselves... How's your dad?

Jessie: He's doing fine, Travis. Thank you for asking.

Eddie: Did he stay at home tonight?

Jessie: As a matter of fact, he did. He was feeling a bit dizzy so he decided not to come.

Travis: That's too bad... I was looking forward to seeing him here. He's got quite the presence.

Jessie: That he does, Travis... That he does. But it isn't just him being dizzy that made him stay home. The police have been hounding him for information on what happened to The Lurker.

Eddie: You don't think they think he had something to do with it.

Jessie: At this point, it's hard to tell. Ooh, ouch, that's going to leave a mark!

((Lucien picks himself up off the mat from where he landed after Zac hit him with an Enziguri. Zac smirks, not knowing Karen's been physically removed by Samantha Wilson. But he finds out the hard way when the referee isn't distracted so he can use the set of brass knuckles hidden in his trunks. He has to resort to legal tactics to get Lucien into the corner. But Lucien shoves him backward with enough force to send him tumbling head over heels. Zac gets to his feet and gets introduced to Lucien's feet the hard way!))


Jessie: WOW! I am really impressed with Lucien here!

Travis: He's giving me something to think about, that's for sure!

((Lucien smirks and hauls Zac up to his feet, then gets caught in a small package. But Zac's weaker than Lucien and gets propelled into the turnbuckle for his trouble. He turns around and Lucien watches him carefully.))

Eddie: He's taking a while adjusting his tights...

Jessie: More like trying to cheat without getting caught!

Travis: You don't think he'd...

Eddie: He would! LOOK!

((In Zac's right hand is a set of brass knuckles. Their dull sheen makes Jessie curse and tear off her headset. She launches herself at Zac's hand, ripping the knucks off and carrying them to the outside. Lucien takes advantage of Zac's shock to charge and avalanche him in the corner. He's the only one who isn't surprised at Jessie flying halfway across the ring to remove a set of brass knuckles. Eddie and Travis are absolutely flabbergasted! Jessie's watching from outside the ring where she landed, hand closed around the knucks with her own knuckles turning white.))

Eddie: It looks like she's trying to melt the knucks with her own body heat...

Travis: Well, at this point, that wouldn't surprise me. She'd make a hell of a wrestler!

Eddie: That she would, Travis... That she would. And when you remember who her father is, it wouldn't be too far of a leap.

Travis: Right. Ooh, look, Eddie... Lucien's got his second wind!

((He's right, folks... Lucien hauls Zac out of the corner and hits a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Then, with a salute that could either be mockery or tribute, he pulls a move out of someone else's playbook...))


Travis: I sure did! That's going to cause some serious trouble when Jericho catches wind of Lucien using the Mardi Gras Kickoff on Zac!

((Lucien ignores the shocked gasps from the crowd and goes for a nonchalant cover. 1... 2... 3. The standing swanton was just the icing on the cake as far as he was concerned. He stands up and shrugs off the referee's hand. Sliding out of the ring, he can see Jessie standing there and tips his head to one side. Jessie throws the ruined knucks to the ground and stalks around the ring to glare at him. Lucien raises his eyebrows in silent question. Jessie plants her hands on her hips and the glare turns into a scowl. The camera catches her yelling at him.))

Jessie: What the FUCK were you thinking?? You can't steal someone else's moves!

Lucien: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jessie: That standing Swanton you used? That's someone else's finisher, and when he catches you, he's going to make you pay! I hope he puts you in the hospital for that!

Lucien: Like I'm scared of some wimpy no-name.

Jessie: The man who uses that finisher isn't some wimpy no-name, you idiot... That was the Mardi Gras Kickoff! And you know who uses it?

Lucien: I'm sure you'll tell me anyway... Not like I care...

Jessie: I'll tell you who uses the Mardi Gras Kickoff! He comes from New Orleans, Louisiana... And his name is JERICHO DYLAN!

((Lucien actually does an incredulous double take as the name registers. Then he throws his head back and laughs!))

Jessie: I don't see what's so funny!

Lucien: You truly think I'm afraid of him? You're wrong, my dear. I actually long for the day when I defeat him in battle and take what's rightfully mine.

Jessie: You mean IF. You facing Jericho in any sort of match is a long way off, bub. No, if he wants revenge for you stealing his finisher, he'll do it on his own terms. Now get the hell out of my way... I have things to do. Like opening the door for someone coming in.

((She pushes past him and stalks up the ramp. Lucien looks back at the motionless Zac, then watches Jessie go, rubbing his chin in thought. Then he laughs and walks to his dressing room. The door closes behind him and the light under the door goes on.))

Eddie: Jessie has a very valid point, Travis... Jericho isn't the type of person to do things the legal way when it comes to revenge. I have a feeling those two are going to collide and soon.

Travis: I think Lucien made a huge mistake, laughing Jericho off like that. You don't mock the World Champion. It's just not done!

Eddie: You're absolutely right, Travis. This could very well be a very LONG night for Lucien.

((Austin appears on-camera, again, standing by the concessions stand, a cup of water in hand. After a moment, Austin takes a drink. Ghost steps up silently behind him and taps Austin on the shoulder before crossing his arms and grinning cocky like. Austin spit-takes his water, jumping ,and turning.))

Austin: You again?! What do I pay those security guards for?! Security!

Ghost: You think they call me Ghost cause of my color. Look chill yo I just want to talk with yous.

Austin: Then talk. You have five minutes, kid.

Ghost: I got mad skills yo. Grew up in the streets of Seattle here. I'm tellin' yous Mr. Perremont I'm the shizznit in Backyard Feds. Now those boys now what real Hardcore is, and I think the HWC needs someone who'll keep it real.

Austin: Keep it real? Then 'break it down, homey'.

Ghost: Dam straight, yous know what I'm talkin' about. So hook me up and I won't let yous down yo.

Austin: Hook you up? Hey, why not? Security! Get this miscreant out of here!

((Austin walks off.))

Austin: This is a two thousand dollar shirt, and that kid just runs up and ruins it.

((Austin heads to the ring, after making sure the Security gets rid of Ghost.))

Ghost: (calls back again as he is draged off) That's okay dude, yous think about it yo!

((King Nothing hit's and Austin strolls out heading to the ring. He smiles like he has soming up his sleeve. Though no one seem to want him out there. On reaching the ring his music cut as he gets a mic from one of the ring crew.))

Austin: Well sad to say this would be where The Tiger would go one on one with Celtic Hyena in a Back Alley Brawl...... that is if Tiger was still around.

((The crowd starts to boo Austin.))

Austin: Oh come on like you would want to see such a borning match. No one wants to see those two fight!

((Sweet Little Sister starts to play cutting off Austin. He looks annoyed as he turns to the stage to see Cherisse Novak step out from the curtain. She reaches the edge of the stage and waves to the cheering fans as her music dies down.))

Austin: What do we owe the honor Comission Novak?

Cherisse: I here to inform you.... and the rest of Seattle that the Back Ally Brawl is still on!

((The crowd breaks out in cheers again, and Austin looks pissed but keeps his cool.))

Austin: Wha..... How is that possable, I saspended The Tiger weeks ago!

Cherisse: That maybe, but I hold here in my hand papers from Autumn that release The Tiger's contract and The Tiger her self into my care. Meaning the match is on...... and Tiger is waiting.

((Cherisse gestures to the HWC-Tron which then comes to life showing The Tiger standing out side. Her arms are crossed and glares over all with a mean look in her eyes. After a long moment of mixed cheers Tiger speaks, her voice almost booming.))

The Tiger: I'm waiting for ya Celtic. Let's finish this!

Eddie: Tiger just called Celtic out!

