3rd Level of Hell
Las Vegas, Nevada at the Thomas & Mack Center

((The blue HWC logo fades in for a moment then out. The camera opens up on the ring as Do You Call my Name by Ra plays in the back ground. Hanging up above the ring is the cage for the 3rd level match. But it's what's in the ring that is the focus. Autumn Lewis stands in the ring with a smiling Martain Smalls. A hush falls over the crowd as the Pay per view theme music fades.))

Autumn: Tonight will be one of those nights that go down in HWC history. 3rd Level of Hell with either set new standards for the rantings, or flop belly up like a dead fish. But before we kick off the 1st Level of Hell, I asked Martain Smalls out here to explain the Tourny a bit.

Smalls: (smiles looking at Autumn) I don't know why I created such a burtal Tourament. Isn't there a better why to challenge the World Champ..... maybe one a little less vionent?

Autumn: What?

Smalls: Three differe Hardcore matches, a four way Hardcore match, a bard wire triple threat, then a Alcatraz Cage match?! With Last Man Standing rules and weapons hanging above!? It seems a bit mean..... someone could get hurt.

Autumn: That's the point! That's why you created this Pay Per View!

Smalls: Now why would I do that? I don't wanna hurt anyone.

((Travis sits there watching in shock with his mouth hanging upon. Eddie looks at him a moment and closes his mouth for him.))

Smalls: Can't we just call this whole things off?

Autumn: No we can't everyone is already here..... the wrestlers are all ready back stage wanting a peice of that belt!

Smalls: Well I can't watch people hurt them selves over greed. I'm going to get some coffee.... you want to come?

((Autumn just stares at him in annoyance. Smalls shurgs, sets down the mic and leaves the ring. Ra kicks up again as Autumn watches him leave. Soon out of fustration Autumn throws down her mic and leaves as well.))

Eddie: It seems...... Martin Smalls as soft and caring for the wrestlers of this fed?!

Travis: It can't be true! It's a trick right?

Eddie: I don't think so Travis. I'm just as shocked as you are.

Travis: What did they do to him! Where's the lust for voilents?! Where's the greed!? Where's the man I idoilize?!

Eddie: Maybe you will become a better man too.

Travis: Not on your life! BRING ON THE WOMAN!!!

Eddie: Well we are live in Las Vegas, Nevada in the sold out Thomas & Mack Center! Everyone wants to see the first ever 3rd Level of Hell Tournament.

Travis: Nothing but people getting busted up.... and women

Eddie: You never change do you.

Travis: Nope.

Eddie: 3rd Level of Hell is brought to you by Wal-mart. That's even the location of the hardcore match between Panthro and Chimaira.

Travis: Two Mexicans battling out and shoplifting.

Eddie: You don't know that.

((Before Travis can say anything Somewhere I Belong plays. Celtic Hyena steps out from the back greeted by cheers. He makes his way down the ramp with a six pack of beer in hand. Passing by the ring Celtic makes his way over to Eddie and Travis.))

Travis: What's he want?

Eddie: Maybe to have a drink with us or to come out and watch the first match.

Celtic: Greetings lads.

Eddie: Hello Celtic.

Celtic: I brought down some beers to kick off this Tourny in an Irish manor.

Eddie: That was mighty kind of you Celtic.

Travis: Look Irish beer.

Celtic: Only the best out there.

((Celtic pulls one free and hands it to Eddie, then pulls another free putting by him self. Travis looks at the beer wating impatient for his. Celtic open his first and takes a long chug not spilling a drop. Travis almost pouts at this point. Celtic pulls another free and goes to hand it to Travis. Travis reahces out for it but Celtic pulls it away then slams it against Travis' skull. Eddie grabs his beer and moves out of the way as Celtic beats Travis with the remaining 3 beers. Travis tries to crumble and hide underneith the table, but celt grabs Travis by the arm and drags him out. He continues to beat on Travis to the cans explode. Stepping to grab a mic and his half drunk beer, Cetlic returns to stand over Travis.))

Celtic: If I ever see ye lookin' at Maggie again.... or callin' me a Drunk Irishman......

((Celtic pours the remains of his beer on the face of Travis. Once the can is empty Celtic knees down and grabs Travis' head to look at him.))

Travis: I'll be usin' ye as me new punching bag!

((Celtic knowing he got his point across lets go of Travis and turns to look at the crowd. The roar their aproval as Celtic makes his way back up the ramp. Eddie is back sitting at the table as Travis crawls back to his seat. Eddie sips at his beer and smiles.))

Eddie: Ahh this is really good beer, wouldn't you say so Travis?

Travis: Shut up Eddie.

Eddie: Well anyways back stage right now Chris Murphy as The Tiger to give us a few words before the Tourny starts.

((Camera cuts back stage showing Chris Murphy standing with a pumped looking Tiger with a bent up chair in hand.))

Chris: I'm with The Tiger one of many compediers in tonights 3rd Level of Hell tourny. Tiger tonight all eyes are on you as the favoret to win. What are your thoughts going into this not knowing who you will face.

The Tiger: Chris.... this tounry is nothing I havn't done before. No one realy stands a change up against me. I reinvited Hardcore in this fed. I'll make it all the way to the end, finish off Blood take his belt..... nothing to it.

Chris: Tiger even is you make it to the 2nd Level and win from there that's three matches with out a break.

The Tiger: Break? The only people I see before me are those you bearly know the meaning of Hardcore. I live it! But enough bout that.... I have something to say.

Chris: Well all eyes are on you....

The Tiger: Good! You see this Chris ya know what this is?

Chris: Um isn't that the chair Sarafan hit you with?

The Tiger: Very funny! (Tiger chuckles for a moment before turning to Chris looking pissed) NO! This is the chair I used to beat down Autumn Lewis with one shot. The shot heard 'round the world! Now I will use this same chair to end New Darkside....

Chris: How are you going to do that?

The Tiger: SHUT UP AND LISTEN! I promise that before this night is over I will lay out each memeber of New Darkside with this chair making the kill shot count up to 7!

Chris: (counts on his fingers) Who else have you hit other then Autumn?

The Tiger: Panthro!

((Tiger raises the chair and brings it down onto the head of Chris Murphy. Chris crumbles to the floor holding his head as Tiger looks down on him.))

The Tiger: Now yar number 3!

((Tiger steps over him and walks off.))

Eddie: I feel sorry for anyone that goes up against her!

Travis: Is this day over with yet!?

1st Level of the 3LH World Title Tournament
Bull vs The Tiger vs B.D. vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, okay, ladies and gentlemen. Now we have the first match of the first round of the 3rd Level of Hell tournament to decide the HWC world title.

