Lafayette, Louisiana at the Cajundome

((Adrenaline by Gavin Rossdale starts to play as the camera opens up in an empty arena and ring, the sence having a dark redish tint to them. A passing light fading in and out on the Darkside with the Hardcore Title and Light Heavyweight. Then in and out on all of Bad News holding both Tag Team and World Title. With a flash of images Pallimon is standing in an dark empty ring that is has been set a fire to. His arms stretched out to his side with the hood of his tunic down. The camera zooms in to see his eyes as the image morphs into that of Beowulf roaring in anger. As the song gets faster a shot of Enforcer suplexing someone comes into play as images of past matches are shown of Enforer and Sephiroth and their rise to the gold. As it slows again it shows Patriot standing out side the ring looking at the camera then turning his head to look at a tattered America flag. In the background Ace-man sits in a folding chair with his head lowered appearing to be hurt. With a flash it now shows Creeper standing over Blood Dragon in the ring holding the Hardcore title over him as if mocking. As if in slow motion Blood starts to roll to his feet grabbing a lead pipe and takes a swing at Creeper. With the impact of the blow other in ring images are shown of different hardcore matches. Such as Enforcers fall to Creeper and Bloods persue of the Hardcore title. Then shows Seph laying in a ring with blood spatters all around, he rolls over from his back and gets to his feet slowly. The climbs upon a ring post his arms in the air and crying out in pain as thye phrase "I'm not the kind to lay down and die!" is heard in the song. Images from when Bad News and Patriot jumping the BLS are shown. A shot of Beowulf face covered in blood and trying to stand with his back to the garbage truck as the song goes, "You don't even feel the pain." The song ends with an image of Enforcer with the World Title staring down Seph then morphing into that of Blood Dragon and Creeper to BLS and the Finest. The images are cut opening on the packed arena as the song starts again. Red and blue pyro go off much to the like of the loudly cheering crowd. The camera pans over the crowd as Eddie's voice is heard before the shot turns to them.))

Eddie: WELCOME TO HWC ASSAULT FROM THE CAJUN DOME! We are sold out and we are live!

Travis: I think the people are smart enough to know that...... well at least the people at home I don't know here.

Eddie: Tonight is a battle of who holds the most gold, Bad News or Darkside. And to kick things off tonight Assault is starting off tonight with a hardcore match of jobber caliber!

Travis: This Pay Per View already sucks! I'm going home.

Eddie: Then you don't get paid.

Travis: Nevermind...

((Whiskey in the Jar begins to play as white pyro goes off in small blasts while the Tank walk out from the back carrying the sledge hammer over his shoulder. He then raises it above his head with both hands for a moment then brings it down on the floor before him. As he does so a large blast of red pyro explodes from behind him. Resting the hammer back over his shoulder he walks down to the ring. Mystic comes out to Bad Boy and stops at the head of the entrance way. Upon stopping, he looks to the left side of the crowd, then the right. He then nods slightly before raising balled fists into the air, whilst pyros go off on both sides, shooting up towards Mystic from the ramp way. He then gets in the ring and again raises fists, but only to crowd response.))

Eddie: Mystic J verses Tank in a hardcore match, this is sure to exceed jobber expectations. We have a giant and a dwarf.

Travis: Hopefully, I don't want to fall asleep at the beginning of the pay per view!

((The match begins as Mystic walks right up to Tank and mocks his size. With a grin Mystic drops to his knees and sticks his chin out, Tank looking to the crowd and then back at Mystic. With a smile Tank draws back and knock Mystic for a loop sending him right back on his head. Tank then reaches back and grabs his sledge hammer turning back to Mystic, who is getting to his feet in shame.))

Eddie: He is underestimating Tank, just because he is a dwarf, the wrong thing to do!

((As Mystic stands above Tank he reaches back to knock him to the ground only to get a sledge hammer to the knee. As Mystic falls to the ground Tank begins to pound Mystic across the back time after time. Tank then proceeds to drop the sledge hammer and climb to the top turnbuckle. Throwing himself into the air Tank hit's a flying head butt that lays both of them down for the count.))

Travis: What in the hell was that fool thinking.

Eddie: I think he was trying to get a win.

Travis: By hitting his own head against someone else's!

((Tank and Mystic both struggle to their feet, Mystic suddenly pushing himself out of the ring and scrounging under the ring. As Tank regains himself he looks for Mystic, search from side to side. As Tank is on the opposite side of the ring Mystic jumps into the ring and knocks Tank over the head with a chair. As Tank rolls out of the ring Mystic follows and continues to pound him with the chair. Mystic suddenly lets the chair go after it is almost broken in two and lifts Tank to his feet. Mystic then suddenly hit's the Myztyk Twyzt and Tank falls flat on his back.))

Eddie: Mystic has finally gotten the upper hand and it looks like he is working his way to the top rope!

Travis: Has he not learned for what Tank did that top rope moves doesn't work!

((Once on the top rope Mystic jumps high into the air only to have Tank roll out of the way and place a chair in his place. Mystic is left laying as Tank stumbles around the ring looking for the sledge hammer he left in the ring. As Tank climbs into the ring and grabs the sledge Mystic is climbing into the ring. As Mystic stands across from Tank, Tank suddenly runs at Mystic and spears him with the sledge across his shoulder.))

Eddie: The Rampage!!

((Tank then goes for the cover and gets 1.…2.…3!!))

Eddie: It looks like David has beaten Goliath again!

((Camera cuts backstage. Inside the Bad News locker room all talking about their coming match tonight when they were interupted by a knock at the door. The room feel silent and Enforcer stood to answer it. Opening the door Enforcer stood face to face with Martin Smalls with his hands up showing he came in peace.))

Enforcer: What you want.... Tiny!

Smalls: Tiny.... smart. I came to inform you in a change in your tag match.

Enforcer: Who else are you throwing into it. Huh... maybe The Cushion and Tank?

Smalls: More of a ruling. See not only do you not have to be pinned to lose but now anyone can be taged in. Say oh I don't know your standing in the ring with Pallimon and Patriot and Patriot decides to tag in Beowulf.... well then it will all be fair and legal.

Enforcer: No it's just another way to try and screw me out of whats mine.

Smalls: Either way Enforcer, better shine those belts up nicely for me.

((Enforcer just sneered at Smalls before slamming the door in his face, and turned to Draven woundering what that was all about.))

Top Rope Mayhem
Vampet vs Sage vs Satist vs Lucien Merriuci vs Darkside

Eddie: Ladies and Gentleman, get ready because it is time for Assualt.

Travis: Tonight is going to be so good. I can't wait to see this new girl, Vampet.

Eddie: Rumor has it, you've actually had some female company as of late.

Travis: Wha..Uh..I..Shut up, Daniels! Let's get this show started. What have we got? Top rope Challenge?

Eddie: Look at you, all business minded suddenly. But you are right, kicking things off in a big way would be our Newcomer 5 Person Top Rope Challenge.

Travis: With the exception of Sage and the Darkside, none of these wrestlers has ever stepped foot in an HWC ring.

((The lights dim as black and red pyro shoot from the stage. "Poem" by Taproot starts to play loudly on the PA system as Sage steps out on to the stage to a mixee reaction. Sage walks down the ramp and climbs in the ring. Sage goes to the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd. The arena goes pitch black again as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien and Renegade slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside pericing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentleman, starting this match off, introducing first from Richmond, Virginia....SAGE!!!!!

Eddie: This is Sage's second Top Rope challenge.

Travis: Yeah, maybe Jeff Wylde won't kick his face off in this one.

Jean Fortello: And the second superstar to enter the match, from Prague in the Czech Republic and being accompanied by Renegade.....LUCIEN MERRIUCI!!!!

Eddie: Much like the first one, this match will start off with two contestants, and about every minute afterward, another will come to the ring.

Travis: Let's hope this doesn't take too long, I've got things to do tonight.

Eddie: Yeah, and apparently they don't take too long either.

Travis: I'll kill you Eddie.

Eddie: Doubtful I've got Jeff wylde paid off....

((Travis quickly shuts his mouth as Sage and Lucien circle on another in the ring. Moving with the quickness he's shown when able to move in his matches, Sage lashes out with a kick to the stomach of the newcomer. Following up quickly, Sage sets Lucien for a DDT, but is surprised when Lucien shows considerable strength and lifts him from the mat before grabbing his legs, and hitting him with a powerful spinebuster. Dropping to his knees, Lucien wraps both his hands around Sage's throat and proceeds to choke him, arching his back to put more force on Sage's neck as he does so.))