Travis: Oooo goody now maybe they will have a showdown at high midnight and kill each other.

Eddie: High midnight?

Back Ally Brawl
The Tiger vs Celtic Hyena

((Celtic walks threw the lobby and out the front doors. Once out side the rain pours down on him, the cold drops burns at his skin. What a perfect time for a match out side, this will only make things more difficult. Wishing it was snow and now frozen rain, Celtic steps further out searching for Tiger. Out here is where he was told Tiger was waiting for him when she bradcasted her challage to him. Celtic grew tired and angry by her games. Stopping just a few feet away from the foutain out front, Celtic notices a figure more drenched him he step from behind it. As she grows closer Celtic sees a ref dressed in a stripped poncho come from behind ready for the match.))

Celtic: We don't have to do this.

The Tiger: Yea we do Time for talk is over.

((Celtic stood his ground as Tiger stalked closer, now only a foot apart Tiger doesn't bother with the tie up. Instead she goes for a right hook which turns out to be a fake, too late Celtic drops to his knees after being kicked in the groin. In turn Tiger slams her elbow into the top of his head, sending Cetlic to the ground. Not giving him a chance Tiger kicks Crltic in the ribs. By the second kick Celtic finally reacted, grabing Tiger's foot and twisting it at the ankle till Tiger cries out in pain. Celtic pulls Tiger off her feet and a loud pop can be heard. Tiger lays there holding her leg in pain as Celtic gets to his feet. The look in his eyes has changed, no compassion, it looks like he's snapped. Celtic leans down and grabs Tiger by the hair and pulls her to her knees before slamming his over sized fist into her face, then again and again. By the fifth time Celtic hits her with an uppercut sending her to her back with a broken nose. Tiger looks up at Celtic and snorts blood before forcing her self up. Celtic takes another swing but Tiger blocks it, she throws a fist of her own but Celtic ducks it and moves behind her. Once Tiger turns around Celtic nails her with a big boot sending her back down to the ground. Celtic grabs a handfull of hair and pulls Tiger up, blood running down her face mixing with the rain. Pulling her into a suplex Tiger quickly slips behind and pulls Celtic into a choke hold, she hangs off him her feet not touching the ground till he falls to his knees gasping for air. Tiger releases him and lets him drop like a stone. Then pulling him up again Tiger drags him closer to the fountain before dunking his head under the freezing cold water and holding it there.))

Eddie: My god she's really trying to kill him!

Travis: B.D. is going to be jelious he didn't think of this first.

((Celtic despertely struggles to free him self from what my be a watery grave. Doing what ever he can Celtic kicks Tiger hard in her now weak ankle. Tiger nearly crumbles releasing her hold on Celtic. Celtic throw up his head and gasps for air, seeing Tiger there he grabs her and whips her into the fountain. Before she can get out Celtic holds her there and beats away on her every time she comes up for air. When she doesn't move anymore Celtic pulls her out and throws her onto the ground. Droping down he goes for the count. 1...2... kick out.))

Travis: Dam and I was hoping Tiger was finally dead.

Eddie: You really are a heartless man!

((Tiger rolls over as Celtic gets to his feet. Celtic goes to grab to pick her up again when Tiger fires back with a left to his mid section. Still Celtic doesn't let go nor does Tiger stop from throwing blows. Soon she gets to her feet on her own and pushes Celtic back.))

Eddie: Looks like Tiger's making a come back.

Travis: Damn, lets see what else is on. Do you have the remote to the HWC-Tron?

((Tiger stands there a moment staring hard at Celtic, the rain still coming down hard. Celtic comes at Tiger with a right hook in which she blocks and throws a punch to the face straight on. Celtic staggers back a bit. He hit Tiger with one of his own nearly sending her back to the floor. Tiger comes back throwing blawer blow to Celtic's midsection again putting her closer to Celtic. Each blow pushes Celtic back farther and farther. Growing tired of this Celtic hits Tiger with an elbow and picks her up over his head. For a moment of so Celtic hold Tiger over his head before delievering Gorilla Press Throw, sending Tiger crashing hard on the ground nearly ten feet away.))

Eddie: Did you see that?!

Travis: He tossed the bicth! Like a dwarf!

((Tiger lays there a moment before slowly getting back to her feet. She limbs trying to keep weight off her hurt ankle, and now holding her back as she walks away from Celtic. Cetilc watches in confusion before following. Tiger continues to move as fast as she can disappearing around the the side of the building. Celtic rounds the corner and searches for Tiger. Now nearly running Celtic continues rounding the building following the path Tiger took.))

Travis: I knew it she can't win so she's running like a coward.

Eddie: Careful Travis she might have entered the building.

((Nearing the back Celtic calls out to her and rounds another corner when he is knocked off his feet by a knocked over trash can. Celtic rolls over out of the way just in time to see Tiger swing a chair down just where his head was seconds before. Tiger swings again this time hitting Celtic in the side, thinking fast Celtic brings his arm down traping the chair under his arm. Tiger struggles to free it when Celtic hits a closeline with his other arm. Once she's down Celtic tosses the chair out of harms away. Celtic stands over Tiger again and pulls her up before hitting a powerful upper cut that knocks Tiger into a few trash cans that break her fall. Tiger layers there looking tired. Celtic stands over her and pulls back his right fist ready to end this right here now. Tiger looks up at him with such haterid but knowing she can't get up nor win. Celtic throws a straight punch at Tiger's head intent on knocking her out, but Tiger garbs a hubcap that fell out of one of the trash cans and swings it at Celtic's fist. Celtic's fist connects with the metal hubcap with such force that it dents the hubcap.))

Travis: That had to hurt!

Eddie: I think Celtic might have broken his hand.

Travis: I know he did, did you hear that crunch?

((Celtic pulls back in hand in pain looking it, unable to move it or use it. Tiger dives forward catching Celtic with a spear trying to take advatage of his weakness. Once down Tiger goes for a pin. 1..2..3NO. Celtic kicks out and hits Tiger with an elbow to the head. Tiger gets to her feet still limping waiting for Celtic to get up as well. Once up Tiger comes at him with a closeline of her own, but not as fast as Celtic. Seeing her coming he hits a leg sweep that sends Tiger head forst into the wall of the building. Tiger is busted up and crumbles to the ground out cold. Celtic covers her. 1....2... The cover is broken by a kick to the ribs by someone from behind hiden by darkness.))

Eddie: Who would dare get invoved in this burtal battle

Travis: Who ever said Big Irish didn't have Burtality was dead wrong!

((But before Celtic can get to his feet he is hit by a chair to the back. The same chair he tosses away eailer. Celtic crawls away from Tiger trying to get to his feet but every time is kept down with a chair shot to the back. The pain is twice as bad with the stinging of the frozen rain which slowly is turning Celtic's body numb. Celtic continues to crawl till he can go no farther with his back to the wall. A light over head lights the area by the back door. The chair wheelding assailent moves into the light revealing it to be Lucien. Celtic stares up in shock and goes to question him when Lucien slams the chair into his head. Celtic slumbs to the ground as Lucien turns to walk awya dropping the chair, Lucien smiles seeming satisfied with what he has done.))

Eddie: Lucien?! I thought he was tag parterns with Celtic.

Travis: Looks like there parternship is over.

Eddie: First he steals Jericho's finisher and now he attacks his friend and I guess former tag team partern.

((Lucien quickly leaves the site. The ref goes over to Celtic checking on him seeing if he can continue. Celtic refuses to stay down and gets to his feet with a stagger. Moving back to Tiger who is staying laying there, Celtic drops to his knees and covers her. 1... Tiger gets a shoulder up braking the cover. Celtic lets out a fustrated yell.))