Travis: Everyone in the HWC is in this tournament. Imagine how difficult this is going to be.

Eddie: Yeah. You don’t know who to bet on.

Travis: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hardcore Fatal Four match to decide the first participant in the later barbed wire rope triple threat, the winner of which will go on to have a match against the reigning HWC champion, Blood Dragon. Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs. . . THE TIGER!!!

((King of My World plays followed by a explosion of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger carrying her chair with her. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters threw the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Eddie: Tiger has been slightly unbalanced of late. But Tiger’s the first entrant into this match, which is apparently, the entire first round, from what we understand, is going to take place in three Hardcore Fatal Four matchups, the winners of which will go on to a barbed rope triple threat, and the winner of that moving on to step into the ring with Blood Dragon, for a chance at getting the title. But the question remains. Who are the other three competitors in this first match?

Travis: Tiger’s still got a nice ass, even with her new attitude.

Eddie: You’ve got problems.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from The Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 260 lbs. . . B.D.!!!!

((As “(Can’t Be) Fixed” fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle across from his opponent, or to the immediate left, if his opponent is yet to appear, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee, looking at his opponent like they're out of their mind for stepping into the ring with him. The referee takes a few moments to keep the two people apart, B.D. laughing, and licking his lips.))

Eddie: OH, MY GOD! Two of the most insane people in the HWC in the ring at the same time?! This match might now become more than just a match.

Travis: That B.D. guy scares the shit out of me. He almost killed Lucien last week!

Eddie: That he did. Now, if Lucien comes out here as one of the four people in this match, I know all hell will break loose.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor. . . JARRED DYLAN!!!

((As the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche. When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier. Jarred steps into the ring, standing as far from both B.D. and Tiger as possible.))

Eddie: Okay, this match is going to be as brutal as any we’ve ever seen. B.D. and Tiger are insane, and Jarred’s a, well, a rookie.

Travis: Hey, he beat me!

Eddie: That’s not saying much.

Jean Fortello: And the fourth, and final, member of this match, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing in at 286 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Natasha. . . BULL!!!!

((The arena goes dark and a single spot light hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage and the whole time all this is going on all that can be herd is breathing then a second Lighting bolt hit the stage and Hero of the day begins and the spot light shines on a man standing with his head down and a women right behind looking and smiling at the man then the 2 walk towards the ring and as they walk the lady ways a red flag in front of the man with seem to be making him angry. Bull slides into the ring, the bell ringing. No sooner is Bull in the ring, however, than B.D. spears him back out, both men spilling to the ground. B.D. tosses Bull over the guardrail, into the crowd, only to pull Bull’s head over the guardrail, and hit a sitdown facebuster onto the guardrail, sending Bull staggering away, B.D. jumping over the guardrail, the two men continuing the fight up the crowd.))

Eddie: Where are they going?!

Travis: It’s hardcore rules. Falls count anywhere. Smart move, if you ask me.

((A referee jumps the guardrail, following B.D. and Bull, a camera following as well, the camera’s footage on the HWC-tron. Jarred, meanwhile, is attempting a collar-and-elbow tieup, only to repeatedly get a shot to the face for his trouble. Tiger sets back, then hitting the Click Click Boom. Before she can pin Jarred, however, the backstage camera catches B.D. driving Bull’s head into the brick wall, then pinning him. Tiger leaves the ring, running up the ramp, bringing with her, her bent up chair. Tiger leaves the downed Jarred alone in the ring. Tiger arrives on the scene just before the three, cracking B.D. in the head with the chair.))

Travis: That's one!

((B.D. stands, and staggers backward. Tiger takes B.D. off his feet with a clothesline, then hooking Bull’s leg. 1. . 2. . B.D. breaks the pin up. By now, Jarred’s finally gotten to his feet, and is working his way to where they are. B.D. suplexes Tiger onto the linoleum floor, then kicking her, picking Bull up, and kicking him in the midsection.))

Eddie: Tiger nearly had this match won, after that Click Click Boom to Jarred, but B.D.’s pin drew her away.

Travis: Tiger looks great when she goes away.

Eddie: You like it when she leaves?

Travis: Yeah. She’s got a great ass.

Eddie: You’re a helpless pig.

Travis: Not helpless.

((B.D. hooks Bull’s arms over his head, and hits a tremendous Plague on him, going for the pin. Jarred bursts onto the scene, kicking B.D. in the shoulder, then tossing B.D. into the wall, Tiger sneaking over, and draping an arm over Bull. 1. . .2. . . 3!!! B.D. and Jarred realize, too late, that Tiger’s gone for the pin. Tiger gets up, slams the chair into Jarred's head and disappears.))

Travis: THAT'S TWO!

Eddie: Holy crap! Tiger just stole one, almost literally! B.D. finished off Bull, and Tiger just capitalized on Jarred’s interference!

Travis: When she had her arm over Bull, you could see her ass again.

1st Level of the 3LH World Title Tournament
Jericho Dylan vs Chimaira vs Celtic Hyena vs Vivian

Eddie: This far tonight, we’ve seen the first round of the 3rd Level of Hell Tournament.

Travis: I still say Tiger has a nice ass!

Eddie: She is in the back, and she can hear you, Travis.

Travis: Uh. . . she’s a great woman, and I think she’s going to be the next champion.

Jean Fortello: The next match is the second match in the first round of the 3LH tournament. Introducing first, from Limerick, Ireland, weighing in at 335 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Maggie. . . CELTIC HYENA!!!!

((The arena darkens giving away to a strobe light effect with the start of Somewhere I Belong. On the HWC-tron clips of Celtic in training are shown. Just as the music starts to get hard Celtic steps out with Maggie at his side. He takes a moment to stand there and stare hard at his opponent. Before he continues on, Celtic shadow boxes for a moment throwing some mean punches. The strobe light effect gives away to a spot light that follows Celtic and Maggie all the way to the ring.))

Eddie: Well, Celtic Hyena is the first entrant into this match. But who’re the other competitors in this match? Bear in mind, fans, we, and the athletes; know as much about the order as you do. The athletes in the back simply come out when their names are called, and their music starts.

Travis: Ms. Lewis has made this hard on all the athletes, and ourselves, really.

Eddie: So far, we’ve seen Tiger, Jarred, Bull, and B.D. in the first match, which Tiger won, and now, we know that at least one of the competitors in this match is Celtic Hyena.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from The Creeper’s Compound, weighing in at 225 lbs. . . VIVIAN!!!!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly.))

Eddie: Vivian and Celtic have already made each other angry.

Travis: Vivian’s a hot little piece of ass!

Eddie: The Creeper’s in the building.

