Blood Brawl
Ridge Manor, Florida at the Ridge Manor Park

((Ill Nino Comes Around starts to play softly, as the blue HWC logo fades in and out. As the Music starts to get harder clips of past matches show. It shows Warzones Hardcore Match with Ace vs Seph, Terry and Spider jumping Seph and Quinn coming to help. Later Seph carrying the hurt Quinn back stage followed to last weeks Slaughter with Quinns title win over Spider and the tag match challenge.))

Seph: You wanna fight me, well I have an idea!!! How bout Blood Brawl!!! You and that daffodil wearing mama's boy take on the greatest wrestler's the world has ever known Sephiroth du Lac and Harley Quinn!!!!!!!!!

((From that it goes to a shot of Amy passing Jericho in the hall back stage. Then cuts to the first title match they had against each other with Amy pulling off the win. It switches up to them staging face to face back stage.))

Amy: TLC. Blood Brawl. We'll throw down.

Jericho: You won't be so confident when you're lying on the mat in a bloody heap!

((Camera fades on Amy and Jericho staring each other down in the hall. Opens back up at Mind Games and Tiger locks the Crippler on Ace. Screaming in pain Ace tap making Tiger the winner. Cutting then too the Slaughter after Mind Games when Tiger destoryed Payne to claim her belt. As the slong slows to an end a shot of Ace standing with his hands on his hips and glaring, then to a shot of Tiger holding up the belt standing over Payne's broken bloody body.))

**Earlier this week**

((The scene opens up in the office of Martin Smalls, the place is completely trashed from Amy's destructive rampage with her dwarf companion, Martin stands amidst the chaos with a depressed look on his face…strangely enough there is no trace of anger there.))

Smalls: Amy…

((His office door opens and in saunters his secretary Kim, clad in a revealing mini skirt and white tank top she comes up behind Martin and puts her arms around his waist))

Kim: Hey Marty…you look glum…why don't you have a seat and let me take your mind off your problems

((Kim runs her tongue up Martins neck, a gesture she knows will press his buttons…but to her surprise Martin barely moves from his spot let alone tremble in pleasure, she stands for a few moments waiting for an explanation…when Martin stays silent she steps back slightly annoyed))

Kim: What the hell Martin? Why are you so down about what that little slut did? It can all be replaced…why you acting like someone just died huh?

((Martin slowly turns to face her; opening his mouth he speaks slowly a glare on his face))

Smalls: What…did you just say?

((Kim takes an involuntary step backwards at the look in Martins eyes))

Kim: You know Amy! The little bitch that wrecked your office…why are you acting so…

((She's cut off as Martin suddenly explodes into anger))

Smalls: Don't you ever…EVER let me hear you call Amy that again! If you so much as use her name in the future I'll fire your skanky ass in the time it takes me to blink…DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? NOW GET OUT!!

((Without a word Kim hurries out of Martins office…Smalls turns back and looks about the trashed room, with a heavy sigh he moves to his chair and sits down, leaning back he puts his hands behind his head and puts his feet up on the remains of his desk, sighing again he speaks to the empty room))

Smalls: Amy…what am I going to do with you?

((The scene fades to black. What Comes Around kicks up as the camera opens up in a park in Florida. Fans scream and raise their hands to be noticed by the camera. The camera pans over the ring and to the stage with the HWC-Tron, red pyro goes off and the song continues to blar. The camera then cuts to the announcers table on the other side of the ring.))

Eddie: We are live at the Ridge Manor Park in Ridge Manor, Florida.

Travis: Hey don't forget about me. I'm here.

Eddie: I was getting to that.

Travis: Well hurry it up:

Eddie: I am Eddie Danniels and with me to make my life hell is Travis Best.

Travis: I heard that!

Eddie: Glad your not deaf........ The park is packed with many HWC fans.

Travis: Too crowded if you ask me!

Eddie: Tonight will be a night will be one to remember. Tonight the gruge between Seph & Harley against Terry and Spider will finally be settled.

Travis: I wanted it to be hardcore but a Tag Match is good enough.

((An image of Seph standing next to Quinn appears on the left and one of Terry and Spider looking enraged apears on the right. Underit writen in blood words reads "Tag Team Match."))

Travis: You havn't gotten to the best part yet.

Eddie: Along with the Tag Match we will have a five man Hardcore Hell in a Cell Match for the Hardcore title.

Travis: I'm in heaven.

Eddie: Stop drooling!

((Another image appears with Syn, Spoon, Flagg, Enforcer, and Hawk standing around looking ready to fight. The smae type of letting shows reading "Hardcore Hell in a Cell, Hardcore Title".))

Eddie: We have many great matches and lets not forget about Amy taking on Jericho for the IC Belt in a TLC Match.

Travis: Oh how can I forget her, shes always in my dreams.

((Image appears of Amy holding the IC belt and looking ready to slug someone. The image to the right is Jericho looking cocky and cool. The words under it read "TLC, IC Belt".))

Eddie: To top the hole night off our main event the World Title Match, putting Ace of Spades against HWC's World Champ, The Tiger.

Travis: That is if she shows up.

((An image of Ace holding his hands on his hips grinning at the camera pops up. Another one next to it that of Tiger roaring at the camera holding the World belt with PitBull to her left his arms crossed and brooding. Underneath the images of the two writen in blood comes the words World Title Match.))

Eddie: The best is to come all right here at Blood Brawl!

Standard Match
Chloe vs Lestat

((The lights go out. Forsaken by Disturbed starts to play, and fog comes out of the entrance way. A few lights come back on to see Lestat stepping through the fog in a long black duster. He walks to the ring and gets on the apron. Without using his hands he jumps to the top rope and crouches as the lights come back on. The crowd mainly sits there with a mixed reaction for the new boy as he makes his debut))

Eddie: Oh yawn. Another vampire. Someone call Blade!

Eddie: Will you shut up, Travis? This is a legitimate wrestling match. For all you folks, Lestat is a new wrestler.

((Suddenly 'Cheap And Evil Girl' by Bree Sharp kicks up over the PA, and The lights dim and red spotlights come on with a greyish cold mist rolls over the ground. Chloe's theme starts as black lights flash at the stage entrance. Chloe comes out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. She slides in through the ring via the bottom and slides to a standing form. Immediately Lestat comes up to her and offers a hand to her as if to try and greet her. She looks at him like he's bent but takes the hand. He brings her in and kisses her. Surprised, Chloe pulls away and belts him with a stiff right hand that sends him reeling! Lestat quickly recovers and hauls off with a brutal clothesline which takes her down))

Eddie and Travis: OOOOOOOO ouch!

((Lestat poses for the crowd but Chloe kicks him in the side of the left knee hard with her boots. He staggers and Chloe scrambles to her feet. She lashes out with a series of rights and lefts which rock Lestat. She then slips behind him..textbook standing suplex! Lestat lays there, his head ringing. She stands and starts kicking him in the stomach and the head repeatedly))

Eddie: Look at her! She's on him! She's got him!

Travis: Yeah...I'd like to get my pants..

((Lestat manages to grab her foot and push it back, throwing her off her balance. Chloe stumbles and Lestat takes advantage by grabbing her and picking her up..Dragon suplex! Chloe's body kinda tumbles then lays there. Chloe then writhes. Lestat saunters over, kicks her a few times in the ribs then kneels. He then kisses her again, more taunting her than anything. Chloe's eyes harden and she lashes out with a low blow))


Travis: Well..vampires can't have kids anyways...this just kinda cements it..