Eddie: My god after all that Tiger still won't stay down!

Travis: Seems to run in the family. Dam stubbern drunk Irish!

((Celtic grabs Tiger by the throat pulling her up as he too gets to his feet. With what he has left, Celtic picks Tiger up by the throat and delivers a hard choke slam. Celtic falls with her draping him self over Tiger. 1...2...3. The ref garb Celtic's hand to raises in victory but Celtic is to weak to get to his feet.))

Eddie: Celtic with the win over The Tiger.

Travis: Never saw that coming.

((Jessie storms into her father's office and slams the door with a scowl. The resultant BANG! makes her feel better, but not much. She slumps into the chair and sighs, leaning her head back to stare at the ceiling.))

Jessie: What would you do, Dad? I'm in over my head here!

((But there's no answer. He's not here... He's at home with Nancy. Jessie sighs again, then sits forward with her head in her hands. There's a tentative knock at the door and she looks up.))

Jessie: Come in.

((One of the backstage techs pokes her head in and sees how Jessie's sitting. She comes in and perches on the edge of the desk. They're about the same age...))

Tech: You did what you thought was right. No shame in that... Let Jericho handle Lucien.

Jessie: Thanks... But I'm sure my dad would have done it differently.

Tech: He would have. But that doesn't mean you can't do things your way.

Jessie: Hey, thanks. Now what can I do for you?

Tech: The East door is locked and someone's trying to get in.

Jessie: But the East door is NEVER locked!

Tech: Someone found it locked, but he doesn't have the key.

Jessie: (yanking open a drawer) I know he's got a giant key ring around here somewhere... Where is it?

((She finally finds it and gives a soft "AHA!", then stands up. The tech comes out with her and Jessie goes right to the East door. There's an insistent rattling as she hunts for the right key.))

Jessie: Just a minute... I'm trying to find the key.

((The rattling stops and silence falls. Jessie finally finds the right key and unlocks the East door. Opening it wide, she admits two people, then closes the door against the pouring freezing rain.))

Jessie: I'm glad you could make it.

Visitor: We nearly didn't. Good thing the taxi we took had a good driver.

Jessie: I can imagine. Would you like to warm up a bit first, or would you rather get down to business?

Visitor: If it's all the same to you, I'd like some hot chocolate.

((Jessie laughs and takes her guests to get some hot chocolate.))

Eddie: Who are they?

Travis: I don't know... But one of them sounded familiar.

Eddie: They both did, come to think of it. You don't suppose...

Travis: It could be them...

Eddie: But if it is them, why did they come in the East door?

Travis: No idea. Maybe they didn't want anyone to see them.

Eddie: You have a good point there.

((Jessie steps out of the way and lets her guests go first, heading toward the ringside area. They stop and duck into an empty locker room and let her go on ahead. Jessie laughs and shakes her head before heading to the ring, waving to the sound tech as she goes. The camera cuts to ringside and the crowd is going berzerk, as always. A strange buzzing sound is heard, then a low bass line floods the arena. The crowd falls silent, wondering what that is. Then an intermittent keyboard kicks in, turning that low bass line into the music for a song. But whose is it? And which song is it? Then they can hear the vocalist...))

"She's in love with herself...
She likes the dark.
And on her milk-white neck...
The Devil's mark.
Now it's All Hallow's Eve
The moon is full.
Will she trick-or-treat?
I bet she will!"

((Then the guitar and drums crash in, flooding the arena with sound. A lone spotlight focuses on the top of the ramp, highlighting the young woman everyone just saw...))

Eddie: It's JESSIE!

Travis: I know that song... It's "Black No. 1" by Type O Negative!

Eddie: Daddy's little girl through and through.

((Jessie comes to the ring, slapping hands with the fans and smiling, totally belying the mood she was in earlier. She slides under the bottom rope and hops up to her feet. She gets a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring, gesturing for silence. The music cuts off, leaving the arena in a pocket of silence.))

Jessie: I know what you're all thinking... Trust me. Lucien's going to get what's coming to him. On Jericho's terms, not his. I know how Jericho operates. But I have a surprise for you. A very special surprise. Would you like it now or would you rather wait?

((The fans begin screaming, saying they want it now. Jessie laughs and lifts her hand for silence.))

Jessie: Okay, okay... You want your surprise now? You got it. HIT IT!

((A lone spotlight shines down on the top of the ramp. But there's nobody there. Then a thick green fog rolls in, obscuring everything. From nowhere and everywhere, a familiar sound erupts across the sound system... Queensryche's "Queen of the Reich"! The fans explode in a deafening round of cheers when they see someone walk through the fog to emerge under the spotlight. Head bowed, she waits for the fans to quiet down a bit before lifting her head to reveal a face the fans haven't seen since the beginning of November.))


Travis: YES!!

((Sarafan moves to one side and Johnny comes out to an equally loud ovation. They hold hands as they walk down to the ring, waving and slapping hands with the fans. Jessie's lounging on the ropes when they enter the ring. She smiles and holds out a microphone. Sarafan takes it with twinkling eyes.))

Sarafan: Wow. Who would have thought me going off to get married would result in such a warm welcome?

Eddie: I did.

Sarafan: It's good to be back... Again.

((The fans chuckle a bit. So does she.))

Sarafan: I've been thinking about everything that's gone on in my life since I took time off. I realized something I should've figured out a long time ago. You can't hide who you are. And... That's what I've been doing since I came to America. When I thought I'd lost one of my dearest friends, I covered my hurt with an icy shell and gave it a name. I called that icy shell Sarafan. But now... Now it's time to take a step I've been trying to take for a long time.

Eddie: What's she saying?

Travis: She's not quitting, is she?

Eddie: I hope not!

((She hands Johnny the microphone, then reaches up and takes off her mask. Johnny gives back the microphone and slides his arm around her shoulders.))

Sarafan: I put this mask on to hide a scar on my face. It became part of the persona I was projecting... A woman of mystery who had no feelings. I was wrong. You can't hide who you are... So I won't. You can still call me Sarafan, but you will NEVER see me wearing this mask again!

((She tosses it up and points at it. The mask ignites in a ball of fire that burns out before it gets to the mat. The fans sit in silence, then erupt in cheers.))

Sarafan: There's one more thing I want to address here tonight. Mia. She's caused a lot of people a lot of emotional distress lately. She hurt me, she hurt Panthro, but most importantly... She hurt you. While the HWC was gearing up for this Pay Per View, she left. She packed her bags and moved back to Japan. No note, no nothing. She didn't even call me to say goodbye. What kind of best friend is that, huh?

Eddie: Not a very good one.

Travis: It was downright mean, if you ask me!

Sarafan: I was hurt when I found her gone... Wouldn't you be? I didn't find a note explaining her decision to leave... That's fine with me. From this point on, the word Otaku has a new meaning for me. To me, the word Otaku means COWARD!

((The fans wince collectively. The ones in the front can see the tears in her eyes...))

Sarafan: So to Mia and her cronies, I say one thing: GOOD RIDDANCE!

((The microphone comes down and she turns her face into Johnny's shoulder. He wraps his arms around her and holds her as she cries. Anger is one thing... Emotional anguish is another. Jessie picks up the microphone and holds the ropes so Johnny can take Sarafan backstage. When they're gone, she turns to the crowd.))

Jessie: I'm sorry. I didn't...