Eddie: This newcommer showing a violent streak here.

Travis: Maybe this match could be good after all. Kill him..Kill him.

((Lifting Sage's close to unconscious body off the mat, his hands still wrapped around Sage's neck, Lucien holds him in the air for a second, before dropping him to the mat. Looking around, he yells for his friend Renegade to set up a table outside the ring, and once again lifts Sage's body. Dragging the near unconscious man over to the ropes, Lucien sets him for a powerbomb as once again the lights dim throughout the arena. All the lights go out, girls voices can be heard whispering, after about 5 secs this stops and smoke starts to flood into the ring and entrance area (not that you can see any of this). Ich Vil then starts playing, every 5 secs a red or white light flashes somewhere in the arena, then after about 2 flashes it goes to 4 secs etc. Then when the lights are flashing every second a loud bang is heard. All the lights go out then after about 10 secs a single white light is focused in the centre of the ring on a shadow, the shadow is kneeling on his left knee and has right arm outstretched diagonally upwards, eventually after the smoke clears the shodow is seen and it is none other that The Darkside. On the big screen while all this is happening we are hovering through a graveyard at night it is quite foggy, then after about 15 secs transparent images of The Darkside folding his arms, walking around etc. are shown over the graveyard picture, the images become less transparent and then after about 15 secs they are not transparent at all and the graveyard fades out in the background. We are then shown clips of The Darkside in action. As the main lights come back up, both Lucien and Sage are laying in a heap in the middle of the broken table. Since the lights were out, neither man is eliminated, as no proof that they went over the tope rope can be offered.))

Eddie: What an entrance. Somehow that Darkside managed to show up in the center of the ring, and demolish Lucien and Sage.

Travis: Well, I'm going to have to put my money on this guy then.

Eddie: There are still two more superstars to go, and no one has been eliminated yet.

Travis: When do I ever stick to my guns?

((Looking out to the bodies of Sage, and Lucien, Darkside decides to sit back in the corner and wait for one of them to come around. With his back to the announcers however, he doesn't see Satist sneaking through the crowd, and hopping the guardrail. Gripping both of Darkside's feet, Satist pulls him out of the ring and hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Slipping in under the bottm rope, Satist then stands on the turnbuckle, looking very confused as his arms extend into the air.))

Eddie: Obviously not waiting for the minute to be up, we have another newcommer in the ring, Satist.

Travis: That cheater, he attacked Darkside when he wasn't looking.

Eddie: That's what you get when you don't pay attention here in the HWC.

((By this time both Sage, and Lucien are pulling themselves to their feet, and sliding into the ring. Turning, Satist jumps off the turnbuckle and prepares to meet this new threat. Just as he is about to run at Lucien, Lucien grabs Sage by his neck and tosses him back over the top rope and onto the bits of broken table below.))

Eddie: Whoa, and Sage is gone.

((Turning just in time, Lucien hits Satist with a clothesline that flips the smaller man in the air. His attention however, limits him from seeing Darkside right behidn him. Darkside grabs Lucien around the throat and hits a devestating chokeslam onto his knee just as the lights cut out once more. As the lgihts dim through the arena 'Anything But Ordinary' by Avril Lavigne comes over the speakers and Vampet walks out onto the ramp and scans the crowd. Slowly walking to the ring, she stops to laugh at the unmoving body of Sage before sliding in next to the downed body of Lucien.))

Eddie: And our last newcommer, and last entrant into this match, Vampet.

Travis: She's kind of a freak, that's hot.

((Satist has since regained his feet, as has Lucien, and now everyone left in the match backs into their own corner. With a nod from Darkside, both Satist and Vampet suddenly rush Lucien. As the trio runs in, Luciens drops to his back, and grabs the top rope, low bridging the charging trio. Darkside tumbles all the way to the floor, but Vampet and Satist land safely on the apron standing right next to one another. Rolling away from the pair on the apron, Lucien waits for them to get back in the ring and is surprised as Satist suddenly gets hit with a superkick from the Vampet. As Satist crumples to the floor outside, Vampet climbs back into the ring and shrugs of her trenchcoat.))

Eddie: And just like that we are down to two.

Travis: Every girl that comes in here has a body. I'm going to die of a heartattack one day, I'm telling you.

((Circling one another in the ring, Vampet charges Lucien and hits him with a spear that she quickly follows up by slipping into a mount and punching Lucien repeatedly. Grabbing a handfull of his hair, she pulls him to his feet before locking him up and dropping him into a DDT. Again she is on him before he can move, trying to weaken him with a crossface.))

Eddie: This girl is showing considerable technique in there.

Travis: Yeah, but not enough skin. Who cares about technique if you can't sneak a peek?

((Eddie just sighs in reply as in the ring, Vampet still has her crossface locked in on Lucien. Lifting his weary body to it's feet aagin, she sets him for a german suplex and is suprised as he shrugs out of it. The look on her face is one of anger as Lucien simply laughs at her effort thus far. Jumping off the canvas, she attempts dropkicking him right in his smug mouth, only to have it batted away by Lucien. As she hits the mat, it is Lucien who moves quickly this time, lifting her to her feet and immediately hitting her with a flatliner.))

Eddie: Reverse Russian Leg Sweep by Lucien, and I thought he was out if it there.

Travis: I think he was just messing with her, Eddie.

Eddie: You sure do catch on quick, and you call yourself Best.

((Back in the ring, Lucien has Vampet by her hair again, this time completely off the mat. As her legs swing and kick wildly, Lucien hooks one of them, and locks up her head before dropping backwards and hitting her with a cradle DDT. Standing her up, he props her body against the ropes before stepping out onto the apron through the middle rope. Lifting her body effortlessly, Lucien has her set for a powerbomb, before letting her slide down and falling backwards off the apron, hitting her with a DDT on the floor outside.))

Eddie: Oh my god, Lucien just hit the Unmaking on Vampet to the outside floor, eliminating her in the process.

Travis: That was cool, but you know what's cooler? I can show you atleast a hundred things you can do with an unconscious body....

Eddie: BEST, don't you move or I swear I'll have Wylde out here before you even blink.

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen, you're winner of the 5-person Top Rope Challenge....LUCIEN MARRIUCHI!!!!

Travis: Yet another waist of my time.

((The cameras are still panning over the sold-out crowd in Lafayette, Louisiana, marveling at the sheer diversity of the people. The HWC is here for their PPV Assault, coined after the beatings the BLS dished out to the other tag teams. The fans are waiting for the next match when they can hear something. It sounds like a vacuum seal being broken... Then a thunderous guitar strain crashes across the PA. Someone's music is playing...))

In the dead of night
She'll come and take you away
Searing beams of light and thunder
Over blackened plains
She will find her way

Flying high through the night
She will hide your fate
As she takes your soul from under
And the blinding light of the castle fades

There is no escape
It's the ending of your precious life

Your soul slipped away
It belongs to the Queen of the Reich
The Queen of the Reich
Yeah she's coming for you

You're fading away
Your life cast astray
A victim the beast shall obtain

The light will not shine
For you'll die tonight at her shrine
And black is the last thing you'll see

Over and over
Dreams of dying fill your head
It's the sign of the cross
That you'll find ahead

No one will answer
The light is fading away
Captive souls are screaming out in pain

There is no escape
It's the ending of your precious life

Your soul slipped away
It belongs to the Queen of the Reich
You're fading away, No, No, No
The Queen of the Reich
You're slipping away, yeah
The Queen of the Reich

((The fans are looking around in shock, wondering whose song that is. Footfalls echo across the top of the ramp, signalling someone's arrival. A single spotlight comes on and highlights the person standing there...))

Eddie: Is that...?

Travis: No! It's...

Man: Welcome to Lafayette, Louisiana! You're here for the HWC, aren't you?

((The crowd roars, still trying to place his identity.))

Man: Lovely! They're here for you tonight, Lafayette... And can you guess who I am?

((Someone in the crowd shouts, "No!" The man on stage laughs.))

Man: I'll tell you who I am... But not with words. No, I'll let the HWC-Tron do the talking!

((The footage starts rolling, showing clips of Jericho Dylan's early career in the HWC. In the background, they can see someone... Someone who looks just like the Jericho on screen. Then the clips move to another time and place, a banner identifying the place as a GWA arena. In the ring is the same man seen on the edges of Jericho's career... Flying through the air with practiced ease. Then another clip, this one of an exploding car showering that man in superheated shrapnel. The man now standing at the top of an HWC ramp...))