Eddie: Well..when you're right, you're right. Are you sure you aren't one? You don't have nuts either Travis.

((Best just kinda stares at Danniels, shocked that Danniels got off a insult. As Lestat reels from the nut shot, Chloe scrambles to her feet. She leads him to the ropes, hopping on herself....WRAITHSPIRE!!! LESTAT IS OUT! Chloe drops down and covers him....1...2...3. Cheap And Evil Girl kicks up over the PA and Chloe's hand is raised in victory))

Travis: I wonder if Chloe is a cheap and easy girl?

Eddie: You won't rest in till you get another black eye.


Eddie: Sit down and shut up!

((The scene fades into the HWC ring, standing in the midst of a chanting crowd are Martin Smalls wearing his Black List T-Shirt, and President Lewis glaring in Smalls direction. Martin opens his mouth to speak but suddenly looks up when music begins to play over the PA system. Small's words are cut off as "Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA and the Enforcer comes out onto the stage preceded by Scott Mercer.))

Scott: You know Smalls, I've seen enough out of you. Vice President or not, you've gone too far this time!

Smalls: Mercer! Not only must you foul my backstage area but you must come out and stick your nose in my business as well! Let me get one thing straight with you! You are a GCW wash-up! Trying to get fame by riding the coattail of the enforcer! Now you two have about three seconds to state your business before I... pardon the pun...have your asses ENFORCED from the ramp!

((The Enforcer starts towards the ring, but Scott stops him.))

Scott: Not yet big man. Smalls I hated having to put up with you in GCW, and I hate it even more now! But don't think that just cause you're the VP of this company that I won't hesitate to have the Enforcer wrap his hands around that scrawny throat of yours!

Enforcer: Smalls, after seeing what you and your boys did to Ryan Maverick last week, I was nearly sick to my stomach. But whereas he wasn't ready, I am more than ready! You think your goon squad can stop me? Bring it on!

Smalls: Mercer you're as long winded as ever...and as usual mouthing off to your betters and spewing shit that doesn't matter...Enforcer? You keep out of my ring in my presence kiddo or I'll have your ass bounced out back so fast your head will spin! This is between me and president Lewis!

Enforcer: Oh really?

(The Enforcer and Mercer head to the ring as the crowd revs up. They reach the ring and the Enforcer steps over the top rope as Mercer steps between them. The Enforcer steps up right in Smalls' face and looks down at him.)

Enforcer: Then bounce me little man.

Smalls: (Flinches ever so slightly) "You wouldn't think I'm defenseless just because my boys aren't out here? I beat the Tiger in a straight up wrestling match! You don't scare me!

((His face betrays the conflicting emotions that counter his words and make a liar of him Mercer. He then turns to Lewis))

Smalls: You might want to back up.

Enforcer: The Tiger? Nothing against our champion, but she's what? A 175-pound woman. I'm a 300-pound man. And for someone who's not scared you're sweating an awful lot.

Mercer: Marty, one thing you've never been good at is lying.

((President Lewis is standing slightly back from all this, and she's smiling as she's enjoying seeing Smalls get put in his place.))

Enforcer: And as for your goon squad, they don't impress or scare me.

((The Enforcer grabs Martin by his tie and pulls him closer.))

Enforcer: Every dog has his day, and today is your day, Smalls.

((Smalls makes a small gasping sound, the trash talk has failed and he now knows he's at the mercy of the Enforcer))

Mercer: I may regret this later, but for right now I'm enjoying this! Enforce his ass!

((The Enforcer pulls Smalls closer and then suddenly shoves him backwards. He pushes past Mercer and grabs President Lewis by her throat. The crowd gasps, and before anyone can react, the Enforcer nails Autumn Lewis with a thunderous choke slam.))

Eddie: What the hell is this?

Travis: Yes! Yes! Yes! Martin Smalls is a genius!

((The Enforcer now stands over the broken body of President Lewis and then reaches up and rips off his t-shirt only to reveal a Black List shirt underneath it! Mercer and Smalls both smile and then embrace each other!))

Smalls: Now! Who saw that coming? Huh? That's why I'm Martin D. Smalls you dumb hicks! Because I am step ahead of all of you inbred country pieces of shit...say hello to the newest members of The Black List...The Enforcer and my personal Friend SCOTT MERCER!

Mercer: You know, there was a point when Martin and I didn't see eye to eye, but recently he and I realized that our goals were the same! We both want the same things, and that's what's best for Martin Smalls and for Scott Mercer! As well as what's best for the Black List.

((He looks over at President Lewis))

Mercer: I told you to back up.

Enforcer: Smalls, my only regret is that I couldn't help the boys destroy that piece of trash Ryan Maverick.

Mercer: Martin, it's a pleasure doing business with you. Now all you idiots stand up and show some respect for the Black List!

((The crowd begins to boo intensely as The Enforcer and Scott Mercer take up positions by Martins side, Martin Grins at the unconscious President Lewis and speaks))

Martin: Well I hate for you to have any regrets Enforcer so here's what I'm going to do! I'm going to give you Ryan Maverick next week…in a grudge match! Anything goes my friend, I'm giving you Maverick on a silver platter in a match that you are more then qualified to fight.

((The Enforcer cracks his knuckles and grins the crowd continues to boo but a few HWC chants can be made out))

Martin: Now the rest of you inbred trailer trash listen up! The HWC is about to enter a new era! The era of The Black List…you're either with us! Or against us!

((The three men make their way out of the ring, accompanied by the boo's of the crowd, they walk up the ramp and disappear behind the curtain, the scene fades to a commercial))

Travis: Finally the HWC has a worth wild state, I tell you Eddie I fell the golden era returning.

Eddie: Maybe then you can retire and I can work with someone else.

Standard Match
Bulldozer vs Kaos

((As "P5HNG Me A*WY" by Linkin Park begins to play and the light flicker Kaos walks onto the ramp raising his arms into the air. The fans roar with approval as he gets in the ring and into his corner. Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at ligthing like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimadatily.))

Travis: I bet ya Kaos kicks Bulldozer's ass. And then I'm gonna make fun of him after the match.

Eddie: Whether he wins or loses, if you make fun of him, he'll kick your ass.

Travis: I'd like to se him try!

((Bulldozer charges Kaos and starts the match off with a giant spear. Then he picks Kaos up off the floor and lifts him into the air. 'Dozer then drops Kaos right on his stomach. 'Dozer than jumps on Kaos' back. Kaos lets out a scream so loud that it echoes through the arena.))

Eddie: It's not to late to change your prediction.

Travis: BAH!! I'll do no such thing!

((Bulldozer is still handing Kaos the ass kicking of a life time and jabs Kaos in the throat! Kaos holds his throat and drops back to the floor. 'Dozer picks him up by his hair and then grabs Kaos' throat. He delivers a giant chokeslam! While Kaos is on the floor, Dozer walks over to him and blows snot from his nose onto his prone body. The fans boo him and he flips them all the bird. The boos grow louder. 'Dozer yells at them He tells them they can go to hell.))

Eddie: I hope all this procrastinating earns him a loss.

Travis: No chance. I said from the beginning Bulldozer would win, and that I was going to make fun of Kaos after the match.

Eddie: I like you less and less each day.