((She's at a loss for words. She hadn't expected Sarafan to be so angry! She puts the microphone down and walks out of the ring, head down. She stops at the top of the ramp and looks back to the ring. So faint she can barely see it, an image forms. She can see her father standing in the ring! But he's at home! Shaking her head and rubbing her eyes, she looks again. It's still there! She's the only one who can see it... He smiles and taps his temple, then the image fades away, leaving her staring at an empty ring. She shrugs her shoulders and goes back to his office. Shutting the door, she looks up at the ceiling and sighs.))

Jessie: What does it mean? Do I follow in his footsteps and take a chance in the ring?

((The camera hovers there for a moment, then cuts back to ringside.))

Eddie: Whatever she decides to do, she'll do well.

Travis: That she will, Eddie... I just hope Sarafan's going to be all right.

Eddie: Me too, Travis... Me too.

((Austin walks backstage, visibly angry over what happened in the ring. From the rafter above Austin Ghost drops down and stands before Austin. Ghost blocks his path and grins at him.))

Ghost: Now about my chance?

Austin: Now's not a good time, you little half-ape.

Ghost: Oh that's where your wrong. Have you seen those matches. That shit was wack, yous serious need someone who will show these gramps how hardcore is done. Your rantings are suffering, let me go out there and do a mercy kill.

Austin: Mercy kill? You want to go into the ring, and face one of our HWC talent in a match. Is that what you're saying?

Ghost: Dam straight yo. Yous need someone to kick it up a notch before someone starts a riot with this shit.

Austin: Okay. Fine. You sign a waiver, and I'll get you a match against. . . Klaus Von Hammer. If you can 'impress' me, then I'll give you a contract. If not, then I'll let Klaus tear you apart, and feed the pieces to our resident loon.

Ghost: Ain't no thing homie. This match is in the bag yo!

Austin: And if your strawny ass is crippled, then you're on your own. The waiver will see to that.

Eddie: Well I guess next up we will see a hardcore match with Klaus just booked by Austin.

Travis: Why would Austin put a wanna be Jobber on the PPV?

Eddie: Guess we will find out.

Hardcore Match
Ghost vs Klaus

((Camera opens up back in the ring with Ghost already standing in there with weapons scattered about. He seems confident as he awaits his opponet.))

Travis: Persistant man itsn't he.

Eddie: He's mighty brave taking on Klaus but then again I don't think he knows what he has goen him self into.

Travis: If he thinks he is a ghost now there will be nothing left of him after Klaus is done. And christ I have never seen anyone as pale as him. It's called sunlight Ghost, check it out!

Eddie: You have no tact, its not cause he doesn't like the sun he's an albino.

Travis: Still no excuse for being one of those new age gothic groups.

Eddie: I give up.

((Seek & Destroy plays on the PA,with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Klaus steps out, with his arms folded, looking around at the fans, then power walks to the ring. He rolls in inderneath the bottom rope, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and flashes the "crossed hammers" at the fans, then does the same at the opposite corner. Klaus looks over Ghost and laughs, Ghost in turn only grins and shurgs. Klaus rushes Ghost hitting him with a powerful closeline, sending Ghost to the mat banging his head on a chair that just happened to be there. Ghost holds his head in pain when Klaus comes over and pulls Ghost to his and into a hard scoop slam. But Ghost manages to slip free and drop behind him moving quick to sweep Klaus off his feet. Once down Ghost grabs a cane and puts it to the throat of Klaus. Ghost pulls back on it choking Klaus. The choking would continue, but Klaus manages to grab a baseball bat coevered in barbwire. Swinging back it connects with the face of Ghost casuing him to release his grib. Klaus rolls over and coughs holding his throat. The blow to Ghost managed to draw blood, not to mentions enrage Klaus. Getting to his feet with barbwire bat in hand he starts beating away on Ghost with out mercy.))

Travis: Klaus has gone psycho!.... Cool!

Eddie: This match is anything but pretty. This keeps up Ghost is going to bleed him self dry.

((Ghost tries to get free from the beating but Klaus closes off any chance of escape. Klaus towers over Ghost ready to take another swing where Ghost kicks Klaus in the groin and then rolls out of the ring. Klaus drops and holds him self while Ghost drops to the floor and just lays there a moment.))

Eddie: Someone call 911, this needs to end.

Travis: Not just yet it's just getting good.

Eddie: Ghost is nearly dead, he's just laying there.

((klaus gets to his feet and follows after Ghost. Grabbing Ghost and pulling him up by his red dreds Ghost rubs his bloody hands in Klaus' face. Temparary blinded Ghost hits a drop kick sending Klaus into the ring steps. Klaus lays there a momemnt in pain, Ghost to his feet again comes around and kicks Klaus in the ribs and to add insult to ingery slaps Klaus in the back of the head. Klaus lands a blow to Ghost's midsection causing him to double over. Klaus then slams Ghost's head into the ring steps now on it's side. This stuns Ghost as Klaus picks him up and nails a standing power bomb to Ghost sending him now back first onto the steel steps.))

Eddie: The might of Klaus clearly seen here.

Travis: That had to break that Ghost posser's back.

((Ghost manages to roll onto his belly and try to crawl away slowly. Klaus puts one foot to the back of Ghost folding him there and picks up the steels steps. The crowd cheers for Klaus before he slams the steel steps into the back of Ghost again, when Ghost pulls out a fire exstinguiser from under the ring and sprays it in Klaus' face. Klaus drops the steps and staggers away trying to see.))

Eddie: First blood now this. Ghost refuses to die in this match.

Travis: How can you kill a man who's already dead?

Eddie: First you seems to hate him and now your cheering him.

Travis: What I can't change my mind?

Eddie: You're worse then a woman!

((Ghost runs at Klaus from behind carring the steel steps in hand slaming them in the back of Klaus's head. Once he is down Ghost rolls him over on his back and hits a spinning leg drop to the throat of Klaus. Klaus grabs his thoat as Ghost pulls him up. Klaus comes back with a throat thrust catching Ghost off guard. Klaus picks him and carries him on his shoulder back to the ring. But just before he climbs in Klaus rushes the ring post slaming the back of Ghost into the post.))

Eddie: I think Klaus has just crippled Ghost.

Travis: He never stood a chance anyways.

Eddie: Damn it make up your mind!

((Klaus rolls Ghost into the ring intending to end this. Klaus grabs the chair laying in the ring and places it in a certain spot. Standing over the chaor Klaus looks over the crowd and reaches into his pocket pulling out a small white bag.))

Eddie: What's that he's got there?

Travis: I knew it!

Eddie: What?

Travis: Klaus is a drug dealer and plans on snorting crack acid before he kills Ghost!

Eddie: What never fails to amaze me is how you manage to keep your job every week.

((The small white bag is not drugs but contains dozes and dozes of thumb tacks. Klaus pours them over the chair till the bag is empty before tossing the bag away and returning to the motionless Ghost.))

Travis: Hammer Drop!

Eddie: He it comes in a most brutal manor!

((Klaus pulls Ghost up and moves near the chair. By now the crowd is on it's feet, the camera even cits to back stage showing Austin sitting in his office watching the match as well. The camera cuts back to the ring as Klaus pulls Ghost on his shoulders and pulls off the Hammer Drop. But in a blink before Klaus could finsih the move Ghost manages to get his legs around Klaus neck and deliever a hurricanrana sending Klaus face first into the thumb tacks covered chair. Klaus screaming in pain with tacks covering his now bleeding face. Rolling over onto his back tries to get up not wanting it to end like this. Ghost hits the ropes and comes back with a low drop kick to the face of Klaus. Klaus falls back as Ghost for the pin. 1..2..3NO. Klaus gets and arm up. Ghost tries endlessly to stomp at Klaus to keep him down but Klaus refuses. Now to his feet Klaus delivers a closeline to Ghost in which ghost ducks and comes back with a thrust kick. Down again Ghost goes for the pin. 1... Klaus kicks out.))