Travis: Uh. . . but I’m sure there’s a lot more to her than just her looks.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs. . . JERICHO DYLAN!!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. When he gets to the ring, he leaps up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, he bounces up on the turnbuckles, throwing his arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, he starts bouncing on his toes. He’s just itching for some in-ring action, and it shows!))

Eddie: Well, now we have three. Who’s number four?

Travis: A woman! Please god, let it be a woman!

Eddie: Why?

Travis: Because, then, there’s the chance that the two women will rip each other’s clothes off, and then it’d be the greatest match ever.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from Longmont, Colorado, weighing in at 130 lbs. . . CHIMAIRA!!!

((As the distorted feedback of Mike Sarkisyan's guitar seeps through the PA, the entrance ramp turns to a sickly green color. Chimaira comes creeping out wearing only the bottom half of a martial arts gi with a matching white belt with Reebok wrestling shoes on. Once the full band gets started, he takes two running starts and bolts down the entranceway, hopping up on the ring apron. he flips into the ring using the ring ropes as his leverage. He lands in a Spider-Man like crouch, eyeing his opponents.))

Eddie: Well, here we go!

((The bell rings, Celtic starts off by hitting a big boot to the face of Jericho. Jericho falls and rolls out of the ring while Vivian and Chimaira attack on either side of Celtic. Celtic grabs them both by the throat and slams the skulls together. Before Celtic can continue with the attack Jericho rolls back into the ring behind Celtic. Jericho has a cane and cracks it into the back of Celtic. Chimaira gets up and kicks the cane of out Jericho's hands, while Vivian jumps onto Celtic’s back, wrapping her arms around Celtic’s throat, in a sleeperhold.))

Travis: Dammit! Celtic’s a lucky bastard!

Eddie: Get your mind out of the gutter, Travis!

Travis: It’s having fun there.

((Chimaira and Jericho trade blows, until a particularly hard right jab from Jericho sends Chimaira stumbling back, only to come back with a hard right of his own. The two men continue to trade blows, until Jericho snaps forward, hitting a hard clothesline to Chimaira, taking him off of his feet. Celtic, by this time, has neared the ropes, and pulled Vivian up, and over, his back, dumping her on the floor. Celtic hits Jericho with a forearm to the back of his head, before hitting a backdrop, dropping Jericho hard. Celtic stands again, picking up Jericho, kicking the rising Chimaira in the head, knocking him out of the ring, and lifting Jericho into the air, in a hanging suplex.))

Eddie: There’s only one way down, from this move. The hard way.

Travis: Serves him right! Jericho’s brother is a jerk!

Eddie: Still sore over that, are we?

Travis: Hey, you’re not the one that got beat up by Jarred Dylan.

((Vivian gets up, into the ring, and hits a dropkick to Celtic, but not to the face, or the chest. Vivian’s dropkick hits solidly with Celtic’s groin, causing him to both drop Jericho, and stagger backward. Jericho, after checking on Vivian, clotheslines Celtic over the top rope. Vivian grabs a chair, coming back into the ring, and tossing it down, to Chimaira. Chimaira catches the chair, Vivian vaulting over the top rope, hitting a dropkick into the chair, sending Chimaira staggering backward, then dropping back, rolling backward, to land, facedown, on the chair. Vivian picks up Chimaira, going for a sitdown facebuster, only to have Chimaira turn it into a spinebuster, on the chair. Jericho slams Celtic’s face into the turnbuckle post, before sending him back, to lean against the guardrail, Jericho following with a spinning wheel kick, sending Celtic to sprawl over, on the other side, Jericho with him. Jericho picks Celtic up, bringing his head down, to smash it into the top of the guardrail. Celtic shoots off a back elbow, before sending Jericho into the guardrail himself, and tossing Jericho into the ring, following.))

Eddie: Celtic has taken the upper hand, here. It appears that Celtic’s going to end up with a victory, if the other two don’t get involved.

Travis: Did you see Vivian bend over?!

Eddie: Travis, both hands on the table!

Travis: Both of them?!

Eddie: Yes, both of them.

Travis: Spoilsport.

((Chimaira picks Vivian up, for a bodyslam, driving her toward the corner, only to have the move reversed, and have Chimaira get thrown into the turnbuckle post. Vivian puts a hand to her back, as Celtic stomps on Jericho. Jericho gets to his knees, taking several boots to his back, before quickly flopping onto his back, and rolling out of the way of Celtic’s next foot, the move causing Celtic to temporarily lose his balance. Jericho rebounds off the ropes, hitting a bulldog headlock, then standing to Celtic’s right.))


Travis: What’s that?

Eddie: He calls that move the Mardi Gras Kickoff.

((Jericho pins Celtic, hooking the leg, Vivian effectively stopping Chimaira from breaking up the pin. 1. . .2 . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Jericho just won! But why didn’t Vivian let Chimaira break up the pin, or break it up herself?!

Travis: She works for The Creeper, who is the new leader of the Darkside, apparently. I think it’s just some kind of trick.

Eddie: You might be right.

Travis: I'm always right!

1st Level of the 3LH World Title Tournament
Panthro vs Lucien Merriuci vs Creeper vs Sarafan

Eddie: Now, we have the third match of the first round. The winner of this match will go on to face The Tiger and Jericho Dylan for the right to face Blood Dragon, later tonight.

Travis: I can’t believe Vivian let Jericho win!!

Eddie: Get over it. Now, the question arises. Who will be in the next match? We’re about to find out.

Jean Fortello: The following match is the final match of the first round of the 3rd Level of Hell tournament! Introducing first, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . PANTHRO!!!

((Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring.))

Eddie: Well, Panthro’s our first combatant. But who else is in this round?

Travis: A woman! Please, for the love of god, let it be a woman!!

Eddie: You need to get a woman.

Travis: I’ll have a woman, as soon as Vivian realizes that I’m the best thing going.

Eddie: Confident of that one, are you?

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walks to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Eddie: Lucien and Panthro. These two don’t have any problems with each other, last I heard.


Eddie: Travis, did you take your medicine today?

Travis: Not yet. No women will bend over in front of me!

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from Okinawa, Japan, weighing in at 115 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Johnny Cho. . . .SARAFAN!!!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then steps to her corner.))

Eddie: There you go, Travis. A woman.

Travis: She won’t bend over, though!

Eddie: Particular in your perversion, aren’t you?

Travis: Yes.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from The Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Hardcore Champion. . . THE CREEPER!!!

((The lights die, a loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. The Creeper drops into the ring, the bell ringing, The Creeper rushing Panthro, with a kick to the face. Sarafan hits a series of roundhouse kicks to Lucien, before dropping, and hitting a sweep kick, taking Lucien down. Lucien rolls outside, to safety, Sarafan vaulting the top rope, and hitting a plancha to Lucien.))