((Kaos somehow managed to get back to his feet but 'Dozer saw this and delivers a giant Demolition to him. Kaos just lays on the floor and doesn't move. Dozer drops down to to pin him. 1---2---3.))

Eddie: A textbook win I guess, but I don't like Bulldozer one bit.

Travis: You wouldn't be saying that if Kaos just did the same thing to Bulldozer. I hate hypocrites.

Eddie: Not a big fan of yourself I suppose.

Travis: Shut up ya little bastard!

Frist Blood Match
Takk vs Ryan Mavrick

Eddie: I still can't believe that we are here! On a night that will change history!

Travis: Yeah, yeah, but the big news is that we'll finally see Tiger after she's been missing so long!

Eddie: Yes, it's history in the making folks. The next match is ironically enough a First Blood Match between Ryan Maverick and Takk!

Travis: A first blood match at blood brawl. Who'd have thunk it?!

(("Falling Apart" by Trust Company plays as pyro goes off in an explosion. He comes out carrying his rat and rubbing his head as he silently stumbles to the ring. He puts the rat in the ring first climbing in afterward. He sits in the ring as the rat climbs up on his lap. He rubs it's head as he rocks back and forth.))

Travis: Who the @#%^ gave this guy a contract?

Eddie: I think whoever it was, was drunk at the time.

(("Cowboy Hat" by Nickleback plays as The Redneck, Ryan Maverick comes out with a rope and a cow bell attached to the end. He walks to the ring as the fans cheer unanimously.))

Travis: What the hell is he doin'?

Eddie: We'll soon find out… but neither of these two individuals are what I call normal!

Travis: Amen, to that brother!

((The bell rings as Takk just sits there rocking with the rat in his arms as Ryan readies to fight. He seems a bit aggitated by Takk's unnerving behavior. Impatient he strikes Takk in the head with the cow bell. Takk just sits for a second and begins rocking again. He strikes a second time and again Takk goes right back to rocking. Ryan impatient wraps the rope around his neck. But Takk throws his rat into the face of Ryan. Ryan reels rubbing his face. Not bleeding yet. Takk does a Drop kick to the back of Ryan as the rat scampers off.))

Travis: That rat gives me the creeps.

((Ryan in the ropes. Takk goes for the offensive and is thrown out of the ring. Takk on the outside as Ryan climbs out of the ring. Ryan grabs Takk and sends him face first into the turnbuckle. Takk is down as Ryan goes under the ring. He's got the chair. He strikes hard on Takks forehead three hard strikes. No blood yet as Ryan stands over Takk. Ryan picking him up throws him in the ring. Ryan then throws the chair in and climbs in himself. Ryan slapping the back of Takks head a couple of times and BOOM Takk takes the chair off the ground and smacks Ryan in the head. Both men are down. Ryan the first to his feet. He smacks Takk in the back with the chair. Knocking the Takk back into the ground. Ryan setting the chair up. He sits for a second just looking at Takk and then gets up with a grin and points to the turnbuckle))

Eddie: What's this?

Travis: Whatever it is it's gonna hurt!

((Ryan picks up Takk and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Ryan grabs him by the throat as the crowd roars. Ryan pulls the "Rough Ryde" as Takk goes flying head first into the set up chair. He's busted open as blood runs down his face.))

Eddie: Takk is bleeding! It's over…

Ring Announcer: Here is your winner!!! RYAN MAVERICK!!!

Eddie: What a win for… OH MY GOD!!!

((The rat climbs up on the announcer table as they both jump back.))

Travis: I told you I hated that rat! Security!!!

Eddie: Get rid of it!

Travis: I ain't touching that thing!

Eddie: Live TV bare with us folks while we get rid of it!

Light Heavyweight Title Match
Chaotica vs Ill Dogg

Eddie: Welcome to Blood Brawl here on PPV. We're coming to you live from beautiful Ridge Manor, Florida at the gorgeous Ridge Manor Park!

Travis: Why do you keep saying that?

Eddie: Because it's worth repeating.

Travis: Aw, shut up.

Eddie: At any rate, the next matchup pits newcomer Ill Dogg against ring veteran Chaotica for her HWC Light Heavyweight Championship.

((Travis goes to say something, but is cut off by Ill Dogg's music. He looks annoyed, but it doesn't last long. The fresh air brings with it smells of fresh popcorn, cotton candy and honeysuckle. Vendors come around frequently, having no set sectors in a park setting. Ill Dogg bounces off the ropes, waiting for Chaotica to arrive. He doesn't have to wait long... "Broken" by Twelve Stones blares across the speakers, causing the crowd to roar in delight. After a brief pause, Chaotica herself comes down to the ring, slapping hands along the way.))

Eddie: This crowd is positively stoked!

Travis: I hate to admit it, but you're right. They love her!

((The referee checks them for weapons, then signals for the bell when he doesn't find any. At first, they circle each other warily. Cha drops Dogg with a standing dropkick, followed by a series of knife edge chops. The crowd WOOO's after each one. Dogg manages to launch a good offense, hitting Cha with a snap suplex and some stiff forearms. The champ shows her resilience, however, and nails him with an Enziguri. Dogg drops like a stone. Cha goes for the cover, but only gets a 2 count. Dogg latches on with a Sleeper hold, but Cha's too damn tall for it to work. She powers out with surprising ease. Dogg turns to hit her with something else, but she evades the weak maneuver and gets behind him. Chaotica brings Dogg's arms behind his back and lifts him up off the ground in a modified chicken wing, then as he's about to submit she changes the move by driving him face first into the mat. The crowd is heard to scream "HOLY SHIT!" But Eddie says...))


Travis: We haven't seen that move done so flawlessly since she started here! That should be all, folks!

((The ref goes in to count. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings and the ref holds Cha's hand up high in the air.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and STILL HWC Light Heavyweight Champion... CHAOTICA!!!

((The crowd's still screaming when the lights that illuminate the event go out, leaving things totally black. The crowd starts murmuring to themselves, not liking this one bit. There's a murmur of sound, too indistinct at first. But as it grows louder, the fans recognize it as "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed. And that can only mean one thing... The lights on the top of the HWC-Tron, usually a blazing red, turn green! The fans begin to scream and chant "Sickness". There's an explosion and the lights come back up, revealing the Sickness standing in the ring! They've surrounded Cha and Ill Dogg, Rancid in the forefront. The only Sickness member missing is Amy, and that's because she's getting ready for her match. Cha moves out of the circle, standing on the outside. With a gesture to Rancid, she leaves the ring, followed by Hunter, Charity and Medea. That leaves Ill Dogg with Rancid and Ramus. This deadly duo has something in store for him... Ramus brings out a square box that looks like something you'd put a pie or pastry in. Rancid lifts the poor guy's face up off the mat, holding him by the hair. Ramus takes out a lovely chocolate cream pie and grins wickedly. Rancid nods, and Ramus puts the pie on the mat where Dogg's face once rested. Once he makes sure the pie's in place, Rancid lets go. Ill Dogg's barely conscious face lands right in the pie! But these two aren't without mercy... They roll Dogg onto his side and make sure his nose and mouth are clear so he can breathe. Rancid calls for a microphone.))

Rancid: Ladies and gentlemen, the loser has just been piesmushed, courtesy of the Sickness. We took it easy on him because we know him. The next one won't be so lucky.