Eddie: Klaus refusing to give in....

Travis: Even tough he looks like a pin cushion.

((Ghost goes to kick Klaus in the face again this time Klaus catches Ghost by the foot. Ghost spins around and kicks him with the other foot. Ghost looks down at the again down Klaus and seems to be thinkin.))

Eddie: What do you think he is thinkin?

Travis: Oh right I'm a mind reader, right. Let me see, he's thinking about asking Eddie Danniels out for a date.

Eddie: You are a sick man!

((Ghost drags Klaus over to the ropes and ties him up in it. Picking up the chair Ghost hits the ropes and comes at Klaus with a speeding chair. Just before he reaches striking rang Klaus bring up his foot sending the chair in the face of Ghost. Ghost drops like dead weight and Klaus struggles to be free. After a moment of too Klaus free's him self and drops on Ghost for a pin. 1...2.. kick out by Ghost.))

Travis: If he gotten free sooner he would of won this match already.

Eddie: Pick one!

((Klaus throwa the chair out of the ring before pulling Ghost to his feet. Klaus is looking very tired and pissed, both men face's covered in blood. Klaus grabs Ghost again for another Hammer Drop but Ghost breaks the hold before Klaus and put him on his shoulders. Ghost comes at him with a Karata Rush, sending blow after blow into his chest and serval kicks to the ribs. Ghost ends it with a spinning wheel kick that sends Klaus to the mat. GHost gets up and grabs the cane again and slams it into the chest of Klaus, so heard the things breaks in two. Ghost looks at this a moment before drops for the cover. What the ref fails to see is that Ghost is using the broken part of the cane to choke Klaus keeping him. 1...2...3 The bell rings and the crowd erupts into boos. Ghost gets to his feet and quickly throws away the broken cane peice.))

Eddie: This is a dark moment for Klaus to lose to such a rook.

Travis: I say the main has class. I can see him going far in this fed.

Eddie: You would!

((Klaus gets to his feet coughing and holding this throat. Coming behind Ghost hits him with a few blows to the head that send him head over heads over the top rope and the floor below. Klaus yells angrly down at Ghost and starts to climb out of the ring when the HWC-Tron comes to life. Klaus pauses tp see the face of a dipleases Austin.))

Eddie: This can't be good.

Austin: Now I thought at least you could handle disposing an annoying bug like Ghost, but maybe I was wrong. And maybe you have out lived your usefulness here in the HWC Klaus. Your old and out dated Klaus, your time in the spotlight is long sense gone. I will not have you waiting the HWC's good money on lousy matches. That's what Jobbers are for. Concider this your farwell Match Klaus, causer after this night, your no longer employed by the HWC. You're fired!

((A stunning silnce comes over all as the HWC-Tron flickers off. Klaus still standing in the ring looks beside him self with anger over what has just happened.))

Eddie: Austin just fire Klaus! Can he do that?!

Travis: He's the new VP.

Eddie: What kinda person has Autumn left in charge?

((Ghost wipes the blood from his pale face before he raises his arms in victory laughing all the while at the stunned look on Klaus' face. Walking backwards up the ramp Ghost continues to laugh. Austin sits in his office, raising an eyebrow at the efforts of Ghost. Once disappearing behind the curtain the camera follows Ghost as he makes his way back to Austin's office. On reaching it Ghost doesn't bother to know just opens the door and step in tracking blood where he steps.))

((Austin looks at Ghost.))

Austin: Clean that up. This is a five hundred dollar carpet!

Ghost: Just get some Oxyclean. Well homie do my moves impress yous?

Austin: You have a definite talent, kid. Now, do us both a favor and stop trying to go after the Hardcore guy. No one can beat him. You'll just get hurt if you try.

Ghost: Hey you underestated me the first time, what do you think will go down when I make a run for the Hardcore title?

Austin: Have you seen our reigning Hardcore champion? He's beaten everyone! Well, except Tiger, but she's batty.

Ghost: Yea I've seen this so called demon. If you ask me Austin homie you need to ship the whole roster off to the nut house with B.D.

Austin: Yeah, right. You can't have people committed without their family's consent. I know. I've looked into it. Don't you think I tried to get B.D. committed a long time ago? It would have solved at least a fraction of my problems.

Ghost: Austin homie, I'm the answer to all your problems yo.

Austin: And the cause of several new ones. You do have skill, kid, I'll give you that.

Ghost: Mad skills, remember that. I'm ready to head to head and toe to toe with all and any.

Austin: And what makes you think you can beat our reigning Hardcore Champ?

Ghost: Cause I'm not someone who believes in all that crazy crap that seems to be infliecting the minds of even the once greats. You will see.

Austin: Well, that's great, Ghost. You can think. That will come in especially handy when you're in the ring with a man that has beaten the greats of this sport.

Ghost: There's a saying that around the corner there is always someone better. Well that person has arrived.

Austin: Oh really? Well, then move, so I can see this person.

Ghost: (chuckles) Funny. But you'll see....... (nods) Ya all will see.

Hardcore Title Match
The Creeper(c) vs Sephiroth

Eddie: Well, next up, we have a match that, in many people’s minds, will be one of the most insane spectacles ever to grace the HWC. Sephiroth, a number of months ago, died, and then, through some miracle, returned to life. When he returned to the HWC, his whole goal in life was to destroy The Creeper, something that no one could understand his reasoning for.

Travis: Because The Creeper was champion forever, it seems like?

Eddie: That may be. But the general consensus is that Sephiroth can’t be jealous of The Creeper’s title reign, as The Creeper has never held the World title.

Travis: I don’t get that myself.

Eddie: All other things aside, Sephiroth is one of the few athletes in the HWC today who has a chance of beating The Creeper, it seems.

Travis: Yet, that’s what you said about Enforcer, and all these other people that The Creeper beat.

Eddie: Good point.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall, and is for the Hardcore Championship. Introducing first, from the Deepest Pit of the Demon Realm, weighing in at 250 lbs, representing the New Darkside, he is the reigning HWC Hardcore champion. . . THE CREEPER!

((The lights die. A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. Before the intro for Sephiroth can begin, The Creeper moves outside the ring, reaching under the apron, grabbing a bag, and sliding it into the ring, then grabbing a table, and a pane of glass, apparently put under the ring for this match, placing the glass on the table, then setting up a second table on the first, then sliding into the ring, awaiting the appearance of his opponent.))

Eddie: The Creeper is preparing the ring, it looks like.

Travis: I would hate to be Sephiroth.

Eddie: You’d hate to be anyone but Travis Best.

Travis: Got that right.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Du Lac Manor, in New York, weighing in at 246 lbs, representing the Old Darkside, being accompanied to the ring by the Sabbat Pack. . . SEPHIROTH DU LAC!!!

((The lights go out as a beautiful choir sings in Latin. The screen shows Seph's Symbol (A cross inside an eternal Pentagram) as the voices begin to fade. Finally Lightning effects strike the stage area and blue pyro flames shoot up and the lights flicker on. "Whisper" by Evanescence begins to play as Seph and the Sabbat Pack, minus Chloe, walk to the ring. The Creeper catches Seph with a clothesline. Seph gets to his feet, walking into a powerbomb, only to hold onto The Creeper’s head, then handspringing over The Creeper’s back, landing behind him, grabbing The Creeper quickly, and going for the Fallen Angel DDT quickly, The Creeper responding by jumping into the air slightly, landing on his shins, his knees on the mat as well, The Creeper then surging back to his feet, hitting a pulling-over sitdown bodyslam/inverted DDT combination, then quickly getting to his feet, jumping high into the air, and dropping an elbow. Sephiroth rolls out of the way.))