Eddie and Travis: JARRED???

((Sure enough, it's Jarred Dylan! Ex-professional wrestler... Highly decorated police officer in California... And local boy. The crowd erupts in a tumult of cheers when they figure out who that is. Jarred, for his part, stands there and soaks it all in. When the crowd quiets down, he lifts the microphone again.))

Jarred Dylan: Thank you for that warm welcome home! I'm here on some serious business, I'm afraid. Jericho Dylan, my brother and the man you'd love to see standing here with me right now, isn't here.

((The crowd boos resoundingly.))

Jarred Dylan: But I'll tell you why, if you let me. Thank you. He's off somewhere private to begin his physiotherapy. But rest assured... He will return! I've spoken to his doctor, and have a projected date of return for you. As of his doctor's commentary last night, Jericho Dylan is slated to return to an HWC ring May 15th!

((The crowd erupts again, this time in cheers. Jarred winces and waits for them to quiet down with a smile.))

Jarred Dylan: Now, that's just a projected date of return. It may vary by a few days either way. But he will be back! Thank you for your time, and as they say in New Orleans... Laissez les bon temps roullez!!! Or...


((Jarred throws his arms to the sky, garnering more cheers from this Cajun crowd than anyone ever expected. He stands there reveling in the accolades, then steps backstage, disappearing from view without a word. The camera follows him backstage, stopping when he does at a set of double doors. He reaches out to open them, then walks on. The camera stays at the double doors, showing an ornate plaque reading, "The Darkside". Then Jarred's footfalls fade...))

Standard Match with special guest ref
Chloe vs Zoe

((Whatever plays causing the arena to erupt into boos as Martin Smalls comes out from the back. He is alone and despite the boos Smalls smiles and waves heading on down to the ring. Climbing into the ring Smalls stands looking over the crowd as his theme quickly fades. Smalls goes up to Jean and takes her mic. Though the music is gone the arena is engulfed in the sounds of chants of "YOU SUCK!" Smalls finds it funny and laughs a bit before speaking.))

Smalls: Tonight! (pauses) Is MY night! Your beloved President Lewis isn't here tonight! Instead she has returned home to New Mexico with out reason why. Soooo I'm now running things! And I say lets get this match started now!

Eddie: Smalls is the special guest ref? Why am I not surprised.

Travis: Man I tell you, he has all the luck. I would kill to be in the aaction where he's going to be tonight.

Eddie: This is just stupid. It's going to be a screw job.

Travis: Oh yea!

Eddie: Not the kind your thinking.

((Smalls drops the mic at Jean's feet and goes to remove his jacket showing a ref shirt underneath. Tossing away the jacket Smalls throws up his arms grining big to more chants of the same. The arena goes dark as "Living Dead Girl" comes over the speakers. As soon as Rob says Living Dead Girl for the first time, two blues fires erupt on stage.))

Jean Fortello: To the ring weighing at 152 lbs from Peoria, Illinois........ ZOE!!!

((As the fire dies down, Zoe is standing where one fire was and Blood is standing where the other was. The couple slowly makes their way to the ring, and Zoe slides under the bottom rope, while Blood watches from outside. Once inside, kneels and throws Blood a kiss before raising her hands and popping up to her feet. Smalls watches her with an even bigger grin keeping his distance from Blood. Living Dead Girl is cut off by the playing of Cheap and Evil Girl.))

Jean Fortello: And her opponet from Allentown....... CHLOE!!!

((The lights dim and red spotlights come on with a greyish cold mist rolls over the ground. Black lights flash at the stage entrance and Chloe comes out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. Smalls rubs his hands together and chuckles watching Chloe give him a mean look as she climbs into the ring, Smalls singals for the bell to start the match and before the two can tie up Chloe kicks Zoe in the stomach.))

Eddie: Hard kick to the mid section from Chloe, I think she is taking her anger for Smalls out on Zoe.

Travis: Either way this is the best match of the night!

((Before Zoe can recover Chloe pulls her into a DDT. Getting back to her feet Chloe hits the ropes and comes back with a leg drop but Zoe rolls out of the way and hits a low drop kick to the face of Chloe. Zoe goes for a cover,1.2. Chloe gets a shoulder up.))

Eddie: Is it me or did that seem like a fast count to you?

Travis: (nearly drooling eyes never leave the match) It's you.

((Zoe pulls Chloe to her feet by her hair and quickly lands a snap suplex to Chloe to try and stun her. Zoe then pulls Chloe into an ankle lock, Smalls gets down and asks repetively if Chloe gives up as Chloe starts screaming no. Zoe adds pressure to it and Chloe starts to slowly pull her self over to the ropes. Just inches away Chloe reaches out to them but just as Chloe grabs the bottom rope Smalls perposably looks away to yell at Blood Dragon for getting to close to the ring. Chloe lets go of the bottom rope and grabs Smalls leg instead. As hard as he shakes his leg in hopes to pry her free Chloe won't let go forcing Smalls to break the ankle lock.))

Eddie: This match is riged!

Travis: What makes you think that?

Eddie: Get come glasses Travis, Smalls is purposly trying to cost Chloe the match!

Travis: He's doing his job just like any ref.

((Zoe takes a swing at Chloe whos now up, but Chloe blocks and comes back with a few of her own chops knocking Zoe back. Chloe then whips Zoe into the ropes who quickly reverses it sending Chloe instead. Bouncing back Zoe sets up for a closeline but Chloe ducks and bouncing off the other side catching Zoe by surprise with a swing neckbreaker. Chloe rolls Zoe up and waits for the count. Smalls takes his time getting down like he has bad knees then finally counts. 1............2...... Zoe kicks out as Chloe turns to Smalls and yells at him for that short count.))

Eddie: I'm not the only one who sees it, Smalls is trying to cheat Chloe out of her win!

((As Smalls and Chloe argue Chloe fails to see Zoe get up to her feet and get behind Chloe. Zoe trust kicks Chloe in the back of the head then rolls her up. Smalls drops and counts quickly. 1.2.3. The bell rings and Smalls raises Zoe's hand in victory breifly before Zoe pushes him away, then slides out of the ring. Blood and Zoe embrace hugging each other tightly and start making their way up the ramp. Before they can reach the top the lights go out and the HWC-Tron comes to life. The camera opens up on what looks to be a boiler room and in the mist of it all is Nadine laying on a table alone, wrapped in a blanket crying. A dark distorted laughter is heart before the lights come back up. Then on the ramp lays the broken body of Zoe as a cloaked figure is suplexing Blood Dragon hard on the steel ramp way. Before he can do any more damage the rest of the members of Bad News race out from the back cause the cloak figure to flee. As Enforcer and Pit help the fall two up the HWC- Tron shows Scott Mercer bursting into the boiler room rescuing Nadine. The crowd cheers and Blood and Zoe are helped back stage and their child returned to them.))

Eddie: I alway loved happen endings.

Travis: Eddie your a sap! But who was that cloaked person?

Eddie: My bet is one of the Slayerz.

Travis: They wouldn't have ran so easily.

Eddie: Well we're not done yet, Chloe is starting to come around and Smalls is still in the ring. Guess he forgot about her.

Travis: If I was him I would be giving Chloe mouth to mouth the whole time.

((Smalls with his back to Chloe watches the sense with bad news gives a mock tear and clapping when it was all over. Chloe gets to her feet and having relized she lost takes it to Smalls. Grabbing his shoulder Chloe spins him around and starts beating away on him with lefts and rights intill is was backed into a corner. As Smalls body curmbled to the mat Chloe started stombing away on him causing the crowd to cheer louder and louder in till BLS came running out from the back. The cheers turned to boos as BLS slide into the ring causing Chloe to end the beating and flee. Pallimon helped Smalls to his feet who now had a broken nose and a busted lip. Beowulf watches closly as Chloe makes her way around the ring and up to the ramp.))

Eddie: Looks like Smalls got whats coming to him. And at the hand of a woman other then The Tiger.

Travis: Me Next Chloe! Hit Me!

((In the ring Smalls breaks away from Pallimon and goes for a mic.))

Smalls: CHLOE! Oh no.... You DO NOT get off that easy! Your lucky I don't firer your ass right now!

Travis: And what a FINE ass it is.

Smalls: Your going to suffer! At Slaughter! You WILL face off agains Sephiroth!!

Eddie: Sephiroth at Slaughter? That's not going to be a perrty match.

((Chloe's face darkens as she makes her way to the back. The camera switches to Cleo's locker room where she gets ready for her match. She just finishes putting on her makeup as a knock comes to the door. Cleo sighs and places the dark eyeliner pencil down on the table.))