((With that, they leave, the image of Ill Dogg with chocolate cream pie all over his face making pockets of fans laugh hysterically. Eddie and Travis are laughing too. It's funny when you think about it...))

Tag Team Match
Sephiroth du Lac & Harley Quinn vs The Spider & Terry Riffic

Eddie: Next up is the Tag Team match to settle an hold gurge that started weeks ago

((The Godfather theme plays and the fans begin to cheer. Harley Quinn steps out from behind the curtain and begins to walk to the ring, she stops half way and Vampire Killer begins to blast. The fans keep cheering as Sephiroth Du Lac walks to the ring. When he meets up with Harley in the ramp they walk to the ring together. When they get to the ring they wait together for Terry and The Spider. I will be Heard by Hatebreed blasts and both Terry and The Spider walk to the ring together. The fans boo them, but they are also in shock because they enter the ring together. Spider waits on the apron as does Seph and Terry and Harley start things off. Harley takes control from the get go with a big clothesline. She stomps Terry while he's on the floor and kicks him in the head. She takes his leg and puts it in a leg grapevine. Terry screams in pain.))

Eddie: Harley is really taking it to Terry. Terry is getting a beat down.

Travis: He'll come back! Terry won't lose.

((Harley picks Terry up again and kicks him in the gut. Then she takes his head and DDT's it onto the floor. Terry starts crawling to his corner and tries to get the tag. He dives and then connects with Spider's hand.))

Eddie: it looks like Spider will be making his way into the ring for some fighting!

(Spider punches Harley in the nose and with such impact that he begins to bleed from the nose. She holds her nose but she is uppercutted by Spider. Spider then throws her into rope and clotheslines her to the floor. He then picks her up and whips her to his corner. He begins to walk to the corner but Sephiroth runs into the ring and stops Spider.)

Travis: No don't stop him!

((Seph puches Spider out of the way but then he delivers a gigantic splash to Harley!!))

Eddie: NOO!! He just did the unthinkable!!

Travis: I LOVE IT!!

((Spider than tosses Terry into the ring and gives him a big piledriver.))

Eddie: Oh Jesus!!

((Seph than pins Terry and Spider pins Harley and the ref counts to 3. After all of the confusion, the ref mistakenly calls Seph the legal man and raises his hand! Seph pulls his hand away and picks Harley up by her hair. He delivers the Fallen Angel DDT!! Then Spider picks up Terry and knocks him back down with a Clothesline From Hell. Then Seph and Spider walk towards each other and hold up each others hands.))


Eddie: It sucks! I can't believe what they did!

Travis: Well you better believe it! These 2 make a good team! And I wait to watch them wreak havoc on the HWC!!

((Humming along to some song that she had heard earlier, Kimber wrapped her reddish blond hair up in a towel and wrapped her robe around her body. After getting dressed in jean cut offs and a green tank top Kimber brushes out her hair then strolls out to the livingroom to wait for Amy. The two of them had plans to make for the upcoming ppv. About 15 minutes later, Amy pulls up in her black mitsubishi. She slides out and heads upstairs. once there, she knocks on the door. She is wearing a pair of dark green cargo pants and a white tank top. her black bra is visible beneath))

"Hey Amy, come on in"

Kimber says as she holds the door open for Amy.

" You want something to drink? Pepsi or a beer?"

Amy: Beer. I only drink Pepsi on wrestling days.

((Amy enters, yawning a bit. She had been asleep but woke up, knowing there was something to do. She takes a seat in Kimber's favorite white leather chair. Heading into the kitchen she grabs two beers from the fridge, coming back into the livingroom she tosses one beer to amy before stretching out on the loveseat.))

" We have to decide on how we are going to take care of the BlackList"

((Amy catches the beer one handed, flipping it up to catch it on the normal side. she taps the beer top as she looks to Kimber))

Amy: Homicide aside....I say we just start taking them out one by one.

" Another question would be who do we take out first? What about Jericho? You wrestled against him, what do you think?"

Amy: I've fought him twice already. I say we take the biggest out first. Enforcer...then down to whoever else they have.

" Hmmm I think you're right, and with fighting Ill Dogg at the ppv I can take him out there. I know him fairly well from working with him in the GWF and medea knows of him from the IWF, she fought him there for the hardcore title if I remember correctly"

((Amy nods as she takes a long pull of beer. she then speaks))

Amy: What about a tag team?

"What do you mean?"

Amy: You..and me. Just like the old days with the SOD. Show them that the Sickness can take -anything- they want, be it hardcore, tag or world.

((Kimber grins wickedly flashing a brilliant smile that shows off her illongated canine teeth))

" I so love the way you think Amy!"

((Amy smirks dangerously, her usual. She nods a bit))

Amy: I'm already second in contention for the World title. If Ace beats Tigger, I get the first shot. If he loses, I get the next shot. I'm also 3rd in the ranking for your belt. Why not form a tag team, take the belts, then take Biggie's stable out? Give them a Lethal Injection they won't recover from?

" Excellent idea my friend....excellent idea indeed. The BlackList wont know what's coming until it's too late!"

((The scene fades to black with a picture of Amy and Kimber grinning))

Travis: Whoa Amy and Chaotica forming a Tag Team...... I have dreamed of that.

Eddie: I think you need a cold shower.

Travis: There is a god...... I love wemon in gold!

TLC Match
Amy Jensen (c) vs The Soulveyer

((The God That Failed by Metallica kicks up over the speakers, sending its noise throughout the entirety of the park area. The lights flicker off, the park lit only by moon beams. A green glow slowly overtakes the area and green fireworks shoot off as "The Soulveyer" Jericho Dylan walks out from the makeshift entryway. He is wearing silver and black trousers with boots and a black hood over his head. He slowly makes his way down to the ring to some sparse booing intermixed with some oddly-present cheers. Jericho removes his hood and stares angrily at the entryway, awaiting his opponent.))

Eddie Daniels: Jericho Dylan looks all business here tonight, Travis.

Travis Best: Jericho Dylan is always all business, Eddie, he's a mobster for chrissakes!

((Glow by Coal Chamber replaces Metallica and blacklights begin to flash in time with the fast beat. Amy Jensen, HWC's resident hellcat, bursts forth from the curtain carrying a sledgehammer. She smiles and points first at the sledge and then at Jericho Dylan. Jericho just scowls at her. Amy bangs her head a bit and then runs towards the ring, both hands on the sledge. Her spiked steel-toed boots dig into the ground, tossing a bit of soil and grass up as she runs.))

Eddie Daniels: Maybe Amy should be a mobster, she seems to be more ready for business than Jericho tonight!

Travis Best: Bah. She's just some little stupid punk chick. But still, those spikes could do some damage......ah, what the hell, BLOODY HIM UP AMY!!!

Eddie Daniels: Oh boy!

((Amy runs in the ring and the fight is on. She immediately swings at Jericho's head with the sledgehammer, but Jericho ducks and kicks Amy in the stomach, causing her to drop her weapon. Jericho goes for an irish whip and a back body drop, but Amy quickly leapfrogs him and comes back with a jumping tornado DDT! Jericho gets up quickly, somewhat unphased, and is met with a hurricanrana which takes him all the way to the outside of the ring! Amy smiles and poses for the fans, which gets a marginal pop.))

Eddie Daniels: Amy is all over Jericho Dylan here in the early-goings, Best!

Travis: No she isn't, because if she were, it wouldn't be here, it'd be on the porno channel!