Eddie: The Creeper is out here. We’ve learned a few things since the first time we saw The Creeper, one of them being that The Creeper has strength that is abnormal for a person of his height and weight.

Travis: Because he’s not human!

Eddie: You may have a point.

((Panthro fights back, kicking The Creeper in the stomach, and hitting a DDT, The Creeper’s body ending up sprawled in the ropes. Sarafan hits a kick to the midsection, and a bicycle kick to Lucien’s face.))

Eddie: These four competitors all want this victory more than anyone else can know.

Travis: Sarafan bent over! That just made my night!

((Lucien staggers back, then grabbing Sarafan, and tossing her into the ring. As Lucien attempts to get into the ring, B.D. appears from out of nowhere, kicking Lucien in the midsection, and hitting him with The Plague. The Creeper, however, now has to contend with two people, Sarafan and Panthro. Up until he boots Panthro over the top rope, that is. Facing Sarafan, The Creeper darts from the ring, retrieving a pair of kendo sticks from under the ring, and tossing one to Sarafan.))

Eddie: What is he doing?! He’s arming his opponent!! He’s as loopy as his brother!

Travis: His brother is alone outside the ring with two men. I don’t like those odds.

Eddie: Yeah, B.D. appears to be in for a world of hurt.

Travis: No, I was talking about the fact that that’s not enough people. We need more people to come out here and attack B.D.

((The Creeper slides into the ring, Sarafan holding the kendo stick like a sword. The Creeper swings, the two kendo sticks meeting with a crash of wood. The Creeper and Sarafan begin to ‘duel’, using their kendo sticks like swords. Panthro moves to go into the ring, B.D. hauling Lucien to his feet, and hitting another Plague on him.))

Eddie: Someone get some security out here! B.D.’s going to kill Lucien!!

Travis: I think that’s his intention.

Eddie: Well, it’s not a good thing!

((Security comes out from the back, finally, pulling B.D. off of Lucien, only to get swept away with one of B.D.’s hands. Getting free, B.D. moves toward Lucien, who, by this time, is being pinned by Panthro. B.D. picks Panthro up, hitting a Plague on him and tossing him over the guardrail, resuming his assault on Lucien. The Creeper locks ‘swords’ with Sarafan, then sending Sarafan’s kendo stick flying. B.D. grabs Panthro, tossing him into the ring. Sarafan looks at Panthro, that distraction causing her to completely miss The Creeper’s clothesline, the clothesline taking her over the top rope. The Creeper pulls Panthro into the center of the ring, and pins him. 1. . .2. . .3!!!!))

Eddie: The Creeper just won this match! But the problem is B.D.!

Travis: B.D. is insane!

((Celtic Hyena races down the ramp, B.D. hits another two Plagues on Lucien before turning to face Celtic. B.D. is knocked down by a big boot from Celtic. Before B.D. can fight back The Creeper smacks B.D. on the back of his head, and pulls him away, and dragging him up the ramp, and out of the ringside area. Celtic helps Lucien to his feet and check to make sure he is okay. Lucien leans against the ring as Celtic get a mic from Jean.))

Travis: No one cares what he has to say!

Eddie: Careful he might come at you again.

Celtic: Lucien lad..... I have seen yer great skill tha rin'...... And we have a comin foe. ......What say me and ye team up see if we can take tha Tag Titles away frum tha Dylans...... And send Creeper and his brother back ta Unholy Hell!

((Lucien looks over the crowd as it cheers loudly for them. Looking tired and hurt Lucien's eyes fill with the strength to fight on. Lucien nods to Celtic's question. celtic smiles as the cheers seem louder. Celtic then helps Lucien up the ramp and back stage.))

Eddie: Looks like we got a new Tag Team.

Travis: What ever happened to BloodLust Slayerz?

Eddie: Maybe they got deported.

((Camera cuts backstage follwoing Vivian as she walks back to her locker room. Once she reaches it she opens the door and steps inside. The door is left open and a loud bang is heard. Vivian is seens staggering out as she falls to the floor. She lays there half out of the door. Then The Tiger is seen stepping over her fallen body with a chair in hand. Tiger looks down at her a moment chuckling darkly. Looking down the Tiger takes off at a run as Creeper comes running down the hall after her. He stops the chase and turns to attend to Vivian.))

Travis: That's 3!

Eddie: would of been 4 if Creeper didn't chase her off, the coward!

Travis: Hardly, did you see her grinning when Creeper came? To Tiger it's all a game! I would to play some games with her.

Hardcore Match at a Walmart
Panthro vs Chimaira

Eddie: Well, Travis, this match should prove to be interesting... We've had the three matches to determine who will advance to the Second Level of Hell. And now we have a Hardcore match in a Wal-Mart!

Travis: These two were in those qualifying matches earlier... But no matter what, they're still losers.

Eddie: Bet against them, eh?

Travis: No way.

((The camera cuts to the local Wal-Mart, where Chimaira is prowling through the toy section. He's looking for Panthro when he's suddenly bombarded with boxed puzzles. Panthro himself hops down from the shelf and pummels Chimaira with hard right hands that leaves him staggering. He quickly recovers, however, and slams Panthro backward into the shelf. He goes to punch Panthro, but the young Mexican ducks and Chimaira punches the shelf! While Chimaira is cradling his injured hand, Panthro grabs several stuffed animals and throws them at him. They bounce off his head, giving Panthro time to run off into another section of the store. Chimaira is soon in hot pursuit, following the trail of overturned bins and angry customers.))

Eddie: Panthro's gotten off to a good start, eh?

Travis: Who cares? There's no pretty women here...

Eddie: After this match, Travis, we have Tiger vs Sarafan in an I Quit match.

Travis: Really? Sarafan? Wow!

Eddie: I thought that would get your attention.

((Back in the store, Chimaira's tracked Panthro to Automotives... Bad move on Chimaira's part. Panthro starts throwing things at him, things that do some damage. Chimaira tries to duck out of the way, but can't avoid all of them. Some rebound off his ribs, others leave slices in his arms. Panthro ducks down until Chimaira's passed by, then throws a socket wrench at him. It bounces off his head with a solid THWACK!, making him stumble and fall. Quick as a flash, he dives for a cover. 1... 2... Kickout. Panthro runs off, not letting Chimaira get a hold of him. Chimaira brings himself to his feet, grinning mercilessly. Giving chase, he finds Panthro in Housewares. Metal mixing bowls fly down the aisle, clanging off Panthro's head. Panthro retaliates with spatulas and knives. The knives get dodged, but the spatulas aren't so easily avoided. They brawl in the aisles, neither man getting a clear upper hand. All that can be said for sure is that they absolutely hate each other, and will do whatever it takes to put the other man down. Getting to the Shoe section, Panthro, staggering a fair bit, grabs a pair of men's steel toed boots and turns to whip them into Chimaira's face. But Chimaira isn't there. He's in a different aisle and grabs pairs of women's sandals. Whipping them at his rival, Chimaira scores several direct hits. Panthro throws the boots and hits Chimaira right in the stomach. When he doubles over, Panthro hits him with a leg across the back of his neck. Chimaira sprawls on the ground, unmoving. Panthro rolls him over and goes for the cover. 1... 2... Chimaira barely gets the shoulder up.))