Cleo: Come in...

((The door opens and Mia walks in the room dressed in her ring attire. Cleo stands and hugs her as if they were old friends.))

Cleo: I guess I owe Creeper an apology...Creeper said you were here tonight...But I didn't think you would be here...

Mia: Yeah...Seph came to see me in person and well let's just say I couldn't refuse...So here I am!

Cleo: He'll be pleased to see you...Especially tonight...Tonight is going to be a Darkside night! We will take all of the gold!

Mia: I know Seph will get his title back, and Creeper will keep his. And I know you can beat Ace and Green Haired Frog tonight...

Cleo: Yes I know I will...Even with Creeper by my side I know I'll win...I'm going to prove I can defeat anyone...

((Cleo sits back down at her table and places the small crown on her head, as Mia just sighs and looks at Cleo.))

Mia: I know why everyone else is here tonight, but I can't figure out why I'm here...

((Cleo gets up grabbing her scepters and puts a hand on Mia's shoulder, as an eerie smile creeps across her face.))

Cleo: You're here tonight Mia, because tonight is the night of your right of passage into the Darkside so to speak.

Mia: What?

Cleo: You'll see...

((Cleo just laughs slightly and walks out of the room as Mia just stares at herself in the mirror, as the camera switches back to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Does this mean that Mia has accepted?

Travis: I knew she would say yes! The Otaku Angel has finally become the Fallen Otaku Angel.

Eddie: That sweet girl is going to be a part of the Darkside? What is this world coming to?

Travis: I don't know, but I like it!

Last Man Standing
Ace of Spades vs Green Haired Frog vs Cleo

Eddie: Here we are at Assault with yet another great match up! We have Green Haired Frog, Cleopatra, and Ace of Spades in a triple threat last man standing match! That's right every time a person is down the ref will start counting. At a ten count that person is out of this match, after two people are eliminated then the last man, or woman, standing wins!

Travis: Yes, Cleopatra my beautiful queen!

((The arena goes dark, as Gold Lust begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage, as something rises up from the floor. It's a Egyptian sarcophagus. The lid of the Sarcophagus slides open and there stands the Pharaoh Cleopatra. She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowds cheering for her as she makes her way to the ring and in her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown and hands the ref the crown along with the two scepters to put on the outside, and faces the entrance to wait for her opponent.))

Eddie: It looks like Cleo is ready for the up coming match. One of the most hardcore matches in the world!

((Tainted Love begins to blast on he speakers as Green Haired Frog appears on the entrance ramp. Throwing his hands into the air he runs to the ring and slides in. Once in the ring he and Cleo stand on opposite sides, staring at one another in wait for the bell. A strobe light begins to flash and Ace's voice yells You Just Got Dealt A Bad Hand....BITCH!! After his voice finishes echoing, The Ace Of Spades by Motorhead begins to blast through the arena. As soon as Ace steps out onto the stage the fans erupt with cheering and "Ace-Of-Spades" chants. Ace jogs down to the ring and looks under the ring apron. He pulls chairs, frying pans, tables, cookie sheets, kendo sticks and other weapons and tosses them into the ring. Ace walks around the ring and grabs a mic from the announcers table. He speaks into the mic and says "As always, for this match I will be dealing from the bottom of the deck!" Ace then rolls under the bottom rope standing in his respective corner.))

Travis: What in the hell is he doing throwing weapons into the ring?

Eddie: This is a last man standing match, anything goes to get your foe to the ground!

Travis: Watch out Cleo, be careful my sweet!

((Inside the ring Ace picks up one of the chairs he threw into the ring, Frog reaching for a cookie sheet, Cleo quickly snatching up a kendo stick. As all three have weapons they seem to be reluctant to charge one another. Ace takes a step forward only to have Frog swing the cookie sheet and send Ace stumbling forward. Ace stumbles forward to have Cleo knock him right over the head with the kendo stick, Ace falling backwards. Cleo then turns to Frog and knocks him repeatedly in the sides. Frog drops the cookie sheet during the beating, Ace quickly getting to his feet and clothes lining Cleo to the ground. Ace then does the same to Frog, then picking up the Kendo stick and concentrating on Cleo's knee. As Ace is pounding on Cleo Frog regains his mind and charges Ace, bulldogging him into the chair in front of him.))

Eddie: It looks like no one can gain the upper hand here.

Travis: Well this is getting bad for my Cleo, my precious Cleo!

((The ref begins to count the downed Ace as Frog sets up a table and Cleo gets to her feet. 1.…2.…3.…Frog helps Cleo up to her feet and lifts her into a suplex, Cleo reversing it and suplexing Frog into the table. 4.…5...Ace struggles to his feet, stopping the count as the ref starts on Frog. 1.…2.…3.…4. As Ace gets to his feet Cleo grabs him and whips him into the ropes, super kicking him right out of the ring.))

Travis: Yeah buddy, my baby is kicking ass in the ring today!

((5.…6.…Frog rolls out of the ring to his feet, grabbing the kendo stick and hiding it behind his back. As Cleo leans against the ropes in the ring, catching her breath, Ace stumbles over to Frog swinging. Frog stumbles back to hit after hit until he takes out the kendo stick. Ace sees the weapon, but it is to late as Frog connects again and again. The two tussle to the top of the ramp, Cleo, with chair in hand, following slowly behind the two.))

Eddie: This is never good, the three are making there way to the entrance. A lot of chaos can occur here.

Travis: Come on now my pretty, down fail me now!

Eddie: Wait a second, did you beat on Cleo?

Travis: So what if I did, I know someone that beautiful can't lose!

((As Ace and Frog get to the top of the ramp Frog continues to beat Ace with the stick. Suddenly Frog drops the stick and DDT's him right into the metal entrance. Frog then turns around to see Cleo, and gets a chair right into his head. As the ref counts Frog 1.…2.…3.…Cleo then picks up Ace and walks him over towards the ramp edge. With a grin Cleo walks away, leaving Ace wobbling on his feet. 4.…5.…6.…Cleo then takes off towards Ace and jumps into the air connecting a hurracanrana that sends Ace over the edge and onto some now broken tables.))

Travis: The Mummification!

Eddie: I cannot believe that, neither can these fans!

((Chants of "Holy Shit" begin as the ref begins to count on Ace 1.…2.…3.…4.…Cleo then turns around to see Frog on his feet and charging her with a chair. 5.…6.…7.…Cleo falls to the ground as Frog connects with the chair, Frog looking towards the scaffolding next to the entrance and begins climbing it. 8.…9.…10!))

Eddie: Ace is out of it, Ace is out of this match!

Travis: Ace is out of this world for the looks of it.

Eddie: What is Frog doing, is he crazy?

((Once he is atop the entrance way Frog looks around with a grin and Cleo lays motion less on the ramp. Calling for the end Frog jumps into the air with a Swanton with 2 flips. Before he reaches the ground Cleo rolls out of the way and Frog hit's the ground hard. The chants getting louder and louder.))

Eddie: Oh my god. This is one of the most vicious matches I have ever seen!

((The ref begins to count both Cleo and Frog as they lay on the ground, neither of the two moving. 1.…2.…3.…4.…5.….The chants die down as both still lay not moving….6.…7.…Suddenly Cleo begins to pull herself up with the scaffolding Frog has just jumped from and makes it to her feet….8.…9.…10! Cleo leans against the scaffolding breathing hard as the ref walks over to her and raises her hand, to her amazement.))

Travis: Finally my day has come! My beautiful Cleo has shown that she is the one for me.

Eddie: Not this again.

((The camera cuts to the back as The Finest are getting ready for their match. Patriot is lacing his boots as Ace-Man begins to tape his wrist, Miss America fixing her hair to perfection. When all three are done Patriot gets to his feet and takes Miss America's arm, Ace-Man standing and grabbing a package. The group of three walk out of the room, smirks on all of their faces. Once outside of the locker room they walk past various wrestlers preparing for the ring. Ace-Man rips the package open reveling a clipboard.))

Ace-Man: I guess we can just leave this by the refreshment counter. That is were most of the wrestlers are anyways.

Patriot: Good idea, everyone needs to know that we are having tryouts for members of the Finest.

((The group turns down another hall until they reach a big lobby area. Ace-Man throws the clipboard down on a table. Patriot then scrounging over the food selection. The man standing behind the counter refreshing the food begins to look at Patriot oddly as he piles up the plate. Patriot then looks at Miss America and hands her the plate.))