Eddie: Seriously, that was like so funny Travis.

Travist: Why thank you!

Eddie: I was being sarcastic. You're about as funny as Carrot Top.

Amy runs towards the ropes and goes for a plancha, but Jericho is able to get out of the way, sending Amy to the mat-covered park soil with a hard thud. Jericho backs up, waits for Amy to get to her feet, and hits a nice swinging neckbreaker. Jericho picks Amy up and tosses her back in the ring, following close behind after grabbing a chair. Amy gets to her feet and recieves a chair to the gut, then a hard shot to the back, making her hurt! Jericho sets the chair up and sidewalk slams Amy onto it hard! Her head snaps back and she is down! The fans pop!

Travis: That was...painful.

Eddie: So full of emotion, aren't we Travis? That was sarcasm again, by the way.

Travis: Yeah, well, when the blood starts to flow you can wake me up, okay Eddie?

((Jericho heads to the outside and slides a table into the ring. He also sets one up on the outside, surely for a later use. Jericho gets in the ring and begins setting the table up in a corner, ECW spear style. Amy Jensen recovers, but she is stumbling around blindly. Jericho, having finished setting the table up, goes over to Amy and tries for an irish whip, but Amy just slides down and out of it. Jericho runs at her, going for the spear in the table, but she leapfrogs again. Jericho stops just short of ramming his face through the table, and Amy runs fast at him, recieving a drop toe hold through the table! Her face almost instantly begins bleeding, her nose clearly broken! Another big pop for Jericho Dylan!))

Travis: BLOOD!!!

Eddie: That was certainly INTENSE~! Let's see if Amy can recover or not!

((Jericho heads back to the outside and slides a ladder into the ring. The mere sight of the ladder makes everyone in attendance cheer in approval. Jericho sets the ladder up and begins to climb, but Amy gets to her feet and grabs the stationary sledgehammer! She swings and slams Jericho in the back, right on his big scar! Jericho falls off the ladder and clutches at his back, screaming in pain! Amy, still groggy and a bit out of it, looks down at Jericho and yells "TIME FOR PAIN, BITCH!" to a loud pop from the crowd!))

Eddie: Well, I'd say she's recovered...

Travis: Yeah, she sure has!

Eddie: It looks like the tide could turn here, Best! Amy is pumped up now!

Travis: Too true, but look at her, she can barely stand she's so dizzy. Whatever. Buh buh buh BLOOOOOOD!

((Amy grabs a chair and begins smashing Jericho's already-hurt back with it. The chair, which was already sorta bent, is now completely discombobulated thanks to Amy. She tosses it aside and grabs a piece of broken table, slamming it over and over again once more into the back of The Soulveyer. Finally, she picks up the sledgehammer and smacks Jericho in the back with it again, only after shoving it in his face and intensely staring at him. Jericho looked a bit frightened, but he's now screaming in pain again, clutching at his back! Amy only laughs at him.))

Travis: Amy is crazed with sadistic tendencies here tonight! I mean, my God, it's one thing to make someone bleed, it's something else entirely to BREAK THEIR BACK.

Eddie: What's the matter, upset that Jericho is getting what he deserves?

Travis: How does Jericho deserve this? Sure, he's a mobster, sure he has people assassinated, sure he no doubt sells drugs to children, but for the love of God, have mercy!

Eddie: You must be a republican...

((Amy tries to climb the ladder quickly, but Jericho is able to kick at it and make it fall down. Amy flies to the outside of the ring, hitting her head awkwardly on the ground with a thud. Jericho ever so slowly gets to his feet and rolls to the outside. Barely able to stand due to his back ache, he grabs Amy by her hair, leads her up, and smashes her face into the guardrail near the fans. Dylan rolls Amy back into the ring and follows close behind. He kicks her arrogantly and yells at her. She gives him a nut shot for his troubles to a pop!))

Travis: Stupid women always going for the family jewels to get ahead!

Eddie: Stop complaining Travis, Amy is fighting for her life in there.

Travis: Whatever. I just want more BLOOOOOD!!!

((Jericho is dancing around, somehow making it obvious that both his back and crotch are in immense pain. Amy gives Jericho a jawjacker and quickly jumps to the top rope to deliver a high impact hurricanrana! And she does, connecting with Jericho easily! She signals for a 6-1-9, as Jericho's upper torso is hanging in position. And Amy connects with that, too! The blood begins to pour forth from The Soulveyer's forehead like a geyser, Amy's spikes having dug into his face! The crowd is in stunned silence before chanting "holy shit, holy shit!"))

Eddie: Holy shit! I join the chant!

Travis: Now that's what I'm talking about bay bay!!! GO AMY!!!

Eddie: For the love of God, choose a side!

((Jericho is lying prone on the mat and Amy once more jumps to the top rope. She is readying herself for a swanton, and Jericho is reaching for the sledgehammer! Amy sails off the top...and Jericho gets the sledgehammer up to block the impact, AMY'S HEAD SLAMMING INTO THE SLEDGEHAMMER HEAD ON THE WAY DOWN!!! Another "holy shit" chant!))

Eddie: ......

Travis: ......

Eddie: ......

Travis: ......Ouch.

((Amy tries to stand, but she falls down. She tries again, falls down again. Her head begins to bleed, and Jericho gets to his feet. He stumbles around the ring and uses the ropes to get himself all the way up after tripping once. His face os absolutely COVERED in blood. Amy is still futily trying to stand of her own accord, unable to due to the massive head trauma she has absorbed during this match. Jericho picks her up, as she can't really make heads or tales of what is happening, and tosses her over the ropes onto the table Jericho had set up earlier! The table doesn't break, though, because Amy is so tiny. Jericho looks at her and marches to the top rope with a twisted look on his face...))

Eddie: No, Jericho! You've already got the match won, Amy can't stand! Don't do this!

Travis: Do it! Jump! Kill the broad!!! BLOODY MCBLOOD BLOOD!!!

((JERICHO SAILS OFF THE TOP WITH A SIN CITY THROUGH THE TABLE!!! "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" After about twenty seconds, Jericho begins to stand and, after a few minutes pass, he is in the ring. Amy is completely unconscious. Jericho slowly climbs the ladder and reaches claim the Intercontinental Title! The bell rings and "The God That Failed" plays once more as "The Soulveyer" Jericho Dylan is the NEW Intercontinental Champ!))

Eddie: And that, as they say, is that. Jericho won without interference or anything and Amy put on a valiant fight, delivering on her promise to hurt Jericho as much as possible. What more can you ask for?

Travis: How about some ice cream?

((The winner, Jericho Dylan, has gotten the IC belt from above the ladder. But through it all, Jericho Dylan has felt the need to express himself to the one person who means as much to him as his mother and his brother. After lying on the ground and hobbling over to an announcer, Jericho grabs a mic and leans against the side of the ring, even as EMT's attend to Amy Jensen.))

Jericho Dylan: Natassja, would you please come to ringside? There's something I need to get off my chest.

((The lovely Natassja comes down, Jarred trailing behind her. She's got a confused look in her eye, but Jarred's grinning from ear to ear. She stops beside Jericho, wondering what's going on. With a grimace, he lowers himself onto one knee, taking her left hand in his as he does so.))

Jericho Dylan: Natassja Ericksen, I love you with all my heart and soul. I'd walk through flaming hot coals for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Natassja, what I'm trying to say is... Will you marry me?