Eddie: Sephiroth and The Creeper appear very evenly matched.

Travis: You may have a point, that Sephiroth might end The Creeper’s title reign.

((The Creeper gets to his feet, Sephiroth grabbing The Creeper, and quickly going for a neckbreaker. As Sephiroth gets The Creeper set up, he turns slightly, quickly shifting it to the Fallen Angel DDT.))

Eddie: That’s it! It’s over! The Fallen Angel! Sephiroth has done what many thought was impossible, and taken the title!

Travis: Damn. Damn glad I didn’t bet on this match.

Eddie: You can’t. They closed your accounts.

Travis: I’m smarter than that. I know ways around that.

Eddie: Good to know.

((Sephiroth goes for the pin, a nonchalant action. 1. . . 2 kickout. Sephiroth sits up, blinking, his eyes wide in shock. Sephiroth gets to his feet, moving to grab The Creeper, who reacts by jabbing Sephiroth in the eye with his thumb. As Sephiroth staggers backward, The Creeper kickflips to his feet. Sephiroth grabs The Creeper in a sleeper. The Creeper drops to his knees, then turns his body enough to grab Sephiroth, and drop Sephiroth backward with a back body drop. The Creeper kickflips to his feet again, then vaults backward, into a back handstand, then drops backward, into a splash, of sorts, onto Sephiroth.))

Eddie: These two men want nothing more than to get the upper hand in this war between the Darksides.

Travis: If you believe the crap either of these two guys spew, they’re both inhumanly old. If that’s the case, then this battle will continue until the end of time.

((The Creeper gets to his feet, kicking Sephiroth in the stomach as he rises, then moving to put the ropes to his left, the tables on the outside. The Creeper grabs Sephiroth, then, quickly, drills Sephiroth with the King’s Wrath, sending Sephiroth headfirst through the tables and panes of glass. Chants of “HOLY SHIT!” begin to fill the arena. Instantly, Brimstone and Trent slide into the ring as The Creeper rises, behind him. The Creeper pivots on his heel, slapping his hand to Trent’s throat, kicking Brimstone in the stomach, and slapping his left hand to Brimstone’s throat. Both men with hands around their throats begin squirming, and scratching at The Creeper’s hands.))

Eddie: Oh my god! Do you smell that?!

Travis: Smells like a barbeque.

Eddie: The Creeper seems to have lit both Brimstone and Trent’s throats on fire, here.

((The Creeper smiles, leaning close to both men, saying something, and then smiling. Both men’s eyes widen for only a moment, as The Creeper hauls them both into the air, and drops into a seated position, an Epiphany to both men. At impact, however, a double explosion occurs, both men instantly bursting into flame. The Creeper stands up, looking at both men burning, the crowd instantly falling silent.))

Eddie: . . . I can’t believe this. . . someone get a fire extinguisher out here, put these two men out.

Travis: How did he do that?!

Eddie: I don’t want to know, Travis.

((A number of stage crew rush from the backstage area, fire extinguisher’s in hand. Several moments later, to the shock of everyone in attendance, the fire extinguishers are out of CO2, and both men are still burning. The Creeper, however, turns on his heel, stepping out of the ring, grabbing Sephiroth, sliding him into the ring. The Creeper doesn’t glance at the burning men, the men quickly reducing to smoldering, then the fire disappearing entirely, both men now simply piles of ash. The Creeper grabs Sephiroth, setting him up for a powerbomb, lifting Sephiroth to the right, and moving his right hand around Sephiroth’s throat as Sephiroth is in midair, driving Sephiroth viciously into the mat with a seemingly modified chokeslam. The Creeper moves to the sack from under the ring, opening the string, and upending the contents onto the mat.))

Eddie: What is that? Glass?

Travis: No, looks like a bunch of razorblades, Eddie.

Eddie: What does he have in mind, here?!

((The Creeper picks up Sephiroth, dragging him bodily over the razorblades on the mat, then setting him up for a powerbomb, moving his right hand over his chest, and shaking it slightly, a visible motion for a move that’s become his signature of late.))

Eddie: HE’S GOING TO HIT A DEATH RATTLE ONTO THE RAZORBLADES! Someone stop this! Ring the bell! The Creeper’ll kill Sephiroth!

Travis: Sephiroth has been killed twice already. Why would this be any different?

((The Creeper hauls Sephiroth into the air, driving him back to the mat with a Death Rattle, Sephiroth writhing in visible pain as the razorblades slice through his flesh. The Creeper plants his right hand on Sephiroth’s stomach, pressing his back into the razorblades further. The referee, unable to do anything more than count, does so. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Thank god! Someone get Sephiroth some medical attention! And. . . where is The Creeper going?

((The Creeper drops from the ring, pulling another bag from under the ring, reaching into the bag, and pulling what appears to be a sharp wooden stake. The Creeper slides into the ring, pulling Sephiroth’s head off of the mat, and rearing back, to slam the stake deep into Sephiroth’s heart. The Creeper drags Sephiroth into the air, then smiles, the lights flickering, then dying, to come back up a second later, The Creeper standing alone in the ring.))

Eddie: Where’s Sephiroth?!

Travis: Uh. . . look up, Eddie!

((The camera pans up, showing Sephiroth truly crucified, spikes driven through his palms and feet, his feet overlapping. As Sephiroth hangs from the crucifix, apparently customized, to read “NDS”, visibly referencing the New Darkside, The Creeper grabs a mic, letting Sephiroth’s blood drop to the mat.))

Creeper: I tried to warn you, Sephiroth. But no. You had to keep your idiotic war paramount in your mind. A war over what? Ownership of the Darkside? Fine. You win. Keep the Darkside. The Darkside is a name for the winnowing. Now, those who are truly Dark have been brought together under one banner, and, within the span of the night, that banner will be revealed. After the group formerly known as the New Darkside maintains, or gains, all titles up for grabs tonight. But don’t worry, ladies and gentlemen, there will still be a number of surprises. Like, for instance, this.

((The Creeper drops the mic, pointing at Sephiroth, then opening his hand, and closing it tightly. Instantly afterward, the crucifix, and Sephiroth, burst into flame. The Creeper grabs the mic again.))

Creeper: They say that the only way to truly kill a vampire is to burn him to a crisp. But, Sephiroth, you can’t, truly, appreciate the flame’s flicker with that stake in your heart, now can you?

((The Creeper smiles, the stake appearing in his hand again, The Creeper leaving the ring, and leaving the carnage within the ring, and above it, the blood pooled on the mat, oddly, sizzling, then smoking, and disappearing as though it never was, as the crucifix becomes nothing more than a burning cinder, nothing hitting the ring but ash.))

Eddie: Well. . . uh. . .

Travis: Let’s get to the next match.

Eddie: Uh. . . yeah, thanks, Travis.

Travis: Yeah. Don’t let it happen again, Daniels.

Eddie: After that hellacious match between The Creeper and Sephiroth, I need a break, I think.

Travis: So does everyone else.

Eddie: But there are no commercials at a PPV, so, we continue. And, next up, we have a match between-

((“King Nothing” plays as Austin comes to the ring, sliding into the ring, and grabbing a mic, the ring now cleared.))

Austin: Hello, Seattle. It’s great to be within this cesspool of moronic fools. And how about those Mariners? I’ve seen women’s baseball with better athletes. But that’s not why I’m out here. Tonight, we have a number of title defenses. Well, 2. But the point is, lately, we haven’t had many title defenses of one particular title gained under dubious circumstances.

Eddie: What is he talking about?