Patriot: Here hold this, I wonder why they have such small plates.

((Patriot grabs another plate and continues to load it up. He then grabs a drink and heads to a table. The three sit down, Patriot raking the food into his mouth, Ace-Man and Miss America just looking at him strangely.))

Ace-Man: Ok, I have seen this enough. I can't let you do this tonight Patriot.

((Patriot looks up from piling in the food and grins.))

Patriot: If I don't get my energy up I will have no chance.

Ace-Man: We have taken the BLS time after time, this is no problem! We just have to worry about Bad News.

((Patriot laughs a little before taking a big bite of the chicken on his plate. He then looks up again.))

Patriot: I know the Bad News might be trouble but I think that we can take them out. We will have no problem taking them and the BLS out forever. I just can't wait till we have the tag titles around our waists. This is going to be the greatest night of our lives, and this food will help me get there with no problem at all.

Miss America: I just hope that you aren't wrong.

Patriot: Have I ever been before?

Miss America: Well there was the time that you forgot to lock the car and it got stolen. Then there was the time that we got that fish and…

Patriot: Alright, alright, I might be wrong but just let me eat.

((Ace-Man and Miss America shake there heads as Patriot continues to shove food in his face, before Ace-Man pulls him away to head to the ring.))

Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the Tag Titles
Bad News (c) vs HWC's Finest vs BloodLust Slayerz

Eddie: This is truly a monumental match here, folks...

Travis: It'd be better if we weren't in Louisiana.

Eddie: Jarred's still in the arena, dummy.

Travis: Like I care. He's just another dumb Cajun.

((A deep chuckle sounds behind him and he turns around, to be met with a right cross. Jarred Dylan steps over the barricade to join Eddie at ringside.))

Eddie: Well, this is a surprise.

Jarred: I thought I'd do everyone a favor and shut him up for a while.

Eddie: Thank you. On behalf of all the HWC fans, thank you.

Jarred: You're welcome.

((The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as thier theme does, followed by the crowd bursting into boos. The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like their are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring and through it letting out a battle cry. They slide into the ring and climb up the front two ring posts removing their camo jackets that match their pants. They throw the jackets down out side the ring and roar to the crowd before leaping off and waiting for their opponents.))

Eddie: These men are the BloodLust Slayerz, Jarred. A more diabolical team you'll never meet.

Jarred: I don't think I'd like to meet them in a dark alley. Or in a lit one, for that matter.

((Eddie chuckles softly at that comment, because it is rather amusing. Jarred can really give out a good one-liner... The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthom begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing with Ace-Man waving Old Glory. They both salute it before continuing on down to the ring to chants of "USA...USA...USA".))

Jarred: And these men are...?

Eddie: They are the HWC's Finest.

Jarred: Jericho mentioned them once. Truly a monumental tag team. But from the looks of the other team already there, they have their work cut out for them.

Eddie: That they do. But this match hasn't begun yet...

((Click Click Boom hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, The Enforcer and Draven are standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtian and leads his two monstrous charges down to ringside. Jarred's mouth drops at the sight of the defending champions with the belts slung across their shoulders... Once they're inside the ring, the bell sounds.))

Jarred: Holy hell... Who are THEY?

Eddie: Those are the defending HWC Tag Team Champions, Bad News.

Jarred: I'd hate to cross their paths in any kind of situation. But only because they're physically intimidating.

Eddie: You know, Jarred, you're a better broadcast partner than Travis Best. Why don't you apply for his job?

Jarred: Because my life, my heart, is in Los Angeles. I live to protect the innocent.

((Jarred's comment doesn't go unheard by Miss America... She nods in response as she stands well away from the mayhem. Wise move... Scott Mercer stands well back too. The last time he got too close, Draven nearly flattened him! Accidentally, of course... To start this Triple Threat mayhem are Beowulf from the BLS, Ace-Man from the Finest and Draven Masters from Bad News. The rules are simple... First team to score a pinfall or submission victory are the champions. Draven hits a vicious clothesline on Beowulf, sending him back against the ropes. He bounces off Ace-Man and ricochets him back into Draven. Draven, for his part, makes a Standing Dropkick that knocks both men down. Ace-Man is the first to scramble to his feet, tagging in the other member of the BLS, Palimon. Palimon looks at Beowulf, then they start a vicious, but perfectly legal, double-team on Draven Masters.))

Eddie: Ace-Man may have blundered there... He tagged in the wrong man!

Jarred: I hate to say it, but Ace-Man may have just cost his team the match. With such big men in the ring, there's no way they can get back into it.

((Eddie just nods morosely, then Draven gets an idea. Hey, nobody ever said he was stupid... He goes to tag the Enforcer, but changes his mind and tags in The Patriot! He and Enforcer confer in the corner as BLS re-orient and target Patriot. Enforcer winks at Draven and holds out his hand for a tag. Beowulf sees a hand, and being the brainless idiot he is, slaps the hand. Enforcer ducks into the ring, only to flatten the BLS with a double clothesline. Then he walks over to Ace-Man and tags him back in. Ace-Man froghops over the ropes and starts double-teaming Palimon with his partner, The Patriot. Enforcer, who somehow escaped being seen by the referee, shoves Beowulf out of the ring with one foot, then stands in his corner with Draven. Jarred chuckles and shakes his head.))

Jarred: Now THAT'S smart wrestling!

Eddie: If Travis were awake, he'd be pissing and moaning about how much he's going to lose on this match.

Jarred: Don't worry about that. By the time I get through with him, Travis Best won't want to make another bet in his lifetime.

((The match is seriously underway here... The Finest have isolated Palimon. He can't tag anyone in to save his butt! Ace-Man goes for a cover, but only gets a 1 count. Not one to let that get to him, he and Ace-Man go for Justice is Served. But somehow, some way, Palimon gets out of the way. And all Ace-Man gets is a mouthful of canvas. The crowd winces at the impact. Ace-Man rolls around on the mat, unaware that Beowulf has regained his feet and position on the ring apron. Beowulf's hand comes out to make a tag, only to be thwarted by the sight of Jarred Dylan standing with his arms raised in a position that can only be described as insulting. He leans over to yell at the wrestler-turned-commentator, only to get hit off the apron by the man Ace-Man tagged in...))

Eddie: And here comes The Enforcer! Jarred, where did you learn that gesture?

Jarred: (sitting back down and adjusting his headset) Norse myth. Palimon and Beowulf consider themselves the last of a dying breed, don't they?

Eddie: Yes. Ah, very clever of you!

Jarred: Thank you.

((Enforcer and Patriot team up, however temporarily, to double-team Palimon. Beowulf gets to his feet and lurches over to the announce table. His hands slam down as he glares at Jarred. Jarred reaches up and removes his headset, then stands. Beowulf is 6'6"... But Jarred is 6'2". And it's not that far from his shoulder to Beowulf's chin... The dumber half of the BLS drops like a stone, felled by a right hand. The same maneuver that took Travis Best to La-la Land, for that matter... Jarred sits down and puts his headset back on, then shakes his right hand and mouths several epithets. Vocalizing them would be a sin, so he doesn't. Eddie gives him a sympathetic look, then turns back to the action in the ring. Palimon, unaware his partner was taken out by the broadcast announcer, reaches out to make a blind tag. He gets Ace-Man. Ace-Man froghops over the ropes again, landing in front of Enforcer. Patriot is behind him... They double team him, trying to get the big man off his feet. In desperation, Patriot hits a chopblock, trying to take out his knee. He stumbles, then falls... Ace-Man goes up top...))

Eddie: They're going for a repeat performance of Justice is Served!

Jarred: The question is... Can they land it? And even if they do, will they keep The Enforcer down long enough to win? You saw what Jericho did to him... And how he was barely fazed by it.

Eddie: Good questions and points. Wait! They did it! They did it!

Jarred: But is it enough to end the match?

((The referee gets into position. 1... 2... No! Enforcer throws Ace-Man clear over the top rope! Patriot has nowhere to go... Because in passing, Ace-Man's hand brushed Draven's arm... A blind tag. But it's a tag all the same... Draven comes in with a sadistic grin on his face, helping Enforcer soften Patriot up for the big move. Beowulf, being so thick-headed, is soon on his feet, even after Jarred's full-strength right cross! Jarred's eyes widen and he gulps as Beowulf comes right at him. He sheds the headset and runs for it, leading both members of the BLS on a merry chase around the ring. He ducks under the ring, losing his pursuers for the time being. They can't find him, so they focus on keeping the match going. They don't see Jarred sneak a loop of rope around Palimon's ankle, then hand the end of it to Scott Mercer... Mercer's a bright man, so he knows what to do. He waits until Palimon goes to hit Draven, then hauls on the rope. The way Jarred tied the knot, it comes undone as Palimon falls. Mercer lets go, leaving no evidence of the crime. The rope disappears, tugged back under by Jarred. A wise man knows when to hide, and when not to. This is a time for Jarred to hide! Eddie is all alone at the announce table... For the moment. Beowulf gets tagged in by the Patriot, knocking both men down. Jarred scrambles back to the table and puts the headset back on.))