((Half of the crowd cheers in approval and have sits in stunned silence. Natassja doesn't even hesitate when she leans forward to answer him.))

Nstassja: Yes, Jericho. I will!

((Jarred helps his brother stand up. Jericho then slides a white gold diamond and sapphire ring onto her finger before kissing her softly on the lips. Half of the crowd screams in joy, making a hell of a racket. The camera flashes to Daniels and Best at the announce table.))

Eddie: Jericho Dylan and Amy Jensen have both shown a lot here tonight. Jericho might be an evil guy, but he leaves here the winner tonight in more ways than one.

Travis: I'll say. That Nastassja chick is one hot tamale!

Hardcore Hell in a Cell
Enforcer vs Black Flagg vs Cardinal Syn vs Jason Hawk vs The Spoon

Eddie: Folks we are just a few minuets away from the five man Hardcore Hell in a Cell match.

Travis: Hey if she keeps this up I'm going to start liking Autumn Lewis.

Eddie: They are bring the cell in over the ring by crain. And as you see there are already a verity of weapons in the ring.

Travis: I can't wait soon we will see the best of the best in the HWC. Who ever survives this match is truly hardcore.

Eddie: There is a team of refs and staff to make sure the wrestlers stay apart in till everyone is accounted for and locked in the ring.

Travis: Enforcer better live threw this, he still has to pay for my car.

Eddie: We are just one match away from the World Title Match. Ace of Spades taking on The Force known as Tiger for the belt. But the question on everyones mind Travis is Will The Tiger even show up?

((An image of Ace holding his hands on his hips grinning at the camera pops up. Another one next to it that of Tiger roaring at the camera with PitBull to her left his arms crossed and brooding. Underneath the images of the two writen in blood comes the words World Title Match. The cell is all set up and Turn The Page hits, Jason Hawk is first to make his way to the ring as he is greeted with boos. He thinks nothing of it just enters the cell then ring and waits. His music is cut off by Alkaline Trio's Hell Yes. Syn comes runing down the ramp trying to get the jump on Hawk but a ref separets the two.))

Travis: Syn doesn't want to wait he wants to start kicking ass now.

Eddie: He will get his chance soon enough.

((Euro-Barge plays and out steps Black Flagg the crowd gets to there feet and cheers for him. He stands at the top of the ramp for a bit then continues on to the ring. Once in side he leans against a turn buckle watching as ref and crew guys try to keep Syn and Hawk apart for now. Flaggs music fades and comes the playing of Click Click Boom. Enforcer makes his way down his eyes move from Hawk to Syn to Flagg and over again. Climbing into the ring he stands in the middle watching each man. The ref manages to get him to move into a corner for now keeping the men apart. Virtua Trancer by John Digweed plays and out steps The Spoon he looks down to teh ring and there is a hint of fear in his eyes. He walks slowly to the cell once standing before it he stops and hesitates. He tries to make a break for it and run but a ref stops him trying to get him into the ring. Before he can get passed the ref a hand reaches out grabing Spoon and pulls him in by the back of the neck. It was Syn. All but one ref quickly make it out of the cell before it it chained and locked.))

Travis: Ha! I think Spoon just relized what he got him self into.

Eddie: This is going to be anything but perrty.

Travis: Speak for your self.

((Syn starts beating away at Spoon by the door. Flagg grabs a stop sign and hits the back of Enforcers head who was beating on Hawk in the corner. Enforcer turns around and elbows Flagg in the head. Hawk climbs up the turn buckle to deliver a flying head but on Enforcer but he turns back around after giving Flagg a big boot. Enforcer catches Spoon in mid flight and throws him face first to the cage out side the ring. Flagg now armed with a cane hits Enforcer in the back on the knee then back then head causing Enforcer to drop. Flagg continues to beat into him intill Enforcer counter by smacking the him in the head with the stop sign.))

Eddie: Did you see that Enforcer just made Hawk a human yawn dart.

Travis: That was sooo cool. DO IT TO FLAGG!!

((Syn starts draging Spoons face across the cage when Hawk comes running up with a chair swing for Spoons head. But Spoon drops before the swing causing Syn to get hit.Spoon raises the chair to hit Syn again when Syn pulls Spoon over him. The chair shot causes Spoons head to be busted up. He rolls away holding his head thats when he sees he's bleeding. The blood sends him in a state of panic as he crawls under the mat to escape the madness.))

Travis: What a baby Spoon can't handle it and can't get out so he hides. Now that's funny.

Eddie: I wounder how long it will take them to learn Spoon is missing.

((After beating each other till bleeding Enforcer gives Flagg another big boot sending the trash can lid in his hands to meet with his head. Flagg crumbles and Enforcer climbs out to get a table on the outside. Syn comes over and hits him in the back with a ball bat. Enforcer falls onto the table, Syn continues to beat the bat into the body of Enforcer. Suddenly Flagg dives over the ropes throwing him self at Syn.))


Eddie: They who?

Travis: You know..... they.

((Flagg starts stomping away at on Syn who is backed up against the cage. Enforce rolls off the table and gestures to Flagg to throw Syn.))

Eddie: What is Enforcer up too?

Travis: Looks like Flagg and Enforcer are teaming up against Syn.

((Flagg nods and with the help of Enforcer picks up Syn by his legs and arms. They start to swing his body a few time then after swing him all the way back they throw him him hard to the side of the cage. Part of the cage wall gives way with Syn's body, he lays there out and bleeding from the inpact.))

Eddie: OH MY GOD! They used Syn's body as a ram.


((Enforcer then turns on Flagg grabing him by the throat and chock slaming him threw the table before walking out. Hawk reaches under the ring for a weapon but ends up pulling Spoon out instead. At first Hawk looks surprised but moves to close line Spoon. Spoon spins around behind him grabs a near by chair and slams it into the head of Hawk. Spoon seeing a way out makes another run for it but gets stopped by Enforcer. Enforcer grabs Spoon by the throat for another slam. Spoon gives him a low blow to get free and then delievers a neckbreaker. Spoon bumps into Flagg with broken table in his hands and Enforcer standing behind him again. Flagg swings the table peice at Spoon but he ducks causing him to hit Enforcer. Spoon then grabs Flagg and nails a snap suplex on him. Spoon tries to run again but gets closelined by Hawk.))

Eddie: They are all fighting over who gets to kill Spoon.

Travis: I know Flagg wants him after last weeks match.

((Syn is to his feet again and gives Enforcer a DDT, Flagg goes to take a swing at Syn but stops him by kicking him in the chest. Syn then starts climbing the side of the cage heading to the top. Flagg throws the peice of table at him but misses and quickly follows. Seeing this Enforcer gets to his feet and follows. In the ring a standard match broke out between Hawk and Spoon.))

Travis: Havn't they been informed to never get ontop of a cell with Flagg. He just starts throwing people off it not caring.

((Syn is the first to the top and starts kicking at Flagg trying to knock him down. Syn failed to see Enforcer reach the top. Getting behind Syn Enforcer grabs him and hits a fallaway slam on him. This gives Flagg the change to get up. Flagg takes a swing at Enforcer but he ducks and counters with a Samoan drop on Flagg. Enforcer goes over and pick up Syn ready to deliver a Gorilla press slam))

Eddie: Some on is going off the cage and it looks to be Syn.

