Blood Brawl
Dallas Texas at the American Airlines Center

((The HWC blue logo fades in and out. Camera opens of on an old style training room as I Stand Lone by Godsmack plays. The camera pans over the wall showing profile shots of diffrerent wrestlers as clips of the wrestlers are show of them in the ring fighting. The camera stops on the pictures of Celtic Hyena and Lucien Merriuci. The figures from the pictures seem to materilize from the pictures and walk into the ring. Clips of Celtic helping Luicen fight off B.D. are seen followed by the tag match between them and B.D. and Jarred. On the other side of the wall Jericho and jarred too seem to step from their images and meet Celtic and Lucien in the ring. As they stare each other down the image freezes as the camera does a 360 spin shot of them. And the next moment they fade out. The camera returns to the wall showing a picture of Panthro in a ferisome posse. Before he too can pull him self from the wall shots of his fight with I2K are shown. On the other side of the training room I2K steps from his picture and crosses the room pulling Panthro from his and throws him into the ring. I2K takes a swing as Panthro goes for a drop kick when the image freezes for another 360 shot. the images unfreezes just at the two hit each other shattering into nothing. As the song starts to slow for a moment The Creeper fades into the ring then the next moment followed by the rest of the roster behind him. The Tiger steps from her picture as Sarafan steps from her meeting face to face with Tiger. the two stare each other down as Tiger sneers at her. Looking away from her and at the ring Tiger watches as the roster fades away leaving only those of Bad New, then they to fade out as well. Tiger looks back at Sarafan as she alwso fades, Tiger waves a hand threw the air where she was once standing. I bright flash is seen as she does this followed by clips of Bad News returning taking Tiger out with her own chair then a shot of Tiger throwing the Light Heavyweight belt into the river. The next clip is Tiger standing in the ring with Creeper, Autumn, and Smalls as Tiger attacks Creeper from behind only to get knocked back down and dragged off by waiting cops. Back in the training room Creeper stands in the ring with his arms crossed with Tiger standing just behind him looking over her shoulder at him. Another clip of Tiger darting across the arena with the cops hot on her tail durning B.D. and Blood Dragon's match. Creeper is seen standing in the ring alone as the image freezes for his own 360 shot. The next shot is that of Tiger kneeled down out of the ring in the training room with the IC belt over her shoulder pointing to her self mouthing the words "I Stand Alone!" She fades out only to reappear already froozen in the ring for the last 360 shot, of her resting her hands on the IC belt that hangs from her shoulder. She unfreezes and sneers into the camera mouthing once again "I Stand Alone." She fades out as the scene ends like an old film.))

((I Stand Alone kicks up again as red pyro goes off around the stage and the ring, sending down a shower of sparks. On the HWC-Tron the screen seems to bleed before showing the logo for Blood Brawl. The crowd in the arena cheer loudly making the theme hard to hear. The cameras are panning the crowd, getting shots of some of the signs out there. Some read "Tiger Rules!", "Bring back the Black List" and "Down with the Darkness". There's one sign in particular that catches the cameraman's attention. It's black with ornate gold lettering that reads, quite simply, "Jericho's Cheering Section". In this group are his wife, older sister, younger brothers and a man he calls best friend: A man with long black hair and piercing green eyes. Nobody knows his name except Jericho.))

Eddie: WE ARE BACK UP AND RUNNING! And we are LIVE in Dallas Texas! Welcome to Blood Brawl.

Travis: For a while I didn't think I would have a job anymore.

Eddie: I can only wish. But tonight should prove worth the waiting.

Travis: The HWC never dies!

Standard Match
Nex vs The Impactplayer

Eddie: This promises to be the most amazing Pay Per View in HWC history. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Blood Brawl. Tonight, we have an incredible Main Event for you... The Tiger is putting up her stolen Intercontinental Title against the entire HWC roster, by order of The Creeper!

Travis: She didn't steal the title, Eddie... She found it.

Eddie: Yeah, on Autumn Lewis's desk. Where Jeff Wylde left it! And he's one of the competitors in the Gauntlet!

Travis: So what?

Eddie: Travis. Jericho and Jarred Dylan are in that match too. And Jericho may well be Tiger's only friend in this. So if he's in this match...

Travis: He won't want to do anything to damage that friendship. But he's already got the World Title...

Eddie: So his presence in that Gauntlet may well be only for the sake of appearances. But right now, we have NeX and the ImpactPlayer.

Travis: A pair of nobodies.

Eddie: Travis, do I have to remind you about what the Commissioner said?

Travis: They haven't proven themselves here, so technically, they're nobodies.

Eddie: Good save. You might keep your job yet...

Travis: Good. I like my job.

((Jean Fortello excuses herself from the ring and introduces the men from outside. She's been threatened by some of the competitors... So this is a wise move for her. NeX poses on the turnbuckle and sneers, only to be knocked down by The ImpactPlayer. They trade blows until NeX trips over something and goes tumbling to the outside. ImpactPlayer slides out of the ring and bounces NeX's head off the steel steps, determined to prove that he's better. But when he goes to bounce Nex's head off the steps again, NeX stops it and reverses, making ImpactPlayer's head bounce off that unforgiving steel. A commotion at ringside is written off as fans being kept behind the barrier. NeX gets ImpactPlayer back in the ring and waits, then charges. But he fails to see ImpactPlayer move and gets a shoulder full of ringpost for his trouble. He falls back with a hand to his shoulder, teeth gritted against the pain. ImpactPlayer capitalizes on the injury, hitting it with a standing dropkick.))

Eddie: Now there's a smart man, Travis...

Travis: That is indeed a wise move. Keeping NeX grounded and off balance. Now if ImpactPlayer can keep this up, he might win.

Eddie: How much, Travis?

Travis: Excuse me?

Eddie: How much did you bet on ImpactPlayer being the winner?

Travis: Actually, none. I didn't bet.

Eddie: You surprise me. Or is it because nobody's heard of them yet?

Travis: If there's one thing I've learned from Jarred Dylan, it's that you need to be cautious once in a while. This is one of those times.

Eddie: Your bookie's after you again, isn't he?

Travis: *gulping* Yes. But it isn't for money... He wants me to date his sister. And you know how I feel about blind dates...