Jarred: They land hard... My hand is going to be sore for a month.

Eddie: Better your hand than your back or neck.

Jarred: Good point.

((Bad News get back to their feet, glaring at Beowulf. The hapless man has nowhere to go... Palimon struck his chin on the way down, rendering him unconscious. They double team him unmercifully, garnering only a stern warning from the referee. They back off, but only a bit. The double team resumes, sending Beowulf back into a corner. Now he may not be very bright, but he does have his moments. He tags Ace-Man! Ace-Man, being reasonably fresh, leaps in and takes Draven down to the mat. Draven twists and turns, keeping his shoulders off the mat. He finally throws Ace-Man off, watching him KA-THWANG off the ropes into the Enforcer's waiting arms. Enforcer hits a beautiful suplex, turning it into a bridge. The referee gets into position. 1... 2... Palimon stumbles in and breaks up the count. Just in time too. Bad News turn their full attention on Beowulf, glaring fiercely. Since this is a Triple Threat match, they can hit any combination they want. And the combination they want is...))

Eddie: The Headline!

((Palimon staggers into Draven's arms and gets lifted. Enforcer leaps up and grabs his skull, bringing him down with enough force to shake the ring. Jarred winces, glad he's no longer under the ring. The referee gets into position. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings loudly, signalling the end of the match.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners and STILL HWC Tag Team Champions.... BAD NEWS!

((Enforcer and Draven lift the belts high above their heads, then Enforcer points to Jarred. Jarred blinks, then stands as requested. The headset sits on the table... He moves out from behind the table and gets his hand shaken by the champs. If it hadn't been for him distracting the BLS when the ref's back was turned, they wouldn't have won that match. He nods and scoops Travis over his shoulder. Then he disappears into the back, taking the unconscious broadcast journalist with him, ostensibly to get him medical treatment. No sooner is he gone, however, than the Kindred come running to the ring. They slide in and eye the fallen warriors. How Bad News managed to defeat two teams is incomprehensible... Until Sothren catches a whiff of Jarred's cologne. It's a very distinctive scent. He identifies it for Sephiroth, who laughs sadistically before scooping Ace-Man into his arms. With a resounding CRASH!, they hit him with the Black Embrace, leaving him a lifeless heap. Their next victim is the Patriot... Another Black Embrace! Eddie can only stare in shock at the carnage.))

Eddie: I've lost both broadcast partners tonight... But is there none who can stop this?

((Seph gets Palimon to his feet and... BAM! Yet another Black Embrace! Beowulf is the last to fall victim to the Brothers du Lac... Bad News just watch impassively. When the Kindred are left standing in the ring with four fallen men, they look at Bad News and make threatening gestures. Bad News shrug at each other, then smirk. Seph points at The Enforcer then draws his hand across his throat. Enforcer mouths, "Just bring it!" Then they walk away, leaving the Kindred amid a sea of carnage.))

((Backstage, an EMT goes to tend Travis Best, only to get stopped by Jarred's smirk. She just grins and lets him go. Jarred slings Best into the back seat of an expensive silver car, then drives away. The fans can't believe what they've just witnessed...))

Eddie: Jarred Dylan has just kidnapped Travis Best! There is a God! Thank You!

((With aid of the EMT's BLS limp their way back stage, on the other side of the curtain Smalls stands blocking their path. Beowulf is holding his head while Pallimon hangs on Beowulf's shoulder to help him walk. Smalls looks both of them over a look of disapointment clean on his face, Pallimon looks up at him rasing his head.))

Smalls: I won't stand for your constent failur any long......

((Pallimon reaches out in a blink grabbing Smalls by his jacket collar and slams him up againsy the wall. Smalls turns his face way taken by surprise, Pallimon holds him there.))

Pallimon: YOUR plans have failed! Now we do things our way!

((Pallimon pushes Smalls up against the wall again before letting go and limping off to their locker rooms.))

Hardcore Title Match
Creeper (c) vs Blood Dragon

Eddie: Hey there folks and were, I mean I'm back. Travis isn't here! Thank God! Has someone finally answered my prayers? Hopefully I'll get someone new out here with me...Only time will tell I guess...

(("Downfall comes over the speakers, as the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd, bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raises and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ring posts to meet above Blood's, now raised head in the shape of a dragon.))

Jean Fortello: And making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 245lbs, from Melbourne Florida, Blood Dragon!

Eddie: I think this is going to be a match to remember...But not as much as our main event coming up after this. I must admit this is a bit strange without having Travis here, but it gives me some peace and quiet...For the time beening.

(("Demonid Phenomenon" hits and the lights cut off, lighting shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. The, the cameras back in their orignal position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completley revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 250lbs, from the Second tier of Hell, accompanied by Cleopatra, The HWC Hardcore Champion The Creeper!

Eddie: Man this is going to be something and Travis is going to miss it...I wonder what's taking him so long? I know he couldn't stand to miss his Cleo...But if he decided to duck out for a little while... That's fine by me...I can put my feet up on his chair, and stretch out while I watch the match.

((Blood Dragon and Creeper just look at each taking each other's size and strenght in trying to discover the other's weakness. The bell sounds and the match is underway. Blood comes out swinging and jumps on Creeper knocking him to the ground with a series of punches. Creeper comes back with a kick to the groin and tosses Blood off him. Creeper gets out of the ring and starts tossing trash cans, steel chairs, 2X4's, kendo sticks, a stop sign, cookie sheets, and a sledge hammer into the ring. As Creeper climbs back in he doesn't see that Blood has a steel chair in hand and beats Creeper over the back with it. Creeper tries to get up but can't as the assualt continues on him from Blood.))

Eddie: Oh my god! Blood Dragon is taking an early lead here folks... He's really giving it to Creeper...Cleo is standing by and is watching in horror as Creeper is beaten down.

((Creeper grabs a Kendo stick that is laying by him and trips Blood with it. Blood hits the mat and Creeper starts beating on Blood with the kendo stick until it breaks in two. Cleo is cheering on Creeper from the sidelines and tosses him the steel chair that Blood had used. He smiles evil and begins to beat Blood with the chair he had used just a few moments ago. Blood tries to get up but is kept down by the chair in Creepers hands. Creeper tosses the chair aside and gets Blood Dragon to his feet, and sets up for a powerbomb, but is hit in the midsection with an elbow. Creeper lets go as Blood grabs Creeper and goes for a snap suplex. Creeper hits the mat, and Blood goes for an early pin. 1...2...Creeper gets the shoulder up.))

Eddie: That was a close one...We could have had a new Hardcore champion then folks, but Creeper is determined to keep that title...and Blood is determined to take it away from him...Only one man can prevail here tonight in this bloody match...You know I could get use to this...I think I'll have to call my color commentary the "Color Commentary with Eddie Daniels.".

((Blood looks frustrated but he keeps going and grabs one of the 2X4's and starts giving it to Creeper once again. No one notices Cleo climb to the top rope and goes for a Moonsault splash right on top of Blood knocking him to the mat. She smiles as she helps Creeper to his feet and hands him what looks like the other kendo stick he had put in the ring. She climbs out and Creeper just starts to beat on Blood with wild torment until once again the stick breaks.))

Eddie: Cleo defending her Creeper...She's trying to keep him alive in the match. After the match she went through tonight I'm surprised that she's out here with him.

((Creeper grabs the trash can and starts beating on Blood with that and soon drags Blood to the corner and places the trash can on Blood's chest.Creeper goes to the opposite corner and goes for a spear. Blood Dragon moves and Creeper hits the ring post with his shoulder. Blood backs up to the ropes and doesn't notice Cleo on the outside with one of her golden scepters and catches him on around the knee and sends him to the mat. Cleo just smiles as Creeper sees Blood on the mat. Creeper goes for the pin. 1...2...Blood gets the shoulder up and Creeper can not believe it. ))

Eddie: Neither man is giving up easily. Creeper is trying to impress not only Cleo but the rest of the Darkside as well...Blood is fighting hard to keep alive in this match but I think he's starting to weaken with those hurt ribs and all.