Travis: I love Hell in a Cells with Flagg, you realy get your moneys worth.

((Before Enforcer can throw Syn off the cell he is hit with a spear by Flagg. Syn's body falls to the top of the cage and he tries to get up. Flagg gets to his feet and picks up Syn, he then delivers a Flaggplex. The cage gives way to them as Syn's body falls to the mat below nearly missing Spoon. Up above Flagg is hanging on to keep from falling.))


Travis: And Flagg is hanging on for his life. But he's in trouble now Enforcer is up.

((Enforcer walks over to Flagg and looks down at him. Enforcer tries to step on Flags fingers but he lets go to avoid it. He drops to the matt below landing on Syn's broken body below. The ref sees its a legit cover and makes the count. 1...2...3. The bell rings crowning Flagg as the Hardcore Champ. Flagg is out and doesn't know yet. Enforcer looks down on Flagg and makes the throat cutting jester then points to Flagg.))

Eddie: FLAGG GETS THE WIN, After falling threw the top of the cell

Travis: Lucky for him Hawk was in too much in shock to break it up or Spoon who was running to get out of the way of the fallen bodies.

((As the camera cuts to the back the Cloaked Man is walking down the hall with Renegade in his arms, blood dripping onto the ground. Ginger is following behind them tears flowing down her face. As they reach a dressing room they enter, Cloaked man placing Renegade on a bench. He then turns to Ginger. ))

Cloaked Man: He will be fine but he will be out for a while.

Ginger: Oh no, I can't take this please help him!

Cloaked Man: There is only one thing I can do to help him, and you might no like it.

Ginger: What?

Cloaked Man: This guy is a nothing that I tried to make a something and the only thing I can do now is take his place!

Ginger: You can't take his place, you are not a wrestler, you are just a trainer.

Cloaked Man: Young lady who's wrestling training do you think that was, mine, who's gym do you think that was, mine. Now a beautiful lady like you will love a man like me. I am a man of this land, a man of this place, a man of this country!

((The Cloaked Man begins to remove the cloak until Ginger stops him.))

Ginger: I know who you are, yeah that's right. The other day you begin to talk about Brett Bruiser and how he never got in the Hall of Fame and all this other stuff. Then you begin to talk about him more and more, you are the Bruiser!

(( As Ginger gets those words out of her mouth the Cloaked Man begins to laugh out loud, he continues this for a few minutes until Ginger stomps her foot.))

Ginger: It's not that funny, well who are you?

Cloaked Man: I said that I was a man of this land, a man of this place, a man of this country, I am...

(( The Cloaked Man pauses to rip the cloak off, revealing his true identity. Under the cloak is a man wearing a red white and blue suit, a huge star on his chest, and a mask that covers his face, only his blue eyes showing. ))

Cloaked Man: THE PATRIOT!!!

(( The camera cuts away as "The Patriot" stands with his fists on his side. ))

Travis: Who is that?

Eddie: Weren't you listening, The Patriot.

Travis: Is he anything like Ace Man?

((Camera fades out on Eddie and Travis and in on another wrestling ring with other well know wrestlers of the world.)) Voice: From Lost Colony Entertainment and the man known as Danny Lashley comes BODYSLAM NATION

A psuedo-reality action series for the straight-to-video market, BODYSLAM NATION has been described as OZ-meets-SURVIVOR-in-Vince McMahon's basement.

When a wrestling tour stops in war-torn Yazakstan, the entire country comes to a standstill. Amazed by the hero worship directed towards the grapplers, the country's military leaders concoct a plan to use the fighters' popularity for their own purposes.

Voice: Coming Soon, this and more at

World Title Match
The Tiger (c) vs Ace of Spades

Eddie: And finally folks...the match of the night. Ace Of Spades vs The Tiger! We've had a completely OUTSTANDING card thus far and this match has been shaping up to be incredible! Let's take a look back at these two!

((A video package is played. First it shows Ace amongst his rise to the top. His match in the fatal 4-Way to get to this event. Ace's theme is played behind as it showcases his most powerful moves. Then the screen seems to be slashed with a knife and the screen turns blood red. Underneath is the video package from tiger. It shows Tiger's struggle with Martin Smalls and her slavery. it shows her face when Obake tells her she will be a Aunt. Suddenly the camera is slashed again vertically and it shows a face to face shot of Tiger and Ace, appearing to be facing each other. Then in bloody letters, the words BLOOD BRAWL spurts across the top. The camera then fades to Backstage. The Ace Of Spades is standing backstage waiting to give a quick interview before his match and he is jogging in place. Chris Murphy is standing next to him. Once the camera is switched to them, Ace stops jogging and Chris starts the interview.))

Chris: Ace, it's just about time, how do you feel.

Ace: How do I feel? You're asking me how I feel? Moments, minutes, just seconds away before the biggest match of my career and you ask me how I feel? I feel hyper! I feel stoked! I'm ready to kick ass and take names. I'm just ready!

Chris: Any last words for The Tiger?

Ace: The Force That Is The Tiger! The One Woman Wrecking Machine! Bantha Fodder To The Ace Of Spades!! The only thing that matters is that she takes all she has and brings it to the ring! Because that's where I'll be waiting.

Chris: Well that's it Ace. That's all the time..

Ace: No, that isn't all the time we've had.

((Ace takes the microphone from Chris and motions to him to step away. Then once he is gone he cuts the air, telling the crowd to quiet down.))

Ace: Tiger you better be getting ready. Because the time has come. The time is here. It's time for The Ace Of Spades to deal ya.

((The fans in attendance roar in approval and finish the statement by yelling "A BAD HAND!!"))

Ace: A bad hand!

((A loud blast of pyro is heard and then The Ace Of Spades by Motorhead blasts through the arena. There are red spotlights floating all over and Ace wastes no time in getting out to the ring. Once he appears from behind the ring he runs down to the ring as fast as he can. He jumps and slides in under the bottom rope, and then he walks to one side of the ring. He stands on the middle rope in the middle of the side of the ring. He raises his hands in the air and everyone cheers. Then he walks to the turnbuckle on the opposite side of the ring. He raises on arm in the air. The fans cheer again. Ace finally walks to the middle of the ring and faces the curtain, his fans are still cheering while his music fades out. Suddenly a very unfamiliar song pumps through the PA. It's the ever familiar hellish duo of James Hetfield and Kirk Hammer of Metallica, doing 'Better Than You'..but nothing happens. The song rages through the PA. Finally after 2 minutes, stalking from the back storms The Tiger! The crowd absolutely explodes, a complete standing ovation. She stands at her left side first, revealing a blacker than black tribal tattoo that goes from shoulder to wrist.))

Eddie and Travis: HOLY FUCKING HELL! IT'S TIGER!!!!!!

((Tiger stalks down the ramp, slapping with the fans as she heads to the ring. Ace never takes his eyes off her. She climbs into the ring and immediately goes for the nearest turnbuckle. She throws her arms up, holding the belt to show the fans. After 10 seconds, she drops down and stands in the center of the ring. The ref takes the belt from her. Ace extends a hand to her in civility. Tiger looks him dead in the eyes then takes the hand. They shake freely then let go. The ref motions for the bell and the match is now officially underway!))

Eddie: After a explosive promo by Ace and one hell of a entry by Tiger, this match is now underway! It's the World belt on the line folks!

Travis: Yeah yeah. Shut up, Eddie. I wanna see Ace kick her ass.