Eddie: Chimaira showing how tough he is here... But they're both young and hungry. It's going to be close.

Travis: Yeah, it is... I hate to admit it, but Panthro's got a lot of talent for someone so young. Then again, so does Chimaira.

Eddie: You have to remember, Travis, that Amy Jensen was younger than both of them and left her mark on the HWC.

Travis: Yeah, in more ways than one! She kicked ass, had an attitude and was quite the consummate wrestler.

((Chimaira's regained his feet now, and is on the warpath. He tracks the limping Panthro to Mens wear and tackles him with a shirt, intent on strangling him into submission. Panthro fends him off with a leather belt. The belt cracks across Chimaira's ribcage, making him howl in pain. The howls make Panthro smile as he whips Chimaira repeatedly. When Chimaira stops moving, Panthro goes for the cover. Chimaira turns it into a small package. 1... 2... Panthro kicks out with authority, his foot colliding with Chimaira's lower jaw. Chimaira's holding his jaw and Panthro goes in for the kill. 1... 2... Again, a kickout. Panthro shows no frustration, but it's there. He's just controlling it. They get to Small Appliances and Panthro bounces a toaster off Chimaira's head. Chimaira retaliates with a blender in the stomach. Going back to Toys, Panthro grabs a stuffed crayon and thwaps Chimaira with it. Chimaira grabs another stuffed crayon and grins. His commentary comes through loud and clear on the audio...))

Chimaira: EN GARDE!

((The crowd roars with laughter as they duel with stuffed crayons, getting in the occasional thwap across the bean. Finally, Panthro tires of the game and pounces on Chimaira, pummeling him with closed right hands. Chimaira retaliates with a move born of desperation... He starts TICKLING Panthro! Panthro's rolling on the ground, unable to contain his laughter, and Chimaira goes for a pin. 1... 2... Panthro kicks out, grabbing the stuffed crayon along the way. Chimaira grabs his and they start dueling again, much to the crowd's delight. Panthro grabs something off the shelf and nails Chimaira with it, sending him sprawling on the ground. He tosses it aside, revealing it to be a metal canister of Lego. He goes for the pin. 1... 2... 3! The bell sounds inside the arena.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... PANTHRO!

((The referee lifts Panthro's hand in victory. He staggers out of the Wal-Mart to a waiting taxi, which then spirits him away. The camera cuts back to the arena where Eddie and Travis are wiping away tears of laughter.))

Eddie: Dueling crayons... That was the funniest thing I've seen on TV in a long time.

Travis: Same here. That was absolutely hilarious!

Eddie: Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have more intense action coming up... But somehow I doubt it will be as funny as what we just saw.

Travis: Now my side hurts alone with my head.

2nd Level of the 3LH World Title Tournament
The Tiger vs Jericho Dylan vs Creeper

Eddie: Well, so far we’ve seen the first three matches in the 3rd Level of Hell Tournament.

Travis: I still can’t believe that Vivian helped Jericho win the first round match!

Eddie: Well, she works for The Creeper. For all we know, this could be a giant Darkside ploy.

Travis: Or it could just be a Creeper ploy.

Eddie: Well, unlike our first three matches in this tournament, we know who’s going to be in this match. The Tiger, The Creeper, and Jericho Dylan. Well, you can see that the ring ropes have been replaced by barbed wire, for this next match.

Jean Fortello: This next match is a Barbed Wire Triple Threat! Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs. . . THE TIGER!!!

((King of My World plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope, under the barbed wire. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Eddie: Well, we have the first competitor in this barbed wire triple threat match.

Travis: Told you Tiger has a great ass.

Eddie: You need a woman.

Travis: I’ll have one, as soon as Vivian realizes I’m the best thing going.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs. . . JERICHO DYLAN!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. When he gets to the ring, he leaps up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, he bounces up on the turnbuckles, throwing his arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, he starts bouncing on his toes. He’s just itching for some in-ring action, and it shows! Jericho and Tiger appear to be sizing each other up, but neither of them throwing a punch.))

Eddie: You would think that they’d want to try to get this match done with quickly, but Tiger and Jericho aren’t touching each other.

Travis: Because they’re friends. They don’t want to beat the shit out of their friends.

Eddie: Then what’s Jericho going to do? The Creeper is his teacher, of sorts, but he’s also, I would think, a friend.

Travis: I’ll tell you what Jericho’s going to do. Lose.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from The Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Hardcore champion. . . THE CREEPER!!!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. The Creeper drops from the turnbuckle, Tiger tackling him, and throwing repeated punches into his face. Jericho seems out of place, moving forward slightly. Tiger stands, swinging a vicious clothesline, The Creeper, from the ground, grabbing her ankle, and dropping her to the ground, facefirst. Tiger is up almost instantly, The Creeper likewise. Tiger smiles, unleashing the Click Click Boom on The Creeper. The Creeper blocks the third punch, however, responding with three punches of his own to Tiger’s face, then stepping back, his right hand going to about his waist level.))

Eddie: What the-? I’m seeing things. I’ve got to be.

Travis: If you’re seeing things, so am I.

((The Creeper, in the ring, begins to seem to smoke dark shadows, his body lost in the darkness, The Creeper’s body moving forward, the shadows mapping his movement, but his legs never moving, the subsequent right hand’s impact causing Tiger’s legs to leave the ground, and Tiger to do a full 360 before landing on her back. The Creeper steps to Jericho, nodding at him. As though that was enough provocation, Jericho begins firing off punches to The Creeper’s face, before The Creeper steps back slightly, and recoils with a hard punch to Jericho’s face, that sends him sprawling back, into the corner. Again, the same immersion in shadow that he had done before, to Tiger, begins to occur, as well as the impact, Jericho ducking, and hitting a savate kick to The Creeper, sending him over the top rope. The Creeper, however, plants a hand on the top turnbuckle for a split second, landing on the floor on his feet, with a smile. Jericho goes for the pin. 1. . .2. . . The Creeper simply picks Jericho up, tossing him backward, into the corner.))