Eddie: That I do, Travis. That I do.

((Back in the ring, NeX is in serious trouble. ImpactPlayer has him in a Crippler Crossface, pulling on that sore shoulder. The referee checks to see if NeX will submit, but the self-professed Wicked Clown refuses. ImpactPlayer pulls back harder, increasing the strain. But NeX still refuses to give up. So ImpactPlayer lets go and stomps on that sore shoulder with several well-placed kicks. There's another commotion at ringside, but again it's written off as the fans getting too excited and wanting to jump the ring barrier. ImpactPlayer gets NeX into a pinning combination. 1... 2... No! NeX gets his other shoulder up off the mat! ImpactPlayer kicks NeX's shoulder again and goes for another cover. 1... 2... NeX barely kicks out, but the count is broken. So ImpactPlayer goes after NeX again, only to get a boot in the face. NeX throws himself across the ring and slams ImpactPlayer into the corner.))

Eddie: Beautiful avalanche by NeX!

Travis: This guy's surprising me! But he's certainly surprised The ImpactPlayer!

Eddie: You're right about that!

((ImpactPlayer shoves NeX backward, trying to launch himself forward. He gets out of the corner, but gets slammed back into it. But it wasn't NeX who did it... It's that mysterious man from Jericho's cheering section! He's standing there with a sadistic look on his face, glaring at the men who dare waste the fans' time and money with such a pathetic display. NeX grabs the man's shoulder and gets a good look at his face. There's something in his eyes that makes both men look at each other uneasily. NeX goes in after him and gets grabbed around the neck. What happens next is unthinkable. The mystery man lifts NeX across his shoulders and...))

Eddie: Oh, God!

Travis: F-5!

((ImpactPlayer charges in against him and knocks him down with a running lariat. But he gets right back up and stares dispassionately at him. ImpactPlayer tries again, but gets caught around the neck. Again, the mystery man lifts a man across his shoulders and...))

Eddie: Dear God!

Travis: Two F-5's! Who is this guy?

Eddie: Your guess is as good as mine, Travis! But there he goes up the ramp!

((Sure enough, the mystery man goes calmly up the ramp, only to turn and look at the carnage he's wrought. The sight of two men lying motionless makes him laugh. The camera's microphone catches the laughter... It's chilling to say the least. The mystery man goes into an unlabeled dressing room and stands in the doorway. The fans finally hear his voice...))

Mystery Man: It's done.

((Then the door closes, shutting out the cameraman. The view cuts back to ringside, where EMT's are helping NeX and ImpactPlayer to the back.))

Eddie: Whoever he is, he's going to get it for that. You don't just come in and attack the wrestlers!

Travis: Whoever that guy is, he's hideously strong for a beanpole. Did you see how easily he lifted those wrestlers? He doesn't have a scrap of muscle on him!

Eddie: And that makes his ability to execute the F-5 even more intimidating. If we ever find out who he is, folks, we'll let you know right away.

Travis: Indeed we will. Stick around for more live action. As Eddie said at the beginning of this match, this is Blood Brawl. The action never stops around here!

Eddie: Well said, Travis.

Travis: Thank you. I try.

The Tiger vs Sarafan

Eddie: Travis, I have a distinct feeling that this next match is not going to be pretty.

Travis: You ain’t kidding! Sarafan might come in looking cute, but since this is a no DQ match, I’m pretty sure that the Tiger is going to re-arrange her pretty little face for her with that chair!

Eddie: You’re probably right about that, but then again, Tiger does have that unprecedented match against the entire roster coming up later! I can’t help but think that she will have half her mind on that!

Travis: Maybe so, Eddie-boy, but then again, she might just decide to work out her frustrations about that match on poor innocent little Sarafan!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then kneels in the far corner to await her opponent.))

Jean: The following match is No Disqualification, scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, accompanied by Johnny Cho, from Okinawa, Japan, weighing 115 pounds, SARAFAN!

((Queensryche fades, then King of My World plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire, but Tiger does not step out as expected. Sarafan watches expectantly, but Tiger does not appear from the smoke. Jean Fortello directs a confused look at referee Michael Leonard, who also shrugs and gestures for her to continue with the introductions.))

Jean: Her opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing 180 pounds, she is the HWC Intercontinental Champion, THE TIGER!

Eddie: Well, we're expecting the Tiger to step out here any second.

Travis: Of course! Tiger may be a nut job, but I've never seen her run from a fight, and somehow I doubt that she's going to start now!

Eddie: You won't get any argument from me on that score....wait a minute, there's The Tiger, coming out from the crowd!

Travis: Right behind Johnny Cho! And he hasn't seen her!

((Tiger steps up behind the oblivious Johnny Cho, takes a Batter's stance with her chair, and pounds it on the ringside floor twice, which gets Johnny's attention. He whirls around, and Sarafan turns around, also alerted by the noise, just in time to see Tiger unleash a chair shot that would make Mark McGuire proud. The chair connects with Johnny's face with a loud POP, and Johnny drops like a sack of wet cement, drawing a loud OOOHH from the fans. Sarafan's jaw drops open as she rushes, horrified, to Johnny's side while Tiger steps over and swipe the microphone away from Jean Fortello, who is just exiting the ring.))

The Tiger: That's number eight, little girl! Are ya sure ya want to be number Nine?

Eddie: Tiger is going too far with this chair business! Johnny Cho is no wrestler!

Travis: He should have known better then to show up at ringside, knowing that the Supreme Psycho was going to be out here!

Eddie: And now she's stalking Sarafan with that damn chair!

Travis: IF Sarafan has any brains, she'll get the hell out of there! Tiger has that certain gleam in her eye....and she's....laughing?!

((Tiger is indeed laughing scornfully at Sarafan, who is kneeling at the side of the unconscious and bleeding Johnny Cho. Just as Tiger is raising the chair, however, Sarafan suddenly springs to her feet, and as the chair is coming down, lets fly with a thunderous superkick, hitting the chair and planting it solidly into Tiger's face! The fans roar with approval as Tiger flails backwards, dropping the chair.Referee Michael Leonard signals the timekeeper to ring the bell, officially starting the match. Sarafan wastes no time showboating, but hops up onto the ring apron, takes a few running steps, and nails a flying clothes line, taking Tiger down, of which the fans also approve.))