((Tiger and Ace lock it up with a collar and elbow tie-up. They both push and struggle for leverage, neither of them giving a inch. After 2 minutes of struggling, they break it. The tension in the muggy Florida air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Ace and Tiger lock it up again. Tiger gets the first offensive move in, with a side headlock. Tiger squeezes Ace's head a couple times but Ace shoves her off, slingshotting her into the ropes. Ace rebounds and Tiger bends over, attempting to do a back drop but Ace puts the brakes on. Ace delivers a football styled kick to Tiger's chest, connecting Hard. Tiger straightens up in pain and Ace presses the charge. he cuts loose with a series of Ric Flair styled chops. With each chop, The crowd punctuates it with a resounding WOOOO!. Finally Ace has her backed up on the ropes. Something in Tiger snaps however, and she picks Ace up. She steps forward a bit and then executes a textbook Belly to belly suplex which sends Ace bouncing through the ropes and landing on his head outside))

Travis: Fuck! That hadta hurt!

Eddie: Tiger with a belly to belly suplex which waffled Ace through the ropes. Ace is kinda laying there dazed, folks.

((Tiger climbs from the ring and lands next to Ace. She picks him up and slams him headfirst into the ring steps a couple times. Ace kinda goes limp in her arms, but he fires back with a pair of elbows to her stomach which stagger her. Tiger reels a bit and Ace turns around. With only sheer power, Ace delivers a wicked Clothesline From Hell, flooring Tiger. Ace then breathes deeply, trying to regain his breath. He then lays the boots to Tiger's fallen form. Tiger's eyes are more shocked than in pain from the sudden power move out of nowhere. Tiger then grabs his feet and simply yanks, knocking him down to his knees. Sitting up like a body rising from a corpse, Tiger plants several rights into Ace's head as she stands. She then grabs Ace by the hair and leads him to the ring. She rolls him in and goes for the cover...1....Ace kicks out))

Eddie: Tiger with the one count. That isn't gonna be enough. But damn that Clothesline was wicked.

((Best is too enamored with the match to even bother with a smartassed comment. Ace gets to a knee and out of nowhere, delivers a low blow! Despite the fact Tiger is a chick, she still goes down! Ace gets to his feet and crouches, his eyes flaring. Once tiger gets to her feet, Ace cuts loose with a spear that Obake would have been proud of. They collapse in a tangle of limbs and Ace begins to drive rights and lefts into Tiger. Suddenly from the back runs Martin Smalls! He has a chair in his hand. the roar of the crowd alerts both tiger and Ace to the intrusion. Ace stands, whipping around. Martin is froze on the ring ropes, scared shitless now that he is caught. Ace then looks to Tiger, who only shrugs. Before Martin can react, Ace superkicks Martin right off the ring onto the hard mats below. Martin kinda lays there like someone just dropped a ton of bricks on him))


Travis: Damn you Ace!

((Ace and Tiger slap hands before locking it up again in a collar and elbow tieup. This time Ace gets the better of Tiger, picking her up and delivering a backbreaker. Tiger moans and crumples to the mat, grabbing her back. Ace sees this and quickly scales the nearest turnbuckle, and leaps..450 SPLASH FROM THE TOP! Ace goes for the pin! 1...2..3..NO! TIGER KICKS OUT! Ace scowls and lets a invective line out that would shock a sailor. Ace lifts her up and sets her up..piledriver! Tiger lays there dazed for a moment. Ace starts laying the boots into her, trying to stomp her into submission. Tiger rolls away, getting to her feet. Unforunately, Ace is right on her. Tiger lashes out with a Jab..CLICK!..a second jab quickly follows..CLICK! Ace reels..tiger smirks and throws the right cross..BOOM! Ace hits the mat like a ton of bricks! Tiger sees Ace down and runs a bit for the ring ropes. she steps up onto the second rope..Moonsault from the secong rope in the dead center of the ring! Tiger with the cover....1...2..Ace kicks out! Tiger slaps hte mat in frustration))

Eddie: Christ! These two have unloaded with some serious power moves and no matter what, they will not stay down!

Travis: That's why they call it a World Title match, jackass. Because these two are the best. Get with the times, dumbshit.

((Eddie hauls off and smacks Best in the head with his clipboard. In the meantime, Ace has gotten to his feet and is trading blows with Tiger. After a rapid fire exchange, Ace lets loose with a jab..CLICK!..Tiger rocks a bit..Ace fires another jab..CLICK...tiger rocks a bit, unsteady on her feet..Ace cuts loose with his own right cross..BOOM! Tiger falls flat on her face. Ace drops to one knee, running on overdrive))

Eddie: Holy shit Ace just used Tiger's Click Click Boom on her! And Tiger is stirring! What the hell is keeping her up?!

((Tiger stands to her feet wobbily, trying to see straight. Ace sees this and gets to his feet. tiger leaps up...Dropkick from nowhere! Ace hits the mat and lays there. Tiger, getting a burst of adrenaline grabs him. She positions himself...DDT! She then lays there along side Ace. The ref begins to count...1.......2.......3...none of them move.....4........5...Ace starts to show signs of life, stirring. Tiger starts to roll, trying to get her bearings up...6......7...Ace gets to his feet first stopping the count. Ace then picks Tiger up...ACES WILD! Ace then follows her down...ROYAL FLUSH! ACE HAS THE ROYAL FLUSH LOCKED IN! Tiger is screaming in pain! The entire crowd is on their feet. Suddenly 'Down With The Sickness' by Disturbed pounds through the PA and HWC Hellcat Amy Jensen steps from the back. She is sweaty from her earlier TLC match with Dylan. She makes no move to get involved, only stands there. She crosses her small arms, watching. Meanwhile, The ref is checking with Tiger...She's screaming in pain and trying to pull for the ropes. Ace yanks her back to the center, but loses a solid grip on her. Tiger manages to squeeze from the move and kicks Ace right between the eyes, flooring him. Tiger writhes in pain, spitting blood. Ace's forehead is split open, blood pouring. Tiger stands to her feet, picking Ace up. She is more determined than ever to finish this. She whips Ace into the ropes and bounces off the opposite. As they run at each other, Tiger grabs him...REVERSE BULLDOG! Ace's head bounces off the mat and he is knocked out cold! Tiger goes for the cover....1.....2....3! TIGER RETAINS THE TITLE! Better Than You kicks over the PA and Tiger is handed the belt. She wearily stands on the ref. Amy walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. Tiger stares at Amy, ready to fight. Amy extends her hand. Tiger looks at it, then takes the hand. Amy shoulders Tiger, helping her to stand as the ref revives Ace. After a couple of soft slaps, Ace wakes up. The ref helps Ace to his feet. Tiger extends a hand to Ace. Ace takes the hand and they shake it. Tiger moves from Amy and hugs Ace in pure respect.))

Eddie: WHAT A NIGHT! Tiger retains her title! And Sickness member Amy Jensen is out here, helping them! Wait...Amy's got a mic...

((Amy lifts the mic to her lips and speask))

Amy: Good job Tiger. Get ready for a Lethal Injection from The Sickness...

((Amy then slides from the ring and claps for them in respect for the match.))

Eddie: Amy Jensen putting Tiger on notice! This is Eddie Danniels, for Travis Best this has been Blood Brawl! Tune in Saturday for the fallout!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))