Eddie: The Creeper appears to be toying with Jericho.

Travis: It’s like he doesn’t actually consider Jericho a real threat, or something.

Eddie: You might be on to something. But what the hell is that shadowy thing?

Travis: I’m not asking. The Creeper’ll show me.

((Jericho rushes forward, turning The Creeper, and shoving him. The Creeper moves Jericho dismissively, moving back toward Tiger. Jericho turns The Creeper again, shoving him again. The Creeper stops, folding his arms over his chest, and looking at Jericho for a moment. With little warning, The Creeper slaps his right hand around Jericho’s throat, appearing to say something. Tiger, by now, is on her feet, Jericho hitting a series of back elbows, before rolling up, and over, putting the whole of his weight on The Creeper’s arm. The Creeper releases the hold, but not before saying something else, all unheard. Jericho clotheslines Tiger over the top rope, appearing to be simply trying to save her.))

Eddie: What is Jericho doing? He could have pinned Tiger!

Travis: He can’t. She’s his friend. He wants to keep her safe. How cute. Especially the view down her top.

Eddie: Put the binoculars down, Travis.

((Jericho turns back to The Creeper, kicking him in the midsection, and, after The Creeper doubles over, hitting a standing senton, landing heavily on The Creeper’s back, bearing him to the ground. Jericho stands, picking The Creeper up, and tossing him into the ropes, hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on The Creeper’s now ripped open back, the Creeper rebounding from the impact.))

Eddie: It appears that Jericho may have hurt The Creeper, for the first time this match.

Travis: I was just realizing. Whoever wins this match goes to fight Blood Dragon, right? Well, you have to figure that Blood Dragon’s going to have the advantage, as the winner of this match has already had two matches.

Eddie: You just realized that?

Travis: I was busy!

Eddie: Oh yeah. I forgot. You were too busy trying to see if Tiger’s body matches your sick little fantasy.

Travis: Exactly.

((Jericho drops an elbow, The Creeper moves, getting to his feet, a hand on his back. Jericho charges into the corner, The Creeper hitting a drop toehold, dropping Jericho into the middle turnbuckle. Tiger comes into the ring, her bent up chair in hand, and proceeds to lay out the referee, first, with the chair, then going after the rising Creeper.))

Eddie: What the-!? Tiger just took out the ref! Doesn’t she realize he’s the one that has to make the count?!

Travis: I don’t think she cares, really, Eddie.

((Tiger smashes The Creeper in the head with the chair, sending him, and his already ripped open back, over the top rope.))

Travis: That shot makes four!

Eddie: She nailed Creeper! She will remain true to her promise this night!

Travis: One more!

((Tiger steps back, waiting on Jericho. Jericho gets, groggily, to his feet, facing the turnbuckle, Tiger rearing back. Jericho turns, The Creeper pulling him out from under the bottom rope, and smashing his head into the apron, before sliding into the ring, and grabbing the slightly shellshocked Tiger, and hitting a reverse DVD, going for the pin. Jericho pulls the Creeper out of the ring, and smashes him in the head with the steel steps. The Creeper drops, Jericho reaching up, to smash the stairs down on The Creeper’s head. The Creeper lunges forward, and up, his hand going around Jericho’s throat, and chokeslamming him into the remaining stairs, on the ground.))

Eddie: Damn. If this is how The Creeper treats his students, I don’t think I ever want that privilege.

Travis: I would, just so I could look at Vivian. She has to bathe sometime.

Eddie: Just two seconds ago, you were ogling Tiger.

Travis: Hey, I’m an equal opportunity ogler.

((The Creeper stands, wrapping his hand in Jericho’s shirt, and shouting something at him, disdain evident on his face. The Creeper walks into the ring, Tiger already standing. Tiger swings the chair, The Creeper falling flat on his stomach, then crawling out from in front of Tiger, grabbing the chair Tiger is holding, spinning Tiger, and hitting a sitdown facebuster onto her, onto the chair. Jericho begins to slowly get to his feet, shaking his head. Jericho slides into the ring under the bottom rope, turning The Creeper, hitting him with the same series of punches, with the same shadowy after trail/smudging of his figure. The last punch, however, was, surprisingly, blocked, or caught, to be more precise. The Creeper looks at Jericho’s fist, then cracks a smile, tapping Jericho on the shoulder. Again, words are exchanged, The Creeper dropping down, rolling under the bottom rope, The Creeper walking up the ramp, leaving Jericho alone in the ring with Tiger, and the barely moving referee.))

Eddie: Where is The Creeper going?

Travis: Backstage. To Vivian. I would.

Eddie: Travis, you would have sex with anything with two legs and breasts.

Travis: No, they have to be good looking.

Eddie: Oh, of course. What was I thinking?

((Jericho, blinking in confusion, pins Tiger. A few seconds pass before the referee’s aware enough to make the count. 1. . .2. . .Kickout by Tiger. Jericho sits back, nodding, only to stomp on Tiger, then drop an elbow, followed by a legdrop, pinning her again. 1. . .2. . . Again Tiger kicks out.))

Eddie: Tiger refuses to stay down.

Travis: I like it when she lays like that. I get a perfect view from here.

Eddie: Travis, binoculars down.

Travis: Spoilsport.

((Tiger gets to her feet, finally, rearing back, for the Click Click Boom, hitting it fluidly, then going for a pin.))

Eddie: This has to be it. Jericho’s got to be done.

Travis: PIN HIM!!!

Eddie: Do you like Tiger, now?

Travis: Not really, but whenever she pins people, I get to see her ass again.

Eddie: You’re an ass freak.

((1. . .2. . kickout, and Tiger can’t believe it. Neither can anyone else in the arena. A chant of “HWC! HWC! HWC!” begins to fill the arena. Tiger hauls Jericho to his feet, again, and, again, rearing back, to hit the Click Click Boom, only to grab Tiger’s right arm, take her down slightly in a Fujiwara arm bar, then turn it into a magistral cradle. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Jericho wins! But you have to figure that, if Tiger had finished that move, she would have won.

Travis: I think Jericho had her scouted well. He saw the right coming, and took advantage.

I Quit Match
The Tiger vs Sarafan

Eddie: Well, now we have an interlude between matches for the 3rd Level of Hell. An I Quit match between Sarafan and Tiger. Both women have been taken out of the tournament, but, again, we have to give the advantage to Sarafan. She has had more time to get her energy back.


Eddie: Settle down, Travis.

Jean Fortello: The following match is an I Quit match. Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs. . . THE TIGER!!!

((King of My World plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters threw the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Eddie: Tiger looking intent. I think she’s going to try to make up for the loss a few minutes ago.

Travis: Did you see her ass?!