Eddie: Sarafan is showing that she is not just going to take Tiger's abuse lying down!

Travis: Definitely not just another pretty face!

Eddie: Why, Travis, that was actually a nice thing to say!

Travis: All of her parts are pretty!

Eddie: (shaking his head) Why did I dare to hope...Tiger getting shakily back to her feet in the corner, but Sarafan isn't waiting....she takes off rom the opposite corner.....Nice handspring elbow, and Tiger slumps in the corner! Sarafan with a chance here!

((EMT's are coming out to check on Johnny Cho. Sarafan grabs Tiger, intending to attempt a belly-to-belly suplex, but the gleam is back in Tiger's eyes, and she headbutts Sarafan right in the face! The sudden flare of pain causes Sarafan to release her hold and her hands go to her face. Tiger doesn't waste this advantage, but plants a foot in Sarafan's gut and nails a hard DDT. Sarafan's head bounces off the mat, and she slumps upside-down in the corner, as the EMT's assist Johnny Cho to the back.))

Eddie: It looks like the veteran Tiger is getting her steam back, as Sarafan just found out the hard way!

Travis: There's a reason she's the Intercontinental champion, Eddie!

Eddie: Sure, she stole the belt! What kind of champion is that?

Travis: Umm, a smart one?

Eddie: Sometimes, there's just no talking to you....Tiger now pulling the pad off of the turnbuckle....the referee Michael Leonard is trying to get her not to do it, but that's a moot point here in a no DQ match......referee now being a bit more forceful in his efforts to stop Tiger....But now she's turning to face him, and I do not like that look in her eyes!

Travis: And now she's grabbing his shirt I think old Mikey boy just crapped his boxers...wait a minute....Click...Click...BOOM! And down goes the referee!

Eddie: But UP comes Sarafan, and Tiger's back is turned!

((Sarafan is indeed back on her feet. Just as Tiger finally turns, she is met by Sarafan, who quickly delivers a textbook belly-to-belly suplex, which sends Tiger flying head-first through the ropes and to the floor!))

Travis: Nice move by Sarafan, but instead of following up, she's going over to check on the ref! What is she, stupid?

Eddie: Well Travis, she happens to be a compassionate person, something you wouldn't know anything about. But, much as it pains me, I have to agree this time, since Tiger is getting back to her feet on the outside!

Travis: And she's found her favorite toy!


((Tiger does get back up, and has her chair in hand. She shakes her head to clear the cobwebs, then turns and spots Sarafan kneeling beside the referee, with her back turned. The gleam returns once again to Tiger's eyes as she stealthily rolls into the ring with her chair. She takes up her batting pose once again, smacks the canvas twice, and as Sarafan stands & turns from reviving the referee, Tiger hits another home run shot. There is a sickening, evil-sounding THUNK as the chair glances off Sarafan's lovely face. Sarafan is actually lifted a few inches off her feet and knocked backwards, completely over the semi-conscious referee, and lands in an unceremonious heap. Tiger drops the chair, roughly shakes the referee, who gets to his knees, and she covers the limp form of Sarafan. The referee groggily makes the three count. King of My World" kicks in as Jean Fortello makes the official announcement.))

Jean: Here is your winner, The Tiger!

Eddie: Well, I can't say I didn't expect Tiger to win, but there was no call for such a cowardly, brutal attack!

Travis: And I don't think she's done yet, either, because she's picking Sarafan up!

Eddie: Fry crying out loud, the match is over! This isn't necessary! Oh, and she wants the microphone too!

((Jean Fortello wisely hands over the microphone. The music fades as Tiger holds the mic in one hand, while she supports the barely-conscious Sarafan.))

The Tiger: For those of ya keeping score at home, that was NINE! And since Sarafan isn't worthy enough to be ten, here's a bonus!

((With that, Tiger drops the mic. She whips Sarafan to the ropes, then bounces herself off the opposite ropes.))


Travis: Sarafan's neck could be broken! That's going a little too far, even for me, but this could end up being a smart move by Tiger.

Eddie: Smart?! My god man, she may have just broken that poor girl's neck! How can that be smart?!

Travis: Well ya see, Eddie-boy, she's sending a message to the folks waiting in the back, that she isn't here to fool around tonight. Plus, with Sarafan out of action, that's one less person she has to beat!

Eddie: Well, I hate to say it, but you may be right. But at what cost?

((Camera switches to Tiger heading up the ramp, IC belt over her shoulder and chair in hand, as the referee signals for the EMT's to come help Sarafan.))

Travis: Isn't anything exciting going to happen?

Eddie: What do you mean? The night has already been exciting what more do you want?

((The lights go down as a spotlight moves over the crowd. "Took It like a Woman" by Alice Copper begins to play. The spotlight stops at the back of the stage and there stands Harley. Tiger stops in her tracks staring up at Harley in her path. Tiger raises her bent up chair and yells for Harley to come down off the stage and face her.))

Travis: Oh my god! It's Quinn! She's back!

Eddie: This is truely amazing! The Jersey Devil Diva has come back to the HWC! But where's the rest of the Mafiaso?

Travis: The hell with the rest of them. She's back and that's all that matters!

((Harley slowly gets into the ring and looks around and seems to bask in the crowds cheers. She looks around at the packed arena, and calls for a mic. The music fades as the lights go up.))


((The crowd errupts into more cheers as she smiles to herself pacing back in forth in the ring.She holds up her hand and seems to laugh to herself as she looks back at the enterance.))

Harley: It's nice to be back, but I didn't come alone.

((The lights go down once more and blue and red search lights go over the crowd as "Real Folk Blues" begins to play. Three figures are seen standing together. The lights stop on the figures and there stands Johnny, Reno, and Rude. They start to make their way to the ring, as the crowd errupts into cheers. The three of them reach the ring and all four of them stand together, as the crowd continues to cheer.))

Travis: This is great! The Mafiaso has returned! They'll set everything right again!

Eddie: That's true! Harley has a lot of unfinished business here! And with the Mafiaso by her side there'll be no stopping her.