((Blood tosses Creeper off and slowly gets up. Blood gets to his feet as Creeper comes at him with a cookie sheet. Blood grabs the cookie sheet and starts beating Creeper with it. Blood hits him and Creeper's forehead is split open. Blood tosses the cookie sheet away and grabs one of the half's of one of the Kendo sticks and continues to beat on Creeper as the blood starts to drip down his face and he seems to laugh. Blood Dragon tosses the now splintered keno stick down and puts Creeper down to the mat with a DDT. Blood goes for the pin. 1...Creeper gets the shoulder up. Cleo gets a look of anger on her face and sets the scepters down bfore climbing into the ring and grabs the dented steel chair and cracks Blood's forehead open. The blood from his face seems to splatter on her and she smiles as she uses a superkick and sends him to the mat. Creeper goes for the pin again as she slides out of the ring. 1...Blood gets the shoulder up.))

Eddie: Cleo isn't going to let this match finish unless Creeper is the winner...I think she wants that victory more than Creeper does. I mean she was the first one of the Darkside to gain a victory here tonight at Assault. And now she's looking out for Creeper...

((Creeper is getting frustrated and picks up Blood with his face broken open. The blood runs down his hand as he goes a powerbomb. Blood hits him the midsection with a pair of brass knucks that he had been hidding and sends Creeper down to the mat. Blood goes and gets the sledgehammer that was placed in the ring and picks it up. He stands over Creeper's body and starts hitting him with it. Creeper doesn't even whince as the blows come but laughs. As the next blow come down Creeper grabs it and slowly gets up. Blood just looks at him with shock and clutches his ribs that are causing him pain. Creeper hits Blood across the back with the sledge hammer and Blood hits the mat.))

Eddie: Is there anything that either man won't do to win this match? I mean they've both been beaten by a sledgehammer and they're still going. Where's Cleo going?

((Cleo walks over to the announcers table and smiles grabbing the chair beside it. Cleo goes for the top rope with the chair in hand and comes down hitting Blood who is laying on the mat. Blood clutches his ribs in what looks like total agony. Creeper goes for the pin. 1...Blood Dragon gets the shoulder up and both Cleo and Creeper look at him in shock. Cleo climbs out of the ring and watches from the sidelines once again as Creeper gets Blood to his feet and lifts Blood into the air to go for a chokeslam, but Blood kicks Creeper in the groin. Blood is dropped to the mat as Creeper falls to his knees in pain.))

Eddie: Travis doesn't know what he's missing...My god this is a violent match and it's all legal folks since it's a hardcore match. Blood might be the winner if he can just stay in the match a little while longer...

((Blood slowly gets to his feet in a lot of pain. But manges to get a hold of a baseball bat the had thrown in by Cleo for Creeper to use. She cringes as Blood starts hitting Creeper across the back. She goes to climb in and Blood threatens her to stay away or she'll be next. She backs away and just watches in horror as Blood continues to pound on Creeper. Creeper manges to roll out of the way of the last blow and kicks Blood in the knees and sends him to the mat. Creeper gets up and wraps his arms around Blood's neck.))

Eddie: I think this might be it folks...Creeper is going for the Epiphany!

((Creeper goes for the Epiphany and Blood hits the mat. Creeper goes for the pin. 1...2...3. The bell sounds and Cleo cheers as she cimbs into the ring with Creeer.))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner and still the Hardcore Champion, The Creeper!

Eddie: Creeper did it! My god the Creeper did it!

((Creeper's music begins to play as Creeper climbs out of the ring with the Hardcore title still in hand. He helps Cleo down and they head to the backstage area.))

Eddie: That was some match folks...Well after this we only have the main event and what a main event it'll be...Sephiroth du Lac Vs. The current World Heavyweight Champion the Enforcer in an Extreme Death Match... oh no, I'm cursed!

((Stepping from behind the curtain and making his way down the ramp comes Travis Best. There is a bothered look on his face as he hurries back to the announcers table. Eddie rubs his face and groans.))

Eddie: And here I thought I was rid of you. By the way how's your head?

Travis: Shut up Eddie! I would have been here sooner but Jeff tried to lock me out of the building. What I miss.

Eddie: Oh only the Hardcore title match. You know I'm surprised no one has put a voodoo curse on you yet.

Travis: Shut up Eddie, don't give the locals any ideas!

Eddie: I wouldn't dream of it. Just try not to get your self kill for the rest of the show.

Travis: That's my goal at this point.

Extreme Death Macth for the World Title
Enforcer (c) vs Sephiroth

Eddie: And now, the main event, Sephiroth and Enforcer in an Extreme Death Match.

((The camera shows the cage around the ring, weapons chained to it, baseball bats, kendo sticks, 2X4's, nightsticks, lead pipes, street signs, chairs, nunchuku and Kali sticks placed intermittently around the cage, some of the weapons wrapped in razor wire, several chained to the top of the cell, a ladder in each corner.))

Eddie: I have a feeling that no matter who wins, neither man will ever be the same, after this.

Travis: Are you cracked? Of course not! There're two guys that want to kill each other in a match where they can! Only a moron would think that they won't change! They'll both be trying to kill each other!

Eddie: Is there a reason you're screaming, Travis?

Travis: To scare off Jeff, if he's in the building.

Eddie: Oh yeah, Travis. Your screaming will scare off Jeff. You thought that out well.

Jean Fortello: The next match is an Extreme Death Match, set for one fall. Introducing first, weighing in at 300 lbs, the champion. . . . The Enforcer!!!!!

((The Enforcer walks out onto the stage, glares at the crowd as he pauses at the top of the ramp and then focuses on the referee and steadily stalks to the ring never breaking eye contact until he's in the ring, then waiting, glaring at the entrance, waiting for Sephiroth's entrance.))

Jean Fortello: And the challenger, weighing in at 246 lbs. . . . Sephiroth Du Lac!!!!

((The lights go low and the black lights flick on as a low hideous dark laugh is heard and the words "Gehenna is here" appear on the screen "Dark and Grey" plays over the loud speaker. Sephiroth steps out behind the curtain as it begins and the Black Lights show his skin in a luminous white. e air and reaches the full height right when the words "F*** Off" hit then a V-line of Lightning effects strike right in front of him causing the whole stage to blast with green pyre. The lights then raise as green flames erupt from under the walkway. Sephiroth slowly sheaths his blade and walks calmly to the ring. He steps inside the ring and undoes his trenchcoat. He removes it and the sword-sheath handing them to the ring girl and with a smile is ready. The referee locks the door, then calling for the bell. Both men immediately begin trading blows.))

Eddie: I don't know how advisable this particular plan of attack is. Enforcer outweighs Sephiroth by 54 lbs of muscle.

Travis: Yeah, but Seph is a strange kind of guy. He does things that seem impossible, or just damn weird.

Eddie: You think so? Maybe you should go tell him.

Travis: No thanks, I value my blood.

((Sephiroth manages to get the upper hand, for a moment, hitting Enforcer, Enforcer dropping to a knee. Seph pulls his arm back to hit Enforcer again, Enforcer bursting from the kneeling position, almost taking Sephiroth's head off with a vicious clothesline.))

Eddie: Wow! Look at the power of that move! He might have the match won right now.

Travis: But he's not going to capitalize. He's a moron.

Eddie: Look, Travis! He heard you!

Travis: Yipe!

((Enforcer, in the ring, seemed to do just that, glancing to the announce position, then moving outside the ring, grabbing a ladder, sliding into the ring. Enforcer tosses the ladder, horizontally, at Seph, Seph catching it instinctively, Enforcer already rushing toward him. Seph tosses the ladder back at Enforcer, catching Enforcer at his forehead. Enforcer seems uninjured, but a bit more aggravated. Enforcer continues his rush, attempting a clothesline, Seph ducking, smashing his forearm into the back of Enforcer's head, then wrapping his arms around Enforcer from behind, hitting a high release German Suplex, Enforcer's body accordioning off of the mat. Seph goes to retrieve the ladder again, placing it over Enforcer's body, and running up the ladder, to stand on the ladder directly over Enforcer's chest.))

Eddie: Oh no. . . . He's not going to. . .

((Seph jumps into the air, bringing his feet up, making his body as small as possible, obviously intending to use the ladder to crush Enforcer's chest. Enforcer pops the ladder into the air, sliding out from under it, moving the ladder slightly, Seph hitting the ladder on his descent, the ladder making a metallic thud as it makes contact with Sephiroth's groin.))