Eddie: Travis, get your mind out of the gutter for once in your life.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from Okinawa, Japan, weighing in at 115 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Johnny Cho. . . .SARAFAN!!!!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, getting clotheslined nearly hard enough to split her in half. Sarafan drops to the ground, Tiger stomping on her like mad, then picking her up, and hitting a powerbomb onto Sarafan.))

Eddie: Tiger using her power advantage to take it to Sarafan.

Travis: I want to powerbomb Tiger, or Sarafan.

Eddie: What? Why?

Travis: Because then they’d be that close!

Eddie: And we’ve officially hit a new low, ladies and gentlemen.

((Sarafan slowly gets to her feet, staggering backward. Tiger follows her, kicking her in the midsection, and hitting another powerbomb. Or she started to. Sarafan rifled off a series of rights to Tiger’s head, then hitting a hurracanrana. Sarafan gets to her feet, kicking the rising Tiger in the head with her boot, then hauling her to her feet, and stepping back, launching a superkick toward Tiger’s head. Tiger ducks, coming up, Sarafan’s leg landing on Tiger’s shoulder, then sliding down to hang over her right arm, Tiger’s left hand coming up, hitting a Cradle DDT, dropping Sarafan.))

Eddie: Sarafan’s already gotten herself in a world of trouble, with that missed Superkick.

Travis: Did you see that?! When she did the kick, I swear I saw panty!

Eddie: Travis, you would see panty on a rock.

Travis: Maybe. If I was lucky.

Eddie: You need help.

((Sarafan slowly gets to her feet, hitting a spinning wheel kick onto Tiger, then, as Tiger gets up, a dropkick, staggering Tiger. Sarafan rushes Tiger, hitting another spinning wheel kick, both people dropping over the top rope, to crash to the floor. Sarafan gets up first, sliding into the ring, and rebounding off of the ropes, coming back with a flipping senton to the outside, Tiger trying to catch it, but not being able to, Sarafan moving too quickly. Sarafan gets up again, picking Tiger up, and hitting a DDT onto the concrete floor. Sarafan kickflips to her feet, picking Tiger up to a sitting position, then spinning, and snapping her right knee into Tiger’s face, repeatedly, before stepping back, picking Tiger up, and tossing her into the ring under the bottom rope, getting to the apron herself.))

Eddie: These two women are taking each other apart, here.

Travis: I SAW PANTY! (Smack) You hit me!

Eddie: And I’ll do it again. Behave yourself!

((Sarafan gets to the top turnbuckle, jumping forward, in what appears to be a senton-like move, only to stop, doing a handstand on Tiger’s head.))

Eddie: Whoa! Look at the strength of Sarafan!!

Travis: Whoa is right! You can see her panties!

((That’s right, in Sarafan’s presently inverted state, her undergarments are all too-visible. On the outside, Johnny shouts something at her, in Japanese, and Sarafan bends in half, her legs coming down by her face, swinging, and kicking Tiger in the face with both feet, landing on her hands again, and straightening. Sarafan triangle jumps off the top rope, landing in a hard flipping legdrop on Tiger. Sarafan hooks the leg. 1. . . 2. . .kickout. Tiger rolls out of the ring, Sarafan following, with a vaulting body press. Tiger moves, Sarafan hitting the ground hard. Tiger picks her up, tossing her into the ring, and waiting for Sarafan to get to her feet. As Sarafan does, Tiger kicks back a minute, launching into the Click Click Boom, flooring Sarafan. Instead of going for the mic, though, Tiger waits.))

Eddie: What the hell’s wrong with Tiger?! She should end it right here.

Travis: Tiger wants to beat her clothes off of her!

Eddie: What?! Beat her clothes off of her?!

Travis: Well, that’s what I’m hoping for.

((Sarafan slowly gets to her feet, only to take another Click Click Boom before taking the mic from the ref. Again, however, instead of trying to end the match, Tiger waits, again, the mic in her hand. Once more, Sarafan gets up, and, once more, she gets hit with yet another Click Click Boom, the mic still held in Tiger’s hand. Tiger moves to Sarafan. Sarafan saying those two little words that end the beating.))

Sarafan: I quit!!

((Tiger nods, straddling Sarafan’s shoulders, and beginning to pummel her with the mic, Johnny coming into the ring to stop the assault, only to eat a mouthful of mic. Tiger resumes the assault on Sarafan. Several security guards come out to ringside to break up the attack. Tiger leaves the ring, only to grab a chair, beat the security guards into submission with the chair, then come back into the ring, and continue the attack on Sarafan.))

Eddie: Come on! This match is over! Get somebody out here!

Travis: I can see her ass! (Smack) Stop hitting me!!

Eddie: Stop being a jackass!

((Tiger resumes her assault on Sarafan, taking her frustrations out on Sarafan. From the entryway, The Creeper appears, sliding into the ring, forcefully pulling Tiger off of Sarafan. Tiger laughs, and rushes The Creeper, swinging the chair. The Creeper’s body once more begins doing that shadowy flickering, the punch slamming the chair in Tiger’s hand back into her face. The Creeper shakes his head, the 7’4 monster that is Rayj coming down to the ring, and picking up Sarafan and Johnny, walking out of the ring. The Creeper smiles, walking from the ring, leaving an irate Tiger in the ring, shouting at The Creeper.))

3rd Level of the 3LH World Title Tournament
Blood Dragon(c) vs Jericho Dylan

Eddie: Well, after a hard fought tournament, we have Jericho Dylan against Blood Dragon, for the HWC World Title. There was a time that a match-up like this would be played off like Darkside Vs. Bad News, but Blood Dragon has left the Bad News crew, so now, it’s the New Darkside, in Jericho Dylan, against Blood Dragon.

Travis: This bites. Tiger should have won! Then I could look at her ass!

Eddie: Have I said, yet, that you’re a pig?

Travis: Only about 400 times. You’re losing your touch.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for Last Man Standing rules, and is for the HWC World Title! Introducing first, the challenger, the winner of the first two levels of Hell, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs. . . Jericho Dylan!!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. When he gets to the ring, he leaps up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, he bounces up on the turnbuckles, throwing his arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, he starts bouncing on his toes. He’s just itching for some in-ring action, and it shows!))

Eddie: Jericho’s looking pretty amped up, here, but he’s already had two really severe matches. You have to give the advantage to Blood Dragon, here.

Travis: Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Hey, stagehand! Go get me a woman to look at while this match is going on!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs, he is the reigning HWC World champion. . . BLOOD DRAGON!!!!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. Blood charges Jericho, taking him down quickly with a spear. While Jericho is down Blood stands over him laughing as the sides of the Alcatraz cage lower and are fasend to the ring posts. Blook looks up at the weapons that hang above as the out side ref slides in a ladder.))