Harley: As you can see the Mafiaso has returned! Anyone that stands in our way will end up gettin' hurt! I'm puttin' out a warin' to all those in the back! You mess with me, you mess with the rest of the Mafiaso, and I don't think any of you want that! Oh and Tiger, I'm comin' for you! Trust me it's not goin' to be pretty...

((Harley smiles an evil smile as "Real Folk Blues" begins to play again. They all start to make their way to the back.))

Eddie: Well folks you've seen it here tonight! Harley Quinn and the Mafiaso has returned to the HWC.

Travis: My Mob Queen has returned to me!

Eddie: I wouldn't say that to loud Travis...She has all three of them with her again...

Travis: They don't scare me...

Eddie: Look Johnny's looking your way!

Travis: He is? Hide me...

Hardcore Handicap Match
The Nothing & Bull vs Seikan

Eddie: We are live at Blood Brawl incase you didn't know, and if you're just tuning in...

Travis: Shame on you! We've been here from the beginning, and we still don't know what to expect!

Eddie: You are so right, Travis. Right now, we have a handicap match between Seikan and the team of Bull and The Nothing.

Travis: For those that don't know, a handicap match means there are more people on one side of the ring than the other.

Eddie: That's right, Travis... How you managed to pass yourselff off as a boozing gambler for so long remains a mystery to me.

Travis: Practice, Eddie. Lots of practice.

((Jean Fortello makes the introductions, getting out of the ring as soon as she can. Bull stands outside the ring as The Nothing faces off against Seikan. Seikan smirks, but the smirk is soon wiped off his face as The Nothing nails him with a vicious dropkick, sending him against the ropes. What started out as a regulation handicap match quickly degenerates into a barely legal brawl. The referee is hard pressed to stay out of the way. Bull and The Nothing take brutal advantage of the rules and double-team Seikan until he can barely move. Joseph gets up on the ring apron and shouts at the referee to get one of them out of there. Bull clotheslines Joseph off the ring apron and stands there laughing.))

Eddie: I don't usually speak against the referees here, but Walter Powell needs to get things under control! Joseph just wanted to make things fair and he got clotheslined for his trouble!

Travis: It is a handicap match, Eddie... But you have a point. There's only supposed to be one person from the other side in the ring at once. I'd better go see if Joseph is okay.

((Eddie watches as Travis gets up and goes to check on the young man who came down with Seikan. A helping hand now and then does nobody any harm... Bull sees Travis helping Joseph, but pays no attention. He and Nothing focus on totally obliterating Seikan... But when Seikan hears Joseph's voice, he fights out from under. Bull tries to cover. 1... 2... NO! Seikan kicked out! Joseph thanks Travis with a shaky smile, waving him back to the announce table.))

Eddie: Welcome back, Travis.

Travis: Thank you, Eddie. I couldn't let him lie there.

Eddie: Maybe Jarred's ethics are rubbing off on you. Of course, you'd never admit it.

Travis: Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. But Jarred's got one thing that makes me smile... That little boy he and his wife welcomed into their lives.

Eddie: You said it. At this time, I want to congratulate Jarred and Sarah DeLioncourt on the birth of their son Marcus Antonius. I hope they give him all the love they can spare... This world is sorely lacking.

Travis: Amen, Eddie.

Eddie: Also at this time, I'd like to congratulate Jarred's brother Jericho and his wife Natassja on the birth of their twin girls, Elyn Renee and Jessica Marie. Such a blessing to a man who's come out from under a cloud of notoriety and controversy.

Travis: Every once in a while, a miracle occurs and I have to acknowledge it. To Jarred and Jericho, congratulations. I know you're going to make wonderful fathers. You certainly deserve happiness.

Eddie: Why, Travis, you astound me. But that was well said.

((Back in the ring, Bull and The Nothing are fighting off a sudden burst of energy from Seikan. He's had enough... Bull gets clotheslined to the floor, then The Nothing is alone in the ring with him. Seikan measures him carefully, then hits a brutal spear. The Nothing folds in half, driven to his knees. Seikan follows up with a foot to the face, then goes for a pin. 1... 2... No. The Nothing kicks out with authority. Seikan throws him into the corner and waits until he staggers out, then nails him with what appears to be a modified Death Valley Driver. But on instant replay, it's revealed as a scoop slam with enough oomph to severely disorient anyone. Seikan goes for a cover. 1... 2... No. Bull reaches in through the ropes and grabs Seikan's foot. Joseph throws himself at Bull and knocks him off. But the damage has been done... The Nothing catches Seikan and nails a DDT. Then he goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3. The bell rings and the referee lifts The Nothing's hand.))

Jean Fortello: Your winners... Bull and The Nothing!

((They leave the ring, smiling to themselves at having won the match. Joseph climbs into the ring and checks on Seikan. The camera freezes on a shadow emerging from the crowd... It's Sarafan! She stands over Seikan, then kneels and checks his vital signs. The poor guy's barely conscious... She looks up and waves an EMT down to the ring. His right arm's hanging at a funny angle... Joseph thanks her with a shaky voice and follows the stretcher up the ramp. Sarafan stands there for a long time, then the lights flicker. She looks up at the ceiling, then the lights fail completely. When they get them working again, Sarafan is gone. In her place is a single black lily.))

Eddie: Sarafan showing compassion for the man who beat her on Slaughter.

Travis: She's a beauty... And, I hate to say it, but Vivian may well have cost Sarafan that match. If it hadn't been for her...

Eddie: I'm sure The Creeper's got that taken care of, Travis.

Travis: You're probably right. And still to come, folks...

Eddie: We have the Gauntlet match. We also have a Tag Team title match, pitting the Dylan brothers against Celtic Hyena and Lucien Merriuci. Travis, this one's personal... One of those men broke Jarred's nose. And the best way to get Jericho mad...

Travis: Is to attack his family. Celtic and Lucien have done something that may well earn them a one-way ticket to the hospital, Eddie.

Eddie: No two ways about it, Travis. We tried to catch up to Jericho earlier to ask him about the match, but all we saw was his dressing room... He totally destroyed it. There wasn't a scrap of furniture left that wasn't on fire.

Travis: I still don't get how such an intelligent man like Jericho could fall in with The Creeper and go along with this farce calling itself the Darkside. To me, the Darkside was Sephiroth, Sothren, Cleo, The Creeper and Jericho. That's it. Not this bunch of whack-jobs claiming to have supernatural powers.