Eddie: Enforcer may have just saved both his title, and his life, with that move. Still think he's a moron, Travis?

Travis: He's an idiot savant.

Eddie: Right.

((Enforcer moves out of the ring, ladder in hand, using it to retrieve an aluminum Baseball bat wrapped in razor wire, returning to the ring, and lining up like a pro baseball player, even going so far as to signal toward the crowd. Seph gets to his knees, and gets clouted, hard, in the forehead with the bat, the bat making a resoundingly hollow metal-on-flesh sound, the razor wire ripping Seph's forehead open.))

Eddie: And Enforcer with first blood in this match!

Travis: Seph will get revenge! GET UP, SEPHIROTH!

Eddie: Yes, that'll work about as well as your attempt to scare off Jeff by yelling.

((Enforcer brings the bat crashing down into Seph's midsection repeatedly, tearing holes in Sephiroth's shirt, and his skin at his midsection. Suddenly, Seph snaps his opposite foot into Enforcer's midsection, rolling away, and out of the ring. Enforcer approaches, grabbing Sephiroth's long hair, in an attempt to pull him onto the apron. Sephiroth kicks his foot out, his toes going up, and pulling the ladder toward him. Sephiroth quickly takes the ladder, and slams one of the rungs into Enforcer's head, bracing the bottom of the ladder against a cage, resting the top of the ladder over the top rope in a way that makes the ladder extend into the ring, at head level. Sephiroth slides under the bottom rope, slinging Enforcer across the ring, Enforcer's head crashing loudly against the top of the ladder.))

Eddie: Sephiroth showing that he's not above using his environment as a weapon.

Travis: There's a reason it took a chokeslam through the top of a three-tiered cell to beat him! He's the man!

Eddie: Travis, stop sucking up. Bear in mind, Sephiroth doesn't get along too well with Martin Smalls.

Travis: Yeah, but I don't have money riding on Mr. Smalls getting along with Seph!

Eddie: Whatever, Travis. One of these days, you'll have to do something worthwhile with your money.

Travis: Like what?

Eddie: Like buy a pair of adult diapers in case you see Jeff again.

Travis: NOT FUNNY!

((Sephiroth stands, waiting for Enforcer to stand as well, and hitting a drop toehold on Enforcer, once more driving his face into the ladder, busting Enforcer open. Seph then takes the ladder, going to retrieve a chair from the cell. Seph drags Enforcer to the corner, stepping back slightly, placing the chair over Enforcer's body, Enforcer sitting against the corner, then rushing the corner, hitting a dropkick into the chair. The chair bounces out of the corner, Enforcer sagging. Seph smiles, moving to pick Enforcer up, setting him up for the Fallen Angel DDT.))

Eddie: Sephiroth trying to put this match away right now!

Travis: See?! Told you Seph would win!

((As soon as those words escape Travis' lips, Enforcer spins, turning the attempted finisher attempt easily into a spinebuster, Seph's body bouncing from the mat, into a seated position.))

Eddie: Look at the force of that move!! Enforcer is holding nothing back!

Travis: Enforcer is trying to keep his title. Of course he'll pull out all the stops.

((Enforcer grabs the chair, turning it upside down, and putting the top of the folded chair against Sephiroth's throat, leaning on it. Seph's face flushes with red, his hands going to the chair, trying to alleviate some of the pressure on his windpipe, kicking Enforcer in the midsection, Enforcer barely moving, a twisted sadistic smile crossing his face. Enforcer begins putting boots to Sephiroth's midsection, in an attempt to drive the remaining air out of Sephiroth's body, and render him unconscious. Sephiroth slowly falls limp, Enforcer moving the chair, and dropping for a pin. 1. . . .2. . . .3. . . . 4. . . Seph kicks out. Enforcer looks, with wide eyes, at Seph as Seph slowly moves to his feet.))

Eddie: Oh my god! Sephiroth just kicked out!! How did he do that!?!

Travis: He's the man! It's simple!

((Enforcer rushes Seph again, Seph simply stepping aside, hook kicking Enforcer in the face. Enforcer stands, Seph dropping him again with a DDT. Enforcer rolls out of the ring, Sephiroth following, like a shark that smells blood. Enforcer reaches up, pulling Sephiroth out of the ring, to collide headfirst into the cage surrounding the ring. Seph drops, Enforcer pressing the advantage, grabbing the chair and razor wire wrapped aluminum baseball bat, placing the chair under Sephiroth's head, and bringing the bat up, and then down, crashing into Sephiroth's skull repeatedly. Sephiroth's white hair is stained a dark red, as the blood turns it's color. Sephiroth moves right before another shot from the bat, the bat hitting the chair, Sephiroth staggering to his feet semi-quickly, spearing Enforcer into a ringpost, then wrenching the bat from Enforcer's hands, bringing it back. The swing impacts only with the post itself, both Enforcer and Seph too groggy to capitalize, or mount any kind of sizable offense, the bat dropping.))

Eddie: These two men are putting on a phenomenal show for the fans here tonight.

Travis: You think Sephiroth is doing this for these idiot fans? He's doing it to get his title back!

Eddie: You have a point. But these two men might end up ending each other's career just trying to beat the hell out of the other guy.

Travis: Of course I have a point you moron! And, unlike you, it's not on the top of your head!

Eddie: Travis, this week I do know that Jeff is in the back somewhere.

Travis: You lie!

((The camera, already showing Eddie and Travis, shows Jeff stepping behind Travis.))

Jeff: Hey, Travis. I heard you talking about Amy again. (Travis pales, then passes out. Jeff looks to Eddie.) He's no fun.

((Jeff walks back to the back area, Eddie working on resuscitating Travis, for the sake of the match commentary.))

((Enforcer rolls into to the ring, waiting for Seph. Seph follows, Enforcer giving Seph a quick kick to the midsection, then lifting him for a powerbomb. Seph has the presence of mind to "bunny-hop" over Enforcer's shoulders, landing behind him, and locking Enforcer in a Full Nelson, then lifting Enforcer into the air, transitioning seamlessly into a sort of Rock Bottom type move, increasing the force of an already forceful move, floating into the pin after hitting the move, the referee counting. 1. . . . 2. . . . 3. . . . 4. . . .5!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, and NEW HWC champion. . . Sephiroth Du Lac!!!

Eddie: I can't believe what we just saw! What a match! What a night!

Travis: That was just vicious.

((The referee holds the belt as Seph slowly gets to his feet. Sephiroth looks at the ref with a cruel scowl on his face and pushes the ref out of the way taking the title from him. The ref hits the turnbuckle hard knocking him unconscious. Seph stands poised for an attack as Enforcer rises to his feet.))

Travis: Here we go!

Eddie: No! Don't do it!

((As Enforcer turns around he's met with a hard blow to the head by the title. Knocking him to the ground hard. Sephiroth seems to motion with his hands as the bell rings.))

Travis: What's going on?

Eddie: What's Seph doing?

Travis: It looks like he's motioning for someone.

((Just then Creeper, Cleo, Sothren, and Mia come walking down the ramp. Sothren carries a pair of Bolt Cutters as they make their way to the cage.))

Travis: Here come the cavalry!

((Sothren uses the Bolt Cutters on the chain holding the Cage door closed. Sothren and the others pour into the cage and begin an Assault on Enforcer.))

Travis: Yes! I won fifty dollars tonight, I get to see the Darkside whip Enforcer. Life is good!

Eddie: This is awful, Travis. Where is Bad News at?

((The camera cuts to the backstage area outside Bad News' locker room. The double doors are held together by Sephiroth's Katana holding them closed as Draven and Blood Dragon pound hard on the door trying to get out. The camera cuts back then on Sephiroth and Sothren putting the "Black Embrace" on Enforcer.))

Eddie: This is awful!

Travis: I'll say... if that Katana breaks we'll be in trouble.

Eddie: That's not what I mean you idiot!

((Creeper and Cleo hold Enforcer up as Seph hands Mia a steel chair. He points to Enforcer and Sothren and the others cheer her on. Mia charges and nails Enforcer right between the eyes busting Enforcer open. Seph and the rest of the Darkside stand over Enforcer holding hands in unity.))

Eddie: The Darkside now standing over Enforcer in triumph. This makes me sick!

Travis: Maybe you caught Chloe's flu?

Eddie: Anyway, for Travis Best, I'm Eddie Daniels! Goodnight everybody... this has been Assault! My god-

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))