Travis: Uh. . . The Asskissing title?

Eddie: No, you’d still be the undefeated champion of that.

Austin: The title I’m referring to, ladies and gentlemen, is the Women’s Title. Now, at this time, I’d like to have the reigning Women’s champ, Harley Quinn, come out here.

Women's Title Match
Harley(c) vs ?

((The lights go down as a single spotlight goes over the crowd and then rests at the back of the stage, as "Took It Like A Woman" begins to play. The HWC-Tron comes to life with scenes from Harley's matches, with the Mafioso, gaining the World Title, and sitting by herself in her office looking out the window over the water. Harley, and Johnny, Reno, and Rude walk out, and make their way down to the ring. Harley's face is stern, as are the guys as they make their way to the ring. Once they reach the ring, Johnny helps her in, and helps her out of her suit jacket and kisses her before hopping out.))

Austin: Now, Harley, you got that title because the departed Sephiroth abducted your opponent, Vivian. Since then, you haven’t defended the title. So, as a result, I am extending a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to any woman in the backstage area. Any woman who wants a title shot, get your ass down into this ring, and step through these ropes. But this match will be a No Disqualification match, with falls counting anywhere in this building. Be ready for that when you step into this ring.

((The arena falls quiet, awaiting the presence of the challenger. After a few moments of no one appearing, Austin moves to talk again. The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one, and stopping Austin’s next words. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, stopping to stand on the apron, making a number of threatening motions to Harley.))

Eddie: Vivian’s back! And she’s going after her title again!

Travis: Makes sense. Vivian needs to get back in that ring.

((Suddenly, the timekeeper slides into the ring, catching Harley from behind with a forearm shot to the back of the head, sending Harley staggering forward. Harley turns around, swinging the title like a weapon, as Vivian walks backstage. The title thuds hard into the head of the timekeeper, sending the timekeeper backward, to fall into the ropes.))

Eddie: Well, this is a No DQ match. That shot with the belt was entirely allowed.

Travis: Yeah, but the timekeeper is a guy! This isn’t going to be fair for Harley!

((Harley grabs the timekeeper, slinging him across the ring. The timekeeper reacts by vaulting the ropes, landing on the ground outside the ring. Harley rebounds off of the ropes, handspringing from the ground, landing on the top rope, then launching off of the top rope, toward the timekeeper. The timekeeper sidesteps, Harley eating all of the rampway.))

Eddie: That looked like it hurt, there.

Travis: Well, duh, Eddie. Why don’t you go take a faceplant into the rampway, and tell us?

Eddie: Yeah, right.

((The timekeeper hauls Harley up the rampway, tossing her into the support beam for the entranceway, then dropping from the ramp, moving off, to grab a set of scaffoldings, and a ladder, moving back, setting the scaffolding next to the stage, opening the ladder in front of the stage, picking Harley up, and carrying her to the top of the ladder, both of them now above the top floor of the wooden scaffolding. The timekeeper puts Harley on the opposite side of the ladder, then jumping over the top of the ladder, turning the move into a sunset flip powerbomb, Harley thudding hard into the top floor of the scaffolding, the timekeeper thankfully falling onto the stage itself, then, apparently sucking up the pain, crawling away from that area, it seems, toward the ladder again.))

Eddie: The timekeeper is, apparently, having no problem destroying Harley, now.

Travis: Someone stop that fool! He’s going to hurt the women’s champ!

((Suddenly, Devildriver’s “I Could Care Less” plays, the arena, as one, blinking in confused shock.))

Eddie: Whose music is this?!

Travis: I don’t know.

((The camera moves up, showing the very top of the HWC-Tron, and a figure standing there. After a moment, the camera zooms in, showing, in full color, who the person is.))

Eddie: THAT’S AMY JENSEN! When did she get back from her vacation with Jeff?!

Travis: The Hellcat’s back! And she looks like she filled out in all the right places. But she’d better get down from there before she hurts herself.

((Before anyone can begin cheering anything, Amy steps back, then, to everyone’s surprise, jumps from the top of the ‘Tron, hitting an elegant looking Swanton to Harley, driving Harley through all three levels of scaffold, both women landing in a heap.))


Travis: I think that gives new meaning to the words “Suicide Dive”.

((Eddie’s shocked exclamation is quickly echoed by the fans, as both women seem to be dead in the wreckage. The timekeeper drops to the ground, grabbing Harley, and slowly beginning to drag her to the top of the stage, then dropping down, to attempt to rouse Amy. However, the time spent rousing Amy allows Harley to begin to get her bearings back, twitching slightly. As quickly as Amy had dropped through the scaffolding, she kickflips back to her feet, ‘saluting’ the fans, then moving around, to walk up the rampway again, trailed by the timekeeper. Amy grabs Harley, dragging her to the side of the stage where the scaffolding’s supports rest. Amy climbs the ladder, standing near the top, her back to Harley. Amy leans forward, against the ladder, the ladder tipping forward. Before the ladder falls off the stage entirely, Amy jumps off, grabbing one of the horizontal support poles for the scaffolding, swinging under it, then around, over the top, and dropping to the ground, driving her toes into Harley’s face. Harley instantly grabs her forehead, as Amy handsprings over the side of the stage, and drops to the ground, all on the same bit of momentum.))

Eddie: What was that?! A vertical 619, or something?

Travis: Looks like it was effective. I heard a rumor that Amy had taken to wearing steel-toed boots in her time off. That might explain the huge welts already forming on Harley’s forehead.

((The timekeeper moves to stand at Harley’s side, hitting a standing moonsault, then covering Harley. The referee, however, refuses to count. The Timekeeper gets to his feet, grabbing the ref, and shouting into his face, then stepping back, and, again, hitting a standing moonsault. This time, the referee counts. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: What? The first ever male Women’s Champion! What did the timekeeper say to the referee?!

Travis: Probably something about buying him a bunch of hundred dollar whores.

Eddie: Not everyone is as obsessed with women as you are, Travis.

Travis: Yeah, and the people that aren’t are gay.

((The timekeeper bolts to the ring, sliding inside the ropes, where he is handed the Women’s title. Holding the title aloft, the timekeeper grabs the hat he wears, pulling it off, tossing it outside the ring, the wig following it. A moment later, the fake face follows the wig and hat.))



Eddie: Guess not! And she’s the Women’s champion again!

((Chloe smiles, holding the title up, then walking backstage again, the crowd instantly falling into a state of hushed conversation.))

World Title Match
Jericho Dylan(c) vs Kidd Rock

Eddie: Well, now, after this crazy night, we have our last match of the night, between Kidd Rock and Jericho Dylan for the HWC World Title.

Travis: And the screwy thing is, this match came about as a charity case for Kidd.

Eddie: It was not a charity case, Travis. The Creeper refused to fight Jericho.

Travis: That’s my point. Charity case.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, representing the former New Darkside, he is the reigning HWC World Champion. . . JERICHO DYLAN!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. When he gets to the ring, he leaps up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, he bounces up on the turnbuckles, throwing his arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, he starts bouncing on his toes. He’s just itching for some in-ring action, and it shows!))

Eddie: Jericho has had ample enough time to prepare for this match. And Jean Fortello brings up a valid point. Earlier tonight, with the ‘final’ death of Sephiroth, apparently, the name of Darkside, either new or old, is dead. So, does that mean that the group that still survives, what was known as the “New Darkside”, is disbanded?

Travis: Why are you asking me? I don’t know.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 lbs. . . KIDD ROCK!!!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope, then mounts each corner, raising his fists. Kidd turns to the ring, moving to the center of the ring, and shaking Jericho’s hand.))