Eddie: Travis, one of those "whack jobs", as you call them, is Jarred. The Creeper is also instructing Jarred and Jericho's younger brothers Michael and Daemon.

Travis: Daemon. How'd that guy get stuck with Tiger anyway?

Eddie: Love does strange things, Travis. And I'd be careful if I were you. Daemon's in the audience, and Tiger's backstage.

Travis: *eep'ing* I'll behave. But only because Daemon's giving me funny looks.

Eddie: *dryly* Maybe he read your mind.

Travis: Right. That isn't possible, Eddie.

Eddie: You're right... You have to have a mind to be read.

Travis: HEY!

Eddie: *laughing* Stay tuned, folks... We've got a lot more action to come!

Travis: *grumbling* I resent that remark...

((The camera's brought to bear on the ramp with the opening strains of "Only in America" by Brooks and Dunn. The crowd rises to its feet, cheering wildly for the person who uses this music...))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President of the HWC... AUTUMN LEWIS!

((Autumn comes out with a huge smile on her face and an envelope in one hand. She slaps hands on her way to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Jean hands her a microphone and steps out of the ring. The crowd cheers raucously and she has to wait for them to quiet down before she can speak.))

Autumn: Thank you for that wonderful welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to announce the new Commissioner of the HWC. This person, that you voted for, is honest, hard-working, ethical, dedicated and, I'm told, very crowd-pleasing.

Eddie: Well, that lets you out, Travis. You're none of those.

Travis: You never know, Eddie.

Eddie: True. But I hope it isn't you. You've got a swelled enough head already!

Travis: Hey! I resemble... I mean, resent... that!

((Eddie laughs at Travis's discomfort, then turns his attention back to the ring, where Autumn Lewis is waiting to continue her announcement. Autumn smiles and waits for the roar of the crowd to die down.))

Autumn: Wow, you guys are in rare form tonight! Is it because the new Commissioner is a woman? Or is it because you're waiting for Tiger to get her butt handed to her in the Gauntlet?

((The crowd cheers loudly for both questions, suggesting a dual reason. Autumn laughs and lifts the mic again.))

Autumn: Both, huh? No surprise there! Okay, then. Down to business. The nominees were Travis Best, Scott Mercer and Cleopatra. But there was another name on the ballot that only the fans knew about. Since the new Commissioner is a woman, that lets out Scott and Travis. Better luck next time, guys. Now, unfortunately, Cleo isn't the winner. But that doesn't mean we don't have a woman Commissioner! She's had experience on both sides of the ropes, as it were. Her significant other is a successful wrestler, and you might have heard of him. Anson Kane?

Eddie: Whoa!

Travis: Ego Buster X!

((The crowd's reaction echoes that of the broadcasters... They're ecstatic! Their cheers are loud enough to nearly deafen Autumn. She waits for them to quiet a bit.))

Autumn: And her father used to own a regional wrestling promotion over in Washington State... I believe they called it Northwest Championship Wrestling. Unfortunately, their roster problems were worse than anything I've ever heard of. People would sign contracts, then not bother showing up to the events. The few remaining wrestlers who did show up on time were let go with generous severance packages, with one notable exception. That exception is currently employed here in the HWC... That man's name is Celtic Hyena. So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your new Commissioner... CHERISSE NOVAK!

((The opening strains of Skid Row's "Sweet Little Sister" flood the arena, floodlights bathing the crowd in an eerie red glow. At the top of the ramp, a woman in black leather with a thick mane of red hair stops to look around. Then she comes to the ring followed by hesitant applause, because the fans don't know what to make of her yet. They're about to find out... Autumn hands her the microphone with a warm smile and a handshake.))

Cherisse: Thank you, Ms. Lewis. Wow. I never thought I'd be standing in an HWC ring. This is a dream come true. First of all, I'd like to thank all the fans who voted for me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here.

Travis: She's gorgeous!

Eddie: She's also Anson Kane's.

Travis: So? Doesn't mean I can't admire from afar!

Cherisse: The second thing I'd like to say is addressed to Travis Best. Travis, get in here.

((Travis removes his headset and slicks back his hair before walking to the ring. He's got a cocky stride and attitude to match, but it won't last very long... Cherisse looks him square in the eye without flinching. Then she does something people have wanted a woman to do for a very long time... She slaps him!))

Cherisse: Travis, if you ever, and I mean EVER, make any derogatory comments about the people who work in the HWC again, you will be fired without delay. I will not tolerate your type of bullshit here. Am I understood?

((Travis nods, murmuring, "Yes, Miss Novak.", then quietly leaves the ring. The fans sit there in stunned silence, then they start to cheer. It's about bloody time someone dealt with him!))

Cherisse: Third thing. If I ever catch anybody damaging other people's property, that person will be fined the full cost of what they damaged. INCLUDING automobiles! I don't care if it's for the sake of the fed. You don't do it!

((She's addressing Bad News and The Tiger in that one... And everyone knows it. She shifts her stance a bit, then resumes her original posture.))

Cherisse: Next thing on the list. If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, attacks one of our title-holders from behind and injures them, they will be responsible for the hospital bills if there are any. The men and women who hold the titles here have earned them, and should be treated with respect. Even if they do act psychotic from time to time.

((The crowd cheers loudly. They appreciate the new Commissioner's attitude!))

Cherisse: Final thing. Things around here have gotten a mite out of hand... They've become quite brutal. So, to liven things up around here, we're going to find out who's got Brutality. After I looked over the entire roster, I found out only two men have ever had it. One was the late, great Blood Dragon. The other is The Creeper. Nobody is as brutal as The Creeper. The rest of you have to prove it to me, meaning everybody in the back. Find a way. But don't expect me to spoon-feed you ideas. You'll have to come up with them on your own. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an office to occupy and contracts to review. Enjoy the show, everybody!

(("Sweet Little Sister" kicks up again and the fans cheer raucously, reaching out to slap hands with the new Commish. Autumn laughs and shakes her head as she follows Cherisse out of the ring. The camera follows Cherisse walking backstage, stopping to talk to people on the ring crew, then moving on to her new office. The door closes firmly, revealing a nameplate that reads, simply, "Cherisse Novak, HWC Commissioner". Then the view shifts to ringside, where Eddie and Travis are sitting. Travis is much quieter than usual... But that's because nobody's threatened to fire him before!))