Eddie: Jericho's in a world of trouble. He seems to be feeling the effects of that match, earlier.

Travis: Where’s that damn stagehand with my women?!

((Jericho slowly begins to get to his feet, Dragon picking Jericho up, and tossing him into the corner, following, and mounting the corner, rifling off punches to Jericho’s face. The crowd counts with him. 1, 2, 3, 4, Jericho rushes out of the corner, hitting a sitdown powerbomb on Dragon, then falling away.))

Eddie: Jericho might have stolen the match right there, but he was unable to capitalize.

Travis: I’m going to go find that damn stagehand. (A thump as Travis takes his headset off, and walks off.)

Eddie: Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have apparently lost Travis Best, here. (David Tanjic walks out to the announce position, taking over.)

David: Travis went back there screaming about a stagehand and some woman.

Eddie: Well, welcome to a PPV, David.

David: Thank you. And what a PPV to come out on. Dragon and Jericho.

((Dragon gets up first, picking Jericho up, only to put him back down, after a bodyslam, picking him up again, and slinging Jericho into the ropes, going for a powerslam, only to have Jericho, from out of nowhere, jump out of the powerslam, and land on his feet, stumble slightly, then fall backward.))

Eddie: Jericho almost pulled an incredible move from his butt.

David: Jericho’s got to be feeling the effects of the earlier matches, especially the chokeslam into the steel steps, followed by the Click Click Boom from Tiger.

Eddie: Look at that, people. Without Travis, the IQ level of the announce position has just increased by about a hundred points.

David: Thanks, Eddie.

Eddie: It’s the truth.

((Dragon locks Jericho into a surfboard, putting extra emphasis on Jericho’s bad arm, pulling hard.))

Eddie: Dragon’s going for the injured arm. It’s a good strategy for Blood Dragon.

David: Although you have to wonder about Jericho’s arm. Supposedly, it’s back to 100%, but, after an injury like that, it’ll never get back to full strength, or so they say.

((Jericho, surprising Dragon, fights the move, slowly bringing his arms in front of himself, then getting to his knees, and spinning toward Dragon, resting his head under Dragon’s right arm, and hitting a Northern Lights suplex. Dragon lays there a moment while Jericho sets up the ladder. Jericho starts to climb to get a weapon when Dragon gets up after the out side ref counts to 5. Dragon sees Jericho ontop of the ladder and pushes it over sending Jericho to the cage wall. Dragon grabbing Jericho, and tossing him hard against the side of the cage. Dragon goes to pick up Jericho to do it again when Jericho kicks Dragon in the face. Dragon staggering backwards, to fall over the ladder. Jericho gets onto the ring post, hitting an Asai moonsault, only to have Dragon duck, Jericho landing heavily on the ladder.))

Eddie: If Jericho keeps missing like that, he’s going to take himself out of the match.

David: And it’s not like Blood Dragon needs any provocation to do that to Jericho himself.

((Dragon pulls Jericho to the side of the cage, Dragon pulls him to his feet leaning him to lean against the cage side. Dragon grabs the ladder and charges at Jericho only to ram it into his mid section. Jericho doesn't fall causing Dragon to do it again this time ramming the end if the ladder into the skull of Jericho. Jericho falls like dead weight to the mat as the outside ref starts to count. 1..2..3..4... Dragon sets up the lader and starts to climb to get a weapon.))

Eddie: Dragon’s taking Jericho to task.

David: Jericho proved, earlier, that he’s tougher than he used to be. Must be The Creeper’s training.

((5...6.... Jericho simply lays there, after being beat with the ladder. Reaching up for a weapon Dragon grabs a shovel. Looking back at Jericho struggling to get up, Dragon smirks as he climbs back down. Jericho uses the ropes to pull him self back up, seeing this Dragon swings the shovel down only to have Jericho dive out of the way. The shovel hits the top rope and is sent back into the face of Dragon. The count for Jericho is broken while a new one is started for Dragon. 1...2...3...4....5... Dragon starts to get to his feet, Jericho stands ready for him. Once Dragon is up Jericho hits a powerful closeline to Dragon sending his body to slam against the cage. Dragon thunders forward with a clothesline of his own, Jericho ducking, and turning to look at Dragon. As Dragon turns, he’s met with a left jab to the jaw, then another, and four more, stepping back, his body flickering, and, just like The Creeper had earlier, Jericho sliding forward, without moving, and hitting Dragon with the same right hand, the move dropping Dragon the same way it had dropped Tiger, earlier.))

David: What the hell was that?!

Eddie: No idea.

((The Creeper walks out to ringside, sitting at the announce position.))

Eddie: Hey, Creeper. What are you doing out here?

Creeper: First off, my name is The Creeper. You little pompous piles of shit drop the first part again, and I’ll let B.D. rip your faces off.

Eddie: Yes, sir. Uh, what is that move called, anyway?

((Jericho, glancing up, at The Creeper, nods, picking Dragon up again, and hitting the move, once more.))

Creeper: That one?

Eddie: Yeah.

Creeper: It’s called the Final Descent.

Eddie: What’s all the weird shadowy stuff?

Creeper: That’s the drawing. It’s quite simple, Daniels. The drawing of one’s own Hell to give your opponents the feeling of Hell made manifest. In essence, Jericho’s drawing on the negativity in the air around him.

Eddie: That’s. . . uh. . . creepy.

David: Hey, uh. . . The Creeper. What are your thoughts on Cleo’s disappearance?

Creeper: I’ll tell you in a minute.

((Dragon staggers a moment before falling flat on his face. 1....2....3....4....5...6... The out side ref starts the count again. Jericho uses the ropes to keep him self up. 7....8...9....10. The ref calls for the bell as Dragon lays there unmoving. ))


Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, and NEW HWC WORLD CHAMPION. . . . JERICHO DYLAN!!!

David: So?

Creeper: You wanted to know my thoughts on Cleo’s disappearance? First, I’ve got to shake your hand. You recovered well, for that moron Best.

((The camera shows The Creeper shaking hands with Tanjic, only to rear back, and hit him with the last punch in the Final Descent combo.))

Creeper: My thoughts are you should keep your nose in your own business. Next time, I won’t be so nice.

((Jericho celebrates in the ring, The Creeper enters the ring as the cage is lifted. Jericho raises an eyebrow. The Creeper laughs, extending his right hand. Jericho shakes The Creeper’s hand, The Creeper pulling Jericho close, and telling him something, Jericho leaving with the aid of Creeper. Jericho pauses on the ramp and raises the World Title belt up in victory as he holds his head.))


((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))