Eddie: A great show of sportsmanship from these two incredible athletes.

Travis: Kidd is definitely a great replacement for The Creeper. At least he didn’t give the title shot to some little loser that he fancies has ‘promise’. He’s been doing that a fair amount, lately.

Eddie: The Creeper is operating on his own agenda. He does things that no one else understands, and, normally, it ends up working for The Creeper’s good.

((Quickly after the handshake, Kidd and Jericho lock up, Kidd taking the advantage quickly with a standing armbar. Kidd catches Jericho with a hard kick to the kidney, then moving to face the same direction, putting his right foot in Jericho’s armpit, and driving Jericho face-first to the mat, pressing into Jericho’s armpit, then hooking Jericho’s arm over his forearm, leaning back.))

Eddie: This is a very intelligent tactic, here, Kidd Rock focusing on Jericho’s right arm. Jericho is right handed, and, as such, his moves would be mostly centered on Jericho’s right arm, so, this simple grouping of actions would seriously hamper Jericho’s offensive abilities.

Travis: I gotta give him credit. Kidd went into this match prepared.

Eddie: Kidd’s got this match won, if he continues to focus on the respective body parts that make up Jericho’s offensive abilities.

Travis: Excuse me, I have to go make a phone call to. . . uh. . . my brother.

Eddie: You’re not calling your bookie! Sit down!

((Jericho moves his knees up underneath his body, then rolling forward, instantly alleviating some of the pressure on his armpit, as well as the friction on his arm. Jericho gets to his feet, facing Kidd, Kidd ducking under Jericho’s arm, and hammerlocking Jericho’s right arm behind him. Kidd moves, resting his head against Jericho’s hammerlocked arm, and backdropping him, to land hard on the hammerlocked arm. Jericho yelps in pain, as the arm is sandwiched between his body and the mat. Jericho rolls out of the ring quickly, taking a minute to try to work the ‘kinks’ out of his arm. Kidd vaults over the top rope, colliding with Jericho, bearing them both to the ground.))

Eddie: Kidd not releasing that hold without some extra damage to Jericho, here.

Travis: Kidd’s not dumb. Even though he looks the part.

((Kidd pulls Jericho to stand, then, in one swift movement, spins around Jericho’s right arm, then falling down, driving Jericho to the ground again, bending Jericho’s arm around Kidd’s left leg, Kidd’s leg resting on Jericho’s shoulderblade.))

Eddie: Kidd’s made himself quite a thorn in the side of the champion, here. I really don’t think Jericho can come back from this kind of onslaught.

Travis: I’ve got to agree with you, here. There’s really no way that Jericho can come back, and win this match, with his right arm blown.

((Jericho, after a moment, plants his left hand, then seemingly dislocates his arm, slipping his arm free of Kidd’s grip, then sliding his arm back in place, and catching Kidd with a kick to the midsection, slowly picking Kidd up in a standing fireman’s carry, then swinging Kidd out and back, dropping into a Cutter, then walking off, clutching his shoulder. Jericho slides into the ring, Kidd nearly a step behind him. Kidd grabs Jericho quickly, going for a falling single-arm armbreaker. Jericho turns out of the move, then moves forward, quickly hitting a Northern Lights Suplex, sending Kidd across the ring, to land near the ropes. Kidd is up almost instantly, moving back to Jericho, once more locking in an armbar.))

Eddie: Kidd is focusing on that right arm again. At this rate, Kidd will have a victory over Jericho, and will go home with a victory from this PPV.

Travis: I’ve got to say, Kidd scouted Jericho well, here.

((Kidd bodyslams Jericho onto the hammerlocked right arm, then dropping an elbow. Kidd goes for the pin. 1. . . 2. . . th- kickout!))

Eddie: Jericho barely got the shoulder up there!

Travis: What does it take to keep him down?!

Eddie: That seems to be the question of the day.

((Jericho gets to his feet, slowly. Kidd grabs Jericho from behind, once more hammerlocking Jericho’s arm behind him, and going for another backdrop onto the hammerlocked arm. However, this time, Jericho flips over, landing behind Kidd, with Kidd in a reverse DDT position. After a minute, Jericho swings around, dropping Kidd in a version of the Kidd Cruncher, then, instantly, Jericho rolls through, hooking the leg. 1. . . 2. . 3!!!))

Eddie: Jericho just beat Kidd with his own move!

Travis: HOLY-?! Where’d that come from?!

Eddie: That’s a testament to Kidd’s finisher, that Jericho hit him with it, and it kept Kidd down.

((The camera shows a replay, and, a moment before impact, a green glow is seen around Kidd’s face. Jericho’s left arm is raised in victory, as the lights flicker and die, words appearing on the HWC-Tron. “Beyond sides, beyond alliances. The past has failed, the future begins now. Authority be damned, power is all that remains. Beyond beaucracy, beyond age, beyond life, beyond flesh and bone. The spirit is strong, but the body is stronger. This is the age of Ascension.”))

Eddie: What the hell is this?!

Travis: A new athlete?

((The lights suddenly cut back on, showing Jericho surrounded by a number of cloaked, robed figures, in a ring around the champion. Jericho attempts to keep all of them in his sights, to no avail, until, at the top of the ramp, The Creeper strides from the backstage area, holding B.D.’s bloody chair. Stepping through the ropes, The Creeper stands behind the ring of cloaked figures.))

Eddie: The Creeper is out here to save Jericho, it looks like. But where is B.D.? Since when does he leave his chair?

Travis: I don’t know. But I don’t think this looks good for Jericho and The Creeper. The numbers game alone will destroy them. Maybe this does mean that the New Darkside is dissolved.

((The Creeper speaks, his voice amplified as though he were mic’ed.))

Creeper: Earlier tonight, the world watched as I not only ended the fight between the Darksides, but also the Darksides themselves, and Sephiroth’s puny career. As I said, the Darkside went with Sephiroth. Everyone who wished to remain in the Darkside has since been destroyed. This chair is a relic from the old world. A world ruled by the fears and agonies of the fools within it. A world under the thumb of the Darkside. This relic belongs to my brother. B.D., if you don’t mind.

((The lights cut off again, as the all-too familiar maniacal giggle of B.D. is heard. After a moment, the lights come back on, showing B.D. standing over the unconscious form of one of the robed figures. B.D. laughs, grabbing the cloak, and wrapping it around his shoulders like a shawl.))

Eddie: What the hell?! The robed man is gone!

Travis: Did I miss something?

Creeper: Now, relics passed through the years, and into the new world. It is time for the new world to gain prominence again.

((The lights cut off, a mist filling the ring, backlit by white lights. The robed figures move back behind Jericho.))

Creeper: Welcome into the glory of the Ascended, Jericho Dylan.

((A spotlight shines onto Jericho. Behind him, a figure steps forward, hands moving up to the cowl.))

Creeper: Meet your fate, Jericho.

((Jericho turns around, staring face to face with the man in the robe, as the lights cut off again. After a moment, the lights come back up, revealing Jericho standing across from his brother Jarred. Slowly, the rest of the robed figures pull their cowl’s back, revealing every single member of the “New Darkside”.))

Creeper: From the flames of failure that were the Darkside, a new force has arisen, like the phoenix. I present to you all the Dark Ascension.

((The Dark Ascension all react as per their norms, Jericho and Jarred playing up the crowd, the majority of the remainder simply standing there.))

Eddie: Holy crap.

Travis: But wait! Kidd’s still in there!

((B.D. slides out of the ring, grabbing Kidd, and pulling him out of the ring, carrying Kidd up the ramp, and backstage. As the camera pans back to the ring, the world notices that the ring is empty.))