Eddie: Folks, we have another match forthcoming. The new Commissioner certainly shook things up around here, eh, Travis?

Travis: That she did. I guess I'm going to start toning down my commentary.

Eddie: Or stopping it altogether.

Travis: Now you know better to hope for that.

Hardcore Match
Panthro vs I2K

Eddie: After a night that’s already been incredible, now we have a match between the two craziest men in the HWC.

Travis: Except for B.D. The other day, I saw him accidentally light himself on fire, and he didn’t notice it. Asked if someone was barbequeing.

Eddie: That was a bad joke.

Travis: Who’s joking?!

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hardcore match, set for one fall. Introducing first, from Mexico City, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . PANTHRO!!!

((The Mexican Hip Hop Song starts up, Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring.))

Eddie: Panthro seeming more than ready, here, for action.

Travis: I like Panthro. Ever since he stopped giving two shits about the fans, he’s quickly becoming one of my favorite wrestlers.

Eddie: That don’t have puppies.

Travis: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 222 lbs. . . I2K!!!

((Suddenly "Limp Bizkit: Take a Look Around" hits and the words: "Are you ready for I2K?" appear on the video screen. Blue spotlights search the arena and smoke fills the entrance ramp. I2K appears on the entrance ramp with his head down. He looks up and walks to the ring. He climbs up onto the ring apron and does a flip over the top rope into the ring. Panthro hits a hurracanrana, then coming up to stand, kicking I2K, and picking him up, nailing a low blow, legal in this match, before dropping outside the ring, and pulling a table from under the ring. As I2K reaches over the top rope to grab Panthro, Panthro reaches up, himself, grabbing I2K’s hair, and snapping him down, throat first, onto the top rope, Panthro keeping the hold, climbing onto the apron, and suplexing I2K over the top rope to the floor.))

Eddie: Panthro seems ready, to an extreme.

Travis: After last Slaughter, can you blame him?!

((Panthro moves to the table, but, instead of setting it up, puts the table over his shoulder, as though he were rearing back for a chairshot. As I2K gets to his knees, Panthro swings the table like a chair, dropping I2K again. Panthro moves to set up the table, I2K getting to his feet, hitting a bulldog to Panthro, through the just set up table, going for the pin. Panthro gets to his feet, firing off punches, senting I2K back-first against the turnbuckle post. I2K blocks a punch, and spins Panthro around, resting Panthro’s back against the turnbuckle post, Panthro springing up, and hitting a hurracanrana to I2K, sending him into the turnbuckle post. Panthro looks under the ring, again, finding a chair, and smashing I2K in the head with it.))

Eddie: Panthro’s done his homework. He’s got all of I2K’s moves scouted well.

Travis: Told you I liked this kid.

((Panthro rummages under the ring again, finding a table, and setting it up, outside the ring, toward the rampway. Tossing I2K onto the table, Panthro moves into the ring, onto the top rope, and goes for the Panthro-sault, I2K moving at the last possible second, Panthro crashing through the table. I2K goes for the pin. 1. . . 2. . . kickout. Panthro stands, grabbing one of the broken pieces of table, and smacking I2K in the head with it, Panthro moves over, grabbing yet another table, this time resting a folded steel chair on top of the table, and leaving it. Panthro moves to I2K, and kicks him in the midsection, hitting a spinning sitdown facebuster, picking I2K up again, hitting another spinning sitdown facebuster, driving I2K facefirst into the top of the guardrail, the limited padding not doing much to deaden the pain. As I2K recoils, Panthro hip tosses him back over the guardrail, moving I2K to where the table is set up, with the metal folding chair atop it, body slamming I2K onto the table in such a way that the table doesn’t shudder, but I2K feels the pain of the steel chair in his back. Panthro slides back into the ring.))

Eddie: Okay, Panthro just might be the kind of insane that approaches B.D.’s level.

Travis: I doubt it, though.

((Panthro hits the Panthro-sault from the turnbuckle, sending I2K crashing through the table, and making a serious dent in the chair. Panthro doesn’t hook the leg, more or less because Panthro passes out on impact. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Panthro won this match with a move he calls the Panthro-sault, but, in this instance, it’d be better dubbed Suicide. Because I think that’s how that move came off.

Travis: Guy’s lost his mind over the last few weeks.

Tag Team Title Match
Jarred & Jericho(c) vs Lucien Merriuci & Celtic Hyena

Eddie: After about a month and a half, give or take a few weeks, Celtic Hyena and Lucien Meriucci finally get a shot at the HWC tag team titles.

Travis: Morons, all of them.

Eddie: Jericho and Jarred are in this match, Travis.

Travis: I know. They’re the ones that believe that this whole ‘Darkness’ thing is real. And Lucien and Celtic believe that there is a God. Morons. All of them.

Eddie: Well, Travis, all four men have shown that they’re destructive, in that ring. It’ll be interesting to see who’s more destructive.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall, and is for the HWC Tag Team championship. Introducing first, from New Orleans Louisiana, weighing in at a combined weight of 450 lbs, they are the reigning HWC Tag Team Champions. . . JERICHO AND JARRED DYLAN!!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans, Jarred one step behind him. When they get to the ring, they leap up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, they bounce up on the turnbuckles, throwing their arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, they start bouncing on his toes, handing the titles off to the referee.))

Eddie: These two men seem far more invigorated than they have been for the past few weeks.

Travis: Bah!

Eddie: Bah?

Travis: They work for The Creeper. I hate The Creeper! He’s treating Tiger without her proper respect.

Eddie: You do know that Tiger won’t ever go out with you, right?

Travis: Shut up. It could happen.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien moves to step into the ring. Before he can get any further than the ring steps, however, B.D. bolts from the backstage area, tackling Lucien, ramming his head into the guardrail, and then dropping him with a DDT, before going to grab a chair, and setting it up, hitting no less than three Plagues on Lucien through the seated area of the chair, the chair ending up nearly straight, despite the fact that the chair was originally unfolded. Jericho moves to the ropes, shouting at B.D.))

Eddie: B.D. apparently doesn’t care when, or how, he takes Lucien out, just that he does.

Travis: I’m still kind of scared of B.D. He’s insane!

Eddie: That he is.

((B.D. turns, to look at Jericho, getting yelled at further. In response, B.D. tosses the unconscious Lucien into the ring, as “Somewhere I Belong” starts up, Celtic Hyena rushing the ring, and attacking Jarred, taking Jarred over the top rope with a clothesline, Jericho pinning Lucien. 1. . 2. . . broken up by Celtic Hyena. The bell rings, finally. Celtic grabs Jericho, and chokeslams him over the top rope, then checking on Lucien. Jarred comes into the ring, hitting a bulldog onto Celtic, Celtic landing over Lucien. Jarred stands, grabbing Celtic, and tossing him over the top rope, dragging Lucien toward the center of the ring, and pinning him again. After a moment, the referee tells Jarred that he’s not the legal man. Jarred goes outside the ring, grabs Jericho, sends him into the ring, and then draps Jericho over Lucien. 1. . . 2. . . broken up by a stomp on the back of Jericho’s head by Celtic, after Celtic’s taken Jarred down with a clothesline.))

Eddie: Now, the Dylans have to be trying to pin Lucien before Celtic can get involved to stop it, something that Celtic seems to be aware of.

Travis: They need to just smack Celtic with a chair!

Eddie: Then they’d lose.

Travis: So? Celtic would stay down, then.

((Celtic gets to his feet, DDT’ing Jarred, then moving back to Jericho, chokeslamming him, and draping Lucien over Jericho. 1. . 2. . . broken up by Jarred, barely. Jarred and Celtic begin to brawl, Celtic getting the upper hand, only to lose it, and gain it back again, while Jericho and, surprisingly, Lucien, begin to get to their feet.))

Eddie: Celtic Hyena has the background in bar fights working for him, but Jarred’s got both the police training, and The Creeper’s training working for him.

Travis: And B.D. outside the ring.

Eddie: B.D. has remained relatively uninvolved in this match. Although you can tell he wants to get in there.

((B.D.’s hands continue to clench and unclench, a sign that he wants to get into the match, and take out Lucien once and for all, but is keeping himself in check, showing a reserve no one thought that he had. As Lucien gets to his feet, Jericho kicks Lucien, Lucien responding with a clothesline. However, by this time, B.D. has entered the ring, and, as a result, takes the clothesline entirely himself, Lucien falling to his hands and knees, Jericho moving in, kicking Lucien in the kidneys, picking Lucien up, and putting him on the top turnbuckle, shouting at B.D. again, B.D. leaving the ring again. Jericho moves to the top turnbuckle, picking Lucien up, for a superplex-esque move, only to get shoved off of the turnbuckle, by Lucien. Lucien perches on the top turnbuckle, and, as Jericho stands, B.D. lunges up, behind Lucien, pulling his legs off of the top ropes, sending Lucien groin first onto the turnbuckle support. Jericho moves back to the turnbuckle, and lifts Lucien again.))

Eddie: SIN CITY!!!

Travis: That looks a bit painful. And it’s all because of B.D. that the Dylans are going to win.

Eddie: I doubt highly that B.D. did this so that the Dylans would owe him a favor.

((Jericho moves toward Lucien, and hits the Mardi Gras Kickoff, to punctuate the victory, B.D. shouting at the referee to turn around. When the referee does, Jericho’s pinning Lucien. 1. . .2 . . 3!!!))

Eddie: The Dylans are still the tag champions! And. . . someone get security out here!

((B.D. has, by this time, slid into the ring, and proceeds to hit Lucien with no less than five more Plague’s before Jericho and Jarred manage to get him to back off. Pointing up the ramp, the Dylans send B.D. backstage, B.D. hitting Lucien as he goes. As the three head up the ramp lead by B.D. The lights go out for a moment and B.D. is laying face down out cold on the ramp. Jericho and Jarred look shocked down on him. On his back is peice of paper with a simbol of a tringle make of silver arrows. What the don't see behind them sneeking up armed with a trash can and a DO NOT ENTER street sign with the metal pole still attached, is that of Palemon and Beowulf. Palemon puts the trashcan over Jericho before kicking him down, Jarred turns suddenly coming back to face with Beowulf who wacks Jarred in the chest with the sign and pole the same way he did B.D. just moment ago. Once down Beowulf picks up Jarred's half of the tag titles and looks at it while Palemon gets a mic.))

Palemon: The kindom of the Skaven is at hand and nothing is safe from the paws of the Horned Rats. We have taken your wallets, raided your locker rooms, and stripped your cars clean of anything valuable. This is only the start!

((With out another thing said Palemon drops the mic just as a think smoke raises from the floor engulfing him and Beowulf. Once the smoke is clear they are gone and Jericho is just getting to his feet.))

Eddie: So that's who took my wallet.

Travis: The Slayerz are back Eddie!

Eddie: I can see that Travis!

Travis: Bet the Dylan brothers felt it.

Elimination Match for the IC Title
The Tiger(c) vs the HWC Roster

Eddie: Well, now we have a match between Tiger and the rest of the HWC Roster. Tiger’s coming out here first.

Travis: Alright! I get to see Tiger by herself for a while!

Eddie: Right. Settle down, Travis. She’ll still rip your head off.

Travis: Oh yeah. Forgot about that.

Jean Fortello: The following match is an ‘Ultimate Gauntlet” match. Introducing first, from St. Loius, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs, the reigning HWC Intercontinental Champion, The Tiger!!!

((King of My World plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters threw the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Eddie: Tiger would have to be ready for this match. If she wasn’t, this match would be over too quickly.

Travis: I like it when she bends over.

Eddie: You would, perv.

((With that, Ace of Spades rushes the ring, only to get his head nearly taken off by a hard clothesline, sending Ace back over the top rope. “Superstar” by Salive cuts out over the airwaves as the rookie known as The ImpactPlayer hits the ring, only to get taken nearly out of his boots by a thunderous Click Click Boom from Tiger.))

Eddie: Well, the rookie came in with a full head of steam, and left without releasing any of it.

Travis: I’m confused.

Eddie: Okay. They have to pin Tiger. But the rest of the people can be eliminated by being thrown out, or pinfall.

Travis: Oh.

((The Creeper out of the curtain, without music, as “Assassins” by ICP cuts over the airwaves, and NeX rushes to the ring. The Creeper moves to the announce position, NeX having no success in lasting any longer than the previous two, coming into the ring, and leaving almost instantly.))

Eddie: Well, this is shaping up to be a one-sided match.

Travis: Hey, Creeps, what’s the reason for this match?

Creeper: I wanted to have this match happen, and it did. Oh yes, by the way, Travis. . .

((The Creeper backfists Travis, sending him sprawling backward, as “Across the Nation” by Union Underground plays, Seikan rushing to the ring, ducking a clothesline, only to have Tiger spear him through the ropes.))

Eddie: Tiger appears to be extremely focused, here.

Creeper: Yes. It would appear she has something to prove.

((“Still Waiting” cuts over the airwaves as The Nothing rushes to the ring, beating Tiger to the punch with a spear of his own. Tiger, in a mad rage, gets to her feet, and kicks Nothing in the face, before sending him flying over the top rope. A Mexican Hip Hop Song hits, and Panthro jumps from the crowd, hitting a missile dropkick to Tiger’s back, sending her stumbling forward. Panthro gets to his feet, and rushes her, Tiger responding with a hiptoss that takes Panthro over the top rope.))

Eddie: Tiger doesn’t seem the least bit unfazed, here. You have to wonder who’s next, as well.

Creeper: Another person that will allow Tiger to look better at their expense.

Eddie: You’re not one for jokes, are you, Creeper?

Creeper: Jokes are a waste of energy that could be directed at fighting.

((“Call of Ktulu” plays as Lucien hits the ring, Tiger rushing toward Lucien. As Lucien enters the ring, Tiger hits a low dropkick, dropping Lucien to the ground. Picking Lucien up, Tiger grabs him, and throws him over the top rope, Lucien grabbing the top rope, keeping himself in the match, as “Holy Wars. . . The Punishment Due” plays, Vivian bolting to the ring, hitting Tiger with a stunner, and then dropkicking Lucien off of the apron.))

Eddie: What?! She could have just pinned Tiger, and possibly gotten a three!

Creeper: She could have. But what would be the fun in that, Edward?

Eddie: Uh. . . right.

((Tiger hauls Vivian to her feet, Vivian hitting a sitdown jawbreaker, as Bull sneaks out to the ring. Entering the ring, Bull attempts a spear on Tiger, Tiger moving, and Vivian hitting a Rescheduling to Bull, over the top rope, then turning to Tiger, and kicking her in the midsection. “Somewhere I Belong” starts, as Celtic comes down to the ring, using Tiger’s doubled over state to powerbomb her, then turning, and punching Vivian straight in the face. “Click Click Boom” starts up, and Draven bolts to the ring, sliding into the ring under the bottom rope, and clotheslining Celtic. Celtic responds with a body blow, doubling Draven over, only to have Vivian run up behind Draven, leapfrog him, and hit a front dropkick onto Celtic, sending him stumbling backward, and falling over the top rope. Vivian stands up, Draven rushing her with a clothesline, Vivian countering with a punch to the midsection, then grabbing Draven for a belly to belly. Tiger, however, dropkicks Draven in the back of the head, sending Draven over the top rope, and causing him to take Vivian with him.))

Eddie: And now Tiger’s all alone in the ring again. Is Vivian’s performance going to get her lectured, Creeper?

Creeper: No. She did well enough.

((“(Can’t Be) Fixed” cuts out over the airwaves as B.D. rushes to the ring, Tiger clotheslining him, but B.D. barely even moving, even going so far as to stick his tongue out at her. “Click Click Boom” starts up again, as the Enforcer bolts to the ring, hitting Tiger with a clothesline, and then flooring B.D. with a spear. Enforcer grabs Tiger, lifting her into the air, for a gorilla press, as if to throw her into the crowd, B.D. chopblocking Enforcer’s knee, dropping him, and Tiger, to the ground. Picking Enforcer up, B.D. slings Enforcer over the top rope, Enforcer grabbing the top rope, and jabbing B.D. in the eye. Enforcer steps back through the ropes, as “Bodies” by Drowning Pool hits, Jeff coming to the ring, making a beeline for Tiger. Picking Tiger up, Jeff holds her as though he was going to hit a Russian Legsweep, Enforcer rushing at Tiger. At the last possible second, Jeff uses Tiger to throw Enforcer from the ring, then spinning Tiger, and hitting a European Uppercut. Tiger staggers backward, then slides outside the ring, moving to the announce position, and shouting, at The Creeper “Is that the best you’ve got?!” Almost in response, as soon as Tiger returns to the ring, “Bawidaba” plays as the stage, and arena, are rocked by an explosion of pyro. From the curtain, the last entrant steps through, the crowd going insane.))

Eddie: That’s Kidd Rock!!

Creeper(Laughing): Look at the expression on Tiger’s face.

((Kidd hits the ring, going after B.D., who responds by clotheslining Kidd, and then hitting several rights and lefts. Tiger, in stunned silence, doesn’t even see Jeff Wylde moving toward her, and hitting the Wylde Night, before standing, turning, and clotheslining Kidd and B.D. over the top rope, returning to Tiger, hooking the leg, and making the pin. 1. . . 2. . .3!!!))

Eddie: Jeff Wylde is the new HWC Intercontinental champion! Are Vivian and B.D. going to be in any kind of trouble for this match, Creeper?

Creeper: If they had not followed orders, or didn’t finish their jobs, maybe. As they didn’t, no.

((The Creeper walks from the announce position, retrieving B.D., as Jeff celebrates with his title. The Tiger gets to her feet only to grab Jeff delivering the Click Click Boom to him. She then grabs the mic from Jean.))

The Tiger: CREEPER! I've played for game, I'm gone with all of it! NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! Mark my words Creeps, my next match will be against ya. One way or the other. (points at him rage clear on her face) Ya better watch yar back come Slaughter!

Travis: The Tiger and Creeper on on one!

Eddie: Tiger must have a death wish! But no doubt there will be no peace intill Tiger gets what she's after!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))